1. India belongs to which of the following categories according to natural vegetation and wildlife?

a) A country lacking in biodiversity cover b) One of the twelve mega biodiversity countries of the world c) The country with the greatest forest cover d) None of these

2. Which is not included in the group of non-flowering plants?

a) Orchids b) Algae c) Fungi d) None of these

3. Natural vegetation refers to ...... community.

a) Plant b) Animal c) Human Being d) None of these

4. Plants of a particular region or a period are termed as :

a) Vegetation b) Fauna c) Flora d) None of these

5. Which term is used for the original plant cover of an area which has grown naturally?

a) Garden b) Agriculture c) Virgin Vegetation d) Indigenous Species

6. Which of the following is not a relief feature?

a) Land b) Soil c) Water d) None Of These

7. Which of the following river does not forms the Northern Plains ?

a) The Indus b) The Ganga c) The Brahmaputra d) The Gandak

8. Forest is which type of resource?

a) Renewable resources b) Exhaustible resources c) Non-renewable resources d) None of these

9. What is the position of India in the world with regard to plant diversity?

a) First b) Tenth c) Twelfth d) None of these

10. Which term is used for virgin vegetation, which have come from outside India are termed as ….. .

a) Indigenous plants b) Endemic species c) Exotic Plants d) None of these

11. Which term is used for virgin vegetation which is purely Indian in origin?

a) Normal species b) Endemic species c) Exotic species d) None of these

12. Which type of vegetation is common in fertile, level lands?

a) Forests b) Cultivated crops c) Grasslands d) None of these

13. The sandy soil of the desert supports ......

a) Cactus And Thorny Bushes b) Conical Trees c) Forest d) None of these

14. Which of the following is the relief features of climatic factor ?

a) Temperature b) Photoperiod c) Precipitation d) All of the above

15. The yak, shaggy-horned wild ox and the Tibetan antelope are found in which one of the following regions? a) Tibet b) Uttarakhand c) Himachal Pradesh d) Ladakh

16. Which type of vegetation usually develops on undulating and rough terrains?

a. b. Grasslands and woodlands c. Cactus and thorny bushed d. None of these

17. Which type of vegetation grows in wet, marshy soil ?

a. Cactus b. Alpine vegetation c. Mangroves d. None of these

18. The are identified on the basis of ......

a. Plants b. Animals c. Human Beings d. None of the above

19. Which of the following vegetation of the year green all the year round ?

a. Tropical Deciduous Forest b. Tropical Evergreen Forest c. Mountane Forest d. Mangrove Forest

20. How do forests influences the climate of a place?

a. Modify local climate b. Control wind force and temperature c. Cause rainfall d. All the above

21. How do forests influences the climate of a place?

a. Modify local climate b. Control wind force and temperature c. Cause rainfall d. All the above

22. Which type of vegetation grows in areas with mean annual average temperature of above 24°C ?

a. Tropical b. Subtropical c. Temperate d. None of these


Q ANS. 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 c 6 c 7 d

8 a

9 b 10 c 11 b 12 b 13 a 14 d 15 d 16 b 17 c

18 a

19 b 20 c 21 c 22 a

CLASS: 9th




Q1. What is Virgin Vegetation ?

A1.Natural vegetation is termed as Virgin vegetation.

Q2. What are Exotic Plants ?

A2. The plant species which has been brought from any other country or region is called exotic vegetation plant.

Q3. What is flora ?

A3. The term flora is used to denote plants of a particular region or period.

Q4. What is fauna ?

A4. The term fauna is used to denote the species of animals ranging from an end to a huge animal.

Q5. What do you mean by biodiversity ?

A5. Different species of plants as well as animals in an area comprises its biodiversity.

Q6. What are the factors affecting biodiversity in India ?

A6. Factors affecting biodiversity in India are : 1. Relief - Land And Soil 2. Climate - Temperature, Photoperiod, Precipitation

Q7. What is ?

A7. A biome is a very large ecosystem with distinct type of vegetation and animal life.

