»«>)»()»» flo* «I) AhgHtk iMtli -«“'“^l‘» "wTewnJkn* U. iM AnvBttWAfittKiiiTw, “■Wi-m'- US »%.»•#« MAIL llANllMHIK LAHRIAL, ihuww hw *W w> A. ncMMi. THAIN. ht»«ila«nM*iwWw>^ M* r*J <1HDA* r«i« Lc*to* RLLom#**I at p. H Ul-.MM.u tL*» «*W-U Twv«*»w. dally %f # l|Mi dnuAile. ur king, dm, IwwipiM. > thaltuatal t.WMUIH «i«r N. rm«. I'liHK* U»vn IWidurf mi, at A M a f taal a/ Am pram in* r .Jwt, (H VI llnnd Kirwl Of. tuWf *aia|, *«a4»c* itea*. rmt|dm.ag Wwna or Viucr. Braid llrag. and Ikia af SPIRIT OK IRELAND. »y -. fcalaffcm..wt ■Hr w— aw airons >irwi. 39523; nvy/f sHoEsT Utw Kirhiaontl daily (etreyt ftuada,* at d. A M. ■Mara r*aa aa* mj akat aittcla ib h» Iba B.nr.atwl JolaU, Btabboru I'lcoia. By philips Symptoms,dmir ~rk. I.ifo naat ti muu.mhI wlUi • crowd an FIBlIK Mbfrnkrr lu« removed hi* l» a new ar Karvanl«* lAim 4. P- lUo.iMuailnaikaAaiiaaMilKi'. ca. of 1arm JT * beau lad for aomc lime, by (*i:na|t IVWry IVterahurg daily ivic«pWuida)a)kt M_ bagel a ad Otaseaae Ihw aa i*oa im af U I u. II >• W liar* prevail t\ Kiel. irutaj taj'ido Ilmwa a* f uai iho bteud l«iei« ettK Ini la He rear of the -*U Rrmd me n thro h tJARNrrr. act* TITVa — f under lb» bead. J buiklnt* Repository. have rc-ccinxl ami mnmifitrtiiring llennry. Aac.Ua.rn <11 itbU’kfc in Lft I_> from oar iwaal eitracla R Hropay. KapuMtie lu,, • »'•>* <*te )'««• oT lk> dw o*r colkmna, giving at •<» ihr State Hank, nlrir be came* on thr tUar ham I?.now A rvaw'.w- **l»*'•* an t K h P R. body. flfbmtr WK*rry cco.1 Hh*w •uitwhlr fo* % tfop'at AUo, IkmnK CuartiiuUoaal Ihamder. wig be raamvsd by lln, l‘tc ky Ifcto aoaw of some ed and proa* from it* »*•* Alt kiaU m and Marnew* made PHILIP M. A: ■.oJoly'a.l i*, W* aubjoi* ap.nl poetry eloquent ■rn all «'art.age* wi‘ caw irrtMMMHd to mar writ n».d n«n r*4». Ww alu.»>• A«*'t»a TAHB SON, pnmUon. Richmond; FrEurrISkSburu and roroSSS OBNKUAIi AUKNTN AND imiMiil-ro aiilma aa. Ibrbb. w. kv u> «ftbr. al dn*rt imi kv, in iH** br*» and roManiti on hand.— « mi ch. fOI.I.KtTOHN, IMsaesee that atarbrg >lr, «i|»|*ly of II iii «»n l.an 1 nod will wM llw .ip having tbetr uttgm la aa rt.it, of blo.il aa.1 t|ii« niC4M ant li- inab paper*, pariieaiuriy journal, AND LOCISA RAILROAD. toiwi of Mala aad l*ik uni thr Hue ol Impure Ha uni). woik* itself urv. H Unguait of U, 1ki>w waniiM any Hung in lii* liar an* tavited to rad Mf** pur n \i \ * w \n almb. Unnccy Suita will be rtcrtpturv let*, rally, ipaniiiy end manve.1 thla la *•»« tie IUohI •# ih«- CIIANGK Win. M llama MV. cgbctMally by Lli* If it Hfrf Ink«miwi impure, it be Th* ‘‘Dublin Nation.” chas.i* el. MNWOkAHL OK HOCKS. K*| valuable UK die we as Us mty INUIIAI i« operallaa la peculiar. sad ruaaiala in rv Ifttnl l» tin of llw In* noble N k N J alOYM ARD MltTHr-A LAftfil anJ after IX) DAY the boor of baring f«i the North and to tiik cuLLBmoN or claim* w iluertly stoppage PempIraUon It KERN. —IMb wwing lie cauar In disease eaten ua ima TIIE MOUNTAIN fal w«MiitM* wl in «>.i»tuaciwc « vwr> ftfcwdr und coKmai. M Ihr n-aia. an* >*»l by the c.iculai.ou and never rcpinr* aay inlmol modntnoa tn cleanse M. ai K LADiKT Oort, ONWool will be o'clock. A. M. Attkni**nrri|4HMi; Rratlac ml. itNivii, Ibe always T« < IKHI i.l *t| |j A«. naming tltit.uab febeial •yvUaa Wbeiv ohsuuel.on. m «lb*s •tw it a uv t|i;i« lltM\ and of Um* Uu »l atyl*?*, at «y i" »»» |k. through tin Ina nukb Perspiration. Thus as era 7Va*a /** f>Wco« ktAmrg. dMponaf fwfclx pmratn mcaury caw.I brut Ibr patient will feel and know the Kern! lb* Kern!—th* Imnm* hill Kern! II the_,ii,. ■ll that is noersaary when tin* bbs d ts stagnant, or m lo Os, Um *a *au. nr hav* nr ft a* lufvctrj. *" r-riir utihu-nitor invite* the ntion- «^KI \ *!-l*y IciVr* daily at A. M. op"aHoa tn ibr Maiaapanlta fnuo Us carmitvr our In** lough rcuprrtfiilly Ac._ pawns oprn the and it reiftavea ita.ll front all Thai gird* blue lake*from I-ough unii *rm« pons, impurity instantly Its ti«»a ot Man'ifccHirer* and la alem to hm rtli nun* a**w»tt A*r*ri<^'r«O.Y.coved I rawra ltl w»iu>1 f«*» Amro* at III P. M- Tha r. dtow.ua MUe. leer red Ibr of of a Kin#. TIIK daily recently by proprietors Him «>nti brat ami are sufficient, without one of w*v**on our like the v \n nn iM suvAmi vitality rartivk- modi Thai crags, plume meal of Patent I .either. I.i iun ited I.rather, lir oc *h iiwvta* aad / invaluable medicine. Witt be read with lalrfeel ell and cotwpimmg every .Wm*’ 7V»#e /*r C'Aer/«/ »r •»KKKR—Ju>l ircovrd. low, tacked IB tar year ItCPJ with a acrofuluu. arte, n .n .... what cau y* match Do W iu|,,ni^<»a. •' **0 Liver and l.unc», Broken I’oartituhoR. Re. uiy up|w ••"•iMulkn. urate jot intimtiwimate, the Albipathlsl bleeds and Oh, amortm* nta Rk> I’oiin «v I J ORA PR and Ion* Avonbui*. rt tensive in tire I’rutcd HUt *t and at price* a* lot* a* RIO The ahow ia the lip. rmdianlug upward Ukii.j bold of my note and Miroumlmg wmIi iM Krom the .brine .d Sami Kmbar. by Do I n thn* t«Si|r|, 4 «W original and only genuine preparation from this ieury, and the blustering Uuark gorges ua with oilier Maauiaciuier. JOHN Cll khVVlCK. perta. until the peaces ftn rnaveyiaa leais l>-m Urn to ibr ib^sas of Ponlura, with it* tower* by the m, any SI •,’•"» IK«K« piKdl.i: Do Oi.irfciUrf\ilk*. 