Journal of , Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online

Planting roots: for senior immigrants

Mary Beckiea Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta

Eva Bogdan Project Officer, Community Futures Alberta

Submitted 22 June 2010 / Accepted 26 October 2010/ Published online November 2010 Citation: Beckie, M. and Bogdan, E. (2010, November). Planting roots: Urban agriculture for senior immigrants. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 1(2): 77–89. doi:10.5304/jafscd.2010.012.004 Copyright © 2010 by New Leaf Associates, Inc.

Abstract also contributing to the evolution of local food In 2007, a community-university pilot project was systems and more inclusive communities. launched in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to train and involve senior immigrants in Small Plot Keywords Intensive (SPIN)-Farming, a commercial approach senior immigrants, urban agriculture, SPIN- to urban agriculture. Immigrants represent a Farming, social enterprise, community-university significant proportion of the senior population in partnership urban Canada, but their adaptation and integration into Canadian society can be extremely challenging. Introduction and Background We hypothesized that involvement in commercial urban agriculture could help to address some of the Seniors, Immigrants and Urban Agriculture economic as well as social issues they face. The past half century has seen a major shift in the Evaluation of the project’s impacts in year one was world’s population from rural areas to urban based primarily on qualitative interviews with parti- centers, and increasing migration from Southern to cipants and community organizers following the Northern cities (UN-Habitat, 2004). In Canada, training and implementation phases. Although recent census data indicates that 6.2 million people, limited income was generated as a result of or 19.8% of the total population, are immigrants,1 modifications to the SPIN-Farming approach, this the highest proportion in 75 years (Statistics research suggests that involvement in commercial Canada, 2006). One quarter of the current immi- urban agriculture can contribute to the integration grant population is aged 65 and older, and 80% of of senior immigrants into Canadian society, while 1 According to Statistics Canada, an immigrant is defined as a person who is, or has been, a landed immigrant in Canada. A a corresponding author: Assistant Professor, Faculty of landed immigrant is a person who has been granted the right Extension, University of Alberta, 10230 Jasper Avenue, to live in Canada permanently by immigration authorities. It Edmonton, Alberta, T5J 4P6 Canada; should be noted that immigrant status is distinct from refugee [email protected] status.

Volume 1, Issue 2 / Fall 2010 77 Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online these seniors2 live in census metropolitan areas on individual and community health and well- (Statistics Canada, 2006). being. In a summary of results from two decades of research on urban agriculture, Canada’s Inter- The integration of senior immigrants into Canadian national Development Research Council (IDRC) life, and their overall health and well-being, is identifies several benefits of urban agriculture, influenced by a number of socio-economic and including improved access to fresh and nutritious environmental circumstances, such as economic food, reduced food costs, physical exercise, therapy security, social inclusion and exclusion, food and recreation, income generation, reduced food security, and housing (Durst, 2005). For recent miles,4 urban greening,5 and community capacity- senior immigrants, financial security can be a building (Mougeot, 2006). Increased social engage- pressing concern as eligibility for the Canada ment experienced through urban agriculture and pension plan is dependent upon having lived in direct marketing has been shown to positively Canada for 10 years or more (Durst, 2005; Service correlate with personal attention to health care and Canada, 2010). This and other variables identified wellness, and provides opportunities for relation- as social determinants of health3 are viewed as ship-building and information exchange (Bellows, having an equal if not more important impact on Brown, & Smit, 2003). an individual’s health than medical care and personal health behaviors (Raphael, 2004; Public A number of studies have investigated the role of Health Agency of Canada, 2010). in the health and well-being of older adults. Milligan, Gatrell, and Bingley (2004) found Urban agriculture, whether focused on household that gardening offers isolated seniors a reason to consumption or commercial enterprise, has proven leave their households and engage in the wider to be an effective way for many minority groups to landscape. Furthermore, they report that com- become integrated into the socio-economic fabric munal gardening can create an inclusive space in of the cultures and countries to which they which seniors “benefit from gardening activity in a immigrate (Hannah & Oh, 2000; Mougeot, 2006, mutually supportive environment that combats Redwood, 2009; Valtonen, 2004). In Montreal, social isolation and contributes to the development Italian and Portuguese immigrants were instru- of their social networks” (2004, p. 1781). Working mental in establishing the first community with soil and improves seniors’ mental during the 1970s, and the city’s community health and personal wellness by contributing to a program continues to have a strong multicultural sense of achievement, satisfaction, and aesthetic presence (Cosgrove, 2010; Mougeot, 2006). Several pleasure, and increased confidence and self-esteem other urban agriculture programs and projects (Brown, Allen, Dwozan, Mercer, & Warren, 2004; involving immigrants are currently underway across Milligan et al., 2004; Patel, 1991). Gardening has North America, such as the Field to Table Urban also been shown to induce relaxation, and reduce Agriculture project run by Food Share in Toronto fear, anger, and stress in older adults, which in turn (, Cob Connection in Chicago affects physical health (Milligan et al., 2004). (, and Heifer Inter- national’s programs in various cities across the Despite significant evidence of the socio-economic United States ( benefits of urban agriculture for immigrants, and

