I/O Package Overview

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Package java.io IO † Core concept: streams and Engineering „ College of Engineering „ The Ohio State University „ Ordered of data that have a source (for input) or a destination (for output) † Two major flavors: Lecture 21 „ streams † 8 , data-based † Input streams and output streams „ streams † 16 bits, text-based † Readers and writers † See Java API documentation for details

Byte Streams Example 1: Counting Characters

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Two abstract base classes: InputStream and OutputStream import java.io.*; † InputStream (for reading ) defines: class CountBytes { „ An abstract method for reading 1 byte a time public abstract int read() public static void main(String[] args) † Returns next byte value (0-255) or -1 if end-of-stream throws IOException { encountered † Concrete input stream overrides this method to provide useful InputStream in = new FileInputStream(args[0]); functionality int total = 0; „ Methods to read an array of bytes or skip a number of bytes † OutputStream (for writing bytes) defines: while (in.read() != -1) { „ An abstract method for writing 1 byte at a time total++; public abstract void write(int b) } † Upper 24 bits are ignored „ Methods to write bytes from a specified byte array in.close(); † Close the stream after reading/writing System.out.println(total + ” bytes”); public void close() „ Frees up limited operating system resources } † All of these methods can throw IOException }

Standard Streams Example 2: Console Streams

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Three standard streams for console IO import java.io.*; class TranslateBytes { „ System.in public static void main(String[] args) † Input from keyboard throws IOException { „ System.out byte from = (byte)args[0].charAt(0); † Output to console byte to = (byte)args[1].charAt(0); „ System.err int x; † Output to error (console by default) while((x = System.in.read()) != -1) † These streams are byte streams! System.out.write(x == from ? to : x); } „ System.in is an InputStream, the others are } PrintStreams (inherit from OutputStream) „ Would be logical for these to be character † If you run “java TranslateBytes b B” and enter text streams not byte streams, but they predate the bigboy via the keyboard the output will be: BigBoy inclusion of character streams in Java

1 Character Streams Converting Byte/Character Streams

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † Two abstract base classes: Reader and Writer † Translation supported by conversion streams: InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter † Similar methods to byte stream counterparts „ Subclasses of Reader and Writer respectively † Reader abstract class defines: † InputStreamReader † public int read() public InputStreamReader(InputStream in) „ Returns value in range 0..65535 (or -1) public InputStreamReader(InputStream in, String encoding) „ An encoding is a standard map of characters to bits (eg UTF-16) † public int read(char[] cbuf) public int read() „ Returns number of characters read „ Reads bytes from associated InputStream and converts them to † public void skip(int n) characters using the appropriate encoding for that stream † OutputStreamWriter † Writer abstract class defines: public OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out) † public void write(int ) public OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, String enc) † public void write(char[] cbuf) public void write(int c) † public abstract void flush() „ Converts argument to bytes using the appropriate encoding and writes these bytes to its associated OutputStream „ Ensures previous writes have been sent to destination † Closing the conversion stream also closes the associated byte „ Useful for buffered streams stream – may not always desirable † Both classes define: † public void close()

Working with Files Efficient IO

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University † A file can be identified in one of three ways † Buffering greatly improves IO performance „ A String object (file name) † Example: BufferedReader for character input „ A File object streams „ A FileDescriptor object public BufferedReader(Reader in) † Sequential-Access file: read/write at end of stream only „ The buffered stream “wraps” the unbuffered „ FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, FileReader, stream FileWriter † Example declarations of BufferedReaders „ Each file stream type has three constructors „ An InputStreamReader inside a BufferedReader † Random-Access file: read/write at a specified location Reader r = new InputStreamReader(System.in); „ RandomAccessFile BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(r); „ A file pointer is used to guide the starting position „ A FileReader inside a BufferedReader „ Not a subclass of any of the four basic IO classes Reader fr = new FileReader(“fileName”); (InputStream, OutputStream, Reader, or Writer) BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(fr); † Supports both input and output „ Then you can invoke in.readLine() to read from † Supports both bytes and characters the stream line by line

Example: A Random Access File The File Class

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University class Filecopy { † Useful for retrieving information about a file or a public static void main(String args[]) { RandomAccessFile fh1 = null; directory RandomAccessFile fh2 = null; „ Represents a path, not necessarily an underlying file try { „ Does not open/close files or provide file-processing fh1 = new RandomAccessFile(args[0], “r”); capabilities fh2 = new RandomAccessFile(args[1], “rw”); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { † Three constructors System.out.println(“File not found”); public File(String name) System.exit(100); public File(String pathToName, String name) } public File(File directory, String name) try { † Main methods int bufsize = (int) (fh1.length())/2; byte[] buffer1 = new byte[bufsize]; boolean canRead() / boolean canWrite() fh1.readFully(buffer1, 0, bufsize); boolean exists() fh2.write(buffer1, 0, bufsize); } catch (IOException e) { boolean isFile() / boolean isDirectory() System.out.println("IO error occurred!"); String getAbsolutePath() / String getPath() System.exit(200); String getParent() } } String getName() } long length() long lastModified()

2 Example

Computer Science and Engineering „ The Ohio State University public class EfficientReader { public static void main (String[] args) { try { Reader fr = new FileReader(args[0]); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr) String line = br.readLine();

while (line != null) { System.out.println("Read a line:"); System.out.println(line); line = br.readLine(); } br.close(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(“File not found: ” + args[0]); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println(“Can’t read from file: ” + args[0]); } } }