VOL. 27 NO. 1 THE LITTLE WAY SUMMER 2007 Dorothy Day Catholic Worker A Call To The Catholic Church To End the War In Iraq

By Art Laffin Iraqi children died before media lies justifying the invasion, or the reaching their fifth birthday. war profiteering of the arms industries As the U.S. occupation of Iraq is now More than half of these deaths and companies like Bechtel and in it’s fifth year, the vast majority of the were among newborn babies Haliburton. Iraqi people, and a growing majority of in the first month of life. More- God requires us to renounce all idola- the American people, are demanding an over, the bishops did not call try, violence, oppression and racism, and end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq. Still, on the U.S. to repent for these to revere all life as sacred. An Iraqi life is the Bush Administration remains com- crimes. Rather, the U.S. Catho- as precious as an American life. Not one mitted to this immoral and criminal oc- lic Conference of Bishops more person should suffer or die from cupation. Moreover, the administration (USCCB) declared in their U.S. warmaking and military occupation. has contrived a new threat that mirror’s statement: “Our nation’s mili- It is painfully clear that with each the lies that were propagated for the Iraq tary forces should remain in pasing day the U.S. occupation of Iraq invasion—Iran’s nonexistant nuclear Iraq only as long as their pres- means more death and suffering for the threat—to justify not only remaining in ence contributes to a respon- Iraqi people, and U.S. soldiers and their Iraq, but also to pursue regime change sible transition.” families. Thus, compelled by my faith in in Iran! I ask: How can the U.S., Jesus and my love for the universal Body Although many democrats in Con- which has committed geno- of Christ, I make the following appeal: It gress have opposed the administration’s cidal war crimes in Iraq, ever is time for our church to repent for our plans for continued occupation, the bring about a responsible complicity in the sin of U.S.warmaking Democratic-led Congress voted on May 2000 Jubilee Commission in Iraq transition in Iraq? in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is time for all 24 for $120 billion in supplemental aid to against the U.S. invasion of Iraq before it The Catholic Church is complicit in the Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, Deacons, continue the wars in Iraq and Afghani- happened. However, the Bishops had death and suffering of Iraqis and U.S. sol- Religious and Laity to speak with a clear stan and abandon a timetable for been virtually silent about the war until diers because of its failure to unequivo- and prophetic voice and call for an im- withdrawl of U.S. forces from Iraq, thereby their statement issued at the November cally condemn this war as immoral and mediate withdrawl of all U.S. soldiers, in- putting its stamp of approval on these 2006 bishops conference. When I read illegal. I agree with Bishop John Michael telligence personnel and private contrac- wars. It also appears certain that the ad- their statement about Iraq I was deeply Botean, who said in a pastoral letter on tors from Iraq and Afghanistan. It is time ministration will be able to pass its $649 saddened. While I commend the bish- March 7, 2003, “that any direct participa- to call for a cut off of all war-funding and billion FY2008 military budget instead of ops for addressing the human and eco- tion of this war against the people of Iraq to close all U.S. military bases in Iraq and using this money to end poverty. nomic cost of the war, there was no real is objectively grave evil, a matter of mor- Afghanistan. As the U.S. continues its occupation acknowledgment of the war crimes the tal sin.” Before the invasion, the USCCB It is time to call on all soldiers, our and which now includes more bombing U.S. government has committed in Iraq. should have said that no Catholic should brothers and sisters, to refuse orders to raids in Iraqi neighborhoods, as the vio- The Bishops did not address the fact that participate in this war, pay taxes to pros- fight and kill, and to actively support all lence in Iraq continues to spiral out of the U.S., as a result of 16 years of U.S. ecute the war, or make weapons to be military refusers and conscientious objec- control, as the casualties continue to bombings, including the use of highly ra- used in the war. Just think of how many tors. (Hundreds have signed “Refuse to mount, and as the U.S. continues to dioactive depleted uranium weapons, lives could have been saved if the Church Fight-Refuse to Kill” statement. See threaten Iran, “What would Jesus do?”, U.S./UN-led economic sanctions, and took this prophetic stand! How many www.jonahhouse.org) is the question Christians must ask. The now invasion, has destroyed Iraq and deaths will it take till we know that too It is time for the U.S. to make repara- biblical mandate is clear: Thou Shalt not caused an estimated two million deaths many people have died? I mourn all the tions to Iraq and to call for a “surge” in Kill, love one another, love your enmies, and four million refugees. It did not ad- war-dead, Iraqi and U.S, and the count- recontructruction funds for Iraq and Af- put away the sword, forgive, be peace- dress the fact that, according to The Lan- less people who have been maimed and ghanistan, with a special proviso that no makers! cet, a leading British medical journal, an scarred for life. U.S. contractor profit from such recon- Since the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the estimated 654,000 Iraqis have died as a Moreover, the Bishops did not once in struction. It is also time to investigate and Catholic Church’s response to the occu- direct result of the invasion. The most re- their statement mention the oil politics demand the dissolution of Blackwater, the pation has been ambiguous and equivo- cent Save the Children study declared that was the real reason for the invasion, secret U.S.-hired mercenary force in Iraq. cating. Like many others, I commended that one in eight Iraqi children died of dis- or U.S. plans to control the Middle East. continued on page 2, column 4 the Vatican and bishops for speaking out ease or violence in 2005—that is 122,000 They did not decry the administration or

“One is called to live nonviolently, even if the change one works for seems impossible. It may or may not be possible to turn the US around through nonviolent

revolution. But one thing favors such an

REQUESTED attempt: the total inability of violence to


PERMIT NO. 5370 NO. PERMIT change anything for the better.”