Q8. Which vegetation type has the luxurious vegetation with broad and long trees ?

A8. Tropical evergreen forest

Q9. Which is the most widespread forests of India ?

A9. Tropical deciduous forest

Q10. On what basis the tropical deciduous forests are further divided ?

A10. The tropical deciduous forests are for the divided on the basis of availability of water.

Q11. The tropical deciduous forests are also known as ......

A11. The Monsoon Forests.

Q12. Write the divisions of the tropical deciduous forest ?

A12. Tropical deciduous forests are divided into two 1. Moist deciduous forest 2. Dry deciduous forest

Q13. Which type of vegetation does the thorn forests and scrubs consist ?

A13. The thorn forests and scrubs consist the natural vegetation of thorny trees and bushes.

Q14. Name some main plants species of the thorn and scrubs vegetation ?

A14. Acacias, palms, euphorbias and cacti.

Q15. Which forest vegetation is found in the areas with coastal influence ?

A15. Mangrove forest

Q16. Name the important trees of mangrove forest ?

A16. Palm coconut agar Sundari trees.

Q17. Which animal is most famous in the mangrove forest.

A17. Royal Bengal tiger

Q18. Which natural vegetation is the most predominant in India ?

A18. Tropical deciduous forest

Q19. Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna?

A19. It is because India has different types of soil and diverse relief & climate factors.

Q20. Name some medicinal plants ?

A20. Sarpagandha, Jamun, Babool, Neem, Tulsi, etc.





Q1. What do you mean by Natural Vegetation?

A1. Natural Vegetation refers to the plant community that grows without any help and has been left undisturbed from a long time period.

Q2. Describe briefly the relief factor that affect the biodiversity of India? A2. Relief : 1. Land and soil are the two factors of relief feature that influence the biodiversity of a place. 2. Soil indicates the fertility of land as well as a type of soil influences the other factors of the biodiversity. 3. The land indicates terrain and height of a place with its minimum minerals. 4. Natural vegetation directly or indirectly depends upon the type of land.

Q3. What are the factors affecting biodiversity in India ?

A3. Factors affecting biodiversity in India are : 3. Relief - Land And Soil 4. Climate - Temperature, Photoperiod, Precipitation

Q4. Define ecosystem in brief ?

A4. All plants and animals in an area are interdependent and interrelated to each other in their physical environment this is termed as ecosystem..

Q5. What are the different types of vegetation in India ?

A5. The different types of vegetation in India are : 1. Tropical evergreen forest 2. Tropical deciduous forest 3. Tropical thorn forest and scrubs 4. Montane forest 5. Mangrove forest 6.

Q6. What does photoperiod mean ?

A6. The variation in duration of sunlight at different places is due to the difference in latitude and altitude season and duration of the day, this phenomena is termed as photoperiod.

Q7. What is precipitation ?

A7. Precipitation is any liquid or frozen water that forms in the atmosphere and falls back to the Earth. It comes in many forms, like rain, sleet, and snow.

Q8. What Is a Renewable Resource?

A8. A renewable resource is one that can be used repeatedly and does not run out because it is naturally replaced. A renewable resource, essentially, has an endless supply such as solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal pressure.

Q9. In which area reason tropical evergreen forest situated ?

A9. Tropical evergreen forest are situated in the heavy rainfall areas of the Western ghat and island group of lakshadweep and Andaman and nicobar couple parts of Assam and tamil nadu coast.

Q10. Name some commercially important plant species of the moist deciduous forest ?

A10. Bamboos sal sheesham sandalwood hair kusum Arjun mulberry are some commercially important plant species in the moist deciduous forest.

Q11. In which area or region are the dry deciduous forest found.?

A11. The dry deciduousbforest are found : 1. In the areas having rainfall between 100cm and 70cm. 2. In the rainier parts of the peninsular plateau and the plains of bihar and uttar pradesh.

Q12. Where are the thorn and scrubs type forest located ?

A7. The thorn and scrubs type forest are located : 1. In the region with less than 70 cm of rainfall. 2. In the north western parts of Gujarat. 3. In the semi arid regions of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.

