Franciscan Nonviolence Stories, Reflections, Principles, Practices, and Resources
Franciscan Nonviolence Stories, Reflections, Principles, Practices, and Resources Ken Butigan, Mary Litell, O.S.F., and Louis Vitale, O.F.M. Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service Sponsored by The O.F.M. Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation International Council and The Interfranciscan JPIC Commission 2 Franciscan Nonviolence Stories, Reflections, Principles, Practices, and Resources Ken Butigan, Mary Litell, O.S.F., and Louis Vitale, O.F.M. Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service 3 2003. Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service. For information, please contact: Pace e Bene, 1420 W. Bartlett Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89106, USA. (702) 648-2281, Sponsored by The OFM Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation International Council and the Interfranciscan JPIC Commission Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following for permission to reprint excerpts from copyrighted material from Anthonian Magazine written by Herman Schaluck, O.F.M. © 1995 by St. Anthony’s Guild. Reprinted by permission. Excerpts from Clare of Assisi: Early Documents by Regis J. Armstrong, O.F.M. Cap., copyright © 1988 by Paulist Press and reprinted by permission. Excerpts from Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, Vol. 1, The Saint edited by Regis Armstrong, O.F.M. Cap., J. A. Wayne Hellman, O.F.M. Conv., and William Short, O.F.M., copyright © 1999 by New City Press. Reprinted by permission. Excerpts from Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, Vol. II, The Founder edited by Regis Armstrong, O.F.M. Cap., J. A. Wayne Hellman, O.F.M. Conv., and William Short, O.F.M., copyright © 2000 by New City Press. Reprinted by permission.
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