On a broader social scale, there is increasing evi- 4 Food miles is a term that refers to the distance food is dence that urban agriculture has positive impacts transported from the site of production to the site of consumption. 5 Urban green space is a term that refers to public and private 2 The Canadian government defines seniors as individuals 65 spaces in urban areas that are primarily covered by vegetation. years of age and older. Increasing urban green spaces, referred to as urban greening, is 3 seen to play a prominent role in enhancing the sustainability eng.php and livability of a city.

78 Volume 1, Issue 2 / Fall 2010 Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online other studies reporting on the positive impacts of ordered through the SPIN website gardening on seniors’ health and well-being, the ( Over the past five years, linking of senior immigrants with commercial Satzewich and Vandersteen have delivered several urban agriculture has not been previously reported. SPIN training workshops throughout North The research described in this paper is, to the best America. In addition to the SPIN-Farming manual, of our knowledge, the first investigation of this an economic analysis of the five-year SPIN kind. We set out to explore if involvement with initiative in Philadelphia is available on the SPIN Small Plot Intensive Farming (SPIN-Farming), a website (Urban Partners, 2007). Thus, as a well commercial approach to urban agriculture, could developed, tested, and accessible method, SPIN- contribute to immigrant seniors’ adaptation and Farming was identified as a plausible way to integration into urban life in Canada, and improve introduce senior immigrants in Edmonton to their overall health and well-being. commercial urban agriculture.

SPIN-Farming Research Purpose, Methodology, Small Plot Intensive Farming, also known as SPIN- and Methods Farming, is a commercial approach to urban agri- Senior immigrants represent a vulnerable and culture developed by Wally Satzewich and Gail poorly understood, but significant, segment of Vandersteen, two market based in Canadian society (Durst, 2005). As many senior Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. This method immigrants living in Edmonton were known to integrates relay planting,6 to maximize harvest come from rural and farming backgrounds, it was volume as well as economic gain, and organic hypothesized that providing them with an oppor- farming methods,7 which reduce reliance on tunity to become involved in a commercial external inputs by eliminating the use of synthet- approach to urban agriculture could help to ically manufactured fertilizers and . address the economic, social, and health challenges SPIN-Farming requires moderate start-up costs they face. To test this hypothesis, we investigated and low operating and overhead costs, and has the impacts resulting from senior immigrants’ been shown to generate relatively high levels of involvement in the pilot year of the “Urban income from a subacre land base (Satzewich & Agriculture for Senior Immigrants” project. This Christensen, 2005; Urban Partners, 2007). This pilot project was initiated in Edmonton, Alberta, in approach also allows for flexibility in the scope and 2007 through a university-community partnership scale of the production system, as well as flexibility involving the Seniors’ Association of Greater in land-use arrangements. For example, Satzewich Edmonton (SAGE)8 serving as the overall coordi- and Vandersteen run a multisite operation from a nating agency, the Multicultural Health Brokers number of rented backyards in Saskatoon, whereas Co-operative (MCHB)9 providing connections to a single-site SPIN initiative was developed in senior immigrants from various ethnic communi- Philadelphia on a half-acre of land owned by that city’s Water Works Department. A detailed manual 8 Seniors’ Association of Greater Edmonton (SAGE) is a describing the SPIN method has been developed nonprofit organization that provides services to older adults (Satzewich & Christensen, 2005) and can be (55 and over) and their families, including information and referral, social services, advocacy, housing, help in applying for court-appointed guardianship, relocation services, and home- 6 The SPIN relay planting method involves the reseeding of maintenance assistance. It also offers health, lifestyle, social, the planting bed following harvest. For short-term , and recreation programs. such as lettuce and spinach, it is possible to harvest two to 9 Multicultural Health Brokers Co-operative (MCHB) is a three crops per season ( registered worker’s cooperative with members from immigrant 7 Organic certification is considered optional in the SPIN- and refugee communities in Edmonton. For the past 10 years, Farming approach, but organic methods are incorporated to it has been providing culturally and linguistically relevant reduce operating costs associated with agrochemical use as public health support to immigrant and refugee families in a well as to foster production systems that are more ecologically, number of areas, such as family relationships, housing, economically, and socially sustainable. education, economics, and food security.