5 »W valuable tree, and has won it* way to public fbeor by i«a ttaparal eyes pilte. pills, piil« To th* hall* »*' net, wInch Newark, New Jen*r>. lebd MiC(en in all diseases of the deain.yml, rauardan uarraaiag Sow .d lean. Il T" *•*■* »d-a »»f the hill of Knockthn to lb* rath of Moyvore, WOOLSKVSby CORDON k SKINKFK l*o Sluililt'n b tH) ruling Lung*. notwithstanding the smount of the Irornaibie IVrspiretnin. RVan Se |nc«l atm iff. curd a dtarh wr pi |f||B if Hie ar.iclnn who have no ot my would bare bei ■ hold lid lisave, • < •named r. It VI.KS ItOKIlKAl'X SOFT SIIKLI. Ah- TllOft ftllAKP. thsory practice, and that hv«* nghtha of all wa rrcmt late the so. of th* the anchorite*’ II, TO TIIK I'KOI'LK OF TIIK SOUTH. to ibem out with a In lb# hewn chief, by to dt crier the u e a of (he name of the pull aliglit JO k—aucb weir my fbobugiand auf in tch. paKsrd otf tin- 5 moods. Jim rvea Iverl ami i..r ok by an .' Hupenotrialaat id TWM|in»UiMH» dity nn*u«pret>ng. pait by ttyau* In uthn wo ds if we rat and dunk or atreamlcl or well, leriaga al this ban' tlul I auai.itdrr. .1 mwerabW. ou f)n tb# hlll-t«P. greenwood, by It. WARD, Ni«. 7, 1), 11 ami III Norlli Jiisr.PI I BON A VITA. original prvparation. Mich a* Hvlswm of Wild IVny," ‘fhMlI pell. Ily I eight |«».un«h|M «p»y, we evacuated Av© of it Ibe Inatust* can — M.kid the lift |iouuds by on which no mortal learnt Rmi N. Y« of Wild l>ain fbyviriaaa lulbr.ny, tut with littlebenefit ble IVi Wnh a apeII each leaf, J\. virent. Newark, and No 17V W'atrr street. rk. ik- c No. a it door In Hmi Van IkrOAaUb k Co'*. Haham Cherry,** “Ha of Will Chert y ami Com fry." Kiriy -puatton , TABLE OF KATES. I ii bonuie lull Kern! all m or ml dream *!. I.« a tiling beanl of w». ml, but all proved id no arrvKe. and aa a This it m»nr «tli. Oh, there never waa plant like the manufacture kind* Patent amt Japanned. br all sprung up wnh a mercenary view, after **l»r Sway tie's than Ihr uwd W|. panic's* of the bbssl, nod TI HI'ENTINE.— IU ra«k» Spoils At a nf tin* Prcidenl and Pireetori of thr KICK lart ■ earn waa ir. ..im.ieo.lr.t .liangenf all. but Ihla, Uke ..lln Ir other tlrer used by Carnage m ik* r*. Ilarneaa maker*, or Cap Vinni.tr i5e* Mrrlinj 4'o«n pound Syrup ol Wild f*herry'* had urna a reputation in the Jo»cr* giving pi ice to the new aod Iresli unrs. To check in nn.1 fnralr tbm. 11. SI’IKiTNline, im iron bun I rank* Jim rrfrn.nl rtore. medics, d.d »• ginnl. Ibe .limaaa cuaUmad In ts to turem, %i* Jipaumd Skirting. bridle. I»a*li. Railing. Ciam. Ena MON I», KRKPKIUCKSIUlRli ANP POTOMAC In aiing art** never to be forgotton by maay a once cheer *v#n Hie »ia.luallj .arpaei tkrreior*. retain in the iMm bee nghtha of aff tha virulent oc uanl aielievl P ami liar by MWBA t mOAWH.WH ol ■wV. the my wbide body waa 'cleJ Hot Idaski lo mallet ili'il tniluir wmt: cuted Inna in tlua lit il in iiiatiur.tctiinng vjiumi* kinds uf I a*a tJINTKKt*. astonishing cutra in alter aM other rrme your agent rlly, Jaa. A Kiel, tulle. and m.nea tkoar particles to the wlierr form ie a on the being eai**itfwvely engaged Ur.AKTIIra for Mb- at lali.ni ..I waa a to take rtlert on anil Pulmonary complaints, skin, thry scabs, ptmpb-a. the of Kdc roe* about gale. Pa.iM'n^.'rn l*'pletl. in leaa imni Hun Ihiee an.mb. waa it aimed Through glen* liter and are aide to ftirnndi *ucli attic ha to 13 Mam Slirrl. die* had failed and the patients aa Thousand* to liraltb uad happineai. tib ars and mhei spots Japanned nr 9« alter I < el next, until ntherwiae or- given up hnpetr**. maheJ forth, in their wrath, from ilia Pale the day Prccinbci Y.mf Pa ran atone rlT. cl.-d ibe aiel w Aa the Sasuns S-hi.'Ih ih lletclkani* and |tea«-r*on moderate term* calling at of rertdWalea might le which would astnm«h it |>e'ilia cuir, ob d. M,r that Ily s sudden transition beat to the are Ky non and Wood .-.in- "l published credulity frau cukl, pores alopprd. to I',I. nna Cm. Hand, l-.iimel. IV dered by the Hoard. tile alH.rl.nl Bo ua' With and bloodhound, all savage are. tlreir in Newark, their in New Yoik, nr at the •elf. but it |gdeemed below we a frw ol tire uuy hmgei miller. but lie- ngbl medicine and ***** I**,rsp4ratn»u erases, ami to bandog Manufactory Ihrpm k IIARVVtbill, unnecessary. |»ubliAh d«ars«e begins at once davtkipe it ir For iair al SMITH •• be lire fttnil due we. willl fe> f'lunealla the wild Store of Jatm*» C Cram*. Ri« Ya order* can k Mll.l.nii|in*(i duality. •UTTWKKN Hli HMuM) namr* ol who have boen cured tins wonderful i. uie bnga of joy util giatilu.|r --, w tf ll»ncr. a of To hunt through Kapparei! lunood. proui|4ly ni persona by \ st.ytiagc this flow of the juiceo, originate a •«* or -J.V 7k, tumid. on atartled ear met In mi earn* wrill tin* vuh*criber*allow tlreiiiwlv*-* to be out done AMU ytnlf IIANIKI MiiMA.NIk AN. • mu) Ilmk! a cry Irom yon dell the ring*. *1" KNiiptauiU arV.t- — For raV S Wild rvlurii IVkot t 30 Aay one deairtoiaio know fu will mil me al It is from the wood tb* young fugitive spring*, RtVUbflfl I84S BAKKI I-s Orleans Clanhrd Su«nr by lluat«r>. | Robert Obnn. Stewtid of the Aliu*bou«e. near Frank ford. te«*l tiff parttvUlhlv my by stop^^ag Ibe pvrrr. that overw br uts maakiad with cough*, And forth I OO veanlrlHr la float ,| will • > ,K u tit 1KIHIN a. SKINKER. Mourlhii Ko.%J. 73 ii**v to tire of of Wild rtll'pl, where ullold Ul.' |dra>urv locum colds, and Nine ut o’er the bog. and, oh, saint* be hia guide! 1 ethcacy Swayne'a «'mnpoiind Syrup Cherry, consumption. tenth* thn world die from disc aw a Thro* lb* cop##, Ac Manuliwlur«*r» «>l MalleaMe I I <5 muucktc tn relation lo Una cuir. CO., of Uingi'ofl't. ihi in curing Yakntine Chapman of one of the imwt aggravat'd ravt any Uilog Helen «4 by a *b>ppafe ol the Insensible now laltera—there’s IdooJ oa his aide— ARTKrs—t'AKrtrrs.— A Utgr and bcauufhl amttuacni Perspiration. Ilia Real step 11 >n ('King*, near tin* Rad road Ih* pot. fm*t of Market •* Hiram Mill. 1 V.