INSIDE HOT Salutes A-7 SPEED SHOTS Wrestler B-2 Triathlon, B-1 Hoops, B-1 "Batman" review B-5 Vol. 25, No. 24 Serving the base of choice for the 21st century June 26, 1997 E-6 Picnic Corps sets definition of hazing An island-wide E-6 picnic is J Order means no acts The order defines hazing as any activities, or the requisite train- ations or 'rites of passage' they scheduled for Saturday from 11 conduct "whereby one military ing to prepare for such missions or believe promote loyalty. They do a.m. to 5 p.m. at Nimitz Cove, which are cruel, abusive, member, regardless of service or operations. Additionally, activi- not." located at Naval Air Station humiliatizolvioppressive, rank, causes another military ties such as administrative correc- Training on hazing will be an Barbers Point. The event will such as "ging. member ... to suffer or be exposed tive measures, extra military annual instruction requirement in include all-you-can-eat barbecue to an activity which is cruel, abu- instruction, command authorized the Marine Corps Troop from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., entertain- Fred Carr sive, humiliating or oppressive. physical training and incentive Information Program. Entry-level for ment and games. Open to all E- HOMC Public Affairs }Fazing includes, but is not limit- training recruits are specifi- training will also be provided to 6s and their families, pre-paid ed to, any form of initiation or cally permitted by the order. both officer and enlisted Marines, tickets cost $4 per person. WASHINGTON - The com- congratulatory act which Any violation or attempted viola- and be included in certain profes- Children under 2 eat free. For mandant of the Marine Corps involves physically striking tion of the order can result in dis- sional military education courses. more information, call SSgt. wants all ,Marines to understand another to inflict pain, piercing ciplinary action under Article 92 The order on hazing does not Robert Andrews at 257-7020. certain activities won't be tolerat- another's skin in any manner, of the Uniform Code of Military preclude proper time-honored tra- ed because they detract from the verbally berating another, Justice - failure to obey an order ditions, such as hails and Boy Scouts levels of leadership, dignity and encouraging another to exces- or regulation. Additionally, farewells, promotion/graduation respect expected of Marines, and sively consume alcohol or encour- Marines who engage in hazing ceremonies, mess nights and sim- because they can be physically aging another to engage in ille- may also face other charges. ilar activities, Gen. Krulak said. Boys, don't rest during the and emotionally damaging. gal, harmful, demeaning or dan- The measures contained in MCO "These events are part of our summer Join us Tuesdays at 7 One such activity is hazing, and gerous acts." 1700.28 are necessary, said Gen. heritage... Properly organized and p.m. for weekly meetings at the it is addressed in a new Marine Hazing is not confined to physi- Krulak, because, "Unfortunately, supervised, these events serve to Scout Hut, near the Family Corps Order, MCO 1700.28, cal contact; it can also be verbal or some in our ranks confuse hazing enhance morale, esprit de corps, Gym. Learn what it takes to be signed by Gen. Charles C. Krulak psychological. The definition does with the tradition of certain mili- pride, professionalism and unit a Scout. There are still openings June 18. not include mission or operational tary ceremonies and develop initi- cohesiveness." for registered Boy Scouts. Boy Scouts is for boys entering the sixth grade or 11 years old. Call Dave Strowmatt at 254-9489 for 3/3 Marines more information. Girl Scouts sharpen skills Even though troops are on sum- mer schedules, there are still sum- with amtrac mer activities for registered Girl Scouts and Leaders. Jui Ho'Okela's Summer Come Shine training With Us program begins Saturday and continues through Aug. 23. During this attack, the Join other Girl Scouters in fun CpI. Jason Dequenne battalion's three rifle activities like hiking, science, MCB Okinawa Public Affairs companies were pitted sports and games, an overnighter MARINE CORPS BASE against a small aggres- at Bishop Museum and more. Call CAMP S.D. BUTLER, sor force of 20 Marines Marilyn Strowmatt at 254-9489 Okinawa, Japan - Hawaii- from the headquarters for more information. based Marines from 3rd company. The objective Battalion, 3rd Marines, recently was for the rifle compa- Commissary closing grabbed their ALICE packs and nies to seize the enemy headed to the field, where they position from the honed their nighttime war-fight- aggressors with the The commissary will be closed ing skills during a battalion field help of the AAVs. 4 in observance of July exercise. For the attack, Independence