Civilian Says Gitmoites Have Been Wonderful Mao Apparently
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Vol. 30 No. 179 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Wednesday, October 22, 1975 Civilian says Gitmoites have been wonderful Story and Photo by PH2 Dave Clarke A long-planned Caribbean cruise that turned into a nightmare for a Southern Californian has ended with World News Digest him being happy just to be alive, Gitmo. thanks to the Navy in ORLANDO, Fla. (AP)-The FBI It all began Oct. 3 when J.D. says it is investigating a letter Coffman, 54, of Orange, Calif., sent to some utility companies boarded a plane with his wife for threatening murders of company Miami, where they boarded the Nor- employes unless a substantial dic Prince for several days of re- amount of money was paid. The laxation in the Caribbean. utilities received the letters The evening after the ship sailed last week, and an FBI spokesman from Miami, Coffman suffered a rup- confirmed Monday, as the deadline tured esophagus during the captain's for payment passed with no re- welcome aboard ball. The ship's ports of violence, that an in- THE COFR4ANS - After a happy ending to a serious situation, the Coffman doctor kept watch on Coffman all vestigation was underway. through the evening of Oct. 5 while family - from left, J.D., Carol and Millie - will be leaving Gitmo Friday to return to California. the Nordic Prince sailed toward PARIS (AP)-Gen. Alexander Haig, Gitmo as crewmen arranged for a NATO Supreme Commander in Europe, helicopter from the Naval Air Sta- said yesterday the West cannot tion to pick up the patient. resolve its economic crisis at The next morning, a helicopter the expense of its defense in A piloted by Ens. Jan Gaudio rendez- day after the daughter's arri- to aid him and his family. Residents the face of increasing Soviet val, voused with the Nordic Prince 14 Coffman was removed from the have stopped in to check on his re- power. miles southeast of Guantanamo Bay critical list. A hospital spokesman covery, offered the use of their said Carol's arrival served to help and flew Coffman to the local hos- cars and have made their homes and WASHINGTON (AP)-Between 50 and her father pital. Dr. Richard Lucas was rally in his fight for themselves available throughout his 60 American civilians remaining aboard the helicopter to attend life. recovery. in South Vietnam will be allowed Sixteen days after arriving here Coffman on the 10-minute return "Everyone here has been just won- to return home this month or in critical condition, Coffman is flight. derful," Coffman said. "Gitmo is early in November, a congressman out of danger and preparing to re- Coffman reached the hospital at living proof of how helpful every- says. 8 a.m. and underwent surgery for turn to Orange with his family. one living in a small town atmos- six hours. He remained on the They will leave Friday. ohere can be." WASHINGTON (AP)-The Senate ap- critical list for nine days. Thanking the Gitmo Navy community When the Coffmans return to Cali- proved a compromise yesterday to Meanwhile, Chief Maurice Hertz of for its assistance, Coffman said, fornia, they won't be able to limit the price that natural gas the hospital and the local Base "I wish to express my sincere thanks share with friends the experiences producers may charge for the Transportation Office arranged to to Coast Guard and Navy communica- of a Caribbean cruise that they scarce fuel this winter. The have Coffman's 20-year-old daughter, tors, the helicopter crew, the crash had long dreamed of taking. But you ceiling, which was approved by Carol, flown from Orange to Norfolk, boat crew, the blood donors, the can bet they'll have nothing but a 42-37 vote, would vary from hospital staff and base officials." where she caught a Military Airlift Praise for the U.S. Navy's helping state to state. Command flight to Gitmo to be at He went on to say that many others hand in the time of a very real her father's side. on base have gone out of their way family crisis. WASHINGTON (AP)-The House In- telligence Committee voted yes- terday to postpone taking any action on Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's refusal to Mao apparently pleased with Kissinger's visit turn over a subpoeaned memorandum said to be critical of U.S. ac- is not a plot against China and tions during the 1974 Cyprus PEKING (AP)-Communist Party active and alert, with no indi- that the United States has not crisis. The committee voted to Chairman Mao Tse-Tung summoned cation of senility. been fooled into complacency by wait uitil Nov. 3 after Kissinger Secretary Both Chinese and American spoke- of State Henry Kissinger the Soviet