The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus riiiii •III » inir'tiiiiii ir« THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS "^ =%it .-#"' \-., ••«» Club Communion ^ Breakfasts May 2 Ik Alumni Hall Tower APRIL, 1943 Vol. 21 No. 4 The Notre Dame Alumnus light on the mountain top, afraid of nothing and never "blacking out." Ali44fl4U llelUf40444. R44Ueti4t It's only when we're in the state of grace that we really live. And we ought iBY REV. JOHN P. LYNCH, C.S.C.: to fight, not just against dying, but to live more—and to win; and to win not just for our own puny selves but above ("Tile Alumni Religioxis Bulletin" is taking it, just holding on, and you never all for something outside, much bigger lieneeforth to be a regular feature of the win by just holding on. than ourselves—^for Some One. ALUMNUS, and in spirit, as well as in Rock had a lot of what is needed to name, it will be more than a little remi day in Catholics, when you come to think That theme is outlined in a story print niscent of the "Religious Bulletin" tliat of it. Remember once the game was go ed long ago in The Ave Maria, reprinted has been such a potent part of campus ing badly? Rock sent in a young player, in the Bulletin maybe while you were life for the past 20 years. Writer of reminding him, "I'm sending you in there here.