Washington, DC 20010 DC Washington,


503 Rock Creek Church Road, NW Road, Church Creek Rock 503 - NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION NON-PROFIT Dorothy Day Catholic Worker Catholic Day Dorothy Page 2 THE LITTLE WAY VOL. 27 NO. 1

continued from page 1 personnel at Minot, North Dakota Air as God’s sons and daughters. An Open Letter to As leaders of the Church, I implore you Force Base, under oath, declared that It is time for Catholics and for all people to minister to the well being of the world. they did not know what was in the nuclear of faith to renounce the adminstration’s Your leadership is vital to bring an end to the US Catholic missile silo at E-9 near White Shields, “long-war” plan, policies of preemptive/ the nuclear insanity that is growing around North Dakota. Why did they not know? preventive warmaking, and U.S. aspira- the world each day. You can publicly Bishops I believe it is because you as leaders tions of empire and global domination. attend a non-violent demonstration in in the Catholic Church do not fulfill your It is time to demand an end to U.S. opposition to nuclear insanity, or even obligation of non-violent public resistance threats to destablize Iran. It is time to dis- speak at one. Your actions and words Dear Brother Cardinal, Archbishop, to evil as a constitutive element of the mantle the entire U.S. nuclear stockpile Bishop, and Fellow Christians, Gospel. In the past, many know that if must condemn those who North Dakota was an independent nation would seek to keep such “We are too much like Pilate; it would have ranked third in the number weapons - wherever they constantly asking what is truth and then of nuclear weapons it possessed. Today, exist. crucifying the truth that stands before us. an overwhelming majority of Americans I beg of you, collectively Our minds are deformed with a kind of believe that these weapons should be and individually, to contempt for reality. In place of abolished, yet you have not taken an condemn nuclear conforming ourselves to what is, we twist active role in seeking this - though you weapons in both deed and everything in our actions and words to fit have initiated a public program in word. These bombs are our own reality.” (Merton) opposition to the death penalty. One our bombs and we cannot The world applauded in 1965 when you detonation of a nuclear bomb could cause afford to wash our hands declared that nuclear weapons are a death far in excess of all those ever clean of the matter as crime against humanity and are to be executed. Pontius Pilate did when condemned unreservedly. The applause One of the reasons you should act and he was forced to make a was muted when later in your PEACE speak out is because the evangelist John grave decision. PASTORAL you only encouraged “mutual has Jesus say to “do good works I have reduction” of nuclear weapons. been doing and you will do even greater Your Brother, Loyola students witness at the White House The awesome destructive power of one things.” (John 14:12) He also has Jesus Fr. Carl Kabat, OMI, Federal Prison Camp, Terre Haute, IN nuclear bomb is beyond human say, quoting a psalm, “Is it not written in as an example to the world that we are imagination; yet in 2006, the military your laws - you are God’s.” We must act serious about nuclear proliferation and nuclear abolition. It is time to condemn as morally repre- hensible, the sin of torture, call for the re- Dorothy Day on rains on the hills of Easton. heaven on their enemies, Jesus said: peal of the Military Commissions Act and Jubilate Deo. President Truman was “You know not of what spirit you are. the closing of the Guantanamo U.S. mili- jubilant. We have created. We have cre- the Bombing of The Son of Man came not to destroy souls tary prison, and all other secret U.S. tor- ated destruction. We have created a new but to save.” He said also, “Inasmuch as ture and detention centers. element, called Pluto. Nature has noth- Hiroshima and you have done unto one of the least of It is time to call for a just peace in the ing to do with it. these, my brothers and sisters, you have Middle East and ending the U.S.-backed “A cavern below Columbia was the done it unto me.” Israeli occupation of Palestine, the root Nagasaki bomb’s cradle, “born not that men might cause of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. live, but that men might be killed. Brought It is time to acknowledge our addiction (Written in September 1945) into being in a cavern, and then tried in a In Memoriam to oil, simplify our life-style and commit desert place, in the midst of tempest and Chris Grannis ourselves to reversing the global climate By Dorothy Day lightning, tried out, and then again on the Nate Osborne crisis so that our planet will survive. eve of the Feast of the Transfiguration of Marcellus Judd It is time for all Catholics and Chris- Mr. Truman was jubilant. President Our Lord Jesus Christ, on a far-off island tians to take a “Vow of Nonviolence.” Truman. True man; what a strange name, in the Eastern Hemisphere, tried out Michele Giebel Encouraging signs of hope abound. come to think of it. We refer to Jesus again, this “new weapon which conceiv- Althea Diggs Numerous national and local groups, in- Christ as true God and true man. Truman ably might wipe out mankind, and per- Fr. Joe Hacula, SJ cluding Iraq Veterans Against the War, is a true man of his time in that he was haps the planet itself.” George Colville Military Families Speak Out, and Gold jubilant. He was not a son of God, brother “Dropped on a town, one bomb would Loretta Robinson Star Families for Peace are actively op- of Christ, brother of the Japanese, jubi- be equivalent to a severe earthquake and Earlon and Glady Lamberty posing the war. A growing number of reli- lating as he did. He went from table to would utterly destroy the place. A scien- Hilda Dennis gious comunities and denominations have table on the cruiser which was bringing tific brain trust has solved the problem of Frida Ritter denounced the war. To mark the fourth an- him home from the Big Three conference, how to confine and release almost un- Fr. Owen Daley, SJ niversary of the war, many people have telling the great news; “jubilant” the news- limited energy. It is impossible yet to participated in nonviolent civil resistance papers said. Jubilate Deo. We have killed measure its effects.” Rufina Amaya actions in the U.S., including at congres- 318,000 Japanese. “We have spent two billion on the Maria Julia Hernandez sional offices. (see p.4-5) Ongoing vigils That is we hope we have killed them, greatest scientific gamble in history and Bill Hollenbeck and peace actions continue in Washing- the Associated Press, on page one, col- won,” says President Truman jubilantly… Jackie Raposa ton and elsewhere calling on Congress umn one, of the Herald Tribune says. The Everyone says, “I wonder what the Yolanda King and Mr. Bush to end the war. effect is hoped for, not known. It is to be Pope thinks of it?” How everyone turns Fr. David Kirk “The reign of God is at hand, repent hoped that they are vaporized, out Japa- to the Vatican for judgment, even though Hal Carlstad and believe in the Gospel,” Jesus de- nese brothers, scattered men, women and they do not seem to listen to the voice Virginia Tech victims clares! Let us end the sin of U.S babies, to the four winds, over the seven there! But our Lord Himself has already All victims of violence and war warmaking in Iraq and Afghanistan, be- seas. Perhaps we will breathe their dust pronounced judgment on the atomic come God’s nonviolent peacemakers, and into our nostrils, feel them in the fog of