Gas Prices Peak?
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ying power Go back to baatcs ' Tabiadva of »lt pricing • a rwacaaU^tyudtr*Sfcmkas a responsibility id CM dooa't work without OK other.' itanoa added "We ki rw that supermarkets framed lor attractive impulse taytaj. Us a mi test ) gotkroafk there aid aar* all* aad hold It tight... edocaled coasumers aad fi watch the ad The best way to get rid of a product (that Is a DMI rate) Is to leave it oalbe shelf." The admtaistratka U urging people Is keep a dose watch oa> price tbeream at ti«)oc*U ami. Bat It is hard to aa (0 tell, Just by kwkiag, whether a boost (alls within the See Best weasea, page t The Daily Register VOL. 101 NO. 245 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, APRIL 9,1979 Gas prices peak? Expiation; fin rock drrailed train Schlesinger suggests it, but sees $1 gallon next year WASHINGTON (AP) -- vince a reluctant Congress ttoo lem we face in this countrcountryy . Carter has proposed taxing can." percenpercentt tataxx o onn to topp ooff existinexistingg Train derailment, The administration's chief enact such a lawlaw.. "It'ss going to be an uphill away 50 percenpercentt ooff ththee profitprofitss HHee saisaidd existinexistingg tataxx lawlawss taxetaxess woulwouldd leav leavee ververyy littllittlee t too energy executive said yester- Butt Jackson, wowho was inin-- fight," said the Washington oill companies would receivreceive wilwUll take more than the 5S0O encourage explorationexploration, day that gasoline prices may terviewed on NBC's "Meet Democrat, "but it's a fight from decontrol, and putting percent Carter hat proposed DiBona said on CBS' "Face have peaked for the year, but the Press," said be will fight that should be fought." the funds in a special account for the windfall tax. A 50 the Nation." toxic smoke send he agreed with a prediction by to retain the present system of Jackson complained that to develop mass transit and the chairman of the Senate regulation on oil prices for at Carter's windfall profts tax aid the poor. Energy Committee that prices least two more years "in light proposal is virtually certain to The energy committee would near ior exceed II a of world conditions (in the be rewritten so the money is chairman also disputed claims Killed with a bedpost 5,000 to shelters gallon next year. Persian Gulf area) and in light tunneled back to the oil com- that decontrol would result in CRESTVIEW, Fla. lAI'i - Toilc smoke from the Energy Secretary James of the terrible inflation prob- panies. increased production of U.S. derailment of a train laden with deadly chemicals drove up Schlesinger. in an interview on oil, saying new sources al- ABC's "Issues and Answers," ready can be sold at world Believe Marlboro to 5,000 people to emergency shelters as officials said that because of President market prices, so the principal monitored winds that could force thousands more to flee Carter s decision to decontrol effect will be on existing sup- their homes oil prices gradually over the plies already developed. patient murdered "OB a Kile of one to 10, this accident rates pretty high next IB months, I think that Wayne on Ike scale" of environmental danger, said George Moein. He said that could push MARLBORO - A patient at Marlboro Psychiatric you have seen the worst of the prices for domestic oil from Hospital was the victim of an apparent bizarre murder chief of the federal Environmental Protection Agency's increases in i gasoline i prices hazardous spill section in Atlanta older wells from the con- yesterday, the county prosecutor reported. for this year. trolled level of about |6 per County Prosecutor Alexander D. Lehrer said that He uid the tank cars on the 118-car Louisville & to star barrel to the world market Nashville Railroad train contained anhydrous ammonia. • Nexi year is another mat- Martin Collins, V, ol Woodbridfe, was found dead In his price, possibly as high as IK hospital collage at 11.10 am yesterday Collins was found sulfur, acetone, phenol, methanol. carbolic acid and liquid ter, he continued "As Sen. I Henry i Jackson Indicated, by to 120 per barrel. lying face ap on the floor partially under Us bed. The left chlorine. the end of 1961, consumer foot post ol Uw bed was crushed down on Us neck. About 8 cars toppled off the track Sunday morning again "That to me is uncons- prices for gasoline could be 15 The Incident occurred on the second floor of cottage 11 after clearing a wood and steel trestle spanning the Yellow cionable," he said. to 20 cents higher ' — or II a HOLLYWOOD (AP) - However, the president of at the hospital, Mr. Lehrer said. The cottage Is not asecure River la a wooded, swampy area of the