Anvbttwafittkiiitw, “■Wi-M'- US »%.»•#« MAIL Llanllmhik LAHRIAL, Ihuww Hw *W W> A

Anvbttwafittkiiitw, “■Wi-M'- US »%.»•#« MAIL Llanllmhik LAHRIAL, Ihuww Hw *W W> A

»«>)»()»» flo* «I) AhgHtk iMtli -«“'“^l‘» "wTewnJkn* U. iM AnvBttWAfittKiiiTw, “■Wi-m'- US »%.»•#« MAIL llANllMHIK LAHRIAL, ihuww hw *W w> A. ncMMi. THAIN. ht»«ila«nM*iwWw>^ M* r*J <1HDA* r«i« Lc*to* RLLom#**I at p. H Ul-.MM.u tL*» «*W-U Twv«*»w. dally %f # l|Mi dnuAile. ur king, dm, IwwipiM. > thaltuatal t.WMUIH «i«r N. rm«. I'liHK* U»vn IWidurf mi, at A M a f taal a/ Am pram in* r .Jwt, (H VI llnnd Kirwl Of. tuWf *aia|, *«a4»c* itea*. rmt|dm.<u runuloavalb* Kc. Wotem-s. Mb•. r*mn» H»ia ACCOMMODATION »1U aikai aaooJ a coal ngUjg. C'«rridjrr Factory, TRAIN, toraiai *>ag Wwna or Viucr. Braid llrag. and Ikia af SPIRIT OK IRELAND. »y -. fcalaffcm..wt ■Hr w— aw airons >irwi. 39523; nvy/f sHoEsT Utw Kirhiaontl daily (etreyt ftuada,* at d. A M. ■Mara r*aa aa* mj akat aittcla ib h» Iba JolaU, Btabboru I'lcoia. By philips Symptoms,dmir ~rk. I.ifo naat ti muu.mhI wlUi • crowd an FIBlIK Mbfrnkrr lu« removed hi* l» a new ar Karvanl«* lAim 4. P- lUo.iMuailnaikaAaiiaaMilKi'. ca. of 1arm JT * beau lad for aomc lime, by (*i:na|t IVWry IVterahurg daily ivic«pWuida)a)kt M_ bagel a ad Otaseaae Ihw aa i*oa im af U I u. II >• W liar* prevail t\ Kiel. irutaj taj'ido Ilmwa a* f uai iho bteud l«iei« ettK Ini la He rear of the -*U Rrmd me n thro h tJARNrrr. act* TITVa — f under lb» bead. J buiklnt* Repository. have rc-ccinxl ami mnmifitrtiiring llennry. Aac.Ua.rn <11 itbU’kfc in Lft I_> from oar iwaal eitracla R Hropay. KapuMtie lu,, • »'•>* <*te )'««• oT lk> dw o*r colkmna, giving at •<» ihr State Hank, nlrir be came* on thr tUar ham I?.now A rvaw'.w- **l»*'•* an t K h P R. body. flfbmtr WK*rry cco.1 Hh*w •uitwhlr fo* % tfop'at AUo, IkmnK CuartiiuUoaal Ihamder. wig be raamvsd by lln, l‘tc ky Ifcto aoaw of some ed and proa* from it* »*•* Alt kiaU m and Marnew* made PHILIP M. A: ■.oJoly'a.l i*, W* aubjoi* poetry eloquent ■rn all «'art.age* wi‘ caw irrtMMMHd to mar writ n».d n«n r*4». Ww alu.»>• A«*'t»a TAHB SON, pnmUon. Richmond; FrEurrISkSburu and roroSSS OBNKUAIi AUKNTN AND imiMiil-ro aiilma aa. Ibrbb. w. kv u> «ftbr. al dn*rt imi kv, in iH** br*» and roManiti on hand.— « mi ch. fOI.I.KtTOHN, IMsaesee that atarbrg >lr, «i|»|*ly of II iii «»n 1 nod will wM llw .ip having tbetr uttgm la aa, of aa.1 t|ii« niC4M ant li- inab paper*, pariieaiuriy journal, AND LOCISA RAILROAD. toiwi of Mala aad l*ik uni thr Hue ol Impure Ha uni). woik* itself urv. H Unguait of U, 1ki>w waniiM any Hung in lii* liar an* tavited to rad Mf** pur n \i \ * w \n almb. Unnccy Suita will be rtcrtpturv let*, rally, ipaniiiy end manve.1 thla la *•»« tie IUohI •# ih«- CIIANGK Win. M llama MV. cgbctMally by Lli* If it Hfrf Ink«miwi impure, it be Th* ‘‘Dublin Nation.” chas.i* el. MNWOkAHL OK HOCKS. K*| valuable UK die we as Us mty INUIIAI i« operallaa la peculiar. sad ruaaiala in rv Ifttnl l» tin of llw In* noble N k N J alOYM ARD MltTHr-A LAftfil anJ after IX) DAY the boor of baring f«i the North and to tiik cuLLBmoN or claim* w iluertly stoppage PempIraUon It KERN. —IMb wwing lie cauar In disease eaten ua ima TIIE MOUNTAIN fal w«MiitM* wl in «>.i»tuaciwc « vwr> ftfcwdr und coKmai. M Ihr n-aia. an* >*»l by the c.iculai.ou and never rcpinr* aay inlmol modntnoa tn cleanse M. ai K LADiKT Oort, ONWool will be o'clock. A. M. Attkni**nrri|4HMi; Rratlac ml. itNivii, Ibe always T« < IKHI i.l *t| |j A«. naming tltit.uab febeial •yvUaa Wbeiv ohsuuel.on. m «lb*s •tw it a uv t|i;i« lltM\ and of Um* Uu »l atyl*?*, at «y i" »»» <m *■' Ilmac wl ro* put by itaona brat and a*'»oa. ml tluuaruf ad (hr ol I. ARRIVAL AND DK.PARTCKK OK TRAINS. lM.M" Mami cvmuiijr. Nagnwa. voeablu a ara *\ h WAkifi*. operal* eaiat, Ibfj laue.end aa II ibr ab f« It mu Patent ami Enamelled leather. och n \\vrs. i»ki rj*kn .We*/ rrtia, lk*u tuira. mod of lira al at air, raamaalong ruling >|k. through tin Ina nukb Perspiration. Thus as era 7Va*a /** f>Wco« ktAmrg. dMponaf fwfclx pmratn mcaury caw.I brut Ibr patient will feel and know the Kern! lb* Kern!—th* Imnm* hill Kern! II the_,ii,. ■ll that is noersaary when tin* bbs d ts stagnant, or m lo Os, Um *a *au. nr hav* nr ft a* lufvctrj. *" r-riir utihu-nitor invite* the ntion- «^KI \ *!-l*y IciVr* daily at A. M. op"aHoa tn ibr Maiaapanlta fnuo Us carmitvr our In** lough rcuprrtfiilly Ac._ pawns oprn the and it reiftavea ita.ll front all Thai gird* blue lake*from I-ough unii *rm« pons, impurity instantly Its ti«»a ot Man'ifccHirer* and la alem to hm rtli nun* a**w»tt A*r*ri<^'r«O.Y.coved I rawra ltl w»iu>1 f«*» Amro* at III P. M- Tha r. MUe. leer red Ibr of of a Kin#. TIIK daily recently by proprietors Him «>nti brat ami are sufficient, without one of w*v**on our like the v \n nn iM suvAmi vitality rartivk- modi Thai crags, plume meal of Patent I .either. I.i iun ited I.rather, lir oc *h iiwvta* aad / invaluable medicine. Witt be read with lalrfeel ell and cotwpimmg every .Wm*’ 7V»#e /*r C'Aer/«/ »r •</*, Jtr«aaf*a. yarkkar/. by aiunlarly ef fine, egcept to oren the the surface. Thus me am tho And Ilk* • nun, ovar clear well spring, pores u|M»n hernia. IiihI uvd hr I'artiof** and Harm iw-Mak* i*. Military an M ap Work, ■ d M. COMPOUND SYRUP OP WILD CHERRY, Sided of l.aaih bird'* freak neat OLAttL POTTY AND DTIPTUffA-KW I<rav«-a daily at A- ftdly taking so much internal remedies. All pracUiionrrv. bow Th- flirt** tall liae! the be and oilier malar .ala. «ur It a* l*a«li I .rather, Fmiu U Curtain Wll.liRK. f Haitiuoaa. June 10, IBfd. • palm Pvinth, A ll at III P. M. K gnat remedy for UoMMinptMiR.ruUa, Cough*. Spa ling nf Unit effort* to reatoia Urn Inaras*Us but Jrciu* the aweataat and hen. Affirm*dally 1^11 •draw* Uavne—Urate Mud PrrupwaUon. And III* touch Ih* red dear ami Top l.