% I 30 IIAMLI. kit I l.N NIk. aN. It i» se* BRI'KN * 4 and 19 4 U. ol disrawd lungs, which ha« ever been ptac*d u|*on nconl, «A« e:t«uv a. here lure, bow nrmuif tatha flow of thra ankiln climb* tli* cbd, lord* die alraam J l.iftn.n anJ three |i'y Crrprlj i-nnled I>iur< •• Vat oawasd be atraina, Newark. N J inaintftu lure* all kind* of llarta-m, Carnage, Stove CA r«»Mr»».v, I 371 I 3|| « mbet had tailed, his before me the above nauml buuioi t«. the lo nnj Chenle AH of very remedy and ptiy ociga Vkd given bun up Personalty appeared Ham. I U. I'oil surface, preserve liratth. It caoaut be it bracken leave* green. m*l and all titeen Harare. Canton Mala TuOrd Rnf« «*3 stopped And sink* on tha hill top. mid Machinery, Taib»r**Sln at*. Curnera’ Knives. de*rnp* JuM'tiU. I Ml I as incurable. Bikan. ami nude oath ol Ibe facia maUiard in ibr male rautt'M 1st even clircki «1, witliout disease. Mnnuiaclare, amt cheap at Iwagomg inducing are their frrah clusters imoof Mall*-able Collar* lor tire arm* of rail rnaJl’ar*. ami Cor Norik \uti* I »• •*I <00 Mim S of awaL I«r| me a«k And thick o’er hia brow piled. Cutlery. fc lean, Weal Philadelphia, cured of Lloadirg of the JidflN now, every candid mind, what court* seems ihr moat ■.VnlRItr. CHRISTIAN C»V«, ** r^ul'Ii, a every ktnd uml rbauctrr of Maller.ble i\«*tmg* ui »nut tc’ured in rimteiMkl, I 071 < 374 of Rve ars lUr J.lal.rruf rrinuiab.< to And cover hi* form, as mother her child; No. 19. Mam Sueel Lungs, y. standing symptom* were spitting o: Idond. Ibe Ngcc of UK'l'.ly of HlUwua. pursue, unstop the pocen. idr they are ckwrd f_ they or We Ilarne** and Hadd’-v H | *.* »H» •• <73 U.rnbl ntver discern Kuhht lluaCcurjry. myur Canmge. I'ob-niiiN'r MiN. attended wnh a hacking cough. pain in the aid*. breast ami back, fbe inli'iert.ng .gar nmal command ibwlf lo tlw cate ).m nvs physie to the wntall And the Salon ia haflled! they •• following imaiop pure*’ — a apply ry Manufacturer*. Hardware Merchant*, HuikW-r*. ami all |*er CK.NM.KMKN —ecutnuiau I or > Juii lo haul I'oSf.ii Tum»Hil, V ‘.'3 3 OO which bto« on a confirmed fill of ad aMicled nsis-ili iig that would dothi* and savrs him—Uiu bouuio bill Kern! liruitfy ght ronsuuipti >a. entirely cured dlten;iott unulaily upon Iha suriace, where the clsging Where jlabcltais on- to channeled Bools •on*, wlro -nrli am* tee. ta the South and South h\iU make M of Mile* 4k Son’s IirIii and beautiful Milford y .'»0 3 <3 Ibeusrof Hr. Mwavnc** actually nf Wood i.ot this be common III. IVOR by Compound Syrup o( IVi^Ukiiif. SANDS’S rtXKUKATKD SAKSAI’AKII.I.A. arnorV And yet I know of u* a vmit. where will be able to at a «avmg. with u* boih nml 2 7% 3 50 no •• in they purctiam*. Those m waul at a Boot ronibm.ai durability beauty, IUmo'i Unr, H Jicksoi., |t II., forme,iy paat.it ol the first hurrli, I'tn wImi ettvrnal to Ppr*bytenau I apeak ripmliuraialty wbea I say that thia Mt-dome i.far tu .ii itvtk**«ay application efrctii. Tho % MV the Kam! tl>* Kern!—the bonnie hill Kern! over the price paid lor tiir name arlule in the Northern iue* will me a call. Jl i*AII CHS. \\ |. f-.r.l Ijirr. I 00 3 15 N« %v Ywik.ti st.hes to the ol Ih r» iu>n I ib i.o Oh, pb-aar f.vr •meaev Sway t>*'* Compound Syrup Bi lu.il III tie cure of rl.nn.lc or assign u, lurdrcum wuhm tlinr km»«»tedre, is cn •• M 14 acute rltem.taliaa limn any mb the heroe’a cairn; Newark N J 85, l-td. fm ^ No. ?? M»m s**roH. 3 V% 4 OO of Wild it lo p Me » • it. That a wild kean e’er grey Uuidarjr'i llr|wi. Cheny,ami recommends (lie heads of fannhes. having ef 1 ever •roing I’l.der th. se cucuoistauccs. I to pout* M M pt. parulmn have leafed. Having emluied eilntnm aofTor present phys* K(*«lrfit 3 Ml 3 410 ane-oel m womlerAil lbcl in isns. aud to It at whrn star* are nil out. A tl ALSTON llal N>> iobuig, more than one hundred cases, in al tnuea another*, a preparation that has this iu rui Go, bear midnight, Wholesale Mauiifutuiri, riy FoK DENTIST*.—A fuitkrc rwc«*»ircd !•> mg within Hie tart live years from rep. ai.-d attack. i.f in power m FOIL Wi»|Jy Putomar Pun. 4 wi 3 73 children f otwtinatv te leilrhl It l« M<.1 hill aide is about. /a *«iev|. N. J—The •ubnenher dirrcL* atter.tron of rein-vitig every complaint, such aa roughing, or Kl.. l.lMTKtCS .*/,/. HKjU.LSXI And th# wind o’er the moaning Newark, ■ and for »ak* *.* 11 PRYTON J»»|INM>»\ •* M rtaimuaioiy acute uuuttimi, I lute rerraily ua.il Pawin' Pa. OUVTJfF.VTl C'lOIJli^irMmail by (nc \« rakr. k 4 S3 ti 00 of asthmatic attacks he. in th*» M»*h/ h's M/.l * It n w ton* Southern and Soulhweat* ni M*-rehanta to hi* celebrated e*tab?i»h- wheeling.choking idilegtti §i has iMiwer to realty* a made or stir, and low ailing ** aaparilt] w.tli the ltai,..m the moot I cannot reliant from ih* hi ry, y upon uc 99 ***** liMiDAT) |daml. canwtly c...... o wl.ng io .... |, the of honor cattle-hoof* _* a I ml <5 skeptical w off thr whole And tbci/ daisl by preat— Newark, N J Mr pi. V5. |S4i. 8m WiKHft'mJ Ulir •: of Ibid valuable ipeclltr. Ilaviug Ibe iloot ..utile coulUrucr Wt*wh*JM r*uk>|ue of rulansoaw MAI'hr.Kr.L. I I -3 I 30 Pre|vared only by Hr. Swavue, w boat* office fa removed lo the diMNihn, urn* restore* tbr With Its foe** choked widi lush**, and spider-webs flung, I Ijitra* Jim-. In Hie medicine and ibramhlie .kill id Hr Pawls. I waa induced mhr« CMtirk lo im healthy Iuih Ihmu SAFKTV .. I 371 1 Northwest corner of Flghth ami Race strei is. '* * np***f ,*M| Awhafer tIw* irt gives wall* where the uiarclimen the red weapon* bung; RANK LOCKS.— HHI.S. No. 3; ft BbU.auil 10 Half N 2. MiMonl Urk4>*. «<4 PhitndrIphia. llieri by lo Ify Ibr rgirta of llirir Paraapanlla. ami I ukr pb-gati.e rMiy of m uuttjf ia! ibku l*be •• roHis d.ug* utrn into ihr PATENTvubacnb* w.*uld retrpectfuliv inform THE PI HI.lt*. Xfk oW IN.I-vti Road. I f.