LUCKNOW Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U. P. () 1965 CONTENTS Pages l'retace lntroduction i-vii I-CENSUS TABLES


A-I Area, Houses and Population Appendix I-Statement showing 1951 Territorial Units Constituting the present 1961 set-up of the District I) Appendix II-Number of Villages with a Population of 5,000 and over and Towns with a Population under 5,000 6 Appendix III-Houseless and Institutional PopUlation 7 A-II Variation in Population during Sixty Years 8 Appendix 1951 PopUlation according to the territLfial jurisdiction in 1951 and changes in area and population involved in those changes 8

A-Ill Villages Classified by Population 9 A-IV Towns (and Town-groups) classified by Population in 1961 with Variation since 1941 10

Appendix New Towns added in 1961 and Towns in 1951 declassified in 1961 11 Explanatory Note to the Appendix 1\


B-1 & II Workers and Non-workers in District and Towns classified by Sex and Broad Age-groups 14

B-III Part A-Industrial Classification of Workers and Non-workers by Educational Levels in Urban Areas only 20

Part B-Industrial Classification of Workers and Non-workers by Educational Levels in Rural Areas only 22 B-IV Part A-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work at Household Industry 26

Part B-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work in Non-household Industl'Y, Trade, Business, Profession or Service 30

Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions, Major Groups and Minor Groups of Persons at Work other than Cultivation 38

B-V Occupational Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation 61

:e-VI Occupational Divisions of Persons at Work other than Cultivation classified by ~x. Broad Age-groups and Educational Levels in Urban Areas only 90 ii n-VIII Part A-Persons unemployed, aged 15 and above, by Sex, Broad Age-groups and Education~l Levels in Urban Areas only . 96

Part B-Pcrsons unemployed, aged 15 and above, by Se:s. and Educational Levell in Rural Areas only 96

B-IX Persons not at Work classified by Sex, Broad Age-groups and Type of Ac~ivity 98

C-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLES c-n Age and Marital Status 106

0-111 Part B~-Age, SelC and Education in Urb~n Areas only 114

Part C-Age, Sex and Education in Rural Areas only 114 c-V Mother.Tongue (Alphabetical Order) 116 C-VlI Religion 116


8CT-I Part A-Industrial Classification of Persons at Work and Non-workers by Sex for 120 ScJJeduled Castes

SCT-III Part A (i)-Education in Urban Areas only for Scheduled Castes 124 Part B (i)-Education in Rural Areas only for Scheduled Castes 125

SC-I Persons not at Work classified by Sex, Type of Activity and Educational Levels for Scheduled Castes \26


1. Statistics of Rainfall and Temperature 128 I. I-Rainfall 1.2-Mean Maximum and Mean Minimum, Highest and Lowe$~ Tem~erature .1951-60 128 130' 2. Vital Statistics 3. Agricultural Statistics lS2 3.1-Prin~ipal Crops-Distribution of Crops 132 3.2-Land Utilization 133 3! 3-Agriculture Extension Scheme 134 3.4-Persons Cultivating Land under different Sizes of Holdings 134 8.5-Crop·wise Gross Area-Irrigated 135 4. Statistics of Household Industry 5. Statistics of Factories 136 5. I-Growth of Factories . 136 ~.2-Number of Workers in.Each Establishro~nt l;. Aflministrative Statiilics 6.1-Criminal Justice-Number of Criminal Cases Tried 197 6·2-Criminal Justice-Persons Convicted or Bound Over 137 6.3-Strength of Police, 1960 138 6·4-Statistics of Jails 138 6.5-Co-operative Societies 139 6',6-Excise'and Motor:Spirit n.x 139 6'7-Receipt of Salel.Tax, Entertainment Tax, Stamps and Land Reven~e 140 6·8-Registered Documents and Value of Properties Transferred 140 7. Public Health And Medical.Statisticll

7• I-List of Hospitals and Dispensaries 1960-61 141 7.2-Maternity and Child Welfare Centres, Family Planning Centres, Rural Health CeZltres 142 7.3-Malaria (:ontro! and fnti-Adulteration 1959-60 142 8. Educational Statistics

S·l-Educational Institutions and Pupils 143 8·2-List of Higher Secondary Schools, 1960-61 )44 9. Statistics of Public. Entertainment, PreIS and Journals

9.I-Printing Presses and Newspapers 145 9·2-Cinemas 145 10. Communication Statistics including Waterways

IO-I-Length of Metalled and Unmetalled Roads Maintained by Public Authorities as on December 31, 1960 145 IO.'2-Names of Waterways (Navigable Rivers) as on December 31, 1960 145

10 ;3-Polymetrical Table of Distances of Block Headquarters by Road 146 lO .. 4-Lis(of·Railway Stations 146

10·5-List of Post Offices 147 U. Statistics of Local Bodies Receipts and Expenditure 149 l2. Statistics of Community Development 150

It Calendar ofImportant Events 151

M. Prices of Staple Food-stuff. Month by Month 153

15. Statistics of Ba'hks and Insurance 15 • I-Statistics of Banks 153 ISS I 1\1

16. Statistics of Livestock 159 17. Statistics of Fairs, Festivals and Village Markets 17 • I-List of Fairs 162 17.2-List of Festivala 168 17 .S-List of Hats and B(J(ars (Rural) 169 18. Handicrafts Survey i8.I-List of Rural Crafts and Number of Penons Employed in Production 172 18.2-Distribution of Artisan Oommunities 172 la.S-Materials used, Source of Design, Manuftlcture and Marketing of Manufactured Articles 173 19. Statistics of Major and Medium Projects tak.en up for Execution Dilring the II II and III Plans 174 20. Statistics of Wagt:» - 174


I. Definitions ~ of Column Headings 2. Alphabetical list of Villages of Tahsil Rath vii 3. Directory of Tahsil Rath x 4. Directory of Tahsil Rath (Urban) xxii 5. Alphabetical list or"Viliages of Tahsil Hamirpur xxvi 6. Directory of Tahsil Hamirpur xxviii 7. Directory of Tahsil Hamirpur (Urban) XXlevill 8. Alphabetical list of Villages of Tahsil Maudaha xLii 9. Directory of Tahsil Maudaha xLiv 10. Alphabetical list of Villages of Tahsil Cbarkhari Lvii 11. Directory of Tahsil Oharkhari Lx 12. Directory of Tahsil (Urban) Lxxiv 13. Alphabetical list of Villages of Tahsil Mahoba LXlCViii 14. Directory of Tahsil Mahoba Lxxx 15. Directory of Tahsil Mahoba (Urban) xc


Number of Es.tablishments classified by Minor Groups of I ndustrial Classification xciv V-A ppendix Gazette Notifications of Changes in Boundaries During the Decade-1951-61 ci \ PREFACE

Districtwise village statistics have been published at most of the Censuses. A list showIng the population of villages in each district was published after the 1891 Census. No such list was brought out in 1901. In 1911 ViJlage Directories were preparedl for aU districts, but could be published only for thirteen on account of the out break of the First World War. At the 1921 Census they were published for all districts in the form of District Census Statistics. In 1931 they were compiled for all districts, but were not published owing to tinancial strin.gency, leading to los3 of valuable data. At the 1941 Census eVen though restricted tabulation was undertaken on account of the Second World War, yet the utility of District Census Statistics was recognized and they were published. At the Census of 1951 two volumes were brought out for each district-the District Censm Handbook and the District Population Statistics. Gonrnment have decided to continue the publication of District Census Handbooks. The 1961 District Census Handbooks contain more data than ever published b~fore. Village Directories, besides giving the population ofvi1lages by industrial categorie~, aln contlin useful information about schools hospitals, post offices, etc. As revised D:strict Gazetteers are going to be published, introductory matter in th~ District Cl!mm Ha'ldbooks has been given in brief to avoid duplication. Information for the District Census Handbooks was collected mainly from three sources viz., State Tabulation OlTIce, District Officers, Heads of Departments and their district level officers. In all cases coafirmation has been obtained from Head&- of Departments concerned. I am extremely grateful to District Officers and the various Heads of D~partment.} for thdr whole. hearte::l co-operation in furnishing the desired information. I It is hoped that the District Census Handbooks will prove useful to the various Government department ~:.nd scholars. The printing of the Handbooks commenced from August, 1963.

P. P. BHATNAGAR Superintendent of Census Operations. UUar Pradesh Lucknow; Dated: September 2, 1963.


o H y INTRODUCTION I. The Disttict The district of Harnirpur lies in the middle of munication. The district is also deficient hi division. It lies between the parallels respect of pucca roads. The important pucca of 25°·26° North Latitude, and 79°'5'-80°'5' East roads with mileage within the district are Kan­ meridians of longitude. On the north it is bound­ pur-Hamirpur, Sagar Road (66 miles), Mahoba ed chiefly by the districts of Jalaun and R,ath-Mukura road (57 miles), Rath-Muskura and on its north-east corner by Fatehpur. To road (30 miles), Rath road (18 miles), its west lies the district of Jhansi and to the east Rath-Charkhari road (18 miles) and Hamirpur the district of Banda. In the south it is bounded Kalpi road (14 miles). by Madhya Pradesh. According to the Surveyor General, India, the area of the district is 7187 4. Topographically two district features Sq. Km. (2,775 Sq. miles). mark the district-one is its northern flat plail;l portion and the other the southern hills and I 2. The dIstrict is comprises of 5 tahsils plateau portion. The northern portion compris­ Rath, Hamirpur, Maudaha, Charkhari and es black soil erroded by numerous streams tra­ Mahoba. The largest tahsil in area is Rath versing upon it. In the south, the soil is lighter 1,686'6 Sq. Km. (651'2 Sq. miles) and the smal­ in character. tlNumerous out-crops of greiss lest is Hamirpur 1,079'8 Sq.' Km. (416.9 Sq. rocks, tending to cluster into low ranges, sur­ miles). The areas of the remaining tahsils are rounded by uneven broken country and over­ Maudaha 1,565'9 Sq. Km. (604'6 Sq. miles), grown for the most part with stunted Jungle, Mahoba 1,454'0 Sq. Km. (561'4 Sq. miles) and appear. The in roads of the Vindhyan Hills Charkhari 1,412'1 Sq. Km. (545'2 Sq. miles). and Plateau are prominent in the extreme The number of towns is 4, namely, Rath M. B., southern fringes. The two topographical tracts Harnirpur M. B., Charkhari M. B. and Mahoba can be deemed to be roughly separated by an M. B. At this Census, the towns. Maudaha, east-west dividing line running through the town Sumerpur and of 1951 Census have of Rath. The southern portion is marked for a not been treated as towns for non-fulfilment of number of lakes of great irrigational value. urban conditions. 5. The chief rivers of the district are the 3. The district is served by only two branch~ , Betwa, Dhasan, Urmil, Ken and es of Central Railway-one runs between Jhansi Barma. The Yamuna enters the districtJrom and Manikpur and the other between Kanpur Jalaun near Misripur, following from west to and Banda, passing through the territory of the east forms some portion of the northern bounda­ district. The important railway stations on the ry. The Betwa is a tributary of the Yamuna former are Ghutai, Kulpahar, Mahoba and and is the longest river of the district. The and on the latter Kinara, Bharua, Surnel'~ Dhasan, emanating from the Vindhyachal flows pur, lnghota, Rangeel, Ikauna and Inchanli. through the Charkhari and Rath tahsils of the It is quite deficient in respect of railwa.y com- district, forming itJ western boundary. The! ( 11 )

Urmi1, coming from the Vindhyachal separates former being more important than the iatter. tahsils Charkhari and Mahoba and flows out to The principal rabi crop is gram followed by the east. It is often in floods during the rainy wheat while the principal kharif crop is juar. season. The Ken also emanates from the Vindhyachal and flowing on the eastern bound­ 2-Statistics ary 'of tahsil Maudaha flows ou1 to the north. A-General Population ~e Barma nearly divides the district into two equal ~ast-west portions. The district occupies the 11th position in area and the 43rd position in population in the whole 6. The soils are the well known Bundel­ State. There has been an increase 0'8 Sq. Km. khand varieties, Mar, Kabar, Parua, and the Rak~r. (0'3 Sq. mile), since 1951 partly due to transfer Stone in abundance is available from rocks in of area and partly due to revised calculation of the southern parts. At Gorahari in Charkhari area by the Board of Revenue. The Table tahsil lies the Gora hill of white and light grey giving variation in population since 1901 shows stones. They are used for manufacturing colour, that there has been an increase in population paper, buttons, ceramics and pots. The rocks, since 1931, the percentage increase being the near Jaitpuf, are also used in ceramics. Gypsum highest during the last decade (1951-60). The is available in Surite, Puraini and Pardhi. population rose by 130,033 during this period 7. Intense heat and dryness, especially in giving a percentage increase of 19'6 which is the north, characterise the climate. The rocks more than the State average of 16'7. The order in the south further intensify the heat during of tahsils by population in 1951 was Rath, Mau­ the day. The climate is malarious during the daha, Charkhari and Hamirpur. This order rains. The district has the lowest rainfall has not ,changed in 1961. The largest popula­ amongst her sister districts of the Jhansi divi­ tion growth has, however, been in tahsil Mauda. sion. Tae average rainfall during the last ha amounting to 20'5 per cent. The percentage increase in tahsils Rath, Hamirpur, Charkhari decennium (1951-60) was 80'3 Cms. (3 i'61/) , I lower than the norm al rainfall of 85'1 Cm. and Mahoba is 20'2, 19'9, 19'1 and 18-3 (33'5"). respectivel y. 8. Forests are chiefly found in Maudaha, 2. The density of population in the district Rath, Mahoba and Charkhari tahsils. The is 110 persons per Sq. Km. (286 per Sq. mile) Chief trees are Bahul, Dhak, Saija, Taindu, Mahuwa, which is lower than the State average of 250 reek, Semal, Neem, Jamun and mango. persons per Sq. Km. (648, per Sq. mile). The most densly populated t~hsil is Hamirpur, 9. The wild animals commonly found are tigers, panthers, chikara, Sambhar, Cheeta1 and the density being 121 persons per Sq. Km. wild dogs. Among the feathered game the most (314 per Sq. mile). Next is Mahoba having density of 113 pers~)lls per Sq. Km . .common species are the grey partridge, the peacock, the quail, and ducks. (t94 per Sq. mile), Maudaha III persons per Sq. Km. (289 per Sq. mile), Rath 109 persons 10. The percentage of cultivated area during per Sq. Km. (283 per Sq. mile) and the last 1960-61 was 66'2 as against 56'9 for 1950~51. Charkhari 99 persons per Sq. Km. (256 per Sq. The rabi and kharif are the main harvests, the mile). The rural density of the district is 101 ( iii ) persons per Sq. Km. (263 per Sq. mile), and pur M. B. has been 28'9, Rath M. B. 25'8 and the urban 2,832 persons per Sq. Km. (7,330 per Charkhari M B. 14'6. Sq. mile). The highest rural density is 112 per­ sons per Sq ..Km. (290 per Sq. mile) in tahsil 5. The number of females per 1,000 males lIamirpur and the highest urban 7~258 persons in 1921 was 963, in 1931, 957: in 1941,958: per Sq. Km. 18,730 per Sq. mile) in tahsil in 1951, 946 and in 1961, 925. ' The sex ratio of Rath. the district is higher than the State average of 909. The trend on the whole, is a decreasing . 3. The district has 1,141 villages of which one which becomes clear since 1941. The sex- 917 are inhabited and 224 un-inhabited. The' ratio is 928 in the rural and 877 in the urban number of inhabited viUages has registered an areas. The rural sex-ratio is 941 in tahsil Rath, increase of 6 since 1951. 916 persons per 1,000 937 in tahsil Charkhari, 929 in tahsil Maudaha, in the district live in rural areas. The average 923 in tahsil Mahoba and 906 in tahsil Hamir­ popUlation per inhabited village is 794 as against pur. The corresponding figures for the urban 648 in 1951. Most of the villages 431 (47'0 per are 900 for Mahoba M. B. 889 for Rath M. B, cent) afe small sized with less than 500 popula- 883 for Charkhari M. B. and 804 for Hamirpur tion. The percentage of medium size villages M. B. . , with a population between 500-1,999 is 45'4 and 6. General Population Tables A-I to A-IV that of large size villages having a population of and their Appendices have been reproduced in 2,000 and over is 7'6, more than half of the rural this volume. population (54.8 per cent) lives in medium size villages. The percentage of rural population B-Economic living in large and small size villages is 25'8 and Workers-Of the entire population 46:6 per 14'4 respectively. The number of villages cent are workers and the rest non-workers. The Iili.ving a population 5,000 is 6-2 each in tahsils percentage of workers is higher than the State Maudaha and Mahoba and 1 each in tahsils average of 39'1. Among workers 75'6 per cent Hamirpur and Charkha;ri. are Cultivators and Agricultural Labourers. Next come other Services (12'5 per cent), followed by 4. 84 persons per 1,000 of the district live Household Industry including Other Manufac­ in towns. The Municipal Board of Mahoba ture (8'1 per cent), and Trade and Commerce (24,878) is a class III town and has a popula­ (2'2 per cent). In other categories the number tion between 20,000 and 49,999. The munici­ is small altogether accounting for 1'6 per cent. 'palities of Rath (17,419), Charkhari (13,335) and The percentage of female. workers is 33'6. of Hamirpur (10,921) are class IV towns having Female participation is higher in agricultural a population between 1O,~OO to 19,999. Of the activities (34'9 per cent) than in non-agricultural total urban population 37'4 per cent lives in (29'7 per cent). Among different categories it Mahoba M. B., 26'2 per cent in Rath M. B., is highest (61'4 per cent) in Cultivation, followed 20'0 per cent in Charkhari M. B. and 16'4 per by Agricultural Labourers (17'2 per cent), . cent in Hamirpur M. B. The largest growth of other Services (15'1 per cent) and Household population during the decade ha~ been in Industry (4'6 per cent) . . Mahoba M.B., amounting to 29'3 percent. The 2, Of the Rural population 48'1 per cent percentage increase in the population of Hamir- are workers and the remaining 51'9 per cent ( iv ) non-workers. The corresponding figures for the The distribution pattern of non-workers among urban are 30'1 and 69'9. Thus the proportion of males and females is very dissimilar. Am 1ng workers is much lower in towns than in villages male non-workers 21'2 per cent are full time which shows a greater degree of dependency. students and 77'9 per cent dependants who joint~ Among rural workers 80,6 per cent are Cultiva­ ly account for 99'1 per cent. The correspond­ tors and Agricultural Labourers and only 19'4 ing figures are 2'2, 56'5 and 58'7 respectively per cent are engaged in non-agricultural acti~ among females. High percentage of dependants vities. As usual, nen-agricultural workers pre­ among males is explained by their near absence dominate in urban areas, the percentage of agri­ from Household duties who claim a negligible per­ culturists there being only 20'7. Non-agricul­ centage as against 41'1 percent among females. tural occupations in the towns in order of im­ 6. The more important General Economic portance afe Miscellaneous Services, Household Tables of B-Series have been reproduced. Industry including other Manufacture, Trade C-- Social and Cultural and Commerce and Transport and Communica­ tion, the respective percentages being 37'6, 15'4, Literacy--The percentage of literacy in the total population is 16'2 as against the State 14'8 ami 6'6. average of 17'7. It ranks 30th in literacy in the 3. The largest number of workers Is in the whole State. Literacy percentage among males age-group 15-34 accounting for 48'8, followed by is 26'6 and among females 5'0 as against the the next higher age-group 35-59 accounting for corresponding figures of 17'5 and 2,3 in 1951. 38·B. The percentage of workers below the age There has been an improvement both in male of 15 is 6'0 and in the age-group 60 and over, female literacy during the decade 1951-60. Of 6'4. The percentage of workers in lower and the total number of literacy, 79'5 per cent are higher age-groups is, therefore, expectedly small. without any educational standard, 15'6 per cent are of primary or Junior Basic standard and 4'6 4. The largest number of persons at work per cent of High School standard and above. other than cultivation is Miscellaneous services (34,530), followed by Production and rearing of 2. The percentage of literacy in the rural population is 14'8 as against 32'4 in the urban. lives took (8,745), Retail Trade in various com­ I In the rural area 24'9 per cent males and 3'3 modities (4,035) and Manufacture of materials from cork, bamboos, cane leaves and other allied per cent females are literate and in the urban 44'8 per cent males and 18'3 per cent femal('s products (3,638). Occupationally the bulk of are literate. The higher percentage of literacy the workers are General Labourers (35,273). in the urban sector as compared to rural is followed by Farmers and Farm Managers, ani­ explained by greater cons~iousnes; and educa· mals, Birds and insects rearing (7,832). tional opportunities available there. 5. Non-workers-These constitute 53'4 per 3. Age Structure and Marital Status­ cent of total population. Among non-workeIs Persons' in the age group 15-34. accoun t for 31'9 females predominate constituting 60'6 per cent. per cent of the population, followed by 5-14 More than half of the non-workers (69'4 per (23-9 per cent),35-54 (20'6 per cent), 0-4 (16'0 cent), are in the age-group 0·14, being mostly per cent), and 5S and over (7'6 per cent). T~e infants and dependants. In all other age-groups, \ population of the district is progressive as the females are mostl y engag~d in household duties. percentage of persons in youg and very young ( v ) t. ge-groups is 39'9 as against a small percentage 6_ Religion-Of the total po pulation of (7'6) of elderly persons (55 years and above). the district 93'1 per cent are Hindus and 6'8

4_ I The percentage of never mdrried, marri· per cent Muslims. The absolute number of ed and widowed or divorced persons is 40'5, 51'2 persons belonging to other religion.:! are as and 8-2 respectively. The corresponding figures follows: Christians 512, Sikhs 226, Jains 143 for rural are 40'1, 51'5 and 8-3 and for urban and Buddhists 15. The Jains and Buddhists, 44'3, 48-2 and 7'4. Among males 45-6 percent small in number, mainly live in rural area!. are never married, 49'2 percent m~rried and 5'1 Of the rural population 94'9 per cent are percent windowed or divorced. Among females Hindus and 5-1 per cent Muslims. The corres­ 35'0 per cent are never married, 53'4 per cent ponding figures for the urban are 74'3 and 25'2, married, and 11'5 per cent widowed or di­ The number of persons belonging to other reli­ vorced. Of the married males 5'6 per cent are gions is Insignificant b!lth in rural and urban in the age~group 0-14, 50'3 per cent in the age­ areas of the district. group 15-34, 34'6 per cent in the age-group 35-54, and 9 4 per cent in the age-group 55 and 7. Scheduled Castes They constitute 25-8 above. Of the married females 8'7 per cent are per eent of the total population. The important in the age-group 0-14, 57'7 per cent in the age­ scheduled Castes in order of population in the group 15-34. 29'0 per cent in the age-group district are Chamar 61'6 per cent, Korwa 13'6 35-54 and 4-6 per cent in the age group 55 and per cent, Basor 11'6 per cent, and Dhobi 7'9 per above. Among males and females aged 35 and cent_ They are mostly concentrated in the rural over, 5'8 per cent of the males and only 0'2 per areas and only 1'7 per cent live in towns of the cent of the females are never married. Tb.e total population. corresponding figures for 1951 were 8'0 per cent and 1'5 percent respectively. In the rural and 8. The more important Social and Cultural urban areas separately the respective percentages Tables of C-Series have been reproduced. are males 6'1, and females 0'2 in the former D-Migration and males g·O, and females o·g in the urban. The percentage of males and females of ages 0-14 Among the people enumerated in the district returned as married is 6·8 and 11'9 resp..!ctively. 91'6 per cent were born within the district, 4'9 This shows that early marriage is still popuhr in per cent in other district of the State, 3'2 percent this district. in other parts of In dia and 0'03 from other countries. Among those from other countrks 173 5. Language- has been returned from Pakistan, 25 from Nepal and 6 from U.S.A_ as mother-tongue of 95-9 per cent population, The immigrants from Pakistan are mostly dls­ and 4'0 per cent, The number of persons placed persons, The duration of residence, of who returned other language as their mother­ 60 0 per cent of the total immigrants is over tongue is insignificant. 10 year~. 90'3 per cent immigrants were re· Hindi is the main language spoken by 97'7 turned from rural areas and 9'7 per cent from per cent of the rural population, followed by the urban. Among them 165 per cent are Urdu 2'2 per cent. In the urban population, males and 83'5 per cent females. The large also, Hindi is spoken by 76-3 per cent and percentage of females is explained by marriage Urdu by 23'2 per cent, migration. The percentage of workers and non- ( workers among them is 53'9 and 46'1 respectively, and Govt. Desiel Power House, Hamirpur; em­ Among workers 74'2 per cent are engaged ployino 107, 49, 4 and 3 workers respectively. as Cultivator and Agricultural Labourers, 16'2 2. The total number of workshops and facto­ per cent in Other Services, 6'0 per cent in House­ ries of alI sizes, registered and unregistered, in hold Industry and Other Manufacture and 2'1 the district is 3,429, against the state average of per cent in Trade and Commerce. In other 4,460 per dis:rict. Of these 2,711 are in the categories the population is small, altogether rural and 718 in the urban. Hamirpur is one accounting for 1'5 per cent. of the 19 districts having workshops and factories between 2 and 4 thousand. In the rural area 2. In the rur".! population 92'3 per cent the largest number (380) is engaged in miscella­ ,were born within the district including 70'7 per neous manufacture and repair work, followed by cent born in place of enumeration, 4'4 per cent the production of rice, atta, flour etc" by milling in the districts of the State, 3'0 per cent in other and dehuski~g and processing of crops and food­ parts of the country and a negligible percentage grains (278) and manufacture of earthen ware in other countries. The corresponding figures and earthen pottery (274). In the urban, cotton for the urban area 83'7 per cent born within weaving in handlooms (94) and making of the district including 65'4 per cent in place of textile garments (91) are the most important. enumeration, 10'4 per cent in other districts of 3. The predominant workmg· group in the the State, 5'3 in other parts of the country and villages and towns comprises single-worker estab­ 0'2 per cent in the other countries. Immigrants lishments. Their respective percentage being from other countries live largely in the urban 72'6 and 67'8. Next come 2-5 workers establish­ areas of the district. ments, accounting' for 26'9 in the rural and 3. Of the immigrants from adjacent States 31'9 in the urban areas. 24,472 persons (males 3,441, females 21,031) are 4. In both the villages and towns most of from Madhya.Pradesh, 360 persons (males 238, the establishments are run without power. The females 122) from Punjab, 268 persons (males percentage of such establishments is 77'2 the 198, females 70) from Rajasthan, 132 persons rural and 83'3 in urban. Next come liquid fuel (males 46, females 66) from Bihar, 37 persons in both rural and urbain. accounting for 9'3 and (males 21, females 16) from Delhi and one 5'3 respectively. Electdcity is used in 12 rural persons (male 1) from Himachal Pradesh. The and 19 urban industrial establishments. This number of immigrants from other districts of the will show the extremely small extent to w4ich \ State is 39,252 (males 9,954 females 29, 298). power is being used fOI; industry in rural areas of this district. 4. Migration Tables have not been repro­ 5. Walls and Roofs-Mud is the predomi. duced. nant material of house walls in villages and as E-Housing and Establishment well as in towns 81'4 per cent homeholds in rural areas and 76'5 per cent households in Workshops and Factories-There are only urban areas live in the house of this type. Burnt 4 Registered Factories which are in the Public bricks constitute next important wall material sector. There names are Govt. PolytechnIc, in the rural and urban areas both accounting for Charkhari; U. P. Govt. Roadways Workshop, 13'0 and 18'8 per cent respectively Tiles, Slate :Mahoba; Govt. Desiel Power House, Mahoba and Shingle is the most important for :ro(>fing in ( vii ) both the areas i.e" in rural and urban account­ I-CensuS Tables-General Population tabid, ing for 95'5 and 85'2 per cent respectively. The Economic Tables, Social and Cultural Tables roofs are mostly slopy. and Scheduled Caste Tables. 6. Household size and Density of Per II-Official Statistics-Rainfall and Tempera. sons per Room-The average size of household ture, Vital Statistics, Agriculture and Irrigation, in the rural and urban both is 4'8. The corres­ Household Industries, Registered Faetories, ponding figures for 1951 were 4'6 in both the Administration, Public Health and Medical, areas which show that the average household Education, Public Entertainment, Presses and both in rural and in urban areas has increased Journals, Communication, Local Bodies, Commu· in size during this decade (195l-60). Households nity Development, Calendar of Important Events, with two rooms are predominant accounting for Prices of Staple Foodstuffs, Banks and Insurance, 24'9 per cent followed by those living in three Livestock, Fairs and Festivals, Major and Medi­ rooms and one room respectively accounting um Proje~ts, and Wages. for 22'5 and 21'5 per cent. Roughly 0'3 per III-Village Directory~Definitions of Coloumn . cent households have no regular room to live in Headings and for each Tahsil an Alphabetical The percentage of households having four rooms List of Villages and a Village Directory giving and above in about 16. data for all villages and towns by sex of total 7. In the rural areas the average density of population, Scheduled Caste population, literate persons per room is 1'6 and in the urban 1'8 population, working population by categories of considering the households occupying one room workers, non-workers by sex for all villages and only, the average size in the rural and urban towns. both is 3'4 which speak of conditions of acute IV-List of Industrial Establishments-Number congestion of living accommodations. of establishments in each village or block by 3. 8. Housing and Establishment Tables have digit industrial Code. not been reproduced. Appendix-Gazette Notification of Changes in Boundaries during the decade 1951.61. 3. Presentation of Data . Besides the above, one map for the District Statistics in this volume have been presented and one for each tahsil have been included in in the following orders :- the District Census Handbook.




A·(-Area, Houlies and Popalation

Area in Number of Villages Number Population ,__-...... _-""" Population r---"'---, Number of r---""-__---. DlstrictlTaooill Total per Sq. of Occupied CitY/TOWD Rural Sq. Sq. miles In. Un- Towns Residential Urban miles Km habited IDnabited Houses Persons Males Females

2 3(a) 3(b) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

I HAMIRPUR DISTRICT T 2,779·3 7,198.~ 286 917 224 4 138,711 7H,M9 fll,917 381,532

R' 2,770'2 7,174·9 263 917 224 126,4S3 727.896 377.467 350,429

U 9·1 23-5 7,330 4 12,248 66,553 35,450 31,103

Ralb Tahsil T 651·2 1,686·6 283 201 58 30,992 184,444 95,273 89,111

R 650'3 1,684·2 257 201 58 27,000 167,025 86,052 1l0,97S

U 0·9 2-4 16,730 3,062 17,419 9,221 8,198

Rath M.B. 0·93 HI 18,730 3,062 17,419 9,221 8,198

Hamirpur Tahsil T 416·9 1,079·8 314 143 50 18,539 131,098 69,099 61,999

R 414·9 1,07406 290 )43 50 16,651 120,117 63,045 57,)32 U 2·0 5·2 5,461 1,888 10,921 6,054 4,867

Hamirpur M.B. 2·00 5.18 5,461 1,888 10,921 6,054 4,867

Maudaha Tabsil T 60406 1,565·9 289 170 35 31,272 174,483 90,432 114,051

Charkhari Tahsil T 545·2 1,412,1 256 212 58 26,188 139,557 72,242 67,315

R 542·2 1,404.3 233 212 58 23,416 126,222 65,159 61,063 0 3·0 7·8 4,445 2,772 13,335 7,OB3 6,252

Cbarkbari M.B 3·00 7077 4,445 2,772 13,335 7,083 6,252

Mahoba Tahllil T 561·4 1,454·0 294 191 23 31,720 164,867 85,871 78,996 R 558·2 1,445·9 251 191 23 27,194 139,989 72,779 67,210

U 8·2 8·1 7,898 4,526 24,878 13,092 11,786 .t.Iahoba M.B. 3·15 8·16 7,1198 4,526 24.878 13,092 11,786

Notes-I. In columns 3(b) and 4, the Sq. Kilometre and density figures respectively of urban areas of Tahsils and D,slrict are worked out 1I8mg the area figures corrected up to 2 platts of decimals obtained by adding the areas of towns in the respective. umts and not usinJi! tl)e area figure, gil en in Ihe Table. In addition to tbis, the figures relating to Sq Kilometre lre further adjusted to make the Tahsil and Dhtrict totals agree. 2. According to Surveyor General. India the area of District Hamirpur is 2,775.0 Sq miles (7, 78J·0 S1. Km.) 3. 'M.B.' stands for 'Municipal Board' i. 'R' i~ the SlIme as 'T' as there is no urban area CBNSI1~, T~BLES 6


SIal,mlld showiag 1951 Territorial Units eOTIStituling lh, prmn' 1961 til-UP of tA, Dislrill

(Only those names/areas which have undergone change since 1951, have been shown below)

Details of gain in Territories Details of 1088 in Territories Net Are 1951 Territo[1al ___ --.--oA.------. .-- ~n+) District(fabsil units ( 88-)' Area in Area in Briel ,--~ Brief ,--~ ,---...... ,--.... description Sq. Sq. description Sq. Sq. Sq. Sq. miles Km, miles KIll. miles KIll.

2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10

HMlRPUR Hamirpur District 6 Villages of Ratb DISTRICT Tahsil tran~ferred to Kalpi Tahsil of Jalann District 6·6 17.2 -6.6 -17.2

Rath Tahsil Hath lahsil 6 villages tran~er- red to Kalpi Tahsil of Ja1alln District 6.6 17.2 -6.6 -17.2

Charkhari Tahsil Charkhari Tahsil 196 Vill~ges transferred from former Kulpahar Tahsil 388.7 1,006.9 +388.7 +1,006.9

Mahoba Tah~i1 Mahoba Tahsil 110 Villages transferred from former . Kulpahar Tjlhsil 201.2 521·2 +201.2 +521.2


IV umb~, of Villages with a Population of 5,000 and over and Towns with a Population und" 5,000

Villages with a Population of 5,000 and over Towns \\jith a Population under 5,000 ~~------~------~ ,-.---...___-"-----

Percentage to Percentage to District/Tahsil :-

2 3 4 5 6 7

HAMmPliR DISTRICT 7 53,156 0.08

Hamirpur Tahsil 7,832 0.01,

3 26,311 0.04

Cbarkhari Tahsil 6,886 0.01 Mahoba Tahsil 2 12.127 0.02 .. ,

tJote -Unit of Territory which have nothillg to show for this statement have b~n exc1Qde~ 7 A-SERIES


Hous,lm orul Institutional Population

Houseless Population Institutional PopulatiOD ,... ------.. -- --'-----. Total District/TahSiI Rural Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Urban

2 9 4 5 6 7 8

HAMIRPUR DISTRICT T 302 209 !J3 1,387 1,340 42 R 266 175 91 386 36!J 17 U 36 34 2 996 971 IS

Batb Tahsil T 85 52 33 35~ 344 10 R 85 52 33 17 15 2 U 337 329 8

Hamirpur Tahsil T 395 394 U 395 394

Maadaba Tabsi! T 109 85 24 314 304 10 R 109 85 24 314 304 10

Charkhari Tabsil T 21 11 10 201 189 12

R 21 11 10 7 3 4: U 194- 186 8

Mahoba Tahsil T 87 61 26 tl8 109 9 R 51 27 24 48 47 1 U 36 34 2 70 62 8 ¢&NSUS TABLI~S S

A-B-VartatloD ba POpal.tiOD duriag Sist, Year.

