Debra Hurwitz Needham

Curriculum Vitae

Contact: Planetary Science, ST-13 Marshall Space Flight Center 256-961-7503 320 Sparkman Dr. Huntsville, AL, 35805


Scientist: 2016-present Research Scientist and Exploration Science SME, Huntsville, AL Postdoc: 2015-2016 NASA Postdoctoral Fellow at NASA Goddard, Greenbelt, MD Postdoc: 2012-2015 Postdoctoral Fellow at the Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, TX


Ph.D.: 2012 Geological Sciences Brown University, Providence, RI Sc.M.: 2009 Geological Sciences Brown University, Providence, RI B.A.: 2007 Geology Pomona College, Claremont, CA

Research Experience:

NASA Research Space Scientist and Exploration Science Subject Matter Expert: Marshall Space Flight Center, September 2016-present. Summary: I am investigating surface processes on planetary surfaces, including lava flow emplacement dynamics and regolith development and evolution. Additionally, I serve on a team of engineers tasked with recruiting and integrating scientific payloads onto the SLS. I am also continuing my involvement in assessing, developing, and integrating scientific operations into future human exploration missions. NASA Post-Doctoral Fellow: Goddard Space Flight Center, with Dr. Jacob Bleacher, April 2015- August 2016. Summary: I investigated how surface characteristics such as surface cohesion and substrate textures affect lava flow direction and erosion potential. I also collaborated in investigations of contamination of lava flows by assimilating substrate material. Additionally, I continued my involvement in assessing and developing mission operations for future human exploration missions. Post-Doctoral Fellow: Lunar and Planetary Institute, with Dr. David Kring, 2012-March 2015. Summary: I investigated the solidification of the lunar South Pole – Aitken basin impact melt sheet using a petrological model in order to determine if differentiation of the melt sheet could generate materials with the unique signatures observed within the basin interior. I also identified locations where SPA impact melt might be currently exposed on the lunar farside, and determined the geologic source for boulders sampled during the mission to the Taurus Littrow Valley on the lunar nearside. Desert Research and Technology Studies (RATS) Participant: Mission Control Center, Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, with Dr. Dean Eppler, August – September, 2011. Summary: I served as “GeoSamples Lead” and “SciCom” in support of field operations conducted north of Flagstaff, AZ, simulating an actual human exploration mission to an asteroid. PhD dissertation: Brown University, with Dr. Jim Head, August 2007 – 2012.

1 Summary: Preparation of my dissertation, focusing on the origin of lava channels on the terrestrial planets with an emphasis on distinguishing between mechanical and thermal erosion processes using analytical models. Research Assistant: Investigating magma reservoir failure beneath an edifice, Pomona College, Claremont, CA, with Dr. Eric Grosfils, summer 2007. Summary: This work served as my undergraduate senior thesis and has been published in a manuscript entitled “The characteristics of magma reservoir failure beneath a volcanic edifice,” with an application to Venusian volcanism. Research Assistant: Determining tectonic trends in the Ganiki Planitia (V-14) Quadrant of Venus, Pomona College, Claremont, CA, with Dr. Eric Grosfils, 2004-2005 academic year. Summary: I conducted quantitative analyses of tectonic structures mapped in the V-14 quadrangle using ArcMap to determine whether a regional or a local stress state influenced the deformation of this region. Results were presented at LPSC in 2005. Research Assistant: Mapping the Ganiki Planitia (V14) Quadrant of Venus, Pomona College, Claremont, CA, with Dr. Eric Grosfils, 2003-2004 academic year. Summary: I assisted with the finalization and publication of a geologic map of the V- 14 quadrangle of Venus. Field Experience: Field Geologist: Field investigations of the 1783-84 Laki lava flow and 2014-15 Holuhraun lava flow, Iceland, with Dr. Christopher Hamilton, July-August 2016. Summary: During this 4-week field campaign, I collected field measurements of lava pond heights within the Laki lava flow (1783/84) and LIDAR laser-ranging data sets of the Holuhraun lava flow (2014/15), the most recent sub-aerial eruption on the Mid- Atlantic Ridge. These data will be used to deduce lava flow emplacement dynamics and eruption/flow morphology relationships both on Earth and on other planetary surfaces. Field Geologist: Field investigations of the December 1974 Kilauea lava flow, Hawaii, with Dr. Jacob Bleacher, 2016. Summary: I analyzed lava flow morphologies and lava channel/pond dimensions to gain into the emplacement dynamics and eruption-flow morphology relationships of this 6 hour eruption. Field Geologist: Member of an “astronaut” crew simulating a mission to another planetary surface, December 1974 flow, Hawaii, with Dr. Jacob Bleacher and Dr. Kelsey Young, June, 2015. Summary: I acted as a member of a 3-person crew investigating lava flow textures and the local geology in Hawaii’s Dec. 1974 flow to analyze the efficiency and efficacy of using handheld geochemistry instruments during an EVA on another planetary surface. Field Geologist: Geologic mapping of the San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF) north of Flagstaff, AZ, with Dr. Dean Eppler, June and November, 2013. Summary: I assisted three field geologists and two other field assistants in geologically mapping a portion of the SFVF near SP Crater, north of Flagstaff, AZ. Our goals were to generate a geologic map of the area and to compare our product with an independently-derived map based on the Desert Research and Technology Studies (RATS) 2010 simulated lunar exploration mission. Field Course Participant: Geologic mapping of Kleinwalsertal in the northernmost Alps, with Dr. Harold Hiesinger, July, 2010.

