Liza Elliott-Ramirez runs Expecting Models, the world's only agency devoted to representing professional models during their pregnancies. Each episode of Runway Moms highlights a different mom-to-be and her unique pregnancy and birth story.

Everyone deals with having a baby differently, choosing between natural vs. medicated births, midwives and doctors, doulas, waterbirths, and more. Plus, we accompany the models on sexy photo shoots and learn their prenatal secrets to staying fit and glamorous. Liza—an ex-model and mother of two—acts as both an agent and confidant to these beautiful girls as they navigate this exciting moment in their lives.

Runway Moms follows dynamic women like Nynne, a Danish model preparing for life as a single mom far from home; Laura, a 39-year old model facing the health challenges of pregnancy later in life; and Mary Jane, an established photographer and model whose musician husband missed the birth of their first son and worries it may happen again.


Episode 1: Liza Elliott Ramirez runs “Expecting Models”, the only professional agency for pregnant models. An experienced agent, friend to her beautiful moms-to-be and a mother of two who has been through two painful C-sections herself, Liza knows the business and what her models go through! Lisa Rodriguez, a beautiful Latino model and actress expecting her first baby girl, looks to Liza for emotional support as she juggles her work life with being preoccupied by her mother who is battling a life threatening liver disease. Lisa shares her anxieties and expectations as she prepares for the baby and models for a maternity magazine photo shoot. We are with her as she and her husband Shawn make difficult decisions in Labor and Delivery. Will the birth go as planned? Episode 2: As a former model, Liza Elliott Ramirez has found a niche in the modeling world. She runs her own modeling agency with a twist---her models are all pregnant or new mothers. Marisa Brown is young, sexy, girl next door--and she is pregnant with her first child. Her fiancé is in a rock band, The Walkmen, and the two are anxiously awaiting the birth of their rock star baby. After discovering Expectant Models on the Internet, Marisa came to Liza with a small pregnant belly and big aspirations. Now, she is about to have her first son and fear has set in. Her fiancé, Peter, is a nervous wreck and is constantly by her side. Will this rock and roll couple give a show that will be hard to forget?

Episode 3: Liza Elliott Ramirez, president of “Expecting Models,” is always there for the women in her agency. As a mother of two, Liza knows can relate to everything a pregnant model goes through. Ferris Kneile and her husband Aaron are first time parents who are not prepared. While her mom keeps sending baby clothes that crowd her tiny apartment, Ferris tries to prepare for a baby that will be here very soon. She believes that her relaxed attitude and a knowledgeable Dula will make the birthing process relatively simple, in spite of her procrastination. What they thought was going to be an easy childbirth takes a scary turn towards the worse.

Episode 4: Kristy and her children are one of Expecting Models top booked family models. And ever since her new baby, Olive, was born Kristy has been on the run, booking one job after another. Lately she’s noticed that she hasn’t completely recovered from Rosacia, the acne-like skin condition she acquired while pregnant. Since she is breastfeeding, she cannot go on antibiotics to clear it up. And if it intensifies, it might kill her career! Then there’s the back pain. Not to mention the mental pressure of juggling this line of work with her conservative Mormon background. Kristy’s not sure she really has time to pursue her dreams, let alone connect with her husband, their two-year-old daughter, AND the new baby. Kristy stops in to see , President of Expecting Models and shares her anxieties with her. Is modeling worth the pain?

Episode 5: Liza Elliott Ramirez, the head of “Expecting Models,” knows that balancing a career and two kids is not easy. Farley Snow, the woman Liza calls a “pregnancy supermodel,” juggles two young daughters, a thriving modeling career and her current pregnancy with grace and style. Farley’s calm exterior masks her fears, however, as she worries about the two miscarriages she has been through in the last few years and worries about the baby on the way. Whether it’s modeling for a cover shoot with designer Zac Posen or dishing about sex and beauty, Farley is a pro. She shares her experience and knowledge about how to stay beautiful during a pregnancy and what shocking body changes to expect after you deliver. We’re also there days after her baby is born and a terrible accident threatens to change Farley’s family forever.

