Mapping Cook Inlet Rip Tides Using Local Knowledge and Remote Sensing
OCS Study • MMS 2000-025 Environmental Studies Program Mapping Cook Inlet Rip Tides Using Local Knowledge and Remote Sensing ......... ..:::;::.:::" . Prepared for Minerals Management Service .,.:.,':'.:::: ~.::.~~..:.~..<~~:: .. " ': . Contract No. 01-98-CT -30906 Prepared by LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. 4175 Tudor Centre Drive, Suite 202 Anchorage, Alaska 99508 Yt"_ .' . .- U.S. Department of the Interior MMS Minerals Management Service Alaska OCS Region I~ , . -,'" ' ',.' O\~".;~nVi·~~~·~~n't~rStudie.~P;'i6'~~~rri':" ".,;.' " ::~.'; "::'" i~>"/:':_:.,.. \.' .,'~.?"},....~":.< .r, '. , " • .: " '\ ,', O{~~~:':;'~:Ma'ppi)ig :·9.p,ok In·l.etJ~.~irf~·i~.e~·,:\«,tJS,~..11:9 ·Eoca I,. /: -.·,':KitoVvf~dgea.hd.·,Rem6t~S~n~iQlf· ....:r. ' >( ,~!'" ;.; 1, ••:f-' . ~,j" ~:.~,. ~ -: • •. ',' f:' .r > /' •. ~ •. J." .' " ,7 i: ':'\.' ," :~.'! 'I. .,. ~ . >~. :.'-. ,",,~q ••• , -: '~ ..•. .t-.', , ." ... '.; '0 .~.\' : ..', 1,'1</ '';''. ," ,,,' "0 , \':.' I: I, I \ I I ',' .,).i' • ~"\.'~ ~~ '··!~'~'~i. .~.\~ . ,. ~ ,! . U.S. D.epartmertt of.the Inter!pf, ... ,';' . ., (', ,>.' J, ~, " .,; .,' " .. , " .. - 'H.) ".:~" ," , ~,," 'l Minerals .Management Servic,e ' ' "". ',' .. .•.. ",,1 • ~ ,I .' I' ( I, , ". " . ,~ ~"(: " " ~. .- ... .. ";'" F ,',' ,-. ~;Ala,sk~.p_C;S~egion' c·· '.' .,,' ",.i, ~ c • ~. ": '>.' •.••• ,~.:, .. ~1\...~. " " ~'~"~ ',.-,".: ",;; f ",'. 'O~, ..- -. "'J " " ." •••.. ~. I' • ,'. ; ~'.' r ,'".- .\'~ ; . ~.. , .... '. ".. I ,,'" I . ,.; ')\ " .. ..~ ,·O~':'''·'' .•• ~ 1', • 1'" ~. <.' " .' ~., I· " , " It '. " H,
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