Control System for Quarter Car Heavy Tracked Vehicle Active Electromagnetic Suspension
Control System for Quarter Car Heavy Tracked Vehicle Active Electromagnetic Suspension By: D. A. Weeks J.H.Beno D. A. Bresie A. Guenin 1997 SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Ml, Feb 24-27, 1997. PR- 223 Center for Electromechanics The University of Texas at Austin PRC, Mail Code R7000 Austin, TX 78712 (512) 471-4496 January 2, 1997 Control System for Single Wheel Station Heavy Tracked Vehicle Active Electromagnetic Suspension D. A. Weeks, J. H. Beno, D. A. Bresie, and A. M. Guenin The Center for Electromechanics The University of Texas at Austin PRC, Mail Code R7000 Austin TX 78712 (512) 471-4496 ABSTRACT necessary control forces. The original paper described details concerning system modeling and new active suspension con Researchers at The University of Texas Center for trol approaches (briefly summarized in Addendum A for read Electromechanics recently completed design, fabrication, and er convenience). This paper focuses on hardware and software preliminary testing of an Electromagnetic Active Suspension implementation, especially electronics, sensors, and signal pro System (EMASS). The EMASS program was sponsored by cessing, and on experimental results for a single wheel station the United States Army Tank Automotive and Armaments test-rig. Briefly, the single wheel test-rig (fig. 1) simulated a Command Center (TACOM) and the Defense Advanced single Ml Main Battle Tank roadwheel station at full scale, Research Projects Agency (DARPA). A full scale, single wheel using a 4,500 kg (5 ton) block of concrete for the sprung mass mockup of an M1 tank suspension was chosen for evaluating and actual M1 roadwheels and roadarm for unsprung mass.
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