*l 2 oo fr^T* Agents m Richruund. wire re the genuine of inaJding my lo licit of olbrra »UaM»«rh. u curse on name, and a lor the v* Ju*t ivcrivol and for ftk|y preparation testimony many id ua With their rigb hour. by riHuUMInwhny It >• a Um Hnl he ha* on band, and is cnwaUndy M \N1 I* ACT!'KINU Sate BACON A CO. roirikiii't Mill, < 50 W.fclt hwrv can be obtained, are PKYTtlN JiSIN»m>N. .nvaluablr unknown to and iinauhciUd iiup-Jy uailbar Mkuau, giun lurnnunuaurv, oi .» so what wave# on th# tower! M 10 WF.BB. IMiggmt, propertied, by the Menu That tarries long—look! of *>«» ** llat.yaf.aia 1.1 lb.' .at. atiaaa. ty |^u*k* every de*cup4jou. lor H ANkS. Sab s. Iloun. Mont. n»n* >1*10, y <30 lli Main Street, and W. II I* iRNIN, ?.Y0 It mod street Hands. I'll \KI.KP IlYf.K. Jt awl an » I... I. • •• u Imiggirt Il Wnb an .alien and sigh, and augury Mern. PRISONS, and Patent PAD Anolla.-r trrllHl «r Ml and WIMW 2 *3 00 l.rv.ivr, :.imI .b laada Uia tut Car a LUCKSfor Kail Kon.E kcH which he North Ai.ua, 3 September fl, IS4.Y. |y Al»Mnc.-»ry. s«» « tv. vv rain mister J*l rrovelmre. K. I. f.nu. all Oanny. muni u( Ua the bourne liillFsrn! M Ion* tion«. while •( 'Tie the Ureeit Klag Time!—’na u arrant* not Ui gel mil of order. \Nl» El l; 1 11 Eli Mi »KE. TIt AT ST I'olitmhiis. 3 casi's III auau, Paata and 2 SO 3 <3 1 real. ili>|4*r u| 4|| ud-lrM The m t*t m EH') tliaual'uUy J| Wiairt CMIunf. coB.iatinf .>f r»viy at*W Ta>V»r*v.lW>. dBta BOSTON piano fortes. with Mr The writer. Mr. Alloy, is 3 cmtlruun of the lir-i re (itrtic'M l« Uk* ou.'rt nl iu the Weslern and attend*«t t>i. at In* laick New 2 3 Avr jM« o| the bile in.) imril msllil Wilbiu Ine, a singularly romanne lake piomiuly Hank Manni'aciory. Vrata lino, Hilda. \ al« :ittd Itiawrra. In VBtwIjr. Hinn Mi:i. 0*1 374 I 11 5 Itraad eper ability, Justice of the Peace, Me The patient UlRhred f,,r up slough FTTTl»* wny, (late IImiIHS). It ** With HI.UIOMJ aik.Nee: orli-dln II. C. JONK8. «; a co. *. 2 i*71 3 Fore- on ptrrvfd of opening to irbevr the itlot.nn_ niouutaiua ol Cork; ol Lough Kmc, I hope to lrishmen.it Jer^ry iii’NBPAroH Lti.|i.*ni «<4 rrrrmita full sm»|4y of IhimH Gdhrrt’s celebrated Pa year* with Fever hia leg*. androukl hist no irbr. until |»e tV. 3 3 H7 Mi»|« uj; these poiea. and dritl* krnrfe* at door ia ac |7 No HI. Main Htrvrt ! MoiiW.iin kiwui 121 4 It'8-llen* Acuto Puai Fort. a. Tue»e aie und Hands'Haroi par ilia. Mr at the yow It n|Mly » unnecessary 10 apeak. Kti puimnancrd. by cnmpe Ahuy. writing request, einloo telu*ed All VKI \hT I IKK dll \TKS. 3 371 4 I* nt Ibhuttf, (orth*K t« Main ly a diwse, mu nul or m- is llunrarjr. 374 | prutr#***. lo I* eq .alto any mad. in tin* I mini Huir«. Mr behalf of the patient, Jonathan llama, say* diaeuverer of th# lam reed supposed < ,,i ...I o* r«r auil M Ill tl iTfca lortunatu It* itli'niHutl allit n H h- ritlllltlMIVt im.ii Nf-rnp 3 00 UMeal. .1 will is Uw.llt I have U«rd it for in Riclinaotrl, 3 ill Gilbert /.-»• luade an 1a iIh* of the teat lontU ru himstll invisible at i»>f ‘Ik* cure ol PuUnnnar) t'utwutnp I Improvement artrna thv Piano Pone. Hrooki vn. Cotta July |q, 1*44. for nil d. to ubuio lb* ol rendering plei- A | V% imiJ >u)»ilii(« Wnn.li01 )rau» wart« ot the cheat, ppwer iimmmI, Suriallt l*r(i*raliunK* Beiw* en Frr.l* teksLurg and aslniigton, lie* (o« which lie has secure 1 a which tlrailrusrw—ll ha*once consumption, hear, involving tbo Bl.il.. Ini' A A- A fni'linl. f"« aak by patent) by great power aaJ tpmr beiuwir uiy **oity t.» fntaaamirtle ut:ii«e>t .I lion, tuna., au,n>) w .11 ,*• .■ 7 '• mp. *»d aod I declare before anc*. IT JV.MKS FOKTFNH’3 m Mia of lone. as writ a« m. to responsibility, lleavsa uk 1 KI'SlaCK A SON. mirgt beauty qmckm elasticity, ami delicacy of touch, you llir of Mi Uarns. and you may U|>n« it | do min '.Mil not the hall or J.lllKIt a^lu^tioii rely m one rmglr raw has il mood to fTb* dais waa an elevated portion of grea -fm. oKJ frt3.iti>loxl Cute and - Far No for I Ulren no«ler 3 )vin of age. others under 12 are obUi&e.f at llie Millie it Veal benefit, mkra tha Til tV. at hlaio ancl. barge tlllie pi 11;*, it) Rt *ail of so With tl»e utiiH*•! pleasure Mr llsNi* that four «d In* n, iq !.4t>.|ilf says anrea patkeut »a* w ton ihr trbi h uf atothl means ael In feudal li»*o# fc.r tboM pende N’o. 16 Li ii •«!»*, Haluniorr. can hr of are. half pi Ut, c< doled half price A prison taken ord««. anw are entirely healed i.p, anJ ll*e reruaiuder an- fast *0. |U — «knug I I»aia ba.i ANI> HRAtVkkS I* do* nda rail ill. and at a n* will the fr* m the last IM 1'kya.fnti«. Iratnr.1 ,t. iba I bare ha t and waa in With found rnn«*an(i. «>n hand. a hr»« am! cm up |mhM designated, pay chaste pre grill ml liav tins mwM.on. will Ami the labor of flrnh* he lias r.d in the pi..f«-„iOB, blood; consequence. regarded peculiar *I [NltMtSIIIttTH H> peilormqr* says pern aOectrd limb %v h«lr*. il.at Ui» ■iilUfHra Ml ib. inai and nfaitnl and fo« ai'a which or ami so a rain **t down at a Uibi'vl. on lb.- Hancb. AMriiuvn auj I la rral aaanii.iM ill ua K-.imclirJ »i *n Farin lliawrr. aauitr I <,imIhj>. joal ceding |oint designated p execution reduced iesrly our ha't. These Instruments con is of the Hunt fcailng* ol veneration and rasped. be.ng •hip trflrdiikf Mature, and Le Health iu every re- I*'*•» **nlbuiri» Ml Iba M to* ca.ti stoir cf 0. UINSPAHOII A I'm, n *l d« s-gnatr*', witt par lire charge to l)*e designated point stnn led of b.ybail a.tMUll.-a an>l Hiult.lo.bi, ol Iba ID.M, N rbrap point ihofougMy seasoned material* only, and uis«!e sufficient spect very much improved *n yunbn* is the « L that all _ on A TEN AND TOY life, who ll~ ,1 .