bomb. When James and John (John the strive to create the beloved community. New York in our faces, feel them in the beloved) wished to call down fire from SUMMER 2007 THE LITTLE WAY Page 3 Jim Douglass and the Lightning Fire of Nonviolence By S.J. suade the aggressor to recognize in the nonviolence. Gandhi said that the day victim the humanity they have in common, everyone practices nonviolence is the day To study the theological basis for Gos- which when recognized fully makes vio- God will reign on earth as in heaven. Jim Prisoners Addresses pel nonviolence, there’s no better place lence impossible. compares the first-century destruction of Helen Woodson 03231-045 (out 09-09- 2011) to start than the groundbreaking works of This goal of human recognition is Jerusalem — the virtual end of the world FMC Carswell - Admin. Max. Unit my friend Jim Douglass — The Nonvio- sought through the power of voluntary — with the nuclear menace of the 21st POB 27137 lent Cross, Resistance and Contempla- suffering, by which the victim becomes century — a potential end more literal. Ft. Worth, TX 76127 tion, Lightning East to West, and The no longer a victim but instead an active Only transforming nonviolence can keep (Protest at federal courthouse, Kansas Nonviolent Coming of God. opponent in loving resistance to the one the end from being inevitable. City, Missouri, 3/11/04 violates parole I consider Jim the greatest theologian who has refused to recognize that victim In Lightning East to West Jim writes of following 3/9/04, sentenced to 106 of nonviolence in the world. But his books as human. The person of nonviolence his Ground Zero campaign to disarm a months) have been out of print for decades — un- acts through suffering love to move the Trident sub base. Carl Kabat #03230-045 FCI Terre Haute til now. A new publishing house, Wipf and unjust opponent to a perception of their We live in that final time which offers P.O. Box 33 Stock, set up by a small Christian com- common humanity, and thus to the ces- humans the clearest choice in history: Terre Haute, IN 47808 munity in Oregon, has just opened with the kingdom or the holocaust. Either (Weapons of Mass Destruction Here the mission of republishing classic end is a lightning east to west: the Plowshares-out July 2007) works of theology, including textbooks nuclear holocaust a lightning fire, the Leonard Peltier 89637-132 on liberation theology, all the writings of kingdom of Reality a lightning spirit. We Lewisburg USP William Stringfellow and now all four of will choose lightning east to west today P.O. Box 1000 Jim’s classic works. I urge everyone to as either nuclear fire or the kingdom of Lewisberg, PA 17837 (Native American Political Prisoner-Life order Jim’s books. His message and God, as either despair and annihilation sentence) wisdom are as urgent as ever. Few theo- or transformation through nonviolence. Igor Sutyagin #427965, (15 years) logians make so clear the links between If we look to Jesus and Gandhi, and Respublika Udmurtiya the spiritual life, the scriptures, the what g. Sarapul ul Raskolnikova church and the hidden ground of non- they point to, we can hope to choose 53-A, YaCh-91/5, 14 otryad violence. the lightning fire of nonviolence. Jim pur- Russia Jim makes the links so clear on pa- sues what Merton called “an (imprisoned since 10/27/99, now per because he has made them clear ontology of nonviolence” — the quest to convicted of espionage for researching public nuclear weapons information for all his life. During the 1960s, he and Dor- put flesh on nonviolence, to give expres- disarmament research) othy Day lobbied the bishops of the Sec- sion to the nature of its being. The quest Dr. Rafil Dhafir #11921-052 (out 04- ond Vatican Council to write against is at first necessarily mystical, nonvio- 26-2022) weapons of mass destruction. He taught lence being so alien to our species. In FCI Terre Haute a spell at Notre Dame, and then founded the words of Merton, “Everything is emp- P.O. Box 33 the Ground Zero anti-nuclear campaign tiness and everything is compassion.” Terre Haute, IN 47808 at the Trident Sub base near Seattle. But Jim urges us on and guides us (Because he provided humanitarian and These days, he and his wife Shelley deep into the spirituality that disarms financial aid to Iraqis in violation of US sanctions, his medical billing practice run Mary’s House, a Catholic Worker hearts and nations. “In our resistance was scrutinized and he was charged on house of hospitality in Birmingham, Ala. to humankind’s destruction, we need various counts) He has spent the last decade working to live and act in that spirit of ultimate Alice E. Gerard #92095-020 on a series of forthcoming books about sation of violence in the commencement perfect emptiness and compassion if we FCI Danbury the assassinations of JFK, Malcolm X, of brother and sisterhood. The greater are to experience a way of transforma- Federal Correctional Institution Martin King and RFK. the repression, the greater must be the tion.” This is what he and Shelley have Route 37 But his seminal study, The Nonviolent suffering courted by its victims; the greater done at Ground Zero, what we try to do at Danbury, CT 06811 Cross, written during the crucible year of the inhumanity, the greater the power of Los Alamos, and what others try in their (SOA Watch Prisoner-6 months, out mid-September 2007) 1968, best tells the tale of nonviolence. suffering love necessary to begin restor- efforts to disarm the School of Americas, Jose Perez Gonza lez #21519-069 ( The book begins with a sentence to un- ing the bonds of community. Suffering as the Oak Ridge Base in Tennessee, and out 01-17-2008 ) hinge everything. “To see reality in our such is powerless. Love transforms it into Livermore Labs in California. Yazoo City Medium FCI time is to see the world as crucifixion.” the kind of resistance capable of moving “We are invited into acts of ultimate Yazoo City, MS 39194 (resisting U.S. Thus buttonholed, the reader at the out- an opponent to the act of mutual recogni- perfect emptiness and compassion in the military bombardment of Vieques, Puerto set faces a crisis — to bear up under re- tion. In Resistance and Contemplation, places of total destruction of life on earth. Rico) ality or not. Untold numbers took up the Jim explores the witness of direct non- If we can journey to those worldly places Lori Berenson challenge and plowed ahead. That book violent action. The examples upon which of power and destruction like Jesus and c/o Mark & Rodha Berenson 320 East 25th Street, #2AA alone inspired thousands to take up he draws are Jesus, who marched Gandhi, we can transform the darkness New York, NY 10010 (Political prisoner the cross of nonviolent resistance against on the Temple, Gandhi, who picked up with the light of peace.” jailed in Peru since 1995-serving a 20 the war in Indochina. salt to declare India’s independence, and I hope and pray with Jim that we’ll year sentence) “The logic of nonviolence is the logic the Berrigans, who napalmed draft files choose the lightning fire of nonviolence Mumia Abu-Jamal, AM8335, of crucifixion and leads the person of non- in Catonsville, Maryland, to protest the and shed the light of peace on our war- SCI Greene violence into the heart of the suffering U.S. war in Vietnam. Beneath such ac- torn world. 1040 East Roy Furman Hwy. Christ,” Jim writes. tions, says Jim, lay the voluntary embrace Waynesburg, PA 15370-8090 (African- The purpose of nonviolence is to move of powerlessness — long-suffering love, John Dear’s new book, Transfiguration American political prisoner, death row) the oppressors to perceive as human be- acceptance of pain, detachment in the (with a foreword by Archbishop Tutu), has For more info on imprisoned resisters ings those whom they are oppressing. face of prison and death. Such in a vio- just been published by Doubleday and see: Nuclear Resister: www.serve.com/ People commit acts of violence and in- lent world become politically and spiritu- can be ordered from www.amazon.com. nukeresister and Jonah House: justice against others only to the extent ally “explosive.” For information, see www.johndear.org. www.jonahhouse.org that they do not regard them as fully hu- His other book, The Nonviolent Com- To order the new editions of Jim Douglass’ man. Nonviolent resistance seeks to per- ing of God, explores the eschatology of books, contact: www.wipfandstock.com. Page 4 THE LITTLE WAY VOL. 27 NO. 1