Volume 1, Issue 2 / Fall 2010 79 Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online ties and serving as interpreters during the project, project planning to proceed. By early January 2007, and members of the Faculty of Extension10 at the both project and research funding had been University of Alberta carrying out research during secured. The pilot was divided into two phases. the pilot year of the project. Phase one (January–February 2007) involved participant recruitment followed by a three-day We utilized exploratory (Stebbins, 2001) and SPIN training workshop. Phase two (March– qualitative case study (Yin, 2009) approaches to September 2007) involved preparation for and investigate the first year of the pilot project. Issue implementation of SPIN-Farming. The objectives identification, analysis of themes, and evaluation for the workshop were to provide effective and integration of information were based on knowledge transfer on SPIN-Farming; to provide review of documentary data (academic and popular opportunities for sharing knowledge among the press) as well as narrative data gathered from participants; and to provide an enjoyable learning qualitative interviews, and researchers’ observa- experience that would motivate the seniors to tions. Two sets of interviews (n=26) were con- continue with phase two. The objective for phase ducted, at the end of the workshop and after final two was to provide opportunities for participants harvest, with seniors, the gardening coordinator, to improve their quality of life by addressing the and representatives from SAGE and MCHB. SPIN following social determinants of health: income trainers were interviewed once, following comple- and social status, personal health (physical and tion of the workshop. Interviews ranged from 60 mental) practices and coping skills, and food to 90 minutes, and were recorded and transcribed security and nutrition (Public Health Agency of verbatim. Interviews with senior immigrants Canada, 2010). included interpretation by a MCHB representative where necessary. Interviews were semistructured, A SPIN-Farming workshop was conducted by guided by a list of predetermined topics and Satzewich and Vandersteen over two and a half questions. Participants were encouraged to speak days in late February 2007 at SAGE in downtown freely on topics they identified as relevant, how- Edmonton. Senior immigrants, aged 55 years and ever. Grounded theory was used as a framework older,11 were recruited by MCHB and SAGE from for data analysis (Charmaz, 2000; Strauss & Corbin, the various ethnic communities they work with. 1998), as issues and themes were drawn from the Recruitment was based on interest, self-assessed data. Photographs were used to document the physical ability, and immigrant (versus refugee) project, to illustrate the emergence of specific status at the time of entry. Language interpretation themes from narrative and documentary data, and was provided by MCHB brokers. The SPIN also as ways to disseminate knowledge gained in trainers developed the workshop to accommodate this research. language translation by simplifying the context and pacing their presentation accordingly. They also Preliminary discussions about the feasibility of this relied extensively on visual aids (photographs on project took place during the summer of 2006 with poster boards and as part of a PowerPoint presen- representatives from the three agencies. Informal tation), and incorporated hands-on demonstrations inquiries with seniors of different ethnic communi- of tools and equipment. Following the completion ties indicated there was sufficient interest for of the workshop, those seniors interested in taking part in phase two were identified and provided 10 The Faculty of Extension works collaboratively with other with additional information regarding the imple- faculties and educational institutions, professional and mentation phase over the next few months. community associations, business organizations, and public agencies. It “promotes responsive university-community The project was structured as a social enterprise, engagement through a wide range of innovative, learning- centered programs, and includes inquiry (research and with senior participants carrying out jobs according experimentation), and practice (services, products, and events)” (Rajwani, 2009). 11 SAGE defines seniors as 55 years of age or older.