Year PcrsoDII Decade Percentage Males Females variation decade variation

2 3 i 5 6 HAMIRPUR D1STRICr 1901 .545,040 273,614 271,426 1911 555,951 + 10,911 + 2.00 280.51l 275.440 1921 532,553 - 23,398 - "·21 271,246 261,307 1931 568,702 + 36,149 + 6·79 290,609 278,093 1941 647.122 + 78,420 +13·79 &30,580 316,5U 1951 664,416 +.17,294 + 2·67 341,417 322,939 1961 794,449 +130,033 +19·57 412,917 381,532

APRNDIX 1951 PapulatiMt IUCOfdilig la llu I",itaria! jurisdietiora ill 1951alld dllJIlgl6 ill ar,a and populatu.. itwoll1ld ill lholl _gu

Area in 1961 DistrictlT ahsiJ Area in 1951 1951 Population Population in Net incre.leol

,------______~ __J.... _ __. according to iu- 1951 adjusted or decrease bet- 1961 risdidion pre- Population to jurisdit;- ween columns vailing in 1951 tion of 1961 hnd 8 Sq. miles Sq. Km. Sq. miles Sq. Km. &', 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 HAMIRPUR 2,779.3 7,198·4 '94,449 DISTRICT 2,779·0 7,197·6 665,f29 6&f,f16 -1,013 (+0.3) (+0,8) ( -I,Oia) Ratb Tahsil 651·2 1,686·6 184,4" 655·0 1,696.4 154,820 153,807 -1,013 *(-3·8) *(-9,8) (-1,013) Hamirpur Tahsil 416·9 1,079.8 131,098 416·0 1,07704 109,316 109,316 t(+0'9) t(+2·4) ( ... ) Maudaba Tabsl1 604·6 1,565-9 174,483 604·0 1,564·4- 144,816 144,816 t(+0'6) t(+I.S) ( ... ) Charkhan Tah811 545·2 1,412·1 139,557 159.0 411·8 33,461 117,182 +83,721 *,(+385.21 *(+1,000.3) (+83,721) Mahoba Tahsil 561·4 1,454·0 IM,867 354·0 916·9 90,034 139,295 +49,261 *(+207'4) *(+537.1) (+49,261) Kulpabar Tabsll (Merged in Maboba and Charkbari 591.0 Tahsil) 1,530·7 132,982 -132.982 *(-591.0) *(-1,530.7) (-132,982)

Notes-I. The difference of area between 1951 and 1961 has been given in'brackets in Cols. 5 and 6 and the differeuce in population of 1951 as enumerated and as recast on the basis of jurisdiction of 1961 il given in brackets In Col. 7. The area fignres of 1951 arc from the 1951 District Census Handbook and those of 1961 as intimated by the Board of Revenue. *2. The net jurisdictional change due to transfer of 6 Vilhges with an area of 6.6 Sq. miles (rom Rath Tahail of this District t? Ia~pi Tahsil of district Jalauu VIde G.O. No. S628/1C-160 C/55 dated lOll! February, 1955. and tbe lDsger of a plrt of former Kulpahar Tahsil. w~h an area 388'7 Sq. miles with Charkhari Tahsil and the remaining part with an area of 201.2 Sq. miles With Maboba Tahsil with In the dIStrict vide G. O. No. 12:'4jlC-210-Ct30, dated 1st Aprit, 1953 does not Corroborate WIth the difference in area figures of 1951 and 1961 because of revised calculation of area done by the Board of Revenue in 1961. done t3.by theThough Board tbereof Reveuue has been in no1961. jurisdictional change, the dlfference in area figuree of 1951 and 1961 is due to reviaed calculation of ar •• ~ !~s

A-itf..1.V~ claUli.. by ••,...dOa ,...---I-v.~ages.~~h less than-- 2,000, Popul~tlon - Less than 200 200-499 500-999 Total ~-__"_---__",, ,...... ___...--~ ,---__",..--~ Number of Total Rural Dislrict(fabsH Inhabited populati~n Population Population population ,_...... J-____... Villages ,.. ---~~--.~ No, ,..~ No • ...---'--.... No. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 , HAHIRPUR 917 727,896 377,467 350,U9 lSI 9,811 8,1142 247 41,762 tt,'ll7 255 94,993 88,101 DISTRICT

Ralh Tahsil 201 167,025 86,052 80,973 32 1,710 1,530 43 8,408 7,814 55 20,001 18,748

HamirpDr Tabsll 143 120,177 63,045 57,132 24 1,461 1,348 39 6,758 6,194 45 16,889 15,242

MalJdaha Tahsil 170 m,48!1 90,432 84,051 28 1,411 1,327 36 7,237 6,651 51 20,095 18,m

C!ild:harl Tabs" 212 126,222 65,159 61,~;' 68 3,657 3,28T 61 10,877 10,0:>7 46 17,086 l6,165 \ fdabiiba Tab8i1 19f 139,989 72,779 67,210 32 1,572 1,350 63 11,482 10,501 58 20,922 19,375

Ill_Villages with a Popula- t -Villages with less than II-Villages with a Population of 2,000-9,999 tion of 10,000 and above 2,000 Population-(conahl.) ,.. --"------~ ,---_.,._-~ .--__....--~ 1,000-1,999 2,000-4,999 5,000-9,999. 10,000 and above ,...---"------"'\ ,------. ,..- -~,... DiBtriclJTahlll1 Population Population Population Population No. ----, No. ,..- ..... No. .... _- ..... No • ,.._.Ao___' Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

HAHlRPUR 111 111,371 104,273 63 88,7.7 82,617 Ii 21,196 19,704: 1 6,581 5,675 DISTRICT

Rath Tahsil 49 32,969 31,538 17 22,964 21,343

Hamirpur Tahsil 23 17,174 15,636 11 16,607 15,0:46 4,156 3,676

Maudaha Tabsll 35 24,635 22.935 17 23,290 22,020 2 7,183 6,872 6,581 5,675 Cbarkhari Tahsil 29 19,302 18,154 7 10,636 10,115 3,601 3,285 .." ... ..aboba Tahsil 25 17,297 16,010 11 15,250 14,103 2 6,256 5,871 B-2 tENsuS TABLES 10

A-IV-Towns (and Town-Gtoups) classified by Population in 19&1 with Vartadoll sbace 194i

Town/Town-Group Status of town Year Persons Decade Percentage variation decade Males Females variation

2 3 4 S 6 7 II

Class 111-20,000 to 49,999

Maboba N. B. 1941 17,224 8,859 9,36&

1951 19,244 + 2,020 + 11.73 9,783 9,461

Area in Sq. mUes S.IS/Sq. Km. 8.16 1961 24.87B + 5,634- + 29.28 13.092 ll,786

Class IV-lO, 000 to 19.999

Rath M.B. 1941 12,785 6,265 6,520

1951 13,852 + 1,067 + 8,35 7,194 6,658 Area in Sq. miles Q.93/Sq. Km. 2.41 1961 17,419 + 3,567 4- 25.75 9,221 8.198

Cbarkbari M.B. 1941 12,6311 6,457 6,181

1951 11,631 - 1,007 7.97 5,884 5.747

Area In Sq. miles 3,OO/Sq. Km. 7.71 1961 13,335 + 1,704 + 14.65 7,083 6,252

Hamlrpur M. B. 1941 8,144 4,326 3,818 1951 8,469 + 325 + 3.99 4,626 3,843 Arca in Sq. miles 2.00/Sq. Km. 5.18 1961 10,921 + 2,452 + 28.95 6,054 4.861

'M. B.' stand for Municipal Board 11 A-SERlES


N,w Towns added in 1961 and Towns in 1951 d"lassiji,d i,,1961

New Towns added in 1961 Towns iD 1951 which have been declassified as rural in 1961 ,---""__' __.....------, ..------... Area in Population Area in Population

N8IIle of town r----'----.... r----"---..., Name of town ,-----...A.._~ r-~-----'

Sq. miles Sq.Km. 1961 1~51 Acres Sq.Km. 1961 1951

2 3 4 !i 6 7 , 8 9 10

Maudaha 6,414 26·0 12,256 9,898

Sumerptr 9,762 39.5 7,832 6,537 .,. KuJpahar 12,085 48·9 6,886 5,067


Ea,h town in 1951 which has ceased to be town in 1961, showing th, name, area and population of the uillage or villages into which it has relapsed in 1961

Constituent villages Name of 1951 Census N.1IIle of District Town declassified in 1961 1961 Name Survey No. .------~------~ Area (in acres) Population

2 3 4 5 6

HAMIRPUR Maudaha Maudaha N.A. 6,504 12,256 DISTRICT Sumerpur Sumerpur 89 9,762 7,832

Kulpabar Kulpabar N,A. 12!Q~~ 6lBW


B-1 aDel B-II-Worker. aDd NOD-workers ia District aDd Towlls clusified

WORKERS ---' 1 II III Total Population Total Workers As Cultivator As Agricultural In Milling, Age-groap Labourer Quarrying, Live. stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting, aDd Plantations, Orchards and allied activities ,.._ ---...... -----. ,...--....,.____,..., ,------~ ,----~---

Persons Mal~ Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l~


TOTAL 794.4~9 412,917 381,532 245,530 124,464 H9,755 76,292 32,166 21,362 1,352 289

0-14 316,946 167,746 149,200 14,836 7,512 6,991 4,549 2,442 1,549 81 S

15-34 253,654 130,584 123,070 120,621 60,032 70,268 37,210 18,081 10,660 887 248

35-59 182,531 94,544 87,987 93,06& 50,399 60,147 30,692 10,459 8,146 345 34

60+ 40,961 19,848 21,113 16,953 6,514 12,327 3,837 1,177 1,004 39 4-

Age not stated 357 195 162 52 7 22 4 7 3


TOTAL 727,896 377,467 350,429 227,898 122,1137 146,000 76,022 31,445 21,155 1,066 261

0-14 290,054 153,324 136,730 14,53B 7,469 6,94) 4,546 2,422 1,541 30

15-34 232,596 119,396 113,2QO 1I2,233 59,196 69,OB4 37,129 17,690 10,572 755 235

35-59 167,g09 86,!i57 81,252 85,530 4Q,I33 58,819 30,557 10,194 8,046 250 24

60+ 37,007 17,900 19,099 15,548 6,232 11,932 3,7&6 1,132 993 31

Age not stated 330 182 148 49 7 20 4 7 :3


TOTAL 66,553 35,450 31,103 17 ,63~ 2,427 2,955 270 721 207 286 28

0-14 26.B92 14,422 12,470 298 43 46 3 20 8 51 2

15-34 21,{)5S 11,188 9,870 8,388 836 1,184 81 391 llS 132 13

35-59 14,622 7,887 6,735 7,538 1,266 1,328 135 265 100 95 10

60+ 3,954 1,940 2,014 1,405 282 395 51 45 II 8 3

.Age not slate" ').7 13 14 '3 2 iii

by Ses and Broad Age-groups

..,____ WORKERS ------~ IV V VI VII ~u IX X At Household In Man ufactnring In Trade and In Transport, In Other Services NON-WORKERS IDdu$try other than 111 Con struction Commerce storage and Honsehold Communications Industry

Males Females Males ,Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males {<'em ales Males Females

13 15 16 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


22,115 5,Bll 1,940 227 1,849 174 6,926 1,576 2,018 28 27,379 IB,705 167,38' 25',068

366 33 20 24 10 114 43 B 1,193 970 152,910 141,688

10,391 2,626 1,341 125 989 75 3,215 534 1,055 9 14,394 8,545 9,963 63,038

6,599 2,434 503 76 738 86 3,009 841 890 16 10,378 8,074 1,476 37,588

1,173 385 63 6 97 3 586 158 94 1,397 1,116 2,895 14,599

2 2 17 143 155

20,386 5,562 890 175 1,200 142 4,288 728 16 21,095 l',f46 149,569228,392

3,911 363 9 19 18 10 83 41 4 1,116 948 138,786 129,261

9,566 2,536 721 106 662 57 2,065 422 371 5 11 ,319 8,134 7,163 54,004

5,892 2,3tl2 157 49 459 72 1,827 677 316 11 7,616 7,395 1,127 32,119

1,015 361 3 60 3 311 118 36 1,028 969 2,360 12,867

2 2 16 133 1+1

1,729 249 1,050 52 649 32 2,63B 318 1,320 6,2M 1,259 17,81B 28,6'16

39 3 24 6 31 2 4 2 77 22 14,124 12,427

825 90 620 19 327 18 1,150 112 684 ' 4 3,075 411 2,800 9,034

707 132 346 27 279 14 1,182 164 574 5 2,762 679 349 5,469

158 24 60 5 37 275 40 58 369 147 535 1,732 - 10 ...... t .. ... 1 14 CENSUS tABLES 16

8-1 aDd B-II-Workers aad NOD-Workeri ia nittriet aad 'tOWDI c.. ..t&ed

WORKERS .....-- I II Dl Total Population Total Workers As Cultivator As Agricultural In Hiuing, Age-group Labourer Quarrying, Live· stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities --- -. ....-- ,... --. ,_.-""""--.... Peraons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 S .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


TOTAL 1?,4i' 9,221 8,198 4,391 629 746 52 146 3 90 2

0-14 7.046 3.698 3,348 79 8 11 ... 28 15-lr4 5,597 3,055 2,M2 2,027 211 319 19 69 2 39 .. ,

M-59 3,743 1'.980 1,763 1.906 340 324 26 68 22 2

60+ 1',030 485 545 377 70 91 7 8 .AIf' not tbtt:d 3 3 2


TOTAL 10 ,Ill 6,054 4.867 .2,918 284 361 2S 86 20 22 3

0-14 4,370 2,294 2,076 33 6 5 5 ..

15-84 3,712 2.123 1,589 1,+53 911 172 2 50 6 10 2

31-59 2,263 1,336 9~7 1,253 153 144 14 75 11 7

60+ 573 300 273 179 27 40 8 6

• not ata.ted 3 2


Ttl)TAL 18,515 7.083 &1.252 3,572 410 832 '70 11f 8 59 1

0-14 5,203 2,884 2,319 52 4 9 9

15-B4 41(162 2,095 1.967 1.619 116 296 13 64 3 27

35-59 3.075 1,621 1,454 Q50 209 390 36 46 4 21

60;- 98Ii 479 507 350 81 136 21 S 2 Agenot_d 9 .. 5 ... - I' B.sElU1!:5 by Sex and Broad Age-groups-Cont_.

WORKERS ------. IV V VI -----VIr vm IX X At Household In Manufacturing In Trade ant.! In Transport, In Other Services NON-WORKERS Indu$try other than In Construction Commerce Storage and Household Communk;ations Industry

___, ,....--'- ,...__A.--.... ,....-_..... --. ,...... ,..__Jo,.--, ,...... ---"----. ,.... _...-__.___, __ Males Females Males Females Malcs Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fem~lC18 IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


:no 54 401 19 125 876 171 316 2 1,381 325 4,&10 7,569

2 9 6 2 20 7 3,619 3,940

123 15 233 9 56 394 74 160 634 91 1,028 2,331

149 29 128 7 60 ." 376 79 129 2 650 194 74 1,423 36 9 31 3 9 100 18 25 76 33 108 475


175 15 129 2 136 3 349 33 137 2 1,523 181 3.136 4.583

!I 2 2 5 6 3 2,261 2,070

91 2 78 69 153 9 75 755 72 670 1.491

63 13 44 61 2 156 19 56 697 91 83 774

IS 5 4 35 4- 5 65 15 121 246



408 53 134 9 109 7 290 2& 132 1,494 236 3,511 5,M2

5 6 1 21 3 2,832 2,315

189 19 70 5 64: 4 Il5 5 60 734 66 475 1,851

175 28 42 3 37 3 144 16 66 629 119 71 1,245

39 6 16 7 il 5 6 110 48 129 426

S 5 H-S tA

8-1 aad Jl..1l-Worker. aDd NOll-worker .... Dlstdct and tow". cta"ifted

WORKERS ,,__------...J J II III Age.gronp Total Population Total Workers As Cultivator As Agricultural In Mining, Labonrer Quarrying, Live. _t, Forestry, Fiahing, Hnnting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities ~ ..... --- ,...-_ - ... ---..r--~ ...... PerlOD8 Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 .. 5 6 1 8 9 10 II 12


TOTAL 24,878 13,092 11,786 6,751 1,104 1,016 125 375 176 115 22

0-14 10,273 5,5t6 4,727 . 134 25 21 2 13 7 10 2

15-34 7,687 ., 3,915 3,772 3.289 411 397 47 208 75 56 10

35-59 5,541 2,950 2,591 2,829 564 470 59 126 84 45 7

60+ 1,365 676 689 499 104 " 178 15 28 10 .. 3 Age not stated 12 5' 7 19 b)' S..... d Broad Ace-croapa-COIIdd.

WORKERS IV V -- VI vn VIII IX X At Housebold In ManUfacturing In Trade and In Tran~rt In otber Services NON-WORKERS Indastr; other than In Canslrdction (.'cl!nInerce Storage aild HODscflold Commonic:ition1 Industry

, ,.. __- .Ao_._-, r---'----,, ----~ .... -- .... -Aoo-----. --~--. Males Females Males Females Males l"emales Males Females Males Females Nates Females Males Females 13 H 1& 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


836 127 386 21 279 21 1.123 88 735 8 1,886 517 6,Sjl 10,682

29 2 7 .,. S 20 2 30 9 5,412 4,102

422 54 239 4 138 12 4811 24 389 3 952 182 626 3,961

320 62 132 16 121 9 506 50 323 2 786 275 121 2,027

65 9 8 Z 17 109 IS 22 118 51 177 585 --, 5 '1 CENSUS TABLES 20

a.W-Put A-Indut&'ial Classifica do.. of EclQcadoaal Level. iD

WORKERS .-- 1 ------...... ------U III IV Total Population of As Cultivator As Agricultural In Mining, At HOlll!ehold Educational Levels Workers and Non- Labourer Quarrying. Live- Industry workers stock, FOleslly Fishing, Hunting and Plan tations, Orchards and a llied activities ___._.___... ,....._....__, ,...._.,..._.., r~.A-,....., ~ ,_,_",--. Persons Malea Females Males Females Mal,s Females Malei Females Males FemalCli 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

Total 66,553 35,450 :n,101 2,955 270 721 207 286 . 28 1.729 2f9

Illiterate 44,997 19.585 25,412 1.867 244 647 20f 239 27 955 238

Literate '(without educational 13,222 9.046 4,176 809 23 64 3 55 607 9 level)

Primary or Junior Basic 5,518 .,304 1.214 216 9 5 157 2

Hihgh School or Higher 2,275 2,059 236 54 2 8 10 Secondary

Technical diploma not equal 3 -3 ... to degree

Non-technica] diploma not 50 ... 6 4 equal to degree

University degree Of postgra- 468 409 59 5 duale degree other Ihan - technical degree

Technical degree or diploma 20 20 ... I ... equal to degree or post- - - graduate degree

Engineering 7 7

Medicine 6 6


Velerinary and Dairying 'I 2 ". Technology ...

Teaching 4 4

Ot\)er~ 'I' ". .~:: at ." :" .,. .,. ." 21 a-sERIE8

Workers aDd Non-workers by

Urban Areas only

WORKERS _---V VI ---Vll ---VlU IX X In Manufacturing other than House- In Construction In Trade and In Transport, In other Servi ces NON-WORKERS bold Industry Commerce Storage and Communication ,...--.i'o __ .... ,-_.i'o__ -. ~--.... ,---.... _-.... ,- -. ,__.-.A._-, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males ].<'emales 13 14- 15 16 17 I 18 19 20 21 22 23 24-

1,050 52 649 32 2,638 318 1,320 12 6,284 1,259 17,818 28,676

487 52 335 32 818 308 596 9 2,954 1,134 10,687 23,164

400 175 1,164- 10 400 3 1,544 34- 3,850 4,093

44 25 408 190 664 36 2,586 1,175

114 102 216 123 765 33 646 201

4 18 17 5

4 8 27 8 327 21 29 38

2 11

3 2 2

3 2


4 .., .., ,.. ,,. ,,. ,.. .,. CE.. SC& ?;ABLES 22 s.m·rut B-hldalUial Cl-aMi&adoa of Uqqdo... l Level. ill


,...------I II III J otal Population of Workers and As cuItivatqr As Agricultural In MltI~, ~narrylng Non-workers LabOlll'er Livesl , oreslry, Educational LeveJa Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and' IiIl1ed activities ,....- .... ~--...._ ..... ,..--""--__ ---...... _... _- Persons Males Females Males Female, Males Females Males Femalef 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Di.t.iet

Total 727.896 377,467 350,.29 146,800 76,022 31,4"5 21.155 1,066 261

Illiterate 620,467 283,496 336,971 101,735 74,561 28,441 21,081 724 261

Litc.ate (without educational level) 89,275 76,979 12,296 38,510 1,372 2,706 67 307

Primary or Junior Basic 14,950 13,939 1,041 "5,624 87 219 7 15 " High School and above 3,17. 3,053 121 931 2 17 20


Total 167,025 86,052 80,973 34,425 25,079 3,893 1,450 149 55 lIIiteratll 142,079 63,549 78,530 22,362 24,583 3,536 1,450 129 55

Literate lwithout educational level) 21,507 19,269 2,244 10,638 468 319 11

Primary or Junior BaSic 2,982 2,797 165 1,276 28 36 !I

High School and above 457 443 14 149 6


Total 120,177 63,045 57,132 24,805 6,841 6,000 3,989 263 8R

Illiterate 100,237 46,014 54,223 17,292 6,656 5,206 3,9!;1 104 88

Literate (without educational level) 17,165 14,424 2,741 6,543 172 729 32 159

}.t) Pomaryor Junior Basic 2,188 2,043 '97 12 58 ",'

High School and above 587 564 23 173 7

Maud. be

TD~1 17.,483 90,432 84,051 32,B08 17,427 7,_ 4,715 183 44

Illiterate 147,29S 67,039 80,254 ~22,591 17,057 7,058 4,715 160 41

Literate (without educational level) 21,878 18,371 S.507 8,487 855 669 II

Primary or Junior Basic 4,135 3,878 257 1,395 15 75 6 ....

JIigh School and above 1,177 1,14+ 33 ~33 1 6 \\forkers and NOll... """ • .." aval Area. oal,


IV V VI VII VIII IX X At Household In Manui acturing In Construction , In Trade aDd In Transport I In Other Services NON-WOHKERS IIlrlllstry other than Commerce storage and Household Commnnicatjons Industry

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 .Raral

20,386 5,5fi2 890 175 1,200 lf2 4,288 1,258 728 16 21,095 17,446 149,569 228,392

15,235 5.487 427 175 671 142 1,249 1,180 347 16 15,760 17,042 118,907 217,026

4,415 70 331 384 2,387 74 253 3,050 248 24,634 10,465

676 5 129 90 520 4 65 1,382 118 5,159 820

60 3 55 132 63 903 38 869 81

5,487 1,7" 20 15 739 45 1 6,910 7,128 34.162 45,219

4,104 1,730 50 ~o 77 15 209 245 13 5,468 7,086 27,599 43,345

1,205 13 4 72 439 16 14 932 26 5,629 1,721

170 26 79 9 363 12 835 143

8 13 12 9 147 4 99 10


1.1MH 501 tiS 269 15 956 165 152 2,871 1,300 25,322 44,138

1,180 492 94 180 15 203 155 71 2,129 1,250 19,624 41,515

698 9 270 622 10 57 464 31 4,814 2,481

101 118 II 99 10 127 17 722 116

15 ... 10 32 14 151 2 162 20 't'.hail

5.381 1,397 250 35 254 39 1,301 412 196 ... 5,881 5,495 36,372 M,m

.,102 1,361 245 35 119 39 421 369 91 4,358 5,400 27,894 51,234

t.o74 35 95 666 65 876 63 3,014

183 3 24 166 22 351 23 1,653 215

2 16 48 18 296 9 397 CENSUIl TABLJ~S ~4

B~llI.Part B-IJIdustrial clusification of Educational Levels in


r------1 II III Tol~ Population of Work en and As Cultivator As Al1.r;cultnral In Mining, Quarrying, Non-workers Labourer Livestock, Forestry, Educational Level Fishing, Huutinl( and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities r-----"-...... ____, ,-- ..... ,...... --.A._~ ~----~------~ .... _- Persons Males Females Males Females Males Femeles Males Females

2 3 4 !i 6 7 8 9 10


Total 126,222 65,159 61,063 26,202 17,W 6,870 6,045 30f 48

Illiterate 108.480 49.742 58.738 18.700 16,874 6,361 6,023 289 48

Literate (without educa tiona1level) 14,895 12,838 2.057 "6,596 297 471 22 6

Primary or Junior Basic 2.349 2,116 233 174- 13 34- 3

High School and above 498 463 35 132 4 6


Total 139,989 72;779 67,210 20;60 9.491 6,876 4,956 167 76

Illiterate 122,378 57.152 65,226 20,790 9,391 6,278 4,936 42 25

Literate (without edncational level) 13,830 12,083 1.747 6,246 ao 520 13 120

Primary or Iunior Basic 3,326 3,105 221 1,382 19 76 7 3

High School and above 455 439 16 142 2 2 2~ B.SERIEs

WOI'kertllllcl NOD-worker. by Raral Areas only-Comld.

wORKERS ----_.... _----_._------IV V VI VIl VIII IX X At Household In Manufacturing In ConstructioQ In Trade and In Transport, In Other Services NON·WORKERS Industry other than Commerce Storage and Housebold Communications Industry

r--..... _....._ ,.-_" -~ .. .--...._...... ,....--"-~ ,....---__, r--"""----... Malel Femalelll Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 III 19 20 21 22 23 24 raluu

3,315 1,041 101 22 190 13 624 254 127 1 2,360 1,607 25,066 34,848

2.480 1,031 83 22 78 13 195 254 74 1,565 1,421 19.917 33,051

749 8 13 79 310 36 381 122 4,197 1,608

79 2 4 23 94 8 254 49 843 liS

7 10 25 9 160 15 109 20

T.. b.U

4,209 879 72 4 2!19 60 668 165 208 13 3,013 1,916 28.647 49,700

3!369 873 24 4 217 60 221 157 98 13 2,240 1,885 23,873 47,881

689 5 4~ 70 350 8 81 397 6 3,566 1,635

143 4 6 82 16 287 17 1,106 177

8 6 15 13 149 8 102 7 tEHsus ±ABLE~ 26

B-IV.Part A-ladastrial dasst&eatioD by SeE aad ciass 0; Worker of atet80as at Work at Hoasehold Indastry

Total Employee others

Total ~_.-A. Branch of Industry -.~ ,.....--...... _... """"'" Division and Major fffoup of Rural 1. S.l. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males Female

2 4 5 6 7 8

ALL DIVISIONS T 22,115 5,811 J,'DJ 39 2D,M2 5,77~

R 20,386 5,562 1,183 36 19,203 5,5211

U 1,729 249 90 3 1,639 24&

DitnliDn O-A~,jculturt1, Liw.• t?ck, FO'lldry, T 7,971 1,318 958 If) '1,016 1,608 Fisking and Hunting R 7,815 1,305 951 10 6,864 1,295

U 159 13 7 152 13

Major Groups OO-~'ield produce and PIan. T 177 282 9 168 282 lation crops R 173 280 8 165 280 U 4 2 3 2

Ol-Plantation crops T 62 62 U 62 62

()2-Forestry and logging T 2 II 2 11 R 11 1 II U

0ol-Livestock and hunling T 7,733 1,024 949 ·10 6,784 1,014 H 7,641 1,014 943 10 6,698 I ,DOl U 92 10 6 86 10

Diwljons 2 & J-Maflufaotur;ilg T 14,1J1 4,493. 315 29 13,826 4,464 R 12,511. 4,257 231 26 12"ug 4,231 U 1,670 236 83 3 1,48'1 283 , t' 1,180 729 178 2 1,002 727 R 973 692 153 2 820 690 U 207 37 25 182 37

T 3 3 .,. R 3 ... 3 ... 27 BoSSHlD

JI-W-PutA-I.... triaI Cla ••M.d .. by Sea a.d CIa. of WOI'k •• of Peno•• at Work at Hoa.. lloid h1dultfJ-COAtd,

Total Employee Othe1'll

Branch of IDdIlltry Tplai r-----"---...., ..---~ Division ;I11d Major Group of ~ural I. S.I, C. rban Males Females Males Females Male~ Females

2 1 8

~ajor Groups 22-Tobacco producb T 25 3 13 12 !l L< :'I ';1 " 3 U 20 12 8

23+Textile-cotton T 1,735 1,508 20 6 1.715 1,502 R 1,490 1.418 16 6 1,474 1,412

U 245 90 4- 241 90

24-Textile-iute T 12 12 R 12 12

25-Textile-wool T 4 11 3 4 8

U 4 11 3 4 8

'l1-Textile-miscellaneous T 1,605 259 15 1,590 258 R 1.398 240 5 1,393 239 U 207 19 10 197 19

28-Manufacture of wood and T 4,420 844 39 5 4,361 839 wooden products R 4,148 811 21 5 4,127 806

U 272 33 18 254 33

2!1-Paper and paper products T R 1

3O-Plinting and publishing T 3 ... 3 U 3 3

31-Leati1ir and leather products T 1.412 165 16 1,396 163 R l,U7 159 7 1,220 159 U 185 6 9 176 6

32-Rubber, Petroleum and coal T product, l ,., 11 fl' ,., ," CENSUS 'fABLES 28

B.IV.Part A-Industrial ctassific:atioll by Se& and Class of Worker of P'l'Ions At Work at Hou.llehold ll1dustl'y-C'9ndd.

Total Employee Othon

Branch of Industry Total ... Division and Major Group of Rural I. S.l. C. Urban Males Females Males Females Males It'emalos

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Major Groups 33-Chemicals and chemical products T S8 2 97 2 R 21 20 U 17 17

34 & 35-r.'on-metallic mineral pro- T 1,231 ' 6~ 8 2 1,223 650 ducts other than petro- leum and coal R 1,145 634 8 2 1,137 632 U 86 18 86 18

36-Basic metals and their prodncis T 985 57 10 975 57 except machinery and lransport equipment R 885 57 10 875 57 U 100 100

37-Machinery (aU kind~ other tban I T Tran'port) and electrical eqUipment U

38-Tranqport eqUipment T 134 6 128

R 122 2 120 U 12 4 8

39-Mbcellaneous manufac- T 1,362 251 8 10 1,354 241 turing induotries R 1,152 230 8 10 1.1 •• 220

U 210 21 ••• 1 210 21

I. S. I. C.-Inl'ian Standard Industrial Classification 29 B-Slms

"B-JV.Part A-lDdustrial Classffi.cadoD by Sex and Class of Worker of PerioDI at Work at Household IDdultry by Tahsil. (Rllral C)Dly)

Total Employee Others

Flranch of Industry -, -'------. ,---_.... • Division of I. S. I. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 r, 6 1

Di.trict Raral

Total 26,386 5,562 1.183 36 19,203 5,526 Divisions O-Agricullure, Livestock, Forestry, 7,815 1,305 951 10 6,864 1,295 Fishing and Hunting

2 & 3-Manufac!uring 12,571 4,257 232 26 12,339 4,231

Rath Tah.if

Total 5.487 1,'.4 143 17 5.34" 1,7'17 DiviSions Q-Agriculture, Livestock, FOTelitry, 1.735 278 124 2 1.611 276 flbhing and BUlIting

2 & 3-Manufacturing 8,752 1,466 19 15 3,733 1,451

Hllmirpar Tablil

Total 1,994 501 80 5 1,914 496 DiviSions Q-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, 235 109 22 213 109 Fishing and Hunting

2 It 3-Manufactnring 1,759 392 58 5 1.701 387

Maud«ha Tllb,il

Total 5,381 1,397 524 4,857 1,397 DlvisioJIII O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, 2,681 485 430 2,251 485 Fishing and Hunting

2 It 3-Manufactnring 2,700 912 94 2,606 912

Charkbari Tab.U

Total 3,315 1,041 226 6 3,089 1,035

~ons O-Agriculture, Livestock. Forestry, 1,146 201 192 6 954 195 Fishing and Hunting

2 & 3 Manufacturing 2,169 840 34 2,195 1140

Mahoba Tablil

Tetal 4,209 879 210 8 3,999 871 Divilions O-Agriculture. Livestock, Forestry, 2,018 232 183 2 1,835 230 Fishing and Hunting

2'& 3 Manufacturing 2,191 647 27 6 2,164 641

I, S, I. C. -Indian Standard lIIdnslrial C~ilication ciNsU~ fABLEs SO

B-IV-Put B~ ..d..,*daJ (lI...uIMdo.. by Sea and Ciao .. Workel' or ' ...1001 at Work i .. No ..- bousebold ...4tJa..,. Trade. Buslaen. Pnfe.lIriOo 81' Setviae

Branch of Indnstry Total Employer Employee Slogle Worker Family Worker DivISion and Malor uroup of Total I. S.l. C. erban ,...---, ,...--"'__", ,-_6---.. ,.....-..... ---., Males Females Males Femilles Males l''emales Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 • 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 It

ALL DIVISION S T tl,t9f 20,. 1,705 216 11,68 1,132 27,271 18,"2 1,059 709 U 12,2Z'1 1,701 9!J2 46 5,370 420 5,432 1,162 433 73

DiPisiOfi O-AI!"jallllll''1, Liwst(ICk, For,stry, T 999 143 19() 526 80 278 S9 5 4 F, 8.' ,,,4 Hunt;"g U 281 27 11 104 II J61 14 5 2

Major Groups 00 - Fie14 proollco and T 237 34 50 135 22 52 10 2 plautdtion crops IT 52 11 5 27 5 20 6

Ol-P.antation crops T 25 8 .,. 22 6 3 2 U 25 Q ... 22 6 S 2

02-f'Orettry and lORing T 178 5 ... 167 11 3 t1 17 2 10 7

03 -Fishing T 48 45 37 30 11 15 U 9 6 3

04-Liveslock and hunting T 511 51 140 165 21 21)1 29 5 U 178 6 6 39 128 :, 5 1

Difi,;OIS I-Mining aHd Qua"',;HI1 T 353 146 '13 ~ 280 119 7 U , 5 1 ... 4 J I

Major Group ID-Minlng and Quarrying T 353 146 73 20 200 119 7

U 5 ..

DitNiOfl, 2 & s-lI11t1Uf allturing f 1,940 227 213 14 963 65 '11l 143 53 5 U l,fJ6() 52 115 13 448 13 443 25 44

Major GrOllFs 20-Foodstuffs T 214 9 ~~ 3 26 .. 4 U J59 5 22 2 14 3 2

22-Toba~~ products T 40 16 4 sa 9 S U 10 10 " I) S 3 '"' , 31 &SMJItI

i-tV"-Part 8-laduatrial Cla..mcatiOD by Ses aad CIa •• of WOlkei' .f PerlOll. at Work in ~a· he.. seJaold Iada.tr1, Trade, Basin... , Profe..... 8erftee-COIItd.

Branch of Industry Total Employer Employee Single Worker ,"'amily Worker Division and Major Group of Total 1. S. 1. C. Urban ,-__""--...... ---"----.. r-__"'--' ,.--,.,....~ Males .'emales Males Females Males FelJlales Males Females Males Females 12 2 3 .. ~ 6 7 6 9 10 11

Major Groupe 23-TCJtile-t;otloD IT 39 8 3 3 29 2 6 3 U 33 7 3 3 24 6 3

24-Texlile-jnte T ...


25-Textile-wool T U

27-1 erlile-mlscellat1eous T 366 17 76 4 74 10 191 ! ~ ... U 311 14 55 .. 62 7 169 3 25 ...

194 2 68 U 2 t 211-Manufactute of wood and T 275 14 11 '" wooden products U 71 14 .. ". SO 2 36 1\

211- Paper and paper products T U

3D-Printing and publishing T 11 9 7 U 10 !I 6

31-1.eather and leather P"'" T 129 8 51 16 dncts U lOS 8 29 66

32-Rubber. Petroleum and Coal T 8 7 Products U 8 7

3s-Chemicals and chemical T 19 ... 11 ... G ... :I products U 16 8 G ,

2 M-S5-Non-Dletallic mineral T 174 157 .. 118 40 44 115 8 products othtr than petro- 6 lenm and coal U 79 9 81 59

25 48 2 3 36~a1!ic metalS and their pro- T 82 .. 6 ducts m:ept machinery aDd 8 19 ... transport equipment U 3S 6 '" caiisus TABLEs 3~

B-IV.Part B-Indastrlal Clasliificatioa. by Sell and Clasl or Worker or Persons at Work in Not .. hoaaehold Ia.da.stry, Trade, Basillen, ProresaioD or Serviee-Conld.

Brancb of Industry Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worker Division and Major Group of Total 1.S.1. C. Urban r- ,..._...Aw_...., ,-_"""'-_,_, r--""-__, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Jt'em,les

2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 .

Malor Groups !17-Machinery (all kinds other T 22 4 14 4 tban transport) and elec- trical equipment U 10 4- 2 " S8-Transport equipment T 248 36 169 4' U 101 6 73 22

39-Miscellaneous manufacturing T 311 39 76 193 3 industries U 104 5 34 £2 3

Diw.iMl t-CotI,frtlDtiGfI T 1,849 174 47 724 47 1,011 11'1 41 10 U 649 32 32 242 2 348 28 27 2

Major Group 4O-COnstruction T 1,849 174 47 724 47 1,037 117 41 10 U 649. 32 32 242 2 348 28 27 2

Division 5-BllKltricit,. Gas. Wilt" T 490 936 36 338 19S 102 616 14 94 Sanitar, S,rviclS If"" U 257 193 253 102 4 86 5

Major Groups 5O-Eleclricity and gas T 33 33 U 33 sa

51-Water supply and sanitary T 4'i7 936 36 305 196 102 646 14 94 services U 224 193 220 102 4 86 5

lHvlsiGfI 6-Trlfds "tiel CO'l'ftI8"" T 6,926 1,5'16 1,021 197 6Q8 32 4,494 1,102 413 245 U 2,638 618 'Ill 29 502 24 1,149 202 m 6J

Major Groups 6O-6S-Wholesale trad. T 218 50 38 120 10 U 92 9 25 51 7

64-68-Retail trade T 6,475 1.534 955 192 516 32 4,616 1,067 388 343 U 2,457 317 701 28 405 24: 1,089 202 262 63 33 a.sERlE::,

a-IV-Part Ii -Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Persons at Work in Non- household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service-Cantd.