« 1411. ul ES, U4 tVral Mem St. om. ** vny |y auj IIm la liu baab but one »..lfa [To O, U7 No nett U-yond the pUrr at whtcliL*' may get Persons getting in strong torrsist tbtre times the usual strain m*« Intu ly up*.o tbena. are prur eicla.m, V. Ui a ilia age and van* A LAMENT. m the mfsl fidiii. table auJ durable lust*tier, or tu.mulac- stly inquire what kiuvfianl (Ryjsd anJ pettnif out at |*e*ints, w ill pay the difference between .1 to lo* 1 onaimi.i.U, iy*.i, "Mc.ll.ibi, yoni Utnuncnt n :a»a .11 Man .. designated peeuliailjr adapted for variable clinotr*. aie ta*»e lie lia* can 4olii| t lie has gamed in (L»h u.m «<• order at l!»e alsmctt maur Warm An IIMM. G4WM —Wi They very h, and is aide tnoxa* cMiioK.xi ntvis. lured 'Ito, Furnaces, the * to lU*« « that no will fi»' v aril KOOJ'-’ fuk bib and bin. tot charts points respectively, vcept charge ele, ar.it> Anirlml, and ran be obtained fioui lh<* > work at Ins trade, win- b is that of a hiMir Hu. dings S*. manuiact...J .«» ord«*r- J*uih a* Mota.,mu* ui ui tin- abow good. Sin k »• aopri pla i*e^t HboetuaWrr, without any for Iteaimg be less than *'» cents, .f both the L *•» ‘be uio,t i.NallMITION. ou the Island i-.oms regular stopping place*— n< bl) orii.mienled lucouveniem-e. This •• tint substance of Ins uarrative Wbii grief bath fallen tgueen n lute will do wall l.» uh- a a* I Bonbaunn tut the It aan ka may want any flung my giv* rail, othe.wio. the wilt be «... Us$ thin 3e cent*. Air I n.iii-l CiiUn'r iMirJIr rra.l.t. J tun ■ an'ia ran hava Bit. an*l charge Piano FotV*! combine powets of picture | cani.ot in any way do tusttce 1 be tuaam r. the any rffiucbupnr *11181 luakcth her eyes blood rod' sell ,na* irrnus. other *t«b|i»bmrnl in tin Ai|aicr« l. alra and wbiti* rallrora. llincbamt ripies tyro Iba iabi.ll an- can any city, No (urge being ruuil* in the above rate* for tin1 font sum ilie ni lunya. anhiy n.ibln il.. ayuum Rui Hit Tint', .0.1 llama-t baggage, rVl>.ate aud inc luott rn«rg« lie. The lose m full, gratitude, tb» fai U. and l>- r^biU«aUug ellect upia* b s »inyaa.r shrieks she aloud, with the heart keen? oc ?_3ot JAMEF FOETTNE ata.ola.and IldkA.fcc.Ac. sfurlts, you f..i ull. Uul ibu li.wiari.l m.H tca.b Why piercing pany will r«»t l-c m^eamt le for it, unless in cas* rf gross iich si. and as the can lb. lunj. uuirbar Ilian oc A No 9* mam at negligence l-iiUwnl, touch squally fa* dilates the p«|foini butUiatly owajfua. lie trqueus tie tn my he will mine on any hatUdril! 77 tVARKKN PAHISS. uicatania Uul ran l.» Her bravest hath falleu!—her boldest on the .nt of their »nd w ill in no casr be for an*« of >imc a (.ran .i-t.nullv Thun, if lb. | Agent*. responsible la giac-ful sly’#, as well us tye tmwi ra* d rn.u an*l sci you a* surely a* he hvea May Ood continue lo Lies* pUcaJ ii,c.u foi iib-at your 1m -4. .1 a. lo IIm* IS he is he is dead! Tt IIS—nm. Pamird tVaainng 1 ub*. bill-, cede* or or butt... Pi* tio,». la*...I.a UtiarUy iba pmaoi.ou, lie gone! gone! S. W. BEN EDITT, OtIM'Ell *p»e:c, jewellery, any tb.ng ngcr’# ituvan Ittiuably (or tor ta«tc of endeavors •*» alleviate the m. sc ties of the human lam is lunya. aapamlaa a«l*pi«d ^Mf-aying lie* p«t Iv, the Iu ai. c. UKtVtS OINTF.R’f*. own nei r. loiltdriibii union iliani. himI il.au* I tom iba f. rsarj *rgag** fuiiri* F,.r .ale by llolfANB 4. vvut of *m< rr- friend. vipaUa ayaicni only 1X1.18, ptsyer your I aanl n»l WATCH-MAKER, at ST 7.1 Mbm St. Th«- rf a Return Ticket it extended to not aa> Uul a runny pc .anna of Thou art crushed, land, and thy old heart is prtv.Vg# Pa«**nfrrs 205 Broadway. New York ilUMPHRRY ALKY. Justice of the 'onauuipliou nnlinual hapless y hftn. Peace ly. at. I. nr air l.ilcl il .• aa. jr«. (Vcl provided a be placy either of 0*d# r- bony fo,.l.abb. I cum noi wbni ia nb. going b«yo»l Anjm* Depot ||p* 4 pgr mail sti icily attended u*. awl ev»ty Pan.* Forte For fuitli. paiticuUrg, and conclusive evidence uf it* riven, 13 superior • n I ai I mar uia NEAR TRINITY C li lT R C il IS—200 Boxes 6 and Gunpow. arrival < depart me The Return Ticket entitles a person on either .||( aavmlllMM.uaJ larac.na yaaily. In are rjlK pounds 41 —lot value and efficacy. are who h be ohhiined of And thy while hair* grief drsprend; aa*e wmjWiI pamphlets r.uy agent* from the Merchant* Kirhange X «!•-# Tur—laiHlm# andiur t|r of the three -lav* next succeeding that of lu« arrival, to return to the HUD a. HR. child of that like tsarah's war removed l'\M:NP"kT. Al.LF.X k gratis 1'or the bright Hope t¥l fr. nt which he came. Tla-.-7.laa baacuml ..I iba llanj Acba HAHto No 5. Wall Aireet, where he has opened an entire new co_ point THK PUBLIC. Prepared *ndo>»J wnolesaie and retail by A H It It. S WHH. panona nf IV yaun MaiMl w ho at a at the *»me time .TO in*, aikl who bad 11 au given, irk to continue the he Its* bad A Pa*vn*er obtain* n TV Ret |kpot nuy Wholesale o I*. ill ir(.ilaily rvriy wrak, ibu vuuuni oAm at of Watches, and hope* reputation MATE*- I II AN ha article of ItruiAioa Hinge Fulton street. N Y irior (Voni 00 p'src. the days tby age toe fifteen for fine Walt he* :u» llu.'i n Alirant Mata, rernvrd and for aaW* by procure Tick* procured gel* Duvilk in for !«m year*, wlliug AUCANT8 juai to for a Agriitain Riiiituiud.d «*o. Peteisturg. Rimwi k An — (HHHi.nry cheap cash. i»rrsl aa#>>«imeat or Psiu Itralnes* ml ui he is dead! l.k Wl* • lN * » R at a the R« ton* Ticket l*c obtained at tin* latter will* g« Fat A» be are |>« vsb the lifer turrets aa He IS gone! he gone! lie haa made artanremant with Mr Cottier, who Depot may Depot deiM.u. in Norfolk. M A. Hsntos. iu II. K in l|ird ibo jtennaiwtil lershyticlfg Lynchburg. Lyman hi IIm- is n-oil W that a Passer s iri Ague Pace. #»»*»•*.