2 Summary: I mapped a portion of a sequence of sedimentary rocks in the German/Austrian Alps as a part of a field course through the University of Münster, Germany. NASA Planetary Volcanology Field Workshop Participant: Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii, with Dr. Scott Rowland, summer 2008. Summary: I spent one week observing and mapping lava flows, comparing the map I compiled in the field with one I compiled earlier from remotely sensed data in order to develop a better understanding of how field observations relate to remote observations.

Teaching Experience:

Guest Instructor: University of Alabama, Huntsville, Space Weathering Course, April 12, 2018. Summary: I presented “Space Weathering and the Planets” to this graduate level course, introducing students to how space weathering affects the surfaces of different planetary bodies in the Solar System. Guest Instructor: University of Alabama Huntsville, Planets, Exoplanets, and our Solar System, Honors Course, 09/08/2017 Summary: I introduced “Venus, Our Sister Planet” to this graduate level honors course, as a specialty topic in their tour of the Solar System. Mentor: Lunar and Planetary Institute High School Exchange Program, with Hélène Greenwood, a ~sophomore student at an Oxford, UK high school, June 24-27, 2013. Summary: I guided Hélène for a week long exchange program during which she was introduced to work responsibilities for a NASA research scientist. Hélène identified, downloaded, and processed Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Narrow Angle Camera images, searching for possible landing sites in a designated area on the lunar farside. Mentor: NASA Lunar Science Institute High School Competition, Langham Creek High School (two teams), with Deborah Fritz, fall 2012 – spring 2013. Summary: I assisted two teams of high school students to formulate questions and hypotheses relevant to current lunar research and to make observations and interpretations of lunar data sets that addressed each question. Students presented their results in posters to a panel of NASA scientists in April, 2013. Guest Instructor: 2nd grade, Herod Elementary School, Houston, TX, with Mr. Tesch, spring, 2013. Summary: I developed activities that helped students visualize the relative sizes and distance between the Earth and Moon and that guided students through the scientific process to demonstrate the effects of an atmosphere on falling objects. Guest Instructor: 2nd grade science class, Vartan Gregorian Elementary School, Providence, RI, with Ms. Honeyman, fall 2010. Summary: I used demonstrations to introduce advanced concepts (convection) at a level accessible to second graders. Teaching Assistant: Mars, Moon, and the Earth: Introduction to Planetary Geology, Brown University, Providence, RI, with Dr. Jim Head, fall 2008. Summary: I introduced and led laboratory sessions where students looked at microscopic thin sections of Apollo lunar samples and analyzed three-dimensional images of Mars in a virtual reality center. Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Planetary Geology, Planetary Geology, Pomona College, Claremont, CA, with Dr. Eric Grosfils, fall 2006.


Summary: I assisted with laboratory exercises and led review sessions for students. Teaching Assistant: Introduction to Geology, Geohazards, Pomona College, Claremont, CA, with Dr. Linda Reinen, spring 2006. Summary: I assisted with laboratory exercises and led review sessions for students.

Invited Lectures and Presentations:

University of Alabama, Huntsville, lecture to the UAH Honors Course, Planets, Exoplanets, and our Solar System, Huntsville, AL, 08/02/2018: “Mars.” Alabama Board of Geologists Continuing Education lecture, Pelham, AL, 05/24/2018: “Kilauea’s 2018 Eruption.” University of Alabama, Huntsville, lecture to the UAH Space Weathering course, Huntsville, AL, 04/12/2018: “Space Weathering and the Planets.” Athens Intermediate School, Super Blue Blood Moonrise event, 01/31/2018: “Our Super Moon.” University of Alabama, Huntsville, lecture to the UAH Honors Course, Planets, Exoplanets, and our Solar System, Huntsville, AL, 09/08/2017: “Venus, Our Sister Planet.” Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD, 08/24/2016: “Lava Flow Emplacement and Channel Formation in the Inner Solar System.” NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 02/2016, Hyperwall presentation on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter to the Israeli Minister of Science and Technology. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 12/2015: “Revisiting the Apollo 17 Landing Site.” Friday NASA Hyperwall Talk. University of Houston, Clear Lake, Clear Lake, TX, 04/10/2014: “Destination Moon: Selecting lunar landing sites that characterize the impact flux of the ancient Solar System.” Pomona College, Claremont, CA, 12/10/2010: “Planetary Lava Channels: Morphology and origin of eroded volcanic channels on Mars and the Moon.”