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worker Branch of.Industry Tolal ,-_ Division and Major Group of Urban ,- .... --, ,--.;0.--. ...---"---- ,...-.... --, I. S. I. C. M~les Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Major Group 69-Trade and commerce T 233 41 16 4 144 58 35 15 2 miscellaneous U 89 5 72 9 3

1)joilion 7-Trans/Jo,t, Storag. and Com· T 2,048 28 70 4 1,408 6 553 18 17 m"nieatlan U 1,320 12 54 4 887 6 364 2 15

\lajor Gronps 70-71 Transport T 1,771 28 70 .. 1,149 6 535 18 17 U 1.228 1% 54 4 795 6 364 2 15

72-Storage and warehousing T 59 41 18 U

73-Communications T 218 218 U 91 91

Dit'isioH 8-Ssrt'ioss T 26,495 17,762 129 1 6,437 683 19,496 16,734 433 344

U 5,971 1,066 65 2.887 262 2,954 804 65

Major Groups SO-Public services T 2,744- 36 2,744 36 U 1,594- 24 1,594 24

81-Educational and Scientific T 1.579 242 1,566 224 13 18 senioes U 579 107 567 107 12

B2-Medical and Health T 448 56 3 316 44 129 12 services U 23~ 19 2 166 18 66

SS-Religious and Welfare T 360 40 132 17 227 22 services U 95 12 46 3 49 9

84-Legal services T 192 9 62 119 2 U 158 9 28 119 2 H-5 eiNStTS tABLES 34

B-IV-Part B-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of PerIODs at Work ia Noa.. household Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service-Coneld.

Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Worker Branch or Industry Total Div ision and Major Group of Urban ,. . ,.---" , ,....--.....--. I. S.L C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female» Males Females

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Major Groups a5-Business services T 523 8 440 75 U 94 88 6

86-Communily services and T 315 18 315 18 trade and labour asso- ciations U 33 33

87-Recreation services T 225 32 7 55 8 163 24 U 109 14 21 8 88 6

I18-Personal services T 2,197 720 55 373 150 1,491 475 278 95 U 585 128 31 218 65 307 63 29

89-Services (not elsewbere T 17,912 16,618 46 434 186 17,279 16,183 ISS 249 classified) U 2,490 761 23 126 36 2,307 725 34

Dj~sjon 9-Allliwli" Mol adsqual." T 394 7 291 3 20 4 83 d.saribsd U 56 .. , 46 5 5

Major Group gO-Activities unspecified and T 394 7 291 3 20 4 83 not adeqnately described (this including new entrants to the labour market) U 56 46 5 5

l. S. I. C.-Indian Standard Industrial Classification 35 MERtES

8-iV-Part B-Jndustrial Classification by Sell and Class of Worker of Persons at Work in Non-householdl lndastry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service by Tahsils (Rural only) I Total Employer Employee Single Worker Family Workr Branch of Industry ,-_..... - ..... ,--"'--..... ,-_..... _-- r--...._...., '--"'__' Division of L S. I. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Mates Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Di.trict Rural

ALL DMSIONS 2!J, %67 19, 298 714 170 6,088 712 21,839 17,780 625 636

Divisions D-Agriculture. Livestolk, Forestry, Fishing 718 116 179 422 69 117 45 2 and Hunting

2-Mining and Quarrying 3~a 145 72 20 275 118 7

2&3-Manufacturing 890 175 98 515 52 268 118 9 4

4-Construction 1,200 142 15 482 45 689 89 14 8

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary 233 743 36 85 94 98 560 14 89 Services

6-Trade and Conmerce +.288 1.25!S 306 168 196 8 3,645 900 141 182

7-Transport, Storage and Communication 728 16 16 521 189 16 2

a-Services 20,524 16,696 64 3,550 421 16,542 15,930 368 944 9-Activities nol adequately described 338 7 245 3 15 4 '8 ...

Ratb Taban

ALL DIVISIONS 8,085 7,481 H7 47 1,453 26~ 6,261 6,963 224 207

Divisions O.... Agricultnre, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing 139 211 4~ 72 17 27 11 and Hunting

I-Mining and Quarrying 10 27 3 2 7 24

2&$-Manufacturing 54 20 2 23 5 29 15

4-Construction 188 15 97 6 90 9

~Etcctricity, Gas, Waler and Sanitary 72 2n6 9 31 31 26 150 6 25 Services

6-Trade and Commerce 739 262 67 46 31 614 177 27 38

7-Transport. Storage and Communication 4S 14 30

8-Services 6,725 6,919 28 1,120 201 5,431 6,574 146 143

~Activitie8 not adequately describad· ll3 3 62 7 2 44 ." CENSUS TABLES 36

..IV-Part B-Industrial Classification by Sex and Class of Worker of Pel'soo. at Work in Noa-)lo1IIehold Industry, Trade, Business, Profession or Service by Ta.hsils~(Rural onIy)-Coatd.

Total Employer Employee Single Workor Family worker

Branch of Industry ,...-...... ___ ,.. ,--""__ Division of I. S. I. C. Males Femalc:s Malell Females Males Females Males Females Malos Female.

2 S .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

Hamirpllr Tahail

ALL DIVISIONS .,924 1,663 176 22 841 lOS 3,791 1,419 116 117

Divisions O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing ,124 30 35 58 21 31 9 and Hnnting

I-Mining and Quarrying 139 58 27 9 112 46 3

2&3-Manuracturing 413 94- 42 213 23 153 67 5 3

4-Construction 269 15 6 115 7 145 7 3

5--Electricity. Gas, Water and Sanitary 60 146 7 27 80 25 96 20 Services

6-Trade and COllllllcrce 956 165 84 21 47 3 791 117 34 24

7-Transport, storage and Communication 152 2 92 58

a-Services 2,766 1,154 217 12 2,476 1,076 73 66

9-Acti'i"ities not adequately described 45 45 ...

Maudaha Tah.ll

ALL DIVISIONS 8,065 6,025 210 63 1,789 242 V SO 5,561 186 159

Divisions O-Agrlculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing 175 24 42 lOB ' 9 25 13 2 and Hunting

I-Mining and Quarrying 8 20 3 2 5 17

2&3-Manufaduring 250 35 3B 162 46 33 4

4-Conslrudion 254 39 5 105 14 139 21 5 4

5-E ectridty, Gas, Wa!er and Sanitary 29 200 5 4 15 17 166 3 19 Services

6-Trade and Commerce 1,301 412 95 63 73 4 1,079 291 54 54

7-Transport, Storage and Communication 196 4 148 43

Il-Se£1lices 5,722 5,291 21 1,098 195 4.518 5,018 85 78

9-Activitles and adquatcly described )80 4 86 2 II ~ 34 ... 81

B-tV.Part B-Indu.trial Cla.mcadon by Ses aad Class of Worker of Persons at Work ill Non-houehold . Indu.try, Trade, Business, Profession or Service by 1'ahsils (Rural ooly)-Concld.

Total Employer Employee Siqgle Worker Family Worker Branch of Industry Division of I. S. I. C. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Claarkhe.,i T.lul!

ALL DIVISIONS ',706 1,945 78 1& 6'15 &6 2,915 1,785 38 78

Divisions Q-Agricul!ure, Livestock, FOrestry, Fishing 180 19 32 130 12 18 7 and Hnnting

I-Mining and Quarrying 124 29 25 6 99 21 ... 2

2 & 3-Manulacturing 101 22 12 89 22

4-Construction 190 13 51l 131 8 1

s-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary 36 135 6 10 11 18 109 2 15 Services

6-Trade and Commerce 624 254 25 16 24 564 198 II 40

7-Transport, storage and Communlcallon 127 2 106 18

8-Services 2,289 1,472 198 10 2,067 1,441 24 21

9-Activities not adequately described 35 35

Mahaba Tah.n

A.Ll DlVISIONS 4,487 2,184 103 27 1,330 35 2,992 2,052 62 75

Divisions (J.-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing 100 15 30 5+ 10 16 5 and HWlting

I-Mining and Quarrying 67 II 53 10

2 & 3-Manufacturing 72 4 4 28 40 3

4-Construclion 299 60 4 107 13 184 44 4 3

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary 36 56 9 13 7 12 39 2 10 Services

6-Trade and Commerce 668 165 35 22 21 597 117 15 26

7-Transrort, storage and Communication 208 13 6 161 40 13

8-Service~ 3,022 1,860 15 917 3 2,050 1,821 9-Activities not adequately described 15 15 .. ,

J. ~. I. C-Illilillil Stan411,d lndu8trilll ClasstjiQllliQn RNStJ8 TAIILES 38

B-IV·'art C--IDdDstrlal ClaIlUlcadoD by Sea aad DM.loDS, Major Groaps

Total Branch of Industry ------' DivIsion, Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. Total

Perton. Malee Fcmaloa

2 3 ..

ALL DIVISIONS 90,419 63,609 26,810

Divi.iorl 0 Agrloulturs, Li'l1l.took, Fot'Sstr" Fishing and Hunting 10,434 8,973 1,461 Major Groop 00 Field Produce and Plantatioo Crops 730 414 516 Minor Groups 005 Production of other crops (including veget)lbles) 329 188 141 (lOS Produdion of fruits and nuts in plantation, vines and orchards 190 69 121 007 Prodnction of WOOd, bamboo, cane reeds, thatching grass, etc. 47 5 tz 009 Production of other agricultural produce (including fruits and nuts not covered by code 164 152 12 number 006 and flowers) not covered abo\'c

.uaio~ Group 01 .Plantatio~ Crop~ 96 87 9 Minor Groop 015 Production of other plantation crops not covered above 96 87 9 Major Groop 02 Forestry and Logging 196 180 16

~inor Groups 020 Planting, replanting and conservation of forests 49 48 021 Felling and cutting of trees and transportation of logs 3 1 2 023 Production of fnel including charcoal by exploitation of forelt 133 12% 11 024 Production of fodder by exploitation of forests 7 5 2 025 Production of gums, resins, lac, barks, berbs, wild fruita and leaves by the exploitation S S of forests 026 Production and gathering of other forest products not covered above Major Group 03 Fishing 93 48 45 Minor Group 051 Production of fish by fishing in inland waters including the operation of fiah farma and 93 48 45 fish hatcheries Major Group 04 Livestock and Hunting 9,319 8,244 1,075

Minor Gronps 04Q Production and rearing of livestock (larg~ heads only) mainly for milk and animal 8,745 7,830 915 power such as cow, buffalo, goat

04:1 Rearing of sheep and prodaclion of wool 255 208 47 042 Rearing and production of other animals (mainly for slaughter) such as pig 202 125 17 043 Production of ducks, hens and other small birds, eggs by rearing and poultry farming 52 19 33

044 Rearing of bees for the production of honey, wax and ~olleclion of honey 8 8 047 Trapping of animals or games propagation 29 29 048 Production of other animal husbandry products such as skiD, bone, ivory and teeth 28 25 3 Ditri8io,. 1 Mining and QUlJrrying 499 853 l46 Major Group 10 Mining and Quarrying 499 353 146 Minor Group 107 Quarrying of stone (including slate), clay, sand; gravel, limestone 499 353 146 p,tlWons H:3 Manul ao'urlnS 20,801 16,08J 4,720 39

bd Mbaot GtoaPI or renoDJ at Work qther tbaa Cultivadon

Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry. ele. Branch of Industry Division, Major Group ------. ~,------~--- ~------~,------and Minor Group of Urban Tolal Urban Total Urban 1. S. I. C. ~__._--.. ,....._...... :.-__, ..----"'-'_"'" ~----~------~ ,-._---.... Persons Malea Femalea Males Females Malea Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

15.906 13,956 1,950 22.115 5,811 1. '729 2t9 41,4M 20,999 12,227 1,701 ALL DIVISIONS 4BO 440 40 '7,974 1.318 159 13 999 143 281 27 Di'llWo,. 0 69 56 13 177 282 4 2 237 34 52 11 Major Group 00 40 32 B 95 135 2 2 93 ' 6 30 6 Minor Groups 005 5 .. 60 101 9 20 4 006 5 42 007 24 23 17 4 2 135 8 21 009

96 87 9 62 62 25 8 25 8 Maior Group 01 96 87 9 62 62 25 8 25 8 Minor Group 015 20 HI 2 2 11 118 5 17 2 Major Group 02 9, 9 48 9 Minor Groups 020 2 021 11 I'll 023 7 5 2 5 2 5 2 02.. 2 2 3 2 025


9 9 48 45 9 Major Group 03 9 9 48 45 9 Minor Group 031

286 270 16 7,733 1,024 92 10 .m 51 178 6 Major Gr')up 04 276 260 16 7.378 891 86 10 452 24 174 6 Minor Groups 040

4 4 208 47 4 Ofl

5 5 121 77 4 4 042 19 6 27 043 7 044 29 047

6 3 19 048 6 5 1 353 146 5 1 Divirioft " 1 6 5 353 146 5 Major Group 10

6 5 353 146 5 Minor Group, ~7 2,908 2,620 288 14,141 4,493 1,570 236 1,940 227 1,050 52 Divisions :a Ii: J CINSOi1'ABLItS 40

8-IV-Part C-Indastrial aassi8cation by Sa aDd Division., Major Groapj

Total Branch of Industry ,-- -~ 'Division I MajOr Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. Total ,.... Persons Males Femalos

2 3 4

MaJor Group 20 (t'oodstuffs 2,132 1,394 738 Minor Groups 200 Production of rice, alta, flour, etc by milling dehusking and processing of crops and 821 596 225 loodgrams 202 Production of indigenous sugar, gut' from sugarcane or palm juice and production of 5 5 candy 204 Slaughtering, preservation of meat and fish and canning of fish 11 10 205 Production of bread, biscuits, cake and other bakery products 206 Production of butter, ghee, cheese and other dairy products 3 S

207 Production of edible fats and oils (other than hydrog~nated oil) 853 416 437 209 Production of other food products such as sweetmeat and condiments, muri, mll1'ki, 438 366 72 cbira, khoi, cocoa, chocolate, toffee, lozenge Major GroUp 21 Beverages !I 3 Minor Group 216 Production of ice cream 3 3 Maior Group 22 Tobacco Products 84 65 19 Minor Groups 220 Manufacture of bidi 29 20 9 222 Manufactll1'e of Cigarette aud Cigarette tobacco 5 5 223 Manllfacture of hookah tobacco 7 7 225 Manufactll1'e of jerda and other chewing tobacco 3 3 226 Manufacture hf other tobacco products 40 33 7 Major Group 29 Textile-CoUon 3,290 1,774 l,lII6 Minor Groups 230 Cottou ginning, cleaning, pressing and baJ ing 42 35 7 291 Cotton spinning (other than in mills) 1,696 579 l,tl7 232 Cation spinning and weaving in mills 4 3 233 Cotton dyeing, bleaching 2~8 161 77

234 Cotton ,~eaving in power looms 4 4 235 Cation weaving in handlooms 1,233 934 299 236 Manufacturing of khadi teKlile in handlooms 25 25 237 Printing of cotton textile 32 18 i4 239 ManufactUring of cotton, cordage, rope and twiDe 16 15 13 , Major Group 24 Textile-Jute 14 1S MiDor Group 244 14a nufactlll'e of other products like rope, cordage from jute and similar fibre IUch as 14 hemp. mesta I 5 12 IfaJot Group 25 Textile-Wool 17 1 1Uuor Group 251 Wool cleanning and processing (scouring) 41 ~E1UU

.... 4Mlaot Ga-oap. or ,_as at Work oda.. thaa Ca.hivatioD

Woden Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry, cle. Branch of Indnstry ..... r- .... ,....---_...._ Division, Major Group· - and Minor Group of Urban Urban Tolal Urban I. S.I. C. ,..--__Jo. Total ,-- ,--.A.---, ~.A ... ~ PcteoQa Males Females Malea Females, Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

408 366 42 1,180 729 207 37 214 9 159 5 Major Group 20 159 154 5 440 223 34 3 156 2 120 2 Minor Gronps 200

5, 202

9 1 204 205 3 206 94 74, 20 S99 431 65 18 17 6 9 2 207 153 136 17 327 71 108 16 39 28 209

3 Major Group 21 3 Minor Group 216 40 30 10 25 3 20 40 16 10 10 Major Group 22 23 17 6 16 3 13 4 6 4 6 Minor Groups 220 5 5 5 5 222 7 7 7 7 223 3 ... 3 3 3 225 2 2 31 7 226 375 278 97 1,735 1,508 245 90 39 8 33 7 l4ajor Group 23 15 14 31 7 10 4 4 Minor Groups 230 46 22 24 577 I,m 20 20 2 4 2 4 231 3 232 30 22 8 1&7 77 21 8 4 233 4 4 4 4 234

248 180.: 6S 933 297 180 61 2 2 2~ 4 4, 25 4 236 17 17 17. 'M 14 17 237 15 14 11 10 4 4 239 12 Major Group 24 12 Minor Gronp 244

17 5' 12 4 11 4 11 Major Group 25 1 ... J ' ... Minor Gr,oups 251 H-6 ~bStABLks 42 a.W-Part C-Inda.strlal QasaUication by Sts aDd Divi_I, Ma" Ctot.pI lolaJ Branch of Industry Division, Major GrQUp and Minor Group of I. S. I. c. Total

Persons I(alee Fema Ie,

2 3 ..

, Minor Groups 253 Wool spinning other U,an in mllls 12 11 255 Wool weaving in handloom 4 -4 Major Gronp 27 Textile-Miscellaneous 2,247 1,971 276 Minor Groups 270 Manufacture of carpet and all other similar type of textile products SO 28 2 271 Manufacture of h(;siery and other knitted fabrics and garments 95 57 38

272 Embroidery and making of crepe lac~ and fringes 2 2 273 Making of textile garments inclnding raincoats and headgear 2,035 1,830 205 274 Manufacture of made up tedHe goods except wearring apparel suell as curtains, pillow 29 29 cases, beddillg materialS, mattress, textile blgS • 276 Manllhtore and recovery of all types of fibres lor purposes of padding, wadding and 3 2 '1'hotsrery filling 278 Manufacture of umbrellas 7 7 279 Processing and manufacture of textile products not covered above 46 16 SO Major Group 28 Manulacture Of W.Joel and Wooden Products 5,&53 4,695 8)8 Minor Groups 280 Sawing and planing of wood 33 20 15 281 Manufacture of wooden fl'rniture and fixtures 104 102 2 282 Manufacture of structural wooden goods (including treated limber) such as beams, 1,024 1,001 17 posts, doors, win dows 283 Manufacture of wooden industrial good5 other than transport equipment such as bobbin 537 535 2 and SImilar equipment and fidures 28') Manufacture of veneer and plywood 94 93 I 288 M.. nufacture of materials frelm cork, bamboo, cane, 'eaves and other allied R,todncls 3,638 2,815 823 289 Manufacture of other w01d and allied products not covered above 123 123 Major Group 29 Paper and Paper Products 2 :I .,. Minor Group 292 Manufacture of products, such as paper, paper bags, boxes, cards, envelops and mould,cd :I :I pulp goods from paper, paper board and pulp Major Group SO Prinhng and Publishing 14 14 Mlbor Groups 300 Printing and publishing of newspapers and periodicals 3 S ... 301 Printing and publishing of books t S02 All other types of printing induding lithography, engraving, etching, block making 7 7 and other work connected with printing industry

303 All type~ of binding stitching, sizing and other allied work connected with binding 9 3 industry M,ajor ?roup 31 Leather and Leather Products 1,706 1,541 165 ISS ~inor, Groups 310 CorIjing, tanning and finisblng of hides and skins and preparation of finished leather 474 341 4S B-S8~'I!S

.... 4Mlaot Ga-oap. or ,_as at Work 0... thaa Ca.hivatioD

Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-bousehold.A.___ Industry, etc. Branch of Industry - Division, Major Group 'Urban Total Urban Tolal Urban and Minor Group of ,.....--"---. .--- . , ,----'--~ I. S. I C. ~ \I" ---FelDales Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

~ 6 7 8 9 10 ]) 12 13 14 15

12 11 10 10 1 Minor Gronps 158 4 • ... ~ 255 551 518 S! 1,605 259 207 19 366 17 3ll 14 Major Group 27 14 IS 2& 2 13 Minor Groups 270 22 21 57 24 7 14 14 271 2 272 50S 492 11 1,488 202 184 11 342 3 308 273 8 8 8 8 21 274


9 3 5 2 2 278 2'19 ,., '" \6 30 S90 343 47 4,420 844 272 33 275 14 71 14 Major Group 28 16 14 2 7 11 1'3 2 13 2 Minor Groups 280 59 39 38 2 32 64 7 281 103 lOS 943 17 83 64 20 212

6 6 434 2 6 101 283

9~ 285 190 In .5 2.785 811 115 33 30 12 30 12 288 SCi 36 120 35 3 289 Malor Group 29 Mmor Group 292

13 13 3 3 11 10 Major GlOup go S 3 3 3 Minor IJroup 300 301 7 7 7 7 302

3 3 3 3 303

294 288 6 1,412 165 185 6 129 103 Major Group 31

?t- 9~ 3 3Q5 m 79 ~ 39 'If 12 Minor Groups 310 CSNSUS TABLES 44

ft..l'V-Part C-Indultrial Cl•• iIlcatJOb by Ses ...cI DJ.lIIoa., MI.,.,. GroIIp.

Branch of lndustry T~ Division, Major Group and Minor Grou~ of 1. S. I. C. Total

PerIODI Malee 're.nalos % 3 .. MillOt GolIps 311 Manufatlure of 5hoes and other leather footwear 1,155 1,124 31 313 Manufacture of leather products such as leather upholsterv, suitcages, pocket books .. 4 cigarette and key cases, purses, saddlery, whip and other articles

S14 Repair of shoes and other leather foot wear 73 72 Major Group 32 Rubber, Petroleum and Coal Products 9 9 Minor Groups 920 Manufacture of tyres and tubes 2 2 m Manufacture of rubber footwear .. .. 324 Productions of petroleum, kerosene and other petroleum products in petroleum ~ 3 refineries

Major Group S3 Chemicals and chemical ~oduct8 U 57 2 Minor Groups :m Manufacture of dyes, paints, coiours and varnishes

333 Manufacture of ammunition, esplosives and lire works 41 39 ~ 335 ManufactUre of medicines. pharmaceutical preparations. perfumes, COSIIletics and 11' n other toilet preparations except soap

lI36 Manufacture of soap and otber washing and cleaning compounds 5 5 339 Manufacture of other chemicals and chemical products not covered above (ine1uclln, inedible oils and fats) Major Groups 34-35 Non-metallic Mineral Ploducts other than Petroleum and Coal 2.210. J 1,405 ~ MlllOr Groups 340 Manufacture of structural clay products such as bricks. tiles 601 430 1'11 341 Manof acture of cemtnl and cement products 343 Manufacture of structural stone goods, stone dressing and stoile c!1tshing la9 123 16 344- Manufacture of stouewares other thanjmages 132 31 101 345 Manufacture of stone images " 1 350 Manufacture of earthe nware and eal then lnttery 1,336 817 519 353 Manufacture of glass bangles 31ld beads 3 2 356 Manufacture of earthen to}S and-artwares excepl those covered by Code No. 8SS 1 Majoc Group 36 Basic Metals and their Products except Machinery and Transport equipment 1,128 1,067 61 Minor Groups 360 Manufacture of iron and steel includmg smelting, refining, rolling, ~nversion Into 772 729 4S basic forms such 3S billets, bloQms, tubes, roda , \

362 Manufacture of armaments !I 5 363 Manufacture of slructural steel producth such as joist, rail, sbeet. plate 15 15 364 Manufacture of iron and ste~l fUrniture 1 365 Manufacture of brass and bell melal products 64 tiO ' . 367 Manufaclure of metal products (otber tban of iron brass, bell lUelal and aluminium) 19 19 such as tin cau 45 &s!RlIS

,~", MtaOl' Group. olPerlOu at Work OdlU tbaa c.advadoa-Colld.

Workers Workera at Housebold Industry Workers in Non-housebold Industry, etc Branch of IndustrY ,..._ ,.-..-___ --J<--_ Division, Major Gronp - and Minor Grnup 01 Urban Total Urban I. S I.C. __.. Total Urban .-- ...------. r--...._- ..... r--..... _-..... Penons Males Females Males FelDales Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

145 143 2 1,077 31 98 2 47 45 Min or Groups 311 2 2 2 2 2 313

5~ 52 1 ' 28 8 44- 44 314 9 9 8 8 Major Group 32 2 2 2 2 MiDor Groups 320 .. 4 1 3 3 321 S 3 3 3 324

34 33 ~S8 2 17 19 16 Major Group 33 ... Minot GroDps "1 21 20 32 2 13 7 7 3" 7 7 2 9 6 333

5 5 2 2 3 3 336 ... Sag

183 165 18 1,231 652 B6 18 174 157 79 Major Groups 3H~ 38 38 305 17 2 125 154 36 Minor Groups 340 r 341 41 41 82 13 41 3 41 343 31 101 S.... 345 103 B5 18 811 519 84 18 6 350 2 353 S56 133 133 985 57 100 82 .. 33 Major Gronp 36 5 5 723 43 3 6 2 Minor Groups 360

2 2 5 2 362 15 363 364

20 20 30 15 30 4 5 365 15 15 16 12 3 3 3117 CENSUS TABLES 46

B·IV-,u, C-lndQstrial CluIl&acioa by Ses aad DI.a.ioa., M,jor Oro.p.

Total Branch of In du.try "...-- -..J Division, Major Gronp and !'Ilinor lJroup of I. S. I. C. Total

Persons Males Females-

2 S 4

,Minor Grol1pl S68 Enamelling, galvanising, plating (including electroplating) polisDing and welding of I~ • 19 metal products

369 Manufacture of sundry hardwares such as G. I. pipe, wire net, bolt, screw, bucket, 233 21~ 14 cutlery (This will aIm include the manufacture of sundry ferroul engineering products done by jobbing engineering concerns which cannot be classified in major groups 36, 37, 38 and 39) ,. lfajor Group 37 Machinery (AU kinds other tban TrllDSport) and Electrical Equipment 23 23 Minor Groups 372 Manufacture of machine tools

37! Manufacture of textile machinery and accessories 4 4 378 Manufacture of electronic equipment such as radio. microphone 6 6 '79 Manufac;ture of electric machinery and apparatus appliances not spedied aboye 12 12 .. , Il4ajo,r GrOl1P 38 Transport Equipment ~ 382

~inor Groups !ISO Manufacture, assembly and repairin~ of locomotives 42 42 982 Manufaclure and assembling of Illotor vehicles of all types (except motor engines) 86 86 384 Repairing and servicing of motor vehicles 43 43 1188 Repairing of bicycles and tricycles 113 113 389 ManufactUre of other transport equipment not covered above such as animal drawn and 98 98 hand drawn vehicles Major Group 39 Miscellaneous Manufacturing Indusiries 1,924 1,673 251 Minor Groups 390 ManufactUre of optical instruments and lenses, opthalmic goods and pbotographic 2 2 equipment and supplies 392 Assembling and repairing of walches and clocks 61 17 44 393 Manufacture of jewellery, silverware and wares using gold and other preCious mqtals I 1,418 1,416 2 394 Manufacture and luning of musical instruments 3 3 395 Manufacture 01 statIonery artides not covered elsewhere surch as pencil, penholder 1 fountainpen. '

399 Manufacture and repair work of goods not assignable to any other group 439 234- 205

Divison 4 COIIslructiotl 2,023 1,849 174 Major Group 40 Construction 2,023 1-,849 174 Minor Groups 400 Construct,on and maintenance of buildings mciudmg erection, flooring, decorative 1,125 l,02R' 97 constructions, electrical and sanitary Inslallations 401 Constraction and maintenance of roads, railways, bridges, tunuels 618 560 58 402 Construction and maintenance of telegraph and telephoue lines 403 Construction and mainlenallce of water ways and water reservoirs sucb as bund, 279 260 19 embankments, dam, canal, tank, tubewellsi wells

Diviliofl 5 BI'9"icit1. GII8, Wat" allll SIJlfllar1 S"I

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 l4 14 10 ... 1 9 7 Minor Groups 368

77 77 201 14 61 18 16 369

11 11 22 10 Major Group 37 Minor Groups 372

4 4 4 4 373

6 6 6 6 378 579 H' i 12 lIS US 134 12 248 101 Major Group 98 31 31 42 31 Minor Groups 580 85 382 26 26 42 25 984 55 55 34 10 79 45 388 98 369

335 314 21 1,362 2M 210 21 311 104- Major Group 39 2 2 2 2 Minor Groupe S90

11 11 5 44 3 12 8 392 282 280 2 1,338 2 202 2 78 78 393 2 2 2 2 394 I 395

37 18 19 16 20$ 3 19 218 15 399 681 '-19 32 1,849 174 649 32 Pioilion 4 ,681 649 32 1,849 174 649 32 Major Group 40 439 409 30 ,.. 1,028 97 409 30 Minor Groups 400

171 171 ... 560 58 171 40l 1· 402 70 68· 2 - ... 260 19 68 2 403 , 450 257 193 490 936 2!11 193 l)jfiisicm $ ~SOSTA8LES 48

B-IV-Put C-Industrial Qa8.iladoD by Sex and .oi\,I.loD8, Major ~p~

Total.... Branch of IndUstry _ Dhision, Major "roup and Minor "roup of 1. S. I. C. Tolal

-Persons Males lI'emale8

2 3 4

~jor Group 50 Electricity and Gas 33 33 ., Minor Groups 500 Generation <1ud transmission of electric energy 501 Distribution of electric ener!!y 32 32 Major Group 51 Water Supply and Sanitary services 1,393 457 936

~nor Groups 510 Collection, purification and distribution of water to domestic and industrial consumers 11 17 511 Garbage-and sewage disposal, operatIon of drainage system and all otber types of work 1,376 t40 936 connected wilh public healt1J and sanitation

Di'llisiDn 6 r,ads anti Comm6fclJ 8,502 6,926 1,576 M:tjor Groups 60-63 Wholesale Trade 219 218 'MInor Groups 600 Wholesale trading in cereals and pulses 129 129 601 Wholesale trading in vegetables, fruits, sugar, spices, oil, fish, dalry produch, eggs, 27 27 pouttr} and other foodstuff (not covered elsewhere) 602 Wholesale trading in all kinds of fabrics, and textiles products such as garmenh, 2 2 hessian, gunny bag, silk and woollen yarn, shirtings,suitings, hosiery products 603 Wholesale trading in beverages, such as tea (leaf) coffee (seed and powder), aerated water 604- Wholesale trading in intOxicants such as wines, Iiqnors 3 2 605 Wholesale trading in other intoxicants such as opium, gauja, etc. 2 2 606 Wholesale trading in tobacco, bidi, cigaretlesand other tobacco products 19 19 607 Wholesale trading in animals 2 2 608 Wholesale trading in straw and fodder 4 4 610 Wholesale trading in me(llcines and chemicals

611 Wholesale trading in fnel and lighting produch Inch a8 coke, coal, kerosen,e, candle I 3 3 .. I 617 Wholesale trading in petrol, mobil oil and allied products -r· 620 Wholesale trading in bricks, tiles and other building materials 1 621 Wholesale trading in wood, bamboo, cane, thatches and similar produclt 639 Wholesale trading in all goods not covered above 23 23 I!a jor GrOUJIB 64-68 Retail Trade 8.009 6.475 1.SS4 Minor Groups 640 Retail trading in cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, eugar, apices, oil, fish, dairy 4,035 3,125 910 products. eggs, poultry 641 Relall trading in beverages such as tea (leaf). coffee (Seed and powder), aerated water 6 6

642 Retail trading in intoxicants such as wines~, liquors 23 23 643 Retail trading in other intoxicants such as Opium, ganja, etc. t .. \ 644 Retail trading in tobacco, bidi, cigarettes.and other tobacco products 189 161 28 49 B.sERJ~

.-.4 ~OI' Groap. otterlGa. at WOI'k othe~'thaD Cu1tlvadoD-Coald

Workers Workers at Household Indnstry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc Branch of Industry

. ...._ ~- ,..._-_-...._ Division. Major Group and Minor Group 01 Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. I.e. ,_- --...... ,-~- ~"'"--..... Penon! Males Females -Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

99 33 33 33 Major Group 50 Minor Groups 500 32 32 '" 32 32 501 417 224 193 457 936 224 193 Major Group 51 17 17 17 17 Minor Groups 510 400 207 193 440 936 207 193 511

2,956 2,638 $18 6,926 1,576 2,638 3]8 Division 6 93 92 218 9'2 Major Groups 60-63 31 37 129 37 Minor Groups 600 21 21 27 21 601

2 2 2 2 602


2 604

2 2 '1. 2 605 t+ 14 19 14 606 2 2 2 2 607 4 .. 4 4 608 610 S S 3 3 611 r 1 617 620 621 3 3 23 3 639 2,774- 2,457 !l17 6,475 1,534 2,457 317 Major Groups 64·68 1,019 902 117 3,125 910 902 IJ7 Minor Groups 640

6 fi 6 6 641 10 10 23 10 642 3 3 .. 9 649 110 lOS 7 161 28 103 7 644 "-7 CEt.lStiS tABLE~ 56

B-IV.Part C-Indastrial ClassificatioD by St!lI: anti. DlYisiODs, Major Groll,.

Tolal Branch of Industry Division, Major Group and Mmor '-'roup of i. S. 1. C. Total

r- Persons Males Females

2 3 ..

Minor Groups 64:5 Relail trading in fuel such as coke, coal, firewood and kerosene 148 121 27

646 Retail.trading in foodstuffs like sweetmeat condiments, cakes, bi~cuits. etc, 272 261 11 6d.7 Retail trading in animals 299 297 2. 648 Retail trading in straw and fodder 178 18 160 650 Retail trading in fibres, yarns, dhoti, saree, readymade garments of cotton, wool, 935 931 4 silk and other textiles and hosiery products; (this includes retail trading in piece goods of cotton, wool, silk and other textiles) 6)1 Relaillrading in toilet goods, perfumes and cosmetics 310 230 80 652 Retailirading in medicines and chemicals 75 74 653 Retail trading in footwear, headgear soch as hat, umbrella, shoes and chappals 57 56 1)54 Retail trading in tyres, tubes and allied rubber producls 2. 2 655 RetaH trading in petrol, mobil oil and allied products 21 21 660 Retail trading in wooden, steel and other metallic furniture and fittings 44 43 661 Retail trading in statiouery goods and paper 19 18 662 Retail trading in metal, porcelain and glass utensils 66 64: 2 663 Retail trading in earthenware and eartheu toys 6 3 3 664 Retail trading in other househol d equipment not covered above 15 JO. 5 670 Retail trading in bricks, tilesand other building materials 10 6 4 671 Retail trading in hardware and sanitary equipment 23 21 2 672 Retail trading in wood, bamboo, cane, bark and thatchcs 27 27 673 Retail trading in other building materials 15 14 680 Retail trading in agricultural and industrial machinery equipment. tools, appHances .. 4

681 Retail trading in transport and storage equipm~ts 37 37 682 Retail trading in electrical goods like electric fan, bulb, ctc. 2 2 683 Retail trading in skins, leather and furs and their products excluding foolwea'r and 53 51 '2 headgear 6B4 Retait tradiug in clock and watch, eye-glass, frame 4 4 685 Retail trading in scientific, medical and sorgical instruments 2 2 686 Retail trading in precious stones and jewellery 140 138 2 687 Re,tail tra?lng in musical instruments, gralllophone record, pictures and paintings inclnd- 6 6 mg cuno dealmg

688 Book-selling 689 Retail trading in goods unspecified 981 694 287 Major Group 69 Trade and Commerce MiscellaneoD8 274 233 41 51 ~BR1ES ... ¥loor Groap. of 'erlO., at Work other tha. Caltivadoa-Collfd,

Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Indnstry, etc., Branch of Industrv "orkers ,-____..A.- - ,--- --.---. 4 Division, Major Gropo -- and Minor GrouJ1fq Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. 1. C. ,....-...... r- ..... ,-----'----. ,....-'-"---. ,..--"'---..... _- Per60lls Males Females Males Females Males It'emales Maler Females Males Females

!i 6 , 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

43 35 8 121 27 3:> 8 Minor Groups 645 159 150 9 261 11 150 9 646 112 112 297 2 112 647 129 14 115 18 160 14 115 648 349 347 2 931 4 347 2 6;,0

39 37 2 230 80 37 2 651 30 29 74 29 652 48 47 56 47 653 2 2 2 2 654 21 21 21 21 655 39 39 43 39 660 13 13 IB 13 661 49 43 64 2 43 662 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 663 13 9 4- 10 5 9 4 664 8 4- 4- 6 4 4 4 670 3 !I 21 2 3 671 11 11 27 11 67% It 11 14 11 673 2 2 4 2 680 33 33 37 33 6Rl

2 7 2 2 682 13 12 51 2 12 683

4 4 4 4 684 2 2 2 2 685 89 87 2 131 2 87 2 686 5 5 6 5 687


~96 355 41 694 287 355 41 689 Major Group ~9 89 '!' ,.. 233 41 e9 69 CBNStts TABLE!! 52

~1V~Part C-lodastrial Cla.tificaCloo by Sa ... OM_I, Major Groa,.

total Branch of Industry Division, Major GrOup and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. Total

PertoDa Kales FemaJep 2 S • Minor Groups 690 Importing and exporting of goods and commodities 7 7 691 Real estate and properties S S 692 stocks, shares .and futures 2 2 693 Pro"lidents and insurances 5 5 694 Money lending (indigenous) .. 4 695 Banking and similar type of Financial operation 89 89 699 All other activities connected with trade and commerce not covered above, including 164 123 41 hiring out of durable goods such as electric lan, microphone, rickshaw, etc.