Episode 6: Liza Elliott-Ramirez is the owner of Expecting Models – but also an ex-model, wife of Eric, her bookkeeper and actor husband, and mother to two beautiful kids: Devon and Talia. Since Expecting Models books real families as well as pregnant models, the Ramirez family occasionally gets a photo shoot booked for themselves, and earns everyone a little extra cash! Liza was hoping to find family work for model Jevonne Cortez after the birth of her 2nd child. Jevonne has an ethnic look was appealing to clients and her career with Expecting Models took off – so booking she and her older son Anjay, and her new baby boy Ashton would be a piece of cake. She had a healthy pregnancy and an easy labor and Ashton was born into the arms of a beautiful family. He looked healthy on the outside but on the inside, a serious problem awaited. Ashton was born with malrotation of his intestines. Immediately the newborn was taken into surgery and is now spending the first months of his life, and maybe longer, in the NICU at the hospital as he waits for an intestinal transplant.

Episode 7: Expecting Model Leah Foster travels from Philly to New York looking for work. Leah is just days away from giving birth to her second child, and is sometimes overwhelmed by the reality of her growing family. Money is tight, and she and her husband wonder how they will afford the new baby. Leah is also worried about how her 5-year-old daughter, Cyanne, will react to becoming a big sister. Gaining “pregnancy weight” is tough for Leah, especially because the modeling industry is notoriously brutal about sizes and shapes. Less than a week before her due date, Leah’s feet are swollen, her blood pressure is high, and her doctor tells her she’s gained a bit too much weight too quickly this far along into her pregnancy. Leah’s doctor is concerned she may have developed a potentially dangerous pre-natal condition called pre-eclampsia and sends Leah to the hospital for tests. Will Leah and her baby be okay and will the agency be able to get Leah the work she so desperately needs?

Episode 8: When you buy that perfectly fitted dress or those pair of pants that hug your curves exactly the right way, model Natalie Dale is the one to thank. She is a “fit model” – a model whose shape is used to make clothing fit the customer just right. Liza Elliott- Ramirez, President of Expecting Models, finds it easy to book pregnant Natalie on photo shoots, as she has the “perfect” pregnant shape as well! Natalie and her husband were thrilled to find out they were having twins. The news brought some relief to Natalie’s family who were dealing with her dad’s colon cancer. Unfortunately, an ultrasound appointment revealed that Natalie had lost one of the babies-what her doctor terms a disappearing or “vanishing” twin. Months later, she gives birth to her “little survivor.” We are with Natalie as she labors at home for over 24 hours, one of her birth goals. Liza has her in for updated stills to see if the agency can get her some bookings with her brand new baby girl. Will Grandpa be able to get to know his granddaughter?

Episode 9: Liza Ramirez, President of Expecting Models, describes model Natasha Pachanoas "a Costa Rican beauty”. Natasha is quickly getting back in shape after the recent birth of her daughter Sol. Her exercise routine is more vigorous than the average mom because she’s a model, and she's training for a marathon! Here baby girl Sol is getting booked on photo shoots, but unlike many moms at Expecting Models, Natasha is having a hard time booking mother/baby shoots. Sol's father, a sperm donor, is Jamaican, so mother and baby do not look like a typical mother-daughter combination. Regardless Liza is able to pitch her by sending out recent still photos and lands Sol a shoot with "American Baby" magazine. Natasha is a single mom who does it her way, bringing Sol with her everywhere from training sessions and yoga classes to dinner parties. We see Natasha complete her marathon and celebrate being a single new mom who crosses the finish line in more ways than one!

Episode 10: Liza Elliott Ramirez runs "Expecting Models", the one and only professional modeling agency for pregnant women. A experienced model, professional agent, and mother of two, Liza knows the business of modeling and pregnancy inside out. 35 year-old expecting model Mia Sippala never wanted children until she met Fernando. Engaged to be married, Mia went off the pill after 19 years and hoped to conceive after the nuptials. Her doctor said it might take six months to get pregnant, so she was quite surprised when after one month her period never came. Now that they're expecting, Mia would really like to marry before the baby arrives and Fernando is planning a surprise to make that wish come true. Mia's not only a model, she's a physical trainer and is in tip-top shape. Even in the late stages of her pregnancy she works out for 45 minutes a day and she's not too worried about the effects of exercise on her pregnancy. What she is concerned about is the pain of labor. Mia's doctor feels that the baby is getting very big and given Mia's age, the best plan may be to induce her early. But Mia would much rather wait and have a natural birth. Will Mia's birth unfold the way she hopes?

