Federal Register/Vol. 81, No. 107/Friday, June 3, 2016/Notices
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Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 107 / Friday, June 3, 2016 / Notices 35767 under docket identification (ID) number types of pesticides, we plan to seek ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION EPA–HQ–OPP–2016–0242. input from the public. AGENCY II. Overview of the Agency’s Effort To III. What guidance does this PR Notice [EPA–HQ–OPP–2016–0226; FRL–9946–53] Address Pesticide Resistance provide? Pesticides; Draft Guidance for Pesticides can be used to control a Draft PR Notice 2016–X, which Pesticide Registrants on Herbicide variety of pests, such as insects, weeds, revises and updates PR Notice 2001–5, Resistance Management Labeling, rodents, bacteria, fungi, etc. Over time applies to all conventional, agricultural Education, Training, and Stewardship many pesticides have gradually lost pesticides (i.e., herbicides, fungicides, their effectiveness because pests have bactericides, insecticides and AGENCY: Environmental Protection developed resistance—a significant acaricides). The updates in draft PR Agency (EPA). decrease in sensitivity to a pesticide, Notice 2016–X focus on pesticides ACTION: Notice of availability. which reduces the field performance of labels and are aimed at improving these pesticides. The Agency is information about how pesticide users SUMMARY: The Agency is announcing concerned about resistance issues and can minimize and manage pest the availability of and seeking public believes that managing the development resistance. The draft PR Notice 2016–X comment on a draft Pesticide of pesticide resistance, in conjunction updates PR Notice 2001–5 with the Registration Notice (PR Notice) entitled with alternative pest-management following three categories of changes: ‘‘Guidance for Herbicide Resistance Management Labeling, Education, strategies and Integrated Pest • Provides additional guidance, and Management programs, is an important Training, and Stewardship.’’ PR Notices recommended format, for resistance are issued by the Office of Pesticide part of sustainable pest management. To management statements or information address the growing issue of resistance Programs (OPP) to inform pesticide to place on labels. registrants and other interested persons and preserve the useful life of • pesticides, the Agency is beginning to Includes references to external about important policies, procedures, embark on a more widespread effort and technical resources for guidance on and registration-related decisions, and several activities that are aimed at resistance management (e.g., serve to provide guidance to pesticide combating and slowing the development professional scientific societies, registrants and OPP personnel. This of pesticide resistance. resistance action committees for draft PR Notice (2016–XX) different types of pesticides). One such activity, which is the communicates the Agency’s approach to • subject of this FR Notice, is today’s Updates the instructions on how to addressing herbicide-resistant weeds by release and request for comment on submit changes to existing labels in providing guidance on labeling, draft PR Notice 2016–X, ‘‘Guidance for order to enhance resistance management education, training, and stewardship for Pesticide Registrants on Pesticide language. herbicides undergoing registration Resistance Management Labeling.’’ Draft This draft PR Notice also references review or registration (i.e., new PR Notice 2016–X updates PR Notice draft revisions to Chapter 11.VI.G of herbicide and actives, new uses 2001 and applies to all conventional, EPA’s Label Review Manual (LRM), proposed for use on herbicide-resistant agricultural pesticides (i.e., herbicides, which illustrates the generic format for crops, or other case-specific registration fungicides, bactericides, insecticides, resistance management labeling along actions. and acaricides). This draft PR Notice with examples of various labeling DATES: Comments must be received on focuses on pesticide labels and is aimed scenarios that registrants may or before August 2, 2016. at improving information about how encounter. The Agency requests ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, pesticide users can minimize and comments on the updates to this draft identified by docket identification (ID) manage pest resistance. PR Notice and this chapter of the LRM. number EPA–HQ–OPP–2016–0226, by Another such activity, involves the IV. Do PR Notices contain binding one of the following methods: • Federal eRulemaking Portal: http:// release of draft PR Notice 2016–XX, requirements? ‘‘Guidance for Herbicide Resistance www.regulations.gov. Follow the online Management Labeling, Education, The PR Notice discussed in this instructions for submitting comments. Training, and Stewardship.’’ Draft PR notice is intended to provide guidance Do not submit electronically any Notice 2016–XX applies to herbicides, to EPA personnel and decision-makers, information you consider to be and communicates the Agency’s current as well as pesticide registrants. While Confidential Business Information (CBI) thinking and approach to address the requirements in the statute and or other information whose disclosure is herbicide-resistant weeds by providing Agency regulations are binding on EPA restricted by statute. guidance on labeling, education, and the applicants, this PR Notice is not • Mail: OPP Docket, Environmental training, and stewardship for herbicides binding on either EPA or pesticide Protection Agency Docket Center (EPA/ undergoing registration review or registrants, and EPA may depart from DC), (28221T), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. registration (i.e., new herbicide actives, the guidance where circumstances NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001. new uses proposed for use on herbicide- warrant and without prior notice. • Hand Delivery: To make special resistant crops, or other case-specific Likewise, pesticide registrants may arrangements for hand delivery or registration actions). Draft PR Notice assert that the guidance is not delivery of boxed information, please 2016–XX will also be published in appropriate generally or not applicable follow the instructions at http:// today’s Federal Register. In the future, to a specific pesticide or situation. www.epa.gov/dockets/contacts.html. Additional instructions on the Agency plans to evaluate other types Authority: 7 U.S.C. 136 et seq. of pesticides (e.g. fungicides, commenting or visiting the docket, bactericides, insecticides, and Dated: May 23, 2016. along with more information about acaricides) to determine whether and Jack E. Housenger, dockets generally, is available at http:// what guidance may be appropriate for Director, Office of Pesticide Programs. www.epa.gov/dockets. these types pesticides. If the Agency [FR Doc. 2016–13155 Filed 6–2–16; 8:45 am] FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bill releases future guidance on these other BILLING CODE 6560–50–P Chism, Biological and Economic VerDate Sep<11>2014 21:20 Jun 02, 2016 Jkt 238001 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\03JNN1.SGM 03JNN1 mstockstill on DSK3G9T082PROD with NOTICES 35768 Federal Register / Vol. 81, No. 107 / Friday, June 3, 2016 / Notices Analysis Division (7503P), Office of their effectiveness because pests have focuses on pesticide labels and is aimed Pesticide Programs, Environmental developed resistance—a significant at improving information about how Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania decrease in sensitivity to a pesticide, pesticide users can minimize and Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20460–0001; which reduces the field performance of manage pest resistance. This draft PR telephone number: (703) 308–8136; these pesticides. The Agency is Notice will also be published in today’s email address: [email protected]. concerned about resistance issues and Federal Register. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: believes that managing the development of pesticide resistance, in conjunction III. Background on Herbicide I. General Information with alternative pest-management Resistance A. Does this action apply to me? strategies and Integrated Pest For the purposes of draft PR Notice Management programs, is an important 2016–XX and this FR Notice, the This action is directed to the public part of sustainable pest management. To Agency defines herbicide resistance as in general. Although this action may be address the growing issue of resistance the inherited ability of a plant to survive of particular interest to those persons and preserve the useful life of and reproduce following exposure to a who are required to submit data under pesticides, the Agency is beginning to dose of herbicide normally lethal to the the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and embark on a more widespread effort and wild type. Resistance may be naturally Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) or are required several activities that are aimed at occurring or induced by such to register pesticides. Since other combating and slowing the development techniques as genetic engineering or entities may also be interested, the of pesticide resistance. selection of variants produced by tissue Agency has not attempted to describe all One such activity, which is the culture or mutagenesis. the specific entities that may be affected subject of this FR Notice, is today’s The development and spread of by this action. release and request for comment on herbicide-resistant weeds in agriculture B. What should I consider as I prepare draft PR Notice 2016–XX, ‘‘Guidance for is a widespread problem that has the my comments for EPA? Herbicide Resistance Management potential to fundamentally change Labeling, Education, Training, and production practices in