-ather, Hip. Skating. WeAmg. lit idle, Crain, Split*. Mam Su.dl 1 Iftnod Bivn« of Iti In tin* cbsailully do I add lo Ibr Burner or 18 II KARR. lull*. HirtWulty -uHung. Asthma. Pam tlarrmstohe aoial«*y» Ihr proper one. The Tfcoaeproaian, foe and dew to gem, Ran. Ilelt I .rat her Atc Cloth for Curtain*. lilnd Cuuh Oti* tert. Me .mala of yout hfr |ic»ee«vaurr I waist With lhe fie* wind* to fau H. drops Japanned bo Side and Brr*n, and all Ihseams ul thr Manapaftlla instance, at us in wnt blanket the and foe *al»* 50 ho«- enwr Pare lo It iiiimon*. N Whooping Cough. IV«m miiis, the llydropathisl shrouds a, with lie beaulilul slam; and Silk for Capa. In fact, hi* stock embrace* one of the in. ml <>»KKKR—Ju>l ircovrd. low, tacked IB tar year ItCPJ with a acrofuluu. arte, n .n .... what cau y* match Do W iu|,,ni^<»a. •' **0 Liver and l.unc», Broken I’oartituhoR. Re. uiy up|w ••"•iMulkn. urate jot intimtiwimate, the Albipathlsl bleeds and Oh, amortm* nta Rk> I’oiin «v I J ORA PR and Ion* Avonbui*. rt tensive in tire I’rutcd HUt *t and at price* a* lot* a* RIO The ahow ia the lip. rmdianlug upward Ukii.j bold of my note and Miroumlmg wmIi iM Krom the .brine .d Sami Kmbar. by Do I n thn* t«Si|r|, 4 «W original and only genuine preparation from this ieury, and the blustering Uuark gorges ua with oilier Maauiaciuier. JOHN Cll khVVlCK. perta. until the peaces ftn rnaveyiaa leais l>-m Urn to ibr ib^sas of Ponlura, with it* tower* by the m, any SI •,’•"» IK«K« piKdl.i: Do Oi.irfciUrf\ilk*. 5 »W valuable tree, and has won it* way to public fbeor by i«a ttaparal eyes pilte. pills, piil« To th* hall* »*' net, wInch Newark, New Jen*r>. lebd MiC(en in all diseases of the deain.yml, rauardan uarraaiag Sow .d lean. Il T" *•*■* »d-a »»f the hill of Knockthn to lb* rath of Moyvore, WOOLSKVSby CORDON k SKINKFK l*o Sluililt'n b tH) ruling Lung*. notwithstanding the smount of the Irornaibie IVrspiretnin. RVan Se |nc«l atm iff. curd a dtarh wr pi |f||B if Hie ar.iclnn who have no ot my <umr iig.- veiy uapb-aaeut. and will tale that ihr our Wand Do ? «•» many prepared by |«r*»na knowledge Irarnod I* l.«»« nhock. and tho prsat Horr |,iK# a It citric* green o’er. l.ywrhban teeth bcraari at kin- ihn il u»l chaplet. the science of medicine in or some mote ira •»> would bare bei ■ hold lid lisave, • < •named r.

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