trate G. Mallon Faircloth to enter pleas to bly. He ordered the convicted to pay a $50 Resistance Update the misdemeanor. They were accused assessment fee, but several people of illegally entering on Nov. 19 the Army’s wrote to King indicating in good By Art Laffin Witness Against Torture Activists in Fort Benning, which houses the institu- concsience their unwillingness. Initially, Court and Jailed: On April 18, 2007 tion formerly called the School of the King found the eight guilty of criminal con- January 11 International Day of Action around fifty anti-torture activists went to Americas. The protest, which draws thou- tempt and was preparing to jail them. to Close Guantanamo: On January 11th, the U.S. District Court, in Washington, sands, was organized by the School of However, Attorney Advisor Mark Goldstone the fifth anniversary of the first prisoners D.C. for a trial to face a charge of disor- Americas Watch 17 years ago. See: explained to the judge that the defen- arriving at the U.S. Military Prison in derly conduct as a result of a January 11 www.soawatch.org. dants were due a for this charge. Guanatanamo, a nonviolent witness was arrest in the atrium of the same court- After a brief recess the judge returned to held in Washington, DC to call for the clos- house. Courthouse officials, though, Resistance—Court Updates: confirm Mark’s understanding of the law. ing of the prison. From the “Prisoners seemed surprised that the defendants Since last Fall numerous protests call- With the prospect of having to testify him- Procession” where over 200 people appeared in Magistrate Judge Deborah ing for an end to the U.S. war in Iraq and self at a future contempt trial, King re- dressed in orange jump suits and black Robinson’s courtroom. While the prosecu- a total withdrawl of all U.S. troops have scinded his ruling and urged the govern- hoods did a solemn walk from the tors, Judge Robinson and the marshals been organized in D.C. and in other cit- ment to work out an alternative agree- (un)Supreme Court to the U.S. District deliberated behind closed doors, the de- ies by groups such as United for Peace ment with the defendants, including Court, to the action inside the atrium of fendants began reading names and sto- and Justice, Declaration of Peace, refusniks be able to pay $100 to a charity the courthouse, we gave voice to the ries of the men being illegally detained A.N.S.W.E.R., CodePink and of their choice. Several of the group are Guantanamo prisoners who have the National Campaign for considering going to trial. been so brutally dehumanized. As Nonviolent Resistance. Since May 18: Maria Allwine and Max we acted, we were remebered those February, over 160 people Obuszewski filed motions in a case re- prisoners who were on a hunger- were arrested in 33 states as lating to their arrest outside the National strike and the three prisoners who died part of the Voices for Creative Security Agency on October 7, 2006. on June 10 in Guantanamo. The U.S. Nonviolence initiated “Occu- They are charged with disturbance in pro- military stated that these deaths were pation Project.” There have tected property, failure to comply with a suicides, but there still has not been also been numerous actions police officer and entering a military in- an independent investigation to estab- on Capitol Hill organized by stallation for an unlawful purpose and will lish the cause of death. CodePink, Montgomery be tried in U.S. District Court in Baltimore Some 500 people took part in this Peace Action, Rise Up, Na- on July 20. witness and 89 were arrested inside tional Campaign for Nonvio- May 24: Eve Tetaz is arrested for violat- the U.S District Court. Outside the lent Resistance and D.A.W.N. ing a “stay away order” as she tries to courthouse another 40 people were Some of the below updates enter Hart Senate Building to protest the risking arrest in orange jump suits, were compiled by Max supplemental funding bill for continued but poilce sealed off courthouse en- Protesters chain themselves to the White House Obuszewski. U.S. warmaking in Iraq and Afghanistan. trances and people were not allowed in. fence on 4/18/07 to dramatize how prisoners at March 20: 44 people were arrested in an She is held in jail overnight. A judge re- Having entered the court at an earlier time, Guantanamo are chained by U.S. policy. Photo by Matt Daloisio. anti-war protest on Wall Street. leases her on third party custody and or- several people delivered a legal brief and April 16: Marine Mom Tina Richards was ders her banned from the Capitol until all Habeas Corpus motions on behalf of the at Guantanamo. arrested at Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s of- her court cases are resolved. Guantanamo prisoners to Chief Judge Since the government was unpre- fice in Washington, D.C. June 26: Trial for the “Mikulski 4” —Pete Hogan’s office. Others filed motions on pared for a trial, most of the defendants April 26: Ten people arrested at Hart Sen- Perry, Steve Lane Jean Athey, Kristin behalf of prisoners at the court clerk’s left the courthouse in order to march ate Building during a funeral service for a Sundell— who were arrested on Feb. 27 office. through the city and call for the closure future U.S. soldier who will die in Iraq. in Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s D.C. office. During our witness in the courthouse of Guantanamo. Those defendants who May 4: In U.S. District Court in Alexan- July 9: Trial in D.C. Superior Court for the atrium, we wore orange “Shut Down remained in court were later informed that dria, VA, Max Obuszewski and Eve Tetaz March 29th “tombstone” occupation ac- Guantanamo” t-shirts and several ban- the government would dismiss all 89 made oral arguments in an appeal of a tion in Hart Senate Office Building atrium. ners were displayed. We offered the Mus- cases. Meanwhile, the defendants June 21, 2006 conviction for failure to Dave Barrows, Joy First, Gordon Clark, lim Call to prayer, read from the scrip- marched to the Rayburn House Office obey a lawful order on March 20, 2006, Ellen Barfield, Malachy Kilbride, Sam tures, recited names of the Guantanamo Building, the Supreme Court, the Depart- one-half mile from the Pentagon. District Crook, Eve Tetaz will be tried. prisoners and read accounts of the tor- ment of Justice and finally the White Judge T. S. Ellis heard their arguments For more info on these and other re- tured prisoners. The chief U.S. Marshall House. At each site, they demanded jus- and overturned their conviction. sistance actions opposing the war in Iraq ordered us to put away our banners and tice and due process for the prisoners. May 11: Ellen Barfield, Jeff Leys, Eve contact: [email protected], take off our t-shirts because, he said,”no At the White House,14 people dressed Tetaz and Jerry Zawada were tried