80 Volume 1, Issue 2 / Fall 2010 Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online to their interest and abilities, SAGE providing Table 1: SPIN-Farming Workshop Participants overall coordination, and MCHB brokers providing language support for the seniors, but to a lesser Ethnic origin of Number and gender Percentage participants of participants of total degree than during the workshop. A coordinator with extensive horticultural teaching experience Korean 5 (4f, 1m) 38.4 was hired by SAGE to oversee development Kurdish 3 (m) 23.1 (securing the land base, purchasing seeds and tools, Bosnian 2 (1f, 1m) 15.4 creating a work plan from seeding to harvest and Argentinean 1 (f) 7.7 marketing) and assist the seniors in the daily running of the project. Advertisements for land Chilean 1 (f) 7.7 were placed in local newspapers and on social Croatian 1 (f) 7.7 networking sites. The selection of the four garden- ing sites was based on plot size, access to water, tion with the project. For example, one couple had and proximity to seniors’ residences. First plantings the opportunity to visit their son in the United took place in May, but plantings continued States for most of the summer. One woman throughout the summer to maximize diversity, developed some serious health issues, and the 85- volume, and profits. The final harvest, at the end year-old Korean man decided that there were of September, signaled the end of phase two. enough people taking part and he felt he was too Harvested fresh produce was taken home on a busy with other activities and responsibilities. Early regular basis by the seniors and shared with their in the growing season, five new seniors (one male families and friends, with the coordinator selling and four females) joined the project. There were the surplus during the summer through informal three additional seniors who participated on an networks. The coordinator and some of the seniors irregular basis. As far as residency, five of the operated a stall in early September at one farmers’ participants had been in Canada less than 10 years. market event in downtown Edmonton. The Eight participants had lived in Canada for up to 29 Korean seniors also sold bok choy and other ethnic years, but English language skills remained an vegetables to a small number of Korean restaurants issue, particularly for the Korean seniors, who can in Edmonton. function fully in the well-established Korean community in Edmonton without having to speak Results and Discussion English.

Participants Profiles, Motivations, and Concerns The seniors’ prior experience with gardening and Thirteen seniors (five males and eight females) agriculture varied widely, from none at all to that of from six different ethnic backgrounds (Argen- many years as large-scale field-crop farmers. The tinean, Bosnian, Chilean, Croatian, Korean, and seniors identified various reasons for their interest Kurdish) took part in the SPIN training workshop in taking part in this project: “to have fresh vege- and were involved in the preparation and seeding tables,” “to learn something and do something that of the plots (see table 1). The age of participants makes me happy,” “to have something to be busy ranged from 55 to 85, but the highest proportion with, I’m bored at home,” “to be in contact with were in the 65-to-75 age category. nature again,” and “to socialize…We are not in our country, we don’t have a lot of friends here…We As the season progressed, eight of the original need friends.” A participant who had endured an group of seniors (three males and five females) ethnic war for three years in her homeland was dropped out of the project, but the remaining five drawn to the multicultural aspect of the project: (two males and three females) participated on a “You know, it’s in my memory, it was crazy back regular basis. There were a variety of reasons then [during the war]…this [project] is beautiful provided by the seniors for withdrawing from the because all the different people come together and project, none of which stemmed from dissatisfac- work together. That is first for me, then the