Professional Service and Leadership:

Co-developed “Tasks” and volunteered for new design of the NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge (2018). Co-organized the Science Workshop with Ben Bussey (NASA HQ/HEOMD Chief Scientist) and Paul Niles (JSC) (02/27-03/01/2018). Served as Geological Society of America’s Planetary Geology Division officer (2018). Judged the Innovative System Project for the Increased Recruitment of Emerging STEM Students (InSPIRESS) final review (2017, 2018) Volunteered for NASA in the Park, Huntsville, AL (2017) Served as Panelist on “New Moon Rising - NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter” at DC’s AwesomeCon (2016) Co-organized session, “Surface expressions of volcanism and associated tectonism on Venus and implications for interior dynamics” for the AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU Joint Assembly Meeting, May, 2015 in Montreal, with Richard Ernst, Carleton University, Ottawa. Served as Panel Chief, Group Chief, and Panelist for various ROSES panels.


Served as Executive Secretary for a ROSES panel. External Reviewer for various ROSES panels. Reviewed articles for JGR – Planets, Icarus, GRL, PSS Dwornik student award judge, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2013-2018) Served on Program Committee for LPSC (2014, 2015, 2017, 2018) Served on Joint Technical Program Committee for GSA Annual Meeting (2018) Served as Session Chair for LPSC (2017, 2018)


MSFC Pounding the Pavement Peer Award (2018) for dedication ensuring MSFC Science, particularly Planetary Science, is incorporated into future exploration endeavors. NASA Silver Achievement Medal (2018) for participation on the Marshall Total Solar Eclipse Communications Team, bringing the 2017 total solar eclipse to the American public, NASA employees, and the global community “through the eyes of NASA.” NASA Trailblazer Award (2018) for dedication to excellence and commitment to personally ensuring safety and mission success in support of NASA’s human spaceflight programs. Selected to NASA FIRST Leadership Training Program (2018). Elected to Geological Society of America Planetary Geology Division officer (2017). Sigma Xi Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Brown University Chapter (2012). Lunar Science Forum Student Poster Competition, First Place, Lunar Science Forum, Mountain View, CA, July 2011, for “Timing of lunar sinuous rille formation: Implications for lunar volcanic evolution.” Dwornik Award, Honorable Mention for Best Graduate Oral Presentation, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston, TX, March 2011, for “Modeling effects of lunar surface slope, temperature, and material properties on the efficiency of erosion during the formation of Rima Prinz.” Sigma Xi (inducted as an associate member to the Pomona College chapter 2007, to the Brown University chapter in 2010, and as a full member to the Brown University chapter in 2012). Mason L. Hill Memorial Award in Geology (2007). Isabel F. Smith Award Recipient (Pomona College Geology Department Award, 2005). National Society of Collegiate Scholars member (2003). Professional Development:

NASA FIRST Leadership Training Program, 2018 Sheridan Teaching Certificate III, 2012: Professional Development Seminar Sheridan Teaching Certificate I, 2010: Sheridan Teaching Seminar

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Percy, T., Needham, D.H., and Hetterich, R. A SURVEY OF LUNAR SAMPLE RETURN MISSION CONCEPTS. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Conference Proceedings, submitted October 23, 2018.


Needham, D.H., and Kring, D.A. LUNAR VOLCANISM PRODUCED A TRANSIENT ATMOSPHERE AROUND THE ANCIENT MOON. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 478, p. 175–178, 2017. Steenstra, E.S., Martin, D.J.P., McDonald, F.E., Paisarnsombat, S., Venturino, C., O’Hara, S., Calzada-Diaz, A., Bottoms, S., Leader, M.K., Klaus, K.K., van Westrenen, W., Needham, D.H., and Kring, D.A. ANALYSES OF ROBOTIC TRAVERSES AND SAMPLE SITES IN THE SCHRODINGER BASIN FOR THE HERACLES HUMAN- ASSISTED SAMPLE RETURN MISSION CONCEPT. Advances in Space Research, vol. 58, p. 1050–1065, 2016. (I assisted in the initial traverse design and helped mentor the student intern team.) Hurwitz, D., and Kring, D.A. IDENTIFYING THE GEOLOGIC CONTEXT OF APOLLO 17 IMPACT MELT BRECCIAS. Earth and Planetary Space Science, vol. 436, p. 64–70, 2016. Hurwitz, D., and Kring, D.A. POTENTIAL SAMPLE SITES FOR SOUTH POLE – AITKEN BASIN IMPACT MELT WITHIN THE SCHRÖDINGER BASIN. Earth and Planetary Space Science, vol. 427, p. 31–36, 2015. Hurwitz, D.M., and Kring, D.A. DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SOUTH POLE – AITKEN BASIN IMPACT MELT SHEET: IMPLICATIONS FOR LUNAR EXPLORATION. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, vol. 119, i. 6, p. 1110– 1133, 2014. Grosfils, E.B., McGovern, P.J., Gregg, P.M., Galgana, G.A., Hurwitz, D.M., Long, S.M., Chestler, S.R. ELASTIC MODELS OF MAGMA RESERVOIR MECHANICS: A KEY TOOL FOR INVESTIGATING PLANETARY VOLCANISM. In: Platz, T., Massironi, M., Byrne, P.K., and Hiesinger, H. (Eds.) Volcanism and Tectonism Across the Inner Solar System. Geological Society of London, Special Publications, vol. 401. First published online December 11, doi: 10.1144/SP401.2, 2013. Byrne, P., Klimczak, C., Williams, D., Hurwitz, D. M., Solomon, S., Head, J., Preusker, F., Oberst, J. AN ASSEMBLAGE OF LAVA FLOW FEATURES ON MERCURY. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, vol. 118, no. 6, p. 1303–1322, doi: 10.1002/jgre.20052, 2013. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., Byrne, P.K., Xiao, Z., Solomon, S.C., Zuber, M.T., Smith, D.E., and Neumann, G.A. INVESTIGATING THE ORIGIN OF POTENTIAL LAVA CHANNELS ON MERCURY OBSERVED IN MESSENGER DATA: THEORY AND OBSERVATIONS. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, vol. 118, no. 3, p. 471–486, doi: 10.1029/2012JE004103, 2013.

Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., and Hiesinger, H. LUNAR SINUOUS RILLES: DISTRIBUTION, CHARACTERISTICS, AND IMPLICATIONS FOR THEIR ORIGIN. Planetary and Space Science, vol. 79-80, p. 1–38, doi:, 2013. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., Wilson, L., and Hiesinger, H. ORIGIN OF LUNAR SINUOUS RILLES: MODELING EFFECTS OF GRAVITY, SURFACE SLOPE, AND LAVA COMPOSITION ON EROSION RATES DURING THE FORMATION OF RIMA PRINZ. Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets, vol. 117 (E00H14), doi: 10.1029/2011JE004000, 2012.


Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W. GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE SNEGUROCHKA PLANITIA QUADRANGLE (V-1), VENUS SIM 3178. U. S. Geological Survey, scale 1:5,000,000, 2012. Blewett, D.T., Chabot, N.L., Denevi, B.W., Ernst, C.M., Head, J.W., Izenberg, N.R., Murchie, S.L., Solomon, S.C., Nittler, L.R., McCoy, T.J., Xiao, Z., Baker, D.M.H., Fassett, C.I., Braden, S., Oberst, J., Scholten, F., Preusker, F., Hurwitz, D.M. HOLLOWS ON MERCURY: MESSENGER EVIDENCE FOR GEOLOGICALLY RECENT VOLATILE-RELATED ACTIVITY. Science, vol. 333, pg. 1856, 2012. (I contributed observed examples of “hollows” features and analogs observed on other planetary surfaces including Mars, Earth, and Venus.) Head, J.W., Chapman, C.R., Strom, R.G., Fassett, C.I., Denevi, B.W., Blewett, D.T., Ernst, C.M., Watters, T.R., Solomon, S.C., Murchie, S.L., Prockter, L.M., Chabot, N.L., Gillis- Davis, J.J., Whitten, J.L., Goudge, T.A., Baker, D.M.H., Hurwitz, D.M., Ostrach, L.R., Xiao, Z., Merline, W.J., Kerber, L., Dickson, J.L., Oberst, J., Byrne, P.K., Klimczak, C., Nittler, L.R. FLOOD VOLCANISM IN THE NORTHERN HIGH LATITUDES OF MERCURY REVEALED BY MESSENGER. Science, vol. 333, pg. 1853, 2012. (I contributed observations of vents adjacent to the volcanic plains and observations and analyses of flow features in the plains.) Hurwitz, D.M., Fassett, C., Head, J.W., and Wilson, L. FORMATION OF AN ERODED LAVA CHANNEL WITHIN AN ELYSIUM PLANITIA IMPACT CRATER: DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN A MECHANICAL AND THERMAL ORIGIN. Icarus, vol. 210, pg. 626–634, 2010. Grosfils, E.B., Long, S.M., Venechuk, E.M., Hurwitz, D.M., Richards, J.W., Kastl, B., Drury, D.E., and Hardin, J. GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE GANIKI PLANITIA QUADRANGLE (V-14), VENUS: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3121, scale 1:5,000,000, 1 sheet, with pamphlet [], 2010. Head, J.W., Murchie, S.L., Prockter, L.M., Solomon, S.C., Strom, R.G., Chapman, C.R., Watters, T.R., Blewett, D.T., Gillis-Davis, J.J., Fassett, C.I., Dickson, J.L., Hurwitz, D.M., Ostrach, L.R. EVIDENCE FOR INTRUSIVE ACTIVITY ON MERCURY FROM THE FIRST MESSENGER FLYBY. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 285(3-4), 251–262, 2009. Hurwitz, D.M., Long, S.M., Grosfils, E.B. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MAGMA RESERVOIR FAILURE BENEATH A VOLCANIC EDIFICE. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 188, 379–394, 2009.

