The final version of this paper appeared as: Rudolf, Winfried. "Wulfstan at Work: Retrieving the Autographs of London, British Library, Additional 38651, fols. 57r–58v." In Anglo-Saxon Micro-Texts, edited by Ursula Lenker and Lucia Kornexl, 267–306. Anglia Book Series 67. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019. The publication was produced in the context of ECHOE – Electronic Corpus of Anonymous Homilies in Old English. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant No. 772744). Winfried Rudolf* Wulfstan at Work: Recovering the Autographs of London, British Library, Additional 38651, fols. 57r–58v Abstract: This article retrieves the hitherto mostly illegible drafts of four short texts by Wulfstan, archbishop of York (d. 1023), in London, British Library, Additional 38651, fols. 57r–58v. The autograph manuscript, which can be dated to the first years of the second millennium, provides not only an authentic basis for the description of Wulfstan’s distinctive style, it also offers unique insights into his compositional method as homilist, his relation to Ælfric of Eynsham at the beginning of his career as archiepiscopal legislator, and the nature of the manuscripts from which a mobile prelate of his day was preaching. The short texts, described, edited, and translated here for the first time, witness Wulfstan’s efforts of reconciling the moral and theological idealism of Ælfric with the realpolitik of his own day. *Corresponding author: Winfried Rudolf, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen E-Mail:
[email protected] 1 Wulfstan’s Original Handwriting 1 Ever since Arthur Napier’s ground-breaking edition of 1883, scholarship on Wulfstan, Archbishop of York (d.