*• has o-au for h»m fitr the la*t three and cate It imliq*- y-r ng ffom a Depot should g» Fred* James Cooke. Hold also been for* years, great OHM of the best quality, sixes from Hi IA to ft t3A. Wboletnle rsckshnig. by Hrucgists generally be of Fine both Trek* tstogether, if hr oiesoa to get mi at a point not a IVpot 1 tie ted Coi.p FAIT. Yet not for him—with the greatest will given to the Repairing Watches LUMP PLASTER- •l reUil throughout I'r HtalrS Puce f| per U.ttl. an Unites for weep Wh* n lie im at a not a |*e must we that the T F < •« him with his best Chionouielrr aw! o! the nbove article in hand, an*l gets point IVpot, flap fl Tliu arv to remember it rVmsumptiun, luvrt rumpkunt, pama in the cl* at or skW. the world he is 'oojer supplying TONS \\ bile I a**. I h ud to in from 25 5l» OV public icsyiectfuKy requested that Of chiefs of throned; tun of the I rani rt ter* Iris mine on the Bill, wl h the amount beat, kegs ll*a, lbs .to 500 lbs of the tu«r. one<4 the other duplex Watc hes, which w ill be sold as low as if purchneed of him vX for wile ii our Warehnuw on tin* Ba.«»u. m parcel*lo Way The ab*.vt is Hands* Harsapanil.i that has and 1* achieving such ilaajrs arcompauM ok! i.wA It tea. the latest articles are of u«y own selrciir>n. and warranted constantly wtir The youngest, the truest, a and from thi* entry a Return Picket will be obtained at lh« r«**-l v.|n of rfartrrii IIm* strut to have cold feel. in l*nndnn lie has also the Anchor Psra pettier. Watch, very 9Ui( punl, remarkable cures of the no »»l difficult class of disease* to winch i) — oUhtr/ f w«mUI do welt to call the rwh has toned! purclairn. r.t %, ere out. a utk.imp and rsauone Ihest' *h*rtulrf will truoie tin* Whom glory's girdle ha is tsouw pattern for Indies, togrtJi-r with Roakelt*. Tobias, art** a. I l*e| Ip* gets A |u»*wug« retu(nir>g without |Diuiu luinuiti frame is tlien lore ask for Hinds' Ins* nsible Perspiration and tbtia cute it. tw HENRI I.ITULAM go* Us awl fur tbeuwrlvr*. at fc< *HLKT Ni ITTH subject. Har%ap i*iikt. and is owned! Ticket ill have to the lull fir*—The of the Tram be JMagc every ca»r A hero, by heroes Beesly s .ever Wale lies. pay Captain take nootht ^ | collect tie. Faint shop, llam street. In inr Crut care w ill In* given in pulling up orders from the Hnitih mg requir'd to lull fair iroiM every person not fumok'sJ Hcitkfuln. Ilivniprlaaan I Halt Ktwum. and other diaeaara of this CARPETS. CARPETS. Nr it door loth* Bank. ram with a Ticket. F.ishange ( nature, no internal u a* dy lias discovered The rege« ha worshiped and followed, &y~ H|kv)m »r.J Pi .-fc* warrant'd Sterling Silver. French Mantel recenrJt lurtliei »upt>l> of ilifr* -ply and Inf ar|»rt# ^rr^is^ous kocolale, yet been that is so goodt * Pl*e same may ho ^dof his hrsrt kwj Ht»cc Clocks. Jewelry. Isc. Jtl 4—*ro ICSTof n* w and Uuuidul lalbrot. Perwns on tin* way. wishing to be taken on (Im fan* should viiff tf bWuais, Nervous AHrcinms of the Htomarli, HioncluUa. Uuincy, Here Throat, rttra, 'I hr herds who yearning led. hi<>*ai** a make a if in the w.th a htndkeichuT. and if in the loMicotrlKe. liability, ami Hortar of Children Hpinnl llmiru ui Kan- Hirasi. hr. The whom swallow*J ALSO, aqr*«al. day, UURUoO SKIN Approved by * young quick Destiny MKuril* NT TAII.OIW. Tiik Si m- it pit." Hie of Am! a* for "b« «t Um art, such as < • with a tin* time the is 400 Medicine of Pans, and aulhoriai'd the Asthma. Pa*». -r-aijaamf and rpo Htur and arpetir;: bight, light, frum Tram yaidsoif uutil No. HI Mu in Sind. Faculty by Frehdi The mariyra who struggled bled. JL scriher hIdsc whole ail~ot.n,. u* now directed to the selec* the like, i| u Ui« luivt wonderful Printed Drufrle Green Baice reacts t!em It i«be>t however, for Passenger*, if practicabb ta tSovemment. antidote in th« World. round our wlio'a of V« ana ail of Turn for iwk— For l.;vrr it is All crowd brother, dead: Ikmum sale Cloths. Caseimere*, *tin*> kiad F *ale get in at l» pit« or regular to, p ng places, as in the event of the Man. practitioner* have administered Iron m all it* form* and t'on«|»Li..i equally efficacious lor Hums il bas Stair Linen, Ac cheap by 30 HIkI* Hi. Ku o use of Merchant calls the atten- OFFER C’roii. Orleans anJ Porto 8u~ar not its in the fiurd uiings for the Tailor*. re*pec4AiIIy LAI III «T!AN A CO Mail being I«kj late. the •uJuctors are sometimes uuable to stop endeavoured to render it as grateful as powtldo to lpc digestive or nptal also, l!ir reasrurr* itf every hind, aucb or 11 Bnir» laiaf and 25 Hb's l.'htirtml Hugsc os Thick ! thick as an Autumn-blown drift, tion of Mich den!rr- to his extensive ami suable stock of good*. at other |!». goods hi this hoe enable IlNDRKTir* tin Tram f'api.im of their wish, before leaving the pr« nous d* p**t. prime entile. POSE KYtt. There inHiien.and Grattan, and j *» t Swift, oiler nxiucsma nt« to baser*. of I» Ijii ‘rrtli A .*d mn, received and irfuinpily au- fc-h-u to i heats H|ack. Ai ib» turn to strong |»urc Pa*«e*ig. .« ate proirbiti I fiom stamlir * ou the Plitf* irns of the The person* who w ill derive ■ great bem-At fiom the use of the 'I'he mfiainaliou atj disease always the And and Sarsfield, and Tone, •»n yea .u 13 and w lb R*.ki,< Ik% a^J| tff naltof/Um Owen, II I. K1 ^OilNffON, Aft. — 1 1 m IIARKINiiToN. t'ars—or getting in or out of the Cats when inn., a,on po J I t’r tug mui* t'liocolate. ate- tl»« socket. Ilrncs Um virtue *J«jr in* Ji.me ti Lust thou art not alone ! SOU 8ib «|iMjd «ud darmced H.»|e l«ealh*r the utuvl,reae brother, jut R-iit.ioore street, up stair* ) 1*4. Women of pallid completion, who Complain of dtflh ult Mat of the Infi .maHou of it s\ms do littfo good. Tbo AsW*. if nHANNKUS* OlU 80 WTm. TANNER'S ll,“* li.tl do Hi|sse| Leather 1 rublM-d on Rail .more. October 7, 1645.—Is. -ii slt*r *ks of Novem. 