NEWSLETTER JUNE 2021 EDITION 5/2021 We would like to welcome you to our new home: EDITORIAL/ GIfA /SACAP/SAIA NEWS/UIA CA+HR Pharmaceutical Society Of South Africa REPORT/NADIA TROMP Southern Gauteng Branch EVENTS PLANNING 52 Glenhove Rd, Melrose Estate, 2196 TEL : +27 (0)11 403 0954 WEB : EVENTS CALENDAR/ EMAIL :
[email protected] 2019 GIfA AWARD WINNERS/ BIRTHDAYS 26˚08’48.18”S 28˚03’18.99”E 2021 VENICE BIENNALE/ Taken from Google Earth 2021 LONDON DESIGN BIENNALLE ARCHITECTURE NEWS SPONSORS/ CARTOON SERPENTINE PAVILLION/ PODCASTS & VIDEOS GIfA OFFICE PUBLICATIONS EDITORIAL GIfA MARKETING COMMITTEE Ed’s Letter I write this from seat 20F (the window seat) of a last- There are the online (for now) Professional Practice minute flight to Cape Town for a new project. The Breakfast Meetings on the first Thursday of every first flight I have taken since Covid sent us all scuttling month. No truffle scrambled eggs, but still some for our home offices and online yoga classes. great talks and a good chance to catch up. Despite the pandemic, GIfA and the local There is the Business of Architecture course by architectural institutions have (dare I say the word) Architect Richard Cook. These are incredibly valuable ‘pivoted’ remarkably well to bring you as many of the sessions for architects of all ages and stages. interactive, inspiring, educational experiences in a new, safe way. CPD Connect are offering a birthday special on these and other courses until August – so sign up now for a If your CPD cup doesn’t runneth over, perhaps you decent discount.