Dimion 7 rransport, Slol'agG an" Communillalion 2,076 2,048 28 Major Groups 7()..71 Transport 1.799 1,771 28 Minor Groups 700 Transporting by railways 564- 561 3 701 Transporting by tramway and bus service 208 208 702 Transporting by mofor vehicles (other than omni bus) 281 278 3 703 Transporting by road though other means of transport; such as hackney carriage, 227 224 3 bullock cart. ekka 704 Animal transporting by animals; such as horses, elephant, mule, camel 53 38 15 705 Transporting by man such as carrying of luggage, band cart driving, rickeaw palling, 404-9 445 4 cycle ri cksaw driving 706 Transporting by boat, steamer, ferry, etc. by river, canal 14 14 709 Tran'porting by other means not covered above S g Major Group 72 Storage and Ware Houeini( 59 59 Minor Groups 720 Operation of storage; such as ware-houses 40 40 722 Operation of storage of other type 19 19 Major Group 73 Commlljlication 218 218 !llinor Groups no Postal, telegraphic, wireless and signal communications 218 216 Di'lrision 8 Ssrwo8s 44,257 26,495 J7,762 Major Group 80 Public Services 2,780 2,744 36 Minor Grours 803 .I'ublic service in Police 755 755 804 Public service in administrative departments and officeS of Central Government 99 93 6 805 Public service in administrative departments and offices of Quasi-Government organisatiOl1, g9S 368 2S 'municipalities, local boards. etc,

B09 Public services in administrative departments and o8ic:es of Slate Go"r!lm~ti 1,533 1,528 5

Major GIOUp OJ Educatiollaj and Scientijjc Servjc~ 1,821 1.579 24~ M &-SIll •

• cl Mbaot Group. of PerMD. at Work atller thaD Culdvation-Coatd.

Wllrll:ers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry. etc. ._. .... _ Branch of Industry -~ ..------DIvision, Major Group Urban Total Urban Total Urban and Minor Group of .....-.....----..-~ ,-_.;...--..., ,.--""""'-~ ~-~~ ,--_..... ----. I.SIC• Ier8OII8 Malel> Fema1tll Males Females Males Femal~ Males Females Males Females

~ 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1~

Z Z 7 2 Minor Groupe 690 3 3 3 3 691 2 2 2 2 692 5 5 5 5 693 S 3 4 3 694 68 68 89 68 695 6 6 123 41 6 699

1,332 1,320 12 2,048 28 1,320 12 Dillis$cm 7

1,240 1.228 12 1,771 28 1.228 12 Major Groupe 7~71 297 294 3 561 3 294 3 Minor Groups 700 181 181 208 181 701 250 247 3 278 3 247 3 702 164 162 2 224 3 162 2 703

30 30 38 15 30 704 312 30B 4 445 4 308 4 705

3 3 14 3 706

3 3 3, 3 709 59 Major Group 72

40 Minor Groups 720

19 722 91 91 218 91 Major Group 73 9l 91 218 91 Minor Group 730 'J.an 5,ff11 1,066 26,495 17,762 5,971 1,066 Dioi,iotl 8 1,618 1,594 24 2.744 36 1,59l 24 Major Group eo 406 406 755 406 Minor Groups 803

211 22 6 93 6 22 6 804 236 222 14 868 25 222 14 805

948 944 4 1,528 5 944 4 809

~6 579 J~1 ,.. 1,579 2i2 S79 107 Major Group 01 OB!l8tJS TABLES 54

B-IV-Part C-Industrial Ciassiflcatiod by Sell and Division" Majo .. Groups

Total Branch of Industry Division, Major Group and Minor Group of I. S. I. C. Total ---'

r--.....__~ Persona Males Females 2 3 " Minor Groups 810 Educational services; such as those rendered by technical colleges, technical schools and 332 331 similar technical and vocational institutions

811 EdllC!tional services such as those rendered by colleges, schools and similar other 1,~ 1,245 241 institutions of non-technical type

812 Scientific services and research in.titutions not capable of classificahoQ under any indivl- 3 3 dual group

Major Group 82 Medical and Health Services 5(H 448 56 \finor Groups 820 Puhlic health and medical services rendered by organisations and individuals; such as by 376 320 56 hospitals, sanatoria. nurSing homes, maternity and child-welfare clinic, aM also by hakimi, unani, ayunl6dic, allopathic and homeopathic practitioners 821 Veterinary services rendered by organisations and individuals 128 128 Maijor Group 83 Religious and Welfare Services 40Q 360 40 Minor Groups 830 Religious services rendered by religious organisations and tbeir establishments maintained 93 80 13 for worship or promotion of religious activities, this includes missions, ashrams and othel allied organisations) 831 Religious and allied services tendered by p{lnait. priest, preceptor, !l'Ikir, monk SOl 279 25 832 Welfare services ren defed by organisations operating on a non-profit baSis for the 3 2 promotion of welfare of the communil:y such as relief societies, red-cross organis-a- tiou for the collection and allocatiou of contributions for charity Major Group 84 Legal Services 192 192 Minor Group 840 Legal services rendered by barrister, advocate, solicitor, mukteet', pleader, mukul'is, 192 192 munsM

Major GlOup 85 Business Services ~21 523 Minor Gronps 850 Engineering services rendered by professional organisations or individuals 851 BUsiness services rendered by organisations of accountants, auditors, book.lI:eepers or 131 13l like individuals '

852 Business services rendered JY professional organisations Or individuals such as those of .87 387 a dvertising and publicity agencies 853 Business services rendered by professional organisations or individuals, such as of thOl'e ." rendered by news· agency, newspaper correspondents, columnists, journalists, editors, " " author~

Major Group B6 Community Senices and '[rade and Labour Associations 333 315 18 Minor Groups 860 Services rendered by trade associations, chambers of commerce, trade unions and similar 5 5 other organisations , 861 Services rendered by civiC, SOCial, cultUral, pOlitical and fraternal organisations; such 173 172 as rate payers association, club, library

862 Community services such as those rendered by public libraries, museums, botanical and 15.., 138 17 zoological gardens, etc.

Major Group 87 Recreation Services 257 22~ 32 Ninor Group 870 Production of motion picture an d allied services such as processiug editing, etc. }3 It 55 I3.SERlBs

&hi &lb.o ... broupill of PersoDS at Work other thaD Cultivatioa-Conld.

Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry, etc. Branch of Industry ---...... ~---~--- ...... ,--_...._ Division, Maior "roup aDd Minor GNUP of Urban Total Urban Total Urban I. S. I. C. ,...._--oA. r- rr- ,--""'___' ~".. ... ~ Persons Malee Females Males Females I Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

35 35 331 35 Minor Groups 811)

651 544 107 1,245 241 544 107 811

3 812

253 234 19 H8 56 234 19 Major Group 82

133 114 19 OIl 320 56 114 19 Minor Groups 820

120 120 128 120 S21 107 9~ 12 ... 360 40 95 12 Major Group 83 57 54 3 80 13 54 3 Mi nor Groups 830

47 40 7 279 25 40 7 831 3 1 2 2 2 832

158 158 192 158 Major Group 84 158 158 192 158 Minor Group 840

94 94 523 94 Major Group 85 Min or Groups 850 89 89 131 89 851

387 852

.. 4 4 4 853

s.. SS 315 18 33 Maior Group iI6 5 5 5 5 Minor Groups 860

10 9 172 9 861

19 19 138 17 19 862

123 109 14 225 32 109 14 Major Group 87 13 12 12 12 Minor Group 870 ClN8USTABLES

8-IV-Part C-IDdustrial ClaMia_doD by Sea and DivisioDs, Major Croup,

Total Branch of Industry ----~ Division, Major uroup and Minor Urou!' 011. S, 1. C. Tolal

Persons Males 'Felllalell

2 S 4

Minor Groups 871 Recreation services rendered by cinema-houses by ezhibltlon of motion pictures 100 99 872 Recreation services rendered by organisatioDs and individuals SUCh as those of theatres. 138 114 24 opera companies, ballet and dancing patties, musician .. ellhibition!, circlIS, carnivals

873 Recreation services rendered by indoor and ontdoor sports by organisationsand 6 6 individuals including horse, motor, etc, racing Major Group 88 Personal Services 2,917 2,197 720 Minor Gr01lps 880 Services rendered to hODseholds; such as those by domestic servants, cooks 443 299 144 881 Services rendered to honsebolds sucb as those by governess, tutor, private secretary 60 S7 :3 882 Services rendered by hotels boarding bouses, eating houses, cafes. restaurants and loa 81 27 similar other organisations to provide lodging and boarding facilities

883 Laundry services rendered by organisations and individuals tbis includes all types of 910 398 512 cleaning, dyeing bleaching, dry cleaning services

884 Hair-dressing, other services rendered by organisations and individu31~ sucb 3sIbose 1,369 1,335 3~ by barber, hairdressing saloon and beauty shops 885 Services rendered by portrait and commercial photographic studios 27 27 Major Group 89 Services (not elsewhere classified) 84,530 17,912 16,618 Minor Group 890 SerVices rendered by or gan!satioDS or individuals not elsewhere classified 34,530 17,912 16,618 Diwsion 9 Activitiu not arUquatsl, dBsorlb.d 401 194 7 Major Group 90 Activities unspecified and not adequately described (this inCludes new entrants to the 401 394 7 JabClur market)

Minor Group 9()() Activities unspeCified and no! adequately described including activities of such indivi- 401 394 7 duals who (ail to prOvide sufficient information about tbeir industrial affiliation to enable them to be classified

t. S I. C,-Inai"n Stanalird Inau&ricd Cllissification 57 UERJES

,Del Mlaor Groopi of Perlool at Work othel' thaD Culdvation-Condd.

Workers Workers at Household Industry Workers in Non-household Industry. etc...... -----___.., ~ r----""'--- Branch of Industry Division, Major Group Urban Urban ,....__ Urban ..A-___ and Minor Group of Tolal ...... ___, Total ._____.A.------, ..-..---.A.__, ___ ~-.".___~ I. S.l. C• PersoD8 Maleo Females Wales Femaljls Males Females Males Females Males Females

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

98 97 99 97 Minor Groups 871 6 6 114 24 6 872

6 6 6 6 873

713 585 128 2.197 720 585 128 Major Group 88 225 166 59 992 144 166 59 Minor Groups 880 41 38 3 57 3 38 3 881 89 75 14 81 27 75 14 882

160 1lJ 49 398 512 111 49 883

193 190 3 1,335 34 190 3 884

5 5 27 5 B85 3,251 2,490 761 17,912 16,618 2,490 761 Major GIOUp 89 3,251 2,490 761 17,912 16,618 2,490 761 Minor Group 8S0 56 56 894 7 56 Division 9 56 56 394 7 56 Major Group 90

56 56 394 7 56 Minor Group 900 ' n CENSUS fABLEs 58

B·IV.Part C-industrial Ciassl6catioD by Ses and Divisioas of Persons at Work other thad Cultivation by Tahsils (Rural only)

Total Workers Workers at Workers in Household Non·household Branch of Industry Industry Industry DiViSion of I. S. I. C. ---_.....---~ ..-----"--...... Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 ~ 4 3 6 7 8

Dj.trjd Rllral

Ut DIVISIONS 7.,513 49,653 24,860 20,386 5,562 29,267 19,298

Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and 9,954 8,533 1,421 7,815 1,305 718 116 Hunting

I-Mining and Quarrying 493 348 145 348 145

2 & 3-Manufacturing 17,893 13,461 4,432 12,571 4,257 890 175

4-Construction 1,342 1,200 142 1,200 142

5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Service s 976 233 743 233 743

6-Trade and Commerce 5,546 4,288 1,258 4,288 1,258

7-Transport, Storage and Communication 744 728 16 728 16

8-Services 37,220 20,524 16,696 20,524 16,696

9-Aclivities not adequately described 345 338 7 338 7

Rath Tah.U

AU DIVISIONS 22,797 13,572 9,225 5,487 1,74.4 8,08S 7,481

I Division O-Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and 2,180 1,874 306 1,73;5 278 139 28 Hllnting

I-Mining and Quarrying 37 10 27 ... 10 27

2 & 3-Manufacluring 5,292 3,806 1,486 3,752 1,466 54 20

4-Construdion 203 188 15 188 15

!i-Electricity, Gas, water and Sanitary Services 278 12 206 72 206

6-Trade and Commerce 1,001 739 262 III 739 262

7-Transport, Storage and Communication 46 45 45

8-Servlces 13,644 6,725 6,919 6,725 6.919

9-Adivities bot adequately described 116 113 3 113 S 59 B-sE~IES B-IV-Part C-Industrial Classification by Sex and Divisions or Petsons at Work other than Cultivation by Tahsils (Rural only) -Contd,

Workers at Workers in Total Workers Household Non-housebold Sran,h 01 Industry Industry Industry Uivisjon 01 1. S. I, C. ~-----~------~ ~--~-~ Persons Males Females Males It'emales Males Females

5 6

Hamirpar Tahail

I\u. DiVISIONS 9,1131. 6,918 2,16! l,9~H 561 4,914 \,663

. Oivisioo O-Agnculture, l.iVdstock. Forestry, Fishing and 498 3~9 139 215 109 124 30 Huntmg

I-Mining and ':.)uarrymg 197 139 58 13~ 58

2 &. 3-Manufacturing 2,658 2,172 4&6 1,759 392 413 94

4-Construction 284 269 15 269 15

5-Eleclricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 206 60 146 60 H6

6-Trade and Commerce 1,121 956 165 956 165

7-Traniport, Storage and Communication 153 152 152

8-Services 3,920 2,766 1,154 2,766 1,154

9-Aclivities not adequately described 45

Maudaha T.han

ALL DIVISIONS 20,868 13,.46 7,422 5,381 1,397 8,065 6,01)

Division Il-Agriculturc, Livestock, Forestry, Fishing and 3,365 2,856 509 2,681 485 175 24 Hunting

I-Mining and Quarrying 28 8 20 8 20

2 & 3-Manufacluring 3,1197 2,950 947 .2,700 912 250 35

4-Constrnction 293 254 39 254 39

fl-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Services 229 29 200 29 200

6- Trade and Commerce 1,713 412 1,301 412

7-Transport, Storage and Communication 195 196 196

Il-Services 11,013 5,722 5,291 5,722 5,291

9-Activiliesllot adequately ~ibeli 134 13Q l3Q 4 CENsUS TABLES 60

B.IV.Part C -Industrial Clll8l1iftcatioo by Sel: and Divisions of PerIODS at Work other thlLo Cultivation by Tahsils (Rural only)-Ctmcld,

Workers at Workers in NOlI· Tolal Worken HOll8Chold hou&ebo1d Branch of Industry Judustry Judustry Division of T, S, 1. c ,....- ,- ,..._.,_~ .... Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 .. 5 6 7 8

Cbarkbarl Tabln

ALL DIVISIONS 10,007 7,021 2.986 3,315 1.041 3.706 1.945

Division O-Agricult~re. Livestock. Forestry, Fishing and 1.546 1.326 220 1,146 201 180 19 Huntmg

1-1.iining and QuarrYing l!i3 124 29 124 29

2 & 3-Manufacturing 3.132 2.270 862 2.169 840 101 22

4-Construction 203 190 13 190 13

5-Electricily. Gas. Water and Sanitary Services 171 36 135 36 135

6-Trade and Commerce 878 624 254 624 254

7-Transport, Storage and Communication 128 127 127 1

a-Services 3,761 2.289 1.472 2,289 1.472

9-Acti'lities nol adequatd} described 35 35 35

Mahob. T.b.il

ALL DIViSIONS 11.759 8,696 3.063 4.209 879 4.4117 2.114

Division (-Agriculture. Livestock, Forestry, Flshm~ and 2.365 2,118 247 2.018 232 lOu 15 Hunting

'I-Mining and Quarrying 78 67 II 67 11

2 & 3-Manufacluring 2,914 2.263 651 2,191 64:7 72 4

4-Construclion 359 299 60 299 60

'5-Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Service. 92 36 56 ,.. 36 56

6-Trade and Commerce 833 668 165 668 165

7-Transport, ·!)torage and.Communication 221 208 13 208 13

.S-Services 4,882 3,022 1,860 3.022 1,860

9-Activities not adequately de'cribed 15 1~ 15 61 !).SEMIS

B-V-Occupatioaal ClallmcadoD by Sex of PersoDS at Work other thall Ca.ltlvatlon

Total Worken Total Workers

Divilion. Group ~------. Di'llSioD,Group ,.....-.----...---_ and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C. O. N C.O. --Ccjagory Category Person~ Males Females Persoll8 Kales Females Persoll8 Males l<"emales Persons Males Female.

2 ti 7 2 4 6 7

ALL DlVJ5JONS GROUPO) CHEMISTS, PHYSlCISTS GEOLOGISTS ANO OTHER PHYSICAL SClENTlSTS Total 90,419 63,609 26,810 15,906 13,956 1,950 Total 7 5 2 4 2 2 III 1,641 1,352 289 286 28 V 4: 4: IV 27,926 22,115 5,811 1,978 1,729 249 VII 3 2 3 2 V 2,167 1,940 227 1,10~ 1,050 52

VI 2,023 1,1149 17~ 681 32 Family 010 Chemists except Pharmaceutical Chemists

VII 8,502 6,926 1,576 2,956 2,6311 318 Tolal 7 5 2 4 2 2 VJII 2,076 2,MB 28 1,332 1320 12 V 4 4 IX 46,084 27,379 18,705 7,5~3 6,28t 1,259 VII !I 2 2

DIvision 0 GROUP 02 BIOLOGISTS, VETERINARIANS AGRONO­ MISTS AND RELATED SCIENTISTS 3,269 2,907 962 1,359 1,214 145 Total 128 128 120 120 IV 5 5 2 2 IX 128 128 120 120

V 4 4 Family 021 Veteri narius 'VI 36 36 23 23 10tal 128 128 120 120 VII 9 7 2 8 6 2 IX 128 128 120 120

Vlll 7 7 5 5 GROUP 03 PHYSICIANS, SURGEONS AND DENTISTS IX 3,208 2,848 360 J ,320 1,177 1.J3 Total 134 119 15 87 75 12

, GROUP 00 ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS AND VII 4 4: 4: SURVEYORS IX. 130 15 83 71 12 Total 37 37 24 24 Family 030 Physicians and Surgeons, Allopathic VI 36 36 23 23 Total IX 29 18 11 22 12 10 IX 29 18 II 22 12 10 Family 001 Civil Engineers (including overseers)

Total 37 37 24 24 Fa:nily 031 Physidans,IAyurtedic

VI 36 Total 39 39 28 28

39 39 28 ." SENSUS TABLES 62

B.V-Occ:apadow Classificatioo by Sea of PerlOos at Work other thao Cqltivatioll-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Grollp Division, Group ~------~------~ and Family 01 Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.e.o. N.C,O. .--~--""---"'" ...... _--. -_ Category Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Malts Females PCrlons Males ft'emales

2 s 5 6 7 2 3 5 o 7

Family 032 Physicians, Homeopathic Family 043 Pharmacists and Pharmactutical Tcchnicians

Total 12 12 8 8 Total 78 73 5 II 9 2 IX 12 12 8 8 ]V 4 4 2 2 IX 74 69 9 7 2 Family 033 Pbysicianis, Others Family 044 Vaccinators Total 29 27 2 29 27 2 Total 33 35 11 11 Vll 4 <4 4 IX 33 35 11 11 lX 25 23 2 25 23 2 Family 1}46 Sanitation Technicians'

Family 039 Physicians, Surgeons and Dentists, n.e.c. -T~al 43 43 10 10 VIII 4 4 4 4 Total 25 23 2 IX 39 39 6 6 IX 25 23 2 Family 047 Opticians and Optometrists

GROUP 04 NURSES, PHARMACISTS AND OrHER Total 13 13 3 MEDICAL AND HEALTH TECHNICIANS IX IS 13 3 Total 254 213 41 56 49 7 Family 049 M(ldical and Health Technicians, D.e.C. ((IX' IV 4 4 2 2 eluding Laboratory Aasistants see. 091)

1) .) 2 2 4 4 Total IX [) 5 2 2 JX 246 205 41 50 43 7 GROUP 05 TEACH£RS Family 040 Total 1.818 1.5~6 242 666 559 107 -Total 16 11 5 II 11 IX 16 11 5 11 II IX 1.818 1.576 242 (66 559 107

Jo'amiJy 041 Midwives and Htalth Visitors Family 050 Teachers, University , , Total 24 24 3 3 10tal 3 3 3 24 IX 24 3 IX 3 3 3 3

Family 042 Nursing Attendants and Related Workers Family 051 Teachers, Secondary Schools

Total 40 33 7 5 3 2 Total 198 177 21 140 122 18

7 5 198 2! 14Q !22 IU b.V-()ccupatfonai Classification by Ses of PersoD. at Work other tba. Cultivatiou-Clllltd.

Total Workers Total Workers DIvision. Group anti Family of Division, Group ,___------.A..------..., Urban and Family of Total Urban N. C O. N. C.O. ,...._--"-_ - -. r- --_",__ --. __ Category ...... _--, ,.- __....,,----. - I Category --_ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Person. Males Females

2 3 .. 5 6 7 2 4 !i 6 7

FamUy052 Teachers, Middle and Primary Schools GROUP 07 SOCIAL SCIENTISTS AND RELATED WORKERS Tolal 1,331 1,132 199 422 344 78 Tolal 47 46 24 23 IX 1,331 J, 132 199 422 30U 18 VII 2 2 FamUy053 Teachers, Nursery and Kindergarten Schools VIII 2 2 Total 10 5 10 5 5 IX 43 42 23 22 IX 10 5 5 10 5 5 Family 071 Accountants and AudUots Family 059 Teachers, n.c.c. Total 36 36 18 18 Total 276 259 17 91 6 VII 2 2 IX 276 259 17 91 85 6 VIll 2 2 GROUP 06 JURISTS IX 32 32 17 17 Tolal 192 192 158 158 Family 072 Statisticians and Actuaries Tolal IX 192 192 \58 158 IX family 060 Judges and Magistrates FamilyIJ76 10lal 16 16 6 6 Labour and Social Welfare Workerl Total 10 9 5 .. 16 16 6 6 IX 10 9 5 4: Family 061 Legal Practitioners and Advisers GROUPOB ARTISTS, WRlTERS AND RELATD WORE:ERS Total !14 85 85 .Tolal 210 167 23 107 101 6 IX 94 94 85 85 IV IX PamlJy 062 Law Assislants 209 186 23 107 101 6

Total 9 9 2 2 Family 080 Authors Tolal IX 9 9 2 ... IX "lIlIIy 069 Jurists and L~al Technicians, n.c.c (Inclu­ ding Pelion Wnters) Family 083 Painters, Decorators and Commercial Artiste T~ 73 73 65 65 Total IX 73 73 65 65 IX 1 ... CENSUS TABLES 54 B-V-Oc:capatioDai Cla.sUicatiOD by Sea of PersoDI at Work other thaD CaltivatioD -Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Divi&ion, Group .... -----""- ..... DivisiOb, Group r- and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C. O. N.e.O. r- ,.- r- --. Category ---- Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persona Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 S 4 5 6 7

Familyoe4 Sculptors and ModeJlers CROVPOX OTHER PROFESSIONAL, TECHNICAL AND :RELATED WORKERS Tolal Total 436 398 38 107 97 10 IV IX 496 998 38 107 97 10

Family (\85 Acton and Related Workers Family oxa Ordained Religious Worker$ Total 17 17 Total 201 lBl 20 54 51 3

IX 17 17 IX 201 181 20 54 51 3

Family 086 Musicians and Related Workers FamilyOXI Non-ordained Religions Workers Total 153 149 " 95 92 3 Total 196 178 18 50 43 1 IX 153 149 4 95 92 3 IX 196 178 18 50 43

Family 087 Dancers and Related Workers FamilyOX2 Astrologers, Palmists and Related Workers Total 33 33 Total 35 16 19 8 5 3 IX 33 33 IX 35 16 19 8 5 3 Hamily OXS Librarians, ArChivists and Related Workers

Family 089 Artists, Writers and Related Workers, n.e.c. Total 6 6 3 3 3 Total 2 2 2 2 IX 6 6 3

IX 2 2 2 2 Division 1 Admini3,raHI)6. B~'lIuli'li' and Manag.rial WOt'kfrs' 1,177 20 415 412 3 GROUPQ9 DRAUGHTSMEN, AND SCIENCE AND Total l,1~7 ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS, n.c.c. IV 6 '6

Total 6 6 6 6 V 9 9 9 9 vrn VI 146 144 2 96 94 2 IX 5 5 5 5 VII 17 11 13 13 VIll 32 32 31 31 Family 090 Dranghtsmen IX. I 967 949 18 266 261 Total 5 5 5 5 GROUP 10 ADMINI:.TRATORS AND EXECUnVE IX 5 5 5 5 OFFICIALS, GOVERNMENT Total 823 806 17 216 216 Family 099 Science and EngineeriDg TechniciaDs, n.e.c. VI 8 8 8 8 Total 1 1 Vlll 2 2 2 2 VJU IX 813· 796 17 206 206 65 B-SERlES

LV-Occu.padOJlal Classification by Sell: of Pers,ons at Work other than Cultivation-Conld. , Total Workers Total Workers OI"IIIOD, GrODp __ -----,....,_-+---'---. Division, Group ,--._-- aDd Family of Total Urban and Family of Total ------..,Urban N.C. O. N.C.O. ,....- Celllory Category - Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 4 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 100 Administrators and Executive Officials. Central Family 110 Directors and Managers, Wholesale Trade Government Total Total 78 78 6 6

IX 78 78 6 6 VII

Family 101 Administrators and Executi ve Officials, state Family 111 Directors and Managers, Retail Trade Government Total 2 2 2 2 Total 149 149 114 114 VII 2 2 2 2 VI 8 8 8 8 VIU 2 2 2 2 GROUP 12 DIRECTORS, MANAGERS AND WOR,{lNG PROPRIETORS, FINANCIAL INSTI­ IX 139 139 104 104 • TUTIONS Total 14 14 10 10 Family '102 Administrators and Executive Officials, Local Bodies VlI 14 14 10 10 Total 47 47 14 14 Family 120 Directors, Managers, and Working Proprietors IX 47 47 14 14 Bank Tolal 14 14 10 10 Family \03 Administrators and Executive Officials, Quasi­ Government VII 14 14 10 10 Total 40 40 2 2


Family 104 Village Officials Total 337 334 3 186 183 3 Total 507 490 17 78 78 IV 6 6 IX 507 490 17 78 78 v 9 9 9 9

Family 109 Administrators and Elt.ecutive OfficaIs, 138 136 2 88 86 Government, n.e,c. VI 2

Total 2 2 2 2 VIn 30 30 29 29

IX 2 2 2 2 IX 154 153 60 59

GROUP 11 DIRECTO~S AND MANAGERS, WHOLE... Family 131 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors SA~E AND RETAIL TRADE Construction • Total 3 3 3 3 Total 138 136 2 88 86 2 VII S 3 3 3 ... VI 138 136 2 88 86 z H-9 B-V-OceQpational ClallSificadon by Sell: of P.lOnl at Work otller than OaldvadoD -CoalJ.

Total Workers Total Workcn Division, Group --. Division, Group r--__.-....._ and Fjlmily of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban-- ... N.t.O. N.C,O. ,-- ~__,._---...., r--_Jo-_--. ,-_ .,..----""\ ~-.;t. Category Category Pl:rsons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PerIODs Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 S 4 5 6 7

Family 132 Directors, Managers and Working ProprIetors, G:ROUJ? 20 BOOK.KEEPERS AND CASHISRi Electricity, Gas, Water and Sanitary Tolal 230 230 140 140 Total 3 3 3 3 v IX 3 3 a 3 8 8 8 8 VI i

Family 135 Directors, Managers and Working Proprietors, V 8 8 8 8 Entertainment and Catering Services VI 5 Total 4\ 40 40 39 5 ' 5 5 VII IX 41 40 40 39 40 40 25 '25 VJll Family 136 Dirllctors, Managers and Working Pr~prietors Other Services' • IX 151 151 100 100 Total 68 1i8 13 13 IX 68 68 13 13 Family 201 Cashiers Total 5 I Family 139 Directors, Managers/and Working Proprietors, 5 n e.c. , Total IX I 42 42 4 4 5 5 IX "12 42 4 \ 4 .,. Family 202 Ticket Sellers, Ticket Inspectora inclllding Di'llision 2 Cisrioal alld Rslat~d Work"s Ushers and ~ket Collectors (excluding tho~t; on movin transport) Total 1,898 1,835 63 1,379 1,344 35 Total 20 20 III \' 1 1 1 VlII 20 V 20 12 12 12 12 VI 47 47 40 40 .. , GROUP 21 STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPISTS \ VII Tolal 96 96 81 I 25 25 81 , .. J9 19 VIII 154 130 24 89 VIII 2 I 81 8 2 2 2 IX 1,588 1 1,549 [9 1,156 1,129 27 IX 23 23 J7 17 ... 67 B-SIRIBS

a.V-OccapafioDil Clataf8:cation b1 Sex of PenoDI at Work other tban Ctaldvatioa-CoRld.

Total Workers Total Workers ,..-____.A. ______

DtrIehJn;. Group ~ Division, Group aDd Family of Total ufban --. and Family of Total Urban N.C.O...... N.C.O. _ ,... ~ Catogory Category Persons Males Females Persons Hales Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 .. 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 210 Stenographers Family 289 Miscellaneous Office Workers Including Record Keeperq, Muharren, Despatchefb, Tolal 12 12 "., 11 11 Packers and Binders of Office Papers Tolal 370 346 24 185 177 8 VIII VI 5 5 2 2 IX 11 11 • 10 10 VII 8 8 8 8

VIII 29 5 24 12 8 Family 211 Typists .. Taal 13 13 II 8 IX 328 328 163 163

VIII GROUP 29 UNSKILLED OFFICE WORKERS \ 686 IX 12 12 7 7 Total 722 36 556 532 24

V GROUP 28 CLERICAL WORKERS, MISCELLANEOUS VI 23 23 21 21 TOTAL 921 894 27 664 653 11 VII 16 16 16 16 ID Vlll 39 39 20 20 V 3 !I 3 !I IX 641 605 36 496 472 24 , vr 19 19 14 14

VII 38 38 38 38 Family 290 Office Attendants, Ushers, Hall Porlers, etc., n.e.c. VIl( 92 6B 24 65 57 8 Total 722 686 36 556 532 24

,IX 768 765 3 540 543 3 V

PamU,280 Ministerial Assistants and Clerks VI 23 23 21 21

Total 551 548 3 479 476 3 VII 18 18 18 18 1ll Vlll 39 39 20 20 v 3 3 3 3 IX 641 605 36 496 472 24- VI 14 14 12 1~

VU 30 30 SO 30 DifJlsiott a Salss Workers 1,561 VIII 63 63 53 53 Total 7,968 6,407 2,572 2,269 303

1~ 440 4~7 3 380 377 3 Vll 7,968 6,407 1,561 2,572 2,269 qO$ CENSUS TABLES 68

B.V-Occupatlonal Classification by Sel: of Persons at Work other than Culdvacion-Contd.

Tolal Workers Total Workers

Division, Group ... Division, Group ,...------~------and Family of .------_Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C. O. N.C. O. ,...--~___....._ Category Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons' Males Fomales

2 3 ., 5 6 7 2 3 5 6 ,

GROUP 30 WORKING PROPRIETORS, WHOLESALE Family 320 Commercial Travellers AND REf All. TRADE 2 TOTAL 6,618 5,384 1,234 2,007 1,847 160 Total 2

VII 6,618 5,384 1,234 2,007 1,847 160 VII 2 2

Working Proprietors, Wholesale Trade Family 300 GR<¥lP 33 SALESMEN. SHOP ASSISTANTS AND RELATED WORKERS Total 163 163 50 50

VII 163 163 50 50 Total 1,336 1,009 327 558 415 143

Family 301 Working Proprietors, Retail Trade VII 1,336 1,009 327 558 415 143 Tolal 6.455 5,221 1,234 1,957 .1,797 160

VII 6,455 5,221 1,234 1,957 1,797 160 Family 330 Salesmen and Shop Assistants, Wholesale and Retail Trade GROUPS} INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE SALES­ MEN, SALESMEN 01<' SECURITIES AND Tola1 602 594 8 275 275 SERVICES AND AUCTIONI!.RS 602 594 8 275 Total 10 10 7 7 VII

Vn 10 10 7 7 Family 331 Hawkers, Pedlars and Street Vendors

Family 311 Agents. Brokers And Salesmen. Real E,tate Total 719 400 319 283 140 143

Total vII 719 400 319 283 140 143 VII i"amily 339 S'1lesmen, Shop Assistants and Related Workers, n.e.a. Family 312 Brokers and Agents, Securihes and Shares 15 15 Total 2 2 Total VII 15 15 VII 2 2

FamIly 319 Insurance and Real Estate Salesmen, Salesmen GROUP 34 MONEY-LENDERS AND PAWN·BROKERS of Secunftes anJ Services and Aucboncers lie c. Total 2 2 Total 7 7 7 7 VI! VII 7 7 7 7 ,.

~ . aHOUP 32 COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS AND ~'amily 340 Money-Lenders (including Indigenous Blnkers) MII.NUFACIUIlEH.S, AGENTS Total 2 2 Total 2 2

Vll 2 2 ... vn If' 'Of 69 BoSERID

B-V-Dccapadonal Cla•• i6catiOD by Sea of PerIODS at Work otber thaD. CaltivadoD-Cmatd

Total Workers Total Workers

Di'fieion, Group ,...--,------. DiVision. Group and Family of Total Urban and Family of Tptal .--~------~Urban N.C. O. N.C. O. _. r--'---"'----.., ,...-----__. ,..,..---~... --~ category Category Persons Males Females Persons ~Ies Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Fema'.

2 3 4 I) 7 2 8 5 6 7

Dfviritm4 Farmsrs, Fish6rmBn, HuntBrs, Logg.,s and Family 410 I!'arm Machinery Operators i<6Iated. WOl'klll's Total 6 6 6 6 10,263 8,803 1,460 473 434 39 III 6 6 6 6 III 1,112 969 143 290 263 27 IV 9,134 7,817 1,317 166 154 12 Family 411 Farm Workers, An mals, Birds and Insects Rearing V 4 4 4 4 Total 1,511 1,444 67 156 15fi VII 3 3 3 3 III 479 434 4:) 156 156 VIII 2 2 2 IV 1,032 1,010 22 IX 2 8 m 8 8 Family 412 Gardeners (malis) GROUP 40 FARMERS AND FARM MANAGERS Total 185 151 34 37 34 Total 8,158 6,907 1,251 196 173 23' ill 141 115 26 23 20 3 140 129 11 III 31 20 11 IV 90 22 8 IV 165 153 12 V

Family 404 Farmers and Farm Managers, Animals, Birds VII 3 3 3 3 and Insect Rearing VIII 2 2 2 2 Total 7,832 1i,817 1,015 196 173 25 IX 8 8 8 8 Ih 50 39 11 31 20 II

IV 7,782 6,778 1,004 165 153 12 Family 415 Plantation labourers Total 38 26 12 38 26 12 Family 409 Farmers and Farm Managers, n.e.c. Vegetables and Frllit Growers, inducing 111 38 26 12 38 26 12 Total 326 90 236 Family 419 }

V III 29 29

VII 3 3 3 3 Family 420 Hunters VIII 2 2 2 2 Total 29 29

IX 8 6 8 8 Ul 29 29 to. .. , c_.,. TABLES 7O

B-V-OewpaCloaal ~doa by Ses of Penou .. W.1'1I other.baIl OIaltWat_-C.J.

Total Worker. Total Workers

DIthdon, Group .... Di"itioo, Group .... and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban- ... N. C. O. N. C.O...... -- -. Catelory ----- Category PCJ:'IOM lilies Female8 Persons Males Femalcs Por80111 lIales Females Pmbns Males Fomalaa

2 S 4 !I 6 1 Z II 4 S 6

Family 449 Loggeta aad Other Forestry WorkGr" GROUP.! FISHERMEN AND RELATED WORKERS .,.,e. Total 7 6 Total 84 3t 45 m 7 6 lJI If 39 45

DiTliaio,. 5 Milfllr3, QU"",1II611 AtHi R"al," Family4!1 FishGrmen, Inland and Coaslal Waters Wor,"" Total 84 39 45 Tota' 493 348 145 12 12

1D 84 39 45 III 493 348 145 12 12

GROUP 50 MINERS AND QUARRYMEN GROUP 44 LOGGERS AND (}THER FORESTRY wORKERS Total 493 348 14.5 12 12 Total 191 177 14 20 20 In 493 348 145 12 12 111 175 172 II 16 16 FamU,501 Quarrymea IV 13 2 11 Total 493 848 145 12 12 V S S 3 S I III 493 s.a 14.5 12 12

Family 440 Forest Rangars and Related Workers Division 6 Wor"" ill r""".porl 1111" ComllfUlIllJlJ',on OCGffjHII.ons

Total 74 H Total 1,566 1,~66 1,106 1,106 IU 74 74 V 15 15 T 15 15 VI 18 18 .. , 18 18 I Family 4tl Log Fellers and Wood Cutlers vn 3 3 .3 3 Total 106 93 13 16 16 Vlll 1,519 1,519 I I,m 1,059 lU 92 90 2 14 H IX 11 III 11 11


Family44!! Charcoal Burners and Forest Product VllI 44 2.6 26 Processers "" Total 4 4 4 .. Family 610 Deck Ralin_gs (Ship), Barge Crews aDd lloatmen \ lU 2 2 2 2 Total 44 44 26 26

V ~ ~ ~ ~ '" Vill 4+ +4 ". 26 ~6 Iff '1 A-sE" I.-V-~patio'" aa8.UicatioD by Se. of Pe1'8OD8 at Work oPel' .baa Ctalti"atioa-Gontd.

