ASTRA SALVENSIS -Revistă De Istorie Şi Cultură

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ASTRA SALVENSIS -Revistă De Istorie Şi Cultură ASTRA SALVENSIS -Revistă de istorie şi cultură- AN III NUMÃR 6 / Astra Salvensis-review of history Astraand culture, Salvensis year, an III, III, No. numãr 6, 2015 6, 2015 EDITORIAL BOARD: Review edited by ASTRA Nãsãud Department, Salva Circle Mihai-Octavian Groza (Cluj- Napoca), Iuliu-Marius Morariu and (Cluj-Napoca), Diana-Maria ,,Vasile Moga” Department from Sebeş Dãian (Cluj-Napoca), Andrei Pãvãlean (Cluj-Napoca), Adrian Director: Ana Filip Iuşan (Cluj-Napoca), Grigore- Toma Someşan (Cluj-Napoca), Deputy director: Iuliu-Marius Morariu Andrei Faur (Cluj-Napoca), Gabriela-Margareta Nisipeanu Editor-in-chief: Mihai-Octavian Groza (Cluj-Napoca), Daria Otto (Wien), Petro Darmoris (Liov), Flavius Cristian Mãrcãu (Târgu- FOUNDERS: Jiu), Olha Soroka (Liov), Tijana Petrovic (Belgrade), Robert Ioan Seni, Ana Filip, Romana Fetti, Vasilica Augusta Gãzdac, Mieczokwski (Warsaw) Luminiţa Cuceu, Iuliu-Marius Morariu Translation of abstracts: SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Daniela-Maria Stanciu PhD. Mircea-Gheorghe Abrudan, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; Gabriela-Margareta Nisipeanu PhD. Lecturer Daniel Aron Alic, ,,Eftimie Murgu" University, Reşiţa; PhD. Emil Arbonie, ,,Vasile Goldiş” University, Arad; PhD. Assist. Prof. Ludmila Bãlţat, ,,B. P. Haşdeu” University, Cahul; Covers: PhD. Lecturer Maria Barbã, ,,B. P. Haşdeu” University, Cahul; PhD. Prof. Nicolae Bocşan, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; Ana Platon (Cluj-Napoca) PhD. Assoc. Prof. Ioan Cârja, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; PhD. Luminiţa Cornea, Independent Researcher, Sfântu Gheorghe; Phd. Lecturer Mihai Croitor, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; PhD. Prof. Theodor Damian, The Romanian Institute of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality/Metropolitan College, New York; Indexation: PhD. Dorin Dologa, National Archives of Romania, Bistriţa-Nãsãud Districtual Service; Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, PhD. Prof. Lucia Fetcu, University of Bucharest; IndexCopernicus International, PhD. Assoc. Prof. Olimpia Iacob, ,,Ion Popescu de la Brad” University, Iaşi; Ebsco, RePEc, CEEOL, Google PhD. Bogdan Ivanov, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; PhD. Assoc. Prof. Rastko Jovic, University of Belgrade; Academic, ORCID, Universal PhD. Lecturer Adriana Denisa Manea, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; Impact Factor. PhD. Victor Mãruţoiu, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; PhD. Assist. Marius Andrei Mocan, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj- Napoca; PhD. Lecturer Ioan Morariu, ,,Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest; PhD. Assist. Ioana Iacob Mudure, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; ISSN 2393-4727 PhD. Luiza Palanciuc-Şora, ,,Benjamin Fondane” Institute, Paris; ISSN-L 2344-1887 PhD. Vlad Popovici, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; PhD. Lilia Rufanda, University of Kapokidistrian, Athens; PhD. Assoc. Prof. Ana Victoria Sima, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; PhD. Doru Sinaci, ,,Vasile Goldiş” University, Arad; PhD. Prof. Grigore Smeu, ,,Constantin Brâncuşi” University, Târgu-Jiu; The responsibility for the articles PhD. Assist. Radu Suciu, University of Genève/University of Fribourg; and studies published it belongs PhD. Assoc. Prof. Inocent-Maria Vladimir Szaniszlo, Catholic University of to the authors. Ružomberok, Košice; PhD. Mihai Şora, Independent Researcher, Honorary Member of Romanian Please send any e-mail to the Academy, Bucharest; following address: PhD. Valentin Talpalaru, Museum of Romanian Literature, Iaşi; PhD. Assoc. Prof. Teofil Tia, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; [email protected] PhD. Assoc. Prof. Vasile Timiş, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca; [email protected] PhD. Assist. Lucian Turcu, ,,Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca2 . [email protected] / Astra Salvensis, an III, numãr 6, 2015 CUPRINS/CONTENTS Editorial……………………………………………..………………p. 7 ISTORIE/HISTORY: Denis LIBONI Identitatea provincialã între imaginar politic şi istoriografie: coordonatele spaţiale şi temporale ale Novorosiei (1825-1845)/The Provincial Identity between Political Imaginary and Historiography: the Spatial and Chronological Coordinates of Novorossiya (1825-1845)…………...