Q13. Name some common animal species in the thorn and scrubs vegetation ?

A13. Rats, mice, rabbits, fox, wolf, tiger, lion, wild ass, horses and camels.

Q14. Name the animals which are found in the montane forest region ?

A14. Kashmir stag spotted deer wild sheep jackrabbit Tibetan antelope yak snow leopard squirrels shaggy horned wild Bear red Panda sheep and goat with thick hairs.

Q15. Why are the mangrove forest known as tidal forest ?

A15. THE mangrove forest known as tidal forest Because the areas are influenced by the tidal waves.

Q16. For what reason are the Mangrove trees of great importance ?

A16. Mangrove trees are of great importance as they help in reducing soil erosion and also provide life to the aquatic species.

Q17. What are the threat to animals ?

A17. the threat to animals are : 1. Hunting by greedy Hunter for commercial purpose . 2. Reckless cutting of forest for cultivation inhabitation urbanization or industrialisation. 3. Pollution due to chemical and industrial waste. 4.

Q18. What is bio-reserve ? Give two examples.

A18. Protected area reserved for the conservation of endangered species of flora (plants) and fauna (animals) in their natural habitat. The sundarbans in West Bengal and the Nanda Devi in uttaranchal are two examples.

Q19. Why India has a rich heritage of flora and fauna ?

A19. India has a rich heritage of flora and fauna due to: 1. A country with rich diverse relief features. 2. Availability of different types of soil. 3. Variation in climatic condition.

Q20. Why is biodiversity necessary and why should it be conserved?

A20. The necessity of biodiversity is : 1. Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species, no matter how small, all have an important role to play. 2. Its conservation preserves the ecological diversity and life support systems - water, air and soil. 3. It also preserves the genetic diversity of plants and animals for better growth of species and breeding.




Q1. Write some facts about the biodiversity in India ?

A1. Some facts about the biodiversity in India are as follows : 1. India is one of the twelfth major mega biodiversity of the world. 2. India occupies tenth position in the world and 4th position in Asia in plant diversity. 3. There are 47000 plant species in India. 4. The total number of flowering plants are 15,000 accounts for 6% of the worlds plant species. 5. Non flowering plants includes algae, fungi, and ferms. 6. There are 90,000 species of animals, 1200 species of birds make 13% of world's species. 7. There are 2500 species of bird which is world's 12%. 8. Worlds 5% to 8% of amphibians reptiles and mammals are also found here in India. 9. India is the only country that has both lions and tigers. 10. Ghariyal a variety of crocodile is found only in India. 11. Wildlife protection act was passed in 1972 in India to protect the bio diversity.

Q2. How does the climate factor affects the biodiversity of India ?

A2. The climate factor comprises of temperature, photoperiod and precipitation : 1. Temperature - It determines the character and extent of the vegetation. For example - Temperate Forest , Tropical Forest, Coniferous, etc. all depend upon the temperature variation. 2. Photoperiod - It is the duration of sunlight that a plant receive. Due to longer duration of sunlight the plants grow faster during the summer season. 3. Precipitation - The amount of rainfall or precipitation is another factor that determine vegetation. Spine or short plants are found in low rainfall areas and dense forest are found in high rainfall areas.

Q3. How does the climate factor affects the biodiversity of India ?

A3. The climate factor comprises of temperature, photoperiod and precipitation : 1. Temperature determine the character in extent of the vegetation for example temperate forest tropical forest coniferous at sector all depend upon the temperature variation. 2. photo period it is the duration of sunlight that a plant receive due to longer duration of sunlight the plants grow faster during the summer season. 3. precipitation the amount of rainfall for recitation is an another factor that determine vegetation spine, short plant are found in low rainfall areas and dense forest are found in high rainfall areas.

Q4. Give the importance of vegetation or forest ?