Meeting Contributions:

Needham, D.H., Siegler, M., Li, S., and Kring, D.A. CALCULATED THICKNESS OF VOLCANICALLY DERIVED WATER ICE DEPOSITS AT THE LUNAR POLES. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract 1087, oral presentation, March, 2019. Kerber, L., Needham, D.H., and 23 others. MOON DIVER: A DISCOVERY MISSION CONCEPT FOR UNDERSTANDING SECONDARY CRUST FORMATION THROUGH THE EXPLORATION OF A LUNAR MARE PIT CROSS-SECTION. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract 1163, poster presentation, March, 2019. Needham, D.H., Bleacher, J.E., Parcheta, C. TRACKING AN ACTIVE ERUPTION FOR INSIGHT INTO THE DYNAMICS BEHIND PLANETARY VOLCANIC


FEATURES. Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, oral presentation, Indianapolis, IN, November, 2018. Needham, D.H., Kerber, L.A., Denevi, B., Nesnas, I., Parness, A. MOON DIVER: DESCENDING INTO A LAVA PIT TO EXPLORE THE LUNAR MARE SEAS. Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, oral presentation, Indianapolis, IN, November, 2018. Needham, D.H., Kring, D.A. A VOLCANIC SOURCE FOR LUNAR POLAR VOLATILES. Lunar Polar Volatiles Workshop, oral presentation, Laurel, MD, August, 2018. Taylor, J., Kring, D.A., Needham, D.H. CAN WATER FROM THE LUNAR INTERIOR SUPPLY POLAR DEPOSITS? Lunar Polar Volatiles Workshop, Laurel, MD, August, 2018. Soto, A., Kring, D.A., and Needham, D.H. INITIAL MODELING OF THE ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS OF A TRANSIENT LUNAR ATMOSPHERE ON THE ANCIENT MOON. Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute Exploration Science Forum, July, 2018. Kring, D.A. and Needham, D.H. USING THE SOUTH POLE – AITKEN (SPA) IMPACT MELT COMPOSITION TO INFER UPPER MANTLE MINERALOGY AND TIMING OF POTENTIAL MANTLE OVERTURN. Differentiation: Building the Internal Architecture of Planets Workshop, abstract 4011, oral presentation, May, 2018. Kring, D.A., Needham, D.H., Walker, R.J., Nemchin, A.A., and Schmitt, H.H. APOLLO 17, STATION 2, BOULDER 1: REVISITING CONSORTIUM INDOMITABILE. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract 1323, oral presentation, March, 2018. Needham, D.H., Fassett, C.I., Hirabayashi, M., and Thomson, B.J. LOCAL VARIATIONS IN LUNAR REGOLITH THICKNESS: TESTING A NEW MODEL OF REGOLITH FORMATION NEAR THE LANDING SITE. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract 1599, poster presentation, March, 2018. Evans, M.E., Needham, D.H., Fisher, K.R., Lawrence, S.J., Niles, P.B., Harmeyer, S.G., Nguyen, H.T., and Othon, W.L. USING SCIENCE GROUND TEST PROCEDURES IN HABITAT MOCKUP EVALUATIONS TO EVOLVE SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS FOR NASA’S DEEP SPACE GATEWAY (DSG). Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract 1525, poster presentation, March, 2018. Kerber, L., Needham, D.H., and 14 others. MOON DIVER: A DISCOVERY MISSION CONCEPT FOR UNDERSTANDING THE HISTORY OF THE MARE THROUGH THE EXPLORATION OF A LUNAR MARE PIT. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract 1956, poster presentation, March, 2018. Needham, D.H., Moser, D., Suggs, R., Cooke, W., Kring, D.A., Neal, C., and Fassett, C.I. IMPACT FLASH MONITORING FACILITY ON THE DEEP SPACE GATEWAY. Deep Space Gateway Science Workshop, oral presentation, Denver, CO, February, 2018. Chavers, D.G., Whitley, R.J., Percy, T.K., Needham, D.H., Polsgrove, T.T. ENHANCING RETURN FROM LUNAR SURFACE MISSIONS VIA THE DEEP SPACE GATEWAY. Deep Space Gateway Science Workshop, Denver, CO, February, 2018. Smitherman, D.V., Needham, D.H., Lewis, R. RESEARCH POSSIBILITIES BEYOND DEEP SPACE GATEWAY. Deep Space Gateway Science Workshop, Denver, CO, February, 2018.