Episode 11: There is always a beginning to a good business idea and Expecting Models is no exception. Liza Elliott-Ramirez began her business in a small apartment with only a few models willing to take a chance on this new modeling concept. She is a self-proclaimed “ruthless promoter” and very quickly the business took off. One of the first models that worked with Liza is back, and pregnant with her second child. Sumayah is a top runway model who has her own ideas about how her birth will go. She is a believer of the healing powers of herbs, oils and spices - not the usual anecdotes for pregnancy. Sumayah was unnerved by her first labor experience and is determined to do it differently this time around.

Episode 12: Jennifer Wagner and her husband Justin knew they wanted a baby before they were even married, but after months of trying the newlyweds discovered that they had a fertility problem. From insemination to in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection, the couple traveled through the high-tech world of fertility treatments until they finally got pregnant. Weathering the physical and emotional journey to pregnancy has made their young marriage stronger. While they wait for the birth of their child, Jennifer has been expanding her modeling career as a maternity model for Expecting Models. Liza Elliott-Ramirez, the president of Expecting Models, takes Jennifer and Justin to a glamorous fashion show where they talk about maternity styles and Jennifer’s future modeling possibilities when this long-awaited baby finally arrives.

Episode 13: In her five years of running Expecting Models, Liza Elliott-Ramirez has had some very interesting requests from clients. When a call comes in for a model to do a “belly cast” at a spa conference, Liza isn’t fazed and knows that Elizabeth Strelow is the model for the job. Eight months pregnant, Elizabeth heads to this unique shoot with an open mind – she is going to create a cast that emulates her belly exactly! A model and actress originally from Oregon, she worries about how much her life and career will change with a baby. To top it off, people have been coming up to her and telling her that her belly looks small. With her husband Neil by her side, Elizabeth asks many questions at her doctor’s visit. The exam and sonogram shed light on her concerns. Later, Liza takes Elizabeth on a glamorous shopping spree to meet Liz Lange and learn about the latest maternity trends. 37 weeks into Elizabeth’s pregnancy, her doctor finds her amniotic fluid level to be low and wants to induce her immediately. Will her baby come sooner than she expected?

Episode 14: Liza Ramirez, the owner of “Expecting Models”, an agency for professional models during their pregnancy, knows the challenges of keeping healthy during pregnancy. Susan Harrington, a former child model, awaits the birth of her first child. Susan sees it as a powerful experience she can share with her sister, who is battling her second bout of cancer. Susan also lives a unique lifestyle devoted to eating a vegan diet and alternative medicines. During a visit to a colonic irrigation specialist she shares the benefits to both pregnant women and cancer patients. As her due date gets closer, Susan is sure she is going into labor soon, but sometimes things aren’t always how they seem!

Episode 15: Liza Elliott-Ramirez, President of Expecting Models, calls her head booker Janine into her office and plays a voicemail from an angry client in LA. According to the message one of Liza’s models didn’t show up for an important shoot. Liza is worried about her agency’s reputation so she calls Annette Rosario for help. Annette has been modeling for 6 years and is hot and in demand. She’s sexy, vivacious, and loves . With mother-hood rapidly approaching she knows her fast-paced career life is about to dramatically change. About 8 months into her pregnancy Annette’s doctor finds high levels of glucose in her urine and shares that Annette is at risk for gestational diabetes. How will Annette deal with emerging motherhood and will the early medical warning enable her to protect her and her baby from disease?

