Sue Bridehead, "The Woman of the Feminist Movement"
SEL, 18 (1978) ISSN 0039-3657 Sue Bridehead, "The Woman of the Feminist Movement" KA THLEEN BLAKE Curiously enough, I am more interested in the Sue story than in any I have written. Sue is a type of woman which has always had an attraction for me, but the difficulty of drawing the type has kept me from attempting it till now.' Hardy's fascination with Sue Bridehead has been shared by many readers, some of whom feel she takes over Jude the Obscure from Jude. She is complex to the point of being irresistible, mystifying, or for some exasperating. She seems to Yelver- ton Tyrell, writing in 1896, "an incurably morbid organism," and to Desmond Hawkins, more than half a century later, "just about the nastiest little bitch in English literature."2 Sue Bridehead will be more fascinating than frustrating to those who can find a thread that makes her windings worth following, and who can recognize in her mazes something more than the uniqueness of neurosis. Tyrell asks, "Why dwell on this fantastic greensickness?" Albert Guerard answers for the "minute responsibility" of Hardy's characterization, and Michael Steig argues her psychological coher- ence in clinical terms. Havelock Ellis and Robert Heilman carry the argument for our interest beyond the psychological consistency of what looks odd in Sue, to its representative importance.3 'Hardy's letter to Florence Henniker, Aug. 12, 1895, in One Rare Fair Woman, Tho- mas Hardy's Letters to Florence Henniker, 1893-1922, ed. Evelyn Hardy and F. B. Pion- ion (Coral Gables, Florida, 1972), p.
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