2010 Annual 2010 Report Foundation Community

Edmonton Community Foundation 2010 Annual Report Mission Vision Values

Edmonton Community Foundation exists 21st century vision for Edmonton Edmonton Community to help the people of Edmonton and area Community Foundation: Foundation values: by encouraging philanthropy and funding • Trusted by donors as the first choice to • Its relationships with the community charitable activities. create endowments including donors, grantees, volunteers Through contributions from donors, the • Recognized by charities as the primary and staff Foundation assembles and administers source for grants that meet community • Its role as a catalyst for building and permanent pools of capital so the returns needs, enrich people’s lives and build an strengthening our community can be perpetually reinvested in our enduring legacy of positive change • The integrity, autonomy and community. The Foundation complements • Acknowledged by community leaders as independence of others and supports other charitable agencies. the right place for innovative and prudent • Openness, honesty, accessibility, fairness investments in Edmonton’s future. and mutual respect • Community leadership, visionary thinking and innovation • Fiscal prudence through efficient and strategic practices. Making Connections…

Table of Contents

Report from the Chair and CEO 2 Gifts Planned for the Future 5 Funds, Grants and Disbursements 20 Financial Highlights and Reports 41 Donors 46 Volunteers 50 Staff 51 Board of Directors 52

EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 1 Report from the Chair & Chief Executive Officer

Our theme this year is “connections.” The annual we have continued both the Endowment report shows how we connect donors’ passions with Sustainability Program and Legacy Partnership. challenges and opportunities in our community. The Social Enterprise Fund connects social Edmonton Community Foundation is more than entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations with simply a repository for charitable gifts; it is also innovative, flexible financing and solid business a source for careful research, good ideas and advice. Several new social enterprises are now strong action. serving the community as a result. ECF strives to assist donors meet their philanthropic The work of ECF’s investment committee connects goals and help local charities address ever-changing donors’ funds with a prudent financial investment needs in our community. Toward that end, we have strategy. In 2010, despite the sluggish economic initiated a number of programs and partnerships. recovery, Foundation assets grew to more than For example, the Community Investment Partnership $276 million, with a return on investment of 8.68% informs donors (through a convenient booklet and (net of average fees). Donors continued to show staff consultation) about exciting projects that require their trust in ECF with more than $18 million in funding. Community Scholarships help tackle the new contributions in 2010. We were also notified skills shortage in the non-profit sector. To help of dozens of estate plans that included ECF. charities begin and grow their own endowments,

2 EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT The summarized financials are on Page 44 of this commitment benefit the Foundation and the whole report and you can view the entire consolidated community. This year we say good bye to three financial statements on our website at departing Directors. Joanne Beaton and Melissa www.ecfoundation.org. Field have completed their six-year terms and Hussein Kanji is relocating his family to Vancouver We continue to build and maintain strong to pursue a professional opportunity. We thank them connections to local and regional charities through for their many contributions and wish them well. the Community Grants Program – again accepting applications and making grants. Several exciting The ribbon that runs through the annual report is community projects were awarded funds in 2010. a fitting symbol – flowing from page to page, linking Foundation Directed Initiatives support many donors, charities and endless possibilities. We thank on-going, collaborative initiatives with our you for your continued support – helping make these funding partners. crucial connections.

Another connection to the community is through the work of the Board of Directors. Their sound judgement, good advice and generous time Penny Omell Martin Garber–Conrad Chair Chief Executive Officer


Edmonton Community Foundation works closely Gifts can also be made through the General with donors to create endowment funds that reflect Community Fund, a discretionary fund established their charitable interests. The Foundation now holds to allow the Foundation to respond to evolving over 650 endowed funds that support an array of needs. Soon this fund will have provided more than charitable causes that benefit arts, culture & heritage, the total amount in gifts to the fund – over $10 recreation & leisure, education & learning, social million. Throughout the years the Foundation’s & community services, health & wellness and the Board of Directors and advisory committees have environment. been able to put donor dollars to good use for emerging community priorities. Early investment Donors to the Foundation know that their gifts in charitable organizations has helped build some will be carefully invested and they trust us to provide of our most valued community assets such as prudent stewardship of their endowments. There are Big Brothers Big Sisters Society of Edmonton, a number of ways for donors to make gifts to the the and the Bissell Centre. Foundation including gifts to existing funds or the creation of named funds. Gifts can be cash, publicly This is the power of endowment – building funds traded securities, bequests, life insurance policies or over time so that gifts can continue to benefit our other assets. community and fulfill donors’ philanthropic dreams forever.


We thank the many generous donors who have planned gifts that will create or add to endowment funds at a future date – gifts such as those made in wills or through life insurance or other estate planning tools.

When Edmonton Community Foundation is aware of these plans, we have the opportunity to put documents in place to ensure we understand how we are to use the funds in a way that brings each donor the greatest meaning and personal satisfaction.

Thank you to the following donors for indicating they have made such a future gift.

Anonymous Anne Marie Decore Francia Harvonen David & Joan Laurie Doris Tanner Craig & Mark Pimm Stumpf-Allen Paul & Carol Randy Diamond Kathryn Barbara Leah Arnold-Schutta Hawkesworth Karen Platten Thomas Summers David Dickinson & Bill Lee Patricia Babet Colette Mandin L. Dawn Hawley David & Cheryl Dree Morris & Doreen Porter Thomson-Diamond Diana M. Bacon Dolores Dilkie Brian & Jeanne Lepine Hetherington Dan Post Olive Thorne Geoff Ball & Dennis Dixon Dyann Lewis Amanda Newton Don Hight & Karen Nancy Power Darryl Trueman Elaina Dorsey Debra Lieberman Iversen R.C. (Reg) Basken Monica Prelusky & Constance Unsworth Pat Eidem Dan & Laura-Lee Margaret Hiller Don Onischak & Marshall Palichuk Vaughn & Tammy Linehan Audrey Eikeland Beakhouse Jane Hopkinson Gordon Prest John & Andrea Peg Linton Leta Gene Eisert Wallin June Block Don Howden & Josh Ramsbottom & Allan & Donna Diann Etter Jane Squire Howden Shannon Zwicker Joseph & Wadona Barbara Bowman Lundell Walsh Terry & Vicki Warren Hurt L.J. (Larry) Ricard Doris Boychuk Jim MacLean Fannon Jack & Marjorie Garnet Ireland Gene Robb Michael Bull & William, Mufty, Watson Pamela Farmer Family Clare & Tammy Kyle & Kory Archie & Elaine Marguerite Webb Malcolm & Avau Irwin Mathewson Roberts Nora Bumanis Fast Eileen Werner Mark Ulrich Jensen Lilian McEwen Era Rowles Irene Carter Keith Ferguson Peter & Anne David & Karen Jeu Letha McKee Maria T. Schneider Ross & Muriel Wightman Jean Fitzsimmons Cheriton Sarah Johnston Bob & Bev McNally Wally & Rosanna Ian & Betty Jean Terry Fuga & Carol Sczebel Sylvia & Jack Leah Joys John McPherson Willing Watson Chetner Albin J.E. Shanley Herbert Junker Robert & Kathryn Sam Wong Robert Gellatly John Choi Merrett Hal Simonson Scott & Lorraine C. J. Woods, FCA Jaima Geller Richard C. Clayton Keast Ron & Lynn Jerome Slavik Don & Leona Yez Ken & Ruth Genge Odynski R. Earl Clements Ann Kendall Lois Sorgen Linda M. Youell Karen Good Al & Fran Olson Bert & Joyce Cook Pat Kirby Peter Sorrell John & Olivia Young Donna Gordon Esther Ondrack John Corbett Anne Kirkpatrick & Audrey Ron Gorgichuk Geoffrey King Dianne Osback Stechynsky Jean & Barbara Crepin Sarah & Martin Larry & Kathy Klaus Vital & Colleen Alex Stephens Gouin Ouellette Carla Cumming Miles Kohan & David Earl Sojonky & Frank L. Neil Gower Annu Kaul-Kohan Lucy & Larry Pana Stewart Sojonky Brian Haliburton Eugene Kozak & Darwin G. Pearson Peter Cunliffe Loretta Van Brabant Kevin & Rita Louise Perkins Helen Davies Hanniman Phillip Frank Lambert Elly de Jongh Lenore Hanson

EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 5 Connecting small organizations with a sustainable future

The two posters are adorned with doves and contain Netta, along with other committed Centre volunteers, the names of many of the world’s faith traditions and attended the Endowment Sustainability Program the expressions of peace that each holds. The posters workshops facilitated by ECF staff and was pleased were produced by the Edmonton Interfaith Centre for with the information provided. “The workshops were Education & Action to promote peace, harmony and not just about how to set up a fund, but offered helpful understanding – the work they’ve been doing since information on whom to approach to support the fund being founded in 1995. and practical tips on the ways of giving such as will intentions and bequests.” The Centre is an example of a small organization that established an endowment fund at Edmonton The Centre’s message of harmony, diversity and Community Foundation (ECF). That experience led to inclusion is one they continually promote through another success – a second endowment fund that made programs and activities such as lectures, prayer services the poster project possible. and interfaith dialogues. A partnership with the City of Edmonton sees the Centre maintain a rotating “We decided to start the fund after learning about the display at city hall called Celebrating Our Faiths. ECF at one of our lunch and learn sessions,” says Netta They also participate in International Day for Phillet, the Centre’s coordinator and sole staff member. Elimination of Racial Discrimination and the “We felt the fund would be a good way to ensure the Parliaments of the World’s Religions. Centre’s future financial stability.” “Diversity is a strength,” Netta says. This is a sentiment that the Centre wants to continue to foster.


Through the Endowment Sustainability Program, ECF helps connect charities with the information they need to successfully grow their endowment funds. The program consists of five half-day workshops for the many charities that do not have the capacity to dedicate a full-time staff member to endowment building. The program takes them through the fundamentals of endowments plus training and coaching to build permanent ongoing support.

6 EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Netta Phillet at the McKay Avenue School

EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 7 Brad Pickford at the Armoury Youth Centre

8 EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Connecting educational opportunities with non-profit needs

Brad Pickford is committed to a career in the He did find one important award program to apply non-profit sector. After working for the Youth for – ECF’s Community Scholarships. “It was Emergency Shelter Society (YESS), first as front so meaningful when I heard I was awarded a line worker, supervisor and now a mid-manager, he scholarship from ECF,” said Brad. “The program decided to go back to school to complete a bachelor was very flexible in its assessment of financial need degree – an accomplishment he hopes will improve – realizing you can be in need even if you have a job.” his career path and allow him to move into a more The scholarship doesn’t cover all of Brad’s costs, but senior position. certainly helps decrease his debt load.

As he began to research possible awards and YESS is very supportive of his return to school, scholarships to offset the cost of a university allowing him some time off to get to class. With education he quickly realized that funding options a diploma of child & youth care that he completed for prospective students who also work full time are 10 years ago, he only has two years to go to complete rare. With a wife and young child, Brad was not in the bachelor program. It could be a long two years, a position to give up his job. he admits, but he hopes it will be worth it. “I’m challenging myself every day, and I’m learning new Despite the financial obstacle, Brad decided to approaches, theories and best practices in my field take the plunge, so he took out a student line of and creative ways to respond to the changing needs credit and enrolled in Grant MacEwan University’s of the kids.” Bachelor of Child & Youth Care program. The education will not only benefit Brad but also the non-profit organization that employs him.


Edmonton Community Foundation recognized that the non-profit sector faces real human resources challenges, so it established the Community Scholarships to help connect individuals involved in community work with access to skills development they need to contribute to the non-profit sector. The scholarships are awarded to help students with the costs of post-secondary education and to address emerging community priorities.

EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 9 Connecting with the entrepreneurial spirit

Every week hundreds of Edmonton and area The SEF not only provided a loan, but the business residents take delivery of coolers filled with locally and legal advice needed to set up the organization. grown seasonal produce and gourmet products made Now, Live Local has built relationships with local right here in our community. The blue and red coolers food producers, has a warehouse to operate from, are distributed to customers of The Good Food Box employs several staff and is involved in promoting – one of the initiatives of Live Local , a non- other local businesses and restaurants through Shop profit organization that is all about supporting the Local, Eat Local and Dine Local. It also supports local economy. small business owners with human resources issues through the Work Local program. Independent business owner and restauranteur Jessie Radies is passionate about the importance of a strong “A diverse and healthy local economy benefits local economy and was involved for many years with everyone,” explains Jessie. “Small businesses provide Original Fare – an effort to encourage dining at jobs and the money stays right here. Many successful independent restaurants. “I really wanted to expand business owners are also philanthropists – giving back the message from just dining at local restaurants to the community by supporting charities.” to supporting local producers and shop owners” says Jessie. The problem was how to get the idea of Live Local off the ground. That’s where the Social Enterprise Fund came in.


Edmonton Community Foundation continually expands the scope of its philanthropic mission by partnering on innovative community projects. The SEF was created to provide limited bridge financing to supportive and affordable housing initiatives and to spark and finance social enterprise. Social enterprise is a sustainable business model created to meet social, environmental and economic challenges in Edmonton. In its work, the SEF supports non-profit organizations and social entrepreneurs as they move toward launching their ideas.

Investors in the SEF include the City of Edmonton, United Way of the Alberta Capital Region, Alberta Real Estate Foundation and ECF.

10 EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Jessie Radies at The Good Food Box Warehouse


12 EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Connecting with immediate community needs

In high end clothing boutiques, personalized service clients and better fit their concept of the boutique is the norm. Knowledgeable sales staff help each experience. With demand for the service increasing customer select a wardrobe best suited to her needs and the volume of donations overwhelming the small and style. This is the model for Suit Yourself. space, it became clear that their storefront location The mandate of this small non-profit is to provide was not adequate. So, in 2010, the organization made good quality business clothes, free of charge, to a request to Edmonton Community Foundation women who have found themselves in disadvantaged for one year funding for an expansion project. The circumstances. Rather than a department store funding they received will allow them to secure extra atmosphere, where customers rummage through storage space for donations and build a small private racks and bins, Suit Yourself offers private, one-on-one office for meetings. The expansion also allows them assistance to clients. to accommodate the increased interest in volunteer opportunities. Karmen Masson is the founder and executive director of Suit Yourself. She wanted to help women going The grant came at a crucial time. With the funding through some tough times be confident as they for the expansion in place they now have some transition back to the workforce or face that looming breathing room to seek out other funding sources job interview. Clients are referred by social service to help sustain the valuable service they provide to agencies and the organization relies on donations of their clients. clothing and accessories to provide the women with “Suit Yourself is not just about providing a good a professional wardrobe. wardrobe,” explains Karmen. “It’s about instilling After several years operating out of a classroom in a self-confidence and giving encouragement to women former school, the organization moved to a storefront who have faced some struggles and are looking for a location that was more accessible for their donors and new start. We now have the room to continue this.”


