Media Release and Community Service Announcement
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Sunshine Coast Biodiversity Strategy 2010-2020 Table 2 Significant flora species of the Sunshine Coast E = endangered V = vulnerable R = rare N = northern limit S = southern limit EPBC = Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (2000) NCA = Nature Conservation Act (1992) Status Scientific name Common name EPBC/NCA Limit of distribution Acacia attenuata attenuate wattle V/V Acacia bauerii subsp bauerii tiny wattle /V Acacia flavescens S (Coolum) Acacia sophorae coast wattle N (Maroochy River) Acacia viscidula sticky wattle ?N Acomis acoma R Acronychia littoralis scented acronychia E/E Acronychia octandra doughwood N (Blackall Range) Agathis robusta Queensland kauri S (Noosa) Akania bidwillii turnipwood N (Blackall Range) Alangium villosum subsp muskwood N (Conondale Range, polyosmoides Eumundi) (southern populations) Allocasuarina emuina Emu Mtn sheoak E/E Allocasuarina filidens /R Endemic (to SC) Allocasuarina rupicola subsp. exsul V Allocasuarina thalassoscopica Coolum sheoak E/E Alphitonia incana hairy sarsparilla ash S (Buderim) Angiopteris evecta King fern Aponogeton elongatus subsp Queensland lace /R elongatus Araucaria bidwilli Bunya Pine Archidendron lovelliae baconwood /R S (Noosa) Argyrodendron actinophyllum N (Woondum) subsp. actinophyllum Arthraxon hispidus V/V Arundinella montana /R N (Glasshouse Mtns) Atractocarpus benthamianus native gardenia N (Blackall Ra) Austromyrtus glabra Balanophora fungosa subsp. fungosa S (Mt Eerwah) Baloghia marmorata V/V N (Mt Pinbarren) Banksia conferta subsp conferta /V N (Mt Beerwah) Bertya sharpeana /R S (Mt Coolum) Blandfordia grandiflora Christmas bells /E 22 Sunshine Coast Biodiversity Strategy 2010-2020 Status Scientific name Common name EPBC/NCA Limit of distribution Boehmeria macrophylla native ramie N (Blackall Range) Boronia keysii Key's boronia /V Endemic? Boronia rivularis wide bay boronia /R S (Kawana area) Bosistoa medicinalis northern bosistoa S (Nambour) Callicoma serratifolia callicoma Carronia multisepalea N (Kin Kin) Choricarpia leptopetala brown myrtle N (Buderim) Choricarpia subargentea giant ironwood /R Clausena brevistyla clausena S (Blackall Ra) Commersona fraseri brush kurrajong N (Maroochydore) Commersonia viscidula S (Mt Tinbeerwah) Corynocarpus rupestris subsp Glenugie karaka V/R arborescens Cryptocarya foetida stinking cryptocarya V/V N limit Ramsays Scrub, Cooloola Cryptocarya onoprienkoana S (Curromore) Cupaniopsis newmanii N (Kin Kin) Dicksonia youngiae Bristly Tree Fern Diospyros ellipticifolia var ebenus shiny leaved ebony Dodonaea rupicola V/V Endemic (to SC) Dodonea triquetra large-leaved hop bush Doryphora sassafras sassafras N (Blackall Ra) Drymophila moorei N (Conondale Ra) Durringtonia paludosa /R Elatostema stipitatum N (Blackall Range) Eleagnus triflora var triflora Millaa Millaa vine S (Yandina) Emmenosperma cunninghamii northern yellow ash S (Eumundi) Endiandra compressa white bark Endiandra virens white apple N (Kin Kin Ck) Eucalyptus conglomerata swamp stringybark E/E Eucalyptus curtisii Plunkett Mallee R Eucalyptus kabiana Mt Beerwah red gum V/V Endemic (to SC) Eucalyptus seeana Narrow-leaf red gum N (Landsborough) Eucalyptus sp. Glass House Endemic (to SC) Mountains Eulophia bicallosa /R S (Eumundi) Floydia praelta ball nut V/V N (Imbil area) 23 Sunshine Coast Biodiversity Strategy 2010-2020 Status Scientific name Common name EPBC/NCA Limit of distribution Galbulimima baccata northern pigeonberry S ash Genoplesium sigmoideum R N (Mapleton) Glycine argyrea R S (Noosa NP) Gompholobium virgatum var /R S (Peregian) emarginatum Gonocarpus effusus /R Endemic (to SC) Gossia fragrantissima small-leaved myrtle /E N (upper Mooloolah River) Gossia inophloia thready-barked myrtle /R N (Kin Kin) Graptophyllum reticulatum Veiny graptophyllum/ E/E Endemic (to SC) Buderim holly Graptophyllum spinigerum Grevillea