Day. The store Photos by CpI. Joson Dequenne The focus of the three-day exer- Company L was paired will reopen July 5 from 10 a.m. Above, Marines from Company L, 3/3, storm out of the back of an AAV during a battalion cise was to conduct training for up with nine AAVs. For more information, exercise at Central Training Area. Below, LCpl. Trevor Williams, Co., K, 3/3, keeps a low to 5 p.m. two mission essential tasks They acted as the bat- call 257-2612. profile while providing security for his platoon. assigned to the battalion by the talion's mechanized 4th Marine Regiment, according infantry unit, which allowed Thomas Dicken, commanding New health care line to Lt. Col Louis Sposato, com- them to reach the enemy objec- officer, Company L. "We were manding officer, 3/3. tive faster than their ground- able to use their big guns to cre- All eligible beneficiaries of the The first task was to practice pounding counterparts in ate a diversion and draw the Military Healthcare Service integrated training with assault Companies I and K. They also aggressor toward our flank. System, including retirees who amphibious vehicles from had greater firepower because of Meanwhile I and K snuck up on are Medicare eligible, can access Combat Assault Battalion, 3rd added high caliber crew-served their flank and assaulted though the Health Care Information Line Marine Division. This training weaponry onboard the AAVs. their position." by calling 1-800-611-2883. was completed as 3/3 simulated a "The great speed and firepower During the attack, Company L Funded by DoD, the HCIL pro- night attack on an enemy posi- of the AAVs was an advantage to was the only company to work vides 24-hour medical informa- tion. us during an attack," said Capt. See 3/3, A-2 tion about matters relating to you and your family's health and web- being. Included in the service is an audio health library function Working BAC discusses housing which addresses concerns you company to clean their facilities and may have about any number of LCpI. Barry Proctor dogs' win Combat Correspondent stand final cleaning inspections. illnesses or . medical conditions. "The contractor will be responsible Callers can also speak personally Funding cuts, maintenance and for the final inspection," said Chestnut. with an on-duty nurse and streak and quality of housing were Chestnut also spoke of maintenance repair receive a follow-up call from the addressed niesday at the Base Action of washers and dryers. Housing will HCIL staff. All personnel eligible Committee meeting here. no longer put washers and dryers in to receive care through the MHSS snapped Due to government funding cuts, the homes for new families, but will repair may use the servive. main objective for the Housing or replace the appliances if they are CpI. Steven Williams Department is to save money while already in the homes, said Chestnut. Combat Correspondent keeping a high quality of life for resi- For more information about about dents here, said Becky Ray Chestnut, the new cleaning initiative, mainte- Questions After a decade of dominance in an Housing director. nance or repair, contact Melissa Cutter annual police dog competition, the The Quarters Cleaning Initiative cur- at 257-2524 or Eddie Kare, 257-2676. Military Police Department here has Ask the Commanding rently in effect will change in October, The committee will focus on the com- claimed the most trophies, but gave up General via E-Mail: Chestnut said. For the new cleaning missary at next month's meeting, July the overall K-9. titles to the Honolulu Drgital photo by CpI Steven Williams initiative, residents can pay a private 29. BICE@CG@MCBH KBAY Police Department Silva, a Belgian Malanois, tackles Cpl. Internet: Up against the best four-legged crime Keith Crim during the K-9 competition. [email protected] fighters in the state, the reigning cham- throne and didn't take any trophies Marine named top cop pion Marines knew competition would home, either. The Base Action Committee: be rough with three of their best dogs on "The dogs performed great out there," Cpl. Steven Williams Enforcement Officer's Association. BAC@CG@MCBH KBAY - the disabled list, according to Cpl. Chad said Cpl. Miles Burroughs, handler of Combat Correspondent When Cpl. Robert L. Larez, kennel- Dubose, chief trainer, MPD. Amber, a 2-year-old German Shepherd master, Military Police Department, Still, they fell only 10 points short of who took first in narcotics detection and Up against the was asked how he earned the recog- Domestic violence victory top kennel. third in obedience. most squared- nition, he said it was a result of a help numbers "It, was a very close competition," said And even though the Marines didn't away military team of Marines.
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