School “Graabet Ibraileanu” Targu School “Graabet Ibraileanu” Targu School “Graabet Ibraileanu” Targu School “Graabet Ibraileanu” Targu Frumos, Romania Frumos, Romania Frumos, Romania Frumos, Romania


Minerva was the goddess of was associated with In ancient Roman religion, In ancient Roman religion wisdom. Her symbol was the owl. law, philosophy, and the arts. He Ceres was a goddess of agriculture, and myth, Jupiter or Jove was the Her Greek name was Athene, and sometimes gave the gift of prophecy grain crops, fertility and motherly king of the gods, and the god of sky Athens was her city. She had a to the mortals he loved, such as the relationships. Her cult took many and thunder. He is the equivalent of strange birth. One day, Jupiter had a Trojan princess Cassandra. forms. She was the central in Zeus in the Greek pantheon. As the bad headache. Nothing would cure it. One of the most important Olympian 's so-called plebeian or patron deity of ancient Rome, he Eventually split open gods; son of Zeus and Leto, twin Aventine , and was paired with ruled over laws and social order. He Jupiter's head. Out jumped Minerva brother of Artemis. her daughter in what was one of three gods of the in armour with shield and spear! He is considered the ideal of manly Romans described as "the Greek Capitoline Triad, along with Jupiter felt much better afterwards. beauty, so that a very handsome man rites of Ceres". She played an and Minerva. Don't try this at home! might be called an “Apollo”. essential role in Roman marriage

and in funeral rites.

Material made during Material made during Material made during Material made during Comenius multilateral project Celtic Comenius multilateral project Celtic Comenius multilateral project Celtic Comenius multilateral project Celtic roots, Roman routes throughout roots, Roman routes throughout roots, Roman routes throughout roots, Roman routes throughout Europe: meeting the first Europeans Europe: meeting the first Europeans Europe: meeting the first Europeans Europe: meeting the first Europeans School “Garabet Ibraileanu”Targu School “Garabet Ibraileanu”Targu School “Garabet Ibraileanu”Targu School “Garabet Ibraileanu”Targu Frumos, Romania Frumos, Romania Frumos, Romania Frumos, Romania

Venus Vulcan Juno

Venus was a Roman goddess Vulcan (: Vulcanus), mainly associated with love, beauty aka Mulciber, is the god of beneficial Juno was an ancient Roman Mars was the Roman god of and fertility, who played a key role in and hindering fire, including the fire goddess, the protector and special war and also an agricultural many Roman religious festivals and of volcanoes in ancient Roman counselor of the state. She is a guardian, a combination myths. From the third century BC, religion and Roman Neopaganism. daughter of and sister (but characteristic of early Rome. He the increasing Hellenization of He is known as Sethlans in Etruscan also the wife) of the chief god Jupiter was second in importance only to Roman upper classes identified her mythology. He was worshipped at an and the mother of Mars and Vulcan. Jupiter, and he was the most as the equivalent of the Greek annual festival on August 23 known Her Greek equivalent is Hera. As the prominent of the military gods goddess Aphrodite. In the as the Volcanalia.The god belongs to patron goddess of Rome and the worshipped by the Roman legions. interpretatio romana of the the most ancient stage of Roman Roman Empire she was called His festivals were held in March, the Germanic pantheon during the early religion: Varro citing the Annales Regina ("queen") and, together with month named for him (Latin centuries AD, Venus became Maximi, recalls that king Titus Tatius Jupiter and Minerva, was Martius), and in October, which identified with the Germanic goddess had dedicated altars to a series of worshipped as a triad on the Capitol began and ended the season for Frijjo, giving rise to the loan among which Vulcan is military campaigning and farming. in Rome. translation "Friday" for mentioned.Vulcan was identified with Veneris.. the Greek god of fire and smithery, Hephaestus.