Final Document of the National Round Table

Minsk, 2016 Table of Contents

This document was developed based on the proposals formulated by the working groups Acknowledgements 5 of the round table «Migration in the Republic of Belarus: challenges, trends and perspectives» that took place in on 26 May 2016. The document is signed in two copies in the . Foreword 6

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Mission of the International Organization Republic of Belarus: for Migration in the Republic of Belarus Round Table Description 8

N. Melchenko Z. Hajiyev Group Work Description. Conclusions and Recommendations 12 ______

Deputy Minister Chief of Mission

3 Acknowledgements

Mission of the International Organization for istry of Foreign Affairs and to the United Nations Migration (IOM) in the Republic of Belarus and High Commissioner for Refugees in the Repub- the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic lic of Belarus for their financial contributions of Belarus, acting as co-organizers of this round and technical support in the organization of this table, convey their gratitude to the participants, event. experts and spokespersons of the round table, represented by state, non-state and internation- Besides, the organizers express their gratitude al organizations, as well as to foreign embas- to such international donors as the European sies and private companies that took part in the Union, US Agency for International Develop- event and contributed to the elaboration of rec- ment (USAID) and others who have been sup- ommendations, presented in this report. porting for many years numerous projects in Be- larus in the sphere of migration and combating Our special gratitude goes to the donors of the human trafficking. round table, particularly to the Norwegian Min-


Ministry International Organization Ministry of Foreign Affairs United Nations High of Internal Affairs for Migration of the Kingdom of Norway Commissioner for Refugees

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© MoI of the Republic of Belarus / МВД Республики Беларусь less, the solution of a wide range of migration eastern parts of Ukraine, who have arrived in Foreword challenges still requires elaboration of integrat- Belarus fleeing instability at home; and the third ed and coordinated policy, both at the state and one is of the growing rate of irregular transit mi- EU levels in general. gration towards the West. The mobility of population and labor force in the terrorist attacks, along with the environmental 21st century turned into a large-scale phenom- and technogenic devastations force millions of The Republic of Belarus wasn’t directly affected These and other migration challenges faced by enon resulting in an immense direct impact on people to look for more advantageous and safer by this migration crisis, however due to its geo- Belarus were actively discussed by the round ta- global demographic processes and socio-eco- living conditions far from their homes. graphical location which can be characterized ble participants, who from their side highlighted nomic development of the states and regions. as “transit”, it doesn’t stay completely away from the importance and acuteness of this event. In this sense the year 2015 became a real test for the European migration challenges and threats, Over the recent years migration and related is- and the European Union in general, that and also faces a need for effective management In order to ensure effective management of mi- sues were in the spotlight of international atten- faced unprecedented scales of irregular migra- of migration. gration related processes the Republic of Belarus tion. Due to the recent migration crisis in Europe tion. The governments of many European coun- should develop effective and balanced policy in the topic of migration doesn’t descend from the tries had to rapidly develop and introduce a set A number of specific migration trends have been the sphere of migration and mobility of popula- front pages of the world media and is being ac- of emergency measures in order to handle mi- identified in Belarus over the past few years. The tion responding to modern trends, meeting the tively discussed at high level international fora. gration flows caused by uncontrolled inflow of first one relates to labor migration of the Belaru- social, economic and demographic interests of Migration became, without exaggeration, one of thousands of migrants to the EU territory. They sian citizens to the Russian Federation – the pro- the country, as well as in line with the best inter- the key subjects of the international agenda as had to redirect migration flows into the regu- cess which is partially provoked by the absence national experience and standards with due re- migration processes affect all spheres of life on lated domain, amend their migratory legislation of visa requirements, border control and linguis- spect for the rights of migrants – one of the most the state, community and individual levels. No and strengthen response in terms of provision of tic barriers between the countries, discrepancies vulnerable population groups. It is expected that wonder, migration related issues have been in- humanitarian and social assistance to dozens of in the level of wages in Belarus and ; the the developed recommendations will be further cluded into the indicators of the UN Sustainable thousands stranded migrants. second trend is a substantial inflow of Ukrainian used during the process of migration policy de- Development Agenda. citizens, mainly displaced persons from south velopment in Belarus. This experience, not always being positive, can Contemporary migration is characterized by still be used in future for the development of rapid development of information, transport and an effective migration management policy ca- communication technologies, as well as by the pable of adequate reacting to emerging chal- growing social and economic disparity, both be- lenges and threats. Owing to the implementa- tween the states and within the societies. tion of a complex of effective measures, the EU member states managed to alleviate to a certain Difficult social and economic conditions, defi- degree further negative implications of the un- ciency of prospects for development in native folding migration crisis and prevent the situa- countries, threats of the military conflicts and tion from becoming uncontrollable. Neverthe-