The original founders of Edmonton Community Foundation (ECF) had the wisdom and foresight to realize the value of having a fund that would allow ECF to remain flexible to emerging community needs. The General Community Fund is discretionary and was established to ensure that any pressing community issues could be addressed through the Community Grants Program.

EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 13 Connecting the community with timely information

Anyone who works in the non-profit/voluntary sector But the lack of suitable space isn’t the only obstacle understands that finding affordable space is always facing many non-profits and ECVO is helping build a challenge. With the assistance of funding through the capacity of the sector in other ways. Its mandate the Foundation Directed Initiatives program, the is to move resources into place to help non-profits Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations be successful. Board development is also a crucial (ECVO) was able to collaborate with Arts Habitat component of building a strong voluntary sector and Association of Edmonton, Multicultural Coalition ECVO has collaborated with other agencies to create for Equity in Health and Wellbeing and the City training modules for board treasurers and will be of Edmonton to develop a website to connect working on a module for board chairs. non-profit agencies with lease space. Another collaborative online project is a web-based www.edmontonspacefinder.ca helps non-profit calendar called Spare Smarts. It is billed as the organizations and community-based groups both list “Nuts and Bolts of Non-Profits” and lists training and find space. “Someone once described the kinds seminars and workshops for board and staff members. of spaces that non-profits need as quirky,” says Russ “Delightfully, Edmonton has a culture of Dahms, ECVO’s executive director. This is an apt collaboration and partnerships,” says Russ. description as not only is there a need for office space “The connections we’ve made with other agencies of various sizes, but visual artists may require specific that serve the non-profit sector help sustain and ventilation, performers may be looking for high strengthen the important work that all non-profits do.” ceilings or large open rehearsal areas and some groups may only need space temporarily.


As part of its ongoing efforts to meet the needs of the charitable sector, Edmonton Community Foundation launched the Foundation Directed Initiatives program in 2007 as a way to provide stable, long-term funding based on proactive evaluation of community needs.

A particular benefit of the FDI initiative is that it frees the organizations from having to address the same funding hurdles year after year. The promise of consistent, reliable, and expected funding on an annual basis is seen as one strategy to strengthen an organization and allow agency and program staff more time to focus on the services and program delivery that are core to their mandates – without the stress of seeking to reapply constantly for operating dollars.

14 EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Russ Dahms at the McKay Avenue School

EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 15 Kris Andreychuk, foreground, with Constable Steve Sharpe and Bryan Szalecki at "the spoke"

16 EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Connecting donors with innovative community solutions

When children’s services identified that about 30 needed some start-up funding and a small grant from youth, kids really, were involved in stealing bikes an ECF donor made “the spoke” possible. and being recruited by gangs to steal bikes in the With a free space available in a city-owned building, 118th Avenue area, local service agencies organized a the ECF grant allowed the program to acquire the community meeting to brainstorm a possible solution. tools required for the bike repairs – with enough One of the agencies that participated was the left over to provide snacks for the participants. After local Neighbourhood Empowerment Team. NETs six once-a-week sessions, the kids “graduate” with a are partnerships between the City of Edmonton, ceremony and get to keep the bikes they refurbished. Edmonton Police Service, the United Way of the The hope is that these kids have not only learned Alberta Capital Region and the Family Centre that the mechanical skills of fixing bikes but, more see a youth worker, a social worker, and an EPS importantly, have built positive relationships with officer, work with a community to reduce crime and mentors and the police in their community. the fear of crime. With the issue of the young bike thieves, the solution was to create “the spoke”. Kris is encouraged by the response to the program both from the community and the participants. The idea behind this program, explains Kris They’ve opened up the program to community Andreychuk, a social worker and member of the referrals that include young people other than those 118th Avenue NET was to get the kids into a “bike considered at risk and the enthusiastic volunteer force shop” where volunteers from the Edmonton Bicycle now includes some former “graduates”. Commuters and the neighbourhood, including police officers, teach the kids how to re-build what would “In terms of the spoke”, says Kris, “the solution really otherwise be an unusable bike. The project, however, fits the need.”


Edmonton Community Foundation helps connect donors with community projects. Donor Advised Funds allow fund founders the choice to provide guidance to ECF on an annual basis as to how to disburse from their named fund and ECF can play a vital role by suggesting programs or agencies that may be of interest to a particular donor. There are times when a unique need emerges in the community that ECF learns about through its connections in the community.

EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 17 Connecting donors with current opportunities

Zen Moisey first learned about Edmonton After receiving ECF’s Community Investment Community Foundation (ECF) when he was Partnership (CIP) booklet outlining the current looking for a way to memorialize his grandfather. projects available for funding, the Moiseys decided to He pooled money from friends and family and support the Somali Youth Leadership Development established the Jean & Gregory Moisey Fund. and Civic Engagement program – a project that helps That was 20 years ago, and since then two other young at-risk Somalis integrate into Canadian society. Moisey Funds were created at ECF – the Zen Doreen and Zen agree that it is important to have & Doreen Moisey Fund and the Zen Moisey community leaders. Their hope is that this project Rotary Club of West Edmonton Fund. will help the young Somalis develop the leadership Zen and his wife Doreen are now retired but skills they need to succeed. retirement has not slowed them down. They have Without the CIP booklet the Moiseys may never worked on development projects in Africa, have have known about the Somali project. This is the been involved with human rights organizations goal of the CIP program – to inform donors of and have supported Edzimkulu, an Edmonton-based current community projects. Thanks in large part society that helps children affected by HIV/AIDS to support from Zen and Doreen, this project in Africa. They also spend time in Latin America, is fully funded. where they sometimes get involved in local projects. While their support and activities have an international focus, they also support programs here in Edmonton.

Community Investment Partnership

Edmonton Community Foundation launched the Community Investment Partnership (CIP) in the fall of 2010 with its inaugural project guide that listed several projects seeking support. The CIP program is designed to help holders of donor advised funds make effective and strategic community investments by communicating areas of funding priority for their consideration. It also helps ECF meet community needs by mobilizing a larger and more targeted pool of funds.

18 EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT Zen and Doreen Moisey at the ECF office

EDMONTON COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ~ 2010 ANNUAL REPORT 19 Funds, Grants and Disbursements

OPTIONS FOR GIVING Through our Community Grants Program, Edmonton Community Foundation works Foundation staff, advisory committees, and with donors to create funds that will see their ultimately our board of directors review requests philanthropic dreams fulfilled. from a wide cross-section of sectors and allocate funding to meet priority needs and strengthen A wide range of fund options exists to charities. In general, grants are awarded in the accommodate donors’ wishes – from designating following categories: arts, culture, and heritage; specific charities to allowing the Foundation to education and learning; health and wellness; direct funds to support priority community needs. community and social services; recreation and We are delighted to meet with donors and their leisure; and the environment. financial advisors to discuss their charitable goals. General community funds also allow the Please call us at (780) 426-0015 or visit our Foundation to support the community through website at www.ecfoundation.org. Foundation Directed Initiatives. Carefully EFFECTIVE GRANTING selected charities that demonstrate high levels of commitment, capacity, and effectiveness are Edmonton Community Foundation is a trusted, provided with up to three years of funding for reliable source for identifying and funding operations or special projects. initiatives that strengthen our community. In 2010, despite the challenges of the economic A gift to the General Community Fund ensures downturn, Edmonton Community Foundation’s that critical community needs are met through endowed funds generated millions of dollars a rigorous, competitive process while providing that were awarded to local charities. As well, accountability to donors. many students benefitted from awards disbursed through our scholarship and bursary funds.

20 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report Community Grants Program Each year the Community Grants Program provides funding in response to inquiries made by registered charities in Edmonton and through Foundation Directed Initiatives. These grants address community needs in categories such as arts, culture and heritage; education and learning; health and wellness; community and social services; recreation and leisure and the environment. Total disbursements made through the Community Grants Program in 2010 totalled over $1.4 million. COMMUNITY FUNDS

The Board has full discretion in disbursing the net income from Community Funds, either through an application process or by proactively identifying priority community needs. In addition to those donors who have established named Community Funds, many donors have made significant cumulative contribution to the General Community Fund since its inception. $1,000,000 + $100,000–$999,999 $10,000–$99,999

George & Rae Poole Anonymous Anonymous

Estate of George & Rae Poole Estate of Cecil Moore Shawana Estates Ltd. John & Barbara Poole Family John Slatter Westpear Developments Ltd. Alison B. Rice Robert & Shirley Stollery & Family

New funds in 2010 are listed in bold type. Year End Balance Year End Balance

Allen Fund 1,528,876 Memorial Tribute Fund 113,464

Betty Kathleen Brown Fund 64,952 Miller Office Group Fund 14,898

Jo-Ann Campbell Fund 12,090 Thomas Olenuk Community Fund 117,037

Archibald Hadley Dickson Memorial Fund 214,419 John E. Poole Memorial Fund 30,905

Eric Geddes Memorial Fund 10,126 Princeton Fund 36,823

Alex Hamilton Family Fund 59,934 David W. Purvis Fund 1,717,506

Lorne & Kathie Leitch Family Fund 15,593 Robert David Purvis Memorial Fund 119,064

McLennan Ross Fund 10,170 General Community Fund 15,445,289



The Winspear Fund provides operational funding to some of Edmonton’s larger arts organizations each year. The remaining discretionary funds are disbursed through the Community Grants Program in keeping with the granting philosophy of the original Winspear Foundation grants panel.


Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 21 FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS

Donors identify the areas of charitable endeavours they wish to support without specifying particular charities, allowing the Board to provide support for priorities in those areas. New funds in 2010 are listed in bold type.

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Alberta Dental Association and College Community Barbara Leah Fund 127,872 Assistance Fund 67,488 Lee Community Playspace Fund 435,016 Alberta Orange Foundation for Children Fund 350,525 H. Jean McDiarmaid Fund for Musical Performance 1,570,183 Bishop & McKenzie Centennial Fund 82,618 Nick Ochotta Fund 105,033 Branches of Life Fund 29,344 George & Rae Poole Fund 3,647,351 Ken Crockett Music Fund 13,915 George & Rae Poole Bequest Fund 1,106,275 John Crockett Memorial Fund 25,351 Bunny Casper Rae Fund 1,408,555 Feeding Hungry Minds Fund 23,233 Rosalie & William Rector Fund 304,325 Garber-Conrad Family Fund 11,746 Phyllis Ritchie Fund 146,079 Gaunce Family Fund 26,981 Sydney Blair Rombough Memorial Fund 34,824 Glenora Fund 6,916 Single Parents Independence Fund 136,648 Karen Good Family Fund 21,786 Special Arts Fund 1,145,947 The GYRO Club of Edmonton Fund 20,974 Stollery Fund 3,714,805 Heads Up Fraud Prevention/Fugi Saito Endowment Fund 20,697 Treleaven-Tymofichuk Family Fund 54,416 Lois Hole Care & Nurture Legacy Fund 232,686 TOTAL: FIELD OF INTEREST FUNDS $ 14,971,060 John & Jane Holmlund Family Fund 49,666

Johanna & Otto Holzapfel Fund 49,805


Many donors have a number of goals they wish to accomplish. For example, donors may wish to designate specific charities to receive portions of the disbursements from their fund year after year with the remainder used to address priority needs in our community as identified by the Board. New funds in 2010 are listed in bold type.

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Albian Sands Energy Community Environment Fund 74,494 Earle & Elsie Hawkesworth Family Fund 51,644

Randy Anderson Learning Fund 4,306 W.A. & M. Hiller Fund 224,205

Anonymous Fund #4 39,756 Jean & Garnet Ireland Fund 63,827

Phyllis A. Arnold Learning Fund 587,412 Owen & Peg Linton Family Fund 307,033

Earl Clements Fund 14,861 Tevie & Arliss Miller Endowment Fund 70,797

H.J. (Jock) Dawe Family Fund 170,957 Doris Tanner Pimm Fund 136,314

Edmonton Legal Community Fund 39,609 Ruste Family Fund 12,630

Audrey & Harold Eikeland Fund 13,353 Jim & Billie Wilkins Fund 106,396

Roy Faltinson Fund 101,140 John & Olivia Young Fund for Health 97,040

Shirley & Gordon Gifford Family Fund 1,098,086 TOTAL: COMBINED PURPOSE FUNDS $ 3,213,860

22 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report Community Grants


Grants may be funded from more than one source including Community, Field of Interest, Winspear and Combined Purpose Funds. A portion of these grants have been supported from Donor Advised Funds through the Community Investment Partnership.


Grantee Grant Amount Grantee Grant Amount

Alberta Baroque Music Society Edmonton Symphony Society Music for “Brilliant Baroque” Concert 5,000 Orchestra Costs for Masters 8 Concert “Durufle’s Requiem” 15,000 Alberta Council of Women’s Shelters Edmonton Wardrobe For Women In Need Association Data Transition Project 10,000 Location Expansion & Equipment 15,000 Assist Community Services Centre 100 Edmonton Women’s Shelter Ltd. Ben Calf Robe Society Support for Single Parents 1,150 Part-time Cook for Nutrition Program 5,000 Friends of Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of Edmonton Bent Arrow Traditional Healing Society Annual Support for programs 60,939 Support for Single Parents 700 Hope Mission 100 Big Brothers Big Sisters Society of Edmonton & Area Immigrant Access Fund Society of Alberta 100 Food Component of the Summer Mentoring Program 524 Indo-Canadian Women’s Association of Edmonton Big Brothers Big Sisters Society of Edmonton & Area Renovations & Purchase of Equipment Summer Mentoring Program for Immigrant & for Welcome Centre 28,000 Refugee Children 4,500 Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta Boyle Street Service Society Edmonton Chapter Learning & Literacy Initiatives 4,000 Support for Single Parents 1,500 Newly United Operatic Vocalists Association Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs of Greater Vancouver (NUOVA) “Mr. Moreover’s Magic” - Opera for School Annual Support for programs 60,939 Children 15,000 Cantilon Choral Society Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts Commission of New Piece for Christmas Concert 9,000 Bridge Operational Funding - Yr.3 25,000 Catholic Social Services Our House (Edmonton) Ltd. Winspear Emergency Grants Program 8,000 Mental Health Counsellor - Yr.3 20,000 Concrete Theatre Society Personal Community Support Assoc. of Alberta “Are We There Yet” - 2011 School Tour 25,000 Strategic Communications Project 8,500 Dickinsfield Amity House Pro Coro Society - Edmonton Arts for Tots Program - Yr.3 15,600 Good Friday Easter Concert 5,000 E4C ( Church Corporation) Rapid Fire Theatre Society 100 School Hot Lunch Program 432 Somali Canadian Education & Rural Development Organization E4C (Edmonton City Centre Church Corporation) Somali Youth Leadership Development - Sports Project 19,568 Make Tax Time Pay Program 7,500 Terra Association Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations Support for Single Parents 1,150 Welcoming Workplace Pilot Project 3,900 , Faculty of Education Edmonton Inner City Children’s Project Society ISMSS - Youth Intervention & Community Outreach Worker - Yr.3 40,000 Director of Programming - Yr.3 32,000 Workshop West Playwrights’ Theatre Society Edmonton Recital Society Artist Fees for Performance Creation 3,500 Gala Recital 3,400 Youth Emergency Shelter Society 100

Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 23 FOUNDATION DIRECTED INITIATIVES

Edmonton Community Foundation proactively addresses community needs by working in partnership with high-performing charities and other stakeholders. The resulting Foundation Directed Initiatives provide an opportunity for agencies in all sectors to focus on fulfilling their visions, develop innovative approaches and strengthen our community. A portion of these grants have been supported through the Community Investment Partnership.