A4. The importance of vegetation or forest : 1. Forest enhance the quality of environment. 2. forest modify the local climate control soil erosion and regulate the stream flow. 3. The forest also support a variety of industries. 4. The forest provide livelihood for many communities. 5. Forest control wind force and temperature that helps in causing rainfall. 6. Forest also provide humus to the soil and shelter to the wildlife.

Q5. Why are the southern slopes in Himalayan region covered with thick vegetation cover as compared to northern slopes of the same hills ?

A5. The growth of vegetation depends upon the amount sunlight and rainfall received. The southern slopes of the Himalaya receive more rain due to the south west monsoon winds which travel west along the southern slops. So the southern slopes are covered with thick vegetation as compared to the northern slopes.

Q6. Why are the western slopes of the Western Ghats covered with thick forests and not the Eastern slopes ?

A6. The western slope of western ghats being on the wind ward side receives heavy rainfall from the Arabian sea branch, so we there are thick forest in the western slope where as the eastern slope being in the lee ward side doesn't experiences heavy rainfall, so it doesn't have much forest cover.

Q7. How do human beings influence the ecology of a region ?

A7. Human beings influence the ecology of a region in the following ways: 1. They utilise the vegetation and wildlife. 2. They cut trees and kill animals, thereby creating an ecological imbalance. 3. As a result, some of the plants and animals have reached on the verge of extinction.

Q8. Describe the physical characteristics or features of the thorn and scrubs vegetation ?

A8. The physical characteristics or features of the thorn and scrubs vegetation : 1. The trees are scattered and have long roots penetrating deep into the soil to get moisture. 2. The stems are succulent to conserve water. 3. Leaves are thick and small to minimize evaporation. 4. These forest give way to thorn forest and scrubs in the area.

Q9. Describe the montane forest vegetation ?

A9. The montane forest vegetation : 1. This vegetation becomes different with change in height because the temperature decreases by 1 degree celsius for every 165m. 2. There are different systems of vegetation on the mountain which are known as vegetation alpine vegetation himalayan vegetation 3. These types of forests are found in the areas of height 1000m above the sea level. 4. Is Sal sandalwood and are the main trees with broad leaves in this vegetation.

Q10. According to the height how are the montane forest divided ?

A10. Division of montane forest : 1. Height between 1000m and 2000m - temperate forest life ok and chestnut are found here. 2. Height Between 2000m and 3000m - temperate coniferous trees like find the other silver fur are found here. 3. Height between 3000m and 3600m - coniferous forest dominate areas with grasslands. scattered patches of pine, silver fur, are found here. 4. Girls height between 3600 and 5000 m - Alpine forest with grassland and scattered variety of pine birches junipers are found here. 5. Height above 5000 m - only movies and legends could be found as the area remains covered with snow throughout the year.

Q11. List the government measures to protect flora and fauna of India ?

A11. the government measures to protect flora and fauna of India : 1. 18 biosphere reserve has been set up in the country to protect for flora and fauna. 2. financial and technical assistant has been provided to many botanical garden by the government. 3. Many eco development programs have also been introduced. 4. 103 national Park 535 wildlife centuries has been set up to take care of natural heritage.

Q12. Differentiate between dry and moist deciduous forest.

A12. Difference between dry deciduous forests and moist deciduous forests:-

Dry Deciduous Forests- 1. Dry deciduous forests are found throughout the northern part of the country, except in the north eastern part. It is also found in Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. 2. They are found in the areas where the rainfall is between 70 cm to 100 cm. 3. The dominant species of trees found in these forests are Teak, Sal, Peepal etc.

Moist Deciduous Forests- 1. Moist deciduous forests are found almost throughout the India except in the western and north western part of India. 2. These forests are found in the areas where the rainfall is between 100 cm to 200 cm. 3. The dominant species of trees in these forests are Shisham, Sal, Teak, Mango, Rosewood etc

Q13. Why do the tropical deciduous forest shed their leaves during the summer season ?

A13. Tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in summers because : 1. the climate becomes hot and the leaves automatically become dry and shed off. 2. Moreover they need to conserve water so that they can sustain in winters thus they shed their leaves.