the executors, Lord'Bhaughneasy iul^ KLAN SPEAKER AT VULCAN Mr. Reaper, be i-^moved'from offlee. It J. H. QUNDV HEADS Jimmy Rinuner was understo at the request of Mr. Chahoon Turns in 149 for 36 Holes in • to open his Ontario spes^klng <^ costs. servance' of, the ctnonlfatlons of eight Klansman?" This,, announced by card • who asked to be relieved o£ the Big Event at • tour. , Mr; Dunning xWll likely • \The>jUdge today also dismissed a pe­ North American martyrs in St. Peter's gest „ Upsets of • presidency and nominated Mr. and poster, a& the 8ubJe.oi ot a public • return to the prairies alter his • address toi be given In Vuloan on tition for a sequestrator to administer yesterday. . • , * ' Current Season • Gundy as his successor, z Edmonton • swing around Ontario arid may * the estjate during the progress of the This was "Canada Diy" and be»»n Thursday night next, has at once cre­ • possibly go on to British Oolum- * ated considerable Interest and com­ litigation through the courts. An Inter­ •with a pontiflotl mass sung by Arch­ EDMONTON, Alta,, June 30.~Tum- • bla. • mMBLEDON. Eng., June 30.—Ths ment. It la stated in the advertfiii>5 locutory injunction to restrain the vot­ bishop Forbes Of Ottawa, assisted by Ing In two medal rounds of 77 and 72 ^voiid's premier tennis champion, Henri tjiat this is to be an exposition of the ing at tlie annual meeting of the Oa- the Canadian College, In the Church of for a total of 149, the features of which Cochet, bowed to the slashing attack principles of the Ku Kliix Klan. uadlan Industrial Alcohol of stock In Jesu, mother chUroh of the Jesuit Or­ of his youthful American opponent, were a hole in one at the fourth and the company owned by the estate was der. . ' • / , WUmer Allison of Texas in the quarter the holing of a chip shot at the sev­ This institution has been to the most also dismissed. The judgment of the Acting President of people a ipystery ordar and the pub­ Father OUlelt, general of the Domini­ finals of the British tennis champlon- enth, Jimmy Rimmer, popular pfofes- Davis Estate court hi each of the three cases •will be can Order,-preached at a later service Bhips here. Taking the French phenom sional of Jasper Park, won the 1930 licity that it has often received has appealed, it was stated by lawyers for made It notorious. This will make op­ at Church of the Sanctuary. The bene­ in straight sets, Allison's feat came as Alberta open golf championship from Lady Davis and Mortimer, Jr. diction was by Cardinal Rouleau of a surprising upset to the 15,000 specta­ portunity to learn of this thing, some­ Executors Are Indian National a classy field at the Edmonton Golf Quebec. tors who jammed the centre stands. times designated as the invisible em­ and Country Club course Saturday. SECOND TORY ENTERS Allison will meet Doeg in the semi­ pire, and again termed as a "night­ Duncan (Spotty) Sutherland, profes­ shirt mob." The skating rink has been Upheld by Court PRINCE EDWARD FIQHT VICAR-GENERA'L FOR finals Wednesday and the winner prob­ sional at the Point Grey Golf and BELLEVILLE, Ont., June 30 — Al­ STv BONIFACE NAMED ably will encounter in the Congress Arrested secured lor the event, promoters evi- Country Club, Vancouver, and formerly dentlj' contemplating a large attend­ leging "gross irregularities" at the re­ WINNIPEG, Man.. Juiie 30 — Right finals on Saturday. Thus an all Amer­ at the Country Club here, was 'uhe nm- MONTREAL, June 30—The adminis­ cent Conservative convention In Rev. W. L. JublnvHle, old-time resi­ ican final is probable. ance of the people. ner-up with a card of 78-73—151, while Rev. T. J. Hinds, who will deliver the tration of the estate of the late Sir Prince Edward, John Hubbs has an­ dent of the west, has been named ' Cochet never looked like a winning Nehru Taken to" Jail While Joe Pryke, uimttached professional, was Mortimer Davis by Lord Shaughnessy nounced he will enter the. Dominion vicar-general Of the Roman Catholic player. He played without the fire of address, is a Baptist minister, and thhrd with a score of 76-77—153. Three and Alexander M. Reaper, K.C, was election campaign in oppcsltion to dlbceso of St. Boniface.. He succeeds a champion. Only toward the end of Boycott Week Opens in comes from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, amateurs. Jack Cuthbert and A. W. where the Klan organization is reput­ upheld today in superior court when Brig.