Central European Economic Journal Leszek Wincenciak1 Introduction 1 University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, e-mail:
[email protected]. Open Access. © 2017 L. Wincenciak, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. https://doi.org/10.1515/ceej-2017-0013 2 CEEJ 2(49) • 2017 • pp. 01−03 • ISSN 2543-6821 • https://doi.org.10.1515/ceej-2017-0013 The twelfth Warsaw International Economic Meeting policy and economic performance. Her specific interests took place on 4-6 July 2017 bringing together young relate to empirical industrial organisation, the retail food researchers from around the globe: China, France, sector, nutrition, innovation, productivity and corporate Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, tax. Poland, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom and the Professor Griffith was president of the European United States of America. The conference is an excellent Economic Association for 2015, making her the first forum especially for young researchers, offering them woman to hold the position. She is the author of numer- opportunity to present their original work and gain ous articles in prestigious journals like The American Eco- valuable comments, experience and make international nomic Review, Journal of Public Economics, Oxford Review contacts in their fields. of Economic Policy, Journal of the European Economic Asso- Papers from one to four in this special issue of Central ciation, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Quantita- European Economic Journal are revised post-conference tive Economics, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of proceedings following the Warsaw International Eco- Labor Economics, The Economic Journal, and many others.