Senate Set Has Directed Pentagon Censors U.S
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MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1971 PAGE TWBNry-POUR Average Daily Net P r ^ Ron iRmtrt|f»Bt^ir lEttming If^niUi For ilM WMk Ended Council, Degree of Navy Seaman A pi^n. Rich- E n e r g y FrCMBl CMl May M, lA l The «ec<^ in a «H es 0* three Manchester Chapter, H>e Senior Citlsen Center trip 'X " ^ .llT e d ° " M Pocahontas. will meet tonight aard G. Sweet, urwnwmN—Oil in its various QPunnsnQA mAW rMheArM to- to the Gatheral of the Pines to- of North uniiea Meuioaist a i.vauuikvcw.7 -80 at the KnlghU of Mrs. George A. Sweet of H O U STO N -^, m w v ^ drug informaUon eemlnara spcm- __ __ busses. Church wiU meet tonight at 7 at HanrljTfitpr luTnitm BpraUi About Town Center St., has been deployed to forms, supplies one-fourth of 15,550 sored by PANDA will be held ^ ^ h . r e ^ T ^ Z t n . “ L s to = d at the c h u r c h e d the c«m cl. Pythias Hall. the Western Pacific aboard the ^ g i^uatrial energy, nearly Manche$ter— A City of Village Charm Bfferobers of Manchester Elm*I tomorrowtomorru'w attu 8o InIll theUW base-LRUK3- openOpen to men wishing to sing should be at the Center by 9 m l^ tries will meet at John MathcMather Chapter, Order attack a lr c r ^ half the household and commer- 2 “ tor^ -n So^ ^ er^ "*®“‘ Emanuel Lutheran four-part harm^y. a.m. tomorrow. ‘*'® church. ___ ^ DeMolay, wUl1 meet tonight Midway for duty with the U.S. j,eatlng needs, and vlrtuaUy Seventh fleet. VOL. LXXXX, NO. 223 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1971 » m e , 286 Wethersfield Ave., Cajurch, 64 Church St. These _i _ The worship and music com- at 7:30 at the Masonic Temple all the energy employed in Manchester Lodge of Masons Manchester Ita lia n ^ e r ic a n Kmaiiuel Lutheran The Second degree wlU be «m- Hartford, to pay re sp e^ to the seminars are open to anyone The VPW Auxiliary will meet m ovi^ *^tlceiro w T h Z Z L Z Z .V t tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. clabnub wUlwill meet tonight at 8 ata t ^ _____ ^ nmet___ , totoght atot rnrr«H.ferred, and the term report will The VPW A ^ u a r r wu. — ’ “- ^ i r t b u t e . *»me 44 per late Mrs. g h te r ^ r s ~Ooncetta * ^ ” ®*®** *" teaming s ^ t Masonic Temple. A ^ r a the a u b « i Eldridge St. There ^ church recepUon be read. Refreshments will be tomomow at 7.30 p.m. energy aupply. adioBe daughter, “ ta a i n ^ b e f r f toe ^ business meeting, strawberry ,^11 be an execuUve board ** served. H®”*®- . I^ ^ bran d , is a • » combat- _ •__ A. A.a_the ^ ---------problem,«~e-------- shortcake Mvlllwill Wsabe served.nitnirnfe meeting at ^_7. * __ ____ ■ Earnings in May Attorney General MAnchester WATES will meet tomorrow at toe Itallan- Amertcan Club. Weighing in Will Seek Ban wlU be from 7 to 8 p.m., and starts tomorroi\. Increased Despite guests are welcome. Mrs. Wil liam Krar will demonstrate all D&L stores flower arranging. Living Cost Hike On Globe Series Temple Chapter, OEIS, will •* By ‘THE ASSOCIATED PRESS have its regular degree meeting WASHINGTON (AP) — The purchasing power of Atty. Gen. John N. Mitchell said today he will seek Wednesday at 8 p.m. at toe some 45 million rank and file workers rose in May de a court order to halt the Boston Globe from publish Masonic Temple. The Initiatory spite the year’s biggest jump in living costs, the gov degree will ^ be conferred. Mrs. ing more secret Pentagon papers. Meanwhile, Defense Jcunties Nichols will be toe host- ernment reported today. ---------------------- '----------------- Secretary Melvin R. Laird directed the Pentagon to eee for toe evening. The report, from toe Bureau increase of two cents an hour in declassify as much of the contents of the papers as it o f Labor StatlsUcs, said that the average earnings and a slight average worker’s pay check increase In the length of the av- feels is possible. Manchester Commimlty Play Federal appellate courts in by the ’Times and Post before ers will have open casUng for rose $1.41 to $126.46 per week erage work week, last month, up $7.06 or six per iTie government reported Washington and New York are tbe government obtained re its summer production today considering whelther to continue training orders, and tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at cent from a year ago. Monday that living' costs rose 2 orders that have halted publica- nistrict Court judges in its workshop on the second "After adjustment for price five-tenths of one per cent In tlon of the documents in the both