Episode 16: Liza Ramirez, President of Expecting Models, describes model Christina Dabrowski as "a classic beauty”. Her long blond hair, full lips and high cheekbones cause heads to turn. The 25-year-old beauty was raised as an only child in the country and now lives in the suburbs of New Jersey. After losing her mother two years ago and her grandmother last November, Christina finds it hard not having these two major influences in her life anymore. But she does have her husband Matt who is not only the father of her child-to-be but also her chiropractor! Matt keep Christina’s back pain to a minimum and shares his helpful tips and exercises for pregnant women. The couple stays active and even shoots hoops together. They worry about their new puppy adapting to the baby and decide to take matters into their own hands with doggie training classes. When Christina goes into labor a month early, she gives birth to a baby boy, Marcus, in only a few hours. Premature and jaundice, Marcus is only 5 pounds, 15 ounces. Will the baby recover and gain weight the weight he needs? And how will the puppy react to the new housemate?

Episode 17: Expecting Models is the only agency specifically tailored towards representing pregnant models. Although the owner Liza Elliott-Ramirez takes pride in instilling confidence in her girls, many of them have trouble watching their bodies change. Jennifer Teichman, a striking beauty expecting a baby girl, follows a strict, vegetarian diet and an intense exercise routine. Still, she frets about her growing figure. Jennifer learns nutrition facts and beauty tips on ways to take care of her body and skin. She and her rock-star boyfriend are also planning on a home birth, hoping it will be more comfortable. But what if something goes wrong? And with her boyfriend often on tour, will she have to go through the process alone? Episode 18: Liza Elliott-Ramirez is the President of Expecting Models and mother of two. She works closely with her husband, Eric, and finds it hard to juggle family life and her career. Liza also tries to stay fit and shares her tips on ways mothers can take care of their bodies, even when they are swamped with work, kids and life. She and her staff interview new talent and try to determine which batch of new models to sign on for the new season. Liza meets Hillary Baack, an aspiring play-write, teacher, actress, and soon-to-be first- time mom. Hillary also reads lips and is mostly deaf. As a child she contracted Hepatitis B from an infected blood transfusion. Hillary also teaches sign language to hearing babies and plans to communicate this way with her child. Although she has never modeled before, Liza is determined to give her a shot and goes with Hillary to her first modeling shoot. How will Hillary perform her first time modeling? And what can she do to prevent her unborn child from contracting Hepatitis B?

Episode 19: Jennifer Milano is a well known fashion model who "pre-baby" did a lot of lingerie modeling. Now that she is with Expecting Models, President of the company, Liza Elliott Ramirez is excited to have beautiful Jennifer Milano on her roster of pregnant models. Jennifer quickly books for an elaborate holiday shoot for American Baby Magazine. Now that she is pregnant with her second child Jennifer is worried about her 3 year old girl, Gianna. Will Gianna be jealous when the new baby arrives? During the later months of her pregnancy Jennifer gains a little too much weight. With a 3 year old its been harder to eat right and stay fit during her second pregnancy. She consults a doctor about proper nutrition and tries to get back on track. Her hair stylist husband, Nunzio, keeps her looking good for photo shoots and also makes romantic time for the two of them with his home cooked meals. Will the new addition for the family allow any extra time for the couple?

Episode 20: Promotion can be a job of its own and Expecting Models President, Liza Elliott-Ramirez, has mastered the art of getting her company’s name out there. From gathering her models for a runway show on the East River front of Manhattan to walking the streets and handing out her business card to strangers, Liza does it all—she even tattooed herself with her company’s logo! Entrepreneur and model Shannan Wilson also knows a thing or two about building a business. She started her own, Focus Talent and Promotions, a few years ago. In addition to the stress of being a business owner, Shannan and her husband Carl just had their first child, Kendall, 6 weeks early. While Shannan’s recovery went quickly, Kendall was not allowed to go home and had to stay behind in the NICU because of trouble breathing on her own and issues that typically concern premies. With three trips to the hospital a day for feeding and visits and juggling a business, will Shannan be able the handle the pressure and time consumption of being a new mom? When will Kendall be able to come home? SEASON 2

