Resistance Reflections Arrests for War Resistance Increase Again
the Nuclear Resister “A Chronicle of Hope” No. 149 July 3, 2008 ANZAC Ploughshares Military Puncture Waihopai Spy Refusers behind bars Balloon Among thousands of soldiers who have walked away from the business of killing for one reason or another in Early on the morning of April 30, three men the last five years, a small but steady stream continue to entered the Government Communications Secu- go public with their refusal. Many of their stories can be rity Bureau‘s spy base at Waihopai, New Zealand. found at Unseen due to a thick fog, they padlocked the gate to close the facility, then cut through three security The Military Counseling Network in Germany (www. fences to get past razor wire, infrared motion sen- reports that U.S. Army conscientious ob- sors and a high voltage electrified fence. jector Robert Weiss was sentenced to seven months con- finement during a court martial May 13 at Rose Barracks Arcing into the mist above them were two in Vilseck, Germany. Weiss pled guilty to charges of 30-meter domes that cover the satellite dishes for desertion and missing movement, which reduced the court intercepting e-mail and telephone conversations, martial’s proceedings mostly to the sentencing phase. The telexes, faxes, and computer data communications. sentence also includes loss of pay while in prison, reduc- With a sickle, they cut through the fabric to deflate tion in rank, and dishonorable discharge when he’s out of one of the domes. the brig. The three Catholic activists - organic gardener, He told the court that soon after he joined the army, teacher, and father of six, Adrian Leason; Austra- his sister’s fiancé was killed in a fight.
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