© in This Web Service Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19367-2 - Mao Cult: Rhetoric and Ritual in China's Cultural Revolution Daniel Leese Index More information Index “acting as if,” 18, 199 Chongwen district, 136 activist congresses, 238 chuanlian to, 139–41 criticism of, 243–4 loyalty dance in, 228 language of, 183–5 and mass receptions, 88, 138, 256 organization of, 175–9, 187–8 May 1966 Politburo meeting, 122, activists, 18, 103, 219 124–6 within the PLA, 110, 112–13, 128, Municipal Secretariat, 137 152, 205, 227 Ninth Party Congress, 226 al-Assad, Hafez, 19, 260 October 1966 CCP leadership Albania, 75–8, 80 meeting, 143 Altar of Heaven, 139 Palace Museum, 7, 136 Anhui, 116, 239 revolution of cityscape, 134–5 Anti-Japanese Military and Political staging of The East Is Red, 3 University (Kangda), 96, 179 study classes, 172 Anti-Revisionist Writing Group, 79, Temple of Azure Clouds, 7 124, 255 Beijing Agricultural Institute Middle Anti-Rightist campaign, 63–6 School, 144 April 11th Combat Team (Guizhou), Beijing Aviation Institute, 161 165–9 Beijing Aviation Institute Red Flag, Austin, John, 182, 185 169, 198 Beijing Daily, 129 Babaoshan cemetery, 127 Beijing Exhibition Center, 145 badges, 149, 209, 213, 227 Beijing Forestry Institute, 144 prior to Cultural Revolution, 258 Beijing Garrison, 113, 131–2, production of, 214–16, 230 136, 169 as symbols of revolutionary activist congress, 176, 184 conviction, 190, 216, 223 arming the Left, 169 Baoding, 118 Beijing General Foodstuff Factory, 190 barefoot doctors, 192 Beijing General Knitting Mill, 196–201, Beijing, 165, 174, 193, 223, 245, 208, 219, 258 247, 251 Beijing General Reception Station, badge production in, 215 139–41 Central Military Commission Beijing Geological Institute, 137 meeting (1967), 155 Beijing Middle School No.
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