PRIMETIME SPECIAL – HELENA, CRYSTAL, KEISHA In this special hour of Runway Moms, Liza Elliott-Ramirez, president of Expecting Models, is joined by her cousin Anita Kaller, who is VP of the West Coast division. Business is bustling in California with celebrity model and actress Molly Culver shooting her first maternity cover. Meanwhile in NYC, Liza is celebrating her 5th year of business with a maternity fashion show. Keisha Omilana, a go-getter with great energy and spunk, walks the runway with style and poise. Keisha is married to Kunle, a Nigerian Prince and is excited to have a natural birth with mom and her sister on hand for support. But when the contractions begin quickly and regularly, Kunle must fight traffic and rush through New York City to bring them all to the hospital. Will she make it in time, or will her baby Prince be born in their SUV? Crystal Jackson is a model with many different looks and, because she’s a makeup artist as well, she has the talent to bring out the chameleons in other models too. She married her dream man, a photographer named Musa, who helps ease her nerves regarding a planned C-section. Due to past surgery on fibroid tumors, Crystal is unable to have a natural childbirth. Will the surgery go smoothly despite all the scar tissue? Helena Surowiec, Expecting Model for the second time, walks the runway with a style that grooves and flows between poses. She manages to work in maternity jobs even though she has her hands full with two little ones running around. Meanwhile, Helena’s mother is battling stage five cancer. Will she live long enough to meet her new grandchild? Follow three unique models in this one- hour episode as they face pregnancy joys and challenges during this special time in their lives.

EPISODE 201, “On Her Own” - NYNNE ROSENKRANTZ Liza Elliott-Ramirez, President of Expecting Models, describes Nynne Rosenkrantz as a "Danish Goddess.” She modeled in Paris, London, and Milan before moving to her dream city – New York! After a brief, yet meaningful fling with an old friend, Nynne became pregnant. Now, she faces the financial and emotional difficulties of caring for a child on her own. Nynne finds comfort when her mother comes to visit and shares her own experiences and joys as a single parent. Liza also takes Nynne out for a pregnancy pedicure together to discuss the woes of pregnancy. Nynne, a painter, turns to her work for solace and to express her concerns with the impending birth. At 36 there are increased health risks for the baby. What other challenges does she face due to her age? Will Nynne enjoy being a single mom away from home?

EPISODE 202, “Jazz Baby” - MARY JANE FARNSWORTH An accomplished photographer and a model, Mary Jane Farnsworth is a star both in front of the lens and behind it. As Liza Elliott-Ramirez, President of Expecting Models, puts it, “she nails it every time.” Both women know how difficult it can be to juggle career and family. And Liza is busier than ever! Her business is booming so much so that her cousin, Anita Kaller, is overseeing an LA extension of Expecting Models. Anita comes to New York City for a fancy lunch with Liza and the two toast the launch of the West Coast office. Mary Jane continues booking jobs during pregnancy but concerns creep in that she might be alone on the big day. Joe, her musician husband, travels the world playing the drums as part of a jazz band. His busy tour schedule even caused him to be absent during the birth of their first child, David. Will Joe be there for the delivery of his second child? And will this birth really be easier than the first, as everyone says, or will Mary Jane want an epidural?

EPISODE 203, “Safety First” - VANESSA GRONCZEWSKI Vanessa Gronczewski, an Expecting Model for the second time, has a true beauty with her versatile Latin flair. Liza Elliott Ramirez, President of Expecting Models, met Vanessa during her first pregnancy that ended with a difficult miscarriage. She conceived again shortly thereafter. Now that Vanessa is back in the maternity modeling business, she quickly booked two cover shoots and is happy to return to the modeling world. She believes that when you are pregnant and modeling, it is more about being a natural woman than selling a product. Safety is very important to her and her husband Craig, especially since she is a trained nurse and he is an Emergency Room doctor. Having children has always been their dream, but through their work they have witnessed first- hand how accidents can create nightmares. Together they learn how to properly install a car seat. But even as medical professionals, some things are beyond their control. A week before the due date they find out their baby is breech and that might mean an emergency C-section. Will Vanessa and Craig have the safe delivery and healthy baby they are hoping for?

