UNION COUNTYWIDE CLASSIFIED PAGE B16-— THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1996 AUTO FOR SALE AUTO FOR SALE r " 1968 BUICK ELECTRA WAGON. WMie. fully 1G95 MAZDA MIATA, block, 5 speed, CD Second opinion 4re you wired? Port support AUTOMOTIVE loaded, runs but noods somo work. $2,100/ playor, mint condition, 9,000. miles. SI6 000 best oiler. Call 201-992-2022. Call Ann 212-388-7741 or 212 969.2224. Council would like to hire its If not, it's time to get Rep. Bob Franks hopes to stir up 1987 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD Elogonza 1993 OLDSMOBILE ACHIEVAS. V-6. auto- c Bronze, rag-top, now Jiros, leather interior. matic, airconditioning, all powor. Only 18,000 on-line and start living some funds in Congress to dredge own attorney. Should they have powor everything. Clean throughout. Grtrngo miles, mint condition. $8,500- A rool buyl Call AUTO DEALERS kept. $3700/ negotiable Coll 201-325-0154. 908-382-50R6. the option? See editorial, Page 6. the future. See Page B5. Port Elizabeth, Page B1. SMYTHE VOLVO 1987 CAMARO IROC Z28. T-lops. 8 cylindor. 1988 PLYMOUTH RELIANT-LE. 4-door, oray, fully loaded, roar defoggor, lilt, alarm. 73,000 power steoring, brakes, nirconditionlng Excel- EXCLUSIVE m:l05. Asking S3,000. Call 851-2610. lent condition. Must bo seen. $2,650. 763-1901 VOLVO DEALER alter 5pm. 1987 CHEVROLET CELEBRITY. White stat'on 326 Morris Avenue Summit wagon. Roof rack, V6, automatic, cruiso. now 1985 SAAB 900S. 4 door, white. Excollont (908) 273-4200 tiros, am/fm, cloan upholstery. $'500. condition. All powor. 116K miles Sunroof AUTHORIZED 687-1606 allor 5pm.
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