Volume 1, Issue 2 / Fall 2010 81 Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online vegetables to eat, and last money.” Interestingly, minimal enthusiasm. Many of the seniors wanted financial gain was not identified as a primary to grow vegetables they preferred to eat, and they motivating factor by any of the seniors, despite also wanted to garden the way they were used to. MCHB indicating that many of the participants As it was decided that first and foremost the have very limited financial resources. seniors should have the opportunity to take fresh produce home, for personal consumption or for Following the training workshop, interviews with sharing with their families, the volume of vege- MCHB revealed that some seniors had concerns tables remaining at the end of the week was about using public transit to get to the garden sites. insufficient to take to market, except toward the They were afraid of getting lost, given their limited end of the summer when there was a higher knowledge of the city and weak English language volume of produce and flowers available. skills. A few of the seniors said they did not want to be seen in public in their dirty work clothes, A table summarizing the revenue and expenditures “carrying tools full of dirt,” as it would be embar- of the pilot year of the project is outlined below rassing. These concerns influenced the selection of (table 2). The total net profit from sales during the four sites relatively close to the seniors’ residences. summer was CAN$1,000, of which CAN$300 was Concerns were also expressed by some of the made at the farmers’ market in one day. The profit seniors’ families who felt that their parent’s was divided equally among the participants, aver- involvement in a manual labor project was aging approximately CAN$100 per senior. Some “exploitive,” that they would be “working in the seniors said they did not feel right receiving the dirt for nothing.” One senior’s daughter asked her money because they thought it should be used for parent, “You worked hard all your life, why do you purchasing tools, seeds, and supplies for next year. want to be a slave now?” Other family members One senior said on behalf of the others: “We did were concerned that if their parents took part in not contribute anything; then we get vegetables and this project, they wouldn’t have the time or energy to help out with care of their grandchildren. Table 2. Statement of Revenue and Expenditures for SPIN-Farming Pilot Project Modified SPIN-Farming Approach (January–October 2007)a It became apparent relatively early in the imple- mentation phase that it was going to be difficult to Revenue CAN$ CAN$ achieve the intensity of production and subsequent City of Edmonton 4,400.00 economic return as outlined in the SPIN-Farming Foundations 29,000.00 manual. There were several reasons for this. Securing the land base took longer than antici- In-kind contributions 2,900.00 pated, which delayed seedbed preparation and Produce sales 1,000.00 seeding until the end of May, hence affecting the 37,300.00 overall volume of produce. SPIN-Farming is a Expenditures relatively intense approach, and the seniors were committed to working only two to three hours at a Advertising 136.00 time, two to three days a week. Many of them did Office rental 1,000.00 not have the physical capacity or the interest in Office equipment 54.00 working more often than that. Operations 10,273.00 Soil at one of the sites was of poor quality and Wages and benefits 24,837.00 water was available but difficult to access at two of 36,300.00 the sites. The coordinator’s goal of implementing Net Profit 1,000.00 relay planting by growing and reseeding short-term maturing crops, such as leafy greens, was met with a Data provided by SAGE.

82 Volume 1, Issue 2 / Fall 2010 Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online money, which is not fair.” She further explained One of the advantages of the SPIN-Farming that she thought of the gardening more as volun- method is that it can be adapted to different teer work. The MCHB brokers conveyed to the circumstances, with outputs of produce, volume, researchers that despite the seniors’ comments, the and financial return varying according to scale and financial recompense, although very modest, was intensity of production. Thus, despite the low still beneficial to the seniors with limited financial economic return in the first year of the project, the resources. In addition, the seniors were able to save opportunity to scale up the profit-making aspect of money that they would have normally spent on this senior immigrant project was not lost. At the purchasing fresh produce, thus making this money end of the growing season, the Korean seniors available for them to spend in other ways. indicated their interests in scaling up their efforts the next year by doubling the size of their land When organizers were asked how they felt the base. Also, by seeding earlier and gardening more project measured up in terms of the concept and intensively, they planned to harvest four crops of the economic potential of SPIN-Farming, one had Korean vegetables and expand their marketing this response: portfolio by approaching additional Korean restaurants and grocery stores. I’m kind of disappointed that it didn’t really unfold as a pure SPIN project, because I think Impacts on the Seniors, their Families, the concept is fabulous and we know that and the Wider Community many of these people are in dire poverty. There Access to fresh and nutritious foods—for them- is the potential to generate substantial income selves, their families and friends—was of high for them. But, that being said, it’s up to them, importance to the seniors, and they were able to and if that’s not what they want to do, then take home a variety of vegetables throughout the who am I to say that’s what they should be summer. The growing and sharing of produce doing? It’s not all about money; it’s about a lot created a sense of achievement and elevated their of other values…Do I think that SPIN is self esteem; according to MCHB, the seniors “felt totally dead? No, I don’t. I think it may re- happy that they could bring home vegetables” and emerge with a certain number of people a year contribute to their families. MCHB stated that or two years down the road and we will come many senior immigrants feel they are a burden to back to it and we will work it more intensively. their families as they are not able to contribute I think it’s still embedded within this project, financially. Thus, in addition to improving the even if it didn’t fully meet that concept this seniors’ access to fresh food, involvement in the year. We were very successful in spite of not project contributed to elevating their perception of adhering totally to SPIN but nor did we toss it social status within their families as well as their out completely—so it’s a modified SPIN. mental well-being. The seniors also shared food and seeds with each other, and exchanged recipes The low economic output in the first year of this and telephone numbers. As one of the project project could have been anticipated, given that organizers aptly commented, “There is nothing most commercial enterprises take several years to better than food to build community.” make a profit, depending on a number of factors such as start-up costs, knowledge and skill develop- The seniors began to make their own decisions ment, changes in market demand, and other regarding crop selection during the plantings. The unforeseen challenges. The economic impact Kurdish participants, for example, were not analysis of a five-year SPIN project in Philadelphia interested in planting leafy greens, preferring details the gradual improvements in economic tuberous vegetables, such as potatoes and carrots, performance that occurred from year to year which are more common to their diet and also (Urban Partners, 2007). have a long shelf life. The Korean participants initially grew what the coordinator had suggested,