EPISODE 204, “Ashton’s First Year” - JEVONNE CORTEZ A fitness trainer and a successful model, Jevonne Cortez has always enjoyed a healthy lifestyle. But then life threw her a curveball when her second son, Ashton, was born with malrotation of his intestines. In order to save his life, doctors had to remove most of his intestines, and he spent the first 8 months of his life in the NICU. Now Jevonne faces the challenge of learning the medical techniques necessary to care for her son at home. But she is more than happy to do whatever it takes to have her son home with the rest of the family. When it all gets too much for her, Liza Elliott-Ramirez, owner of Expecting Models, is there for her, and takes Jevonne on a fun shopping trip to get new clothes for her baby.

EPISODE 205, “Southern Twins” - SAMANTHA FOODMAN Samantha Foodman, an Expecting Model from North Carolina, has always known she’s wanted to be a mother. Before Samantha and her husband Adam start their family, they decide to take one last trip and climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa. Though the adventure is amazing, the physical demands of the climb take a toll on Samantha’s body and she stops having her period. After a frustrating year trying to conceive, she and Adam visit a fertility doctor. After only two months, Samantha and Adam receive the exciting news: not only is she pregnant, but she is expecting twin boys! Throughout her pregnancy, Samantha continues to stay active both doing yoga and visits Liza, President of Expecting Models in New York City. Her pregnancy goes smoothly until it appears that one of her babies has stopped moving in utero. We accompany Samantha to her c- section, and witness the birth of her sons who are both born premature and must stay in the NICU. When will Samantha be able to bring her babies home from the hospital? And how will she face the challenges of being a new mother of two?

EPISODE 206, “A Gift From Heaven” - LAURA SILEO Laura Sileo, a luminescent 39-year old, is overjoyed when she and her husband discover that they are expecting their first child. A long time model, she immediately meets with Liza Elliott Ramirez of Expecting Models to begin her maternity modeling career. While on a photo shoot, Laura receives an exciting call from Liza that she’s been picked to model for a big photo shoot. However, all this good fortune is bittersweet. Laura’s mother passed away before Laura became pregnant, leaving her with the promise that when she got to heaven she would send down a child for Laura. A very short time later, Laura finally became pregnant. Now she must get through the rest of her pregnancy, and with kidney stones! Will they affect her delivery?

EPISODE 207, “Super Fit Mom” - JULIE MARQUES MORAN Now modeling in her third pregnancy for Liza Elliott-Ramirez and Expecting Models, Julie heads down the runway in lingerie by Bella Materna and makes heads turn. A tall, lean and mean fitness buff, Julie continues a routine of tennis and biking during her pregnancy while also attending family football games. She gave up waterskiing, but still drives the speedboat while her husband Freddy skis. Her smooth pregnancy includes cautious tests for gestational diabetes and regular sonograms. Then suddenly, when Julie crashes her car into a guardrail, her concern for safety heightens and she decides to take a class in CPR with Liza. Will the baby be okay? The hospital is three hours away. Will she make it to there in time? Will she be able to have a natural birth like the first two, or will the pain be too great?

EPISODE 208, “Cutting it Close” - BREANNE LOVELAND Breanne is only 22 years old but she’s wanted to be a mom ever since she can remember. But when doctors told her at 16 years old that a blocked fallopian tube due to a burst cyst would prevent her from conceiving, she was shattered. Breanne received the surprise of her life when she found out she was pregnant. She and her husband, Ariel, are ecstatic and so is Liza Elliott-Ramirez, president of Expecting Models. Because of her natural, stunning beauty, Breanne has booked a large number of this season’s maternity jobs. On top of all the modeling gigs, Breanne and Ariel are also moving into a new apartment, just days before her due date. To help Breanne de-stress, Liza brings Breanne to a prenatal yoga class. But things don’t quite settle down. Breanne’s labor comes sudden and quickly—and she might not make it to the hospital in time. Will Ariel and Breanne have a labor experience straight from a movie and have their baby in a New York City taxicab?