Grantee Grants Grantee Grants

Big Brothers Big Sisters Society of Edmonton & Area Terra Association Program Support for ISM and Success By 6 - Yr.3 100,000 Meeting the Challenge of Teen Pregnancy Program for Young Dads - Yr.3 60,000 Bissell Centre Strategy to Address Homelessness - Yr.3 100,000 Theatre Network (1975) Society Operational Support to Enhance Productions - Yr.3 16,666 Edmonton Chamber of Voluntary Organizations Operational Support - Yr.3 50,000 United Way of the Alberta Capital Region Partners For Kids Project - Yr.3 100,000 Edmonton Community Foundation (as fiscal agent) Vibrant Communities Edmonton - Yr.1 25,000 University of Alberta Community-University Partnership - Program Edmonton Community Legal Centre Coordination - Yr.3 50,000 Staff Lawyer Position - Yr.3 50,000 University of Alberta Northern Light Theatre Community Service Learning - Yr.1 50,000 Operational Support to Enhance Productions - Yr.3 16,666 Workshop West Playwrights’ Theatre Society Support Network Operational Support to Enhance Productions - Yr.3 16,668 Walk-In Counselling Program - Yr.3 100,000


A portion of the Winspear Fund disbursements is designated to support specific arts organizations in Edmonton as well as to provide scholarships and emergency funding disbursed through Catholic Social Services.


Grantee Grants Grantee Grants

Catholic Social Services Emergency Grants 27,486 Edmonton Symphony Society 28,803

Edmonton Opera Association 28,803 15 Scholarships for Advanced Classical Music Studies 59,910

EDMONTON COMMUNITY PLAYSPACE PROGRAM GRANTS The Playspace Program provides grants to support the creation or refurbishment of play spaces that are accessible to the general public. Grants are jointly funded by the Lee Community Playspace Fund and the General Community Funds.


Grantee Grants Grantee Grants

Bonnie Doon Community League Escuela Mill Creek School Playground Revitalization 5,000 School Playground Redevelopment 5,000

Ellerslie Recreation and Community League Ottewell Community League Park & Playground Development 8,000 Playground Revitalization 5,000

24 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report COMBINED PURPOSE FUNDS GRANTS A portion of the Combined Purpose Funds is designated or advised by the donor.


Grantee Grants Grantee Grants

Alberta Aviation Museum Association 2,269 Natural Step Canada 200

Alberta Cancer Foundation 1,404 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 5,000

Alberta Emerald Foundation 606 Pembina Foundation for Environmental Research and Education 200 Alberta Lawyers’ Assistance Society 500 Pilgrims Hospice Society 464 Bissell Centre 15,119 Salvation Army Alberta & NWT Division 6,393 Canadian Diabetes Association of Alberta & NWT Region 464 Salvation Army Territorial Headquarters 416

Canadian Red Cross Society, Edmonton 416 Special Olympics Edmonton 1,000

Christmas Bureau of Edmonton 208 Student Christian Movement of Canada 200

Climate Change Central Foundation 235 Tuxis Parliament Alumni Society of Alberta 200

E4C (Edmonton City Centre Church Corporation) 193 United Way of the Alberta Capital Region 1,944

Edmonton & District Historical Society 15,000 University Hospital Foundation 5,000

Edmonton Jewish Community Charitable Foundation 1,000 University of Alberta 12,900

Fathers of Confederation Buildings Trust 1,666 USC Canada 193

Fresh Start Addictions Centre 200 World Wildlife Fund Canada 833

Habitat for Humanity Edmonton Society 193 Youth Emergency Shelter Society 9,121

Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta YWCA of Edmonton 7,297 - Edmonton Chapter 2,000

Designated Funds Designated Funds identify a specific charity or charities to receive support every year. The agreements for these funds include planning for the inevitable changes that take place over long periods of time so the funds remain meaningful, effective and robust. Edmonton Community Foundation makes creating endowment support for a number of charities easy for the donor. One fund can accomplish many goals and support multiple charities. New funds in 2010 are listed in bold type.

Year End Balance Year End Balance

A.I.R.S. Fund 58,693 Helen & Fred Bentley Planned Parenthood Edmonton Fund 332,314 Alberta Legal Heritage Fund 120,632 Helen & Fred Bentley Alberta Literacy Foundation Fund 10,158 Planned Parenthood Federation of Canada Fund 353,742 Alberta Search & Rescue Fund 10,050 Gay Bisanz Leadership Development Fund 27,631 Anchor Fund 9,234 Boyle-McCauley Health Centre Fund* 151,024 Fund* 2,358,084 Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs of Alberta Endowment Fund 31,299 Milton Bablitz Memorial Fund 22,171 Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs of Edmonton Fund 203,431 Robert A. & Maria Bailey Hope for Haiti Fund 50,000 Boysdale Camp Fund* 76,259 Banff Centre Fund 4,294 Ralph Buttner Memorial Fund 57,751 Clinton Bardell Fund 26,949 Douglas Milton Campbell Estate Fund 662,288 Amina Beecroft Fund 187,619 Margaret Campbell Fund 214,586 Helen & Laurel Bell Fund 123,975

*Funds established by the John & Barbara Poole Family Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 25 Designated Funds (continued)

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Canadian Parks & Wilderness Society Fraser Malcolm Fund 37,267 Fund for Alberta* 124,611 Doris Louise (Belt) Marcum Family Fund 9,424 Canadian Red Cross Society Fund* 96,778 Rose McAllister and Deanna Nemirsky Capital Care Foundation Fund* 56,632 Old Friends Fund 26,891 Caritas Hospitals Foundation Fund* 60,879 Donald Gordon McArthur Fund 40,651 Centre for Spiritual Living Teen Endowment Fund 17,133 Mary & Steve McEachern Fund 15,866

Cerebral Palsy Associations in Alberta Fund 374,318 George & Lilian McEwen Family Fund 23,826

Children’s Health Foundation Letha McKee Fund 43,394 of Northern Alberta Fund 50,847 Memorial and Traffic Safety Fund 12,085 Cityfarm Fund 9,708 Memorial (Brewster) Fund 72,563 Cosmopolitan Music Society Endowment Fund 11,187 Margaret Michaud Fund 9,313 Cunningham AnimalCare Fund 295,315 Ruthie & Hoadley Mitchell Memorial Fund 98,602 Frank Philip Davis Fund 9,834 Mustard Seed (Edmonton) Fund* 117,343 ‘CR’ & Del Dilkie Fund 44,984 NAIT Scholarship & Bursary Fund 82,415 Dogs with Wings Fund 12,482 Native Cultural Awareness Fund 21,315 Edmonton Chamber Music Society Fund 28,508 Nature Conservancy of Canada Fund* 878,778 Edmonton General (Grey Nuns) Hospital Fund* 3,875 NUOVA Fund* 24,124 Edmonton Gleaners Association Fund 34,407 Orchid Species Preservation Foundation Edmonton Heritage Festival Endowment Fund 17,668 Endowment Fund 10,518

Edmonton Musical Theatre Fund 25,473 Our House Addiction Recovery Endowment Fund 10,585

Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation Kathleen Pearson Fund 72,990 Emma Bailey Memorial Fund 31,399 PLAN Edmonton Fund 54,968 Edmonton YMCA Foundation Fund 31,883 Planned Parenthood Association of Edmonton Fund 12,352 Joy Eisert Habitat Lands Fund 37,375 Pro Coro Canada Choir Fund 26,891 Leta Gene Eisert Alison B. Rice Bequest for Habitat for Humanity 2,484,973 Miquelon Lake Wildlands Sanctuary Fund 38,092 Alison B. Rice Endowment for Edmonton Inner City Electro Equinology Fund 34,065 Housing Society 854,426 Cheryl Escott Memorial Fund 13,021 Alison B. Rice Endowment for Habitat for Humanity 907,999 Field Fund for Science Education 95,470 Roper Fund 103,823 Jean Fitzsimmons & Family Fund 19,787 Gwen & Gordon Rowswell Fund 12,138 Ed & Rita Foy Memorial Fund 736,624 Royal Alexandra Hospital Fund* 27,476 Friends of Jasper National Park Association Fund 10,472 Bill & Susan Sadler Fund 13,923 Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Fund 118,042 Albin J.E. Shanley Fund 17,072 Dr. Dasha Goody Memorial Fund 10,381 Simonson Family Fund 13,070 Goudreau Fund 26,173 SKILLS Society Fund 105,001 Growing Early Minds Fund 15,475 Slatter Family Fund 134,483 Dorothy Guilday Fund 335,804 Linda Stanier & Family Memorial Award Fund 30,389 HIV Edmonton Endowment Fund 10,730 STARS Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Harry & Muriel Hole Family Fund 95,991 Foundation Fund 55,303

Bishop Stephen P. Kristenson Marg Stephen Legacy Fund 10,769 Seminarian Endowment Fund 285,318 Barb Tarbox Legacy Fund 17,055 Frank & Dollie Leah Memorial Fund 78,207 Hazel F. Teskey Memorial Trust Fund 11,728 Leduc/Devon Oilfield Historical Society Fund 37,721 Jack & Fran Thomas Fund 11,957 Lingle Educational Endowment Fund 12,758 University Hospitals Foundation Fund* 115,913 Victor C. Love Memorial Fund 17,418 Valley Zoo Development Society Fund* 93,917 Lucy Baker School Society Fund 11,104 Wally & Rosanna Kids to Kamp Fund 21,829 Peter & Dorothea Macdonnell Fund 258,233 Walterdale Theatre Associates Fund 12,472 Florence MacKenzie Fund 907,133

26 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report *Funds established by the John & Barbara Poole Family Designated Funds (continued)

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Ross & Eleanor Wein Family Cable Family Priest Retirement Endowment Fund 49,332 Disabilities Transportation Fund 16,264 Cable Family SALCF Endowment Fund 271,505 Westend Seniors Activity Centre Endowment Fund 21,929 Cable Family SKILLS Endowment Fund 155,099 Wings of Providence Laurette Braconnier Camp Health Hope & Happiness Society Funds Tribute Fund 43,294 Camp Health Hope & Happiness Society Fund 260,941 The Works Arts Festival Fund* 82,890 Kiwanis Club of Edmonton Downtown Fund 10,216 FAMILIES OF DESIGNATED FUNDS Hugh & Madge McColl Camp Fund 39,936 ABC Head Start Society Funds Centre for Family Literacy Society of Alberta Funds ABC Head Start Society Fund 250,249 Centre for Family Literacy Society of Alberta Fund 96,274 Ralph & Aleda Patterson Family Fund 14,365 John & Barbara Poole Family 26,216 Alberta Ballet Funds Citadel Theatre Funds Canadian Arts & Heritage Fund 380,513 Canadian Arts & Heritage Fund 2,039,978 John & Barbara Poole Family 666,562 Citadel Theatre Fund 1,595,039 Alberta Baroque Ensemble Funds Dr. Susan & Ove Minsos Q.C. & Family Citadel Fund 48,124 Alberta Baroque Ensemble Endowment Fund 176,241 John & Barbara Poole Family 1,452,768 Alberta Baroque Ensemble Enhancement Fund 50,517 Joseph H. Shoctor Fund 320,984 Catharinus Huyer Principal Second Violin Fund 13,143 CKUA Family of Funds Alberta Cancer Foundation Funds CKUA Radio Foundation Fund 52,317 Alberta Cancer Foundation Fund 6,095 John & Barbara Poole Family Fund 51,447 Edmonds Family Fund 71,497 Edmonton Arts Council Funds George C. Field Memorial Fund 184,510 Edmonton Artists’ Trust Fund 161,592 John & Barbara Poole Family 54,858 Lakhani Family Fund 15,630 Karen Sharpe Memorial Fund 2,851 Lee Fund for the Arts 1,175,790 Bob Tarr Memorial Fund 75,610 John & Barbara Poole Family 778,289 Alberta Emerald Foundation Funds Edmonton City Centre Church Corporation Funds Alberta Emerald Foundation Endowment Fund 30,122 Anne Carmichael Children’s Fund 10,151 Alberta Emerald Foundation Fund 418,398 William Daly Fund 34,013 Bissell Funds Edmonton City Centre Church Corporation Fund* 159,263 Bissell Fund 317,953 Annie Hole Children’s Nutrition Fund 1,753,713 Elizabeth McBride Fund 56,631 Edmonton Folk Music Festival Society Funds John & Barbara Poole Family 25,723 Canadian Arts & Heritage Fund 394,715 Bow Valley Community Foundation Funds Edmonton Folk Music Festival Society Fund 769,485 Banff Alpine Racers Fund 16,858 Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education Bow Valley Community Foundation Operating and Action Society Funds Endowment Fund 9,985 Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education Bow Valley Community Fund 9,985 and Action Society Fund 11,841 Lamphouse Endowment for the Arts 100,890 Lavinia Singh Fund for Peace 10,304 Rockies Ride for Kids Foundation 174,518 Edmonton Kiwanis Music Festival Association Funds Brian Webb Dance Company Funds Ranald & Vera Shean Fund 1,376,444 Canadian Arts & Heritage Fund 76,382 Ranald & Vera Shean Sonata Fund 22,939 John & Barbara Poole Family 88,206 Edmonton Opera Funds Cable Family Community Endowment Funds Canadian Arts & Heritage Fund 844,181 Cable Family Endowment Fund for Abused Seniors 52,690 Dr. David Cook Fund for Edmonton Opera 15,466 Cable Family Boyle-McCauley Health Centre Edmonton Opera Endowment Fund 118,713 Endowment Fund 49,332 Edmonton Opera Endowment Trust Fund 14,717 Cable Family Community Endowment Fund 136,518 Edmonton Opera Staff Contributions Fund 29,026 Cable Family iHuman Youth Society Endowment Fund 49,332

