»:" Ik M-m it * S ; :^-No.ija5/^QVEMBER"1983 OECDI OBSERVER No. 125 November 1983 PUBLISHED bi-monthly in English and French by THE ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT EDITORIAL OFFICES Contents OECD Information Service, Château de la Muette, 2, rue André-Pascal, F 75775 PARIS, CEDEX 16. RECOVERY ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH Individual articles not copyrighted may be by Emile van Lennep, OECD Secretary General 3 reprinted providing the credit line reads "Reprinted from the OECD Observer" plus date of issue, and two voucher copies TOWARDS MORE EFFECTIVE CAMPAIGNS AGAINST POVERTY are sent to the Editor. Signed articles by Rutherford M. Poats, Chairman of OECD's reprinted must bear author's name. Development Assistance Committee 5 The Organisation cannot be responsible for returning unsolicited manuscripts. Signed articles express the opinions of the AID TO FOOD AND AGRICULTURE: A PERMANENT CHALLENGE 12 authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of OECD Annual Subscription Rates: SUPPORT FOR THIRD-WORLD ENERGY 17 £4.80 US$11.00 F48.00 Single copies: £0.90 US$2.00 F9.00 The OECD OBSERVER is produced in microform EXPORT CREDITS: REVISED GUIDELINES 19 (microfilm and/or microfiche) by: (1) University Micro¬ films (Xerox), Ann Arbor, Michigan 48100, USA; (2) NCR Microcard Edition, Indian Head, Inc., Ill West 40th Street, New York, USA; (3) Bell and Howell Co., INTERNATIONAL BANKING: CONTROLLING THE RISKS Old Mansfield Road. Wooster, Ohio 44691, USA. by Rinaldo Pecchioli 20 EDITOR: JaneBussière Associate Editor: THE PROSPECTS FOR SOVIET AGRICULTURE 22 Ulla Ranhall-Jeanneney Art, Production and Layout: Marc Delemme THE GREEK ENVIRONMENT: THE NEED FOR ACTION 27 ASSISTANTS: Rina Maiden, NEW OECD PUBLICATIONS 34 Gerald Tingaud Photo Research: Silvia Thompson Lépot All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor PHOTOS: Cover: Alain Nogues - Sigma; page 8 ftopj: COI, London; fbottomj: F.
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