SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME COMMITTEE F. Zonca(chair) ENEA, Italy D. Borba IST, Portugal M. Lisak VR, Sweden S. Cappello CNR, Italy V. Naulin Risø, Denmark F. Castejon CIEMAT, Spain M. Ottaviani CEA, France D. Van Eester TEC, Belgium O. Sauter CRPP, Switzerland th S. Günter IPP, Germany M. Tokar TEC, Germany 11 European J. Heikkinen Tekes, Finland M. Vlad INFLPR, Romania P. Helander UKAEA, UK Fusion Theory Conference Organised by: Association EURATOM-CEA and Université de Provence IMPORTANT DATES 30 April 2005 Deadline for submission of abstracts 15 June 2005 Information for contributors 30 June 2005 Deadline for registration and hotel reservation 26 -28 September 2005 11th EFTC LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE M. Ottaviani (chairman) P. Beyer H. Capes A. Corso-Leclercq T. Hutter (scientific secretary) G. Huysmans (webmaster) R. Stamm Mailing Address: Mrs. A. Corso-Leclercq 11th EFTC Conference Secretariat 26 -28 September 2005 DRFC/SCCP/G2IC, bât. 513, Conference Centre CEA Cadarache, Aix-en-Provence, France 13108 St-Paul-lez-Durance, France Website : E-mail :
[email protected] Announcement and Call for Abstracts Photos by J-C Carbone SUBJECT MATTER A confirmation of receipt will be sent by e-mail within a week. Submissions printed on paper should be made only if severe problems The 11th European Fusion Theory Conference will be held in Aix-en- arise with electronic submission. The Scientific Committee will select the Provence in the south of France from the 26th to the 28th of September contributions on the basis of the submitted abstracts. Authors will be 2005.