McDonald, F.E., Martin, D.J.P, Steenstra, E.S., Paisarnsombat, S., Venturino, C., O’Hara, S., Calzada-Diaz, A., Leader, M.K., Bottoms, S., Needham, D.H., and Kring, D.A. TRAVERSING THE SCHRÖDINGER BASIN FROM A PYROCLASTIC VENT TO THE BASIN CENTRE FOR A HUMAN-ASSISTED ROBOTIC SAMPLE RETURN MISSION. European Space Agency Deep Space Gateway Science Workshop, December, 2017. Martin, D.J.P., McDonald, R.E., Steenstra, E.S., Paisarnsombat, S., Venturino, C., O’Hara, S., Calzada-Diaz, A., Leader, M.K., Bottoms, S., Needham, D.H., and Kring, D.A. TRAVERSING THE SCHRÖDINGER BASIN FROM A PYROCLASTIC VENT TO THE BASIN WALL FOR A HUMAN-ASSISTED ROBOTIC SAMPLE RETURN MISSION. European Space Agency Deep Space Gateway Science Workshop, December, 2017. Needham, D.H., Kring, D.A. VOLATILES RELEASED DURING EMPLACEMENT OF MARE BASALTS: IMPLICATIONS FOR A LUNAR ATMOSPHERE. Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, oral presentation, abstract #25-4, doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-299004, Seattle, WA, October, 2017. Needham, D.H., Kring, D.A. VOLATILES RELEASED DURING EMPLACEMENT OF MARE BASALTS: IMPLICATIONS FOR A LUNAR ATMOSPHERE. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, oral presentation, abstract #1192, Houston, TX, March, 2017. Needham, D.H., Hamilton, C.W., Bleacher, J.E., Whelley, P.L., Young, K.E., Scheidt, S.P., Richardson, J.A., and Sutton, S.S. LAVA ERUPTION AND EMPLACEMENT: USING CLUES FROM HAWAII AND ICELAND TO PROBE THE LUNAR PAST. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, oral presentation, abstract #1177, Houston, TX, March, 2017. Young, K.E., Bleacher, J.E., Needham, D.H., Evans, C., Whelley, P.L., Scheidt, S., Williams, D., Rogers, A.D., and Glotch, T. DOCUMENTING CHEMICAL ASSIMILATION IN A BASALTIC LAVA FLOW. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, oral presentation, abstract #2706, Houston, TX, March, 2017. Richardson, J.A., Whelley, P.L., Sutton, S.S., Needham, D.H., Byrne, P., Hamilton, C.W. MAPPING THE FLEDGLING VOLCANIC VENT AT HOLUHRAUN, ICELAND WITH REPEAT LIDAR CAMPAIGNS. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December, 2016. Needham, D.H., Hamilton, C.W., Bleacher, J.E., Whelley, P.L., Young, K.E., Scheidt, S.P., Richardson, J.A., and Sutton, S.S. LAVA ERUPTION AND EMPLACEMENT: USING CLUES FROM HAWAII AND ICELAND TO PROBE THE LUNAR PAST. Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, oral presentation, abstract #5039, Columbia, MD, November, 2016. Needham, D.H., Bleacher, J.E., Garry, W.B., Petro, N.E., Whelley, P.L., and Young, K.E. LAVA FLOW EMPLACEMENT AND RELATED SURFACE FEATURES ON THE MOON. New Views of the Moon 2, oral presentation, abstract #6048, Houston, TX, May, 2016. Garry, W.B., Needham, D.H., Young, K.E., Whelley, P.L., and Bleacher, J.E. A REVIEW OF TERRESTRIAL ANALOGS FOR THE MOON. New Views of the Moon 2, oral presentation, abstract #6027, Houston, TX, May, 2016.


