FLM130 : Criticism, Analysis, Theory | Falmouth University
09/25/21 FLM130 : Criticism, Analysis, Theory | Falmouth University FLM130 : Criticism, Analysis, Theory View Online [1] Malick, Terrence, Sheen, Martin, and Spacek, Sissy, ‘Badlands.’ Warner DVD. [2] Corrigan, Timothy, ‘Writing about the movies’, in A short guide to writing about film, 8th ed., [International ed.]., Boston, [Mass.]: Pearson, 2012, pp. 1–17. [3] J. Bignall, ‘From detail to meaning; “Badlands” (Terence Malick, 1973) and cinematic articulation [IN] Style and meaning: studies in the detailed analysis of film’, in Style and meaning: studies in the detailed analysis of film, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2005, pp. 42–52. [4] R. Ebert, ‘Badlands Movie Review & Film Summary (1973).’ [Online]. Available: http://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/badlands-1973 [5] P. J. Fourie, Ed., Media studies: Volume 3: Media content and audiences. Cape Town: Juta, 2012. [6] Sirk, Douglas, Turner, Lana, and Gavin, John, ‘Imitation of Life.’ Universal DVD. 1/16 09/25/21 FLM130 : Criticism, Analysis, Theory | Falmouth University [7] Dix, Andrew, ‘Seeing Fim: Mise en scene analysis’, in Beginning film studies, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2008, pp. 9–39. [8] Gibbs, ‘Case study: “Imitation of Life” [IN] Mise-en-scene: film style and interpretation’, in Mise-en-scene: film style and interpretation, vol. Short cuts, London: Wallflower, 2001, pp. 83–96. [9] Bordwell, David and Thompson, Kristin, ‘The shot: mise-en-scene’, in Film art: an introduction, 10th ed., McGraw-Hill international ed., New York: McGraw-Hill, 2013, pp. 112–159. [10] Ford, John, Wayne, John, and Trevor, Claire, ‘Stagecoach.’ BBC2, 2005. [11] Roberts, Graham and Wallis, Heather, ‘The development of narrative’, in Introducing film, London: Arnold, 2001, pp.
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