Total Workers Total Workers

DiviSion. Group ~------~---~--~ DivisIon, Groqp ,...... aDd Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C. O. I N.C.O. ---. ,. ,....- ,.... ----. CalCory Category Peraone Males Femalel Persons Mab Females Per8OP8 Males Females Portoll8 Males Females

2 3 .. 5 6 7 2 3 4 ~ 6 7

GROUP 63 DRIVERS AND FIREMEN, RAILWAY Family 642 Cycle Rickshaw Driven and Rickshaw Pallen ENGINE Total 31 31 SI 31 Total 47 47 3() 30 Vll vJJI 47 47 30 SO VIII 29 29 29 29 IX Family 630 Drivers Total 17 17 16 16 Family 643 Animal Drawn Vehicle Drivers VIII 17 17 16 16 Tolal 239 239 156 156

Family 631 Firemen VIII 237 237 1M 1M Total 30 30 14 14 IX 2 2 2 2 VlIl 30 30 14 14 Family 649 Drivers. Road Transport. n. e. c (including Palki and 0Q1i Bearers) GROUPS. DRIVERS. ROAD TRANSPORT Total I ,on 1.02'2 898 898 Total 7 7 1 7 Y 15 IS 15 15 vIlJ 6 6 6 6 VI 16 16 16 16 IX vu 3 3 3 3 GBOUP65 CONDUCTORS, GUARDS AND BRAKESMEN VIII 919 979 855 8aS (RAILWAY) IX 9 9 ... 9 9 Total 49 49 18 18 VIII 49 49 18 18 Family 640 Tramcar Drivers Total 7 7 7 7 Family 650 Conduc!oll! Total 2 2 Z 2 VIII 7 1 7 7 VIII 2 2 2 Z ... Family 641 Motor Vehicle and Motor Cycle Drivers T()ljll 738 738 697 ~7 Family 651 G\l,ards V 15 15 15 15 Tolal 12 12 12 12

VI 16 16 16 16 VlII 12 12 12 12 VII 2 2 2 2 -u' .. Family 652 Brakesmen 'III 700 700 659 659 Total 35 35 4 4 IX 5 5 5 5 VIII 35 35 4 4 .. 6tksus TABLES 72

B-V-Occapational Classification by So of Persons at Work other tbaa Cuttivatioft-Coatd.

Total Workers Total Workers Divls;on, Group ,.....-----_...... Division, Group and Family of Total Urban and Family of -- Total Urban N. C. O. N. C.O. ,..... __.A. __ ....--- ...... ---_""_____, Category Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Person. Males Females

2 , '4 5 6 7 2 S 4 5 6 7

GROUP 66 INSPECTORS, SUPERVISORS, TRAFFIC GROUP 68 POSTMEN AND MESSENGERS CONTROLLERS AND DESPATCHERS, TRANSPORT Total 125 125 45 45 VI 2 2 2 2 Total 123 123 19 19 VlII 121 121 41 41 VIII 123 123 19 19 IX 2 2 2 2 Family 660 Inspectors. Supervisors and Station Masters Family 680 Postmen Tolal 60 60 7 7 Total 101 101 38 38 VIl[ 60 60 7 7 VUl 101 101 38 S8

Family 662 Signalmen and Pointsmcn Family 681 Messengers (including Dak peons)

Total 63 63 12 12 Tolal 24 24 7 7 VUl 63 63 12 12 VI 2 2 2 2 vw 2U 20 3 .'I GROUP 67 TELE-HONE, TELEGRAPH AND RELA TED TELR, COMMUNICATlON OPERAI0RS IX 2 2 :.! 2

Totil 23 23 21 21 GROUP 69 WORKERS IN TRANSPORT AND COMMU· NLCA.TlChl oecaPA nONS n. c. c. Vlll 23 23 21 21 Total 133 133 49 49

Family 670 Telephone Operators Vlll l33 133 49 49

Total 2 2 2 2 I Family (illl Conguctors, Road Transport VlIl 2 2 2 2 Total 2 2 Family 671 TeJegraphisl5.and Signallers Vlll 2 2 Total 11 11 9 9 Family 692 Workers in, Transport Occupations, n. e. c. vw 11 11 9 9 Total 96 96 42 42 VIII 96 96 42 42 FamUy672 Radio Communication and Wireless Operators

Total 4 4 4 Family P9Z Inspectors, Traffic Controllers and Despalcher .. " Com'1luuicatlO VllI 4 4 4 4 Tolal 20 20 7 7 VlIl 20 20 7 7 ... Family 679 Telephone, Telegraph and Related Tele- Commuoication Operators, n.e.c. Family 694 Workers in Communication Occupltlons, 1l.e.C. Total 6 6 6 6 Total 15 15 - VllI 6 6 6 6 VllI 15 15 n. 73 ~RlES

a.V -Ooca.ptltloaal Classification by Sell: of Persons at Work other than ClIltivation-Contd.

Total Worker. Total Workers

Divil,on, Groop .------.., Division, Group ,.._ .----~--..., and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C. O. N.C.O. .------. .-----.---. ,..__ ...... 4--__. Category -----"" Persons Males Females Persons Male. Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Female!

2 5 6 7 :I 3 4 5 6

CraitsmoH, Pt'filuolicm PI'OC6SS, WOl'kll'S,ana Family 706 Bleachers, Dyers and Finishers (excluding Laboursl's, not aI'IIWMrs classiji6a Prioters) , Total 51,522 .36,319 21,203 7,255 6,197 1,058 Total 414 329 85 206 190 16 IV III 24 23 1 11 10 387 305 82 182 169 13 V 27 24 3 24 21 3 IV 18,771 14,271 4,494 1,808 l,()1I 237

V 2,108 1,891 217 1,058 l,O(J6 52 Family 707 Knitters and Lace Makers

VI 1,760 1,588 172 494 464 30 Total 78 59 19 5 3 2 IV 76 59 17 3 3 VlI 381 358 13 251 238 13 V 2 2 2 2 ViII 226 m 4 110 106 4 721 IX 34,252 17,950 16,302 3,523 2,802 Family 703 Carpet Makers and Finisbers Total 2B 27 12 12 GROUP 70 SPINNERS, WEAVERS, KNITTERS, DYERS AND RELATED WOHK.l!;J.(S IV 28 27 12 12 Total 3,555 1,964· 1,571 552 416 136 IV 3,447 1,903 1,544 451 341 110 Family 709 Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers and RelJled V 108 81 27 101 75 26 Workers,o.e.c. Tolal 42 28 14 38 24 14 I"amily 700 Fibre PreparcrB, Ginners, Cleaners, Scourers, etc. IV 34 25 9 30 21 9 Total 80 60 20 53 39 14 V 8 3 5 6 3 5 IV 38 31 7 11 10 GROUP 71 TAILORS, CUTTERS, FURRIERS AND V 42 29 13 42 29 13 RELATED WORKERS

Total 242 455 Family 702 Spinners, Piecers and Winders 2,059 1,617 436 17 IV Tolal 1,719 561 1',136 57 24 33 1,684 1,451 233 138 127 11 V 317 6 IV 1,717 58U 1,131 55 23 32 375 366 9 311 V 2 1 2 Family 710 Tailors, Dress Makers and Garment Makers Total 1,964 1,764 200 451 17 Family 703 Warpers and Si~ers 434 Total 15 3 12 15 3 12 IV 1.612 1,421 191 137 126, 11 V 372 363 9 314 IV 15 3 12 15 3 12 30B 6

Family ~704 ',. Drawer and Weavers Family 715 Sewers, Embroiderers and Darners, Textile and Fur Products Total 1,179 897 282 166 121 45 Tolal 20 9 11 TV 1,152 873 279 143 100 43 V 27 24 3 23 21 2 IV 20 9 11 8-10 B-V-Occupationat Classification by Sell of PersoDs at Work other thaD duttivatidn-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group ... Division, Group ,....-- and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C. O. N.C. O. ,...... -__,._-~ r----__,__~ Category Category PersOD8 Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Femal. 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 " 5 6 7

Family 719 Tailors, Cutters, FUI riers and Related Family 730 Furuacemen, Metal Workers, n. e. c. Total 19 19 Total 55 24 31 4 4 V 19 19 ... IV 52 21 31 I I ... Rolling Mill Operators, Metal V 3 3 3 3 Family 732 Total 7 7 7 7 GROUP 72 LEATHER COTTERS,LASTERS AND VI 7 7 7 7 SEWI£RS (EXCEPT GLOVES AND GARMENTS) AND RELATED WORKERS Family 733 .I3lacksmilhs, Hammersmiths and Forgomon total 1,396 1,362 34 214 209 5 Total 669 612 57 47 47 IV 1,290 1,258 32 110 3 107 IV 666 609 57 44 ... V 106 104 104 102 2 2 VIlI S 3 3 '"S Family 720 Shoe makers and shoe repairers Family 739 Furnacemen, Rollers, Drawers, Moulders Total 1,185 1,101 34 199 194 5 and Related Metal-Making and Treating Workers, n. e. c. IV 1,094 1,062 • 32 110 107 S Total 17 17 17 17 V 91 89 2 89 87 2 lV 17 17 17 17 Family 721 Cutlers, Lasters, Sewers, Footwear and Related Workers GROUP 74 PRECISION INSTRUMENT MAKERS, Total WATCH MAKERS, JEWELLERS AND 21 21 RELATED WORKERS IV 21 21 Tolal 1,453 l,406 47 267 264 3 46 210 208 2 Family 722 Harness and Saddle Makers IV 1,392 1,346: Total 15 15 15 15 V 61 60 ~7 56 v 15 15 15 15 Family 740 PreciSion Instrumenl Makers, Watch and Clock Makers and Repairmen Family 729 Leather Cutt@fs, Laslers and Sewers (except Total 19 I 19 13 13 Gloves and Garments) and Related Workers, n. e. c. IV 7 7 I 5 5 Tolal 175 175 V 12 12 8 8 IV 175 175 Family 741 Jewellers, Goldsmiths and Silversmiths GROUP 73 FURNACEMEN, ROLLERS, DRAWERS, Total 1,424 1,377 47 244 241 :1 MOULDERS AND RELATlW METAL MAKING AND TREATING WORKERS IV 1,384 1,338 46 204 202 2 Total 712 655 57 71 71 V 40 39 40 39 IV 683 61 626 57 61 Family 742 Jewell,ery Engraver. V 19 19 I"· Total 10 10 10 10 ... VI 7 7 7 7 IV 1 1 I 1 II 9 9 9 VIII 3 S 3 3 V ••• 75 B-SERIES

B-V-Occupational Classification by Se. of Persons at Work other C:han Culdvation-Gonld.

Total Workers Total Workers

D1yision, Group ,------.---....___ ..... Division, Group r- -...., aad Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C. O. N.C.O. -..... r------"'" r-~---...., Catceory Category Persons Males Fe.males Person. Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Malee Females

2 3 4 !i 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

GROUP 75 TOOL-MAKERS, MACHINISTS, PLUMBERS, Family 754 Sheet Metal Worker~ WELDERS, PLATERS AND RELATED WORKERS Total 68 64 " 19 19 IV 31 31 12 12 Total 644 640 4 159 159 V 37 33 4 7 1 IV 227 227 42 42 Family 755 Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Y 397 393 4 102 102 Total 6 6 6 6 VI 3 3 3 3 v 2 2 2 2 VU 6 6 6 6 IX 4 4 4 4

VlJI 6 6 Family 756 Welders and Flame Cutters IX 5 5 5 5 Total 5 5

Family 7511 Fitter-MachInists, Too]-makers and Machine IV 2 2 Tool Setters V 3 3 Total 3 3 3 3 Family 758 Electro-PIa ters, Dip Platers and Related IV Workers V Total 24 24 2 2 IV 2 2 2 2 VI V 22 22 Machine Tool Operators Family 751 Family 759 Tool-Makers, Machinists. Plumbers, Wtllders, Total :2 22 Platers and Related Workers, n.e.c. (including IV 22 22 Metal-engravers other Iban printing) Total 6 6 6 6 Family 752 Fittcr-As~emblers and Machine Ereclm. (except Electrical and Precision Instrument IV 5 5 5 5 Filter-Assemblers) VllI robl 84 84 84 \ V 84 GROUP 76 ELECTRICIANS AND RELATED ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS Family 753 Mechanics-Repairmen (except Electrical and WORKERS PrecIsion Instrument Repairmen) Total 426 426 123 123 Total 68 68 66 66 IV 164 164 22 22 V 3 3 3 3 248 248 92 92 V VI 5 5 5 5 VI 2 2 2 2 VII VU 6 6 6 6 vm 5 5 ... " VIII 8 8 8 8 ~ ~ IX 51 51 49 49 ... CENSUS TABLES 76

B-V-Occupational Classification by Sell of PersoDS at Work other than Caltivadoa-ColIItt.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group ----. Division, Group ,- ....___----- .... and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O. N.C.O. r--.... -~__.... ,--_.... _--, .... Category Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Porsons Males Females PerIODS Males Femalce

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 760 Eleciricians, Electrical, Repairmen aDd Related Family 772 Sawyers ~nd Wood Working Machinists Electrical Workers Total IS IS IS 15 Total 34 34 34 34 IV 1 1 1 1 VI 3 3 3 3 v 12 12 12 12 IX 31 31 31 31 Vll 2. 2. 2 2-

Family 761 Electrical and Electronics Filters Family 174 Cart Builders and Wheel Wrigbts Total 4 4 3 3 Total 120 119 1 4 4 VI 2 2 2 2 IV 118 117 1 2 2 ... IX 2 2 V 2 2 2 2

Family 762 Mechanics-Repairmen, Radio and Television Family 779 Carpenters, JOiners, Cabinet Makers, Coopers and Related Workers, D. e. c. Total 4 4 4 4 Total 18 18 IV 18 18 V 3 3 3 3 VJII GROUP 78 PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS Total 30 30 39 30 ... Family 764 Linemen and Cable Jointers V 3 3 3 3 Total 6 6 6 6 VIII 8 8 8 8 IX: 6 6 6 6 IX 19 19 19 19

Family 769 Electrieians and Related Electrical and Electronics Workers, n. e. c. Family 780 Painters :!tnd Paper Hangers Totat Total 20 20 19 19 30 30 30 90 VlII 8 8 8 8 V 3 3 3 3 IX 12 12 11 11 VIII 8 8 8 8 IX 19 19 1••• 19 19 I GROUP 77 CARPENTERS, JOINERS, CABINET MAKERS. COOPERS AND RELATED GROUP 79 BRICKLAYERS, PLASTERERS AND CON' WORKERS TRUCTION WORKERS, n. e. c. 2,011 Total 1.978 33 198 198 Total 1,222 1,063 159 408 379 29 IV 1,767 1,734 33 158 158 IV 228 114 114 1 1 V 242 242 38 38 V 43 40 3 40 40 VII 2 2 2 2 VI 951 909 42 367 338 29

Family 770 Carpenters, Joiners, Pattern Makers (Wood) Family 790 Stone Cntters, StoDe Carvers and Stone D, easers Total 1,858 1,826 32 179 179 Total 271 154 117 41 41 IV 1,630 l,5Q8 32 155 155 IV 228 114 114 V 228 228 24 24 V -13 10 3 -10 ~ '" 77 ~IS

B-V-Occupatlooal Clusiftcatloa by ~ of Penoa. at Work other thaD. Ca.ltivadoa-Contd.

Total Workers Total Workers ,-____rtl'W ______DiYlIIIOD, Group .--- --. Division, Groull iDd Family of Total Utban and Family 01 Total Urban N.C.O. N.C.O. ,....-_..... ,..- -. -Category Category -- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 ~ 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 791 Bricklayers, PlastercIll, Masons GROUP 81 fOTTERS, KILNMEN, GLASS AND CLAY FORMERS AND RELATED WORKERS Total 722 713 9 275 275 Total 1,893 1,213 VI 722 713 \I 275 275 680 105 87 18 IV 1,652 1,116 536 103 85 18 Family 792 Glaziers V 241 97 144 2 2 Total ... VI Family 810 Furanaccmen, Kilnmen and Ovenmen Total 555 394 161 2 2 Family 794 Hut Builders and Thatchers IV 320 303 17 Total 3 3 3 3 V 235 91 144 2 2 VJ 3 3 3 3 ... Family 811 Potlers aud Related Clay Formers Family 195 Well Diggers Total 1,336 817 519 101 83 18 Tolal 60 60 IV 1,330 811 519 101 83 l~ VI 60 60 V 6 6

Fa~i1y 799 , Bricklayers, Plasterers and ConBtruclion Workers, n, e. c. Family 819 Polters, KUnmen, Glass and Clay Formers and Related Workers, n.e.c. Tolal 165 132 33 89 60 29 Total 2 2 2 2 VI 165 132 33 89 60 29 IV 2 2. 2 2. 'GROUP 80 COMPOSITORS, PRINTERS, ENGRAVERS BOOK.BINDERS AND RELATED WONKERS GROUP 82 MILLERS, BAKERS, BREWMASTERS AND Total 31 17 14 ,14 Ii RELATED FOOD AND BEVERAGE WORKERS IV 20 6 14 4 4 Total V 11 11 10 10 2,112 1,375 737 386 :Jolt 42 IV 1,905 1,177 72S 238 201 31 Family E04 Printers (Textile) V 207 198 9 148 In 5 Total 26 12 14 9 9 Family 820 Millen, Poundcls. Huskers, and Parchers, IV 17 :;I 14 Grains and Related Food Workers V !l 9 8 8 Total 803 578 225 146 141 .5 Family 808 BClok Binders IV 660 438 222 39 37 2 3 3 S 3 Total V 143 140 3 107 104 S IV 3 3 ... 3 S ~amjly 821 Crushers and ?reasers, Oil Seeds Family 809 Compositors, Printers, Engravers, Book-Binders and Related Workers, n. e. c, Total 851 414 437 92 72 20 Total 2. 2 2 2 IV 826 395 431 79 61 18

V ~ ~ n' ~ ~ V ~5 .9 ij Iii I. 3 etMSUS TABLES 78

B-V-Oceapational a._meadon by Sex of Penon. at Work other than Oaltiftdoo-Coatd.

Total Workers Total Workers Division, Group Division,' Group ~ ..------_ and Family of Tolal Urban and Family of Tolal Urban N. C. O. N. C.O. ,--...... ~- ---. category Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Parson. Mates FemaleS PeIlOnii Males Femattll

2 3 4 5 6 ., 2 S .. 5 6 7

Family 829 Khandpari, Sugar and Gur Makers Family 842 Cheroot, Cigar and Bid! Makers

Tolal 13 13 Total 27 18 9 IS I~ IV 13 13 IV 17 14 3 11 II V 10 .. 6 .. .. Family 824 Bakers, Confectioners, Candy and Sweetmeat Makers Family 849 Tobacco Pmparers and Products MakOI'll, Total 417 351 66 137 129 8 D.C.C. IV 380 314 66 111 103 8 Total 52 47 5 20 15 5 IV 9 V 37 37 26 26 11 11 9 V 41 S6 5 U 6 5

FIIDU, 827 Butchers GROUP 85 CRAFTSMEN AND PRODUCTION PROCESS Tolal 10 10 WORKERS, n e.e. 9 IV 9 Total 4,583 3,430 1,153 285 230 !i5 V IV .,431 3.278 1.153 256 201 55 V 152 152 29 29 Family 829 Millers, Bakers, Brewmasters and Related Food and Beverage Workcrl, n.c.c, Family 850 Basketry Weavers and Relaled Workers Total 18 9 9 10 9 . Tolal 3,726 2,924 802 134 110 24 IV 17 8 9 9 9 IV 3.726 2.924 802 m 110 24 V 1

Family 851 . GROUP 83 CHEMICAl. AND RELATED PROCESS Tvre BulldfJl'ej, Va)canisers and Related Rubber "ORKER::> Products Ma~erl Total 2 2 2 2 Total 26 2~ 25 24 V 2 2 2 2 IV 17 16 16 15

V 9 9 9 9 Family 853 Tanners, Fellmongers, Pelt Dressers and Related Worken Familya31) Chemical and Related Process Workers, n.e.c. Tolal 476 342 134 92 89 3 Total 26 25 25 24 1 IV 440 306 1'34 80 77 3 IV 17 16 16 15 1 V 36 36 12 12 V 9 9 ... 9 9 Family 855 Makers of Musicallnslruments and Related Workers GROUP 8f TOBACCO PREPARERS AND PRODUCTS MAKE~ Total 3 3 2 2 Total 79 65 14 35 30 ~ IV 28 25 3 20 20 IV ,1 V ~l '*" 1$ 10 ~ V + ~ ~ 2 .~, A.V-Occapadoaal a ...i8catJoa by St. of Per.oAl at Work othet than Caltivatlon..,..cClllld

Total Worken Total Workol'l Division, Group ,------_____ Division, Group aDd Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N.C.O•. ,..--...... _ N.C. O. __ ,-_...,...., ~ -"", -Category Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 Ii 7 2 S 4 5 6 7

'~mny 8S6 Paper Products Makers Family 870 Operators, stationary EngInes and Relaled hquipment Total 2 2 Total IV 2 2 V V 1 VID Family 859 Craftsmen and Production Process Workers, n.ee. Family 871 Boilermen and Firemen Total 374 157 217 54 26 28 Total 65 65 63 63 IV 263 46 217 42 14 28 V1ll 65 65 63 63 V III III 12 12

GROUP 86 TESTERS. PACKERS. SORTERS AND Family 872 Crane and Hoist Operators RELATED WORKERS Total 1 Total 197 197 67 67 vIII 1 - V 2 2 2 2 VD 194· 194 64 64 Family 874 Operators of Eartb-moving and Other Cons- truction Mach Inery, n.e.c, VIII 1 Total 3 3 3 3 Family 860 Checkers, Testers, Sorten, WeigherlllQd VI 3 3 3 3 Counters Total 194 194 64 64 Family 876 Oilers and Greasers. Statiunary Engines, Motor vehicJcs and Related Equipment V 1 1 1 I VI[ 193 193 63 63 Total 6 6 2 2

Family 861 Packers, Labellers and Related Workers V VI Total 3 S 3 :1 vIII .. 4 V 1 VII GROUP 89 LABOURERS, n.e.c. VIII Total 35,374 18,917 16,457 3,848 3,101 747 23 11 10 GROUP 87 STATIONARY HNGINE AND EXCAVATING III 24 AND LIFT[NG EQUIPMENT OPERATORS 7 76 69 7 AND RELATED WORKERS V 76 69 130 108 107 Total 77 77 70 70 VI 790 660 165 13 V 2 2 2 2 VII 178 165 13 178 21 VI 4 4 .. 4 vm 129 125 4 25 .. 17.87~ 16,302 3,450 2,729 721 VU' 71 71 64' 64 IX 34,177 B-V-Occapadoaal OI ...16catioD by Sell of Peno... at Work other thu o.ttifttioD-~OIJtd.


Dlvision, Gronp _-- _ .... --.----- Di'li&ion, Gronp ,...-----..... -----... and ,,'amlly of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban N. C. O. N. C.O. ,.--_..... _--.. ,...-_..... _-..... Category Category Persons Males Females Persons Malee Females Persons Males Females Persons Males FlI1llales

2 !I 4 5 6 2 6 7

Family 890 Loaders and Unloaders Family 901 PoUet Constables, Investigators and Related Workers Total 101 101 12 12 V 2 2 2 2 Total 174 174 54 54 VII 4 4 4 4 IX 174 174 54 54 VIll 91 91 2 2 Family !103 Wachmen and Cbowkidars IX 4 4 .. .. Total 345 342 3 lao 97 Family 899 Labourers, n.e.c. IV 2 2 2 2 Tolal 35,273 18,816 16,457 3,836 3,089 747 V 3 3 3 3 'UI 24 23 I 11 10 12 12 9 9 V 74 67 7 74 67 7 VI VI 790 660 130 108 107 VIII 29 29 22 22 viI 174 161 13 174 161 13 IX 299 296 3 64 61 3 VIII 38 34 4 23 19 4 Family 909 Fire Fighters, Policmen, Guards and Related IX 34,173 1',871 16,~02 3,446 2,725 721 Workers, h.e.c. Total 26 26 2:' 25 Dioisiorl 9 SsrvicB. Sport aud Rsoroatiorl Works,.s VrI 20 20 20 20 Toi'" 5,251 3,278 1,973 1,247 886 361 IX 6 6 5 5 IV 2 2 2 2 GROUP 91 HOUSE KEEPER~, COOKS, MAIDS AND V 3 3 3 3 REJ.+ TED WORKERS. VI 13 13 10 10 Total 381 260 121 179 140 39 VII 21 21 31 ZI IX 381 ,260 ,121 179 140 39 VI11 51 51 32 32 Family 910 HO)lse Jteepess, Malrons, Stewarda (DomestiC IX 5,161 3,188 1,973 1,179 BIS 361 and Inst~tutional) Tolal 48 47 3 3 GROUP 90 FIRE FIGHTERS, POLICEMEN GUARDS AND RELATED WORKERS ' IX 48 47 3 3 Total 545 542 3 179 176 3 Family 911 Cooks, Co()k·Bearers (Domestic and IV 2 2 2 2 , Institutional) V 3 3 3 3 Tolal 178 122 56 84 53 31 IX 178 122 56 84 53 31 VI 12 12 9 9

VII 20 20 20 20 \ Family 912 Bullers, Bearels, Waiters, Maids and Other Servants (Domestic) VIII 29 29 22 22 Total 148 90 58 91 83 8 IX 479 476 3 123 120 3 IX 148 90 58 91 8S 8 a.V-Oc:capatfoDal Cla.liftcatioD by Sex or PersoDS at Work otlaer tban OuttivadoD-Callld.

Total Workers Total Workers

Division. Group r------~------, Division, Group and Family of Total Urban and Family of Total Urban H. C. O. N,C. O. __.__-A----, r- ~ -.category Category Persons lIlales Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 I) 7 2 3 4 5 6 7

Family 913 Ayas, Nurse-maids FamIly 940 Barbers, Hairdressers, Beauticians and Related Workers Total 6 6 Total 1,369 1,333 34 193 190 3 IX 6 6 IX 1,369 1,335 34 193 190 3

Family 919 Honse Keepers, Cooks Maids and Related ' GROUP 95 LAUNDERERS, DRY CLEANERS AND WorkerS, n e.c. PRE~SE.(:) Total Total 910 398 512 160 111 49 'X IX 910 39B 512 160 III 49 GROOP 92 WAITERS. BARTENDERS AND RELATED Family 950 Laundrymen. Washermen and Dhobies WORKERS Total 91u 398 512 160 111 49 Total 3 3 3 3 IX 910 398 512 160 III 49 IX 3 3 3 3 GROUP 97 PHOTOGRAPBERS AND RELATED Family 920 Waiters, Bartenders and Related Workers CAM~RA OPERATORS , ,Jlsbtlltional) Total 27 27 5 5 Total 3 3 3 3 IX 27 27 5 5 IX 3 3 :; :; Family 979 Other Photographers ~ROuP 93 BUILDING CARE-TAKERS. CLEANERS Total 27 27 5 5 I AND RELAThU WOl.,Kb.l

VI GROUP 99 SERVICE. SPORT AND RECREATION WORKERS, n.e.c. VU Total 115 43 72 22 15 7 Vlll 22 22 10 10 IX 115 43 72 22 15 7 IX 1,877 646 1,231 494 234 260 Family 999 &rvice, Sport and Recreation Workers. n.c.c. Family 9Sl Cleaners, Sweepers and Watermen Total 115 43 72 22 15 7 43 22 15 7 Total 1,901 670 1,231 506 246 260 IX 115 '2 VI Divisiou X Works,.s nol Cla8sijiabls b, Oaaujllafion Total 1,012 989 23 88 82 6 Vll 111 11 11 VIII 22 22 }O 10 IV 8 8 IX 1,877 646 1,231 494 234 260 V 12 2 10


Total Workers Total Workers

Division, Oroup r- --. Division, Group ,------.. and Family 01 Total Urban and Family of ToM Urban N. C.O. N.C.O . ~ ____A ___.... .-__A_--. ,...__ A_..... ,--_;0..___ ..... Cate~ory Category Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PerIODS Males FemalCII

2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 i

GROUP Xli WORKERS REPORTING OCCUPATiON GROUP X9 WORKERS NOT REPORTlNG OCCUPATION UNIDENTIFIABLE OR UNCLASSIF1ABLE Total 931 90B 23 68 62 6 10tal 81 81 20 ~o 1ll 5 5 III 6 6 V 12 2 10 VI 3 IV B. 8 3 VII 4 4 4 4 VJIl 20 20 VIII 65 65 4 4 IX 41, 41 20 20 IX 842 829 13 60 54 6

}'amity X80 Workers reportIng occupations unIdentifiable Family X9(l Workers not reporting occupation or unclassifia ble Total 931 S08 23 68 62 6

Total 81 81 20 20 III 5 5 v 12 2 10 III 6 6 VI 3 3 IV 8 8 VII 4 4 4 4 Vlll 20 20 V1Jl 65 65 4- 4 IX 47 47 20 20 IX 842 829 19 60 54 6

N.G.() .-Nationai (lassljicatJon of Ocroupatiofls 83 B-SERIES

B-V-OccupationaJ Classification by Sex of Persons aC Work ocher than Cultivation by Tahsils (Rural only)

DivlsiOD Total Workers DiV1SlOn Total Workers No, of No. 01 ,..--___Jo.. ____-. N,C,O, ,.--- N.C. O. Category Persons Males I<'emales Category Persons Males Females 4 2 3 "

DISTRIC r RURAL Dn'lslon 3 Sal,s WO,.kSfS

Total 5,396 4,138 1,258 ALL DIVISION "II 5,396 4,138 1,258 Total 74)513 4'1,653 74,860 111 1,327 1,066 261 DilJlSIOn 4 Farmo,.s, Flshermsn, Hunters, Loggsrs and IV 25,948 20,386 5,562 Related Workers V 1,065 840 175 Total 9,790 8,369 1,421 VI 1.342 1,200 141 111 822 706 116 Vll 5,546 4,286 1,258 ylIl 744 728 16 IV 8,968 7,663 1,305 IX 38,541 21,095 17,446 DilJision 5 Min8f's, Quarrymen and Rslat8d WorkBfs Division 0 Profsssional, Teohnical and Related Work6rs Total 481 336 145 Total .,910 1,693 217 lV 3 3 III 481 336 145 V 3 3 VJ 13 13 mf)ision 6 Workers in Transport and Communioation Oocupations VII VlIl 2 2 Total 460 460 Ixi I,BBB 1,671 217 VIII 460 460 Diflisioll 1 Admsnistrahvc, Exccutlvs and Managerial Workers Divisions 7-8 Craftsmen, Production Process Workers, and Labourers not elsewhere classified Total 7fi2 745 17 IV 6 6 Total 50,267 30,122 20,.45 VI 50 50 VII 4 4 III 13 13 VIlI IV 111,963 12:06 4,217 IX 701 684 17 V I,D 0 885 165 Ditlision :! Clerical and Related Workers VI 1,266 1,124 142 Total 519 491 28 VI 7 7 VII 130 130 VII 15 15 VIII 116 116 VIlI 65 49 16 ,*12 I~ 0120 12 IX 30,729 15,148 15 1561 CBNSUS TABLES 84

B-V-Oc:c:upational Classifieation by Sex of Persons at Work other thaD Cultivation by Tahsils (Rural only)-Conld.

Division Total Workers DivlllloD Total Workers No. of No. of N.C.O...... _---. N.C.O. r----~---"'-t Category Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females

2 9 4 2 9 4

DitlislOtl 9 Suvie" Sport and R8CrBatio" WorkBrs Dwision 1 Admlnistraliw, EX60Uti'l/8 ana Maf)ag6rial Worflers .,004 2,392 1,612 Total Total 278 264 14 VJ 3 3 IV VIII 19 19 VI 6 6 IX 3,982 2,370 1,612 Vll I IX 270 256 14 Dlwsio" X Worksrs "ot Classifiabl8 by Occupation Di'l/ision 2 Cisnoal and RslatBd Work". 924 17 Total 907 Total 137 128 9 m 11 11 VI IV 8 8 VIl 3 S V 12 2 10 VIII 10 9 VI 3, S 115 8 vm 61 81 IX 123 IX 809 802 7 Di'l/isio" 3 Salos Woru,s

Total 972 710 2~ RATH TAHSIL ALL DIVISIONS . Vll 912 no 262

Total 13,572 22,'97 9,225 DiviSion 4 Farr¥rs, Fisher""", Hunt"" Logg6fs and III . 204 149 55 ,RsiIlifBa Work,,., I IV 7,231 5,487 1,744 Total 2,166 1,737 f29 V 74 54 20 III 129 lOt 25 VI 203 188 15 VII I,VOI 739 262 IV 2,037 1,633 404 vIII 46 45 1 IX 14,038 6,910 7,128 DiLiswn 5 Mimlrs, QUarrY"'Bn a~d R,Iat8d Work8t's

rotal 74 if 30 Dnlisio" 0 ProfeSsional, TeChnical and Relatld Workers , Total 655 551 1M Ill' ,74- 44 SO

IV 3 3 Diwsicm 6 Worksrs in Transport and Communication V Occlfpations

VI 2 2 Total 27 27

\ IX e49 ~4$ lot Vtl ~7 ~7 ". 85 B.iiRlits

a. V..... Occ:u ..tioaal Classification by Sea of Persons at Work otbet than Cultivation by TabsD. (R1Iral only)-Contd.

DlViSioIl Total Workers DiviSion TotO\l WorkeI1 No,oI No. of .... N,C,O. ------... N. C. O. --- Category Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females / I 2 s 4 2 3 4

D1visions 1·fi Craftsm,n, Production Proc~ss Worksrs, atul Division 0 Prof6881onal, T.clintoal and R.la,,11 Work.rs Lall()urers n()t glsewl1Bl'e el~sm.fiea TotAl 3(1) 2115 )S

Total 16,737 8,932 7,805 V 2 2 111 I , I VI 3 IV 5,188 3,848 1,340 3 V 12 53 19 Vlll Vl 194 1J9 l!i IX 294 279 15 VII 25 25 01'll1S10n 1 AdminlStrativB, BXSCUIJU anll Manag,'UlI 5 5 VUl Worksr5 11,252 4,821 6,431 IX Total 67 66 1 IV 2 2 Diviatofl 9 b,nne., Sjlort a"a Reorsatiofl Wot'~"S VI 17 17 Total 1,.79 914 565 VII IX VIII 47 46 Division :J elBrloal and R,lat.d Work.rs IX 1,418 913 565 Total 37 36 1 Ditlirion X WorRB's net Olfnst/iable by O~oupation VI 2 2 VIl T~l 272 265 7 2 2 IV 2 2 Vin 14 13 IX 19 19 V

VIII 3 3 lJnnston 3 Salas Workers lotlll IX 266 260 6 1,077 912 165 Vl1 1,077 912 165 HAMIRPUR TAHSIL Division 4 Farme~s, F1Sh8r",8n, Hunt8,., Logge1's and ALL DIVISIONS R6iat6a Worksrs Total 9,082 6,9111 2,16" Total 1,289 1,103 J86 III 35l 261 88 IV 2,495 1,994 501 III 235 166 49 V 507 413 94 IV 1,054 911 137 VI 284 269 15 Drvisioll 5 M'ffsrS, Quarr~mBn and R,latdd Worksr.s VII 1,121 956 165 Total III 73 39 VIll 153 152 IX 4,I7J 2,671 1,3QO 111 112 73 ~~ G~NSUS TABLES 86

B-V-Occ:upadonaJ Classification by Ses ot PerioDs at Work other than o.tltlvadoD by Tahsils (RllI'al oDly)-Contd.