Needham, D.H., Petro, N.E., Bleacher, J.E., and Carter, L.M. CONSTRAINING SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS THAT INFLUENCE THE MORPHOLOGY OF LUNAR SINUOUS RILLES. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, oral presentation, abstract #2351, Houston, TX, March, 2016. Needham, D.H., Eppler, D.B., Bleacher, J.E., Skinner, J.A., Evans, C.A., Feng, W., Gruener, J.E., Janoiko, B.A., Mertzman, S.A. VENT 7504 OF THE SAN FRANCISCO VOLCANIC FIELD (SFVF), ARIZONA: SAMPLE GEOCHEMISTRY AND IMPLICATIONS FOR CONE FORMATION. 48th American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, poster presentation, abstract #P31A-2036, San Francisco, CA, 2015. Eppler, D., Bleacher, J., Evans, C., Gruener, J., Hurwitz Needham, D., Janoiko, B., Skinner, J., and Whitson, P. FIELD CHECKING APOLLO: COMPARING GEOLOGICAL DATA SETS COLLECTED BY PLANETARY ANALOG TRAVERSES AND BY STANDARD GEOLOGIC MAPPING – IMPLICATIONS FOR PLANETARY EXPLORATION AND PLANNING. 48th American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, poster presentation, abstract #P31A-2037, San Francisco, CA, 2015. Hurwitz, D., and Kring, D.A. IDENTIFYING THE GEOLOGIC CONTEXT OF APOLLO 17 APHANITIC, OPHITIC, AND POIKILITIC IMPACT MELT BRECCIAS. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, poster presentation, abstract #1196, Houston, TX, March, 2015. Hurwitz, D., and Kring, D.A. POTENTIAL SAMPLE SITES FOR SOUTH POLE – AITKEN BASIN IMPACT MELT WITHIN THE SCHRÖDINGER BASIN. Early Solar System Bombardment III, abstract #3035, Houston, TX, February, 2015. Hurwitz, D., and Kring, D.A. IDENTIFYING THE GEOLOGIC CONTEXT OF APOLLO 17 APHANITIC AND POIKILITIC IMPACT MELT BRECCIAS. Early Solar System Bombardment III, abstract #3037, Houston, TX, February, 2015. Hurwitz, D.M., and Kring, D.A. DESTINATIONS FOR SAMPLING IMPACT MELT PRODUCED BY THE SOUTH POLE – AITKEN BASIN IMPACT EVENT. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, oral presentation, abstract #1398, Houston, TX, March, 2014. Hurwitz, D.M., and Kring, D.A. DESTINATIONS FOR SAMPLING IMPACT MELT PRODUCED DURING THE IMPACT AT THE SOUTH POLE – AITKEN BASIN, poster presentation, ESA-ESTEC Science and Challenges of Lunar Sample Return, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, February, 2014. W.S. Kiefer, P.J. McGovern, R.W.K. Potter, J.C. Andrews-Hanna, J. Besserer, G.S. Collins, J.W. Head III, D.M. Hurwitz, K. Miljkovic, F. Nimmo, R.J. Phillips, D.E. Smith, J.M. Soderblom, G.J. Taylor, M.A. Wieczorek, and M.T. Zuber. THE CONTRIBUTION OF IMPACT MELT SHEETS TO LUNAR IMPACT BASIN GRAVITY ANOMALIES. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, poster presentation, abstract #2831, Houston, TX, March 2014. Eppler, D.B, Bleacher, J.E., Evans, C.A., Feng, W., Gruener, J., Hurwitz, D.M., Janoiko, B Skinner, J.A., and Whitson, P.. COMPARING GEOLOGIC DATA SETS COLLECTED BY PLANETARY ANALOG TRAVERSES AND BY STANDARD GEOLOGIC FIELD MAPPING: IMPLICATIONS FOR PLANETARY EXPLORATION PLANNING. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, poster presentation, abstract #2078, Houston, TX, March 2014.


Bleacher, J.E., Eppler, D. B., Skinner, J.A., Evans, C., Feng, W., Gruener, J., Hurwitz, D.M., Whitson, P., Janoiko, B. MAPPING PLANETARY VOLCANIC DEPOSITS: IDENTIFYING VENTS AND DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN EFFECTS OF ERUPTION CONDITIONS AND LOCAL LAVA STORAGE AND RELEASE ON FLOW FIELD MORPHOLOGY. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, poster presentation, abstract #2504, Houston, TX, March 2014. J.A. Skinner, Jr., D.B. Eppler, C.A. Evans, W. Feng, J. Gruener, D.M. Hurwitz, B. Janoiko, and P. Whitson. COMPARING AND RECONCILING TRADITIONAL FIELD AND PHOTOGEOLOGIC MAPPING TECHNIQUES: LESSONS FROM THE SAN FRANCISCO VOLCANIC FIELD, ARIZONA. 45th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, poster presentation, abstract #2913, Houston, TX, March 2014. Eppler, D.B, Bleacher, J.E., Evans, C.A., Feng, W., Gruener, J., Hurwitz, D.M., Skinner, J.A., Whitson, P., and Janoiko, B. GEOLOGIC INTERPRETATION OF DATA SETS COLLECTED BY PLANETARY ANALOG GEOLOGY TRAVERSES AND BY STANDARD GEOLOGIC FIELD MAPPING: A COMPARISON STUDY (PART 1). 125th Geological Society of America, oral presentation #163-3, Denver, CO, 2013. Bleacher, J.E., Eppler, D. B., Evans, C., Feng, W., Gruener, J., Hurwitz, D.M., Skinner, J.A., Whitson, P., Janoiko, B. GEOLOGIC INTERPRETATION OF DATA SETS COLLECTED BY PLANETARY ANALOG GEOLOGY TRAVERSES AND BY STANDARD GEOLOGIC FIELD MAPPING: A COMPARISON STUDY (PART 2). 125th Geological Society of America, poster presentation #225-1, Denver, CO, 2013. Grosfils, E.B., McGovern, P.J., Gregg, P.M., Galgana, G.A., Hurwitz, D.M., Long, S.M., Chestler, S.R. IMPROVING MECHANICAL INSIGHT INTO RING FAULT INITIATION AND CALDERA FORMATION VIA ELASTIC MODELS OF MAGMA RESERVOIR INFLATION. 46th American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2013. Hurwitz, D.M., Zanetti, M., Lucas, M.P., Anders, D., Kramer, G., Thomson, O., Kring, D.A., and Osinski, G.R. A NESTED OR COMPOSITE SHATTER CONE STRUCTURE IN THE SOUTH RANGE OF SUDBURY. Large Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Evolution V, abstract# 3111, Sudbury, Canada, 2013. Hurwitz, D.M., Kring, D.A. DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SOUTH POLE – AITKEN BASIN IMPACT MELT SHEET. Lunar Science Virtual Forum, 2013. Hurwitz, D.M., Kring, D.A. COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF THE SOUTH POLE – AITKEN BASIN MELT SHEET. 44th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, oral presentation, abstract #2224, Houston, TX, March 2013. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., Byrne, P.K., Xiao, Z. POTENTIAL FOR LAVA EROSION ON MERCURY: MODELING THE FORMATION OF BOTH SMALL AND LARGE LAVA CHANNELS. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, poster presentation, abstract #1055, Houston, TX, March 2012. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., TESTING THE LATE-STAGE OUTFLOW CHANNEL ORIGIN HYPOTHESIS: INVESTIGATING BOTH WATER EROSION AND LAVA EROSION ORIGINS FOR ATHABASCA VALLES, MARS. 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, oral presentation, abstract #1056, Houston, TX, March 2012. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., Hiesinger, H., and Wilson, L., TIMING OF LUNAR SINUOUS RILLE FORMATION: IMPLICATIONS FOR LUNAR VOLCANIC EVOLUTION. Lunar Science Forum, Mountain View, CA, July, 2011.