6 7 of migration governance taking into consider- Round Table description ation the position of all concerned stakeholders.

The participants of the round table have touched On May 26, 2016 the national round table “Mi- national policy in the related field, as well as upon all aspects of migration in Belarus, ana- gration in the Republic of Belarus: challenges, promote the whole-of-government approach in lyzed the current migration situation in the re- trends and perspectives” was organized bringing order to resolve numerous migration challenges, gion and discussed potential tendencies in together representatives of state stakeholders, in- ensuring participation of all relevant stakehold- light of the migration crisis in Europe. Besides, ternational organizations, civil society, lawyers, ers, including state, non-state, international and the participants also defined some particularly banks, academia, employment agencies as well private. problematic issues that emerge in the process as the embassies of Latvia, , Russia and of migration management in Belarus, as well as Ukraine. In his welcoming address to the participants of proposed possible solutions and came up with the round table Mr. Zeynal Hajiyev, Chief of respective recommendations. The round table was organized jointly by the Mis- IOM Mission in Belarus, speaking about the re- sion of the International Organization for Migra- cent migration crisis in Europe and its impact on As stated by the representatives of the Ministry tion in Belarus and the Ministry of Internal Affairs Belarus, noted: “The Republic of Belarus, being of Internal Affairs, the round table contributed of Belarus with financial support from the Minis- mainly the transit country, does not stay away to the enhancement of interaction among com- try of Foreign Affairs of Norway and the United from what is happening in the rest of Europe. petent agencies, helped to identify methods to Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Over the past few years Belarus has faced at improve migration situation, inter alia through least three challenges directly affecting the situ- the exchange of best practices in the field. The need for such an event was preconditioned ation within the country. First of all, it is an in- by the emerging migration challenges in the re- creased labor migration flow of Belarus citizens The main result of the round table is the text of gion and the ongoing situation in Europe. The mostly to the Russian Federation; secondly, it is recommendations for the Government of Belar- organizers of the round table sought to facilitate a considerable influx of the citizens of Ukraine, us on such issues as irregular migration, forced comprehensive inter-agency discussion on mi- mainly displaced persons from the conflict zone migration and migration and development. The recommendations were developed as a result of gration related issues resulting in the develop- of Donetsk and Lugansk; and thirdly, an intensi- © MoI of the Republic of Belarus / МВД Республики Беларусь ment of effective approaches to address the ex- fied irregular transit migration through the ter- three thematic groups’ work and will be submit- isting challenges as well as to look into those ritory of Belarus predominantly in the western ted to the Government of the Republic of Belarus socio-economic opportunities which migration direction”. for consideration while developing and imple- normally brings. menting an effective state policy in the field of The purpose of the round table was to develop migration. The main goal of the round table was to elab- a consolidated approach in defining the strategic orate recommendations for the future Belarus priorities of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere

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© MoI of the Republic of Belarus / МВД Республики Беларусь Working Group 1 – Irregular Migration Poland, Russia, EU Delegation, US Agency for Group Work Description. International Development (USAID), IOM Mis- Moderator: Representative of the Department of sion in Belarus, international public association Conclusions and Recommendations Citizenship and Migration of the Ministry of In- “Gender Perspectives”, NGO “Business Women ternal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus Club” Brest.