'milling. esp* cinlly in ascending a staircase, ol of the ihr tniiplrs, will pwostratr Un cUy mlc (hr aockeF. ______M. i> tPi 4 k"'* 7uo Packs 8 lit. it Asbt* n‘s palpitation '^bo OIL our P.iCkKT IHUTS will run In pa brand of muses iu Hie vtillh«' a We not fur thee, vanished brother. ^BaaBMiV* kcr, heart, head wliosr stomach dig* »ts ami t*ore» o|m weil. p uprr tspuuiioai will tie v tested anJ weep i»\\ENPQR1 ALLEN It CO fklKI Lbs Hhoe badly, llio — Thread disi oar We for ourselves and our laud «*«*•* wU-ae appetite is destroyed, sometime- even peivrrtcd. who often will m*m |.as«*-lT to Uir .urface. weep ATTENTION! HIM PAN V. 5o Kegs Hu Font’s Powder loved as a mol her— Ia*a\*e Richmond Monday. and at 3 P M ttipeneMc# % feeling of coldness in Hie lower eitremities, and a rtMri.Rb om tut. ai That land that you .III.S, frnni tin’ celebrated “Ph.-nix” works, Wcdorsdty PijJay, I ’lirese—in casks liml boies f, rii ki vm, tan, jj a -s.t Lt.xi skin, uro«« HE Sl’BSi 3IBEB wori.l* ami arrive in in 32 geneml derangement of Hie whole wet fur prcoaely, Lynchburg hours. system We p (las glory you planned, NT for aalr at k.%* price* **y 170 Kearns Cap a i*l I .niter Paper kUirit k. fnrm.'« •d. Men who are amt of a M. rvapectfully mf.rui tin retirnim;, pale delicate constitution, whose di It* lird is How lost like a stream m the eaud ! ■ s DAVENPORT, AIsLRN A I» 225 do Wrapping Pa|>er action loc\petlall buuM*ur. It wilt opt cease drawing and ciulorurrx. tlial in1 lu« Incairtl lu» la-ave Lynciihurr Monday. Wetfn *day an*l Friday, at 8 A. M grsiMNi isdillkult.aml who are exhausted by eirrisr* Uot raligue, till tl»e «*#»»?»•• 150 live *»e Fenthri* fore is Tier from any uutyr Hot hr unJrr Ibr Hag* £* will hud after for a time may lodged MILITARY CAP MANUFACTORY and arrive in Richmond next day at 4 P. M. u«ing short Ihe PnfTVgiaMil Chocolate a •feoi an-l ANI> BOX N VlI*S,froin the Hull's ('an-lies and Hi tap frr«]o« tillr bo akiug out lo tbe surfer*. It then heals.— that he w as a throb of the heart— m Thud No. a few doom DAVENPORT. material in Ibeir Every word spoke street, '.*6, oct3 BOYD, BOMO.YD It improvement •ta*>g. VVIm-u is WAKKIlOlTSC“Cumberland* factory, cor rtauily for rale l»y 80 Ihirri liiil I'nnli uni l.iues Mine aotbmff l*ui riuwsrw. or dull trpu'eivr surfsrr. it took w as a ilasliuf theaoul— below Race, wliere fce wo*'Id t*e |>Vas- 3d, Weak children, auuespecially those who are rickety wiliac Every h\v IM |R 1 M.U..N iici wai si PPI it s oi FAMiOiMBN. 150 Grindstones, Nova 9culia »*«*ui-t todvq and.vtlen until tfo- *kTa birunns as asniinlli and to see old cu*toa*er*. and .»■ etr. end their that he was a that art ed his ipnre ^.h. oig m.zaiion will not fail to a d« In .il»- as a eli,id'*. Every line penned triumph N A 10 devclopo It tbr-Vi* a fisilnioi sw*! t-i.**!..** color upon unnv new one* :m are to fa ITII KKI* \ D, (il'N M K K.K, Ih© Bigs Fepirr sb»r Could neither create nor control; di^insp'l 1*1 KITS ri KI’»:NT1NK—10 bhis opponitt; tlir now* win.*,. I/a apparent skin, that isperferlly riKliaiii ay- Him.p cuaUMM. lie »t.11 Spirits SSIHank.. Kara Ku<.», U.< h«.»n«i. V. iw* a*«>, arm i> •• 4 h. Put it is U» I Into vor hun w.tli Dieir principally young girts ,0*1. ng womanhood, (•lot in was S itiiti*'■ in iron Im(Uik1 cunk*, < «i Cted, and l--r 4 and 4 tif Freckles it wtb l.s«t «tait ont those that have lam While truth his ond Ins goal ! Tui4 UBHnenll) a In ge anJ assortment of all the art.c'es i»i hi* Tierce* Ltb Vinegar guide (onLiiurih nvtnmactorr M'uarya.d re.vm^ general whose Iwalih may U- lsngui*i:uig, uua llie Ferruginous Chocolate hidden LA Ud INDLIBM » fltuiu I .a an«l me and well but tcldom. I'uisne tbe Halve and all will toou d*» line «d rxr»*t he invites tin* attention of the Yarn, nip Wick. Cotton Tw W S|o 15 Kegs lloise {•(toes WO |Mt. we ever « at! to on tl.e score of« com.my. aisi tin- superior tiahiy ul a of will iM th« And oh! if forget and Bearer Dre» 'a|* of pattern ^ cl»« lint are a bale t» » ct.in,. •» for our u.ual purchase, Aourubiugstale health vujienrening, prove only If CiiiKAi*very *p f*4«oiN, 7.5 Hole* I’m parents knew Imw fatal ino«t nM*d:nn«a were to children lakrti lloUter* tor h.« iu.ilri.il*. PU*tp utility of.but the nsable nect lor, llir use of the Perm The lostfriend, that loved us, may slavery's chains 1 orafe Cap-. Troop, Body iu remit* trade, but are suitable lor C4aiI hand*. Tire whole mdi-|K salty Im* *4 w very pit ar*»rt 75 s'onaBtaeilss, 11 h. and all aire* inwardly,they woukl to resort lo them. Cartoucb Bo sea, lia,onet Hm|»- Amongst his St<■<». of I'uoda may t»e found the fr.lk.wmg IRf»*/ ling Tredegar Country, of ginnus Chocolate. K*urrially‘u.ri- around us for centuries yet. do. lot would b. .a»U very In ap and onarc-anto-rdatinf term#. American ruiml caUeil'*mrdicaled Jltug which It w Hod lotln* M and Kuos..; -heel Iron foaenyes." kraengesv** pills, lie. Idle truth KirJ«. Hword Br'.u. of all kimU. nn* M .| N A CO ment, public untie Viuir" A fresh supply 01 this valuable pre|Wtatiou just to liand. aud for Till they cancel our crime and our debt! Hand and Iron and Nail Rods is, no one cm irll. tavaruibly, when woiuis arr present. Non let ■»' noies. TACK I-K. llnop •nb* teens. d.n nt palt-rn., lire nuclru, iiwm| GUNS AND FOWLING by p. J0IINHT0N, Ule Knapsack*, Monk! board* atul Hollow w ire (4y to iMients. that tin* Hslve wdl sways irll if a rktld bas Fm-m* it's < Wo ar<- n* Damage us wire a ml tiibb tw M double and hand ju 31 [ Tube dr Hru»h and Pickers. Plume*, Pomiwiu, Cap* LOI IIIN.;. 8ui«error single lirurgi-t woiuis I: will drive LIVING LAND. COPPF.R 2500 lbs. Bom rs, Sheathing and Holt vny vestige id tliein away. Phis is s simple THE leather Huh kf Cun *hot Hags Game a aaw.rtuirnt of tin* anti will offer them Hum rupen* quality. SKKlANTSopening (imn! above, AXW and Han.'s ninl safe cure. our Contractor for U»e Ik.obln in1, stubh t« i*l Hiim Penitentiary W« have mourned and sighed for buried pride. Bars, llrumc. lie ** Thu subarnher, l*eing on eucN term* a* will give aslmfartioB. •ugh’ plain There is 8TKHI, Naylor's (’ast and Hfwer probably no medicine on the face of ihr ranli at once what Nature I'.it a ml Marine is to furnish Cap* of either oc 1 KEEN A CO. lo ill do phii*: and unit limn twist tlo We have given gives, Army Ouqn, prepared American ami h H'.