-Gon. B. R. Hepburn, official tiom- Msgi\ (J. Gloutier ot St. Nprbert, Man., the first set did Cochet get going. He Bombay inee of the party. Mr. Hubbs, who re­ who died recently. Father Jubinville took the seventh game and continued Matthews of Edmonton, and H. T. ed to have great strength, and certain­ the bench dismissed an action brought Borthwick of Calgary, were ti?d for ly the reports that come from that by Lady Davis and her stepson, Morti­ presented the constituency in the last is parish priest of St. Boniface cath­ his supreme efforts throughout the house, was defeated in the convention SIMLA, India, June 30.—Pandit Mo- fourth position with aggregate scores province will give interest to the ex­ mer Davis, Jr. edral. He was bom in Fall River, eighth session but the nimble Texan by General Hepbnrn. Mass., beat Cochet back from the net with tilal Nehru, acting president of the All- of 154, with the rest of the field well position tliat is to be made at Vulcan. I In the suit the plaintiffs asked that 68.yean ago. deep, well-placed drives. Allison was India National Congress, and Sued strung out. holding the fort at the net and he Mahmud, congress secretajy, were ar­ volleyed and smashed his way through rested at Allahabad today for offenses to victory. in connection with the Nationalist civil disobedience campaign. Congratulates Opponent Officials searched the rooms of the Bennett Talks FIFTY YEARS O F CONSTANT CNTERPfctSB The crowd went wild at the finish. committee, and seals were put on the Cochet came to the net, dropped his doors as Nehru and Mahmud were racquet and gave the American a taken to the central jaili at Allahabad. wringing handshake. Renewed cheers They will be tried tomorrow. Butter Duties resounded through the stands as the After he was taken into custody the players left the court together. pandit nominated Vallabhai Patel, CANADA'S George Lott, , won the brother of the former speaker of the Tells Quebec People Premier first set from , the bril­ legislative assembly, to succeed hlra liant French star, at 6-2, in the last as president, of the All-India Congress. King Legislating For SPREAPI NC of the quarter-final matches. Boycott Week New Zealand Mrs. Moody and Miss BOMBAY, June 30.—(AP.)—' "boy­ won in the third round cott week" against British goods was WINGS of women's doubles from Mrs. A. D. inaugurated here today with intensive (By Thomas Green, Canadian Press Stocks and Mrs. L. G. Owen, 6-1. anti-British propaganda. Staff Correspondent) MONTREAL, Que., June 30—Com Jean Borotra, France, defeated A pouring rain dampened the enthu­ Grealune the silence of cen< George Lott, United States, 2-6, 6-3, pleting, for the time being, his speak­ siasm of the Nationalists early in the ing tour of Quebec with a number of taries, Canada's airplanes drone 6-4. day but later congress volunteers pa­ Mme. Enrotin and small meetings Saturday and a big from Labrador to the Yukon, ex- raded the streets, and a big procession rally at Ormstown, Saturday night, of France defeated E. O. Mather, is planned for tomorrow. ploring a wilderness almost as Rhodes scholar from Texas, and Mrs. Hon. R. B. Bennett, Conservative large as the whole United States. R. E. Yalock, England, 8-6, 6-3. leader, left last night for Saint John, Every day "Sky-Skippers'- of the Miss Sarah Palfrey, young Boston N.B., where he will open his Maritime player, and Gregory Mangln, Newark, province tour tonight. Forestry Patrol Service maintain N.J., won in mixed doubles from J. Gallant Fox Is Accompanied by a party of promin­ vigilatit watch over our vast timber Grand Guillot and Mile. S. Baxbier ent Conservatives of Montreal and areas. Every hour mail planes arrive of France, 6-3, 6-3. district, tha Conservative chieftain and take off from Canadian air­ visited the Indian reservation at ports; Every minute, in a hundred Again Ridden To .Caughnawaga, the historic town of La- prairie, and Ormstown Saturday, and ways and places, young adventurers Second Vote on yesterday he rested. are demonstrating Canada's mastery Almost the entire population of the of the air; Victory By Sande Indian reservation waited before the Imperial Oil's share in Canada's BeeratFairview parish church at Caughnawaga when remarkable air development is NEW YORK, June 30 — Wijlinm Mr. Bennett and his party arrived by (Special to tlie Herald.) Woodward's Gallant Fox won his fifth motor. The Conservative leader was known to all fliers; For tfieir safety EDMONTON, June 30.