Codes for Daf Yomi Shiurim and Shuls

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Codes for Daf Yomi Shiurim and Shuls Shuls Codes for Daf Yomi Shiurim and Shuls North London Adass Yisroel Tottenham Biala - Birchas Zvi Gur Beis Hachasidim (Lampard) Nitra Spinke (Clapton) Viznitz - Y’M (Lampard) BM200 BM212 BM224 BM239 BM252 BM264 Please use your dedicated code when reserving your tickets so that you will Adath Yisroel Biala Chelkas Yehoshua Gur Beis Hachasidim (Windus) Noam Hatorah Stanislow Yeshiva Horomoh be able to sit together with other members of your Shiur/Shul in the price BM201 BM213 BM225 BM240 BM253 BM265 Alexander Bobov (Egerton) Gur Beis Yitzchak Dovid Oraysoh Stolin Karlin Yeshivas Ahavas Torah section that you choose to reserve. BM202 BM215 BM226 BM241 BM254 BM266 (When there are multiple price band bookings for the same Shiur/Shul we will ensure Avnei Kodesh Bobov 45 Gur Tzeirim Pressburg Tchabe Yeshuas Chaim (Pinters) BM203 BM214 BM227 BM242 BM255 BM267 that within each section those members are sat together.) Beis Joseph Zvi Breslev Heichal Hatorah Ruzin - Boyan Tiferes Amrom Yesodey Hatorah BM204 BM216 BM228 BM244 BM256 BM268 Beis Talmud Centre Chasam Sofer Kehal Chareidim Sanz Toldos Aron Zeire Agudath Yisroel (69) Daf Yomi Shiurim BM205 BM217 BM229 BM245 BM257 BM269 Belz - (117 Clapton) Cheishev Hoeifod Knightland Road Synagogue Sanz-Klausenburg (Dunsmure) Torah Etz Chayim (69) Zeire Agudath Yisroel (95) BM206 BM218 BM230 BM246 BM258 BM270 Adass Yisroel Edgware Belz- (Belz Terrace) Chasam Sofer Gur (Lampard) Machzikei Hadass Edgware Viznitz - Ahavas Yisroel (89) Rabbi Y Royde Shlita Rabbi M Fefferkorn Shlita Rabbi S Reisner Shlita Rabbi Y Mayteles Shlita Rabbi E Schneebalg Shlita Rabbi S Hirschler Shlita Belz - (99) Chernobel Kossov Shotz Torah Etz Chayim (Rookwood) DY100 DY110 DY120 DY130 DY141 DY152 BM207 BM219 BM231 BM247 BM259 Adass Yisroel Tottenham Belz- (Belz Terrace) Chevrah Shas Gur (Bridge Lane) Ner Yisroel Viznitz - Ahavas Yisroel (89) Belz - (Firsby) Chevrah Shass Lieger Radvan Torath Chaim Skver Tosh Rabbi M Rothfeld Shlita Rabbi M Austerlitz Shlita Rabbi MS Meisels Shlita Reb Chaim Gilbert Shlita Reb M Pollak Shlita Rabbi Y Tescher Shlita BM208 BM220 BM234 BM248 BM260 DY101 DY111 DY121 DY131 DY142 DY153 Belz - (St Kildas) Chida Beis Hamedrash Lieger Torath Chaim Slonim - (Amhurst) Vishnitz London Imrei Chaim Barnet United Synagogue Beth Abraham (Goschalks) Chortkov/Crowland Road Gur (Bridge Lane) Nishmas Yisroel Viznitz - Ahavas Yisroel (89) BM209 BM221 BM235 BM249 BM261 Rabbi’s Birnbaum/Glickman/Brayam Rabbi Y. Heitner Shlita Rabbi P Dym Shlita Reb Chaim Hoffert Shlita Rabbi D Tugenhaft Shlita Rabbi Y Grunfeld Shlita Belz- (Belz Terrace) Chortkov Lubavitch (N16) Slonim- (Clapton) Viznitz - Ahavas Yisroel (89) DY102 DY112 DY122 DY132 DY143 DY154 BM210 BM222 BM236 BM250 BM262 Beis Elchonon Beth Yisochor Dov Daf Yomi Be’er Simcha Kollel Heichal Hatorah Ohel David Viznitz - (89) Kollel Daf Yomi Beth Chodosh Dushinsky Nadvorne Spinke (Bergholt) Viznitz - Chasidei (126) Rabbi D Halpern Shlita Rabbi A Blau Shlita Rabbi E Brunner Shlita Rabbi L Rakow Shlita Rabbi A Sebag Shlita Rabbi S Stern Shlita BM211 BM223 BM238 BM251 BM263 DY103 DY113 DY123 DY133 DY144 DY155 Beis Shmuel Biala Chelkas Yehoshua Divrei Chaim Heichal Leah Ohr Chodosh Viznitz - Chasidei (126) Rabbi C Halpern Shlita Rabbi M Rothfeld Shlita Rabbi C Halpern Shlita Reb M Noe Shlita Rabbi C Weiss Shlita Rabbi E Zaks Shlita DY104 DY114 DY124 DY134 DY145 DY156 NW London Beis Shmuel Biala Chelkas Yehoshua Etz Chaim Hendon Adass Yisroel Ruzin-Sadigur Or Yisroel Yeshivas Od Yosef Chai Aish Beis Yisochor Dov Hagers Kollel Kingsley Way Ohel Moshe The Evening Beis Rabbi S Baumgarten Shlita Rabbi YM Wertheim Shlita Reb S Luftig Shlita Rabbi Y Royde Shlita Reb Y Roth Shlita Rabbi A. David Shlita BM271 BM281 BM291 BM301 BM311 BM372 DY105 DY115 DY125 DY135 DY146 DY157 