Participants: Ministry of Internal Affairs, State During the group work the participants analyzed During the plenary session the following pre- Within the next section of the round table the Border Committee, General Prosecutor`s Of- the current situation in Belarus in the sphere of sentations were delivered: “Migration policy participants were divided into three working fice, Committee for State Security, State Cus- combating irregular migration, focusing on the of the Republic of Belarus at present stage”, groups each focusing on one specific direction toms Committee, embassies of Latvia, Lithuania, new challenges that evolved as a result of a neg- “Combating irregular migration by the bor- such as “Irregular migration”, “Forced migra- der services at the European direction”, “So- tion”, “Migration and development”. After this ciological monitoring of migration situation in a moderator of each group presented the results the Republic of Belarus and its perspectives”, of his group work at the general session for co- “IOM’s Migration Governance Framework ordination and further inclusion into the recom- (MIGOF)“. mendations of the round table.

Among presenters were the officials of the De- The group work was moderated by represen- partment of citizenship and migration of the tatives of the key stakeholders engaged in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Border Com- implementation of migration activities in Belar- mittee, Center for Monitoring of Scientific La- us, also acting as organizers of the round table, bor Migration of the Institute of Sociology of namely IOM Mission in Belarus, Department of the National Academy of Sciences, IOM Mis- citizenship and migration of the Ministry of In- sion in Belarus. ternal Affairs and UNHCR. © IOM Belarus / МОМ Беларусь

12 13 ative migration situation in Europe. Reports on strengthening border surveillance through the Another serious problem faced by Belarus in man and technical (i.e. through the supply of the related topics were delivered by representa- use of advanced border control technologies (in- light of the future signing of the Readmission equipment), improve the effectiveness of efforts tives of the Department of Citizenship and Mi- ter alia by means of modern equipment use), as agreement with the European Union is the lack aimed at combating irregular migration and gration, the State Border Committee, IOM. well as by the advancement of the existing da- of accommodation facilities for irregular mi- trafficking in human beings, identify potential tabases (by means of disaggregation of migrant grants that would meet international criteria for victims of trafficking, assess and meet the needs The participants of the working group were data). such facilities. Currently, irregular migrants in of the relevant governmental agencies working familiarized with the report of the liaison of- Belarus are being held in detention centers that in this area. ficer of the embassy of Latvia on migration re- As stated by the participants, the lack of objec- clearly fall short of meeting basic international lated issues, who described in detail the main tive migration statistics in Belarus that could be standards for accommodation of migrants. In The following list of recommendations of challenges faced by the European countries used as a basis in defining the national migration this regard, the participants stressed the need to working group on combating irregular migra- during the migration crisis in 2015 and those policy represents one of the key problems that construct such centers in Belarus. tion was prepared and consequently coordi- measures that were used by the governments has to be addressed in the nearest future. nated with other participants at the plenary to rapidly respond to the unprecedented inflow Similarly, the participants supported the idea of session: of migrants. Due to the absence of border control between promoting international cooperation in order to Belarus and Russia there is a need to strengthen attract international financial and expert sup- 1. Consider the possibility of developing a na- The participants have agreed about the impor- cooperation with the Russian Federation in the port, including familiarization of the Belarusian tional strategy in the field of migration (e.g. tance of developing a consolidated national field of border security, joint operative and in- stakeholders with the best international prac- in the form of a Concept of the National mi- strategy in the field of migration, in line with vestigative operations, and formation of a com- tices in the field of establishment, maintenance gration policy). international standards and best practices and mon migration space between the two. and management of migrant accommodation serving as a basic instrument for the elaboration centers. 2. Ensure systematic improvement of legisla- of the State Migration Program that could posi- To improve the effectiveness of border surveil- tion in the field of migration, taking into ac- tively influence migration situation in Belarus. lance an Integrated Border Management (IBM) Particularly relevant in this regard would be co- count new trends in the area of migration at concept should be developed and implemented, operation with international and regional law the strategic, regional and national levels; Likewise the participants have identified a need envisaging close cooperation and a clear distri- enforcement agencies such as Europol and Fron- including revision of the administrative and for further improvement of the national legisla- bution of responsibilities between all agencies tex, with significant practical experience in the criminal law regulations in the field of com- tion on migration in order to eliminate the ex- engaged in border management. field of combating irregular migration and trans- bating irregular migration. isting gaps. This particularly relates to the revi- national organized crime, such as human traf- sion of standards of administrative and criminal The participants also underscored the neces- ficking and smuggling. 3. Develop governmental measures aimed at legislation in the sphere of combating irregular sity to advocate for the rights of migrants, esti- increasing the effectiveness of migration migration. mate their vulnerability and potential belonging The group participants have also pinpointed control technologies. to at-risk groups such as victims of trafficking, the need for the development of joint projects Besides, the participants have pointed out a need refugees, unaccompanied minors, persons with with the participation of all key stakeholders 4. Ensure modernization of the existing mi- to enhance the national security of Belarus by health limitations etc. in order to strengthen their capacity – both hu- gration databases, prepare proposals for

