Historic Records
HISTORIC RECORDS Ol'TBB FIRST IRA BARRIS GU ARD: O:aaAlllZAfl0N, JllABcam, RA.ms, Scotrre, EN&A.&BllBNTI .um GDJDUL SDVIOBI I DVlUN& TJIII lbmBLUOl{ 0.., 1881-1865, 'WITH OBSERVATIONS OF THE AUTHOR BY THE WAY, GlVINQ Skelc~e• of l~.e 2lmiea of t~.e l)otomat anb of t~c 9~.enanboa~. INTERESTING ACCOUNTS OF PRISON LIFE A.Do:. !rlDI SECRET SERVICE. Complete Lists ot- its om.cers and Ken. BY REv. LOUIS N. BOUDRYE, OJUP.UDr o::. !rlDI D&DDlllT. tLLUSTBATBD WITH STEEL PORTBAITS AND WOOD CUTS. T.BIBD BDm01'1 DLAB&llD, ALBANY, N. Y.: J. MUNSELL, 82 STATE STREET. 1868. Entered According to Act or Congress in the Year 1865. b;y LoUIB N. BoUDBYll, In the Clerk's om.ce of the District Court or the United States 1'or the Northern District of New York. a'. XONSBLL, l"BDl'l:BB. TO THJJJ BB.AV.EC BOYS OF TH1ff OLD FIFTH, who ha'D8 so oft,e,n durplaye4 UMUrpaBBea Paflriotiam, Furtifluil6 a'llil, Valor m fM 'lrging' 'Diciuitu<la of MiUta!rg Life,· and wluJ, on ,o mam,g '/iwodg F'UJ14JI of Batas, M1D6 M'l'fllcall,g "1'- Mm fke EJt,an,,ry Ban'IU'II', fllnil MlD8 mndi«rted its ootlwritg m t1,,s yres encs of i't, 6'Mlll,ie,, 0/1'6 flte# His- torio Becortls of fMvr NO- BLl!J DEEDS· DEDIO.ATED by tkffle CILAPL.AIN. HBAD QuARTE:as, Fifth N. Y. CavalTy,} Near Staunton, Va., June 6th, 1866. RBv. Loms N. Bou»RYB, Chaplain, Fifth N.
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