*Funds established by the John & Barbara Poole Family Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 27 Designated Funds (continued)

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Irving Guttman Opera Endowment Fund 32,616 NorQuest Funds

Dianne & Irving Kipnes Opera Fund 211,319 John & Barbara Poole Family NorQuest Fund 296,670

John & Barbara Poole Family 781,034 Stollery NorQuest Student Fund 241,005

Francis Price and Marguerite Trussler Family Fund 359,000 Pilgrim’s Hospice Society Funds

Dwight Purdy Memorial Fund 10,283 Audrey Luft Fund 11,820

Edmonton Police Foundation Funds John & Barbara Poole Family 26,280 Edmonton Police Foundation Fund* 53,920 Richard Eaton Singers Funds Harry Hole Police Foundation Fund 464,446 Canadian Arts & Heritage Fund 33,894

Edmonton Symphony Society Funds Richard Eaton Singers Fund 86,868

Canadian Arts & Heritage Fund 674,932 Salvation Army Funds

Children’s Programming Fund 82,156 John & Barbara Poole Family 304,193

Edmonton Symphony Endowment Fund 213,553 Salvation Army Endowment Fund 77,221

Lila & Colin Eicher Symphony Fund 15,606 St. Albert Community Funds

Peter & Astrid Griep Symphony Fund 15,356 Stanley Dennis Memorial Fund 26,846

John & Barbara Poole Family 892,018 Jamison Family Fund 125,140

Edmonton Women’s Shelter Funds St. Albert Community Foundation Fund 73,386

Edmonton Women’s Shelter Fund 5,154 Thatcher Neonatal Care Fund 305,735

John & Barbara Poole Family 418,778 Stanley A. Milner Library Funds

Fringe Theatre Adventures Society Funds Edmonton Public Library Shelley Milner Fund 576,784

Canadian Arts & Heritage Fund 95,228 Stanley A. Milner Library Fund 119,509

Cohos Evamy Endowment Fund 10,313 Terra Centre for Pregnant & Parenting Teens Funds

Fringe Theatre Adventures Society Fund 179,269 Jac’y Hayter Achieving Dreams Together Fund 66,344

Girls Guides of Canada - Alberta Council Funds John & Barbara Poole Family - School Nutrition 113,351

Girl Guides of Canada-Alberta Council Terra Education Fund 25,338 - Friends of Guiding Fund 11,543 Terra Future Builders Fund 30,709 Girl Guides of Canada-Alberta Council - United Way of the Alberta Capital Region Funds William M. McGee Fund 14,035 Anonymous Fund #12 927,299 Grant MacEwan Community College Foundation Funds Anonymous Fund #13 927,202 Grant MacEwan Community College Foundation Fund 3,345 Banister Family Fund 10,956

John & Barbara Poole Family 30,108 John & Barbara Poole Family 1,121,720

Junior Achievement Funds Lillian A. Simonet United Way Fund 508,177

Junior Achievement Fund 24,976 Victoria School Foundation for the Arts Endowment Funds Junior Achievement of Northern Alberta Fund* 53,105 Audrey & Greg Greenough Family Fund 12,766 Reagan Williams Achiever of the Year Scholarship Fund 24,925 Victoria School Foundation for the Arts Endowment Fund 1,489,054 Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Awards Foundation Funds Y.W.C.A. Funds

Alberta Centennial Legacy Fund 503,160 Roger & Peggy Gouin Fund 46,095

Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts Award Fund 1,529,830 John & Barbara Poole Family 70,587

National Theatre School of Canada Funds Youth Emergency Shelter Society Funds

Canadian Arts & Heritage Fund 87,895 John & Barbara Poole Family 432,818

John & Barbara Poole Family 178,447 John Slatter Fund 116,222 Youth Emergency Shelter of Edmonton Fund 22,714

Youth Emergency Shelter Society Fund 11,664


28 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report *Funds established by the John & Barbara Poole Family TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS IN 2010: $ 1,582,382

Year End Balance Year End Balance

ABC Head Start Society 8,823 Edmonton Folk Music Festival Society 26,964

Alberta Abilities Lodges Society 395 Edmonton Gleaners Association 1,507

Alberta Ballet Company 28,045 Edmonton Humane Society (SPCA) 5,145

Alberta Baroque Music Society 7,598 Edmonton Inner City Housing Society 28,566

Alberta Cancer Foundation 14,495 Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education & Action Society 396 Alberta Emerald Foundation 15,023 Edmonton Kiwanis Music Festival Association 50,766 Alberta Lung Association 643 Edmonton Meals on Wheels 358 Alberta Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada 7,380 Edmonton Musical Theatre Society 854

Alzheimer Society of Canada 316 Edmonton Opera Association 69,737

Amiskwaciy Academy 372 Edmonton Police Foundation 17,321

Anglican Parish of Christ Church 1,437 Edmonton Public Library 913

Art Gallery of Alberta 79,837 Edmonton Public Schools 547

Ascension Lutheran Church 404 Edmonton Symphony Society 47,741

Banff Centre 1,437 Edmonton Women’s Shelter Ltd. 12,999

Birthright Edmonton 285 Edmonton YMCA Foundation 1,068

Bissell Centre 12,237 Esk-Omi Missions Inc. 285

Bow Valley Community Foundation 4,525 Foundation of Newman Theological College 218

Boyle McCauley Health Centre 5,060 Franciscan Sisters Benevolent Society 218

Boysdale Camp Foundation 2,548 Friends of Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of Edmonton 6,801

Brian Webb Dance Company 2,775 Friends of St. Albert Children’s Theatre Society 263

Camp Health, Hope & Happiness Society 10,311 Fringe Theatre Adventures Society 7,036

Canadian Cancer Society 591 Girl Guides of Canada - Alberta Council 828

Canadian Diabetes Association Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital Foundation 3,955 of Alberta & NWT Region 591 Good Samaritan Society 983 Canadian Mental Health Association Good Shepherd Lutheran Social Service Society 560 Alberta Division, 1984 5,100 Grant MacEwan University Foundation 2,518 Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society 3,304 Habitat for Humanity Edmonton Society 115,260 Canadian Red Cross Society, Edmonton 3,499 Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta 1,536 Capital Care Foundation 1,892 Hervey Foundation for Cats 230 Caritas Hospitals Foundation 5,584 HIV Network of Edmonton Society 356 Catholic Charities Society 591 Horizons Training Centre Society 187 Centre for Family Literacy Society of Alberta 4,093 Jasper Community Team Society 2,431 Cerebral Palsy Association in Alberta 12,542 Junior Achievement of Northern Alberta & NWT 3,448 Children’s Ability Fund 643 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada 363 Citadel Theatre 180,541 KidSport Alberta 789 CNIB (Alberta-NWT Division) 363 Knox Metropolitan United Church 415 Cosmopolitan Music Society 374 Leadership Edmonton 920 Dogs with Wings Assistance Dog Society 350 Legal Archives Society of Alberta 4,031 Dreamspeakers Festival Society 714 Lieutenant Governor of Alberta Arts E4C (Edmonton City Centre Church Corporation) 68,453 Awards Foundation 68,034 Edmonton Arts Council 69,432 Literacy Alberta Society 340 Edmonton Caring Clowns Society 186 Mustard Seed Street Church (Edmonton) 3,061 Edmonton Chamber Music Society 955 National Theatre School of Canada 6,548

*Funds established by the John & Barbara Poole Family Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 29 Designated Funds DISBURSEMENTS (continued) Year End Balance Year End Balance Nature Conservancy of Canada 25,925 Sign of Hope Society, Archdiocese of Edmonton 218 Newly United Operatic Vocalists Association SKILLS Society Creating Supportive Environments (NUOVA) 806 for People 6,289 Newman Theological College & St. Joseph Seminary 312 Societe des Missionnaires D’Afrique (Peres-Blancs) 218 NorQuest College Foundation 16,258 St. Albert Community Foundation 17,746 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Foundation 2,762 Stanley A. Milner Library 3,993 Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection 230 STARS (Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society) 2,831 Options Sexual Health Association 360 Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation 1,699 Our House (Edmonton) Ltd. 354 Teen Time of Edmonton 646 Personal Community Support Assoc. of Alberta 322 Terra Association 7,736 Pilgrims Hospice Society 1,273 Tevie Miller Heritage School Society 329 Pro Coro Society - Edmonton 901 United Way of the Alberta Capital Region 117,583 Rainbow Society of Alberta 435 University Hospital Foundation 5,458 Richard Eaton Singers 3,355 University of Alberta 168,749 Robertson Wesley United Church 579 Valley Zoo Development Society 2,794 Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation 918 Victoria School Foundation for the Arts 44,210 Salvation Army Alberta & NWT Division 13,614 Westend Seniors Activity Centre 735 Scarboro Foreign Mission Society 591 Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Edmonton 230 Search & Rescue Association of Alberta 336 WINGS of Providence Society 2,205 Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton (SAGE) 22,188 Works International Visual Arts Society 2,082 Shaun Anthony Lewis Cable Foundation 23,152 Youth Emergency Shelter Society 17,811 YWCA of Edmonton 3,909

OUR CHILDREN’S MILLENNIUM FUNDS Through the support of several generous donors, Our Children Millennium Funds provide an enduring legacy to help ensure children begin life with the support they need to succeed. Many donors have made contributions to the General Fund including the following:

$1,000,000 + $100,000–$999,999 $10,000–$99,999

John & Barbara Poole Family Anonymous Allen Family Robert & Shirley Stollery John & Maggie Mitchell Fountain of Hope & Family Don & Joan Stanley (Bank of Montreal) Jim & Diana Greer Ralph Klein Charity Classic Bruce Saville Year End Balance Year End Balance David William Bell Memorial Fund 15,851 Hawkesworth/Kriviak Family Fund 13,067 Bicentennial Fund 100,728 John Edward & Mary Ann Hockin & Family Fund 298,645

Steven & Patty Glover Family Fund 47,053 Darlene & Doug McNally Family Fund 18,152

Sarah & Martin Gouin Family Fund for Children 1,341,648 Our Children’s Millennium Fund 4,174,419 TOTAL: OUR CHILDREN’S MILLENNIUM FUNDS $ 6,009,563


30 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report Social Enterprise Funds The Social Enterprise Funds are used to spark and finance social enterprises and provide bridge financing for affordable housing initiatives.

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Garber-Conrad Social Enterprise Endowment Fund 42,752 Social Enterprise Capital Grant Fund 61,554

Social Enterprise Capital Endowment Social Enterprise Operating Fund 1,199,651 Fund General Loan Fund 486,646 TOTAL: SOCIAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS $ 2,259,485 United Way of the Alberta Capital Region Endowment Fund 468,882

An additional anonymous $1 million is included in the Donor Advised Funds section of this annual report.



The SEF manages two separate pools of loan capital: the capital invested by the ECF which is managed for the benefit of charities and the capital invested by the City of Edmonton in the Edmonton Social Enterprise Loan Fund, a Part 9 company of which ECF is a member, and which is managed for the benefit of charities and non-profits. The City of Edmonton contributed $3 million in seed funds to the company in 2008. Other investors to the SEF include the United Way of the Alberta Capital Region and the Alberta Real Estate Foundation. A portion of the ECF and City investment has been set aside in the Social Enterprise Endowment Operating Fund to support the sustainability of the SEF. (For further details please refer to Edmonton Community Foundation Consolidated Financial Statements as posted on-line at www.ecfoundation.org.)

Edmonton and Area Land Trust Funds The Edmonton and Area Land Trust (EALT) is a vehicle for conserving, protecting and restoring natural areas of ecological significance within the City of Edmonton and surrounding areas. EALT is designated to own land outright or hold conservation easements on land owned by others. EALT receives donations of land and conservations easements or funds used to purchase land and support stewardship and monitoring. Edmonton & Area Land Trust founders:

• City of Edmonton • Legacy Lands Conservation Society • Edmonton Community Foundation • Urban Development Institute – Greater Edmonton • Edmonton Nature Club Chapter • Land Stewardship Centre of Canada

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Edmonton and Area Land Trust Capital Fund 16,110 Ross & Eleanor Wein Family Fund 12,375

Edmonton and Area Land Trust TOTAL: EDMONTON AND AREA LAND TRUST FUNDS $ 2,902,069 Operating Endowment Fund 2,873,584


Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 31 Donor Advised Funds Donors provide annual advice to Edmonton Community Foundation about the charities they wish to support with their funds. New funds in 2010 are listed in bold type.