EPISODE 209, “Wedding Day and Baby on the Way” - CLAIRE UNABIA Liza Elliott-Ramirez is not only President of Expecting Models, the world’s only modeling agency dedicated exclusively to pregnant and nursing women, she is also “den mother” to all the women she represents. When young Claire Unabia walks into her office, pregnant with her first child, Liza sets up an appointment with La Leche so Claire can learn more about breastfeeding. Claire and Matt met in Hawaii as children, and have been sweethearts practically ever since. They plan a wedding at City Hall and then begin preparing for a natural birth. Claire is confident she can deal with the pain of childbirth with Matt at her side, but will the pain be more than she expects?

EPISODE 210, “TV Star Mom” - VERONICA ALBORNOZ Liza Elliott-Ramirez, owner of Expecting Models, is always working to garner publicity for her modeling agency. So when she receives a call from the morning news program on Telemundo asking her to make an appearance and promote her agency, she doesn’t hesitate to say yes. With help from her husband Eric, Liza does a great job speaking Spanish on the show. But best of all, Liza meets Veronica, the weather girl and reporter on the segment, herself an expecting mom. Liza asks Veronica to come in and meet with her and it isn’t long before Veronica is herself an expecting model. For Veronica it is no giant leap from morning weather anchor to model; she is well accustomed to being in front of the . But with a baby girl on the way, will Veronica find it easy to juggle the demands of motherhood with her busy TV journalism career?

EPISODE 211, “An Engagement and a Birth” - ELEA GRIMES Elea and her boyfriend Michael knew it was love at first sight the moment they saw each other. They were both working models at the time and made the spontaneous decision to relocate to Milan to live and model together. As Elea says, it was like having a honeymoon before a wedding! Now back in Newport Beach, California, Elea and Michael are expecting the birth of a baby boy. But the pregnancy wasn’t planned, and while it fills them with joy, it brings trepidation as well. Will the anti-depressants Elea was taking affect the pregnancy? Are they truly comfortable having a baby despite not being engaged? Elea continues to book high-profile modeling jobs through the West Coast office of Expecting Models. Back in New York City, Liza Elliott-Ramirez, president of the agency, enjoys some special time with her husband through a ballroom dancing lesson. EPISODE 212, “Boy or Girl?” - REBECCA KLEIN When Rebecca gave up modeling to pursue a career in writing, she thought her modeling days were long behind her, but when she and her husband conceived their second child, she finds herself, at the age of 37, back in front of the camera. Liza Elliott- Ramirez, president of Expecting Models, books Rebecca for a unique job: a workout video tailored towards pregnant women. Rebecca also enlists a close friend to document her ever-changing body through a series of . Rebecca also has a twenty- month old toddler insuring this pregnancy will be far from restful. Despite a smooth pregnancy, Rebecca is concerned when her doctor tells her she tested positive for a Group B strep. To keep her baby safe, she may have to be induced. Will the infection pass to the baby?

EPISODE 213, “ A Girl at Last” - NATASHA SILVER Natasha Silver got her modeling start with small town beauty pageants. Eventually she made her way to the top five of Miss USA, but the pressure to stay thin took its toll, and Natasha took a break from modeling to raise her two boys, Samuel and Benjamin. Now pregnant with her third child, Natasha returns to modeling, but only because it’s in a healthy way. As Liza Elliott-Ramirez, president of Expecting Models, puts it, “pregnancy modeling is all about big busts, big waists, and big hips.” Between karate practice, soccer in the hallway, and naptime, Natasha’s days are extremely busy raising two boys and she admits it’s overwhelming to have a third child. But she and her husband, Tommy, are overjoyed to have another female presence in the house. Despite careful planning for a natural birth, during labor Natasha receives scary news from her doctor: the baby’s heart rate is decreasing and an emergency c-section must be performed. Will Natasha and Tommy have a healthy baby girl to bring home to the boys?

EPISODE 214, “Brooklyn Baby” - CRYS WILEY Crys Wiley and her husband Peter just moved from the South to Brooklyn, New York with their seven-year-old daughter Jordan and they are learning how to balance a family—one that will grow bigger—in the big city. Crys, an experienced dancer, has something in common with Expecting Models president, Liza Elliott-Ramirez. They both love to dance. Liza takes her whole family out to an exclusive kid-friendly event: a dance party at a hip club in New York City where they all get their groove on to disco tunes. We also see how dance can be great exercise for expecting mom when Crys attends a dance class tailored exclusively to pregnant women. Crys is looking forward to the birth of her second child and possibly the modeling work that will come with it. We see Liza in action photographing Crys and her new baby for future mommy & me modeling jobs.