Union. smen declined to give details of appears before the panel to testi- to his home yesterday for a talk key matter has been to the conversation. The Chinese Another fy about the memorandum and that was seen as a sign he is complete arrangements for Presi- side said the two "had a conver- other criticism and advice he pleased with Kissinger's visit Ford's journey to China sation in a friendly atmosphere" dent got during the Cyprus crisis. to China. next month. The Chinese and covered "a wide range of que- late statement issued after the talk stions." INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. (AP)-Sen. The Secretary spent one hour Kissinger quoted Mao as send- A Kissinger spokesman said only with Birch Bayh of Indiana, speaking and 40 minutes with the 81-year- ing his regards to Ford, an ob- that "the secretary found the from the rostrum in the Indiana old Chinese leader, an unusually that the trip is on meeting very useful." vious sign House of Representatives where long time for a meeting with Mao. and ending any anxiety on that The surprise invitation to meet he once wielded the speaker's Before his talk with Kissinger, point. Mao came while Kissinger was con- gavel, announced yesterday he Mao greeted other members of the ferring with Deputy Premier Teng is a candidate for the 1976 American delegation and Mrs. Hsiao-Ping. Democratic presidential nomina- Kissinger. tion. The chairman was described as A major object of Kissinger in Federal Campaign frail, reflecting his nearly 82 three days of talks has been to assure the Chinese that the policy WASHINGTON (AP)-Clocks will be years, but not infirm. The im- of detente with the Soviet Union ends next set back one hour at 2 a.m. Sun- pression was that his mind is week day in most of the nation as the Next week will be the last full country ends eight months of Day- week of the 1976 Combined Federal light Saving Time. Campaign, according to LCdr. F.L. Price, the local project officer. Oswald note destroyer remains unknown Persons who have not contributed and wish to do so should contact MOSCOW (AP)-The U.S. would be- come the largest Western importer WASHINGTON (AP)-A top FBI of- One former assistant FBI director their local keyman before Oct. 31. ficial testified yesterday that has told investigators that the Two commands have reached 100 of Soviet oil and oil products a tentative agreement that investigators have been unable to special agent in charge of the per cent participation, Marine Bar- under determine who ordered the destr- Dallas office "mentioned on one racks and Security Group, and W.T. is part of the U.S.-Russian pact lifting the embargo on American uction of a threatening note which occasion that he had an internal Sampson School has moved up to 89 grain sales to the Soviet Union. Lee Harvey Oswald delivered to the problem involving one of his agents per cent participation. Dallas FBI office a few days be- who had received a threatening Total contributions are $25,464.- fore the assassination of Presi- message from Oswald because the 35, with only 60 per cent of the Spain (AP)--Gen. Francis- dent John F. Kennedy in November agent was investigating Oswald," total base population contributing. MADRID, co Franco, Spain's 82-year-old 1963. Adams said. Participation by commands is: leader, fell seriously ill with a The cover-up of the Oswald visit Speaking with newsmen later, ComNavBase, 47 per cent, $556. ailment yesterday, sending and destruction of the note was Adams identified the former NavSta, 56 per cent, $9,386.50. heart rumors across the Spanish capital wrong and violated FBI rules, De- assistant director as William C. FTG, 50 per cent, $820. a transition of power was im- puty Associate FBI Director James Sullivan, who headed the intelli- NAS, 52 per cent, $6,545.25. that minent. B. Adams said. He reported on gence division at the time of the VC-10, 48 per cent, $800. the FBI's internal probe of the assassination but has since re- MarBks, 100 per cent, $3,031. incident in testimony before a tired. Hospital, 46 per cent, $792. NEW YORK (AP)-Patricia Hearst has House judiciary subcommittee. Adams testified that the for- School, 89 per cent, $1,228.60. admitted that she drove a getaway Adams said investigators could mer assistant director said the SecGru, 100 per cent, $881. car after a Carmichael, Calif., not pin down whether FBI officials chief of the Dallas office "seem- Dental, 64 per cent, $970. bank robbery in which a woman cus- in Washington at the time knew ed disinclined to discuss the Weather, 43 per cent, $276. tomer was killed, the Post reported about the Oswald note and the de- matter" except to say it was being NIS, 67 per cent, $110.