14 15 the development of the new database on 9. Improve migration related statistics, inter alia Working group 2 – Forced Migration larusian Association of Young Christian Women, migration with categorization of migrants. by using the data disaggregated approach. Refugee counseling service, the Minsk City Bar Moderator: Representative of the United Na- Association. 5. Promote implementation of measures aimed 10. Strengthen the capacity of the state agencies tions High Commissioner for Refugees in the Re- at creating a common migration space with in the identification of vulnerable migrants public of Belarus During the group work the participants dis- Russia and strengthen cooperation with the (including victims of trafficking) and assess- cussed situation in the field of forced migration Russian side. ment of their needs. Participants: The Ministry of Internal Affairs, in Belarus, focusing on most serious challeng- Ministry of Health, State Border Committee, Em- es and trends. Presentations of the represen- 6. Enhance cooperation with international or- 11. Expand the involvement of the Ministry of bassy of Ukraine, Offices of IOM, UNHCR and tatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the ganizations working in the sphere of migra- Internal Affairs and the State Border Commit- UNICEF, Belarusian Red Cross Society, the Be- State Border Committee, Ministry of Health, tion, such as Europol, Frontex and others. tee in the development and implementation of joint international projects on migration. 7. Develop and institutionalize the Concept of Integrated Border Management (IBM) with 12. Prepare proposals aimed at improving the a view of the existing foreign analogues for technical capacity of the law enforcement such concepts. agencies of Belarus involved in combating irregular migration and trafficking in human 8. Cooperate with the foreign law enforcement beings, for their further inclusion in interna- agencies in implementing joint operative tional projects. and investigative measures in the field of combating irregular migration.