Volume 1, Issue 2 / Fall 2010 83 Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online but after the first harvest replaced spinach and translated by one of the MHCB brokers: “When- lettuce with sesame and bok choy. They were the ever he has time, he goes to the garden and does only subgroup to develop their own market outlets some work, and it makes him feel alive. It’s a really through family, friends, and Korean restaurants. fresh activity, and he can sweat sometimes and that The ’ decision to grow their “own” clears his mind, so that was a good thing.” vegetables and market ethnic vegetables to friends and restaurants was seen by an organizer as “one The project provided opportunities for a range of of the highlights” of the project. physical activities, from fine motor movements (e.g., cleaning, bagging the vegetables) to more This is what I felt I really wanted to see. It’s strenuous movements (e.g., seeding, weeding, not our project, it’s their project. They took it harvesting). Specialized labor-saving tools were and went with it, they got the restaurant available, but some of the seniors felt more owners involved, they grew what they wanted comfortable using tools more familiar to them. In to grow, they sold…That, to me, is really the garden site where soil conditions were not exciting. optimal, seeding and weeding were more labor- intensive than anticipated. However, none of the With four members, the Koreans formed the seniors identified physical labor as a problem. The largest and seemingly most close-knit ethnic group. MHCB brokers and the coordinator did observe They were also very enthusiastic gardeners and that the seniors’ physical output was limited to two produced the largest volume of produce. They to four hours per day, every other day, for a would frequently have potluck picnic lunches at the maximum of three days per week, but varied garden, including the coordinator if she was according to their own schedules. present. They would also sing together while gardening. Despite these signs of harmony, a Organic farming methods were utilized in all the conflict arose between three of the members over gardens, except for an initial and minimal use of the allocation of produce. The eldest felt entitled to synthetic fertilizer in the Korean garden before the the best vegetables, even though she worked the coordinator was aware of it. No other agrochemi- least (due to physical limitations), while the young- cals were used; for example, a potato-bug infesta- est had worked the hardest. In Korean culture, age tion was managed manually with the help of a influences social status and rights. The conflict was participant’s four-year-old daughter. Food miles mediated by their MHCB broker and the project were low since the gardens were located close to coordinator and was quickly resolved. the farmers’ homes. The gardens also contributed to neighborhood greening, and the ethnic vege- Many of the seniors spoke of the enjoyment and tables grown contributed to a broadening of the satisfaction they derived from watching the plants diversity of crops within Edmonton. grow in the gardens, substantiating other research findings that aesthetic pleasure contributes to Not all the participants had previous gardening or mental well-being (for example, see Milligan, agricultural experience, but this was not a barrier to Gatrell & Bingley, 2004). The relaxation effect of their commitment to or benefits from the project. gardening on the seniors was also observed by the Individuals without previous experience said they coordinator, who said that gardening alongside one “learned a lot from the project.” For all the seniors, of the Korean participants was like “a meditation.” it was an opportunity to reconnect with nature; One participant whose spouse had Alzheimer’s according to one, “It is to observe how plants grow commented, “This project, for me, is good, —you it and then the next time when you because of the stress [at home]. At the garden I come, you can see the difference. Each time you go forget my problems.” The merging of physical and there you see a result of your work.” Learning also mental well-being experienced by one of the occurred around public transit use and increased farmers is reflected in the following comment, as English language vocabulary. One of the partici-