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Allen Family Fund 3,532,268 Randy Diamond & Dree Thomson-Diamond Fund 28,106

Alzheimer Research & Support Fund 15,054 Jennie Diment Fund 46,569

Andrekson Family Fund 149,444 Edmonton Chamber of Commerce Endowment Fund for Children in Need 487,279 Anonymous 800,000 Jim & Sheila Edwards Family Fund 28,565 Anonymous Fund #3 23,583,209 Eidem Family Fund 383,711 Anonymous Fund #7 18,470,393 Bev & Norm Ellingson Family Fund 76,617 Anonymous Fund #8 5,426,452 Fenna Family Fund 86,512 Anonymous Fund #9 16,053,449 Lak & Ayoma Fernando Family Fund 21,865 Anonymous Fund #10 8,589,710 Eldon & Anne Foote Fund 7,249,386 Anonymous Fund #11 4,230,906 Colin Forbes Memorial Fund 11,175 Anonymous Fund #14 4,299,443 Tony & Daniela Franceschini Family Fund 1,089,148 Heinrich & Lina Aulbach Fund 13,948 Future Project Fund 29,763 Bacon Family Fund 42,187 Carol Gilfillan Fund 47,592 Robert A. & Maria Bailey Fund 121,827 Aletha Joy Bourne Gilsdorf Sharon & Douglas Barbour Fund 17,687 READ2KIDS Memorial Fund 10,022 Basken Family Fund 14,631 Carol A. Gouin Memorial Fund 50,651 Baydala-Krawiec Endowment Fund 25,374 Sarah & Martin Gouin Family Fund 2,245,777 Alice & Alan Bell Fund 22,635 Gower Family Fund 23,595 Fred & Helen Bentley Education in Agriculture Grieve/Jones Family Fund 108,859 Awards Fund 60,543 Erin Noelle Guthrie Memorial Fund 82,750 Barbara G. Blackley Fund 37,782 Hartnagel Family Fund 26,451 June Block Talking Clocks Fund 13,279 Rick & Connie Hendrickson Family Fund 50,485 David Bodnarchuk Fund 21,931 Joyce A. Hendrickson Fund 14,158 Ruth & Dudley Bristow Family Fund 194,443 Bettie Hewes Memorial Fund 29,118 Buchwald Family Fund 21,878 Alice & Brian Hinds Fund 16,942 Christopher & Lisa Cairns & Family Fund 14,343 Gail & Bruce Hogle Family Fund 15,365 Gil Charest Living Quilt Fund 22,308 Hole Family Fund 640,933 Ross and Muriel Cheriton Fund 75,256 Jack & Audrey Holmes Fund 65,179 AGMJJ Cheung Family Fund 11,323 John & Leni Honsaker Fund 173,193 Margaret Rose Christensen Family Memorial Fund 153,519 Fabian Bubel Hopkins Fund 12,595 Ernie Christman Family Fund 636,302 Kay & Steve Hrudey Memorial Fund 36,512 Cinders Fund 767,886 Hutton Family Funds 1,414,404 Clanging Cymbal Fund 1,027,244 Katherine Jacob Fund 18,995 Crescent Hill Fund 82,937 Karen L. Johnson Fund 18,179 Jock Dawe Fund 182,510 Jones Eidem Fund 50,730 De Bathe Family Fund 10,071 Jenny Jungkind Memorial Fund Herman & Elly de Jongh Fund 77,896 for Music and for Quality of Life 13,682 Ann & John Dea Family Fund 38,429 Karbani Family Fund 13,376 Shannon and John Dean Endowment Fund 14,385 Dr. T.A. Kasper Family Fund 590,273 Delbaere Husum Family Fund 20,753 John & Linda Kimmitt Family Fund 20,673

32 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report DONOR ADVISED FUNDS (continued)

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Larry & Kathy Klaus Fund 27,455 Ann & Steve Robson Family Fund 12,702

Gerald Knoll Family Fund 295,532 Arnold & Grace Rumbold Fund 186,156

Kohan Family Fund 45,521 Bud & Laverna Salloum Family Fund 47,774

Dawson J. Koski Memorial Fund 12,220 Don & Georgie Scafe Fund 33,019

Kouri Family Fund 10,869 Schizophrenia Millennium 2000 Fund 13,664

Kozak-Van Brabant Fund 10,725 Owen Schlosser Fund 23,266

La Bruyère Fund 482,290 Semchishen Family Fund 59,321

William & Shirley Lakey Family Fund 84,083 Joseph & Kayla Shoctor Family Fund 250,864

Lammerink Family Fund 190,315 Craig Simpson & Friends Charity Funds 37,220

Laurie/Thomson Fund 12,315 Rod & Jane Simpson Family Fund 50,853

William Arnold (“Bill”) Lee Fund 12,568 Slavik Family Fund 343,008

LeLacheur Family Fund 146,348 Don & Joan Stanley Fund 1,695,869

Don & Mary Leverington Fund 9,861 Jean & Gerry Staring Fund 47,667

Life Is A Promise Endowment Fund 1,039,778 Pam & David Steeves Fund 11,435

LMG Fund 124,518 A Family That Cares - John & Avery Stobbe Family Fund 11,683 Lost Coin Fund 18,029 P & L Strohschein Family Fund 276,690 Allan & Donna Lundell Family Fund 10,099 Teri Taylor-Tunski (T3) Fund 420,394 Linda & Kim Mackenzie Family Fund 20,545 “Teach a Man to Fish” Fund 10,460 Bill Marsden Motion Picture Practicum Fund 20,649 Joe & Nancy Thompson Family Fund 1,427,867 Hugh & Madge McColl Family Trust Fund 337,726 Brian & Diane Travers Family Fund 15,450 McCuaig Desrochers Centennial Fund 139,259 Ron & Dorothy Triffo Family Fund 2,872,635 A. Blair McPherson Memorial Fund 10,780 Victor-Osten Fund 805,572 Lawrence & Edith McRae Fund 603,778 Watson Family Fund 115,779 Kathryn & Robert Merrett Fund 35,095 Weir Family Fund 732,273 John & Maggie KHG Mitchell Family Fund 815,621 Genevieve (Jean) Whiting Fund 67,508 Doreen & Zenith Moisey Fund 945,785 Douglas & Jane Wilson Fund 48,852 Moses Charitable Fund 62,090 Justin J. Wong Memorial Fund 29,104 Music of the Spheres Legacy Fund 101,104 C.J. Woods, FCA Family Fund 247,637 Nancy’s Butterfly Fund 66,268 Ron & Donna Worthington Family Fund 41,188 Eileen Nash Memorial Fund 52,928 Yih Family Charitable Giving Fund 9,908 NAVIFUND 60,677 Ralph & Gay Young Family Fund 490,752 Maggie & Jim Neilson Family Fund 18,546 Ralph & Gay Young Family Capital Fund 549,692 Jim Noble Family Hope Fund 28,868

Nunastar Properties Fund for Northern Children 1,178,874 Families of Donor Advised Funds Odynski Family Fund 25,668 Rotary Club of Edmonton West Funds Ogilvie Fund 357,375 Zen Moisey Rotary Club of West Edmonton Fund 13,426 Fonds Vital & Colleen Ouellette Endowment Fund 14,754 Rotary Club of Edmonton West Fund 75,899 Judith Peglau Family Fund 46,734

Nancy Power Family Fund 10,719 Edmonton Community Foundation Flow-through Funds V.N. & A.J. Pratt Fund 147,174 Edmonton Community Foundation Flow-through Fund 1,329,429 John & Connie Prentice Family Endowment Fund 497,616 Life Is A Promise Charity Fund 191,520 Nora & Don Prentice Family Fund 10,688 Stollery Small Grants Fund 86,000 Rainbow Fund 14,360 Youth Empowerment Fund* 50,000 Douglas & Kathleen Ritchie Family Fund 20,511 TOTAL: DONOR ADVISED FUNDS $ 125,132,074

*Funds established by the John & Barbara Poole Family Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 33 DONOR ADVISED FUNDS DISBURSEMENTS

TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS IN 2010: $ 6,916,411

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Abbottsfield Youth Project 38,000 Canadian Society of Decorative Arts 20,000

ABC Head Start Society 40,000 Canadian Wildlife Federation 800

Aga Khan Foundation Canada 15,000 Capital Care Foundation 1,000

Alberta Avenue Community League 15,000 Caritas Hospitals Foundation 6,607

Alberta Ballet Company 16,000 CASA Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health 50,000

Alberta Baroque Music Society 1,300 Catalyst Theatre Society of Alberta 1,000

Alberta Book Fair Society 10,000 Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton 8,500

Alberta Cancer Foundation 8,857 Catholic Social Services 26,041

Alberta College of Art and Design 25,000 Centre for Family Literacy Society of Alberta 100

Alberta Council for Environmental Education 10,000 CGIT Board of Edmonton Society 31,000

Alberta Council on Aging 300 Chimo Youth Retreat Centre 790

Alberta Craft Council 11,000 Christmas Bureau of Edmonton 4,500

Alberta Ecotrust Foundation 100,000 Citadel Theatre 123,159

Alberta Lung Association 21,000 City of Edmonton 85,000

ALS Society of Canada 500 CKUA Radio Foundation 10,111

Alzheimer Society of Alberta & Northwest Territories 1,003 Clean Scene 500

Anglican Parish of Christ Church 2,000 CNIB (Alberta-NWT Division) 7,941

Art Gallery of Alberta 7,000 Community Foundations of Canada 13,200

Arthritis Society (Alberta & NWT Region) 459 Compassion Canada 600

Banff Centre 40,000 Compassion House Foundation 300,000

Bernadette N. Swan Social Care Foundation 200 Concordia High School 250

Big Brothers Big Sisters Society of Edmonton & Area 28,000 Concordia University College 59,750

Bird Studies Canada 800 Concrete Theatre Society 15,000

Bissell Centre 78,229 Creating Hope Society Of Alberta 1,500

Black Gold Regional Division #18 700 Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, Canada, Inc. 159

Boyle McCauley Health Centre 8,095 Dickinsfield Amity House 10,000

Boyle Street Service Society 50,000 Doctors Without Borders Canada 20,259

Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs of Edmonton 1,000 Ducks Unlimited Canada 35,000

Braemar Baptist Society of Edmonton 2,611 E4C (Edmonton City Centre Church Corporation) 175,625

British Columbia Guide Dog Services 60,000 Ecojustice Canada 12,575

British Columbia Society Edmonton and Area Land Trust 29,937 for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 35,000 Edmonton Buddhist Research Institute 2,000 Calgary Science Centre Society 1,000 Edmonton Caring Clowns Society 530 Camp Health, Hope & Happiness Society 1,000 Edmonton Catholic Separate School District 7 5,100 Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation 1,500 Edmonton Community Foundation 224 Canadian Diabetes Association Edmonton Down Syndrome Society 5,000 of Alberta & NWT Region 4,554 Edmonton Garrison Military Family Canadian Federation for Sexual Health 12,900 Resource Centre Society 5,480 Canadian Hunger Foundation (CHF) 20,000 Edmonton Gleaners Association 5,300 Canadian Paraplegic Association (Alberta) 300 Edmonton Heritage Festival Association 400 Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society 1,831 Edmonton Humane Society (SPCA) 41,200 Canadian Red Cross Society, Edmonton 25,550 Edmonton Inner City Housing Society 38,860

34 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report DONOR ADVISED FUNDS DISBURSEMENTS (continued)

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Edmonton International Street Performers Festival 530 iHuman Youth Society 376,134

Edmonton Jazz Society (1973) 10,195 Inner City Youth Development Association 5,000

Edmonton Kiwanis Music Festival Association 284 International Justice Mission Canada 188

Edmonton Meals on Wheels 1,200 Iqaluit District Education Authority 30,285

Edmonton Musical Theatre Society 400 Jellinek Society 159

Edmonton New Shadow Theatre Society 26,000 Junior Achievement of Northern Alberta & NWT 10,000

Edmonton Opera Association 2,150 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Canada 20,000

Edmonton People In Need Shelter Society 1,600 Kids Help Phone 250

Edmonton Public Library 500 Kids Kottage Foundation 30,000

Edmonton Public Schools 2,000 Kids Up Front Foundation (Edmonton) 15,600

Edmonton Recital Society 10,000 Kids With Cancer Society of Northern Alberta 99,000

Edmonton Symphony Society 6,711 KidSport Greater Victoria 15,000

Edmonton Wardrobe For Women In Need Association 1,500 King of Kings Lutheran Church of St. Albert, Alberta 250

Edmonton Women’s Shelter Ltd. 4,300 Leukemia Research Fund of Canada 500

Edmonton Youth Orchestra Association 1,361 Little Bits Therapeutic Riding Association 529

Edzimkulu, A Society for Children of AIDS 51,450 Lurana Shelter Society 3,300

Eleanor Luxton Historical Foundation 50,000 Make-A-Wish Foundation of Northern Alberta 30,000

Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton 5,000 Mark Mercier Foundation 5,000

Elk Island Public Schools Regional Division No. 14 1,000 Marketplace Missionary Society 1,000

Esther Honens International Piano Mary A. Tidlund Charitable Foundation 10,000 Competition Foundation 100 McDougall House Association 30,000 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. 2,000 Mental Health Foundation 10,000 Evangelical Medical Aid Society 1,500 Missionaries of Charity Inc. 2,000 Federation of Alberta Naturalists 15,000 Mothers Against Drunk Driving 500 Firefighters Burn Treatment Society 500 Multicultural Family Resources Society 9,000 First Millwoods United Church 500 Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Fort Edmonton Foundation 500 Alberta and NWT Division 1,575

Fort Saskatchewan Hospital Foundation 692 Music by the Sea Society 20,000

Franciscan Sisters Benevolent Society 20,000 Mustard Seed Street Church (Edmonton) 60,602

Friends of Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of Edmonton 3,300 National Arts Centre Foundation 30,000

Friends of PAAFE Nature Conservancy of Canada 28,416 (Prostitution Awareness & Action Foundation) 1,100 New Tribes Mission of Canada 2,500 Gateway Association for Community Living 1,000 Newly United Operatic Vocalists Association George Spady Centre 2,400 (NUOVA) 11,003

Global Angel Charitable Organization 15,000 Nextwave Foundation 10,000

Grant MacEwan University Foundation 1,851,307 Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts 19,700

Gray House Guild 40,000 NorQuest College Foundation 13,400

Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Div. #29 700 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 3,000

Habitat for Humanity Edmonton Society 739 Northern Canada Evangelical Mission Inc. 1,500

Headway School Society of Alberta 2,000 Northern Light Theatre 1,000

Heart & Stroke Foundation of Alberta 1,000 Novayana Society for Eastern and Western Studies 2,000

Hervey Foundation for Cats 100 One Child’s Village: A Global Orphans Foundation 1,000

Hope Foundation of Alberta 500 Operation Eyesight Universal 500

Hope Mission 26,586 Operation Friendship Seniors Society 4,834

Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 35 DONOR ADVISED FUNDS DISBURSEMENTS (continued)

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Opportunity International Canada 1,000 Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation 55,911

Options Sexual Health Association 13,651 Stratford Shakespearean Festival of Canada 800

Parkinson’s Society of Alberta 700 Support Network 700

Pembina Foundation for Environmental Synod of the Diocese of Edmonton 1,000 Research and Education 1,500 Taylor College & Seminary 3,000 Personal Community Support Assoc. of Alberta 33,000 Teatro La Quindicina Theatre Society 1,400 Peter & Catharine Whyte Foundation 10,000 Temple Beth Ora Congregation of Edmonton 1,000 Phillips Exeter Academy Canadian Tempo School 16,627 Scholarship Foundation 100,000 Terra Association 63,737 Pilgrims Hospice Society 66,000 Theatre Network (1975) Society 5,400 Plan International Canada Inc. 1,000 Tides Canada Foundation 35,000 Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN) Edmonton 10,000 Ukrainian Shumka Dancers 10,000

Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei UNICEF Canada 100 for Canada Trust 2,000 United Way of Greater Victoria 15,000 Pro Coro Society - Edmonton 5,000 United Way of the Alberta Capital Region 54,043 Providence College 1,000 United World Mission of Canada, Inc 800 Recreation for Life Foundation 1,000 University Hospital Foundation 101,049 Red Sky Performance 10,000 University of Alberta 642,146 Rehoboth A Christian Assoc. for the Mentally University of Regina 10,000 Handicapped of AB 3,000 University of Saskatchewan 2,000 Rock Lutheran Inner City Society 250 Valley Zoo Development Society 1,000 Rotary Foundation Canada 1,200 Walterdale Theatre Associates 1,000 Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation 276,283 War Amputations of Canada 159 Salvation Army Alberta & NWT Division 43,800 Wetaskiwin Regional Division No.11 2,400 Salvation Army Edmonton Temple Corps 250 Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Edmonton 100 Save the Children - Canada 1,000 WINGS of Providence Society 13,000 Schizophrenia Society of Alberta 457 Winnifred Stewart Association Scouts Canada - Northern Lights Region 5,000 for the Mentally Handicapped 200 Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton (SAGE) 2,485 Winnifred Stewart Foundation 30,000 Shiloh Rebman Youth Ranch Society 1,000 Women Building Futures Society 300 Side Door Ministries 8,140 Wordfest, Banff-Calgary Sierra Club of Canada Foundation 10,000 International Writers Festival 5,000

SKILLS Society Creating Supportive Environments Workshop West Playwrights’ Theatre Society 6,000 for People 3,250 World Relief Canada 1,170 Southminster-Steinhauer United Church 20,000 World Wildlife Fund Canada 1,000 Spinal Cord Injury Treatment Centre Writers’ Guild of Alberta 5,000 (Northern Alberta) Society 80,000 YOUCAN - Edmonton 10,000 St. Herman of Alaska Orthodox Church of Edmonton 1,000 Youth Emergency Shelter Society of Edmonton 82,839 St. Joseph’s Auxiliary Hospital of Edmonton 1,000 Youth Restorative Action Project 33,100 St. Michael’s Extended Care Centre Society 5,000 Zebra Child Protection Centre Society 1,000 STARS (Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society) 55,973

Stephen Lewis Foundation 374

36 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report Scholarship, Bursary and Award Funds Donors help students achieve their education and career goals by offering support with scholarships based on a wide range of criteria. These funds can be discretionary, designated or donor advised. New funds in 2010 are listed in bold type.