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© MoI of the Republic of Belarus / МВД Республики Беларусь as well as several NGOs directly involved in an influx of foreigners to Belarus in need of pro- The participants also stressed the need for con- 2. Inform interested state, non-state and inter- working with foreigners and forced migrants tection, it is planned to more clearly define the solidation of efforts of interested state, non- national organizations about the most recent were delivered. scope of responsibilities of the organizations state and international agencies to address the changes in legislation in the field of forced working with this category of migrants, includ- needs of the most vulnerable groups of forced migration. The participants noted that the situation re- ing agencies responsible for mandatory state fin- migrants, such as unaccompanied minors, the mains controllable and manageable despite gerprint registration, medical examination and elderly, people with health problems and dis- 3. Continue work started by IOM on the ex- certain difficulties caused by unprecedented identification of personality. abilities. change of experience and information increase in the number of forced migrants in between the state, non-state and interna- recent years. It was noted that Belarus in gen- The participants have also noted that, taking into During the discussion there were suggested tional organizations working in the field of eral ensures appropriate conditions for asylum account the current situation, the organization of concrete measures to improve the mechanism migration. seekers’ reception in line with international work with foreigners, arriving in the Republic of of working with recognized refugees and per- standards. There are a number of projects in Be- Belarus in great numbers and seeking protection, sons who have received subsidiary protection 4. Enhance skills and knowledge of represen- larus aimed at strengthening the capacity of the should continue to improve, both in the field of status. There was identified a need to study the tatives of state, non-state and international governmental and non-governmental organiza- setting up an appropriate regulatory framework, issue of setting up additional accommodation organizations in the field of forced migra- tions dealing with forced migrants. As stated by and also through effective legislative practices, centers for refugees and asylum-seekers, de- tion (including such issues as human traf- the participants, Belarus continues to improve along with creation of effective interagency co- velop targeted programs for migrants’ integra- ficking and gender-based and sexual vio- the national asylum system. ordination system between various governmen- tion into society, form positive public attitude lence). tal, international and non-governmental organi- towards forced migrants. To ensure timely response to the changing mi- zations dealing with forced migration. 5. Prioritize the provision of assistance to the gration situation a number of measures are being The participants also highlighted the importance most vulnerable groups of forced migrants implemented in the country, including harmo- The participants stated the importance of study- of joint fund-raising efforts in order to ensure the (minors, females, elderly, people with dis- nization of legislation in this area. It is expected ing international experience and developments timely provision of humanitarian assistance to abilities). that during the next session of the Parliament in this area, as well as implementation of activi- forced migrants. a new version of the Law on forced migration ties targeted at raising awareness and profession- 6. Improve the mechanism of providing inter- will be adopted. The Law is designed in such al level of government officials involved in the As a result of the group’s work the following pretation services from/to rare languages re- a way as to amend the current asylum system work with foreigners. recommendations were developed: quired in the protection procedure, in partic- in line with the 1951 Convention regarding the ular during the consideration of applications Status of Refugees and international standards, Particular attention was paid to the issues related 1. Improve the organization of work with for- for refugee status or subsidiary protection in as well as ensure timely response to the newly to Ukrainian citizens, arriving in Belarus from eigners, arriving en masse in the Republic of the Republic of Belarus. emerging challenges. Lugansk and Donetsk regions, and the problems Belarus, seeking protection and applying for that this category of migrants is facing, such as refugee status or subsidiary protection; adopt 7. Consider the possibility of establishing new In order to ensure the state’s readiness and pre- access to healthcare, social services and legal relevant regulatory frameworks governing and/or additional accommodation centers paredness for emergency situations caused by employment opportunities. the aforementioned work. for forced migrants.