Hurwitz, D.M. and Head, J.W., IMPLICATIONS OF VOLATILES WITHIN LUNAR BASALTS FOR THE ORIGIN OF SINUOUS RILLE SOURCE DEPRESSIONS. Wet vs. Dry Moon Workshop, poster presentation, Houston, TX, June, 2011. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., Hiesinger, H., and Wilson, L., MODELING EFFECTS OF LUNAR SURFACE SLOPE, TEMPERATURE, AND MATERIAL PROPERTIES ON THE EFFICIENCY OF EROSION DURING THE FORMATION OF RIMA PRINZ. 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, oral presentation, abstract #1176, Houston TX, March 2011. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., Hiesinger, H., and Wilson, L., IDENTIFYING THE EROSION REGIME PRESENT DURING FORMATION OF LUNAR SINUOUS RILLES. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December, 2010. Hurwitz, D.M., Fassett, C.I., Head, J.W., and Wilson, L. ANALYSIS OF THE ORIGIN OF AN ERODED LAVA CHANNEL IN AN ELYSIUM PLANITIA CRATER. 1st Moscow Solar System Symposium, Moscow, Russia, October 2010. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., Wilson, L., and Hiesinger, H., MORPHOLOGIC AND TOPOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF THE ORIGIN OF LUNAR SINUOUS RILLES: DISTINGUISHING THE RELATIVE ROLES OF THERMAL AND MECHANICAL EROSION. Lunar Science Forum, Mountain View, CA, July, 2010. Hurwitz, D.M., Fassett, C.I., Head, J.W., and Wilson, L. A LAVA CHANNEL WITHIN AN ELYSIUM PLANITIA IMPACT CRATER: MECHANICS OF FLOW AND ORIGIN. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, oral presentation, abstract #1021, Houston, TX, March 2010. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., Wilson, L., and Hiesinger, H. LUNAR SINUOUS RILLES: ANALYSIS OF MORPHOLOGY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND MINERALOGY, AND IMPLICATIONS FOR A THERMAL EROSION ORIGIN. 41st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract #1056, Houston TX, March 2010. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., and Wilson, L. LUNAR SINUOUS RILLES: ANALYSIS OF MORPHOLOGY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND MINERALOGY, AND IMPLICATIONS FOR A THERMAL EROSION ORIGIN. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December, 2009. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W., and Wilson, L. LUNAR SINUOUS RILLES: ANALYSIS OF MORPHOLOGY, TOPOGRAPHY, AND MINERALOGY, AND IMPLICATIONS FOR A THERMAL EROSION ORIGIN. 50th Brown-Vernadsky Microsymposium, Moscow, Russia, October, 2009. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W. GEOLOGIC MAP OF THE SNEGUROCHKA PLANITIA QUADRANGLE (V1): IMPLICATIONS FOR TECTONIC AND VOLCANIC HISTORY OF THE NORTH POLAR REGION OF VENUS. 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, abstract #1174, Houston, TX, March, 2009. Hurwitz, D.M., Head, J.W. GEOLOGY OF THE NORTH POLAR REGION OF VENUS: SNEGUROCHKA PLANITIA (V-1) QUADRANGLE. 3rd European Planetary Science Congress, contribution 00401, Münster, Germany, October, 2008.