Program Abstracts A-7. and r=0.83,p=0.003 at 2 hr and 24 hr respectively; N=10),CK and IL-6(r=0.85, POSTER SESSION p=0.03 and r=0.64, p=0.05 at 2 and 24 hr, respectively), and LDH and WCC were correlated (r=0.67, p=0.010 at 24; N=7). All relationships disappeared by 72 hr. BIOLOGICAL; MEDICAL Based upon these findings; we conclude common stress markers following eccentric exercise are related to immune function. Future investigations are needed to determine 9:00 - 10:00AM whether immune stimulation is mechanism behind exercise-induced catabolism KERNS CHAPEL Board4 AMRICOMPARISONOFTHECAUDATENUCLEIVOLUMESIN DEPRESSED WOMEN AND NORMAL CONTROLS. Tiffany Frankhauser Board 1 HIGH DIETARY PROTEIN INTAKE INCREASESSERUMENZYME
[email protected] (Cathy L. Pederson,
[email protected]) ACTIVlTY FOLLOWING DAMAGING EXERCISE IN HUMANS. Amy L.Miracle, WittenbergUniversity,DeptofBiology,POBox720,SpringfieldOH45501.
[email protected]@kentedu(LormieM.LoweryBowery(5)kentedu) Recent evidence suggests that the caudate nucleus may play arole in depression as Dept of Nutrition, Rm. 100 Nixson Hall, Kent State University, Kent OH 44242. the destruction of the caudate nucleus leads to changes in behavior and problem Rodent data suggest that high protein intakes can significantly elevate serum creatine solving. Therefore, it is expected that a significant reduction will be observed in the kinase (CK) and aspartate transaminase (AST) concentrations following damaging volume of the caudate nuclei in depressed subjects when compared withnondepressed exercise. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effects of protein controls. Fifteen right-handed women ages 20 to 40 were categorized into two intake on exercise-induced muscle injury (serum enzyme activity) in humans.