Alei Tzion Beis Yisroel Heichal Leah Machzkei Hadass (GG) Ohr Chodosh Tiferes Eyal Beis Yisroel BLBH (Bridge Lane) Finchley Kinloss Synagogue Imrei Shefer Sanz Yeshuas Chaim (Pinters) BM272 BM282 BM292 BM302 BM312 BM322 R’ D Dunner/R’ Maki Weisz Shlita Rabbi Y Hamer Shlita Mr Jeffrey Sagal Reb Y Roth Shlita Rabbi S.E Klein Shlita Rabbi Blum Shlita DY106 DY116 DY126 DY136 DY147 DY158 Alexander Beis Yitzchok Dovid Heichal Menachem Magen Avot Ohr Yisroel Tiferes Yisroel BM273 BM283 BM293 BM303 BM313 BM323 Belz (St Kildas) BLBH (Bridge Lane) Lieger Torath Chaim K’K Toras Chaim Shotz Zeire Agudath Yisroel (95) Rabbi S Rand Shlita Reb Y Apter Shlita Rabbi E Sekula Shlita Rabbi S Baumgarten Shlita Rabbi Y.C Mendel Shlita Rabbi H Reitzer Shlita Anshei Shalom Beth Abraham (Goschalks) Hendon Adass Yisroel Mi Keamcho Ruzin-Sadigur Or Yisroel Toras Chaim DY107 DY117 DY127 DY137 DY148 DY159 BM274 BM284 BM294 BM304 BM314 BM324 Belz- (Belz Terrace) Bobov GGBH (Munks) K’K Toras Chaim Sinai Zeire Agudath Yisroel (95) Ateres Zvi BLBH (Bridge Lane) Imrei Shefer Ner Yisroel Sassov Toras Moshe (Soriano) Rabbi MZ Weinberg Shlita Rabbi S Horowitz Shlita Rabbi A.A Cohen Shlita Rabbi Dr. Leslie Solomon Shlita Rabbi E Bloch Shlita Rabbi A Heller Shlita BM275 BM285 BM295 BM305 BM315 BM325 DY108 DY118 DY128 DY138 DY149 DY160 Avreichim Chazak JLE Netzach Yisroel (GG) Shaarei Tefillah Belz- (Belz Terrace) Bobov Gur (Lampard) Knesset Yechezkel Skver K’hal Chasdim BM276 BM286 BM296 BM306 BM316 Edgware Rabbi H Eckstein Shlita Rabbi D Kopciel Shlita Rabbi Y Schaechter Shlita Rabbi G Tovim Shlita Rabbi E Cohen Shlita Rabbi M Weiss Shlita Beis Elchonon Divrei Chaim K’hal Chasidim Nishmas Yisroel Shomrei Hadath DY109 DY119 DY129 DY139 DY150 DY161 BM277 BM287 BM297 BM307 BM317 Adass Yisroel Edgware Beis Gavriel Etz Chaim Yeshiva Kehillas Ohel Moshe North Hendon Sinai BM327 Machzikei Haddas (GG) Chernobil Omud Yomi Shiur BM278 BM288 BM298 BM308 BM318 Ahavas Torah Rabbi CZ Pearlman Shlita Rabbi NB Bindiger Shlita Rabbi Y Firestone Shlita DY140 DY151 DY162 Beis Shmuel GGBH (Munks) Kenneset Yechezkel Od Yosef Chai Skolye BM328 BM279 BM289 BM299 BM309 BM319 Beis Tefillah Beis Tefillah (GG) Gur (Bridge Lane) Kesher Ohel David Spitzer’s Kollel BM329 BM280 BM290 BM300 BM310 BM320 Kol Ya’akov BM330 UK and European Kehillos TAL Lubavitch of Edgware BM321 Kehilas Amsterdam Kehilas Birmingham Kehilas Gateshead Kehilas Leeds Kehilas Westcliffe United Synagogues BM331 BM340 BM342 BM345 BM348 BM351 Hadley Wood US Muswell Hill Shul Shenley US Hampstead US Machzikei Hadass Edgware Kehilas Antwerp Kehilas Bournemouth Kehilas Gibraltar Kehilas Manchester Kehilas Zurich BM358 BM366 BM368 BM360 BM332 BM341 BM343 BM346 BM349 BM352 Barnet US Palmers Green and Southgate US Golders Green US Mill Hill Synagogue Nefesh HaTorah Kehilas Canvey Island Kehilas Glasgow Kehilas Vienna BM326 BM367 BM357 BM365 BM333 BM344 BM347 BM350 Kenton Synagogue Hampstead Garden Suburb Brondesbury Park US St Johns Wood Synagogue The Seed Shul Netzach Yisroel BM363 BM359 BM354 BM370 BM337 BM334 Stanmore and Canons Park Finchley United Synagogue South Hampstead Synagogue Kingsbury Synagogue Tiferes Yisroel Ohel Avrohom Kollel Beis Aaron BM371 BM356 BM369 BM364 BM338 BM335 Edgware US Highgate Shul Hendon United Borehamwood and Elstree US Yeshurun Ohr Hachayim BM355 BM362 BM361 BM353 BM339 BM336 Your Shul or Shiur missing from the list? please email: Contact your local representative for more info: Manchester: Mr Nosson Halberstadt 07974745666 Has your Shul yet joined Gateshead: Mr Yoini Kaufman 07880342643 Chavrei HaSiyum to take on a Vienna: Mr Yitzchok Binyomin Neumann +43 6766185318 Limmud until the Siyum? Zurich: Mr Itamar Vorhand +41 799106701 Gibraltar: Mr Yitzchak Levy +35 020020356 email: Antwerp: Mr Moishi Perl +32 476319180 Amsterdam: Rabbi Yitzchok Uri Dunner +31 617784532.
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