Notre Dame Scholastic Football Review
· L 'oN t!WJ9d 1meipul '9wea 9J tON a I 'f d 38'v'.LSOd 's'n '8l::10 .L1:!Ol::ld-NON NO RISK GUARANTEE' . ./ STRICTLY ~A LIMITED ~DITION . '.~ . scholastic YOU NEED SEND· NO MONEYI .. Vol. 119, No.7, January 27, 1978 o o Notre Dame, Indiana o JIM JONSON Where Is: o internationally.acclaimed artist recreates FEATURES the exciting COTTON BOWL, VICTORY in 3 ' Pittsburgh . Ray' O'Brien a Ii'mited edition;' ~ull color, hand-signed 5 .Mississippi Paul Stevenson .6.; Purdue John Stenson . original 20" by 32" iithograph. at the 100 Center Complex . 7 Michigan State John Vincent in Mishawaka, Indiana Jonson's works have been' described 7""::"";;=:;:1., '; . 8-' Army Ted Robinson by Sports Illustrated as "EMOTION IN MOTION" ,': 10 Southern California Ray O'Brien Phone (219) 255-8661 :·'12 Navy .' Mike Towle Reserve your full color, personai record of 13 . Clemson Paul Stevenson What Is: ,14 Georgia Tech a great moment in Sports History either by: John Viricent 11te ''.16 " Air; Force Tom' Everman (1) writing to Highland Galleries,: Inc., 117"Miami Mark Ronsini [ill ~ @ @[}{] [g [g ~ [g P.O. Box 22267, Dallas, Texas'75222 or .20.: . Cotton· Bowl Ray O'Brien .', 22 Season Statistics *IMPORTED CHEESES .(2) Enter your reservation immediately by , ,~) ,.23 From:the End Zone *SPECIALTY FOOD ITEMS John O'Connor calling area code (915). 682~9962. · 24" Red Pads and Short Socks Mike Towle; *GOURMET FOOD ITEMS ; 26 Athletic Airwaves Ted Robirisoif We will b,iII you ,the pre-publication , i 28 . Parting Players John Vincent price of $450 in advance of shipment CREDITS (good through March 15)- Cover: Tom Everman.
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