Klohda Panhandle gallon for most types of The Oscar nominees hoping the American Petroleum In- saMaautJsdBttiWU are allowed to mow around at will. accessible only from the air and river. gasoline to be in the floodlight! at the stitute pledged yesterday that Mr Lehrer salAthat Collins liked to walk around and One car, loaded with deadly carbolic acid, was hanging He said the phased decon- Los Angeles Music Cento- increased revenues from de- left to taapial He lad Mat been seen alive at about 10:30 offOebridge trol of domestic oil prices tonight during the Slat control will be funneled back am, about 40 minutes before Uw discovery of Ms body Most of the emergency crews left the site Sunday night would proceed whether or not Academy Awards are likely into the search for new sup- damns bad been a patient at the hospital of f and-on for "We're hoping the tone gases will dissipate by morning." Carter got his proposed wind- to be upstaged — not by each plies. Uw past five years, the prosecutor said. said Fire Chief Bob Barrow of nearby Eglin Air Korce fall profits tax. but he thought other but by 71-year-old John "The removal of these con- The body was to remain at the psychiatric hospital Base public pressure would con- Wayne. trols will absolutely guarantee morgue until today because there has been such a rash of Okaloosa County Civil Defense Director Ted Nichols The Academy Award- development of oil in this violent or suspicious deaths in the county over the past few estimated that 4,500 to 5,000 people had left homes or winner for "True Grit" 10 country," said API President days that there Is no room at the morgue at Freehold Area campsites in the 80-square-mile evacuation area, which years ago was scheduled to Hospital JehaWayse Charles DiBona. "We'll put Included several villages and about half of Blackwater Pope rules appear at the end ol the tele- not only any increase back in, An autopsy was scheduled to be performed at Freehold River Stale forest cast to announce the best but we'll borrow money to in- today by Dr. Stanley M, Becker, county medical examiner. Officials said late Sunday that they did not eipect picture of 1971. "The Deer Hunter" and crease further production in "Heaven Can Wait," both The Investigation Into the suspicious death is being additional evacuations, but left 7,000 Crestview residents celibacy's Wayne, whose history fh the United States." conducted by Chief Robert KeiderUng of the Marlboro with nine nominations, were on alert as a precaution in case the wind shif ted Hollywood predates the Mo- DiBona also indicated the Hospital security staff; Detective Robert Zupko of toe No serious injuries were reported Authorities said a tion Picture Academy, will generally considered favor- New Jersey State Police, Colts Neck Barracks; Sgt. James mandatory ites for best picture, with oil industry will mount a ma- fisherman who inhaled some of the fumes was hospitalized be making his first public jor lobbying campaign against Fish of the state police; Detective Michael Langen of the for observation VATICAN CITY (AP) - appearance since his cancer "Coming Home" — with Carter's tax proposal. major crimes unit of the state police, and Detective surgery three months ago. eight nominations — also a The Federal Railroad Administration in February de- Pope John Paul II upheld man- "We do not agree that ad- Thomas Byrne of the stale police. scribed the UN, a subsidiary of Seaboard Coast Line datory celibacy for Roman The sho i itself could possibility "An Unmarried Woman" and "Midnight ditional taxes are necessary," They are being assisted by Investigator Frank Lovekin Railroad, as having "the worst record of any railroad of Catholic priests today and said compensate for a year when DiBona said. "We will state of the county prosecutor's office. the country" in handling hazardous materials Sixteen the priesthood cannot be re- the Academy's voters were Express" were also nomi- our case as clearly as we people died last year when an IAN train derailed in nounced because of the dif- not overwhelmed by ex- nated for the year's best Waverly, Tenn ficulties and sacrifices asked cellence of competition. film. The wreck came just two days after the FRA lifted a In a strong reaffirmation of Producer Jack Haley Jr. has If "Heaven Can Wait" JO-mph speed limit on the section of track near Crestview the 1,500-year-old ban on mar- rounded up a cast more score! a sweep, Warren "We know the train was moving at 30 mph in a 35 mph riage for priests, the pontiff stellar than last year's Beatty could be the first per- Custodian, school board speed tone," said Charles Castner, a spokesman for L4N sard his church commits itself golden anniversary.