How Do Reproduce?

Unit 11, Lesson 1 How Does a Garden Grow?

● When a grows, it goes through stages as it develops and it’s called a life cycle.

● Plant life cycles are important to know because plants are very important to us (humans). ■ Why is that??? What are the stages of a plant life cycle?

First, a is placed in the soil so it can sprout. The seed contains the of the plant.

Next, when it sprouts, and the embryo in the seed starts to grow, that’s called .

Then,the plant continues to grow and will start to grow more .

Finally, the plant reaches maturity when it reaches full size. , which can grow into new plants are made by the mature plants. Radish Life Cycle and Cones ● Flowers and cones are reproductive structures that make seeds. Fertilization is the process of male cells and female cells joining together. ● Most plants produce seeds in structures called flowers, which contain the male and female cells needed to produce new plants. They can be found in in the anthers (male cells - ) and the pistil (female cells - ). ● Other types of plants produce seeds in cones. There are male cones and female cones. Power of the Pollen

● Plants reproduce through , which is the process of pollen moving from the male plant part to the female plant part. ■ This can happen in different ways ● wind can blow pollen from one plant to another ● (bees, butterflies, birds, and others) can gather pollen and take it somewhere else ○ brightly colored flowers attract pollinators ● flowing water

Seeds on the Move How do seeds move to different places so that new plants grow somewhere else, instead of a whole bunch of plants in the same spot?

Seeds are moved around by animals , people, or the wind

(because plants can’t really walk around to drop seeds in new places) Moving the seeds... animals may eat the seeds (like from ) and ‘deposit’ them somewhere else through their waste

animals may find and bury the seeds

Seeds with burs (tiny ‘hooks’) attach to animals or clothing when something rubs up against it.

some seeds are very light and can be carried by the wind (like a dandelion). Other Ways Plants Grow Some plants grow from spores, rather than from seeds. (They look like little hard spots on the underneath side of some .) Spores are cells that can grow into a new plant in the right conditions.

Many and grow from spores instead of seeds. Plants grown from spores have 2 distinct forms in their life cycle - a frond (or a ) and a heart-shaped structure.

Spores are released when the structure that holds them bursts or breaks open. The wind carries the spore, and if it gets deposited in a good spot, a new plant will grow. Ferns In your ISN, compare & Contrast the life cycles of seed-bearing plants and spore-bearing plants.

Seed-bearing plants Both Spore-bearing plants

DRAW A CHART LIKE THIS IN YOUR ISN Use these clues to add in your chart - place them in the correct spot and then check your answers on the next slide 1. two distinct forms in life cycle 2. helped by pollinators 3. seeds contain 4. reach maturity 5. cells produce new plants 6. life cycle has 4 distinct stages 7. flowers & cones produce new seeds 8. can reproduce 9. develop if conditions are right 10. heart-shaped structures produce sperm cells & cells