EPISODE 215, “Exotic Mom to Be” - CHANTAL BOLIVAR Chantal and Stan affirmed their love for each other with three whirlwind weddings around the world. Chantal, an experienced model, is excited to be pregnant with their first child. She has gained more weight then she anticipated, about 40 pounds throughout the pregnancy. Although Chantal admits she would rather spend her time anywhere but the gym, she dutifully meets with her trainer to discuss her fitness routine. Chantal’s exotic beauty strikes a respected photographer and she has a big photo shoot for his new book on pregnancy. Although she books lots of modeling gigs, her true desire is to be a VJ for broadcast television. Liza Elliott-Ramirez, president of Expecting Models knows what it’s like to juggle work and family and takes Chantal out for a one-on-one chat about parenting and career. When Chantal’s water breaks ahead of her scheduled due date, she rushes to the hospital and calls her husband to come back from out of town. Will he make it in time for the birth? Will Chantal have a smooth and short labor? EPISODE 216, “Working the Runway” - KATIA BIASSOU Katia is a self-proclaimed “diva”—but not the “bad kind” as she puts it. She always looks fabulous, donning a glamorous outfit and even high-heels throughout her pregnancy. Liza Elliott-Ramirez, president of Expecting Models, loves Katia’s “chameleon” quality—an asset that helps Katia book lots of jobs. In this episode we see two very different modeling gigs—Katia posing on beachfront property for the cover of Lamaze Magazine and then strutting it on the runway at a glitzy fashion show. Liza gets in on the action at this special event by cheering on several of her Expecting Models as they flaunt the latest maternity fashions. While living the glam fashion life, Katia is also busy preparing for the birth of her first child. She and her husband, Gary, have recently purchased a new home. Katia invites two baby-proofing experts to survey her current home and provide safety tips to prepare for the arrival of her new baby girl.

EPISODE 217, “Dancing Mom” - VANESSA HYLANDE SCHWARTZMAN Liza Elliott-Ramirez, president of Expecting Models, doesn’t just book models with only print and runway experience on their resume. Vanessa Hylande Schwartzman is a unique Expecting Model—she’s a full-time ballet dancer with the Metropolitan Opera in New York City. Liza loves that Vanessa’s dance background comes through in the elegant way she moves in front of the camera. She also adores her natural beauty, so much so that she has chosen Vanessa to be one of the monthly “covers” for her new online magazine, Stork. Liza’s new business venture continues to make pregnancy sexy by featuring Stork beauty and fashion articles that speak to moms who want to stay hip. Vanessa and her husband are all about a natural birth. They had such an emotionally powerful experience delivering their first child, Emmett, at home, that they decided to do it again with their second. Just like the first time around, the sex of the baby will be a surprise. Will Vanessa welcome another boy into the world or a girl? And will the labor go smoothly and safely away from medical facilities?

EPISODE 218, “Entrepreneur Mom” - ROSALINDA JAUREQUI Rosalinda Jaurequi has experienced hardship in the early months of her pregnancy. Her father recently passed away and she and her fiancé postponed their wedding to allow time to grieve. Rose is sad that her father will never have a chance to meet his grandchild but she’s happy to be keeping busy during the pregnancy by modeling. According to Liza Elliott-Ramirez, president of Expecting Models, clients love Rose’s youthful look and she is quickly booked on a big shoot for a maternity clothing line. Rose is exhausted at the end of the day after over a dozen wardrobe changes, but Liza, who swings by the photo shoot, praises her for handling it like a pro. Rose’s pregnancy has been an inspiration to pursue a career behind the camera. She is working on a new baby clothing line and her apartment has become a makeshift sewing shop. In between the modeling jobs and launching her clothing line, Rose and her fiancé meet with a midwife to prepare for a natural childbirth. The labor experience will be bittersweet for Rose, who will surely miss her father meeting her first child.