—A petition consecutive three-year-old stake race addressed by tha mayor. Dr. Joseph and convenience supplies of Im­ tor a local option vote has been, sent today as he carried the field in the Jacobs, both In the native dialect and perial Gasolines and Marvelube in from the village of Fairview in the Dwyer stakes at Aqueduct. The Fox, in English, and he was presented with Oils are established at strategic Peace River country, and has been with Earl Sande again in the saddle, a bouquet of flowers by the little grand-daughter of the mayor. Here points—at city airports—at Indian found in order. The vote will be defeated Gifford C. Cochrane' Zenefol, trading posts-^t seaplane bases taken In due course, probably in the an added starter, by one and one-half was divulged a fact, not previously latter part of August. It will be the lengths, covering the mile and one- generally known, that Hon. Mr. Ben­ "a hundred miles from Nowhere." nett had been made a chief of the second attempt to put Fairview on half iii 2.32%. The Rancocas stables' Developing (Canada's wealth,, by Blackfeet tribe of Alberta and was the dry list. A vote was taken there LlmbuS finished third with Flaming meeting new transportation needs and Bannerette completing the field. known among the Indians as "Running in May, 1929, resulting In a verdict Weasel." has been the work of Imperial Oil for a beer parlor. Afterward the ham­ Coupled with Flaming the champion Woodward colt paid the short odds of At Laprairle the Conservative leader for fifty years; This work, backed let was incorporated as a village by integrity and vision, has made which did not take In the local option 1 to 10. visited the cairn raised to commemor­ ate the historic part that town played area, and still later a petition was Im|)erial an instimtion of inter­ in the pioneer days from 1687 to 1713, national scope — with six great filed for a local option vote in the and also addressed an impromptu village. This was refused on the Joe Wright May meeting. refineries—9,000 employees—a dis­ grounds that another vote could not Talks Butter Duties tributing system that begins in be taken until two years from the date Escorted to the auditorium at Orms­ South America and ends at the ot the former vote. At the request of Compete With Jack town by the Beauharnois band, Mr. Araic circle; the petitioners, the question was re­ Bennett addressed a capacity gather­ Fifty years of constant enterprise ferred to the court of appeal, which ing while a large outdoor audience decided that a second vote in the Guest^ 2nd Round heard the address through amplifiers. are in the products Imperial Oil village was permissible and on the It was mainly an agricultural audience sells today. strength of this finding a petition for LONDON, June 30—(C,P. Cable)— and the Conservative leader discussed Marvelube is Imperial's finest such a vote has now been presented. If Joe Wright, Toronto sculler, wins agricultural Issues, particularly the motor oil; his first heat In the diamond sculls dairy situation. Imperial Premier and Imperial COMBAT PROSELYTISING he will face his colleague from Tor­ Referring to the competition set up Ethyl are its best gasolines. onto, Jack Guest in the second, accord­ by the importations ot New Zealand VATICAN CITY, June 30.—(A. P.)— ing to the draw announced Saturday. butter, Mr. Bennett accused the Lib- Which means that nothing finer "Protestant pfCselytising" in Rome In the first heat Wright faces Groves oral administration of Premier King can be put in your car; must be combatted by an increased of London, and Guest drew a bye. of legislating in the interests of New number of parish priests to serve the Remainder of the draw is: Zealand. "If Premier King wants to outlying quarters of the city. Pope Gentry, Ibis club, vs Collett, Leander legislate for New Zealand let him go Plus XI declared today in an allocu­ club. there and do it; wo can spare him tion opening a secret consistory at Jons, Lincoln vs Boetzoen, Berlin. here," declared tho Conservative •which five cardinals were created. Guye, London, vs Gentry or Collett. leader. . The Pope's allocution said that cer­ tain recent laws of Italy which seemed to favor Protestant activity "seem to whomever considers them well to be in Three Drownings 'strong contrast with the spirit and let­ Tribne Reporter ter of the solemn.Lateran convention." Manitoba Sunday HAIL DAMAGE HITS Doiifile Life SASKATCHEWAN CROPS WINNIPEG, Man., June 30.