hilliana white yiel-yiel Grevillea hodgei /V Endemic (to SC) Grevillea humilis subsp. lucens Grevillea reptans S (Glasshouse Mountains - Mt Tunbubudla) Guioa acutifolia northern guioa S (Peachester) Habernaria harroldii E S (Noosa North Shore) Hedycarya angustifolia native mulberry N (Conondale Ra) Helicia ferruginea rusty helicia /R N (Peachester) Hibiscus divaricatus S (Tibrogargan Creek) Jasminum jenniae shrubby jasmine /E N (west Woombye)) Lenwebbia sp Blackall Ra /R Endemic (to SC) Lepiderema pulchella fine-leaved tuckeroo /R N Lepidosperma clipeicola N (Rupari Hill) Lepidosperma quadrangulatum N (Mt Emu) Lepidozamia peroffskyana Shining Burrawang N (Mapleton) Leptospermum luehmannii /R Endemic (to SC) Leptospermum oreophilum /R Majority of range in SC Leucopogon recurvisepalis /E Lindernia subulata Liparis simmondsii /R Litsea leefeana brown bolly gum S (Blackall Ra) Macadamia integrifolia macadamia nut V/V Macadamia ternifolia Maroochy nut V/V Majority of range in SC Macarthuria complanata /R S (Sunshine Beach) 24 Sunshine Coast Biodiversity Strategy 2010-2020 Status Scientific name Common name EPBC/NCA Limit of distribution Macrozamia pauli-guilielmi E/E Mallotus megadontus toothed kamala /V Majority of range in SC Mallotus mollissimus soft kamala S (Pomona) Mallotus repandus climbing kamala S (Mt Eerwah) Marsdenia coronata V/V Marsdenia hemiptera /R Medicosma sp Mt Mellum Endemic (to SC) Melaleuca cheelii /R S (Kin Kin) Melaleuca formosa /R Melaleuca groveana /R Mischocapus australis N (Kin Kin) Myrsine arenaria sand muttonwood S (Coolum) Myrsine howittiana brush muttonwood N (W of Peregian Beach) Myrsine subsessilis subsp. N limit Ramsays Scrub, subsessilis Cooloola Neisosperma poweri Milk Bush Niemeyera chartacea smooth-leaved plum Nothoalsomitra suberosa corky cucumber /R Papillilabium beckleri /R N (Kenilworth) Pararistolochia praevenosa birdwing butterfly vine /R N (Kin Kin) Parsonsia largiflorens large-flowered silkpod /E Persoonia iogyna N (Bellthorpe) Peterostylis nigricans /R Phaius australis yellow swamp orchid E/E Phaius bernaysii E/E N (Noosa) Philotheca glasshousiensis S (Mt Tibrogargan) Philotheca queenslandica Nr S limit (Bribie) Picris conyzoides /R Plectranthus torrenticola E/E Endemic (to SC) Podocarpus spinulosus shrubby pine N (coastal) Polyscias australiana ivory basswood S (Eumundi/Yandina Creek) Polyosma cunninghamii featherwood N (Blackall Ra) Planchonella eerwah shiny-leaved coondoo E/E N (Eumundi) Prasophyllum wallum V/V S (Coolum Beach - type locality) Prostanthera sp. 'Mt Tinbeerwah' /V Endemic (to SC) 25 Sunshine Coast Biodiversity Strategy 2010-2020 Status Scientific name Common name EPBC/NCA Limit of distribution Pultenaea robusta S (from Fraser Island to Coolum) Quintinia verdonii grey possumwood N (Blackall Ra) Rhodamnia acuminata silver malletwood S (Mooloolah R) Ricinocarpus speciosus hairy ricinocarpus /V N (Ringtail SF) Romnalda strobilacea V/V Endemic (to SC) Rulingia salviifolia /R N (Buderim) Sarcochilus fitzgeraldii ravine orchid V/E N (Bellthorpe/Maleny) Schoenus scabripes /R Senna acclinis /R Sloanea australis subsp. australis N (Kin Kin) Solanum vicinum forest nightshade N (Conondale Ra) Sophora fraseri brush sophora V/V Symplocos harroldii hairy hazlewood /R Syncarpia hillii S (main population) (Tewantin) Syzygium hodgkinsoniae red lillypilly V/V N (Kin Kin) Tecomanthe hillii Fraser Island creeper /R S (Bli Bli) Teratophyllum brightiae S (Montville - Kondalilla Falls) Thelypteris confluens V/V Thismia rodwayi /R Triflorensia cameronii diplospora N (Blackall Ra) Triplarina volcanica subsp. volcanica Endemic (to SC) Triunia robusta glossy spice bush E/E Majority of range in SC Vitex melicopea northern vitex S (Mt Eerwah) Westringia blakeana /R N (Mapleton) Westringia grandiflora /R Endemic (to SC) Xanthostemon oppositifolius southern penda V/R S (Pomona) Zieria bifida (sp. Brolga Park) Nambour zieria /E Endemic (to SC) Zieria exsul (sp. Mooloolaba) /E 26.