The American Legion Magazine [Volume 48, No. 5 (May 1950)]

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The American Legion Magazine [Volume 48, No. 5 (May 1950)] WHAT YOU HAVEN'T BEEN TOLD ( ABOUT CHINA I By Judith and Arthur Burling ' Feudin' 1950 Style By Will Bernard / U lit - - or" I HEMS* - ^ 5 X ** * i cro M*M i #' ' 3 v CrQ HP j r ... TUNE IN! Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Colman, "The Halls of Ivy," Friday nights on NBC © 1950, JOS. SCHLITZ BREWING CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. — MEMORIAL DAY OFFICIAL POST CAPS Deluxe Style No. 1 lettering (left)- Post numerals on the right band side, and state name in full ori tin: led. beneath the emblem. Made will) extra line duality lining, and wide genuine MASSACHUSETTS leather sweat band. I'riee $:t.or. Stylo No. 1 Lettering Standard Style No. I letter ing—Same as deluxe quality excepi furnished withoul lining, and less expensive sweat band. I'riee $2.76 Street and Home Flag Sets Two weeks required for delivery. Ko C.O.D. orders. Specify size. The proper display of (he American Flag on legal holidays and other appropriate occasions Deluxe — Style No. 2 lettering (right) — Post numerals on the is a distinct contribution to Americanism, and right hand side, and the town ;i lint; .should be displayed by every Legionnaire. name in full with state abbrevi- attractive nag sets are available in sev- ated on the left beneath the em- eral different combinations. blem. Made with extra fine APPLETDN.WtS. quality lining and genuine leather WINDOW SETS sweat band. I'riee $3,95 Style No. 2 Lettering Stylo A (illustrated above). 2J-6' x 4' rayon taffeta Standard - Style No. 2 lettering S u... as deluxe except furnished with- flag, <i' x I" white enamelled pole decorated with gilt out lining, and less expensive sweat band Price $3.66 ball at top. Packed in substantial shipping-storage Two weeks required for delivery. No C.O.D. orders. Specify size. container providing safe and convenient storage. Price $7-20 Stylo B—Same as Style A except the flag is all wool OFFICIAL SHIRTS bunting with sewed stars and sewed stripes. $6.00 AND TIES LAWN SETS Stylo No. 1 2\Z' x \' rayon taffeta U. S. flag, two- pieee 10' white enamelled pole and special lawn socket. Furnished with shipping-storage container same Style A set. Price $9.15 Stylo No. 2 Same as set No. 1 except flag is all wool bunting with sewed stars and sewed stripes, l' $7.95 STREET SETS Style BB (illustrated right) 3' x 5' fast color, re- liance brand U. S. flag with dyed stripes and dyed stars, two piece wooden pole 12' x 1/^", equipped with ball at top, halyard, and 8" cast iron sidewalk holder with non-rusting screw cap. Price $5.45 Stylo B Same as Stylo BB except furnished with defiance brand (II. S. Government quality) cotton II. S. flag with dyed stripes and dyed stars. $7.05 Stylo MM —Same as Style BB except furnished with jointed two-piece Columbia polished steel pole, No. 2 Blue No. 1 White 12' x eagle, halyard, and sidewalk holder with non-rusting screw cap. Price $5.95 Made of finest materials, cut full to assure perfect fit and maximum com- fort. Thoroughly pro-shrunk and guaranteed absolutely fast to washing, Stylo M— Same as Style B except furnished with sun and perspiration. Available in sizes from 13J^ up to and including 18, jointed two-piece Columbia polished steel pole, and in all standard sleeve lengths. Specify neck and sleeve sizes when 12' x eagle, halyard., and sidewalk holder with ordering. Prices: No. 2 (Blue) $5.10, No. 1 (White) $4.H5 non-rusting screw cap. Price $7.50 V Ties — Available in Legion blue or gold. Specify color desired. Price. 90c F.O.B. New York City. Two weeks required for delivery. ""•V- AID LEGION PROGRAMS NATIONAL EMBLEM SALES, THE AMERICAN LEGION BOX 1055, INDIANAPOLIS 6, INDIANA Buy from National Emblem Sales Please rush for Memorial Day. [H Check here for Emblem Catalog. Remittance for $ enclosed. The 1950 combined American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary Emblem catalog includes a com- plete line of Flags and banners, grave markers, wreaths, and many other items which Legionnaires, Name Street Auxiliaries, Posts and Units will require in fittingly City State observing Memorial Day. Write for a copy. It's free. Serial No. of 1950 Membership Card is COPYRIGHT 1950 BY THE AMERICAN LEGIUN. INDIANAPOLIS 6. INDIANA . Vitalis VOL. 48, NO. S LIVE-ACTION* CARE LEGION Contents for May 1950 It's a rare American who won't recognize the scene on this WHAT YOU HAVEN'T BEEN TOLD ABOUT CHINA month's cover. It's the first long holiday BY JUDITH & ARTHUR HART BURLING 9 week-end and mom More reasons for not recognizing the red regime has talked dad into in China getting the car out and taking the family FEUDIN' 1950 STYLE on a trip. Al Muen- WILL chen has painted them BY BERNARD 12 It's pretty hard to love some neighbors FEEL the difference in your scalp! What a at a roadside souvenir stand where they've wonderful wake-up glow — when you use stopped to pick up AMERICANS AGAINST COMMUNISM Vitalis "Live-Action" care. That's Vitalis and some mementos to add BY VICTOR LASKY to those they have of 14 the "60-Second Workout!" 