…p. 10 Cristian CONSTANTIN Impactul carantinei dunãrene asupra comerţului internaţional cu cereale din regiunea Dunãrii de Jos (1829-1953)/The Impact of the Danube Quarantine on the International Trade with Grains in the Lower Danube Region (1829-1853)………………………………………………...p. 21 Silviu Marcel COSTIN Fragmente din istoria zbuciumatã a unui lãcaş de cult uitat: biserica de lemn din Şoimeni/Excerpts from the Troubled History of a Forgotten Worship Place: the Wooden Church from Şoimeni………………...p. 32 Mihai-Octavian GROZA Din istoria mai puţin cunoscutã a Marelui Rãzboi. Instituirea ,,graniţei culturale”, arestarea, încarcerarea şi deportarea preoţilor români transilvãneni în Ungaria (1916-1918)/From the less known History of the Great War. The Establishment of ,,Cultural Border”, Arrests, Incarceration and Deportation of Romanian Priests from Transylvania in Hungary……………………………………………………………p. 43 Ionel SIGARTEU Legiunea Românã de Vânãtori transilvãneni şi bucovineni în rãzboiul civil din Rusia (1918-1920)/The Romanian Huntsman Legion of Transylvanians and Bukovinians in the Russian Civil War (1918- 1920)…………………………………………………………….…p. 61 3 / Astra Salvensis, an III, numãr 6, 2015 Lucian TURCU Între credinţã şi ţarã. Reconcilierea regelui Ferdinand I al României cu Biserica Catolicã (etapa postbelicã)/Between Faith and Country. The Reconciliation of King Ferdinand I of Romania with the Catholic Church (Postwar Stage)………………………………………….…p. 73 Silviu MUREŞAN Preocupãri istoriografice la Ioan Dimitrie Suciu: ,,Macedo- Românii”/Historiograpghic Interests at Ioan Dimitrie Suciu: ,,The Macedo-Romanians”……………………………………………….p. 88 Flavius-Cristian MÃRCÃU Revolution from Sibiu (1989)/Revoluţia din Sibiu (1989)……………112 Valeria CHELARU The New Dynamic of Centre-Periphery Relation: Vladimir Putin and Ramzan Kaydov in the North Caucaus/Noua dinamicã a relaţiei centru- periferie: Vladimir Putin şi Ramzan Kadyrov în Caucazul de Nord……………………………………………………………...p. 120 STUDII CULTURALE/CULTURAL STUDIES: Adriana Denina MANEA Interelaţia profesor-elev-familie-societate promovatã prin parteneriatul educaţional/The Interelation Teacher-Student-Family-Society Promoted through Educational Partnership………………………………….p. 132 Emilia-Sanda CÎRCEIE Dezvoltarea inteligenţei preşcolarilor şi şcolarilor mici/The Development of the Preschools and Primary School Students Inteligence………………………………………………………...p. 137 Delia MUSTE Aspecte privind motivaţia pentru învãţare la vârsta adultã/Aspects regarding the Learning Motivation at the Adult Age………………p. 147 Maria BARBÃ Educaţia centratã pe copil la vârsta preşcolarã în Republica Moldova/The Child-Centered Education at the Pre-School Age in the Moldavia Republic………………………………………………...p. 152 4 / Astra Salvensis, an III, numãr 6, 2015 Corina RADU Familia temporar dezintegratã: factor ce afecteazã succesul preşcolar al elevului (Studiu de caz: Republica Moldova)/The Temporarily Disintegrated Family: an Aspect that Affects the Pupil’s School Success (Case Study: Moldavia Republic)……………………………….…p. 162 EVOCÃRI/EVOCATION: Nicolae DUMBRÃVESCU Petru Bonta: un martir uitat al Revoluţiei de la 1848-1849 din Transilvania/Petru Bonta: a Forgotten Martyr of the 1848-1849 Revolution from Transylvania…………………………………….p. 173 Iuliu-Marius MORARIU Preotul Vasile Dumbravã (1854-1907) şi activitatea lui pastoralã în localitãţile Bichigiu şi Salva/Priest Vasile Dumbravã (1854-1907) and his Pastoral activity in Bichigiu and Salva……………………………..p. 180 Mãdãlina MÃRGINEAN Episcopul militar Partenie Ciopron şi reforma instituţiei clerului militar/Military Bishop Partenie Ciopron and the Reform of the Institution of Military Clergy……………………………………...p. 187 CRONICÃ/CHRONICLE: Ana FILIP Adunarea Generalã a Despãrţãmântului Nãsãud al ASTREI (13 februarie 2016)…………………………………………………………...…p. 196 Gabriela NISIPEANU Lansare de carte la Universitatea ,,Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca……p. 201 RECENZII/BOOK REVIEWS: Ioan-Aurel Pop (coordonator), Mihai Dãncuş, Adinel Ciprian Dincã, Andreea Mârza, Diplome maramureşene din secolele XVI-XVIII, provenite din colecţia lui Ioan Mihalyi de Apşa, Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2012, 448 p. (Marian Horvat)………………………...p. 207 5 / Astra Salvensis, an III, numãr 6, 2015 Regimentul I românesc de graniţã (nr. 16) din Transilvania de la înfiinţare pânã la sfârşitul rãzboaielor napoleoniene (1762-1815), ediţie, traducere, studiu introductiv, note explicative şi anexe de Costin Feneşan, Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2015, 302 p.+VIII ilustraţii (Mircea- Gheorghe Abrudan)………………………………………………p. 208 Teodor Vârnav, Istoria vieţii mele, Iaşi, Polirom, 2015, 144 p. (Andrei Sabin Faur)………………………………………………………..p. 212 Mite Kremnitz, Regele Carol al României. Povestea unei vieţi, traducere din limba germanã şi note de Roland Schenn, prefaţã Sorin Liviu Damean, Bucureşti, Editura Corint Books, 2014, 160 p. (George Paul Moldovan)………………………………………………………...p. 215 Lucian Boia, Primul Rãzboi Mondial. Controverse, paradoxuri, reinterpretãri, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas, 2014, 120 p. (Ionuţ Filipescu)……..p. 219 Laurence Rees, Auschwitz. Naziştii şi ,,soluţia finalã”, traducere de Gabriela Tãnase, Bucureşti, Editura Rao, 2010, 377 p. (Diana-Maria Dãian)…………………………………………………………….p.
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