in D.C. http://www.declarationofpeace.org. and political messages are allowed in the court as torture victims, refused to leave the Superior Court for the February 5 Occu- [email protected]. house.” We continued with our prayer ser- restricted portion of the White House side- pation Project sit-in of Sen. John vice and were placed under arrest. walk, including 6 who chained them- McCain’s office. They were found guilty, Christian Peace Witness for Iraq: On After being detained for five hours in selves to the fence. U.S. Park Police given a seven day suspended sentence March 16, following a prayer service for hoding cells in the courthouse we were charged them with stationary demonstra- and six months unsupervised probation. peace at the National Cathedral, 3000 informed that we would be given a cita- tion in a restricted area.They were given May 11: Max Obuszewski, Joan people processed to the White House tion release. During processing most of a July 18 court date. See: Nicholson, Mike Dorn, Johnny Barber, where 222 people were arrested as they us, who decided beforehand not to carry www.witnesstorture.org. Jerry Zawada, Elizabeth McAlister, called for an end to the U.S. war in Iraq. ID with us, declared that we were there Michelle Grise, and Bill Wylie-Kellermann Those pleading not guilty will be tried on on behalf of a specific Guantanamo pris- SOA WATCH Prisoners Sentenced: On appeared in court before Chief Judge June 22 and on a date to be determined. oner and gave the name of that prisoner. January 30, sixteen protesters were given Rufus King, III, for refusing to pay a $50 This witness was organized by Christian We refused all other info, including our prison terms ranging from one to six assessment fee to a victims fund after Peace Witness for Iraq. own names. Our photo’s were taken and months for trespassing during an annual being convicted for Declaration of Peace we were given a ticket saying that we were demonstration against a military school actions at Congress on September 26- Holy Week Faith and Resistance Re- John or Jane Doe, charged with disorderly they blame for human rights abuses in 27. King found the defendants guilty on treat: From April 4-7 over 50 people, in- conduct, and ordered to appear in court Latin America. The demonstrators, ages February 16 and March 14, 2007 for cluding members of the New Jerusalem on April 18. 17 to 71, appeared before U.S. Magis- crossing a police line or unlawful assem- community in Philadelphia and students SUMMER 2007 THE LITTLE WAY Page 5 from Loras College, attended the Holy the mail to the prosecutor directly. Many parks and beaches in towns and cities him on April 30 of violating an order Week Faith and Resistance retreat in D.C. thousands of dollars worth of food was across the country, amidst calls for Con- forbidding him contact with foreigners. which was organized by Jonah House collected in the two weeks. The military gress to pass a law that would require Vanunu, a former technician at Israel’s and the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker. The groups arranged for delivery and had re- 80 percent cuts in climate-changing car- nuclear plant near the southern town of retreat began on April 4, the anniversary ceived notice of the date, time and place bon emissions by 2050. The rallies and Dimona, spent 18 years in prison for of the assassination of Martin Luther for delivery, but when they drove the truck- actions, held in all 50 states, were part of giving details of the country’s atomic King, Jr., with Jim Douglass offering a loads of food to the bases in Aurora and the nationwide “Step It Up 2007” cam- program to a British newspaper in 1986. powerful reflection on “King and the Colorado Springs, word was released paign. Upon his release in 2004, Vanunu was Cross.” Other presentations were offered from the authorities on the bases that they banned from leaving the country or by Liz Fredrick, a member of Military would not accept it because of our in- Pentagon Resisters Fined: On Sep- talking to foreigners, because Israeli Familes Speak Out, Celeste Zapala, co- volvement in lieu of our restitution. tember 15, Bill Frankel-Streit was authorities claimed he could still founder of Gold Star Families Against the We delivered the food to poverty pro- convicted by Judge Jones of refusal to divulge classified information. A War, and Shelley Douglass, of the Mary grams in Denver and Colorado Springs, obey a lawful order during an August 9 Jerusalem court convicted him of House Catholic Worker. On Holy Thurs- where many military families and home- protest at the Pentagon. He was fined violating those restrictions for having day, the group acted at the Marriott less veterans go for food. The probation $100. Due to his refusal to pay this fine contacts with foreigners. Vanunu’s Wardman Park Hotel to protest the Navy office in Denver wrote to the judge that for reasons of conscience, he has attorney, Michael Sfard, said the League Arms Bazaar. Four people who we should be released from supervised received letters from the U.S. Attorney’s charges could mean six months in unfurled banners and offered prayers for release unsuccessfully. Our officer told Office saying that his fine has been prison. Vanunu said the verdict proved peace were removed from the hotel as the judge that we were using our proba- increased to $160. “that Israel is not a democracy,” and were several leafletters. On Good Friday tionary period for our social and political Art Laffin was found guilty for the pleaded to be allowed to leave the a teach-in was held at the Pentagon from forum and that their office had more seri- same action on Nov. 17. Judge Poretz country. “I want to leave this country,” he 7-10:30 a.m. Veterans, members of Mili- ous cases to work on. The judge sent a fined Laffin $500 but said it was up to said. “I want to be free.”On May 13 his tary Families Speak Out and others ad- request to the prosecutor and ourselves the U.S. Attorney as to whether or not restrictions were renewed again for dressed Pentagon workers as they went to respond by Feb. 2nd to the Probation to collect it. Laffin, who has also another year. He will be sentenced on into work. And on Holy Saturday, Jonah Officer’s request. We did so immediately refused to pay the fine, received a letter July 25. See: www.vanunu.com House goats Paul and Silas led us in a suggesting that we had complied “No More Scapegoats” witness was held with every probation tenet and only Bert Sachs Fined $10,000: Bert Sacks, at the White House. See: went to Colorado in order to com- a Voices in the Wilderness member www.jonahhouse.org. plete the judge’s sentence of resti- from Seattle, was fined $10,000 for tution. The prosecutor responded going to Iraq to bring humanitarian aid. Trident Resistance Campaign, Faslane, by asking that we be kept on su- In 1997, Sacks brought medicine to Scotland: With 147 days to go 85 block- pervised release, but he does not Iraqi civilians in defiance of the U.S. ading groups have participated in see any reason for the probation sanctions. Sacks is now petitioning the Faslane365, maintaining 116 days of officers having to supervise us. Supreme Court to take up his case.The presence, with 740 arrests and 29 pros- We have waited these months to U.S. government fined him $10,000 but ecutions. Trials are coming up on June hear from the judge regarding his Sacks has refused to pay. He has 10, 11, 25 at Helensburgh District Court. decision. However, a great need to argued that the actual crime was not There is still only one conviction on a guilty be with our Sisters in Grand Rap- his humanitarian efforts but the U.S. plea