84 Volume 1, Issue 2 / Fall 2010 Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online pants made her own illustrated dictionary of the Seniors’ participation in the project helped to names of vegetables grown and other commonly reduce their social isolation; many of them said that used words, in both Korean and English. Even they participated in the project in order to make though English language skills were still limited by new friends and build social networks. A son of the end of the project, the coordinator and the one of the seniors said that if his father were not MCHB brokers noted that the seniors’ confidence participating in the garden project, he would be to try and speak English had noticeably improved. “stuck at home, 24-7.” One farmer said the garden They also overcame their fears of using public project gave her a reason to “put on new and nice transit and expressed pride in having learned how clothes to get out of the house” and tell people to navigate the city’s transit system. what she was doing. A few participants occasion- ally brought family members or friends to the A significant turning point in the seniors’ involve- garden. The farmers’ market experience facilitated ment was reached when the project started receiv- broader social exchange and other economic op- ing media attention and public interest. This made portunities. One customer complimented a farmer the seniors feel visible and valued, and it boosted on the scarf she was wearing and that she had their sense of pride. One of the organizers com- made, and the customer requested that the senior mented: “They wanted to talk to the press and tell make another for her to purchase. The Koreans their stories; it was really uplifting. They were were very enthusiastic market vendors, clapping clearly having fun and very proud of the work that their hands and smiling to get customers’ attention. they were doing.” It was also a turning point in Not all enjoyed the experience, however; as one terms of acceptance of the seniors’ involvement in senior later commented, “I don’t like to sell, but I the project by their families and communities. One like to grow.” MHBC broker said that when the seniors’ pictures began to appear in the newspapers, the family Conclusions members who had previously discouraged their The results of this research support findings from parents’ involvement now became very supportive previous studies that have identified health benefits of their continued involvement in the project. from gardening for older adults, as well as other research that has shown positive socio-economic Many immigrant seniors suffer a loss of identity impacts from urban agriculture for immigrants. In after emigrating (Durst, Abu-Laban, MacLean, Ng, drawing together these topics, this research inte- & Northcutt, 2001). Durst et al. underline the grates knowledge emerging from these two areas of importance of cultural connections to successful study and contributes new knowledge about the integration of immigrants. After establishing his application of a novel commercial approach to garden, a Kurdish refugee exclaimed, “Come see urban agriculture by senior immigrants. The result- the garden! We brought Kurdistan to Canada!” His ing impacts from the seniors’ involvement in this statement illustrates one of the important successes initiative were analyzed using a social determinants of the project: in bringing the participants’ pasts to of health framework, which also includes econom- the present, they created personal identity within a ic, social, and environmental factors in assessing new landscape, making them feel more at home. health and well-being. Beyond the individual level, Cultural connections were also developed during the effects of this project on the seniors’ families the workshop, as the seniors discussed familiar and and the wider community were also identified. unfamiliar vegetables, exchanged names of vege- tables, compared tools, and shared gardening Participation in this pilot project generated a experiences. The coordinator, who is a Canadian number of benefits for the seniors that extended and is very interested in other cultures and well beyond nutrition and physical activity. By languages, was seen by some of the farmers as their providing opportunities for the seniors to develop bridge between Canadian culture and their own urban farming skills, and to grow fresh produce for ethnic culture. personal consumption as well as for sharing with

Volume 1, Issue 2 / Fall 2010 85 Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online family and friends, this initiative contributed to within Edmonton, which contributed to develop- individual learning and capacity-building, and feel- ment of the local food system. ings of self-worth. By creating opportunities for senior immigrants to develop and strengthen ties The project was not without its challenges and with both host and ethnic communities, social and limitations, however. Income generation was low cultural competencies were expanded, and their compared to the figures outlined in the SPIN- visibility and acknowledgement within the commu- Farming manual. A number of factors influenced nity increased, creating a deeper sense of accep- this outcome. First, though the project had a tance and belonging. Willingness and confidence to commercial focus, economic gain was not the engage with others outside of their ethnic commu- primary goal of the seniors, whereas social and nity was observed to increase as the project pro- health criteria were. Second, their physical capacity gressed, which contributed to greater independence and other external commitments influenced the and mobility for the seniors within the urban land- amount of time they were willing to dedicate to the scape. Collaborative decision-making and entrepre- project. Third, the overall volume of harvest from neurship were also demonstrated, in the field and the project was impacted by the delay in initial in the marketplace, particularly by the Korean seeding, a result of the unanticipated length of time seniors. it took to identify and acquire suitable garden sites. Fourth, the amount of produce available for sale As relationships began to form and strengthen was relatively low throughout most of the summer among the participants and the organizers, links to due to the priority given to the seniors’ and their other social networks, such as those focused on families’ consumptive needs. Finally, changes made food security, local food, ethnicity, and aging, by the seniors to the selection of vegetable crops began to emerge. There were also connections to grown, while being more compatible with their and positive responses from the general public ethnic and cultural preferences, did alter relay throughout the pilot year, beginning with the planting plans and schedules and subsequently overwhelming number of backyards and commer- impacted the volume and timing of harvest. cial vacant lots offered for use during the project, to the strong interest and support for the project Despite the modest economic performance of the expressed at the farmers’ market booth. There was first year of the project, the role of SPIN-Farming significant media interest in the project, with in this initiative was assessed by the organizers as articles in local newspapers as well as coverage on being “absolutely important—a catalyst” that local television and radio stations. This public launched the project and also provided an ongoing recognition influenced the shift in attitude and structure and framework. Although the seniors support by the seniors’ family members. participating in the pilot year were not able and/or interested in achieving the intensity of production The environmental impacts associated with this and marketing that can be accomplished using the project were minimal given the scale of the opera- SPIN method, the concept and the practice tion, but can be considered positive in contrast remained embedded in the project. One reason with a conventional industrialized agricultural SPIN-Farming was initially identified as a plausible system. The project was not a major contributor to method for carrying out this pilot was the flexibility gas emissions, as fossil fuel use was it offers in terms of scale and scope. The output, in low due to reduced food miles, the use of public terms of produce and financial gain, can be scaled transit by the seniors, and the negligible use of up or down depending on the circumstances and agrochemicals. The seniors’ gardens also contri- goals of the practitioners. In order to scale up the buted to neighborhood greening. The production economic viability of the project, while also of ethnic vegetables and heritage varieties contrib- enhancing other aspects of the project, the uted to a greater diversity of food crops grown organizers identified the following changes and improvements:

86 Volume 1, Issue 2 / Fall 2010 Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development ISSN: 2152-0801 online

• Merge and extend SPIN training and grams to become involved as volunteers in preparation for the growing season over a the project. longer period of time during the winter in order to engage the seniors more fully in Given the growing number of senior immigrants in the preparatory phase and minimize the Canada, there is potential for this type of initiative gap between the training and preparation to be piloted in other communities, and interest in phase and implementation phase; doing so has been expressed by a federal govern- ment agency as well as by social economy organiza- • During the preparatory phase, involve the tions in two other provinces. However, it is likely seniors in identifying short- and longer- that initiatives established in other contexts would term crops to be grown and in mapping unfold differently. One of the SAGE organizers out the planting schedule, in order to explained, “It won’t ever be exactly the same as the include their cropping preferences and Edmonton model, because it will be unique to the guarantee adequate and continuous harvest time and place and people and cultures that are throughout the growing season; involved, wherever they are. So, this is an experi- ence we’ve had that has taken us to a certain point • Secure the land base early enough so that and will continue on its journey.” planting-bed preparation and seeding can take place in early spring (with timing This research was limited to the first year of a pilot dependent on suitable climatic conditions); project due to availability of funding. A more in- depth assessment of the economic, social, and • Select production site(s) bearing in mind health impacts of this project could be carried out the pros and cons of single-site versus in a longitudinal study; there are plans to pursue multisite SPIN operations. For example, this in the coming year in partnership with a multisite operations are more difficult to broader range of subject specialists. The results of coordinate than a single-site operation, but the research to date suggest that involvement in can have advantages in terms of accessi- commercial urban agriculture can contribute to the bility for the seniors, whereas single-site adaptation and integration of senior immigrants operations can increase the opportunities into Canadian society, and contribute to partici- for intercultural exchange; pating seniors’ overall health and well-being. Urban agriculture in general, and SPIN-Farming in • Secure suitable and adequate infrastructure particular, create opportunities to generate and for processing (e.g., washing, bagging) and integrate a broad range of social, economic, cold storage; environmental, and health benefits that “transcend the individual and leaves lasting change on others • Engage the seniors in developing and and on the physical and social space of the coordinating a marketing strategy (e.g., community” (Bellows et al., 2003, p. 5). The farm-gate, restaurants, farmers’ markets); positive impacts of this pilot project have resulted in “Urban Farming for Senior Immigrants” • Expand the program to include younger becoming a permanent program at SAGE; in 2009 members of immigrant families, either as the city of Edmonton granted long-term land volunteers or as members of the social tenure for the program at a centrally located enterprise, and/or English-speaking community garden in downtown Edmonton. seniors; Acknowledgements • Invite high-school and university students The authors would like to acknowledge and thank from community-service learning pro- the following individuals and agencies who made this pilot project and research possible: the senior

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