Division l'otaJ Workers Division Total WQrkers No. of No. of ,....---....._ ..... -_N.C.O. ,.... - ..... N.C.O. __ Category Persons Males Females --Category Persons Males Femalt'~

2 S .. 2 3 4

DI'llision 6 Workers in Transport and Communi"ation Diwsion 0 ProfB$Sjon/J~, T6ohnioal am' Rllla"d Work"s Occupations Total 81 81 Tolal 425 390 35 VII 81 81 VI 3 3 VII I Diwsiotls ']-8 era!18m Btl, PfodllCtlOti ProClss Workers and Labours,.s not elS8u'lwrslIJl1ssijisd j IX 421 386 35

Total 5,639 3,999 1,6~() Division 1 Administrati'llo, E:roouti'llB ana ManagBriaJ III 2 2 WorkGrs IV 1.438 1,074 364 Total 221 220 1 V 499 409 90 VI 260 245 15 IV 1 VII 41 41 VI 9 9 VUl 34 34 VII 2 2 VIII 1 IX 3,365 2.194 1,171 IX 208 207 Di'llision 9 S8f'11ics. Sport ana Recreation Workers Total 345 232 113 Division 2 Cl.riotU and Related Work.rs VI 2 2 Tob'! 161 157 4 VIIl 4 4 VI 1 IX 339 226 113 Vll 3 3

Di'Oision X Workers not Classifiable by Occupation vlIl 6 6

Tolal 135 131 \I IX 151 147 4 III 2 2 Dl'lluioH 3 SalBs WorlNrs IV I V 6 2 4 Tolal 1,679 1,267 t12 Vlll 19 19 VIl 1,679 1.267 412 JX 107 107 MAUDAHA TAHSIL D,vision 4 Farmers, Ftsharmen, Hunters, Loggers and Reltltsd WOTk~rs ALL DIVISIONS Total 20.868 13 ,'U6 7,422 10tal 3,552 3,024 528 III 227 183 44 III 136 123 13 IV 6,778 5,381 1,397 IV 3.416 2,901 515 V 285 250 35 293 VI 254 39 Di'llision 5 Millers. Quarryman and R~lat,d Workers VII 1.713 1.301 412 Total ~9 58 31 VIlI 196 196 JX 11,376 5,881 5.495 11l a9 58 Sl B-\'-Oc:cupatioDal Classific:atioD by Se-. of PersoDS at Work otber tbaD Cultivation by Tabslls (Rural only)-Contd.

Division Tolal Workers Division Total Workers No. of No. of Jo.. _____ ~. ___..A. __~ NCO. N.C.O. category • Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females

4 2 1

Di(ljsion 6 Worksrs in TralMport and CommunicatioH Division 0 ProjBssioflal. Tsahniaal atld RBlalBd Works,s Occupatiolls Total 236 217 19 Total 120 J20 V[ 2 2 Vll 120 120 IX 234 215 19 DivisIons 7-8 . craftsmsn, Praductlon Process Workers alia Labourers not slsewh:rs classified Di'llisiotl 1 Administ'atiIlG, Ex~cutivil and Managerial WorkBrs Total 13.052 7,330 5,722 Total 169 168 III I I IV 2 2 IV 3.361 2.479 BB2 VI 10 10 V 283 250 33 IX 157 156 VI 279 240 39 VlI 28 28 Di'llision 2 Clsl1aal and Rslatsd WorkBrs Vlll 40 40 90 89 1 IX 9.060 4,292 4,768 Tolal VI Division 9 Sorfli"', Sport and Recreation Workers VII 3 3 Total J ,306 620 686 VIII 13 12 VIII 6 6 IX 73 73 IX 1.300 614 686 DiviSIon 3 Sakis Workers Division X Workers not Classifiable by Oocupation Tolal 861 607 154 Total 263 260 3 III VII a61 607 154

V 2 2 DIvision 4 Farmsrs, Fishsrmen, Hunte's, Logg6rs alld VI 1 Rslaled Worksrs VIII 23 23 Total 1,233 1,024 209 IX 236 235 III 149 137 12 CHARKHARI TAHSIL IV 1,084 887 197 ALL DlVISIONS Divis~o~ Ii Miff~rs, Quarr:ll11lsn and Ralat6d Worksrs Total 10,007 7,021 2,98& III 352 304 48 Tolal 193 157 36 IV 4,356 3,315 1,041 III 193 157 36 V 123 101 22 Di'llisiofl 6 Worksrs in Transport and Communication VI 203 190 13 OQcupations VII 878 624 254 Total 53 53 VIII 128 127 53 53 IX 3,967 2,360 1,607 VII ... CENSUS TABLES

B-V-Occapational Classificadon by Sex of PerllOns at Work other than Caltivatiod. by Tahsils' (Raral oDly)-Contd.

Division Total Workers Division Total Workers No. of No. of .A. ____--, I N.C. O. ~ N. C.O. ~-----..... --. Category Persons Males females Category Persons Males Fernaltlll 2 • 2 3 4

Division 0 Ptafs 'sional, Tsobniaal and Rslatsd Worksrs Divisions 7·8 craftsmsn, Proauotion prooess Worksrs Total 294 250 44 ana LabautBrs not s/SBwhsr, olaSS.jiBa VI 3 3 Total 6,668 4,327 2,3U VIH 1 III 4 4 IX 290 246 44 IV 3,269 2,4.1.5 844 V 121 101 20 Division 1 Admmfstrati'llB, Exsouti'IIB ana Manag,rill' Worksrs VI 189 176 13 Total VII J4 14 27 27 Vlll 29 29 VI 8 8 IX 3,042 ,1,)78 1,464 IX 19 19

Division 9 SSrWOB, Sporl and RscflllLtian WorksfS Division 2 ClsriclIl and Relatsd Worksrs Total 313 190 123 Total !J4 8t 13 VI 2 2 Vlll ) 5 VII 4 4: 185 123 IX 308 VlII 22 9 13 IX 66 66 Division X Works's not r.;lass'fiabla by Ocaupati(jn Division 3 Sallis WarkBrs Total 191 189 2 Total 807 642 165 III 6 6 IV 1 1 2 VII 807 642 165 V 2 ,1 VI Di'l/ision 4 Farm~t'$, FisMt'tnIln, Huntsrs, Lo/IIIGrs ant!. Rslat6~ Worksrs VIII 28 28 1,550 1,481 69 IX 153 153 Total

MAHOBA TAHSIL 111 173 156 17

IV 1,377 1,325 52 ALL DIVISIONS Total 11,659 8,MS 3,063 Division 5 Mintlrs, Quar"1msn a1l4 R61at6d Workers 1Il 193 167 26 Total 13 .. 9 4,209 879 IV 5,088 III 13 .. 9 V 76 72 4 Di'll{sion 6 Works,s in Transport lind Comm,,"iolltion 299 60 VI 359 Oooulations 165 VII 83'3 668 Tota' 179 179 221 208 13 VIII VII 179 179 IX 4.989 3,073 1,916 139 B-SER1E5

iLV-bccupationa* Classification by Sex of Persons at Work other than Cultivation by Tahsils (Rural only)-Coneld.

Division Total Workers Division Total Workers No. of No. of N.C.O. ,- --__"-~--. N.C.O,

Category Persons Males Females Category Persons Males Females

2 2 3 \

DivisIons 7-8 Cra/tstntln,.Productlon Process Worksrs and Division X Worksrs not Classifiable by Occupation Labourers not elsewhere dlass,fied Tot,,1 63 62 1 2,637 Total 8,171 5,534 III 2 2 III 5 5 IV 4 4 IV 3,707 2,880 827 V I V 75 72 3 VI 1 VI 344 284 60 VIII 8 8 VII 22 22 IX 47 47 VIII 8 8 IX 4,010 2,263 1.747

Divi,ion 9 SlImCS, Sport and Recreation Worksrs Total 561 436 125 VI 1 VIII 3 3 IX 557 432 125

N. C. O.-Natlonal Clasification of Occupalion


B-VI-Occupational Divisions or Persons at Work other than dliltivation classified b1

Educational Levels

~ Occnpational Age-gronps Total Workers Total Literate Literate Primary High School Technical Division No. Workers (without edu- or or Higher diploma not r N.C, 0.) cational level) Junior Basic Secondary equal to degree

.--__.A. ___-"'\ I ,----"-----. ,-_oh._...... __, Persons Males Females M F M F M F ----M F M--- " 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

All Divi,loDI Total 15,906 13,956 1,950 7,572 150 4,323 57 1,493 58 1,338 33 3

0-14 264 232 32 52 S8 12 2

15-34 7,430 6,Sl3 667 3,937 70 1,932 21 813 14 960 20 2

35-59 6,976 5,943 1,031 3,156 7!i 2,032 32 597 24 354 12

60+ 1,185 963 220 427 5 321 4 71 22

Age not stated

O-Professional Tecbnical and Related Workers Total 1,359 1,214 145 898 107 214 20 178 33 243 32


15-34 444 55 57 9 75' 12 174 19 ."

35-59 377 49 125 9 86 21 59 12

60+ 76 3 41 2 17 10

I-Adminis(rative Execu. tive and Managerial Workers Total 415 m 2 291 3 77 3 i 65 85


15-34 139 29 24 49 •

35-59 139 2 41 2 38 35

60+ 13 7 3

2-Clerical and Related Workers Total 1,379 1,344 35 1,15. 6 '26 3 231 2 467 1 1


15-34 631 2 188 96 322 ...

35-59 496 4 219 3 126 142 60+ 32 19 9 S .. , ••• 91 B-SERJES

Sell, Broad A'''J1'Ol1p, andldl1e8tioDal Level. hi Urban Areas only

Educational Levels - .... _------""" Non-technical University r--______Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree ""'"" diploma not degree or post­ equal to graduate degree degree other VeterinalY than technical Engineering Medicine Agriculture and Technology Teaching Others degree Dairying ,..---.... _---, r--.A._-..... ,--.....__,

fit F fit F M F M F M F M F M F M F

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1 375 21 7 I 2 ... All Diy, ......

8 216 15 2

9 152 6 3 4 4

6 7 ...

16 1 226 21 2 3 ....

7 127 15 2 2

6 94 6 3 4

S 5

1 63 - ... 37

... 25

2 32


8 ,0< .,. CENSUS TABLES 92

B-VI_Occupational Divisions of PersoDS at \york other than Cultivation classified by

Educational Levels ~------Occupational Age-groups Total Workers Total Literate Literate Primary High School Technical DiviSion No. Workers (wilhou! edu- or or Higher diploma not (N.C. 0.) calionallevel) Junior Basic Secondary equal to degree

,..-_...._, r-~....,

Persons Males Females M F • M F M F M F M ~.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 lJ

3-Sales Workers Total 2,572 2,269 303 1,648 10 1,088 10 370 167

0-14 10 9 .

15-34 732 2 391 2 189 139

35-59 736 8 550 8 152 25

3 60+ 170 '" 138 28

4-Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters, Loggers and Related Workers Total 493 434 39 ~ 1 244 1 39 111 1

0-14 .. 3

15-34 234 124 23 79

35-59 152 104 12 30

60+ 18 13 3 2

5-Miners. Quarrymen, and Related Workers Total 12 12 12 '1 2 2


15-34 8 5 2

39-59 :I 2


6-Workers in Transport and Communication Occupations Total 1,.06 1,106 457 259 177 77


15-34 243 115 72 55

35-59 lS6 130 4.~ 21 60+ 17 13 3 .,. ... 93 BoSERlEs

Ses, Broad Age-group, and Educational Lent. in Urban Areas onl,-Contd.

______EducationalA __ Levels...... ___ --_~ ______...__"".

Non.technical University Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or po~t.graduate degree diploma not degree or post. ,,-- ~.------'-.------.... equal to graduate degree degree other Veterinary '(;0 than technical Engineering Medicine Agriculture and Technology Teaching Othero §Z,,":, degree Dairying ~ go ,...... -"""---, ,.--- r--.A.--., ...... __, r---"'-- ...... "---_,, r---~ .--.A.--, ..--~ s:§uu:> _ u·-Z M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 00_

IIi 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

3 19 3


2 6

10 3


4 2


.. , 3


B-VI-Occapadollal Divisions of Persons at Work other tban Cultivation classttled by

Educational Levels ~------Occupational Age-groups Total Workers Total Literate Literate Primary High School Technical Division No. Workers (without edu- or or Higher diploma not (N.C.O.) cationallevel) Jllni()r Basic Secl)ndary equal to degree

--. .--~____, ,-_...... , ~.A-_--. ,------_ ~-..... r--~ Persons Moles Females M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 :, 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

7-8-Clansmen, Production Process Workers and Laboulers not el5e- where classified TotaJ 7,255 6,197 1,058 1,982 20 1~500 17 346 131

0-14 31 21 8 2

15-34 1,159 8 794 7 259 10'3

35-59 707 10 606 8 75 24 ,..

60+ 85 2 79 2 4 2

9-Servic:e, Sport Bnd Recreation Workers Total 1,247 886 361 659 3 473 3 134 37

0-14 4 3

15-34 308 216 66 22

35-59 333 2 244 2 63 15

60+ 14 10 4

X-Workers not Classi- by fiable Occnpation Tolll i 88 82 6 58 25 11 J8 0-14

15-34 39 13 8 15 '

35-59 17 11 2 3


N.C,O.-Na#onal Classification 01 Occlilations { 'Uti B-SERIES

Se~, Broad Age-groups aDcS Edue.dopal Levels iD Urban Areas oDly-Condd.

Educational Levels ------_....__.------..., Non-Iechnical Universily Technical degree Or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree ,_. diploma not de gree or post- --~--.,... ------~ equal to graduate -;d degree degree other Veterinary =z"':' ~aO thaD technical Engineering Medicine Agriculture and Technology Teacbing Others g.'iii • degree Dairying ...~O u.!: ~...... ___, ,.- ~ ,..---""---.. ,..._...__, ,..--J'----. u Cl • M F M F 1<1 F M F M F M F M F lei F M F o ..... Z fl6 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33

3 2 7-11

2 ...

9 ...... It ......

x '" ... - ...


B-VIII·Part A-PersoDs uaeRlployed, aged 15 and above, by Ses, r------__Seeking--"- employment____ for the

r------___,.______Age- Ed ucational Levels Total Unemployed Total 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 .----"---, ,___.._ ___ r----"---.. ,...._..A.--, ~ ,..--.....___, P M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 rqTAL 327 296 31 226 26 97 74 28 4 11 3 Illiterate 138 110 28 93 24 42 21 14 2 7 3 Literdte (witbont educational level) 92 91 66 31 21 7 Primary or Junior BaSIC 58 56 2 43 2 15 19 6 2 2 High Scbool or Higher Secondary 36 36 22 ..... 9 11 Technical diploma not equal to degree Non-technical diploma not equal to degree

University degree or Post-graduate degree other 2 2 than technical degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree Engineering Medicine Agriculture Veterinary and Dairying Technology Teaching Others

B-VUI·Part B-Persons uaemployed, aged 15 and abo\1e

Rural Unemployed by

District/Tabsll Total Unemployed Illiterate r- -...... -.---__.;.._.---..... Perwns Males Females Persons Males FemaJeli 2 3 .. 5 6 7 Total 310 308 2 73 72 Rath Tahsil S8 38 17 17 Hamirpur Tahsil 98 97 29 28 Maudaha Tahsil 110 110 6 6 Charkhari Tahsil 26 25 6 6 Mahoba Tahsil 3U SB 13 IS 97 B.sERJES

tJroad Age-groups aDd Educational Levels in Urbao.Areas only

first time Persons employed before, but now out of employment and seekillg work _,._ ... ~ -- - groups Age-groups --. 35+ Age not Total ------_.,.._---."------15-19 20-24 25-34 35-44 45-59 60+ Agenc>t ___..,._stated __ stated ~ __..A....---. ,.---'---, ,...... _., . ..----..-...... r--"---> ~ .... -.!If F M F 11£ F M F M F M F M F 11£ F M F AI F 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 16 19 70 5 )6 24 I 14 9 2 5 2 9 19 17 4 :3 8 2 2 2 6 25 8 3 6 5 3 13 3 7 14 2 6 5 -


by Sez and Educational Levels in Rural Areas only

Edllcatloml Levels ~------.------~ Literate (without educational level) Primary or Jllllior Ba5ic High School and above "'"-_--, r----.._...,...__----. ,------~----~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females PersOllS Males Females

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 108 107 60 60 69 69 9 9 8 B .. .. 17 93 33 19 19 17 41 41 36 36 25 25 ... 3 12 11 5 5 4: IS 18 3 3 4 H-13 98

B-IX-Persons Dot at Work Classified by Sex,

rotal Non.workmg populalior. Full-time students Household duties Dependents, infants and disabled

,----"'"___, r--.A..--~ Age-group ~------~------~ r---__'_--~ Pcr;,ons Maks Females Males Females Males Females Males FCln,dc'

2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10


Total 424,455 16'1,38'1 257,068 35,112 5, '129 5 105,675 130,405 145,280

0-14- 294,598 152,910 141,688 28,661 5,470 9,696 124,185 126,515

15-34 73,001 9,963 63,038 6,449 259 58,522 2,732 4,235

35-59 39,064 1,476 37.588 33,077 1,024 'I,m

60+ 17,494 2,895 14-,599 4,379 2,457 IO,on

Age not Stated 298 143 155 2 5 7 22


Total 377,961 149,569 228,392 29,159 3,743 5 91,975 119,343 t:J2,441

0-14- 268,047 138,7E6 129,261 24,637 3,660 9,320 114,092 116,274

15-34 61,161 7,163 54 0('4 4,522 83 50,386 2,220 3,528

35-59 33,246 1,127 32,119 28,380 874 3,708

60+ J5,227 2,360 12,067 3,889 2,157 8,922

Age not Stated 274 133 141 5 9


Total 46,494 17,618 28,676 5,953 1,986 ~3,700 11,062 12,839

0-14 26,551 14,124 12,427 4,024 I,BIO 376 10,093 10,241

15-34 11,834 2,800 9,034 1,927 176 8,136 512 707

35-59 5,818 349 5,469 4,697 150 709

60+ 2,267 535 1,732' 490 300 1,169

Age not Staled 24 10 14- 2 7 IS 99 )3.SERIES

Broad Age-groups and Type of Activity

Retired, renlier or Beggars, yo-grants, In'nat~s of penal, Persons seeking cmp- Persons employed b,'fore, independent means etc, mental and chari- loyment for the but now out oj employ- table inshtutions first time men! and seeking work ,--__...A. __ -....,. ,--__..A----~ Age-group ,.....__'_ -----. r---_"_---~ ,-----'--_-- --. Mal~d Fern,les Maks Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


Total 664 266 468 78 91 '] 487 31 155 7 0-14 8 16 2 2 32 5 6 15-34 57 6 130 7 55 422 7 118 35-59 152 42 214 30 30 29 17 27 4

19 86 107 39 4 4 2 4 2 60+ Age not Stated 128 132 .0'


372 159 331 65 13 2 261 5 85 2 I.ltal

8 9 2 2 32 5 6 0-14

55 85 6 5 212 64 15-34

63 6 157 23 4 16 13 35-!i~

118 21 80 34 2 2 60+

128 132 Age not sta ted


292 ]1)7 137 13 78 226 26 70 5 Total

7 0-14

2 6 45 50 210 7 54 15-34

89 36 57 7 26 13 17 14 3 35-59

201 65 27 5 2 3 2 2 60+ .,. Ag~ not ~tated CENSUS TABLES 100

B-IX-PerIiOIlS not at Work Clasaified by Sel,

Total Non-work,ng population l<'ull-time students Household dulles Dependents, infants and disabled

,----"-____",, ,....--.Ao-_., Age-group ~------~------persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Malt:s F emates

2 3 4 6 8 9 10


Total 377,961 149,569 228,392 29,159 3,743 5 91.975 119,343 132,4tl

0-14 268,047 138,786 129,261 24,637 3,660 .. 9.320 114.092 116,274 15-34 61,167 7,163 54,004 4,522 83 50,386 2,220 3,52P

35-59 33,246 1,127 32,119 28,380 874 3.708

60;- 15,227 2,360 12,867 3,889 2,157 8,922

Age not Stated 274 133 141 5 9


TotAl 79,381 34,162 45,219 6,584 63' 5 12,617 27,422 31,937

0-14 61,419 32,287 29,132 5,888 630 1,325 26.393 27,l77

15-34 9,294 I 044 1l,250 696 6 6,764 302 1,479

35-59 5,017 220 4,797 3-,884 180 910

60+ 3,617 592 3,025 I 644 547 2,371

Age not Stated 34 19 15 5


Total 69,460 25.322 44,138 4,518 660 20,635 20,597 22,770

0-14- 45,419 23,066 22,353 3,719 645 1,561 19,323 20,136

15-34 13,836 1,615 12,221 799 15 11,520 724- 005

35-59 7,428 220 7,208 6,618 187 588

60+ 2,685 3117 2,298 930 363 1,361

Age not Stated 92 34- 58 ... 101

8rcMrI Age-group. aurl Type of Activity by TahsU. (Rural only)

~red, rentiers or Beggars, vagrants, Inmates of penal, Persons seeking emp- Penons employed before, independent means etc, mental and chari. IQyment for the but now out of employ- table institutions first time ment and seeking work .----....._~ Ago-s:rollp ,.....-""___ ~--...... r-.._..A.---;--", -r----.A-.---, Males Femak'S Males l<'emales Males Female:. Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


372 159 331 65 13 2 261 5 85 2 Total

8 9 2 2 32 5 6 0-14

55 85 6 5 212 62 15-34

63 6 157 23 .. 16 13 35-59

118 21 80 34 2 .... 2 60+

123 132 Age not .tatod


,36 23 71 5 S 28 13 'total

3 3 0-14

II ~3 11 15-34

9 2B 2 35-59

13 7 29 :) 60+

14 15 Age not .tated


52 64 31 2 3 I 99 5 22 I Total

22 5 2 0-1+

7 2 68 15 15-34

4 16 9 4 35-SP

14 5 () 60+

Age Dot et;lted g~ 58 ". ... .,' CEmUS TABLFS \02

B·IX-PersODS Dot at Work Classified by Sex,

Total Non-working population Full-time .Iudents Iiousehold duties Dependents, infanls and disabled

.-__.A.. __ -, ,..----,",,------.... '---"'___' Age.group --- --"-__, Persons Males Females Males Females Males ~'emales Males Femaleq

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Toc-I 90,859 ' 36.372 54,487 8.35l1 1,078 22,847 27,646 30,5111

0-14 64.629 33,310 31,519 6,740 1,040 3,395 26,553 27,084

13-34 15,127 2,167 12,960 1,610 38 12,452 409 465

35-59 7,363 307 7,056 6,194 199 850

60+ 3,517 575 2,942 806 465 2,119

Ago not stated 23 13 1O


Total 59,914 25,066 34,848 5,15Q Bl'1 12,748 19,789 21,256

0-14 44,795 23,501 21.294 4,484 601 1,261 19,017 19,232

15-34 B,36B !l95 7,373 67) 16 7,110 291 247

3;'-~!I 4,543 177 4,3E6 3,842 159 5'1.1

100+ 2,138 345 1,793 !i35 322 1,255

Age not Stated 70 48 22


Tolal 78,347 28,647 49,700 4,548 552 23,128 23,889 25,960

0-14 51,585 26,622 24,963 3,806 541 1,772 n,E06 22,6l5

15-34 14,542 1,342 13,200 742 8 12,540 494 652

35-59 8,895 203 8,692 7,842 149 83S

60+ 3,270 461 2,809 974 440 1,816

A~e not St~ted 55 1~ 3(i ... ~ i03 MERtES

Broad Age-groups and Type of Activity by Tahsils (Rural only)-Contld ..

Retired, rcnlier or Beggars, vagrants, Inmates of pen ai, l'crson~ bcekmg cmp- Persons emploved before, independent means etc. melll al and chari- loym"nt for the but now out of employ- table institutiollS lirst time meot and seeking work- ~ __ .A. __--. Age-group ~--"""----. r---~--' .-._--"-----. ~-..... Males Female. 111 ales Femak. Makos Females Mall'S Females Males Females

11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


117 11 132 33 7 89 31 fotal

5 2 7 3 0-14

44 5 2 17 25 15-S4

37 60 12 3 5 3 35-59

67 23 16 60+

13 10 Age not staled


63 24 30 2 If 11 Tot.1


7 14 8 15-34

4 II 3 35-59

11 2 12 60+

48 22 Age not stated


104 37 67 23 31 8 total

B 2 0-14

55 16 30 5 15-34

9 4 42 8 2 35-49

13 6 8 13 60+

19 27 ... Age not $tated



H-14 106" C.b-Ageand .------Marital Status Age-group Total populati on Never Married ---_.... ---.. r- Persons Males Females Males Females

2 3 .. 5 6


All Ages 727,896 :m,467 350,429 170,849 121,322 0-9 215,928 111,749 104,179 111,749 104,179 10-14 74,126 41,575 32,551 30,537 15,441 15-19 57,684 30,2B2 27,402 11,523 1,lSI 20-24 63, 1I5 30,836 32,279 5,298 125 25-29 59.253 30,870 28,383 3,185 52 30-34 52,544 27,408 25,136 2,034 65 35-.39 41,876 21,272 20,604 1,383 35 40-44 41,845 21,156 20,689 1,408 31 4J-49 34,764 18,400 16,364 1,095 25 50-54 31,685 16,648 15.037 970 17 55-59 17,739 9,181 8,558 554 10 60-64 19,128 9,398 9,730 519 17 65-69 7,337 3,576 3,761 179 6 70+ 10,542 4,934 5,608 gOI 15 Age not stated 330 182 148 114 122


All Agel 167,025 86,()52 80,973 37,184 27,891 0-9 49,815 25,804 24,011 25,804 24,011 10-14 16,1~3 9,135 7,018 6,246 S,646

15~19 12,999 6,650 6,3~9 1,877 180 20-24 14,794 7,257 7,537 993 20 25-29 13,390 6,964- 6,426 622 5 30-34- 11,916 6.107 5,809 407 6 35-39 9,602 4,904 4,698 283 I 40-44 9,609 4,724 4,885 286 2 45-49 8,431 4,509 3,922 210 50-54 7,256 3,745 3.5ll 183 55-59 4,316 2,172 2,144 100 60-:64 4,524 2.127 2,397 92 1 65-69 1,836 886 950 29 1 70+ 2,346 1,041 1.299 39 2 Age not stated 38 21 17 13 15 107 CoSERJES

, Malit.. Statu.

Marital status ...... ----Married ---'Wid~-_"___~ed or Separated Unspecified Status Age-Group ,...__,..,_--..... ,...__ .Ao '\ ,-----'----, ,..._.A.--..... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

, 8 9 10 II 12 13

1116,679 188,523 18 "ao 40,036 1,022 379 217 369 All Agee 0-9 10,845 16,914 61 153 53 10 79 33 111-14

18.~6B 25,955 188 176 80 35 23 55 1~-19 24,943 31,656 412 410 Ja5 27 28 60 2O-2f '$,856 27,498 670 713 143 48 16 72 2i-29 24,174 23,432 1,059 1,571 128 37 13 31 30--34 18,687 18,467 1,064 2,026 125 47 13 29 35-39 17,817 16,419 1,817 4,161 104 46 10 32 40-44 14,947 11,837 2,274- 4,447 78 38 6 17 45-49 ,12,658 7,594 2,945 7,377 64 35 11 14 ~0-54 6,560 4,258 2';429 4,265 33 20 5 5 55-59 6,105 2.597 2,738 7,OB7 35 19 10 60-64 2,143 946 1,243 2,798 11 4- 65-69 2,433 732 2,186 4,845 12 10 2 6 70t 43 18 14 7 10 1 Age not stated


",055 .4,200 4.534 8,647 187 8& 92 149 All Agu U-9 2,835 3,341 14 6 4 36 25 10-14 4,692 6,114 62 34 12 7 21 15-19 6,CSB 7,a79 125 101 38 7 13 90 26-24 6,150 6,224 158 149 27 19 7 29 25-29 5,446 5,529 228 258 18 9 8 7 36-34 " 4,330 4,245 251 430 34 11 6 11 35-39 3,981 4,045 431 81B 22 12 4 8 40-44 3,717 2,934 571 974 8 7 3 6 45-49 2,841 1,982 705 1,514 11 II 5 4 SO-54 1,576 1,140 493 1,004 2. 55-59 1;370 795 656 1,592 9 5 4 60-64 524 291 333 654 3 I 65-69 S02 179 503 .,113 2 2 :3 70+ 3 2 ." Age not stated '* CENSUS TABLES 108

e.U-A.,. aDd

Marital status Age-groop Total Population ------Never Married ,-- Persons Males Females Males Females

2 S t 5 6


AliA... 120,177 63,045 57,132 30,431 21,290 0-9 35,887 18,311 17,576 18,311 17.576 JO-I4 12,536 6,915 5,621 5,674 3,ll5 15-19 9,463 5,060 4,403 2,563 392 20-2t 10,580 5,340 5,240 1,193 35

25-29 9,938 5,~47 4,691 696 20 SO-34 8,815 4,635 4,180 420 20 3S-SS 6,789 3,537 3.252 308 20 40-4t 6.732 3.545 3,187 325 15 45-49 5,334 2,920 2,414 263 11 50-54 4,952 2,699 2,253 222 10 55-59 2,700 1,503 1,197 124 7 60-64 3,227 1,686 1,541 156 9 65-69 1,214 649 565 53 3 70+ 1,908 956 952 96 7 Ago not stated 102 42 60 27 50 MMld.ba

All Agas 174,483 90,432 84,051 41,928 29,221 0-9 52,591 27,215 25,376 27,215 25,376 10-14 18,119 10.323 7,796 7,660 3,561 15-19 13,773 7,376 6,397 3,083 202 2()-24 15,136 . 7,235 7,903 1,250 25 25-29 14.326 7,461 6,865 716 9 10 30-34 12.172 6,198 5,974 444 35-39 9,992 4.9a5 5,007 300 9 40-44 9,996 5,009 4.987 324 6 45-49 8,082 4,360 3,722 272 6 !0-54 7,450 3,812 3,608 237 55-59 4,124 2,198 1,9l6 156 2 60-64 4,364 2,1711 2,186 126 2 65-69 1,658 825 833 49 70+ 2,651 1,I!:!i 1,460 86 5 Age not stated 41 36 Jl 10 6 l09 C.SERIES

Madtal Statu. -Conld.

Marital status ----Married ---~------Divorced or Separated Unspecified StatllS Age-group Widowed .---_ ,.---"...--...... --_...... _----...... _--, .---...... ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


29,307 29,459 3,084 6,318 174 64 49 1 All Agel O-!I 1,210 2,403 7 101 2 24 10-14 ' 2,456 3,941 26 70 5 10 15-19 4,085 5,134 45 68 13 3 4 20-24 4,398 4,553 125 il3 25 :. 3 25-29 4,021 3,840 173 315 21 5 30-34 3,MI 2,885 164 340 23 7 35-39 2,893 2,501 305 663 21 8 40-44 2,275 1,752 361 641 21 J() 45--49 1,971 1,180 487 1,053 19 10 50-54 1,036 587 336 601 7 2 55-59

1,066 430 454 1,095 10 7 60~4 391 121 200 439 5 2 65-69 457 124 400 Bl8 3 3 70+ 7 8 6 Age not stated


44,OOB 44,577 4,303 10,116 192 112 1 2i All Ages 0-9 2,618 4,227 21 7 24 10-14 4,234 6,165 50 23 9 5 2 15-19 5,861 7,741 90 122 34 B 7 20-24 6,564 6,630 159 216 22 7 3 25-29 5,447 5,495 285 451 22 16 2 30-34 4,440 4,423 228 561 17 13 35-39 4,251 3,853 419 1,109 15 12 7 40-44 3.581 2,592 489 1,107 18 17 45-49 2,941 1,725 651 I,B73 13 7 2 50-54 1,559 871 474 1,016 9 16 55-59 1,421 532 627 1,643 4 4 60-64 482 169 292 662 2 65-69 587 150 515 1,300 3 5 70+ 22 4 3 Age not stated CENSUS TABLES 110

C.D-Age Ind

Marital Status ,----_..... Ag~group 'fotal Population Never Married ,--__..----I...... ~------~------~Person. Males Females Males Femaes 2 3 4 5 6


All Age. 120,222 65,159 61.063 28,lIl 20.366 0-9 36,787 19,167 17,620 19,167 17,620 '10-14 12,545 6,933 5,612 4,743 2,366 15-19 10,309 5,259 5,050 1,744 285 20-24 11,083 5,442 5.641 782 28 25-29 10,162 5,242 4,920 478 13 S0-34 9,509 4,982 4,527 299 13 35-39 7,504 3,803 3,701 217 3 40-44 7,352 3.746 3,606 192 6 45-49 6,139 3,148 2.991 151 7 50-54 5,543 2,902 2,641 137 3 55-59 3,082 1,503 1,579 67 1 60-64 3,299 1,625 1,674 50 3 65-69 1.198 586 612 16 70+ 1,632 765 867 23 Age not stated 78 56 22 45 17


All Age. 139,989 72,779 67,210 33.195 22,554 0-9 40,848 21.252 19,596 21,252 19,596 10-14 14,773 3,1.69 6,504 6,214 2,'53 15-19 11,140, 5,937 5,203 2,256 122 20-24 11,520 5,562 5,958 1,080 1~ 23-29 11,437 5,956 5,481 673 5 30-34 10,132 5,486 4,646 464 16 35-39 7,989 4,043 3,946 275 2 40-44 8,156 4.132 4.024 281 2 45-49 6,778 3,463 3,315 ,199 50-54 6,484 3,460 3,024 191 3 55-59 3,517 1.805 1,712 107 60-6. 3,714 1,782 1,932 95 2 65-69 1,431 630 801 32 \ 70+ 2,005 975 1,030 57 A~e not stated ~5 ~7 38 19 ~* hi c.SkD Mantal Status-Ctmtd. _----- MaritalStatus Married ---Widowed ----"------Divorced or Separated ------Unspecified Status Age-group -~ _...-_ ..... _- , .... _--. .---.,._~ Malee Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


33,303 33,583 3,244 6,916 162 80 39 lt8 All Ages 0-9 2,147 3.229 12 4 25 I) 6 7 10-14 3,462 4,702 21 19 31 29 IS 15-19 .,549 5,542 64 55 40 4 7 12 20-24

4,625 4.767 107 105 3~ 11 2 24 25-29 .,456 4,226 189 269 36 7 2 12 30-34 3,332 3,359 220 313 29 10 5 16 35-39 3,204 2,864 320 721 25 5 5 10 40-44 2,555 2,145 424 829 16 3 2 7 45-49 2,256 1,269 497 1,360 9 3 3 6 50-54 1,082 812 340 762 12 2 3 55-59 1,085 388 484 1,279 5 3 60-64 362 1411 206 462 2 65-69 383 131 356 734 2 2 70+ 5 1 4: 4 2 Age not stated


35.806 36,504 3,535 8,039 207 37 36 76 All Ages 0-9 3,035 3,714 7 35 13 10-14 3,624 5,033 29 SO 23 5 17 15-19 4,360 5,860 88 64 30 5 4 11 20-2. 5,119 5,324 121 130 ~9 6 4 16 25-29 4,804 4,342 184 218 31 3 10 30-34 3,544 3,555 201 382 22 6 1 35-39 3,488 3,156 342 850 21 9 7 40-44 2,819 2,414 429 896 15 1 4 45-49 2.649 1.438 605 1.577 12 4 3 2 50-54 1,307 848 386 862 3 2 1 55-59 1,163 452 517 1,473 7 2 3 60-64 384 217 212 581 2 1 2 65-69 504 148 412 880 2 1 70+ 6 3 2 1 Age not stated CENSUS TABLES iii C-b-Age anei .,....------Marital status Age.gronr Total Population Never Married .... ,...-_.... _--...... ,...-----'------Persons Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


All Ages 66,553 35,450 31,103 1',305 '12,152 0-9 19,844 10,396 9,44B 10,396 9,448 10-14 7,048 4,026 3,022 3,498 2,UI5 15-19 5,933 3,411 2,522 2,006 386 20-24 5,4E2 2,827 2,655 717 74 25-29 5,067 2,581 2,486 267 18 30-34 4,576 2,369 2,207 121 3 35-39 3,695 1,996 1,699 72 6 40-4+ 3,707 1,931 1,776 69 3 45-49 2,852 1,571 1,281 39 4 50-54 2,!l2 1,611 1,301 48 3 55-59 1,456 778 678 17 4 60-64 1,889 962 927 19 4 65-69 692 325 367 8 70+ 1,373 653 720 19 Age not stated 27 13 14- 9 13 113 c.sERlES

Marital Statu:s-Contld.