coming out of a F365 action— ids, to visit family and to get urgent sanctions which caused the death of (Faslane 365 May 2007 Newsletter) See: dental work done, we decided to 500,000 Iraqi children. His petition www.faslane365.org. keep our meeting schedule during questions whether it was legal for the April. We informed our local proba- Holy Saturday White House witness U.S. to have knowingly caused the Sacred Earth and Space Plowshares II tion officers...however, he has submitted from the U.S. Attorney saying that the deaths of Iraqis through sanctions. Update: We remain on three years of su- the travel out of state (a probationary vio- fine has been increased to $660. See: BertOnIraq.blogspot.com. pervised release (following the two-three lation) to Colorado. So once again we Guantanamo Update years we spent in prison for our plow- await word from Colorado! As Dan Torture on Trial: Fr. Louis Vitale, OFM On May 30, Abdul Rahman Ma’ath shares action). We have worked diligently Berrigan has stated... trying to be faithful and Fr. Steve Kelley, SJ were arrested Thafir al Amri, a Guantanamo prisoner, to comply with the restitution demand living an interrupted life. —Sister Ardeth on November 19 for a nonviolent action was found dead in his cell. Military ($3,082.00) by our first package of com- Platte, , . outside the main gates of Fort officials stated the cause of death was munity service, which had been re- See: www.jonahhouse.org. Huachuca in Sierra Vista, Arizona. suicide. Amri was a Saudi army veteran quested by the judge. We offered the Vitale and Kelly intended to speak with who once trained with U.S. Special $600,000 worth of service and funds sent Fast To End Genocide in Darfur: Since enlisted personnel and deliver a letter Forces before allegedly joining the by people in our names to poverty pro- March, Start Loving (Jay McGinley) has to Major General Barbara Fast, com- Taliban. This is the fourth prisoner who grams, Katrina projects, tsunami victims, been fasting in front of the Sudanese mander at the post, denouncing torture has died at Guantanamo. There has still etc. Judge Blackburn took ten months to Embassy in Washington, D.C. to call for and the Military Commissions Act of been no independent investigation into respond to that plan that was imple- an end to the genocide in Darfur. For info 2006. They were charged with “tres- the death of Amri or the three prisoners mented with his “NO”, not accepted. about this open-ended fast see: http:// passing” and “failure to comply with a who died on June 10, 2006. We concluded that it was refused be- jesusgoggoodetcjay.blogspot.com. police officer.” Their pre-trial hearing On June 4 a U.S. military judge cause the prosecutor wanted our restitu- was continued to August 13. Fort dropped all charges against Omar tion to be paid to the military, so we knew Step It Up Campaign: On the weekend Huachuca is home of the Military Khadar, a Canadian, who was taken that the only way we could carry out our of April 14, there were 1,400 actions at Intelligence Center and is where the from Afghanistan to Guantanamo when community service to the military was by locations in the U.S. that are considered torture manuals used at the School of he was 15 years old. Another judge collecting food for the children of military vulnerable to the devastating effects of the Americas were designed. Please dropped the charges against Salim families on food stamps. After our study global warming. Environmentalists say see: http://tortureontrial.org for informa- Ahmed Hamdan. The judges said they of the need and our concluding a plan, they are running out of patience with what tion about the trial. lacked jurisdiction under the strict the three of us went to Colorado to col- they see as the snails pace of climate definition of those eligible for trial under lect food outside of the prosecutor’s of- change legislation moving through the Vanunu Update: Nuclear whistleblower the Military Commissions Act. The fice. We had also made a world-wide U.S. Congress.The weekend saw thou- Mordechai Vanunu could end up back Pentagon said it will appeal the deci- appeal for cans of food to be sent through sands of people taking to the streets, in jail after an Israeli court convicted sions. Page 6 THE LITTLE WAY VOL. 27 NO. 1 The Elect of God by Michael R. Walli the political kingpins of today or handguns, violence, the militarization of use of war making as a scourge from tomorrow. We must focus, point by space, capital punishment, euthanasia, the earth. In the fall of 2001, a researcher point, upon those particular elements of and the persecution of refugee The Church has condemned the announced that after years of study immigrants wars in Afghanistan and Iraq as being involving historical and scientific and displaced unjust, illegal, and immoral, as did evidence he had concluded that bones people. “I was former UN Secretary General Kofi in a coffin in a cathedral in Turin, Italy a stranger and Annan. The Koreans have a saying: could very well be those of Saint Luke. you took me “Whose bread you eat their song you’ll Saint Luke wrote the nativity narrative, in.” sing.” The US government pays which is read each year during the Jesus said Roman Catholic chaplains in the US Advent season. There we were at the that He had military. The US has been fighting wars beginning of the first Advent season of come in order that have been (as stated above) the nativity year in the Third Millennium that all people condemned by the Church. The after the coming of our Lord Jesus might have life prominently located quarters of the Christ, who makes all things new. How and have it Archdiocese for the Military Services in appropriate that the bones of Saint Luke more Washington, DC, ought not to purchase should help us to usher in this brand abundantly. the appearance of respectability for the spanking new millennium! Let us focus in antichrist warmongering of the US Sufficient for this millennium are the upon the fact government. You cannot serve both evils and challenges thereof. When we that Christ is God and mammon. Those who expect communally and with integrity abide as present in all a reward from God must behave the sheep of Jesus’ sheepfold, we shall Jesus’ agenda which comes down to of the over six billion human beings lawfully. The master and president to look to Him and His Holy Spirit to guide us from heaven. who now occupy the globe and those serve is Jesus Christ. And, as Saint us into a future with which all people of Let the Spirit be our guide concerning who will follow after. Let us create a Augustine said, an unjust law is no law god will happily live. For the Lord is the armaments, war making, the war based world wide social order in which the at all. Spirit and it is the Spirit that gives us economy, dictatorships, pornography, lawful human rights aspirations of all life. abortion, suicide, torture, nationalism, people are diligently safeguarded. Let Michael Walli is a member of the We must not waste our time, illegal preemptive wars, the rule of law, us vindicate the Prophets of God and Duluth Catholic Worker in Duluth, treasure, talents, and enthusiasm upon nuclear weapons, body bombs, demilitarize the world, abolishing the Minnesota. On Partial Birth Abortion