New York and Washington floor of toe Print Mart Build increases, gross weekly earning May, largest increase since an New York ’Dmes and WartUng- rejected toe government’s claim ing, 486 E. Middle Tpke. were six-tenths of one per cent equal jump last December, and ton Post. that further revelations would (97 cents) above the April level were 4.4 per cent above a year In Boston, toe Globe rejected compromise mUltary plans and Memorial Temple, Pythian and 1.6' per cent above May, earlier. a government request to stop ^^uld irreparably damage toe Sisters, will have its final meet 1970," toe report said. Eau-ller today, AiFL-CIO Presi- the prlritlng voluntarily. nation ing of toe season tomorrow at It also said It was toe fifth George Meany said that 8 p.m. in Odd Fellows Ksdl. The Globe ^ d "total f^ e r ^ The 'Ju stice Department ap- straight mcmto that workers’ costs and unemployment Members are reminded to . purchasing power was'higher still rising despite "blue- ^top“ ?to serifs ^ c h “K ^ bring fruit for toe fruit walk. Super Dress Sale! stop its Miies wmen o e g M ^ courts, which continued tempo- 9 Refrediments will be served by than year ago levels,.,^although •’•’’d” predictions of toe Nixon day. Editor Thomas Winshlp restraining orders nmidtae the May figure was still nearly administration that the econo- said MltcheU had requested In a ^nomg Mrs. Walter Potyra, Mrs. Irene telephone call th a r publtoaUon hearings by full appellate pan- Vlncek and Mrs. John Keegan. two per cent under toe record ”’5’^ *® recovering, a t of the article cease. ®‘^ _ ^ , high September 1068. ‘"^® Nixon administration “He asked if we Intended to ^ Baltimore Sun reported over 250 dresses in ea ch The report said toe rise in 'respond and do something go ahead,’’ Winshlp said, "I told p earnings in May was due to an (Bee Page Eight) him that we did." Winshlp said Mitchell "said D&L store repriced to save most respectfully that they GRADUAHON would bring -injunction proceed ings" against the Globe. RFK Advised you real money now! Laird said in Washington he WATCHES Colonel has directed Pentagon censors Senate Set to declaasify as much of the re U.S. Pullout: ItOM Key figures in the Boston Globe story on Viet Namara and Adm. Harry Felt. They are shown in port as possible where security Testifies In For Vote On study are, left to right, Gen. Taylor, Robert Mc March 1964 photograph in Honolulu. (AP Photo) permits and estimated it would Adams Jewelers take 90 days. McCloskey Laird said the declassification By JIM ADAMS l l ’ * t o 1 9 Medina Case Pullout Date would not affect possible crimi Boston Globe Says: nal prosecution of those re<q>on- AaaoclEtted Preae Writer FT. M(d>HE>RfiON, Ga. (AP) WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi slble for making the papers — A judge advocate denied to dent Nixon Is Insistent on con WASHINGTON (AP) — Rep. values to $50 available to the press. day that toe Army decided not tinuing the draft. Sen. Mike Paul N. McCloskey Jr. says se ’The Globe’s story said the se cret papers show Robert F. to have <3apt. Ernest L. Medina Gravel, D-Alaska, charg'ed cret papers told of a high-level today, l>ecause "He wants to Kennedy suggested during a testily In an earlier My Lai trial U.S. Officer Sought Power meeting In 1964 at which a top keep open the option of moving State Department-PentEigon so that U could prosecute the U.S. officer demanded that com • all types of dresses; casuals, dressy and after captain. to the defense of South Vietnam, clEish on overthrowing Ngo Dinh manders be given freedom to Diem in 1963 that America pull INE noon styles including a huge selection of pant- “I don’t believe there was any Cambodia or Laos if it should appear any of these govern use tactical nuclear weapons in out of Vietnam. •AQUTRON Intentlmial dlscusslcm at ,thls Vietnam. dresses in the group ments might topple in 1972." To Use Nuclear Arms in Viet In toe end, the CiEtiifomia point,’; Col. Wilson Freeman The Boston paper said Its re RepublicEui said Monday, the •CARAVELLE testified at a pretrial hearing Gravel and Sen. Alan Ch-ana- taining a congressional resolu ton, D-Callf., predicted that be BOSTON (AP) — The Boston many of the classified Pentagon port was taken from the same United States "encouraged Euid »TIMEX for Medina, charged with mur Globe printed today what It said papers, some already published tion prior to wide U.S. action. 47-volume Pentagon study used authorized" the military coup in • cool summer fabrics; Dacron knits, polyester dering 102 villagers at My Lai.