18 19 8. Consider the possibility of developing a pilot comprehensive assistance to forced mi- It seems critical, in this regard, to strengthen tistical information on migration and its further project for refugees` integration within the grants. international cooperation between Belarus and transition to electronic format, as well as the cre- framework of international programs and with other countries in the field of migration and de- ation of a consolidated segregated database and the financial support of international donors. 10. Shape positive attitude towards forced mi- velopment and to attract international resourc- the use of unified methodological approaches grants among local population. es to Belarus in order to achieve sustainable de- in filling out migration documentation by all in- 9. Work in a systematic way to attract inter- velopment goals related to migration, to study volved agencies. national donors’ support and thus ensure and exchange experience in this field, to par- ticipate in the Mobility Partnership Programme, The panelists supported the proposal of a rep- as well as to promote various initiatives in the resentative of the National Academy of Sci- field of migration and development in interna- ences to enhance/ establish cooperation with tional projects. the academic community in the field of mi- gration and development, to apply a scientific Considering the fact that in recent years labor approach to research related to migration pro- Working group 3 – impact on the socio-economic development of migration has gained increasing importance for cesses and their impact on various socio-eco- Migration and Development the country. Belarus, which is a country of both origin and nomic sectors, taking into account the gender destination for migrant workers, the panelists fo- aspects and protection of the rights of vulner- Moderator: representative of IOM Mission in The participants stressed the importance of es- cused in their discussion on the need to develop able migrants. Belarus tablishing a specialized interagency group on a national strategy based on the country’s inter- migration and development under the Council est to attract qualified foreign labor force and The participants also raised the issue of migrant Participants: Ministry of Internal Affairs, Minis- of Ministers of Belarus with the involvement prioritize the use of national human resources. remittances. Representatives of the National try of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economy, the of expertise of the respective international and Specialized programs on integration and adapta- Bank presented official statistics on remittances National Statistics Committee, Ministry of Labor public organizations in order to more effectively tion of migrants in the Belarus as well as on rein- and information about their impact on the coun- and Social Protection, Ministry of Education, implement migration related provisions of the tegration of returning citizens of Belarus should try’s economy. It was noted that many migrants Ministry of Sports and Tourism, State Border National Strategy for Sustainable Socio-Econom- thus be developed. prefer to carry cash to Belarus, thus bypassing Committee, the National Bank, National Acad- ic Development of Belarus until 2030. the banking system. emy of Sciences, the Russian Embassy, Mission The participants of the third working group were of IOM, UNDP, UNFPA, UNAIDS, the World The participants also supported the idea of de- familiarized with the presentations of the repre- In this regard, the participants stressed the need Bank, United States Agency for International De- veloping a National Migration and Develop- sentatives of the Department of Citizenship and to study the system of money transfers to the velopment, LLC “Alef Group”. ment Program, which would contribute to the Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Republic of Belarus from labor migrants work- promotion of migration related issues, including the National Statistics Committee on the collec- ing abroad, to increase its transparency and en- During the group work the participants discussed gender and population mobility, to ensure sus- tion and processing of data related to external hance possibilities for their recording and ac- in detail the situation in the field of external la- tainable development at the national, regional labor migration; the participants supported the cumulation. At the same time the participants bor migration in the Republic of Belarus and its and local levels. idea of improving the process of collecting sta- mentioned the importance of reducing banks’

20 21 money transfer fees and promoting the use of re- the general use of remittances for develop- gration and development, exchange of al organizations on migration related sub- mittances by migrant workers to boost local en- ment. Create favorable conditions for pri- knowledge and experience. Establish an ex- jects at the local level. Mainstream gender trepreneurship and regional development in the vate business development using migrant pert working group to study the experience issues in programs on migration and devel- country. remittances. of other countries in the fields of migration opment. and development and mobility partnership. According to the participants, Belarus should 3. Develop and apply programs at local/ re- 8. Develop joint projects for migrants and re- strengthen the local authorities’ capacity and gional/ national levels to enhance the ca- 7. Analyze the successful cooperation be- turning nationals’ integration into society. extend their participation in the development pacity of population and local authorities tween the state, non-state and internation- and implementation of regional programs on in the field of migration and development economic opportunities of migrant remittanc- as well as population’s financial literacy. es and improvement of the population’s finan- Promote investment projects that would cial literacy. This measure will create favor- engage Belarusian citizens in the domestic able conditions to attract foreign investments labor market. to the , promote territorial labor mobility and intensify economic activity 4. Attract resources of the international com- of Belarusian citizens on the domestic labor munity to help Belarus achieve sustainable market. development goals. Promote initiatives and projects on migration and development. As a result, the following recommendations were agreed upon: 5. Develop State Program on Migration and Development. Consider the feasibility of 1. Develop a unified segregated database for establishing an interagency Taskforce on the collection and processing of the mi- Migration and Development under the gration data. Implement on a regular basis Council of Ministers. Develop policies to research on migration and its impact on attract qualified migrant workers, includ- the socio-economic development of the ing students who have previously received country. . Include migration is- sues into programs and strategies on devel- 2. Explore the existing money transfer sys- opment at the local, regional and national tem, including both formal and informal levels. channels. Reduce the costs/fees of remit- tances and develop a strategy encourag- 6. Promote intergovernmental dialogue and ing the use of formal channels, alongside multilateral cooperation in the field of mi-

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