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Acadia House Scholarship Fund 10,494 McCauley School “Invest in the Future” Scholarship Fund 24,434 All Weather Windows’ Scholarship Fund 211,570 Dr. John Melling Scholarship Fund 1,359,044 Diana Bacon Scholarship Fund 14,278 Jean & Gregory Moisey Fund 20,543 MLA Carl Benito Award Fund 39,062 Leilani Muir Fund 53,280 Albert Bodnarchuk Award Fund 11,171 Paul & Florence Mulyk Fund 11,502 Margaret-Ellen Bonar Scholarship Fund 11,091 Alexandra Munn Scholarship Fund 48,874 Deb Cautley Award Fund 27,516 John & George Nikel Music Award Fund 53,224 Cheriton Student Award Fund 347,026 Evelyn & Gene Norville Memorial Scholarship Fund 76,274 Thomas Chong Memorial Trust Fund 40,585 Terrance O’Connor Award Fund 18,155 Frantisek Cikanek Memorial Fund 12,741 Dr. David Plotsky Memorial Fund 9,516 Judy Craig Professional Development Endowment Fund 9,686 Ernest E. Poole 1906 Stoughton Awards Endowment Fund 98,842 Esther & Peter Cunliffe Fund 59,909 Della Roland Memorial Fund 11,446 Evelyn Mary Darch Memorial Fund 12,879 Saint John’s School of Alberta Bursary Fund 17,073 Edmonton Refugee & Emerging Community Awards Fund 28,265 Saint John’s School of Ontario Bursary Fund 28,247

ERHC Trade Scholarship Endowment Fund 325,523 Father Sargeant Scholarship Fund 9,767

Nancy Fairley Scholarship Fund 242,005 Maria T. Schneider Fund 18,898

Farmer Family Instrumental Organ Scholarship Fund 30,760 Shauna Seneca Award Fund 14,802

Farmer Family Kiwanis Fund 17,992 Ranald & Vera Shean Memorial Scholarship Fund 940,355

Harry Farmer Memorial Fund 12,870 Stollery Education Trust Fund 247,926

Kathleen Farmer Memorial Fund 12,870 Symphony Women’s Educational Assistance Fund 46,298

Mike Fogolin Spirit of Champions Scholarship Fund 48,604 Vasa Skandia Award Fund 39,706

John Patrick Gillese Fund 13,731 John & Andrea Wallin Fund 25,713

Sarah & Martin Gouin Family Education Fund 1,017,026 Dave Williams Leadership Award Fund 31,434

Marshall Hamar Memorial Fund 34,773 Belcourt Brosseau Metis Awards Funds

Hartwell Family Award Fund 19,625 Belcourt Brosseau Metis Awards Fund 13,619,449

Chris Hunter Memorial Fund 24,926 Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Belcourt Brosseau Metis Awards Fund 77,515 Chris Judge Endowment Fund 41,830 June Virginia Robinson Memorial Award Fund 10,079 Rose Margaret King Education Fund 559,249 Syncrude Canada Ltd. Belcourt Brosseau Jeffrey Klaus Scholarship Fund 63,182 Metis Award Fund 30,152 Catherine Lalonde Memorial Scholarship Fund 63,241 Community Scholarships Funds Charmaine Letourneau Fund 42,390 John & Barbara Poole Family Beverley MacLean Legacy Fund 74,555 Community Scholarship Fund 102,893

ManCap Legacy Education Grant Fund 447,794 Stollery Community Scholarship Fund 109,000

Manning Family Fund 11,807 TOTAL: SCHOLARSHIP, BURSARY AND AWARD FUNDS $ 21,205,423 Al Maurer Awards Fund 109,956

Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 37 SCHOLARSHIP, BURSARY AND AWARD DISBURSEMENTS


Foundation Administered

146 Belcourt Brosseau Métis Awards recipients 419,678 Edmonton Public Schools 4,138

4 Community Scholarship recipients 9,000 Edmonton Youth Orchestra Association 3,612

3 Nancy Fairley Scholarship recipients 9,000 Grant MacEwan University Foundation 30,410

2 Don Howden and Jane Squire Howden Hope Mission 2,000 Awards recipient 5,000 Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta 13 Rose Margaret King Merit Award recipients 18,000 - Edmonton Chapter 500

1 Charmaine Letourneau Scholarship recipient 1,500 Lethbridge College 10,000

2 Al Maurer Award recipients 4,000 ManCap Foundation 18,000

2 Alexandra Munn Scholarship recipients 1,400 Neuchatel Junior College 2,000

1 David Plotsky Award recipient 500 NorQuest College 19,000

3 Probert Math Award recipients 13,694 Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 19,168

2 Ranald & Vera Shean Memorial Scholarships Northern Gateway Regional Division No. 10 500 recipients 2,247 Outward Bound Canada 808 1 Dave Williams Leadership Award recipient 1,000 Pembina Hills Regional Division No. 7 500 1 Youth Formerly in Care Bursary recipient 1,500 Rimbey Christian School Society 500 Other Royal Canadian College of Organists Andrew School 688 Edmonton Centre 1,400

Bev Facey Composite High School 500 South East Cornerstone School Division No. 209 3,311

City of Edmonton 2,478 University of Alberta 14,580

Concordia University College 5,000 University of Calgary 1,000

Edmonton Catholic Separate School District 7 1,600 Yellowhead Koinonia Christian School 500 Edmonton Kiwanis Music Festival Association 1,000

Emerging Funds Emerging funds allow donors to gradually build named funds. This option encourages a first gift of $1,000 plus the donor’s commitment to add steadily to the fund until it reaches $10,000. Amounts are disbursed to charitable causes only when the fund amount reaches this level. New funds in 2010 are listed in bold type.

Year End Balance Year End Balance

26BG1234 Family Fund 2,936 Collinge Fund 8,721

Anonymous 7,355 Coutts/Jager Family Fund 9,892

Anonymous Fund #15 3,588 Mary DeFerro Fund 245

Sam and Sonia Azer Family Fund 7,702 Edmonton in Bloom Fund 4,779

Babb/Murchison Family Fund 1,295 Diann & Art Etter Fund 2,771

John J. Boyd Family Fund 5,242 Charlotte and Tom Fredericks Fund for CKUA 999

Michael and Kathryn Brechtel Fund 753 Sheldon Jaima & Jacqueline Geller Fund 1,112

Bull Family Fund 2,127 Frederic and Alma Gojmerac Family Fund 6,909

David & Deb Cautley Family Legacy Fund 2,844 Bill & Ruth Grundy Student Award Fund 7,663

CKUA Board of Directors Fund 8,525 Harper-Kennedy Fund 6,785

38 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report EMERGING FUNDS (continued)

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Harvonen Family Fund for Young Children 8,447 David & Cheryl Porter Fund 9,543

Holy Spirit Lutheran Church Fund 1,008 Allan R. Purvis Junior Hockey Memorial Fund 8,573

Jane Hopkinson Fund 3,046 Rau Family Belcourt Brosseau Metis Award Fund 1,084

House Family Fund 3,936 Redshoe Family Fund 5,856

Keating Family Hedgehog Fund 110 Geraldine Cecilia Riley Fund 7,499

Sophia Kinasevich Memorial Fund 3,194 Ross Sheppard Alumni Basketball Award Fund 4,365

Kirby Family Fund 2,002 Shelemey Client Memorial Trust Fund 9,881

Kathy Lenihan Fund 3,733 Emmy Stuebing Family & Friends Fund 5,369

Mark D. Lepine Fund 1,172 Teen Time of Edmonton Fund 7,109

Leung Family Fund 7,302 Tiger Family Fund 8,832

Louis Lieberman Family Fund 3,958 United Way of the Alberta Capital Region Endowment Fund 6,130 Arlene Meldrum Community Action Fund 7,086 Germaine & Walter Walchuk Fund 5,005 Margaret Michaud Family Fund 6,864 Walterdale Players’ Endowment Fund 1,566 Nichols Family Fund 6,604 Sam Wong Fund 2,058 Osback Brown Fund 5,141 YESS 2 Love Fund 3,278 Otteson Family Fund 7,121 Yez Family Fund 9,902 Pilgrims Hospice Fund 6,011 Linda M. Youell and Gerald W. Youell Platten-Brimacombe Family Fund 6,491 Fund for the Arts 2,602 Linda & Val Pohl Family Fund 2,063 Princess Taz Zowtuk Family Fund 1,100


Operating Endowment Funds The goal of Edmonton Community Foundation is to maximize the amounts available to support charities. ECF takes a prudent approach to the cost of operations and sincerely appreciates the assistance of donors who contribute directly to the operating costs of Edmonton Community Foundation or to the Operating Endowment Fund.

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Edmonton Community Foundation Operating John & Barbara Poole Family 2,281,395 Endowment Fund 2,775 Jack Watson Family Fund 10,380



Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 39 Administered Funds Administered funds are held for other charities as a community service. These funds are not endowed with ECF. No new Administered Funds have been accepted since January 1, 2005.

Total disbursements and transfers in 2010: $ 5,070,095

Year End Balance Year End Balance

Alberta Aviation Museum Association Lion’s Eye Bank (Alberta) Society Vern Millard Administered Fund 169,031 Memorial Endowment Fund 67,931

Battle River Community Foundation Fund 5,904,882 Mayerthorpe Area Community Foundation Fund 139,437

Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs of Alberta Fund 12,997 Our House Addiction Recovery Fund 173,046

Brail Tone Music Society of Canada Fund 11,568 Shragge (Jewish Family Services) Fund 17,122

CFRN TV Good Neighbour Fund Society Fund 596,120 Sigma Alpha Mu (Jewish Family Services) Fund 16,456

Cosmopolitan Music Society Administered Fund 45,206 Sisters of Our Lady of the Cross Endowment Educational Assistance Fund 121,719 Drayton Valley Community Foundation Fund 482,781 Sport Central Association Fund 115,867 Edmonton Jewish Community Charitable Foundation Fund 596,175 St. Albert Community Foundation Administered Fund 18,766 Edmonton Rotary Club Foundation Fund 755,318 St. Paul’s Foundation (Edmonton) Fund 1,974,083 Edmonton’s Food Bank Fund 697,840 Strathcona Shelter Society - A Safe Place Fund 9,347 EICHS Projects Built After 1995 Replacement Reserve Fund 463,715 Telephone Historical Centre Endowment Fund 34,393

Environmental Law Centre (Alberta) Society Fund 135,009 Tevie Miller Heritage School Society Fund 98,821

General Hospital (Grey Nuns) Foundation Fund 56,434 Vega Scholarship Fund (for the Edmonton Space and Science Centre) 79,502 Heritage Agricultural Society Administered Fund 19,386 TOTAL: ADMINISTERED FUNDS $ 13,583,289 Heritage Festival Fund 462,410

Imrie Fund for Community Mental Health 231,814

Jewish Family Services Fund 76,113

40 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report Financial Highlights Year ended December 31, 2010

• Total value of funds amounted to $276.6 million • Return on investment of 8.68% net of average (2009: Restated $253.8 million) custodian and investment counsel fees (2009: 14.75%) • $18.1 million received in contributions • Annualised return of 8.02% since 1989 (gross of fees) (2009: $18.4 million) • Net administration costs were 0.59% of the average • 56 new funds created (2009: 43) market value of all funds, excluding custodian and • Total disbursements for charitable causes investment counsel fees (2009: 0.67%) were $16.1 million (2009: $10.5 million)

47% Donor Advised 5% Field of Interest 39% Arts, culture 10% Health & wellness 65% Salaries and 4% Professional fees Funds Funds & heritage 4% Environment, contract services 3% Program & 22% Designated Funds 1% Restricted Fund 21% Education recreation & leisure 14% General community & learning administration support 11% Community Funds 1% Combined 3% Scholarships 20% Social & & awards 12% Communications 2% Occupancy 6% Scholarship, Purpose Funds community & donor services Bursary and 1% Operating 3% Other services Award Funds Endowment Funds 5% Administered 1% Social Enterprise Funds Funds

FUNDS DisbuRsements for Administration The total value of the funds was Charitable Purposes Net administration costs were kept to $276.6 million. Disbursements for charitable purposes 0.59% of the average market value of were $16.1 million (including $5,070,000 (thousands of dollars) all funds. from funds administered for other 1 Donor Advised Funds $ 128,800 charities). Designated Funds2 59,792 (thousands of dollars) (thousands of dollars) Community Funds3 31,720 Arts, culture & heritage $ 6,179 Salaries & contract services $ 1,388 Scholarship, Bursary Education & learning 3,434 General administration 310 and Award Funds 16,414 Social & community services 3,216 Communications & donor services 264 Field of Interest Funds 15,000 Health & wellness 1,572 Professional fees 82 Administered Funds 13,583 Environment, recreation & leisure 692 Program & community support 72 Restricted Fund 3,477 Scholarships & awards 547 Occupancy 38 Combined Purpose Funds 3,253 Other 434 Contributions & recoveries (567) Operating Endowment Funds 2,295 $ 16,074 $ 1,587 Social Enterprise Funds 2,260 $ 276,594