By Mary Rider advanced by the dialogue that better informs the political and legal systems, Jagerstatter Recognized Nobel Laureate Shot Recently the US Supreme court the medical profession, expectant as Martyr upheld a ban on late term, “partial birth” mothers and society as a whole of the On April 20, Nobel Peace Laureate abortions (“intact dilation and extrac- consequences that follow from a Máiréad Corrigan Maguire, 19 Pales- On June 6, Franz Jagerstatter, the tion”). While many Catholic Workers decision to elect a late-term abortion.” tinian, Israeli, and international peace Austrian farmer and father of three who hold anarchist positions on the law, I Abortion, like war, is not the answer activists, protesting the Israeli Apart- was beheaded in Brandenburg, am glad to see this particular law put to building a nonviolent future. The heid Wall in B’lin, were wounded by Is- Germany on August 9, 1943 for refusing into place, just as I would be a law present situation in the US, where raeli soldiers. Before being taken to to fight in Hitler’s army, was recognized outlawing capital punishment or war. abortion is available virtually throughout the hospital, Máiréad said: “This is a by the Vatican as a martyr for his faith. Only about 2,000 of the estimated pregnancy, up until the time of delivery, disgrace… This was a totally nonvio- Recognition of martyrdom is one of the 1.3 million abortions performed in the must be replaced by policies that favor lent protest and we were treated with first steps on the way to beatification. US annually will be affected by this ban, the health and well being for mother gas and rubber-coated bullets… People Franz believed that he would be but it is a good start. This procedure and child. Just as we cannot hope to should not be asked to live like this… committing a sin if he acted against takes a baby apart in order to remove find a peaceful solution to our interna- It’s like a prison cell here with Israel his conscience and agreed to fight for her from her mother. Whatever one’s tional problems by waging war, we holding the key… Palestinian people the Nazi’s. Writing to his family from views are regarding abortion in general, cannot hope to find a peaceful solution have absolutely been ground into the prison he said: “Neither prison nor surely such an act should be considered to our personal problems by advocating earth in the last 40 years of Israeli oc- chains nor sentence of death can rob reprehensible. abortion. cupation. How long must they suffer a man of the Faith and his free will. We in the Peace and Justice move- while the international community does God gives so much strength that it is ment know that nonviolent solutions Mary Rider is the former director or nothing to help them? This is where possible to bear any suffering, a must be win-win solutions. There is no Consistent life, an international network the peace movement has to be when strength far stronger than any might way a late term abortion is a win-win for peace, justice, and life and co- there is injustice in the world.” She is of the world.” solution. It’s certainly not good for the founder of the Fr. Charlie Mulholland presently recuperating at her home in mother, and it’s fatal for the baby. Catholic Worker in Garner, NC, where Ireland. In Gonzales v. Carhart, Supreme she and her husband live with their 8 Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, writing children. for the majority, stated it well: “The state’s interest in respect for life is SUMMER 2007 THE LITTLE WAY Page 7 Nuclear Power Can’t Stop Global Warming by Kathy Boylan consequences. 6. Radioactive waste contains mining through waste disposal is 4. Radiation increases in intensity as materials that remain deadly for tens considered, the release of CO2 is Dr. , pediatrician and it moves up the food chain making of thousands of years. comparable to burning natural gas. well known anti nuclear activist spoke in nursing mothers providers of higher 7. There is no safe way to store the Furthermore, nuclear related CO2 Washington DC last year. She read from doses of radiation than what radioactive waste. emissions will only grow as the quality her new book, Nuclear Power Is Not the originally spews from the cycle. 8. Only one pound of Plutonium, the and quantity of uranium ore becomes Answer, written to counter the lies and deadliest nuclear scarce. Processing lower grade ore will misinformation being spread by people waste, if released emit CO2 at the same or greater rates like Vice President Cheney who are into the environment, than coal fired stations. hawking nuclear power as carbon free and is enough to sicken Finally, to come on line, nuclear the answer to global warming. Nothing everyone on earth reactors are dependent on electric power could be further from the truth. with cancer. It takes from the external power grid, mostly coal This time as the lies about nuclear ten pounds to generated - which is another source of power re-emerge, people like Cheney produce a nuclear CO2 gas. hope we have forgotten what Dr. Caldicott bomb. Each reactor Besides increasing CO2 power has taught for more than 30 years, namely produces 200 emissions, nuclear power contributes that nuclear power is a deadly threat to nuclear bombs worth massive thermal pollution to both our air all creation. of plutonium every and water making it contraindicated at this In 1979, when I first heard Dr. Caldicott year. time of rapid global warming. speak, she stressed the hazardous It is terrifying to So instead of trusting liars like VP health effects of radiation that is routinely think that nuclear Cheney, and instead of increasing the released at each stage of the nuclear fuel power is being threat posed by nuclear power, we must cycle - mining, processing, reactor, promoted as a instead listen to prophets like Dr. Caldicott decommissioning, and waste “storage.” solution to global and groups like Nuclear Information and All of what she shared still haunts me. 5. Aptly described as a pre-deployed warming. The industry’s misinformation Resource Service (www.nirs.org) and the 1. There is no safe level of radiation. nuclear weapon, a nuclear reactor campaign claims that Carbon Dioxide, union of concerned scientists who 2. Its effects are cumulative, and each after one year of operation has within the most prominent greenhouse gas is admonish us to adopt energy efficiency, exposure increases the likelihood of it the equivalent in radiation of 1,000 not produced using nuclear power. wind, hydroelectric, biomass, and solar cancer and health defects. Hiroshima bombs which if released However, Dr. Caldicott counters that such energy. All of these alternatives are viable 3. Unborn babies and children are the by accident or terrorism would kill claims fail to account for the entire nuclear and available even at an industrial scale most vulnerable to its deadly millions. fuel chain. When the whole cycle from NOW. Gonzaga Jesuits Benefit - Poor People Lose Their Homes What Would Father McKenna Say? by Kathy Boylan