50 seconds' mas- past outings and vaca- A united front is being formed here against the sage with active Vitalis (1) stimulates scalp tions. We can't tell Stalinists you exactly where this prevents dryness routs flaky dandruff (2) (3) scene is located, be- MURDER AT CIRCLE LAKE (fiction) (4) helps check excessive falling hair. Then cause as Al told us, BY WALTER R. HECOX 16 "It's anywhere in the seconds you're all set! 10 to comb and U.S.A." A hunter goes after a fisherman LEGION BASEBALL'S STORYBOOK CHAMPS POSTMASTER: Pleas* BY AL STUMP 18 send copies returned you What it takes to be the best Junior ball team in the under labels Form 3579 country to Post Office Box 1055, Indianapolis 6, SO YOU'VE GOT AN IDEA HANDSOMER Indiana. HAIR BY JOSEPH C. KEELEY 20 If you have an urge to invent you'd better study this The American Legion SOMETHING TO REMEMBER Magazine is the official publication of The Ameri- BY GEORGE N. CRAIG 22 can Legion and is owned The National Commander reminds veterans of a exclusively by The Ameri- lesson learned in can Legion. Copyrighl combat 1950. Published monthly at 1100 W. Broadway, AT ED BUTTERS' HOME THE BUFFALO ROAM... Louisville, Ky. Acceptance BY VIC KAYFETZ 24 for mailing at special rate Ed's herds are wild, woolly and profitable of postage provided for in Section 1 Act of Oct. 103, IN HALLOWED 3, 1917, authorized Jan. REST ABROAD 5, 1925. Price single copy, BY RICHARD SEELYE JONES 26 15 cents; yearly subscrip- Overseas they are now at rest tion, $1.50. Entered at second class motter June DON'T YOU KNOW THERE WAS A WAR? 30, 1 948, at the Post Office at Louisville, Ky., BYW. F. MIKSCH 28 under the Act of March You want service, Mac? You got a hole in your head? 3, 1879. EXECUTIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Indianapolis 6, Indiana WOWe . 29-44 EDITORIAL AND An analysis of the Hoover Commission Report SEE the difference in your hair! How much ADVERTISING neater, handsomer your hair is—set to stay One Park Avenue Features that way all day! Natural-looking never New York 16, N. Y. — PRODUCTS PARADE ... 4 NEWSLETTER 45 contains greasy liq- "slicked down." Vitalis no WESTERN OFFICE THE EDITOR'S CORNER. 6 VETS WITH IDEAS 49 uid petrolatum—just pure, natural vegetable 333 North Michigan Avenue SOUND OFF! 8 LIFE IN THE OPEN 66 oil. For a scalp that feels its best and hair Chicago 1, Illinois PARTING SHOTS 72 that looks its best, get "Live-Action" Vitalis at any drug counter or at your barber shop. Please notify the James F. O'Neil, Man- Earl L. Meyer, Alliance, Paul, Minn.; Horold A. Circulation Depart- chester, New Hampshire, Neb.; Charles E. Booth, Shindler, Newburgh, ment, Publications Chairman of the tegion Huntington, W. Va.; A. Ind.; Emmett Safay, of Publications Commis- C. Jackson, Lubbock, two Division, P. O. Box Jacksonville, Flo .; Clo- prescribe Emmett, Slepin, J" 1055, Indianapolis, sion; Dan W. Texas; Max vis Copeland, Little Ventura, California and Philadelphia, Pa.; Ro- Indiana, if you have Rock, Ark.; Paul B. W. Hager, land Cocreham, Baton changed your ad- Lawrence Dogue, Downington, Owensboro, Kentucky, Rouge, La.; George D. dress, using notice Josephus Daniels, Vice-Chairmen. Members Baron, Bethany, Conn.; Pa.; dryness- form 22S which you Jr., Raleigh, N. C; D. prevents of the Commission: J. Lang Armstrong, Spo- may Ohio; secure from Russell Larcombe, Malta, kane, Wash.; Earl Hitch- L. Sears, Toledo, your Postmaster. Be Montana; Dr. Charles cock, Glens Falls, N. Y.; George D. Levy, Sum- sure to cut off the R. Logan, Keokuk, Iowa; Edgar G. Vaughan, St. ter, S. C. address label on your Magazine and Director of Publications Managing Editor Advertising Director James F. Barton Fred L. Maguire paste it in the space Boyd B. Stutler Indianapolis, Ind. Eastern Adv. Mgr. A PRODUCT OP provided. Always rt Editor An't to Director A vmuis BRISTOL-MYERS give your 19 5 0 William M. DeVitallf Frank Lisiecki Al Marshall Western Adv. Mgr. and the membership card Editor Associate Editors Fred E. Crawford, Jr. number and both Joseph C. Keeley 60-Second Workout your new and your Advisory Editor Robert B. Pitkin Detroit Adv. Rep. old address. Alexander Gardiner Irving Herschbein Charles O.
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