1 Includes Emerging and Flowthrough Funds 2 Includes designated Scholarship, Bursary and Award, Our Children’s Millennium and Edmonton & Area Land Trust Funds 3 Includes Winspear Funds

Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 41 Financial Report Donors trust Edmonton Community Foundation to measurement system. The Board reviews investment make effective decisions to best meet the needs of the performance and the target portfolio mix regularly. community, now and forever. Investments are professionally managed, earning an Governance annualized rate of return on pooled investment of 8.68% in 2010 (net of average fees) and 8.02% since A volunteer board represents the community’s 1989 (gross of fees). interest, sets direction and standards and monitors Disbursement Guidelines all facets of our operations. Edmonton Community Foundation Amendment Act, 2006 gave the power By following a disciplined disbursement policy and in to appoint board members to the Committee accordance with Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, of Nominators. Members of this committee are funds keep pace with inflation and can accommodate appointed by the following: the Mayor of the periodic weak investment performance. Over time, City of Edmonton, the Chair of the Board of the our community receives more support than if any Edmonton Chamber of Commerce, the President higher percentage of fund value were disbursed. of the Edmonton and District Labour Council, Administrative Costs and Custodian the senior Justice resident in Edmonton of the Court and Investment Counsel Fees of Queen’s Bench of Alberta, the United Way of the Net administration costs and custodian and Alberta Capital Region, the University of Alberta, investment counsel fees are kept to approximately and the Edmonton Bar Association. 1% of the average market value of all funds. Additional community volunteers serve on a Net earnings in excess of disbursements, number of committees chaired by a Board member. administrative costs and custodian and investment The committees offer counsel to staff and provide counsel fees are reinvested so the Foundation’s recommendations to the Board to help meet its endowment funds and grants continue to grow year overall responsibilities. after year. Edmonton Community Foundation does The Chief Executive Officer, hired by and reporting not undertake fundraising events or campaigns for to the Board, hires and manages all staff and ensures which it pays fundraising fees, costs or expenses, that everyone works together within the strategic although there may be occasional events organized direction set by the Board. by volunteer third parties. Investment Practice Consolidated Trust Fund Portfolio Edmonton Community Foundation investment (December 31, 2010) and disbursement practices reflect the long-term 25% Canadian Equities time horizon that is the nature of permanent 22% Fixed Income endowments. 18% U.S. Equities 15% International Equities We are committed to providing maximum benefits 7% Cash, Cash Equivalents to our community, now and forever. and Money Market Funds 5% Private Equity An Investment Committee with senior level 5% Real Estate investment management experience reviews 2% Infrastructure performance using a benchmark performance 1% Mortgage Funds

42 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report Report of the Independent Auditor on the Summarized Financial Statements

To the Directors of Edmonton Community Foundation The accompanying summarized financial statements, which comprise the summarized consolidated statement of financial position as at December 31, 2010, the summarized consolidated statement of changes in fund balances for the year ended December 31, 2010, and related note, are derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of Edmonton Community Foundation for the year ended December 31, 2010. We expressed an unmodified audit opinion on those consolidated financial statements in our report dated April 13, 2011. Those financial statements, and the summarized financial statements, do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on those financial statements. The summarized financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Therefore, reading the summarized financial statements is not a substitute for reading the audited consolidated financial statements of Edmonton Community Foundation. Management’s Responsibility for the Summarized Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation of a summary of the audited consolidated financial statements on the basis described in the note to the summarized financial statements. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the summarized financial statements based on our procedures, which were conducted in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standard (CAS) 810, Engagements to Report on Summary Financial Statements.

Opinion In our opinion, the summarized financial statements derived from the audited consolidated financial statements of Edmonton Community Foundations for the year ended December 31, 2010, are a fair summary of those financial statements, on the basis described in the note to the summarized financial statements.

Signed by Deloitte & Touche LLP Chartered Accountants Consolidated Trust Fund Portfolio (December 31, 2010) April 26, 2011 25% Canadian Equities

22% Fixed Income 18% U.S. Equities BASIS OF PRESENTATION 15% International Equities The summarized financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally accepted 7% Cash, Cash Equivalents accounting principles. Therefore, reading the summarized financial statements is not a substitute for reading the and Money Market Funds audited consolidated financial statements of Edmonton Community Foundation (the “Foundation”). 5% Private Equity 5% Real Estate The Foundation is committed to full accountability and transparency in all we do. Our audited consolidated 2% Infrastructure financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2010, including all disclosures required by Canadian 1% Mortgage Funds generally accepted accounting principles, are available on our website at www.ecfoundation.org or to receive copies by mail, phone (780) 426-0015.

Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 43 Summarized Consolidated Statement of Financial Position December 31, 2010 (thousands of dollars)

2010 2009 ASSETS CURRENT Cash and cash equivalents $ 2,960 $ 2,921 Trust assets - investments – 560 Trust assets 160 – Current portion of loans receivable – 305 Amounts receivable 416 388 3,536 4,174 INVESTMENTS 273,667 250,850 CAPITAL ASSETS 113 138 $ 277,316 $ 255,162 LIABILITIES CURRENT Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $ 389 $ 339 Distributions payable 52 70 Trust liabilities - investments – 560 Trust liabilities 160 – Funds administered for others 13,583 17,010 Deferred contributions 9 83 Deferred contributions - Province operating 53 74 Deferred contributions - Province Path to Loan Grants 19 80 Deferred contributions - Safety Council – 75 Deferred contributions - Social Impact 40 130 14,305 18,421 FUND BALANCES Endowment funds 252,225 225,158 Non-endowment funds 7,309 8,506 Restricted fund 3,477 3,077 263,011 236,741 $ 277,316 $ 255,162

Approved by the board:

Penny Omell, Director John Mahon, Director

44 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report Summarized Consolidated Statement

of Changes in Fund Balances Year ended December 31, 2010 (thousands of dollars)

2010 2009 Non- Non- Endowment endowment Restricted Endowment endowment Restricted Funds Funds Fund Total Funds Funds Fund Total Contributions $ 14,025 $ 2,573 $ – $ 16,598 $ 12,879 $ 4,059 $ – $ 16,938 Investment income (losses) 22,890 602 400 23,892 26,928 769 (175) 27,522 Expenditures - net (2,875) (78) – (2,953) (2,674) (79) – (2,753) Distributions approved (6,990) (4,277) – (11,267) (5,943) (2,813) – (8,756) Transfers (to) from: Endowment funds – (17) – (17) – – – – Non-endowment funds 17 – – 17 – – – – INCREASE (DECREASE) DURING THE YEAR 27,067 (1,197) 400 26,270 31,190 1,936 (175) 32,951 BALANCE BEGINNING OF YEAR AS PREVIOUSLY REPORTED 226,144 8,533 3,077 237,754 194,451 6,581 3,252 204,284 ADJUSTMENT TO OPENING FUND BALANCES (986) (27) – (1,013) (483) (11) – (494) BALANCE, BEGINNING OF YEAR, AS RESTATED 225,158 8,506 3,077 236,741 193,968 6,570 3,252 203,790 BALANCE, END OF YEAR $ 252,225 $ 7,309 $ 3,477 $ 263,011 $ 225,158 $ 8,506 $ 3,077 $ 236,741

Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 45 Donors

$1.0 – $4.9 million Nicholas Paul Ochotta $10,000 – $24,999 Ronald G. Rowswell Metis Nations of Coventry Homes Anonymous Thomas Olenuk Margaret Andrekson Servus Credit Union Alberta Association John & Ann Dea John & Barbara Poole Kayla Shoctor Barry A. Biglow Ltd. John & Maggie Shannon & John Dean Mitchell Family TELUS Corporation Canadian Home Rod & Jane Simpson Denis & Barbara $500,000 – Victoria School Builders' Association- Teja Singh Dianne Osback Redmond $999,999 Foundation for the Arts Edmonton Region Jerome & Holly Slavik Maria T. Schneider Devon Canada Francis G. Winspear Anonymous Connor, Clark & Lunn P & L Strohschein University of Alberta Divine Hardwood Foundation Ltd. Pearl Elizabeth $25,000 – $99,999 Brian & Diane Travers Walter & Germaine Flooring (Edm) Ltd. Elly de Jongh Walchuk Cunningham Alberta Heritage Ron & Dorothy Triffo Dogs with Wings Scholarship Fund Roger Delbaere & Howard Walger Assistance Dog Society John Foy Marguerite Trussler Alberta International Lynette Husum Ross & Eleanor Wein Edmonton Area Super Florence MacKenzie Vasa Order of America Band Festival Association Randy Diamond Novice Hockey Club Stanley A. Milner Skandia Lodge #549 Donna Worthington Alberta Synod of the Edmonton Oilers Edmonton Arts Council Alberta Orange Genevieve ( Jean) Mary Glenda & Hugh Wyatt Evangelical Lutheran Community Foundation Foundation for Children Whiting $1,000 – $4,999 Edmonton Chamber of Church in Canada Audrey Eikeland Voluntary Organizations $100,000 – $499,999 Young Alberta Book All Weather Windows A & B Concrete Martin Garber-Conrad Society Edmonton Heritage Pumping (2007) Ltd. Allen Family Ltd. Festival Association L. Neil Gower $5,000 – $9,999 Anonymous Alberta Association of Larry & Janet Vern & Leona Hartwell Norman & Beverley the Deaf Anderson Robert A. Bailey Alberta Committee Ellingson Margaret Hiller of Citizens With Alberta Cultural Andromeda Carl Benito Brian & Gail Faulkner Audrey Holmes Disabilities Investments Ltd. Society of the Deaf Charles Frederick Jean Fitzsimmons John & Elizabeth Holt Anonymous Graeme & Dagny Bow Valley Community Bentley Fringe Theatre Foundation Otto & Johanna Sharon & Douglas Alston June Block Adventures Society Holzapfel Barbour L. Randall & Al-Terra Engineering Ross & Muriel Jaima Geller Margo S. Cable Garnet Ireland John & Marion Boyd Ltd. Cheriton General Electric Margaret Campbell Ted Kouri & Mai Anh Canadian Psychological Anonymous Dentistry Canada Fund Canada Inc. Le Van Association Foundation Clarence Christensen Artistic Stairs Inc. Pat Eidem Gienow Windows & Eugene Kozak & Cenovus Energy Inc. Athabasca University Ernie Christman Doors Neil Fenna Loretta Van Brabant CKUA Radio Diana M. Bacon City of Edmonton Karen Good John & Leni Honsaker Allan & Donna Foundation Harold & Linda Craig Simpson "Never Lundell Grant MacEwan William & Shirley Anne Marie Decore Banister Say Never" Charity University Lakey Mawer Investment Golf Tournament DECSA (Distinctive Bentall Limited Management Ltd. Timothy & Patricia Barbara Leah Employment Counseling Partnership Edmonton Folk Music Hartnagel McLennan Ross LLP Province of Alberta Services of Alberta) Monique & William Festival Society Bob Hawkesworth Francis C.R. Price Ogilvie LLP David Dickinson & Blundell Edmonton Opera Kathryn Hawkesworth Sydney Rombough Phillips, Hager & Colette Mandin Julia Boberg Association & Gary Kriviak North Investment Arnold & Grace Gifford Edmonds Boyle Street Education Rod Eidem Joyce Hendrickson Rumbold Management Ltd. Enbridge Pipelines Inc. Government of Canada Centre Doris E. Pimm Alice & Brian Hinds SKILLS Society Encana Corporation Canadian Western Dorothy Marie Guilday Alan & Audrey Creating Supportive Nancy Power Jim & Diana Greer Bank Group Hole Developments Hodgson Environments for Alan Pratt Ltd. Francia Harvonen David & Debra Cautley People Homeward Trust Russell & Marjorie Centre for Spiritual Harry & Muriel Hole Bruce & Gail Hogle Foundation Stollery Charitable Purdy Living Jonan Enterprises Ltd. Foundation Imagine Canada Jane Hopkinson Rosalie Rector CIBC Mellon Hugh & Madge Syncrude Canada Ltd. Karen L. Johnson Imperial Oil Law Office McColl Citadel Theatre Victor-Osten Fund John & Val Kok Investors Group Harold & Heidi Rene & Lisa Cloutier Robert & Kathryn Financial Services Inc. Winnipeg Foundation Robinson Merrett