More than 30 years ago, hundreds of suffer, the Jesuits of New Sanctuary Movement poor people who lived on the south side Gonzaga are going to On May 9, churches in five major cities and over 20 other cities publicly declared they will offer of Gonzaga High School in Washington, increase their wealth by sanctuary to protect illegal immigrants. Below is the New Sanctuary Movement Pledge. DC were uprooted as their homes and several millions. The The New Sanctuary Movement is a coalition of interfaith religious leaders and participating streets were destroyed. Gonzaga’s profits will come as the congregations, called by our faith to respond actively and publicly to the suffering of our immigrant football field and parking lots were Jesuits sell back to the brothers and sisters residing in the . We acknowledge that the large-scale immigration established on the same land sometime city for $5.7 million the of workers and their families to the United States is a complex historical, global and economic later. (The football field was recently corner property on phenomenon that has many causes and does not lend itself to simplistic or purely reactive public refurbished for $700,000+). North Capital and K St. policy solutions.We stand together in our faith that everyone, regardless of national origin, has In 2007, the disruption of poor families NW which they bought basic common rights, including but not limited to: 1) livelihood; 2) family unity; and 3) physical continues. Gonzaga’s neighbors on the from the city for $1.1 and emotional safety. We witness the violation of these rights under current immigration policy, north side - 520 families in all - will have million in 2000. Their particularly in the separation of children from their parents due to unjust deportations, and in the their lives disrupted as they are forced to ownership of the corner exploitation of immigrant workers. We are deeply grieved by the violence done to families through move and to make way for a new Urban property makes them immigration raids. We cannot in good conscience ignore such suffering and injustice. Therefore, Renewal Plan, North West One. next door neighbors to We Covenant To: Unfortunately, some of these poor people the 520 families facing Take a public, moral stand for immigrants rights once lived on the south side of Gonzaga. eviction. Reveal, through education and advocacy, the actual suffering of immigrant workers and families Their move to the north side and Sursum What would Fr. under current and proposed legislation Corda housing now makes them subject McKenna say as the Protect immigrants against hate, workplace discrimination, and unjust deportation to disruption a second time. If the new Jesuits of Gonzaga For more info: www.newsanctuarymovement.org. plan is as unsuccessful in benefiting the suffer no disruption of poor as so many others have been, all of their lives and only Note: On June 2, members of the DDCW attended a rally of several thousand people at the U.S. us must be very leery of government benefit with money and Capitol calling for legalization of the 12 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. We promises that “new” apartments await our playing fields while poor at the DDCW offer our total support to the New Sanctuary Movement. neighbors. people suffer the loss of In any case, the Jesuits of Gonzaga their homes? will again benefit. This time, as the poor Page 8 THE LITTLE WAY VOL. 27 NO. 1 Loaves and Dishes by Colleen McCarthy DOROTHY DAY

“Hope will not disappoint us,” and works part time. She hopes to By Jessica CATHOLIC WORKER were the only words I heard during our continue to provide educational Series. Pat first family peace activity with our five week opportunities for Lessly and her three year Humphries LOCATION old Juan Carlos. Art, Juan Carlos and I old, Alexander. and Sandy O 503 Rock Creek Church Road NW were attending the Christian Peace will be using Washington, DC 20010 Witness for Iraq with thousands of others. ❍❍❍ the concert T: (202)882-9649 or (202)829-7625 “Hope will not disappoint us,” proclaimed From far and near, the Boylan family proceeds the Reverend Doctor Bernice Powell gathered in New York in May to celebrate toward their PEOPLE Jackson of the North American Region of the baptism of the newest grandchildren, summer trip to Kathy Boylan the World Council of Churches. As Finn Patrick and Owen Thomas. Palestine and David Dew friends gathered to greet our newest Together with Julianna, Ashley, Hannah, Israel. They ([email protected]) family member, I felt the truth of her words and Luke they delighted everyone with will be Art Laffin ([email protected]) in my heart. Art their beautiful smiles. teaching Colleen McCarthy and I had some of their ([email protected]) been hoping to ❍❍❍ peacemaking share our love music at a Sister Ichikawa PLEASE JOIN US! with a child, girls’ camp. To celebrated her 60th Monday and Juan find out when year and is in Japan for 7:00-8:00 a.m. – Pentagon Peace Carlos came they will be Vigil a month of community to live with us singing near special events. When through a you or to purchase their newest CD or a Wednesday she returns she will be series of peace t-shirt, then check out their website 8:00 a.m. – Food Collection moving back to her miracles. We at www.emmasrevolution.org. 10:00-11:30 a.m. – Food and Clothing Buddhist Temple at have also Distribution the invitation of her welcomed into ❍❍❍ elders. Sr. Ichikawa our extended Thursday has been so kind to us A big thank you to President Hugo Chavez family his 1:30 p.m. – Prepare meal to share and done every task and the Venezuelan people for their 4:30 p.m. – Share meal at 16th and H mother here with love. We are generous donations of heating oil to our 6:00 p.m. – Community Meal Wendy, his so grateful to her for all community last winter. five year old the peace she has Friday sister, By Lessly brought to our community through her ❍❍❍ 12:00-1:00 p.m. – White House Jennifer, and his presence. All of us look forward Peace Vigil three year old brother, Brian. Wendy lives st to seeing her again soon. 7:30 p.m. – 1 Friday Clarification of nearby and visits often. Thought Series (none during July or ❍❍❍ August) ❍❍❍ David Dew found us through his Ana and Alfredo Rosales fled El Salvador UPCOMING EVENTS father, Frank Dew, who visits for their lives and promised to send for June 29 - July 2: The 14th Annual Fast frequently to witness for peace their daughter as soon as they could. & Vigil to Abolish the Death Penalty at and to protest the death penalty Seventeen years of hoping and work with the U.S. Supreme Court. see: here in Washington. We are www.abolition.org the immigration system later, their grateful for Dave’s skilled daughter is expected to arrive soon. We computer work especially on August 5-9: Faith and Resistance pray for a time when no family will be this edition of the Little Way . Retreat to commemorate the 62nd separated by man made borders. The Dew Family is from anniversary of the U.S. nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Greensboro, N.C., and we will ❍❍❍ For more info contact DDCW or see: have our first visit from Dave’s www.jonahhouse.org. The Carmelite Sisters made a mom, Michie, this weekend. We commitment to join our 7am Monday enjoy Dave’ guitar playing, his September 24-26: Nonviolent protest morning prayers at the Pentagon. It is quick chopping of vegetables at the Air Force Association “Arms wonderful to pray for peace beside them. and his ability to fix all sorts of Bazaar”-- Marriott Wardman Park things around the house. Hotel, Woodley Rd., Washington, DC. ❍❍❍ Contact DDCW for more info. Lessly skipped out the door this morning ❍❍❍ in her pretty pink dress followed by her Our garden has become a proud mother, Griselda. Today is neighborhood effort. Lots of kindergarten graduation. When Griselda CURRENT HOUSE NEEDS different folks are now taking By Joel was five she was forbidden to go to the care of their own plots. Each gardener neighborhood school with the other girls has brought gifts to the land and we are ONGOING Thank you to all of our benefactors, and boys in El Salvador. Only the boys in enjoying all the tastes of the Earth. -canned goods her family were attended. Griselda taught volunteers and visitors! We are so grateful -monetary donations for your kindness to our community. herself to read. She enrolled in evening ❍❍❍ ONE TIME elementary school classes as a teenager -weed whacker Emma’s Revolution sang a hope filled while working full time. Griselda speaks -laptop computer concert for our Clarification of Thought English fluently, continues her studies