Marital Status ""------Married Widowed Divorced or Separated Unspecified status Age-grollp ,.----'-----.. .--_.... ---.. .__--..Ao "..- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


16,585 15,498 1,450 3,359 85 47 25 47 All Agea 0-9 511 825 8 5 4 5 7 10-14 1,392 2,m 6 9 5 8 2 8 15-19 2,064 2,544 36 24 5 10 5 3 20-24 2,238 2.404 60 61 12 4 2 25-29 2,163 2,079 70 118 13 5 2 2 30-34 1,844 1,540 70 ISO 9 3 1 35-39 1,725 1,452 126 302 9 8 2 11 40-44 1,366 963 162 207 3 5 2 45-49 1,343 759 210 532 10 4 3 50-54 622 372 131 302 7 55-59 702 262 239 655 2 2 4 60-64 227 101 88 263 2 2 65-69 385 85 244 631 4 3 70+ 3 Age not stated CENSUS TABLE 114

C-1U·Part B-Age, Sex and

Educational levels ~------~------~ Age group Total Population Illiterate Literate (without Primary Matriculation Technical , educational or or diploma not level) Junior Basic ,Higher Secondary equal 10 degree r----"---,,"", ~--. ~--. ,...... -...A.._..._ "...._.,Ao._""""'\ ,-~-..., P M F M F M F M F M F M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-

All Agel 66,553 35,450 31,103 19,585 25,412 9,046 4,176 4,304 1,214 2,039 236 3

0-4 10,331 5,318 5,013 5,318 5,013

5-9 9,513 5,()7B 4,4~5 3.409 3,475 1.517 875 152 85

1()-14 1,048 4,026 3.022 1,231 1,748 1,647 822 1.124 441 16 II

'), I 15-19 5,933 S.'HI 2,522 1,000 1.735 631 459 1,239 237 '526 63 I 20-24 5,482 2,827 2,655 1,111 1,939 706 494 405 131 547 61 2

25,....29 5,067 2,581 2,486 1,168 1,930 722 392 , 266 115 313 35

30-34 4,576 2,369 2,207 1,104 1,778 704 330 (,' 259 69 ' 215 24

35-44 7,402 3.927 3,475 1,947 2,962 1,268 4(J7 370 as 22+ 13

45-59 7,220 3,960 3,260 U72 2,920 1.247 294 329 39 150 6

60+ 3,954 1,940 2,014 1,114 1,898 602 103 15~ 8 45 3

Age not slated 27 13 14 II 14

em-Part C-Age, Ses and

Total Population Illiterate

r-___;'_-.A. - __..., Age-group r- ----..-, Persons Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 !) 6

All AgcI 72'7,896 377,467 350,429 283,496 336,971

0--4 116,593 59,857 ~6,736 59,857 56.736 , 5-.9 99,335 51,892 47.443 43,337 45,348 10-14 74,126 41,575 32.551 23,196 29,313 15-19 57,684 30,282 ~7,402 17,931 25,293 20-24 63,115 30,836 32,279 19,645 30,324 25-29 59,253 30,870 26,383 20,842 27,096 30-34 52·544 27,40B 25,136 18,971 24,188 35-44 as.12l 42,428 41.293 31.210 40,219 45-59 84,188 44,229 39,959 34,532 39,322 60+ 37,007 17,908 19,099 13,820 18,925 Age not stated 330 182 148 155 147 115 C.SIRlES:

EdtaCatio~ In Urban Areas only

Educational Levels -_ --. fon-tccbnical University degree Technical degree or diploma equal to degree or post-graduate degree Age-group diploma Qot or post-graduate r------. equal to degree degree other than Engineering Med1cme Agriculture Veterinary Technology Teaching Others ,..._...... ____ technical degree and dairymg r ~--. ,..---...... ,..--...... ~--, r----"---, r--"---o ,...-"-, M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

1~ 16 17 IB 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .. 6 j09 59 7 6 1 2 4 All ages 0-4


6 10-14

9 a 7 la-19

3 49 24 20-24

3 2 1~6 12 2 25-29

4 81 6 2 30-34

4 2 llO 8 2 35-44 8 46 3 3 4)-.59

7 12 2 60+ .. , Age not sta ted

Education in Rural Areas only

Educational Levels .------"'" -""'"I Literate (wIthout Primary Or Junior Matriculation lnd above educatIOnal level) Age-gronp ,---_.A..-Basic __ ....- __oA. ___-. ~-"'"---. Males Female'! Males Females Males Females 7 8 9 10 11 12

76,979 12,296 1:1,936 l,C41 3,053 121 All Agel 0-4 8,473 2,082 82 13 5-9 15,588 2,950 2,777 286 14 2 10 -14 7,936 1,796 3,799 282 616 31 15-19 7,931 1,697 2,239 206 1,021 52 20-24 7,971 1,180 1,381 91 676 16 25-29 7, Jl9 872 1,029 62 289 14 3C-34 9,760 939 1,198 70 260 5 35-44 8,440 613 1,10B 23 149 45-59 3,737 166 323 8 28 60+ ~4 1 $ Age not stated CENSUS TABLES 116

C. V- Mother.tongue

Total Serial Mother-Tongue ..----~----- No. Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 All language. 794,449 412,917 381,532 1 Arabic!Arbi 4: 2 2 2 Bengali 14 8 6 S Bundelkhandi 18 18 4- Engllsh 5 2 3 5 Gularati 78 34 44 6 Hindi 762,204 396,726 365,478 7 Kashmiri

8 Malayalam 1 1 9 Maralbi 68 32 36

10 Marwari ~8 16 32 11 Nepali 1 1 12 Puniabi 262 127 135 13 Rajasthani 19 18 14 Sanskrit 20 20 15 Sindhi 8 2 6 16 Tamil 1 17 Urdu 31,697 15,908 15,789


,______Nante of RelIgions arranged-..J Total Buddhists Christians Hindus ------_... _---, ,...----'-----. ~--'---...., .-_--"----, Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 3 4: 5 6 7 8 9 10

Di.trlct Total 79'.449 412,917 381,532 15 284 228 384,902 554,927

Rural 727,896 377,467 350.429 H 180 159 358.096 332.320

'lJrpl1,n 66,553 35,450 31.103 104 6, 26,806 26,607 117 C·SERIES

(Alphabetical Order)

Rural Urban ----"--- .---, r----_,__-~ Perwns Males Females Person, Males Females

6 7 8 9 10 11 727.896 377,467 350,429 66,553 35,450 31,1113 4 2 2 13 8 5 18 18 5 2 3 66 28 38 12 6 6 711,407 369,248 342,159 50,797 27,478 23,319 1 1

28 13 15 40 19 21 48 16 32 1 28 18 10 234 J09 125 19 18 20 20 8 2 6 N, 16,266 8,101 8,165 15,431 7,807 7,624


in Alphabetical Order ------_------..... Other ReligIOns and Religion not Jams Muslims SIkhs Pcrsua~ions btated ,-__.A.. ..-- __.A. ___ -. ___ --.A.----. r----"------. r----A.---, :r.1.I],s Fcmaks Males Females Maies Females Males Females Males Fem,lIes 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

75 68 27,533 26,183 100 ]26 8

70 54 19,078 17,849 21 47 B

5 14 8,455 8,334 79 79 ...


Ely leaf to Table SeT-I-Part A-ShoWu.g the Population of Scheduled Castes of each Tahsll Districi/Tahsil Population------"'.---_., Penons Males I Females

2 3

Di.trict Total 2M,708 103,262 101,446

Rath Tahsil 51,370 25,855 25,515

H~irpur Tahsil 29,624 15,072 14,552

Maudaha Tah!!il 39,560 19,923 19,637

Charkhari Tah!!il 38,0:18 19,167

Mahoba Tahail 46,126 23,24:5 22,881 CENSUs TABLES 120

SOT·I-Part A-Industrial Classi6cation of Persolls at Work

WORKERS ~------~ I II III total Population Total WOlkers As As In Mining, Serial Name of (I-IX) Culti vator Agricultural Quarrying, Live­ No. Scheduled caste Labourer stock, Forestry, Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, o cbards and alted acti vities ,..-,--_ ..... _--.... ,---.... ----- ,.....-~ ,---'----. ,-i-""__ P M F M F M F M F M It' 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

DISTRICT TOTAL 191,195 96,266 94,929 58,740 40,430 23,960 14,243 16,900 11,&09 116 81 BabeJiya

2 Balmiki 1,058 561 497 388 247 46 18 50 24 3 Basar 22,416 11,236 11,180 6,518 4,411 1,424 766 1,457 1,137 7 4 4 Beldar 102 44 58 29 16 H 11 5 Beriya 400 198 202 110 77 74 41 26 20 6 Bbuiya 3 3 2 2 7 Bhnyiar 228 112 116 67 18 39 8 19 4 8 Chamar, Dhusia, Jhusia or 118,772 60,112 5B,660 37,020 25,795 16,674 9,953 11,694- 8,106 70 72 Jatava 9 Dhanuk 45 36 9 36 9 6 9 ... 10 Dhabi 15,400 7,721 7,679 4,596 3,013 2,647 1,630 969 527 2 11 Dom 20 20 7 12 Domar 949 483 466 222 110 140 54 50 34 13 Gond 2 14 Kanjar 88 50 3S 34 21 10 10 24 11 l5 Kapariya 65 39 24 16 Karwal 23 3 20 5 17 Kharwar eXcluding Benbans! 76 53 33 IS 13 3 18 Khatik 2,273 1,147 1,126 663 227 157 76 Bl 77 11 3 19 Kol SS 7 31 14 1 20 Korwa 27.780 13,517 14,263 8,311 6,268 2,272 1,604 2,480 1,607 16 21 Majhwar 359 180 179' 115 22 75 10 5 12 ... 22 Nat 300 166 134 92 46 13 8 ... 23 Rawat 55 24 31 11 31 3 28 ... 24 Saharya 53 29 24 18 8 8 5 7 ... 2!» Sbilpkar 543 407 136 362 63 305 20 10 5 5 26 Turaiba 4 4 4 27 Unclassified Scheduled Castes 142 126 16 76 16 36 4 12 12 121 ScT-SERlES

_ Non-1fotkers by Se:&: tor Scheduled Castes

wORKERS Workers in Special .. ___._, Occupations lV V VI vn ----VIII IX X ,.-- - . In At Household In In Trade In Transport In Other NON.WORKERS Tanning and IndDStry Manufac- Construction and Storage and Services Currying of tUrin other Commerce Communications hides and skins Scavenging than nouse- hold. Industry

,...... -J-~ ,..__,.,__" ,...... , "- , ,--....__, ~--. ~--. M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 RURAL ',IIOS 2,721 50 81 m 59 344 83 142 10 8,501 11,543 37,526 54,499 250 130 233 743

154 30 2 12 124 175 173 250 110 241 2,756 773 2 8 6 7 851 1,729 4,718 6,769 153 502 4 4 2 8 1 15 42 4- 5 15 88 125 ... 5 4 6 4:; 98 2.,766 432- 35 III S60 'ZS 100 55 65 5,2567,1l67 23,()92 32,865 2W 13()

3 6 21 295 42 31 10 10 633 811 3,125 4,666 7 13 IS 17 22 261 356

." IG 17 7 17 2 39 5 3 15 ... 2 9 20 10 30 2 178 2 97 9 3 109 55 484 899 ... 14 6 17 1.931 1,430 12 141 24 99 12 42 6 1,318 1,585 5,206 7.995 ... .oo 35 65 157 11 ... 4 46 33 74- 88 ... 9 13 ... •.. S 3 11 16 ... 13 12 5 .. 25 22 44 73 .. 28 50 H-16 CImSUS lABLE!:> 1~2

SOT-I-Part A-ladllsttial Classifidtioa of PerIIODS at Work

WORKERS ~------~11 III Serial Name of Total Population Total Workers As As In Mining, No. Scheduled Ca~s (I-IX) Cultivator Agricultural Quarrying, Live- Labourer stock, Forestry. Fishing, Hunting and Plantations, Orchards and allied activities ~------.. r-__.....A.~ P M F M F M ""F M F M F 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS


TOTAL 13,513 6,996 6,517 3,693 1,015 27' 15 259 65 U 13


2 Balmiki 176 102 74- 3 Bansphor 2 2 2

4- Basor 1,225 636 589 813 199 3 2 5

5 Beldar 26 16 10 9 ~

6 Bhuyiar 12 7 .'i 3 2

7 Bhinyat 4 4 8 Chamar, Dhu5ia, 7,377 3,818 3,559 2,073 442 203 l

9 Dhangar 52 7 45 7 4-

10 Dhobi 857 45~ 403 225 56 42 7 4-

11 Domar .08 59 49 22 8 .,, 12 Dusadh 2 2 2 13 Hela 167 77 90 77 46 ... 14 Kbarwar excluding Benb~Dsi ,.. ... 15 Khatik f f 11115 254 23-1 124 11 2

16 Kori 2,'16! 1,394- 1,3111 769 227 25 8 29 11 8 9

17 Nat 16 12 4 8 6

18 Pasi or Tarmali 10 4 6 19 Shilpkar 283 148 196 58 18 ... III 18 123 SCT·SE'f\1lt

aad NOD-WorkerS by Sell for Scheduled Castes

WORKERS Workers in Special .... Occupations V VI ----- tv VII VIII IX X r- ---.., At l;JQ~hold In Manufac- In In Trade In In Other NON -WORKERS Tannin~and lnciiistry turing other Construction and Transport, Services Currying of than House- Commerce Storage and hides and skins Scavenging hold Industry Communications

, ,.....-"----. ,---...... ,..--..... ---, ,..-- _-, F)o'f .... - r--"---.., r---"--.... r--~ .... F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F' J4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3] UUAIII

453 103 213 16 379 21 235 III 2g4 4 1,538 660 3,303 5,502 9Z 1M 83

lUI 74 2

100 21 21 2 3 3 174 178 323 390 112 18

2 4 7 10

2 2 4 3

4 , •• J

174 9 154 11 314 21 44 102 116 4 847 246 1,745 3,117 92

2 4 ~ 4r .. ~ 7 3 5 18 16 123 54 229 347 ... 2 20 8 37 41 2

4 72 46 44 72 '35

!I 42 60 2 15 8 130 220

160 72 32 5 14 93 4 148 260 118 625 1,088

4- 4

3 6 5 14 ... 20 90 117 .. , CENSUS TABLES 124

SCT.m·Part A (i)-Education io Urban Areas only for Scheduled Castes

Educational Levels ,.... ---"_--"-_-- .... Literate Primary High Technical Non.tech- University Technical Serial Name 01 Total Illiterate (Without or School diploma not nical dip- degree degree or No. Scheduled Castes educational Junior Basic or equal to loma not or Post- diploma level) Higher degree equal to graduate equal to Secondary degree degree degree other than or Post- technical graduate degree degree .--...... __, .,...... ,...._...._.., ~ r---""__' .... ----.., ,...... ___ ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M 1<' M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12' 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

TOTAL 6,996 6,517 5,311 6,380 1,129 101 421 33 96 3 32 7 Baiswar

2 Balmlki W2 74 76 72 20 2 5 3 Bansphor 2 2 4 Basor 636 589 512 583 87 5 33 4

5' Beldar 16 10 11 10 4 6 Beriya 7 5 4 6

7 Bhuyiar 4 3 '0' S Chamar, Dhusia Jhusia or Jalava 3,818 3,559 2,984 3,479 531 52 223 26 70 2 6 4

9 Dhangar 7 45 6 45

10 Dhobi 454 403 327 397 79 6 35 13

II Domer 59 49 41 49 15 3

12 Dusadh 2 2

13 Hela 77 90 45 87 28 2 4 14 Kharwar excluding BeDbansi

15 Khatik 254 231 175 223 69 8 9

16 Kori 1,394 1.315 998 1,289 268 23 97 3 3 2fi 2

17 Nat 12 4 9 4 2

18 Pasi or Tarmali 4 6 2 4

19 Shilpkar HS m IlS 132 17 2 11 2 125 SCT-8SBlES

SeT·IIl·Part B (i)-Education in Rural Areas only for Schedaled Castes

Educational Levels ,------~ Serial Name of Total Illiterate Literate (without Primary or High School No. Scheduled Castes educational level) Junior Basi c and above ~.A. __-, -, r--""----, - ...... ,--_..... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males liemales Males J.<'emales •

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

TOTAL 96,286 !I",9~9 86,867 94,436 7,937 461 1,30" 30 158 2 Baheliya

2 Balmiki 561 497 502 495 53 2 5 '" 01' 3 Basor 11,236 11,180 10,536 11,012 613 165 81 3 6 4 Beldar 44 58 39 58 5 5 Beriya 198 202 146 169 47 32 4 6 Bbulya 3 3 7 Bhuyiar 112 116 99 116 13 8 Charoar, Dhusia Jhusia or Jalava 60,112 58,660 54,865 58,502 4,338 140 830 17 79 9 DbanDk 36 9 32 9 3 1 10 Dhobi 7,721 7,679 6,677 7,639 878 37 140 2 26 11 Dom 20 12 8 12 Domer 483 466 453 466 27 3 13 Gond 1 1 14 Kanjar 50 38 eo 38 15 Kapariya 26 39 23 39 3 16 Karwa1 3 20 3 19 17 Kbarwar ell:cluding 53 23 42 23 8 2 1 Benbansi 18 Khatik 1,147 1,126 894 1,106 239 19 13 19 Kol 7 31 7 31 20 Korwa 13,517 14,263 11,686 14,199 1,573 59 217 5 41 21 Majhwar 180 179 145 176 33 3 2 22 Nat 166 134 131 132 34 2 23 Rawat 24 31 24 31 24 Sahariya 29 24 29 24 25 Sbilpkar 401 136 34q 135 54 4 26 Turaiba 4 4 27 Unclassified Scbeduled Casles 126 16 ll5 15 8 2 CENSUS TABLtS 126

SC-I-PersoDs Dot" WodI elaesified by Sell, Type of Ac:tI'rity aDd Edudatlona1 Levels for Scheduled Castes

Persona Persons seeking employed before, Educational Le"l'cls Total Non-working Full-tilDe cmploym;:nt for but now out of Others Population Students the first time employment and seeking work .... -.. ,.--. ,.~ . .-----, ..-~--. Persons Males Females Males Females Males .Jt'emales Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 It 12

Di.trict Total

TOTAL 100,830 40,829 60,001 7,270 228 287 10 89 ",IU .,763

Illiterate 95,401 35,750 59,651 2,750 22 231 9 66 32,703 ~Q,620

Literate (without educational 4,346 4,045 SOO 3,573 176 21 15 431 1M level)

Primary or Junior R,qic 931 884 47 823 2.8 2.1 4 SG 18

High School or Higher Secon- 137 134 3 110 2 ,.. 4 6 dary

Above High School or Higher 15 15 14 Secondary

Di.triet KIWII TOTAL 92,025 37,526 54,t99 6,45:1 151 247 .. 80 ... SO,n6 34.344 llliterate 87,650 33,371 54,279 2,150 22 202 4 61 3O.MS 54,253

Literate (without educational 3,686 3,483 203 3.077 120 17 14 83 level) ... 3"

( Primary or Junior Basic 60S 592 16 547 9 15 4 26 7

Hil!h School or Higher Seeon- 66 65 45 13 6 dary

Above High School or Higher 15 15 14 1 Secondary

Dittrict Urba.

TOTAL 8,1105 3,i03 5,SO'l 837 71 4& 6 9 2,417 5,tl!) lIliterate 7,751 2,379 5,372 29 5 5 2,345 5,367

Literate (without educational 660 563 9'1 496 56 4 62 41 level)

Primary or Junior Basic 323 292 31 276 19 6 ... 10 II

High School or Higher Secon· 71 69 2 65 2 3 dary Above High School or Hlgber .. , ... .,- ... .. , .. , ...... Secondary '" PARr II OFFICIAL STA TIS TICS OFio'lCIAL stATiSTICS 128 Table H-

1951 1952 1953 1954 Months "...__..,_. _____ -. No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly RaiDY days Raildall Rainy days RaiufaU Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

January 2 17 4. 3 36

February 2 11 8 4 64

Marcb 1 12 10 1

April 1 2 2

May 2

Juno 4 65 B IBI 2 43 16

July 6 176 14 223 15 338 9 180

August 15 342 13 344 13 232 10 281

September 9 231 3 ;4- 6 96 11 243

October 10 8 18

November 4

December 2 15

Annual 40 871 42 358 37 724 39 841

N.A.-Not available

Table l'2-Mean Maximuin and Mean Minimum


1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

,--__.A. __ -, ,..-_ _.,A. __",,_ ,---... ~~ ,---_.A._.._..." ""_"'_....., ~-- No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of Monthly No. of 1\l:onthly No. of Monthly No. of Montbly Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days Rainfall Rainy days RaUfall 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2l

2 22 3 29 2 9 5 72 5

17 2 2

2 2 15 N.A. N.A. 10

N,A. N.A.

N.A. N.A. 19

4 101 3 4B 9 2 41 12 33

9 164 10 209 12 250 14 279 11 228 J1 224

12 232 11 306 10 328 13 262 10 241 17 494

9 174 6 III 7 105 10 152 4 80 2 28

6 103 4 79 4 81 2 52 2 80



43 816 39 810 N.A. N.A. 43 818 34 705 35 ' 874

Source-Board of Revenue, U.P.

Highest and Lowest Temperature 1951·60


a-l? OFFicIAL STATISTICS 130 'table 2-

1951 1956 ,- .... Particulars .... _-----., .... Urban Urban Total Rnral ,---....__, Total Rural t---"----. City Non- City Non- city city 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Live Births Males 7,993 7,225 768 5,354 4,584 770 Females 6,344 5,744 3,819 669 2 Birth Rate per 1,000 01 Population 600 3,lSO Males 12·03 11·82 14.44 7·26 6·85 11·35 Females 9·55 9·40 11·28 5·18 4·71 9·86 S Female Births per 1,000 male births 794 795 781 713 687 869

4 Deaths Males 3,951 3,543 408 3,010 N. A. N. A. Females 3,120 2,799 321' 2,422 N. A. N. A. 5 Death Rate Males 11·57 11·28 14·84 7·81 N. A. N. A. F~males 9·66 9·42 12-49 6'88 N. A. N. A. 6 Female Deaths per 1,000 male deaths 790 790 787 805 N. A. N. A,

7 Death by Age-groups Under I year Males 786 647 139 N. A. N. A. ... N. A. Females 574 492 82 .. ,. ,. 1-5 Males 770 700 70 II Females 574- 519 55 ...... " .. 5-10 Males 260 241 19 to Females 202 191 J1 .. " .. .. II 10-15 Males 191 175 16 It II Females 135 119 16 .. II II .. 15-20 Males 241 231 10 II ,. II Females 187 177 10 II ,. II 20-30 Males 290 267 23 II It Females 301 277 24 .. " " II 311-40 Males 331 315 16 II Females 283 261 22 .. ". .. •• It 40-50 " Males 378 356 22 Females 280 260 20 .. " ., .. .. It 50-60 Males 341 309 32 Females 312 288 24 " " " II .. 60 and above " Males 363 302 ... 61 ,. Females 272 215 57 " " 8 Deaths from selected causes " .. ., Cholera Small pox 31 26 3 12 12 Plague 425 387 38 39 36 3 Fevers 32 22 10 4,549 4,215 334 2,918 2,674 Dysentry or Diarrhoea 190 244- Respiratory diseases 187 11 297 271 26 1,107 923 184 983 851 132 Injuries 109 All other causes 94 15 45 36 9 628 486 142 1.138 1,016 122

Note-Data for the years 1952 to 1955 are not available N. A.-Not available IS1 VITAL STAtISTICS

Vital Statlatici

1957 1958 1959 1960 ,--'..... _-,-- .... ~----~------~ ______Urban Total Rural Urban Urban Total Rural Total Rural Total Rural ,...._...-... City Non- City Non- City Non- City Non- city city city city 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

5.268 4,551 717 5,909 5,000 909 5,126 4,247 879 5,671 4,787 8114 3.987 3,429 558 4,328 3,610 718 4,180 3,409 771 4.196 3,456 7~ 7·03 6·68 10.39 7·73 7<21 .,. 12-86 6·61 6·03 12·27 7·18 6·68 12·05 5·32 5·04 8.09 5.67 5.21 10·16 5·39 4·8i ... 10·76 5·31 4·82 ... 10·08 757 753 778 732 722 790 815 803 877 740 722 837

3,644 3,363 281 4,101 3,566 535 3,500 3,083 417 3,620 3,166 454 2,805 2,588 217 3,117 2,722 395 2,735 2,416 919 2,779 2,444 335 9·30 9·56 '·00 10·26 9·94 ." 13.01 8·62 8·46 10·00 8·74 8·52 .,. 10·62 7·84 7·87 7052 8·56 8.13 .. , 13·36 7-40 7·11 10·66 7-39 7-08 10·93 770 770 772 760 763 7S8 781 784 765 768 772 79B

476 434 42 780 634 146 660 550 110 1,052 872 ISO 381 361 20 629 543 85 517 446 71 749 612 131 1,021 934 87 1,271 1,137 134 973 891 82 811 733 78 691 613 78 894 779 m 700 641 59 603 558 45 330 308 22 411 371 40 311 279 32 300 270 SO 256 238 18 294 277 17 222 197 25 218 193 25 197 130 7 112 92 20 142 Jl8 24 145 125 20 117 110 7 85 68 17 122 98 24 108 90 18 142 4 191 172 19 165 147 18 89 81 8 146 ... 8 lOB 10~ 4 148 133 15 119 107 12 64 56 234 20B 26 253 216 37 114 91 23 99 82 ... 11 214 193 21 195 164 31 115 67 28 87 73 14 23 240 215 25 195 167 28 182 154 28 295 272 26 255 240 15 186 162 24 172 145 27 162 136 358 329 29 295 256 37 272 248 24 294 270 24 252 228 24 291 259 32 216 199 17 222 207 15 887 360 27 328 288 40 318 284 34 336 3lI 25 306 288 18 211 181 30 233 215 18 282 263 19 260 246 I4 220 183 37 350 308 42 312 268 44 225 213 12 184 156 28 319 281 38 284 256 28

342 337 5 16 )4 2 1 1 47 33 14 593 563 30 I,OB9 1,045 44 519 465 34 198 169 29... !I,B39 3,527 312 3,712 3,350 362 S,S76 2,985 391 3,574 3,156 418 310 297 13 381 342 39 225 208 17 232 203 29 922 882 40 1,042 856 186 858 760 98 737 639 98 67 62 5 73 40 33 J09 R4 25 183 157 26 17~ ~76 283 93 905 ~1 261 1,147 977 170 1,428 1,253 Source-Director Qf Medical lind Health Services, v,r. OFFICIAL STATISTICS 132

Table 3·t-Principal Crops-Distribution of Crops (Area in Acr8S) Principal Cr ops 1901 1911 1921 1981 1941 1951 1961

3 4 5 6 7 8

A-Food Crop.

a~ Early-Paddy 1,621 1,461 2,250 2,524 3,922 13.270 13,121 b Late-Paddy 386 586 811 231 329 31t 333 c Wheat 40,058 63,236 71,718 115,900 167,603 223,972 299,442 ~(d) Barley 19.909 19,000 15,109 16,796 12,522 19,136 17,077 (e) Juat' 162,292 169.923 183,474 165,358 184,679 183,517 235,921 (f) Bajra 26,321 34,655 41,695 24,151 32,704 14:,3~9 8,904 (g) Maize 40 43 18 20 16 B 23 (h) Gram 196.918 ,224,133 236,705 273,919 297,076 379,727 421,525 (I) Potatoes 4: 7 10 54 197 (j) Other food crops 105.719 89,825 90,679 80,507 91,688 64,683 115.004 Total 552.71!J 602,762 642,213 619,1113 700.549 919,010 1,112,147 B-Non Food Crop.

(a) Sugarcane 1,127 1,271 2,304 2,244 4,387 5,803 3,276 (b) Cotton 56,931 28,544 24,148 17 ,353 5,582 325 41 (e) Jute ...... 212 (d) All type of oil seeds &137,396 ]22,929 67,556 121,226 136,606 81,744 15.494 (e) Fodder 176 164 156 166 594 641 730 (I) Other non food 'crops • 6.220 7,670 6,899 9,612 8,785 10,961 6,992 • Total 202,350 160,578 101,063 150,601 J55,9M 99,686 86,533 Grand Total: At B 755,069 763,340 743,326 829,914 946.503 1,018,696 1,198,680 Source-I. Board of Revenue, U.P. 2. District Census Handbook-I951

Table 3'2-Land Utilization (Area in Ams) pariiCIIlars 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A-Clanifjcation of Area

(a) Total Geograpbical Area* 1,464,754 1,467,153 1,467,181 1.561,450 1,562,855 1,729,010 1,812,598 (h) Area under forests 6,342 6.579 12,541 12,561 4,684 9,355 100,689 (c) Uncultivated Jand 229,563 238,987 234,732 237,981 232.791 242,331 N.A. (I) Under water N,!. N.A. N.A. 51,455 , 50,189 56,948 60,560 (ii) Und'r buildings and roads N.A. N.A. N.A. 32,291 31,935 34,977 35,861 (Iii) Under other non-agricultural N.A. N.A. N.A. 154,302 150.667 150,405 93,947 uses (d) Other uncultlvaied land excluding 435,334 376,440 343,761 398,214 337,616 371,235 229,324 current fallows (e) CUrrent fallows 80,207 133,588 163,315 118,692 75,300 118,554 155,318 B-Area uuder CultivatioD (a) Total cropped area 748,985 763,325 743,327 829,913 946,498 1,018,633 1,176,728 (i) Net cropped area during the year 718,31J2 711 ,558 112.632 794,002 912,464 989,093 1,136.899 (Ii) Area cropped more than once 30,604 51,767 30,495 35,911 34,034 29540 39,829 Source-I. Board of Fevenue, U.P. 2. District Census Handbook-I951

Note-In Tllbles 3·1,3.2 and 3·5 data for each Census year are the average of the Jive years with the Census year as the mid-year with the exception of the Census year 1961 in whic~ live years average will wean the average of five years ending in 19§1 * As per village papers ~ N.l\,-Nol available. 133 AGRlCUl-TUBJ

Table a'3-Agriculture Extension Scheme

Particulars 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Improved seed distributed. (mds.) 28,524 30,467 34,103 ~6,055 42,834 51,489 54,096 56,947 80,791 89,410

2 Area sown with improved seeds (acres) 35,655 38,064 4a,s29 451,069 53,542 64,361 67,620 82,434 100,989 III ,762

3 Irrigation (acres)

4 Numm:t of improved Agri- cultural implements dislti- buted 787 477 68 45 54 333 510 620 757 .,239

5 Number of Agricultural demonstrations 1,258 958 1,225 712 2,275 3,455 3,723 9,728 4,968 1,993

6 Quantity of chemicals and olh er fertilizers distributed (mds.) 112 273 434 140 364 2,016 1,876 il,648 8,981 8,.(38

7 Area under green manure (acres) 12 115 34 28 375 500 550 1,460 1,400 1,400

8 Area under Japanese method of cultivation (acres) ,"

9 Area under U.P. method of wheat cultivation (acres)

10 Area under line BOwing (acres)

11 Area covered with gardens and fruit trees, etc. (acres) 150 120 125 125 150 186 400 205 175 209

12 Area of banjar land brougbt under cultivation (acres) N.!\. N.A N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A N.A. N.A.

13 Number of competitors under crop competitions 92 214 544 628 2,370 1,616 2,339 9,465 1,803

14 Number of Veterinary hospitals and Livestock centres 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 22 I? Number of Artificial in- semination centres N.A. N.A. N A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

16 Number of Poultry Breed- ing centre N.A. N.A. N.A. N.Il. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

17 Amonnl of Taqavi distribu- ted for milch cattle (~) N.A, N,A. N.A N.A. N.I\. N.A N.A. NA. N.A. N.A.

SO\lfce-District A~ricullure Officer N.A.-Not available OFFlC1AL STATISTICS 134

Table 3.4-Persons Cultivating Land under diJferent Sizes of Holdings

Size of Holding 1951 1952 19~5 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 i 7 8 9 10 11

Above 100 acres 90 84 85 83 81 75 70 66 67 57

50-100 390 381 383 379 369 371 375 373 371 369 " 25-50 1,413 1,399 1,399 1,388 1,379 .,340 .,378 1,376 1,494 .,5S7 " 1,559 1,550 1,592 1,665 1,731 1,709 20-25 II 1,591 1,578 1,574 .,584

2,343 2,355 2,354 2,399 2,448 2.489 2,710 15-20 II 2,448 2,426 2,368 3,726 4,450 ;: 4,45. 4,478 4,482 4,512 4,539 4,624 4,837 10-.5 " 4,538 5-10 6,929 7,047 .7,365 7,416 7,496 7,579 7,830 7,884 8,094 8,108 16,91)3 16,362 1-5 .. 16,615 17,768 17,449 17,324 17,308 17,312 17,125 17,167 Below one acres 8,293 7,507 7,619 7,698 7,835 7,872 7,916 7,993 7,764 7,887

Source-District Of!icer

*Table l'S-Crop-wise Gross Area Irrigated

(Area in A",,)

Name of Crops Year ,.------~------~------~ Paddy Wheat Total Total Total Sugar- Total Collon Total All Crops Cereals Pulses Foodgrains cane Food Non-food Crops crops 2 3 4 .') 6 7 ,8 9 10 11

1901 N.A. N.A. NA. N.A. N,A. N.A. N.A. 'N.A, N.A. 18,230

1911 142 6,956 15,012 3,889 18,!lOI 1,253 19,992 \ 7 S,OOI 22.993

1921 222 11,697 24,137 16,173 40,310 2,192 41,562 li6 4,008 45,569

1931 199 18,346 26,092 18,661 44,753 2,207 46,366 59 3,896 50,262

, 1941 240 27,910 33,450 32,765 66,215 4,095 67,508 96 6,430 73,938

1951 27 34,709 38,871 27,718 66.589 5,037 80,189 2 6,849 87,038

1961 49 !l9,S66 63,089 61,66S 124,752 2,891 130,165 17 742 130,927

*Note-Against Tables 3.1 and 3.2 will also apply in this Table kSource-l. Board of Revenue U. P. N. A.-Not available 2. District Census Hanbook-19S1 135 tNbbstkY

Table "-Statistics of Household Industry

Rath Tahsil Hamirpur Maudaha Charkhari Mahoba Tahsil Urban (Rural) Tahsil Tahsil Tahsil (Rural) (Rural) (Rural) (Rural) Maior Group ...... - .. _.... ,-_.A..-~ ,_,--J...-.._. r- ---""----. ~ No. of 1. S. 1. C. Males Females Males l"cmales Males l"emales Males Females Males It'emales Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

OO-Field produce and plantation 15 41 13 26 41 64 50 53 47 96 4 2 crops Ol-Plantation crops 62 02-Forestry and logging 9 2

04-Livestock and hunting 1,720 237 221 83 2,637 421 1,096 139 1.971 134 92 10 20-Foodstuffs 198 149 239 118 329 225 147 98 60 102 207 37 21-Beverages 3

22-Tobacco products 2 3 2 20 23-Textile-cotton 806 767 220 98 28 249 J47 125 289 179 245 90

24-Textile-Jute 12 25-Textile_Wool 4- 11

27-Textile-Miscellaneous 303 58 251 28 372 74 242 44 229 36 207 19 28-Manufacture of wood and 1,320 249 395 58 910 138 724 195 799 171 272 33 wooden products 29-Paper and paper products SO-Printing and publishing 3

3 I-Leather and leather products 240 27 230 10 36B 69 203 49 186 4 185 6 52-Rubber petroleum products 33-Chemical and chemical 11 5 3 2 17 products 34-35-Non-mineral proouc!. 251 136 169 51 211 97 284 233 230 111 86 18 otber than petroleum and coal 36-Basic metals and their pro- 253 25 92 215 2 153 16 173 14 100 ducts except machil'ary and transport eqUipment

37-Macbinary (All kinds other ...... than transport) and electrical - eqUipment

S8-Transport equipment 7 56 2 26 21 12

59-Miscellaneous manufacturing 362 42 102 23 2 240 79 203 28 I 210 21 iudllBtry '_ Ol."rlCIAL STATISTICS tM

Table Sol-Growth of Factories

Number of Registered Factories ------_-"---- ...., 19M 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960

2 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2 2 2 4 4 4

Source-Labour Commissioner, U.P.