46 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report Clare & Tammy Irwin Northern Alberta Sterling Homes Silvio & Marielos Dobri Denis & Barbara David & Marlene Jayman MasterBuilt Institute of Technology (Edmonton) Ltd. Kathy Dolby Redmond Burnett Martin Kennedy Northleaf Capital John & Avery Stobbe Kelly Dorin Richard Eaton Singers James D. Campbell Partners Manulife Financial- Strategic Charitable Michael & Tracy Barbara Sadler Wells Jean R. Campbell United Way Campaign Ron & Lynn Odynski Giving Foundation Edmonds Jane Sadler Thomas A. Campbell Keyano College Options Sexual Health Emmy Stuebing Ellerslie South Ltd. Leidia Siffledeen Capital Power Association Nadia Kinasevich Craig & Mark Agnes & Douglas Frans Slatter & Brenda Employee Volunteer Douglas Penner Stumpf-Allen Program Pat & Jill Kirby Foster Blakey Perry Homes Inc. Suncor Energy Inc. Cast & Crew The Best Tim & Sonia Kirby William & Pauline Michael & Nance Rob Pierce Talisman Energy Inc. Girgulis Smith Little Whorehouse in Andrew Kiss Texas Forrest B. Pimm TD Bank Financial Girl Guides of Canada Phil & Brenda Smith Larry & Kathy Klaus Kelly Clarke Karen A. Platten Group - Alberta Council Walker Lakes Station Miles Kohan and Annu Teen Time of Edmonton R. Edward Hanna Ltd. Mary-Lou Cleveland Kaul-Kohan Val & Linda Pohl Elizabeth A. H. Douglas Hunter Alison Wood Jeffery & Anita Cole David & Sheryl Koski Public School Boards' Association of Alberta Vetsch Professional Professional Corporation Z C L Composites Tom Collier & Alfred & Elfrieda Corporation Hurricane Machining Margaret King Krinke Qualico Communities Kevin & Roxanne Sam Wong & Manufacturing Ltd. Zowtuk Yvonne Collinson Leduc/Devon Oilfield Naomi B. Rau Sheila Zane Donald Johnston Bert & Joyce Cook Historical Society RBC Royal Bank $100 – $499 $500 – $999 Lee Fogolin Design John Corbett William Arnold (Bill) RCMP Aboriginal Ted & Gloria Aaron and Construction Ltd Lee Policing Services Sandra Corbett A. Clark Roofing & Stephen & Renu Abela Lenbeth Weeping Tile Katherine Lenihan Ready Mix Concrete- Siding Ltd. Francis & Michelle (Edm) Alberta Association Lafarge Canada Inc. Coulombe Alice Leung AFOA Alberta of Fund Raising William R. MacDonald Mary Jane Coxon Riverbend Community Pam Alloway Executives Debra Lieberman & Natalia Krawatz League Shelagh Creagh Peter Andrekson Alberta Craft Council Esther Lieberman Shona MacLachlan Steve & Ann Robson Betty Crockett-LaRose Anonymous Anonymous Peder Lodoen Jim MacLean Rotaract Club of The Glenn & Lori Crowe Apeetogosan (Metis) Lorna Arndt Kim & Linda Ross Marsh University of Alberta Cory & Carol Mackenzie Development Inc. Lucia Arnieri Jamie Salé Ray Meredith Cunningham James McDonald ATCO Gas Associate Clinic Scotiabank Peter & Andrea ATCO I-Tek Inc. Dairy Queen Grill & Lilian McEwen Metcalfe William & Dorothy Wally & Rosanna Chill Letha McKee B.A.Robinson Co Ltd. Astle Sczebel Susan & Mohammed Larry & Margaret Lorna H. McPherson Ann & Richard Babb Moussa Karen & Lindsay Bass Mildred Alexa Seitz Davidson Metis Child & Family Joan & Monty Baker Natalie Anton Ralph & Virginia Sherrick Management Daniel Desnoyers Services Society Ron & Heather Bell Professional Behler Limited Harminder & Raj Corporation Metis Nation of Michael & Katie Alan & Alice Bell Gerald & Janie Shimko Dhaliwal Alberta Association Brechtel Lawrence & Deanna Jagjit & Gurcharan Fred Dicker Region One Regional Sinclair Supply Ltd. Nemirsky Canada Life Assurance Bhatia Council Phyllis Skulsky Janet Dixon Company J. Royal Nickerson Ellen Bielawksi Metis Settlements Social Enterprise Fund Professional Dolce Vita Homes LP Canterbury Foundation Susan Borland General Council St. Albert Community Corporation Jenny Dominko Gilbert Charest Bill Bowers Margaret Michaud Foundation Jack & Esther Ondrack Van Dorin Bob & Cathy Crockett Bert & Edna Braiden MPG Management Standard Life Robert & Julie Paterson Vincent Duckworth Paola D'Alessandro C. Braithwaite Ltd. Investments Dwayne & Gaylene Dunham Team Realty Karen & William Ejan Bremness Native Counselling State Street Global Pohranychny Inc. Davidson Nicole Brenda Services of Alberta Advisors, Ltd. Heather & Vincent ECO Medical Daytona Capital Corp Jim & Maggie Neilson Elmer & Shirley Price Joseph Bubel Equipment Catriona de Scossa Nexen Inc. Stawniczy Heather Rae & Curtis Norman Bulat Jaqueline Pasquale DeLuca NorQuest College Schmidt Eddy-Caithness

Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 47 Donors (continued)

William & Wynne Greg Greenough Robert Losie Cheryl Noble James Smyrl Bryce & Florrie Van Edwards Clifford Guebert Thomas Love Jim Noble Fern D. Snart Dusen Jack & Terrie Ellis Gail Guidinger Lloyd & Lynn Malin Penny Omell Marlene & Sidney Jane Vaasjo Tracy Elofson Edward & Mavis Hahn Johann Pelech Mann Erika Oshiki Snelling David M. & Darlene H. Vassos Mary Engelmann Pamala Hancock Margaret Matheson Sharon Osmond April Snelson Harvey Voogd & Marie Jacob & Marilyn Ens Craig & Joanne Harle Theresa Matus Larry & Lucy Pana M. Joan Snyder Butler Estate Planning Haup 2It Enterprises The Mayfair Golf Peggy Parker The Society of Walterdale Theatre Council of Edmonton Group Management Earle Hawkesworth Lorraine Parry Associates Donna Feldberg Accountants Joan & Alex Hawkins Fraser McClure Michael Phair Sparky's Electrical Lewis & Valerie Warke Lois A. Field Beverley McConnell Lorna Heiberg Ed & Barb Pittman Services Ltd. Allan & Jean Warrack Ted & Joan Fischer Harwood McCuaig Dennis & Elaine Helfer Jim & Dorothy Purvis Neil & Sally Stewart Terry Fuga & Carol Sanford Fitch Jim & Merla McCuaig Terry & Carol Hrudey Leonard Ratzlaff Megan Stock Watson Laura Fogden Margaret McFall Cameron Huckell Vanessa Reinelt William & Jane Jack & Marjorie Brice & Rechelle Elizabeth Johnson Cynthia McLean Patricia Anne Sturgeon Watson Folden Grace Johnston William & Linda Reinhardt Jacqueline Swane Susan Watson Formulations Media Inc. McLean Robert J. Johnston Helen Richards Alva Swanson Michael Wayman Charles Bruce & Brian & Tammy Gunter & Ingeborg George & Roberta Margaret Foy Sarah Johnston SynchroComm Inc McNab Richter Wells Catherine & Richard Young Soo & Nancy Kim Jack & Rita Talen Karen McPherson Rayfield Rideout & Ronald H. Wensel Fraser Jill Koziey Salvatore & Leslie Bonnie Megley Michele Laberge Stephen Wildfang Pearl Frederick Elaine Krepps Tanzi George & Rosalie Bonnie Robson Michael & Eileen Friends of Washi Maria & Lee Maria & Josephine Melenka Olga Roland Wilkinson Chigiri-e Kruszewski Tchong Meta Mind Consulting John Ross Henry & Donna Maryanne Wilson Garth Fruett Peter & Brenda Ltd. Barbara & Harold Terlecki Eric Wong Diane R. Gagnon Kuerschner G. Cristina Molina Roulston Barbara Lackman Joseph & Nancy Larry Wong Won Jung Gak C.R.S. & Jean Ginetta Salvalaggio & Thompson Warren Wong & Ruth Stan Galbraith Shirley Leaker Montgomery Ronald Shute Neil & Josephine Kettles Paul & Irene Galibois Richard Letendre Michael Murphy Evelyn Schlosser Thomson Linda Woollett Joel & Michelle Ruth Gentile William Mustard Frederick Schulte Olive Thorne Leveille Morley & Pat Workun William Gilsdorf Joan Neehall Brendan Shoemaker Ian & Carol Thornton Jane Liden & Nancy Jack & Susan Wright Moira Glerum P. Jean Newton Sorensen Lynnda Sharp Sharon Trelenberg Wayne H. Wright Izzy & Grace Gliener P.E. Newton Judith Lindblad Mark Sirett Neil & Brenda Turnell Ralph & Gay Young Gerda & Walter Goetz Ann Nielsen Barbara Sherwood Steve & Lillian Smart Urban Development Heather Zwicker Ann & Charles Grant Lollar Jadish & Manju Roger & Elisabeth Institute Greater Nikhanj Smith Edmonton Chapter

48 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report Honourary Gifts

In 2010, a number of gifts were received in honour of certain milestones or events in the lives of others. Those honoured include:

Margaret Jennie & Garry Jane Hopkinson Ron & Penny Bud Salloum Leona Yez Andrekson Diment Omell David King Rob Smyth Sandra Young Reg Basken Keith Driver Connie & Bob Mark & Jo Knettig John Wells Osterman Kyle & Connie Neil Gower Alexandra Munn Ron & Donna Clifford Barb & Denis Ellen Green Worthington Redmond We Remember Them

The following list memorializes those remembered through tribute gifts in 2010. The Foundation permanently records their names in its registry. A complete list can be viewed on our website.

Jim Allan Bob Colling Bill Grundy Mary Mason Frank Pirker Tony Sheppard Sally Andrekson Nancy Cooper Ruth Grundy Rose McAllister John Plunkett Phillip Shragge Robert Bailey John Crockett Frieda Haliburton A. Blair McPherson Terrence Potvin Ernie Siegel Germaine Baker Ken Crockett Bob Hill Gary McPherson Linda Provence Lavinia Singh Clinton Bardell Claudette Dorin- Fredrick Hill Arlene Meldrum Karel Puffer Gordon Henry Burden Smith Willis Bass Jane Hopkinson Jack Mellon Dwight Purdy David Duchak Don Starrett James Bateman Kathleen Jacobs Shelley Milner Allan Purvis Sheila Edwards Virginia Stikeman Roland Boisvert Knut Johansen Gordon Morash Gordon Rennie Harold Eikeland Teri Taylor-Tunski Robert Brockbank Minnie Johnson Harold Morrison Martin Ritter Ella Fenske Walter Thomson Joyce Brown Robyn Kelly Joyce Mustard June Virginia Harris (Gig) Field Robinson Gary Tonhouser Bob Bruce Sophia Kinasevich John Kurt Nikel John Foy Sydney Blair Gordon Topma Marlene Bruce Gilda Klimek Joseph O'Brien Rombough Jonathan Freedman William Weir Erika Busing Louis Lieberman Terrance O'Connor Lloyd Sadler David Fuga Ernie Wirtanen Margaret Rose Willi Lingle Jim O'Grady Owen Schlosser Christensen Dallas James Gendall Gerald Youell William Lobay Mookie Ott

Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 49 Our volunteers – the connections that help us with the work we do

There are a number of individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to help ECF fulfill its mandate. We thank them for the important contributions they make through their work on advisory committees, scholarship review panels, Wills Week seminars and other work of the Foundation. Will Power Wills Week – ECF offers free public seminars to promote the importance of having a valid, up to date will. The following lawyers volunteered their time to conduct the public sessions in 2010: Bryn Bezaire, Joyce Burnett, Lynne Butler, Kate Faught, Wanda Fawcett, Matthew Feehan, David Koski, Lois MacLean, Crista Osualdini, Karen Platten, Karen Rackel and Hilary Tanasichuk Youth Advisory Committee – This group of young people was brought together late in 2010 to review the applications to the ECF’s inaugural Youth Empowerment Program. The application deadline was in February 2011. Grace Christian, Jessica Gillespie, Robin Good, Stephen Kaiswatum, Joanna Pearce, Mario Poretti, Matthew Schmitt, James Tehusalawany, Dustin Tellier and Kyle Tryhurn.

Scholarship review panels ECF has a number of scholarships funds and each has a panel convened to review the applications. The following individuals took part in one of our scholarship review panels:

Herb Belcourt Joyce Burnett Elaine Hereford Susan Letendre Alexandra Munn Chris Simon Orval Belcourt Richard Cook Brian Hodgson Charmaine Marlene Poloway Jane Squire Howden Letourneau Eva Bostrand Kathy Dolby Don Howden Tom Putt Loraine Steele Jeff MacPherson Georges Brosseau Yvonne Elson Ivan Ivankovich Gisele Roy Cora Weber-Pillwax Michael Massey Christensen John Brosseau Michele Gall David Koski Jan McMillan Joachim Segger Kathryn Brosseau Donna Hamar Jayson Lavergne

And thank you to the following individuals who assisted us with other projects:

Ghalib Ahmed, Dagny Alston, Lindsay Beaulieu, Erin Calihoo, Shaun Emes, Katherine Henry, Chuck & Sandy Isaacs, Jenny Kain, Connie Majeran, Bob Marvin, Pam Petrin, Heather Poitras, Sonia Purcell, Jordan Reeves, Bart Szopiak, Jules Tailleur, Wanda Whitford and Tracy Williams.

50 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report Our Staff

Back Row, Left to Right Middle Row, Left to Right Front Row, Left to Right

Bob Ward, Executive Director, Teresa Goldie, Executive Kerri De Luca, Donor Services Social Enterprise Fund Assistant & Communications Assistant Karen Good, Donor Services Coordinator Anita Bauman, Consolidated Associate Shirley Short, Receptionist Trust Accountant Martin Garber-Conrad, Chief Carol Watson, Director Kathy Hawkesworth, Director, Executive Officer Communications Donor Services Erich Welz, Special Funds & Liz Lepp, Donor Services Glenda Wyatt, Project Assistant Technical Administrator Associate Ana Robitu, Scott Graham, Director, Judith Peglau, Program Operations Accountant Community Grants Administrator, Grants Mira Seliga, Director, Finance Craig Stumpf-Allen, Director, Special Funds

Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report 51 Board of Directors

Investment Committee

Penny Omell, Chair Arthur Madden Joanne Beaton * Carman McNary Robert Cole Jai Parihar* Bill Grace* Orest Pyshniak David Guernsey Harold Roozen John Holmlund* Gary Smith Ross Lizotte Peter Stephen* John Mahon Linda Hughes Penny Omell Audit Committee

John Mahon, Chair Ove Minsos* Diane Davies Joyce Tustian Linda Hornung Garth Warner Ruhil Popatia* Community Grants Committee

Melissa Field, Chair Tara Hatch Greg Bainbridge Marilyn Huber Debbie Bryson Dr. Hussein D. Kanji Terena Delaney Neil Gower Liz O’Neill Cindy Burgess * Dr. Zaheer Lakhani * Peni Christopher Karen Link Bill Dean * Wendy Macdonald Terena Delaney John Mahon Vanessa Desa * Douglas McLaughlin Don Dickson Marni Pearce Deanna Finnman Virginia Stephen Paul Freeman Ginel Stephenson Mary Fung * Njeri Waiyaki Larry Pana Melissa Field Rod Rode Carol Gilfillan Marilyn Wilson Lynn Groves Hautmann Governance Committee

Larry Pana, Chair Ove Minsos* Reg Basken Rod Rode Greg Jaycock Community Scholarships Committee

Rod Rode, Chair Karen Link Greg Bainbridge Karen Lynch Garth Warner Carman McNary Joanne Beaton Jeff Bryson

Missing: Hussein Kanji Endowment Development Committee Liz O’Neill, Chair Karen Platten Dawn Hawley

*Departing member in 2010

52 Edmonton Community Foundation ~ 2010 Annual Report

9910 – 103 Street NW Edmonton AB T5K 2V7 www.ecfoundation.org Tel 780.426.0015 Fax 780.425.0121

Email [email protected] Annual 2010 Report Foundation Community Edmonton

Business number (for charitable purposes) 12243 7072 RR0001

Funding was received from the Government of Alberta Community Spirit Program Donation Grant. At time of printing this Annual Report is sponsored in part by:

This annual report was printed on recycled paper. Designed by Vision Creative Inc. www.visioncreativeinc.com