—(By the Canadian Press.)—Drownings claimed REGINA, June 30.—Extensive hall three lives In -Manitoba as pleasure- Facts Uncovered Showing He damage to crops was reported over the seekers flocked to resorts over the week­ week-end in Saskatchewan. In some end. A fourth death by drowning was Dipped Into Politics cases, tlii-ough widely scattered areas, believed Indicated by recovery of a cap­ and Crime loss was light though hail fell. The sized skifl on Lake Winnipeg. Ten per­ worst consequences are indicated in sons were injured in automobile acci­ Franks Lake and Edenwold, in the dis­ , June 30.—The Tribune dents and other misadventures. today says editorially that "the reason­ trict 45 miles northeast of Regina, Drowiiing victims were: where damage is said to be 100 per able appearance against Alfred Llngle, 'cent. William Ross, 21, Winnipeg, whose slain Ti-ibuna reporter, that he was boat capsized at Winnipeg Beach. accepted into the field of politics and Thomas Bradshaw, 41, Winnipeg, crime for something undreamable ot 22 KILLED IN RAILWAY lost while swimming at Bird's Hill. in his office and that he used this in WRECK NEAR LENINGRAD Earl Porteous, 19, Portage La Prairie, undertakings which made him money MOSCOW, June 30.—(By Canadian drownol while bathing in a dug-out and brought him death. . . . Alfred Press Cable, via Havas.l—Twenty-two near his home. Llngle now takes a different character, persons were killed and 28 injured in one In which he was unknown to the the terrific smashup of a train neai- management of the Tribune when he Leningrad today. The accident fol­ was alive. He is dead, and cannot de­ lowed the switching of a passenger Bolivian President fend himself, but many facts now re­ train on to the wrong track. vealed must be accepted as eloquent Seeks Diplomatic against him. . . . REMAND SOLLOWAY, SHLLS TORONTO, June 30.—Isaac W. C. Shelter In Capital "The Tribune, although naturally Solloway and Harvey Mills, called in disturbed by the discovery that this re­ porter was engaged in practices con­ police court here today on a charge LA PAZ, June 30—(A.P.)— *)f conspiracy, were given a fui'ther re- trary to the code of its honest report­ Armed citizens today patrolled ers and abhorred by the policy of the «iand until August 21. Both men are the streets In the vicinity of the IMPERIAL PREMIER *n Alberta In connection with convic­ newspaper, does not find that the main Brajiillan and German legations objectives of the Inquiry have hem tions against them there which are seeking to prevent the escape of GASOLINE tiow being appealed. much altej'cd. The crime and the crim­ Dr. Hernando Siles, former presi­ inals remain, and they aa-e the concern dent, and General Kundt, German of the Tribune as they are of the de­ IMPERIAL ETHYL KILLED WHEN CAR OVERTURNS chief of staff of the Bolivian army, cent elements of Chicago." ALWAYS SO MUCH BETTER i KANSACK. Sask.. June 30 — Steve who have been under diplomatic CASpLiNE jMaliechewskl was fatally injured at shelter during the Bolivian revolt. pbout midnight last night when a car ^n which he was driving overturned Chicago Girls MARV*ELUBE Air Mail Saves Time ioorth of Verigin. WILL BROADCAST MOTOR OIL Ask Your Postmaster PRINCE'S SPEECH ON * Set New World • • <. <.<. <. ,j JULY 7 OVER STATES Track Records POLARINE CREASES • RENE LA COSTE WEDS f> MLLE. DE LA CHAUME NEW YORK. June 30—The Prince CHICAGO. June 30.—Chicago's two of Wales is to lie heard In North Am­ Oljanpic cirl stars, Betty Robinson and IMPERIAL INDUSTRIAL PARIS, June 30—(A.P.)—Rene erica, via radio on July 7, the National Helen ri'key, bettered tv/o women's LUBRICANTS La Coste, Prance's tennis idol, Broadcastinsr Company has announced. world trad: records Saturday in tiic and Mile. Simone Thion de la His speech, to be made at a dinner Central Anictanr Athletic Union meet. Ohaume, the premier woman at the Savoy hotel in London at the Miss Robinson clipped 4-10 of a sec­ golfer of France, were married annual banquet of the National Union ond off the record in the 100-yard iri the church of Ste. Clothilde of Students, will be brought across the dash, sprinting the distance in 11 sec­ at noon today. Atlantic and rc-traiismitted to a coast- onds flat. Mi£s Filkey bettered her to-Roast network. own world's record mark by one-fl.fth The broadcast is to last 15 minutes, • •> <• <• • • • .> of a second in the SO meter hurdles, startinK at Z.Zt, (E.S.T. I ma.kine the distance in 12 3-5 8ecoiui&.