«tered •o sun -H.d mi Mite in the npnUion of worms. hi man Kngli kind at a low are! at all »rt notice. I 8. (Hikers* Cat' I do da common (or do nri-n from a disu/d, of the touvach and as a very — g such Head It would A manly tear o'er brother’s bier— price FuR RAGtf I'be Franklin from to 3 Inches wide owel*; b« crncl, any wi* krd, to ir.tomal, Aaibtful mrdi Manufacturing Company* liras* st* el silver in Kill.** Spring Steel, 11 five furaisiied m of workmanship. and ninled acue. Ileaitluirn. u. kr vo But now for the Land that Lins ! a«U|»«rior #tyb* J to eitriMl llicir manufarture of will in W n M m k I'tn. ^iliilenry, l*o«isiipa'i< ernes, 'ong .t* a liaiinU-rs rtsinal one rookl he had • C1ASIIintend.ny Paper, pay belt and Pistol* BpHter. 9Uuc inlets tliankfully received and promptly attended to Duelling, pocket, travelling Tb great winch Ho* in. dir nr has obtained, and Is who too soon, in his noon, ra»li the In;he»t price for cotton .ind linen Ray*. wliltr or coloured Celebrity ToILkT. He passed glowing WILLIAM cVIt sir.pie bmIhi barrel Pi-tol# v. CRFjVMAN. cock.ng, irvolvinj 1111. csaliy gaming in every reeling of country win re it lias been Alll»oti"h I of our band— Country Merchant* may forward parcels of mk* l'> >b* aabscn N A LI A III.K IUSCO\ KK V liave aaal little about it as n hair rrsloralive, yet I Tim Hope youthful No. «sw atfocl, a few doors below Race, (dm. R (I* ami I'tstol Powder Flasks introduced, csir• North Tliltd he and llie ui mv *tem. f*liairts «*d C l.rr.v.se lh**y cantiot |a** off the usiuial rlvsanrlsof tb SKLP-AlJTINIi MULES, ,\ 1 I EES’ CHANNEL SHOES, Dog Cads, f*olHm. Whips, tqdes friend*at a inu hlee* charge than lit-* old plan of pn*;«tHd work — few days; but it tann l»e r«ras nabfy rqsi lril m di««a»rs of long Ibrougli BOOTS, ln*« it«iblr •»« Huntsmen’s lion.* ami I! igtrs l*r seen of the at Mir thit tlie same ralu w l.e ferwpirat Ifmirh s«»rrs arr hr.«led 141, ibe uupurilK* be i «-eii .«nliafaelorilv in 1* l- B* h r|V, 4c the kng**«t ane itninit lo U* found in Ihe ntjr. Blown./ Hpoconel»acan woik. my Shop. ding, ary rflbcte »i produced m so sin rt Yea! dear elude thou shall obeyed, Knrnpe Wash mast tnve rnwie miter of II will yea! Ihd*. Phot Charger*. 4’ap Primers,i*il Cup*, Balls N n ve», from thu great lias we nuilrl, rnlaiifti kfr. Thumb- Havingand in thia country, are now fd» ieg liy il*** Mat'eawnn \mi. »«it-r |*a«**f laooU, M».«* 4c for gralVm’-n*—nt R<> TT. Painter, prr.od cele’r.ty already acquired, the hour that line ir.iMin it is to rive We muet spend u l*kt*nr Wadding Wad Ciiltris an 13 t• find man arc »%liy uupoiiiic the conrav u Halva of the in Company to Manufacturer *, as flie best and moat economical mode J l» m IVF.R ft |i» vUih a persons apt tugtpectioo mu«h at the cofMPwnce day In no vain toe the sun tlist lias set, M.ii» amt Uun »ch ca»**s For they ImV*‘ no |iower in *Hlirr avenues, to regret of 'j.iiijr l«e«icr ('<%—•* ment. while n.hers evjs*c| a •ingle IsUlh io Mford them unnw d.ate Open spinning —M bbls Northern A to aal oil tlii* nioihid mm Her But iu tur pm-tber to IKANDl | by Hum. Pistol and K rl I «Kks. k.rle Barrels CLOAKS. STAKK iVCO. IIWK and relief, ll is feasible for a to aielilie rimsr«|vo*ni vs arr always fatal— hope rise, luCensv* »... theta Mule* have been granted the i^rrmnenf iin( physician form any btlilduif by L oe :«1 DAVENfOBI 'I’hi Halve oval* with its APTLK KQMONII4 Kihb* hiJ IV. indisf* permanent stages of a He r* fore thv in 1st l»e m all Ili.w Lika sentinels light through the daik.dark night oilier respectable >l«op». on application to tin. A^b. Fall and Winter On/ (heylf. IMPAIRING, for., s\u;-\ FIRST.HATH ilifflac; quantity ra*«s, many are fwurpt of by giving internal luei.r.rvi, lie ia to eiecnte all kinds of in SKCONDl proportieni'e to its rlfect*— v in* one wliiisl wli« n their young Ix-tina and li nJ« framea arr unable lo hear our land ! WM B I«Cf gN AKIl, Man* ;*w «m. {repared Ur^tnnf. exp* ddumsly, rrcjuiring only bolile, up The steps of Living At III DSON are now I/OKIund Hoi Ftovc, w.lh pipe simI all hutches New York. BEI.fr tie neale»r and iwnt durable manner, -nd at such prwr« as will complete, by otlu r* may require six or eight. For ra> !>y af.iitid llirui* Whole aihu'a arr iliu aeni to their grave* nirtvly She ueedeth our cars in the air— Comity, MI.Art MLKl'IIANT. chilling E>ROOKS,9 in* v«ry latf nldri«»« lo ttirir Mori |n,. Iit"".l wnlnn Ih" nuke it to the interest of tire to favor Imn with their pit ALF.X. DUVAL A CO, from priinrif into thru *ral> Mniiurlu and Tbe follow rag Liters are submitted for the information they con public •« jMiwerful uruga pby- Our old, dear Living Land! le«l few idea at much reduced Vi/. over jIII »o 8 It—M I Main 8'r. •* 1 •lf" 1* '* «uch di.it All tain days, in'nyar prices. M 99 147 Me fltvt lit' llrahng (hntuiml trudrra au aalr. pieces Fall and Winter Print*, very rich prifitvd Caxhaaere pleasant, and Imrmii-a a rare Hum run aa SoMKEkwoRTK, 2d, 18-13. KRPLORIM4I EXPEDI f|( »N —Narrative of Hie MA88 Cioup. Chohc.Cho Sept. half I'mlimere l»-'Fcn« bUek LICOIllCE. 2ACA8E8 CASKS of whin: Thom- b »a Yat our breast will throb, and the leara will throng lic'Kcuue, mourning sup 'laftata*. * vrry mi|M>rior In'anluta, Wurtna. and all Hummer Cmnplaint*. by IbarHir—Your* of the/puh ult waa duly re^e.i'ej, and I would I4XKEM