Table S'l-Number of Workers in Each Establishment

Average number of workers employed daily S$;rlal Name of Registered Factory "",_._- ----. No. 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 195B 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12

U.P. Government Roadways Workshop, Mahoba '" '" 43 41 43 47 46 49 2 Go~nment Polytechnic Charkhari, Hamirpur '" * 70 77 110 107 3 Government Diesel Power House. Mahoba 4 4

4 Government Diesel Power House, Hamirpur 3 3 Source -Labour Commissioner *Annual report not received 137 ADMINISTRATi\,£

'table 6·1 .... Criminal Justice-Number of Criminal Cases Tried

Particulars 1951 .1953 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1959 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A-SERIOUS CRIMES

I-cogfliJlabl. OIUIS 40 140 512 163 168 51 177 155 16 t16 (a) Offences against Statll, public Iran· 7 62 13 29 7 18 25 59 12 28 quility. safety and justice (bl Serious offences against persons 16 104 492 133 135 33 72 39 I 11 (e) Serious offences against persons and 17 10 7 1 26 20 80 57 3 77 property or against properly only ll-Non-Gogflillabl.oll,.'

l'jOO.".quility, safety ...... and justice - ...·1 (b) Serious offences against· persons NOT AVAILABLE (e) Serious offences against persoDs and proper~ or agailWl property ouly Total land II B-MINOR CRIMES [-Cogflilablfl "assa 105 165 155 123 159 135 160 139 154 132 (a) Minor offences against persons 2 4: (b) Minor offences againat £roperty 93 79 68 56 79 51 80 57 60 77 (e) Other offences not spcci ed~above 10 82 87 67 8(1 84 BO 82 94 55

[I-Non-ool!flilllJblfl 1111'" (a) Minor offences against persons 1 (b) Minor offences against property NOT AVAILABLE (e) Other offences not specified above ~ I Totall and II J Note-Seperate information about cognizable cases is not available Source-District Officer

Table 6'2-Crimillal justioo-Persolls Copvicted or Bound Over (NIftIIb6r) Serial Offences or Nature of No. Proceedings 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1961) 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 Offences against public Iranquility 7 26 13 29 7 18 25 59 12 211 2. Murder 48 73 54: 52 43 52 61 65 69 58 3 Culpable homicide 5 2 6 11 2 14 16 3 2 17 4 Rape 6 4 1 4 1 2 7 3 1 2 5 Hurt with aggravaling circumstances 227 200 4 176 205 224 243 253 2:15 220 6 Hurt with crimina I force or assault 56 38 31 21 33 45 26 47 54 56 1 7 Dacoity 22 20 23 24 28 3 32 43 25 26 8 Robbery 1 9 Theft 125 105 88 95 8t 77 88 108 83 78 10 other offences under the Indian 52 55 37 64 50 64 67 91 44 36 Penal Code 11 Keeping peace 171 206 136 161 175 223 213 257 184 206 12 Excise laws 60 63 56 86 01 33 39 53 73 60 13 Municipal laws 535 384 466 295 1511 211 170 522 887 913 Source-District 0t1icar

Note-Separate information abont Dacoity and Robbery is not aballable H-18 OFFICIAL ~TATlSTICS 138

'fable (I'3-StreJlgth of Police, 1960

SUPerintendent of Pol~e 1, Deput) Superinledents 2,

De;;cription of the staff Sl. Name of Police Slalio~ ,....--- .... No. Sub-Inspectors HeadoUlD.tables C()nstables

3 5

1 Kotwali 1 3 23 2 SDllJerpOf 2 1 14

~ MaUDl>b'l> 2 15 4- ]{ha 9

5 Kabui !} 6 Mahoba 2 -\ Sl 7 Srmagar 1 12 8 Ajnar li 9 Korara 1 II 10 Charkhari 2 2 18 II Benwar 1 11 12 M1Jskara 1 {2 Rath IS 13 J4. Panwari 9 15 Kulpahar 11 Hi Mabila Kanth 11 17 Majhg.",·an I 13 18 Jaria I 14- 19 Jalalp1Jr 2 14 ~Q D.I. S. :3 2 Armed PolicEl 37 161 I TOTAL. 2\c 67 (125-

Source-Insrecfor General-of POlice,IU,l'

Table t;'4-Stadstics of J&l1s

Accommodation in Daily a'l'eragc number oj prisoners III :Nallle of Jal! ~---. --...... _---- 1950 1960 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1956 1959 1960 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 ])Ietricl Jall 266 266 235 28.5 283 297 214 2JS 196 2()S 192 200

Source-]nspoclor General of Prisolls, G,P, 139 ADMINISTR ATIVE

Table 6'5-Co-operative Societies

Description 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 1 Number of Primary Societies 345 345 360 415 475 523 464 406 461 555 2 Number of Co-operative Federation. S Number of members in Primary Societies 9,962 8.821 9.547 .2,218 13,528 16,063 18,761 22,374 25,158 56,990 i Number of members in Co-operative Federations 21 21 21 5 (a) Share Capital of Co- operati'le Societies 193,933 213,699 239,362 269,391 326,471 394,436 472.811 702.547 977.%06 1,402.641 (bl Reserve and ·other Funds 140,169 146,802 161.792 198,760 174,074 190.931 198,689 216,911 224.306 248.609 6 (a Share capital of Co-opera- tive Federations 1,645 1,645 2,845 (b) Reserve and other Funds 150 150 4,267 7 Loans advanced by Agricul- tural Credit SocietJes 292,039 369,595 484,810 367.462 527.407 902,258 1,059,031 2,076,781 2,5J5,6~2 6,399,376 8 Share Capital of the Co- operative Bank 75,407 60,892 90,072 101,035 124,510 ISS,726 176,982 521,680 892,294 1,342,201 Source-Registrar Co-operative Societies, U. p,

Table 6-6-Escise and Motor Spitit TIlE (FiguTlS in Rupm)

1959-60 1960-61 Description 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55 1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1938-59 9 10 11 2 :3 4 5 6 1 8 Licence fees in general; whether importe16t lDade SOO 200 317 200 644 in India oM I 2 Country spirits 196,787 (a) Duty on Distillery Spirit 136,058 100,975 110.404 111,316 110.826 132,734- 136,371 131,322 179,652 (b) Licenc e fees for the sale of Distillery spirit 210,307 193,903 167,044 148.766 143.698 124,943 173,370 167 .8~0 221,931 230,747 Ie) Receipt from ontstill and ,.f otber systems S Opium 3,618 (a) Duty 83,762 69,045 62,262 52,926 42,959 51,977 41,587 32,370 10,756 (b) Li cenco fees for the sale of opium 102.952 91,285 90,879 68,656 65,734 39,311 16,125 12,450 \ ... 7 .f Hemp Drugs (a) Total Licence fees 42,639 39.806 49,669 36.936 34,344 21,067 36,550 32,876 38,795 38,072 -- (b) Duty from Gania 40,770 40,763 42,583 34,405 24,510 8,197 3,395 4,068 2,872 2,917 (c) Duty from Bhang 15.663 15,875 15,888 17,495 18,326 21,963 22,923 21,780 24,950 24,931 & Miscellaneous (a) Receipts from commercial spirits including deuatured spirit and medicated wines 51 51 101 52 51 151 144 tlo 200 230 21,964 23,OB4 28,570 28,086 30,063 49,133 63,567 52,584 36,859 ~ Receipts from Motor Spirit Source-Excis, CommisSion~, U,P. OFFICIAL STA nsncs 140

Table 6'7-Receip' of Sales Tax, Entertainment Tax, Stamps and Land Revenue

(Figures in RlIpres)

Receipt 01 J951-52 J952-53 1953-54 1954-55 J955-56 J956-57 1957-58 19.58-59 1959-00

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Sales Tax 127,535 100,179 112,464 112,557 123,256 178,032 212,848 197,497 204,903

2 Entertainment Tax 5,711 8,606 12,888 11,698 13,858 13,712 18,029 18,21£1 21,910

3 Stamps 150,719 116,'95 146,810 152,52:- 182.379 218,59. 216,968 257,289 366,733 , 4 Land Revenne 810,533 I,B81.60B S,137.900 3,252,206 3,312,160 3,410,952 3,470,605 3,462,260 3,440,676

Source-Sales Tax Commil8ioner, U.P., Entertainment Tax and Betting Tax CommIssioner, U, P., loapector General stamps, U.P. and :&ard of Reveaue, U.P,

Table 6'S-Reglstered Documents and Value of Properties Transferred

Nnmber 01 Registrations Aggregate value of property Trans- ferred by registered documents in IRa.) No. of t-'-_Jtt- ...... "-_'__-"""---~ Total '[olalof Total Total Regis- Immovable amount otber receipts expendi- Year tration property Affecting Affecting Total of receipts ture Offices ,....--'--.... Movable Wills Immovable movable ordinary property property property fees Compul- Op- sory tiona! (Rs.) IRs., (R!.) (Rs.) 2 3 .. 5 6 1 8 9 10 II 12 IS

1951 5 1,315 175 36 962,641 10,074 972,715 15,4'19 1,115 16,595 12,197

1952 5 1,596 9 99 50 1.140,204 37,995 1.178,199 19,384, 815 20,259 13,262

1953 5 2,005 9 92 22 1,381,212 18,750 1,399,962 19,645 828 20.414 13,426

1954- 5 1,'06 53 70 SO 1,119,(146 9,019 1.128,065 16.141 347 16,988 14,827

1955 5 1,686 19 63 24 1,315,798 24,580 1.340,367 16.343 1,087 1'1,421 14,838

1956 5 2.626 40 79 SO 1,869,626 5,000 1,874,626 24,099 '1,380 25.479 14,673

1957 5 2.!l()9 52 75 38 2,046,607 29,460 2,076,067 3~,338 1,4~9 33,767 13,214

1958 5 4.043 9 56 22 3,341,902 10.380 3.302,282 63.795 1,555 65,351 14,298

1959 5 4,653 15 75 29 5.089,805 20,773 5,I10,57B 113,133 1.845 114,978 14,421 6+,542 19,780 196Q $ .,255 1 134 19 3.192,085 9,700 3,201,785 62,496 2,046 Source-Inspectcr QeDcral of RegistratioD, u.r. 141 ADMINISTRATIVE

Table 7'1-List of Hospitals and Dispensariel-1960-61

Serial Name of Hospital/Dispensary No. of Beds Maintained by No, GovernmenVLocal ~""._.~~ Body/Private Males Females

2 ! 4 5

District Hospital, Hamirpur 2. 4 Government

12 2 Women's Hospital, Hamirpur " 3 Male Hospital, Cbarkhari 16 .. 4 Female Hospital, Charkhari 14 n 5 Male Hospital, Mahoba 8 4 " 6 Female Dispensary, Mahoba 6 .. 7 Srinagar Dispensary 6 .. 8 Sarilla Dispensary 2 Z '0 9 Muskara Dispensary

10 Chhani Dispensary " 11 Majhgawan Dj~penBary " 12 Jailpur Dispensary .. 13 Imillia Dispensary

Sumerpur Dispensary 14 " 15 Berl Dispensary

16 Kulpabar Dispenslry

17 Kohania Dispensary

18 Jail and Leprosy Unit, Ha " 30 19 Police Hospital, H~LDirpu " 20 Hath Hospital 8 4 Looal Body

21 Maudaha Dispensary 2 2

22 Kurara Dispensary 4 2 Government

23 Punia Dispensary Lgcal Body SOlll~e-· Dircct()r 01 Mlldlcal ~nd Health Services, u.r, OFFICIAL STATISTICS 142

Table 7·2-Maternity apd Child Welfare, Family Plallning and Rural Health Centres

Maternity and Child Welfare Centres Family Planning Centres Rural Health Centres ~ --~------~ ,-----~------, ... Name of the Centre Beds Name of the Centre Beds Name of tbe Centre Bed. 2 3 4 5 6


Sarila Korara Korara Gohand


Korara Patara J\1audaha Malldabl Hamirpur Sumerpur


Maudaha lchcbauli Khanne Khardla


Kulpabar Panwari


Mahoba Srinagar Source-Disstrict Officer

Table 7'3-Malaria Control and Anti-Adulteration -1959-60

Anh Malaria Campaign (No, of houses di~I1uected) (I) First Round 96,123 Iii) Second Round 66,625 Anti-Adulteration drive. (a) Number of cases launched 180 (b) Number of ca~es in which accused were convicted or punished 149 Source-District Medical Officer of Health 14g EbUCAtt~

Table So1-Educational InStitUtiODS and Papil.

Class of 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954<-55 1955-56 Setial Iustitutio.ns ---. r--..,Aw---, ,---.....__. r-~-..A.---. No. No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of institu- pupils institu- pupils institu- pupils inslitu- pupils institu- pupils tions tiolls tions tions tions

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12

University and Degree Colleges

2 Inter Colleges and Higher Secondary Schools 9 2,739 10 3,155 10 3,lIl 10 3,081 13 2,559

S Junior High Schools S4- 3,+62 37 3,793 43 3,720 43 4,392 45 3,546 '" Training Schoall ,,, 5 Technical S~hools 2 162 2 108 95 73 85

6 Other Schools and Colleges 518 28,326 529 27,474- 517 27,770 530 25,039 507 26,780

Class 01 1958-59 1959-60 I 960-Gl ,__.A.1956-57 __ ..... 1957·5B Ser!fl Institutions ..... -.,.,.,__., I"'"~---" ,_.--""___"" --_...... _-.... No. No of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No of No. of No. of institu· pupils institu. pupils illstitu- pupils institu· pupils institu. pupils tions !ions lions lions tions

1 2 13 14 .5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

1 University and Degree N,A, Colleges

~ Inter Colleges and Higher Secondary Schools 14 4,025 14 4,249 14 4.436 15 4,8~3 15 5,350

3 Junior High Schools 4B 3,217 56 3,706 51 3,948 54 ',146 46 4,165

4 Training Schools N.A.

5 Technical Schools 88 76 93 2 140 2 210

6 Other Schools and Colleges 554 28,306 623 34,33B 623 39,346 631 38,729 654 40,059

Source-Di5trict Offi~er

N.A.-Not available bFF1CIAL STATIStICS \44

'l'abte S'l-List of Higher Secondary Schools i 1J60.6i

No. of Teachers No, of PUpils Year of Serial Name of the School ,... Establisbment No, Males Females Males Females 2 3 1: 5 6 7

Government inter Colleg6 25 406 1896

2 Government Girls Inter College 16 192 1956

3 Vidya Mandir Inter College 19 512 3 1952

4 B. N. V. Inter College 40 969 3 1938

5 G. R. V. Inter CoUego 16 3+3 26 1949

6 D. A. V. Intel' College 17 531 1924 , Rahmania Inter College 17 418 7 1938

8 National Inter College 24 593 16 1946

9 Islamia Higher Secondary School 16 374 2S 1949

II> Government Girls Higher Secondary School 11 13 169 1949

11 Jantantra Higher Secondary Scbool 10 297 5 1950

12 K, P. Higher Secondary School 10 212 10 1954

13 G. V. Higher Secondary School 8 151 II 1955

14 p, N. V. Higber Secondary School 7 159 19~

15 Govt. Ganga Singh Higher Secondary School 11 374 8 1856 Source-District Officar 145 COMMUNICATIONS

table 9'l ....Ptiatmg Presses and Newspapers

Number of newspapers published Number of PrinlilJg ... Number of Periodicals Presses at Worle ,------""'"------published Dally Weekly r----'--- --~ ,--..._...A...... Hindi Urdu English Hindi Urdu English Hindi Urdu English

2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11

1951 3

1956 3 2 J!l6o 5 3 ,.. Sonrce-District Officer, and the Annual Report of the Registrar 01 Newspapers for India

Table 9'2-Cmema!l

CineIlla goers Year Number of Picture Houses ~---~------~ Total Monthly average 2 3 4

1951 ~.A. N.A. N.A.

1956 N.A. N.A. N.A,

1960 70,432 5,869

Source-Entertainment Tag CommiSSioner, U,P.

Table 10'l-Length of Metalled and Unmetalled Roads Maintained by Pnblic Authorities' as on December 31, 1960

Metalled Uometalled Total roads Name of important bridg05 Name of Publlc Authority , roads roads (Kms.) (Kms.) (Kms.)

2 3 4 5

P. W.n. 134 2 136 Bridge over Chandrawa1 River 2 Zila Parillbad 38 660 718 3 Municipal Board 8 2 10

Source-District OificeL

Table to'l-Names of Waterways (Navigable Rivers) as On December 31,1960


N.A.-Not Available


T~ble 10'3-l'olymetrical Table of DistaDces o[ Block Headquarters by Road.

I I (Distances in K'ms.)

Name of Block Headquarters of ----. N E S,/Shadow Block in the District Kurata Smnerpur Maudaha Kahrai Jaitpur Panwari Hath Gohand Sarila Charkbari Muskara 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Kurara 32 51 83 136 110 94 107 120 118 67 2 Sumerpur 32 19 51 104 91 75 91 104 86 51 ,3 Maudilba M 19 32 S3 ,f> 59 72 85 10 !It 4 Kahrai 83 51 32 53 67 83 96 109 38 64 5 Jaitpur 136 104 83 53 35 53 62 75 32 77 6 Panwari 110 91 75 67 35 16 29 42 46 43 7 Rath 94 75 59 83 53 16 13 26 62 27 8 Gohand 107 91 72 96 62 29 13 19 75 40 9 Sanla . 120 104 85 109 76 42 26 19 88 53 10 Ctarkbati 118 86 70 38 32 46 62 75 88 90 11 Muskara 67 51 32 61 77 43 27 40 53 90 Sonroo-Distlict Officer

Table 10'4 List of RaHway StatioDs

~ame of Railway Name of Railway Stations Distance from Distance from (down line according to previ ous Station District Headquarters railway concerned) (Kms,) (Kms.) 2 3 4:


Northern Railway Jamuna South Bank 50 N.A. 10 Bhanwasupur Ighata " Ragn1 16 .. Akona 10 " Ichauli 30 ..


Gblltai 11 II Bela Tal 11 It Kulpahar 10 I. Charkhari Road Jl ., Mahoba 10 •• Kabrai 22 Source-District.. Officer 147 COMMUNICA nONS

Table lO'5-List 01 Post Offices serial Name of Post Olllco 1961 Serial Name of Post Olfico 1961 No. Code No. No. Code NO;

I 2 S 2 S


Jilkheri Danda 5 8 Jhalokher 59 2 Atroli 6 9 Palara Danda 60 S Chandanl Danda 9 10 Knsmra 65 .. Khera Sllajit 18 11 Pauthea Buzurg lOS 5 Jariya 24 12 Swasa Buzurg 109 6 Indarpnra 25 13 Paleora Danda 1~ 7 Neoli Bansa 31 14 Suranli Bnzurg Danda 158 8 Jalalpnr 38 15 Bidokbar Ibokmandi 165 9 Puraini 46 16 Bank 167 10 Mamna 54 17 logotha 169 11 Bilgann 58 IS SumeTpur 170 19 Murdera 12 SarHa 84 184 20 Deogaon 186 13 DhaDauri 95 21 Pachkhera Buzurg 189 14 Chilli 104 22 Terha 190 Hamirpur 15 Aunta 101i 23 M.B· 16 Gohanda 119 MAUDAHA TAHSIL 17 Amgaon 125 Bardhur Khurd 10 18 Magrauth 140 2 Newada 19 Baroli Kbarka 145 19 20 Jigri 147 3 Binwar 21 21 I1aliya 154 4 Chilli 34 22 Jara!(har 163 5 Baswari 45 6 Muskara 23 Nauranga 173 49 7 Ecbad Kalan 52 24 Majhagawan 182 8 KbereJa 61 25 Zola Rawat 195 9 Gahroli' 64 26 Basela 210 10 Pahari Bbiteri 68 27 Anghara 246 11 Imilla 70 28 Rath M.B. 12 Neoria 79 HAMIRPUR TAHSIL 13 Sayar 81 1-, Mis[\pur 5 14 Patanpur 89 2 Karara 21 15 Kamhariya 91 3 Beri 28 16 Kbandehi 98 .. Bilta 38 17 Begehna 100 5 Sheikbupur 43 18 Kunetha 102 6 Bhanli Danda 47 19 Actara 116 7 Kondaur Dan~a ~1 20 Padbori 122 ,()~FIClAL STATISTICS 148

Table 10'S-List of Post Oflioes-ClItleld.

1961 Serial Name of Post Office 1961 Serial Name of Post Office Code No. No. Code No. No. S 2 3 2


21 KisW3bi m Budbwara 28 122 Sisolar 128 2 Ainer 63 ,23 Chhani 134 3 Jaifpar 75 124 Bbamai 137 4 Mondbari 77 25 Urdaana 153 5 Nanaura 102 76 Karabia 156 6 Pipra Mauf 103 27 Khanna 173 7 Mabua Bandh 107 28 Ichauli 181 8 Srinagar 117 29 Kohra 201 9 Bhandra 12B 30 Mandaha M.B. 10 Sejehri .ISS CHARKHARI TAHSIL 11 Pawa JS4 Seoodhi 12 Mamna 140 13 Karehra Kalan 152 2 Bends 15 14 Chhikahra 154- S Panwari 34 15 Surba 170 4 Bahadurpur Kalan 44 Geondhi 5 Reowai 88 16 m 6 Mahob Kanth 100 17 Chhair Karan 177 7 Kilahana 121 18 Mabewa 179 8 Makra 124 19 Kabrai 180 9 Hljolpur 131 20 Pahra 194 10 Bharwara 133 21 Makar Bai 195 11 Gaurabari 150 12 Kuepabar 164 22 Pa.,wara 217 13 !'ungra 167 23 Mahoba M.B. !4 Supa 184 15 Ch"rkhari MB. SOUIte-post Master General U.P. 149 'l!OCAL BBDIa

Ta.ble l1-Statistioa of Local Bodi.s ReCf'ipts aDd Elpeediture (Figures in RlJp,es)

1953-54 1954-5) 195~51 1951-:'2 1952-53 ,....___..____, ~ame of Local Bodies ...... --- ~ Reteipt Expendi- Receipt Expendi- Receipt Expend!- Receipt &pendi- Receipt Expendi- ture ture lure ture ture 2 3 • 5 6 7 8 9 10 . 11 l f}&anlclpal Board 100,180 69,987 90,500 94,168 178,380 137,903 161,548 135,536 265,900 249,089

~ Town Area 23,905 21,410 26,128 22,622 35,388 18,403 25,648 26,134 33,402 21,813

~, "P1Jlchayals N.!. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.",. N.A. N,A. I " " Dbtrict Board 1H5,9ro 874,9861,0<.)7,840 l,li8,693 1,094,742 t,094,19l1,185,378 l,t30,lSO 1,110,575 l,2ll.5M

1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1~58-59 1959-60 Name of Local Bodies ,___.Ao._ ...... ,...._.,A,.~ ...... ,.....--"--....., ,...__...... __. ,---...... __,,_, Receipt Expendi- Receipt Expendi- Receipt Expendi- Receipt Expendi- Receipt Expendi- ture tUIe tUre ture lure

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Ifunicipal Board 459,781 466,196 178,910 208,00. 211,852 219.936 290,825 259,699 271,820 229,173

2 Town Area 38,326 55.273 32,860 24,526 45,412 54,72t 60,676 61,190 63,469 64.345

3 Panchayats N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. • Distrid Board 1,188,0201,134,531 1,255.943 1,306,0791,458,0621.426,5601,500,091 1,492,t8111,474,256 1.319,8110 Sautee-District 0ftiGer OFFICIAL STATISTICS 150

Table 12-Statistics of Community De"eloptllent

Serial Particulars 1951 1956 1960 No.

2 3 4 5 Distribution of Kharil seeds .,. (a) Paddy 641 283 475 (b) Maize 11) 10 Ie) Cotton 91 41 (d) Others 1,924- 2,045 4,575 2 Distributton of Rabi seeds (maunds) ... (a) Wheat 13,909 23,369 41,435 (b) Barley 525 +26 360 (c) Gram 11,195 19,315 27,322 (d) Pea 275 1,500 923 3 Distribution of Chemicals and other type of Manures (Maunds) (a) Nitrogenous 42 280 5,684 (bl Phosphates 84 84 1,008 (e) others 520 240 2,289 4, Total number of agricultural implements supplied 787 54 757 5 Total number of exhibitions held 2 2 2 6 Total area of paddy under Japanese method of cultivation (actes) 10 318 7 Total area of wheat under method of cultivation (acres) 4,614 8 Total area of green manure c:uItivation {acres} N.A. ],400 9 Reclamation of cultivable waste land for agriculture (acres) N.A. 2,991 9,882 10 Increased area for ga.rdens (acres) 150 150 151l" 11 Total number of fruit trees planted 21,196 29,337 97,620 12 Preservation of land form soil erosion by various methods (acres) N.A. • N.A. N.A • 13 Increase in the irrigation acreage of land by various means of irrigation (acres) 14 Distribqtion of bulls of pure breed 218 296 428 15 Animals vaccinated N,A. 202,309 632,282 16 Distribution of Poultry of pure breed N.!. 600 2,109 17 Cattle artificially inseminated 18 Wells bUilt 22 205 !>77 19 Hand pumps fitted 20 Wells repaired 35 295 851 21 Pu,ca sewerage (yards) N.A. N.A. 3,921 22 Lanes made pucca (yards) 290 9,572 23 Soak pits dug 783 30,000 47,552 24 Persons vaccinated N.A. N.A. N.A. 25 Maternity centres opened 4 4 .. 26 SchoDls opened. 553 581 664 27 Libraries, Reading rooms and information centres opened 10 99 222 28 Adplts made literate 200 350 430 29 Radio sets installed 5 32 92 30 youth associations fOlmed 60 112 165 31 Panchayatghar constructed 12 122 310 32 pucca roads constructed (rnilC)s) 3 7 33 Kachcha roads constructed (miles) 17 210 608 Sf Puce a roads repaired (miles) 35 Kachcha roads repaired (miles) 83 400 1,493 36 Culverts con~tructed 18 153 37 Panchayat tax realized (rupees) 83,000 833,000 l,8t8,OOO 311 Houses constructed for Harljans 38 39 Women Welfare Societies formed 40 Members enlisted in the Women Welfare SocIeties 41 Cottage Industry centres opened 2 2 N A.-Not available SOllfce-pistricl Oflil:er 1!>1

table ll-Calendar of Important Events

Description of Events


1860 Severe Famine 1866 Administrdtlon of Charkhari handed over to Sri Dewan AIDa Sahib Gorey and British officers with drawn. 1868 Establilhment of High School and Hospital at Charkhari 1894 Birth of Swami Brahmanand of Rath Tabsil 1896 Severe Famine in Cbarkl.lari 1908 Conversion of Rath Town area into Notified Area 1910 Constraction of Rly. Bridge over Jamuna South bank 1911 Constraction of a new Railway Station at Raga! 1914 Establishment of Government Ganga Singh High School at Charkhari 1916 Heavy Floods in Jamuna and Betwa Rivers 1918 Visit of Pt. Nehru and Manlana Abdul Kalam Azad at Maudaha (ii) Establishment of Sanskrit Pathshala at Jaitpur 1938 Laying of Foundation Stone of B. N. V. High School Rath 1946 (i) Severe Plague

(ii) Establishment of National School at Mandaha 1947 Severe Plague 1948 (i) Establishment of Kulpahar Tahsil (ii) Floods In River Jamuna and Betwa 1949 (i) Opening of Kanpur Banda Railway line

(ii) Establishment of G. R. V. High School in Rath Town

(iii) Opening of Intermediate classes in B. N. V. School, Rath (iv) Conversion of Notified area Rath into Municipal Board 1950 (i) Merger of Charkhari, Boni and Baoni States in U.P. (ii) Establishment of Jantantra Higher Secondary School Kulpahar

(Iii) Establishment of Vidya Mandir High School, Charkhari 1951 EstabJfshment of Gov!. Normal School. Charkhari t)PFIt(AL STATISTICS 152

Table 13-Calendar of Important EVeJJ.ts-Con,/d.

Year Description of Events


1952 (I) Establishment of IsJamia High School, Hamirpur (ii) Opening of Intermediate classes in G. R. V. School, Rath 1954 (i) Construction of RO:ldways Bus Station and Workshop al Mah~ba (ii) Eablisbment of Gandhi Bazar at Jaitpar

1955 Ii} Construction of Adu Dam Charkhari (Ii) Inaugratlon of Water Works at JJamiqmr 1956 (i) Floods (il) Construction of Power House at Hamirpur (iii) Establishment of Gandhi Ashram at J,utpur (iv) Construction of Water Works in Rath Town (v) Out break of InHuenza in Ratb Town 1951 (i) Conslrucfion of Power House at Maboba (ii) ,,'ormation of S. E. S. Block Jaitpur 1958 Construclion of Rohain Nala Bridge Hamirpur Kalpi Road 1959 Establishment of state Bank of India at Hamirpur and Mahoba 1960 Establishment of B. N. V. Degree College in Rath

Source-District Officer 153 PRICES OF FOOD-STUFF'S


Table 14-Monthly Whole·sale Prices-195l to 1960 1951

W~I~le prices_ __.o,.._in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other --....-----~ iDlJ'ortant cmps and commodities January Febrl4lty March April May June July August September October November December

2 3 .. !i 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS

I. ~tW(Il$"'I'

1 "W;heat 13.9\ 13.91, 13.91 11·91 14·54 14·00 14·00 14·00 14·00 14·50 14·00 14-00 21 Barkv N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 Gran; N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 12·00 12·00 12·00 12·00 12·00 12·25 12·00 12·00 .. Rice N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ·N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 5 Juar 10·00 9·50 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 10·00 6 Bajra 11·03 10.50 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 11·00 7 lIilizc !N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

11. PU161S- :

1 Aralia.. (Whole) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 16·00 ; 16·84 16.84 16·00 16·00 16·00 16·41 N.Q. 2 Moon£! (Do) 18'28 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 Urtl (Do) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q.

Ill. V.g,eabl,s-

] Polato Dlsi 2 Potato Pllhllri 1 NOT AVAILABLE

1952 Who]Male prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other important crops ------~------~ anel commodities January February March April May June July August September October November December 2 3 .. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n 1. CdCQ'&-- ., I Wheal 10·50 14·50 14.. 00 15·0{) 14-50 14·00 N.Q: 20·00 18·82 18·28 17·77 19·39 2 Ha,:ley N.Q. N.~ N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 Gram 12·50 12· 12·00 12·50 21·31 12·25 N.Q. 15·23 14·54 14-88 16·0{) 16·00 4 Rice N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 5 Juar 10·12 ]0·06 10·00 10-00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 13·33 13-33 \3·91 N.Q. 10·00 6 Bai'lS 11·25 B.25 11·00 0·00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 14·54 13·91 N.Q. 12·30 11·85 7 Maiz;c N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

II. Pul.II-

I Arahar (Whole) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 12·30 11·03 11.03 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 13-33 N.Q. 16·00 2 Moo". (do) 17·77 17·77 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 16·84 3 U,d (do) N.O. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q.

Ill. V.gda"",-

1 Potato D.si NOr AVAILABLE 2 Potato PaMri -} H-20 OFHcIAL stATIs'ncs 154



Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other ____._ important crops and commodIties January February March April May June July August September October November December

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Clf8als-

1 Wheat 19·39 21·33 19·39 16·01 16·00 16·84 17·77 16·84 16·00 16·00 15·60 Il·23 2 Barley N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 12·30 13·33 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. S Gram 17.19 20·00 15·52 11042 13·33 13·05 14·5~ 13·91 14·54 12·54 12·54 13033 4 Rice N.A, N.A. N.A. N.A. N·A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 5 Juar 11·03 12·07 12·30 10·&6 N.Q. N.g. N.Q. i~·33 13·33 13·33 10·66 0·41 6 Baira 12·30 13-33 13·13 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 12·80 7 MaIze 13· 75 N.A· N.A· N.A. 'N.A. N.A. N.-\.. "'''''.-\. N.A. N.... N.A. N·A.

11. PUl~8S-

1 Arahar(Whole) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 13·33 13·33 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 2 Moong (do) 16·84 18·82 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.'.!. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 16·00 3 Ura (do) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.\.l. N.\.l. N.\!. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 20·00 N.Q. ]11. V sgotabls$-

1 Potato Dasi NOT AVAILABLE 2 Potato Pahari


Whole-sale price~ in rupees per mannd of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other .A...... Important crops r------and commoditIes January Fehruary March Apnl May June Jnly Augnst September October November December

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Clfcals-

I Wheat 17·78 16·84 U·5~ 14·54 13·33 11·43 10·67 11·43 Il·85 11·43 10·67 9.70 2 Barley N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 9-41 8·00 N·Q. N.Q. 7-62 NQ. N.Q. NQ. 3 Gram 12·00 13·19 10·67 11·43 10·00 8·89 8·00 8·89 8·42 7-62 6·67 6·15 4 Rice 22-86 22·86 20·00 20·00 20·00 17·78 17·73 21·33 21·33 N.Q. 16·84 12·31 5 Juar 11·43 12.80 10.00 N.Q. NQ. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 8·60 7·62 N.Q. 3·63 6 Baj"a 13·33 13·33 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 6·96 7·27 7 MaIze N.A. N./I. N.A. N.fl. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.\ N A. N.A. N A.

11. PUIS6S-

t Aranar (Whole) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 10·67 8·00 8·42 7062 8·65 7062 7·27 N.Q. N.Q 2 Moong (do) 12·31 13·31 N.9, N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. ".Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 6·61 3 Urd (do) 17·78 15·24 15·24 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 8·89

III. V,,'tablls-

I Potato Dest NOT AVAILABLE 2 Potato Pahari 1 l55 PRICES OF FOOn.STtJIl'FS



Wbole-sale___ prices in rupees perJ. Maund of 82-2/7 lbs. Foodgrains and other r:---- -""\ important crops September October November December !ln~ commodities January February Marcb April May June July August 12 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ($ 10 11

I, c."als-

1 Wheat 11·85 14·54 12·31 10·67 8·89 9·96 10·00 11·43 11·43 11·43 11·43 13·33 2 Barley 6·15 N.Q. 5·00 N Q. 0·00 4·85 N.Q. 6·)5 N.Q. N.Q. N Q. N.Q. 3 Gram 6·40 6·40 5·92 5·71 5·00 5·33 7·27 6·96 9·96 9·96 8·00 8·42 4 Rice 14·54 15·25 13"3 N Q. N.Q. N.Q N.Q. N. A. N.Q. N.A. N. A. N. A. 5 Jllar 5·(10 5·00 4·21 3·63 4·UO 4.UU 5·l0 5·71 7·al 5·16 N.Q. 6·15 6 Baira 7.62 6·67 6'15 N.Q. 6·15 7-62 N.Q. N.Q. 8·00 N.Q. 8.!l9 9·41 7 MaIze N. A. N.A. N. A. N. A. N.A. N.A. N. A. N. A. N.A. N.A. N.Q. N.A.

II. Pulses- 1 Arahar (Whole) N. Q. N.& N,O. N.Q. 4·70 5·52 7·27 7·27 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 2 Moong (do) 6·40 6·1 5·g3 6·}j lj'l~ N. Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 13·33 3 Urd (do) 8.42 8·42 8·42 N.Q. N. Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q.

Ill. Vegetables-

1 Potato Desi Nor AVAILABLE 2 Potato Pahari


Whole-saJc prices in rupees per maund of 82·2/1 Ibs. Foodgrains and other ,-- _.A. iJUportant crops and commodIties January February March April May June July August September October November December 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

I. e",als-

I Wheat 13·33 13·S4 13·33 12·30 11·42 12·80 13•91 14·54 14·54 14·54 14·54 14·54 2 Barley N. Q. N. Q. N.Q. 9·61 8·HR 10·0n N. Q. N.Q. N Q. 12·30 N. Q. N.Q. 3 Gram 10·66 10·66 10·66 IO·O() 10·00 1066 12·30 12·80 12·80 }'3·33 12·80 13·33 ~ Rice }. A. 1'1. A N. A N A. N. A N A N.A. N. A. N.A. N.A. N A. N. A. S Jua,. 1O.0u 10·1]0 9·41 N.Q )O·r.6 N Q N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N Q. 11·8; 6 73aira 10·66 1O·01J N.Q. 1\ Q. N.Q. 1\. Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 12·311 14·54 7 Maize N A. N• .1\. N.A. N. A. N. A. N. A. N.A. N A. N.A. N.A. N. A. N. A.

11. Pulsss-

. 1 Ara7lar (Whole) N Q. N.Q. N.Q. 10·00 10·66 10·61) 10-00 10·66 11·42 11·42 12·30 13-33 \2 lil'oong (do) 12'00 12-42 12·30 N.Q. NQ N Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 16·00 S, Uf'd (do) N.QI N. Q. N. Q. N Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. lll. V BtBtab16s-



Whole-sale prices in rupees per maund of 82-2/7 Ibs. Foodgrains and other ,-­ important crops ------~ ------.------~ and commodities January February March April May June July August September October November Deeember

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

I Wheat 14·54 15·23 14·54 ·13.33 13·33 13·91 13·91 13·91 2 Barley 13-33 12·80 16·00 14·00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 11'42 10·110 10·66 10·66 12·30 10511 10·66 10·00 N.'.!. 3 Gram 13·33 14'04 13·3S ·I:HO 11·85 U·S:' 10·66 10·00 4 Rice 12030 IHO 12-80 11·00 N.A. )'i.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.Q. N.Q. 5 JNa' 11·42 12·30 11·85 13·33 13·33 N.Q. N.Q. 10·66 9.50 ·S·BU 8·00 8·88 6 Bai,a 13·33 13-33 12·30 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 12·80 12·30 7 N.Q. N·Q. 16·00 12·00 Maize N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ·N.A. N A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

II. PNl"s-

1 (Whole) Arahar 13·33 N.Q. N.Q.' 12·30 !l·42 11.03 10.66 11-42 10.00 10·00 10.00 N.Q. 2 Moong (do) 13.23 13·33 12.30 13·33 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 U,a (do) N.Q. N.Q. 14054 26·66 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q.

11l. V 6gBtabl6S-

I Potato D'si t 2 Potato Pahar. j NOT AVAILABLE


Foodgrains and other WholHale prices in rupees per maund o£ 82-2/7 Ibs. r- ,. important crops --- an d commodities January February March April May June July Aqgust September October November Dcccmbe[

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1. C.r,als-

Wheat 1 13·91 13·33 13·33 13·33 13·91 16·84 16·84 17-77 2 Rarley N.Q. N.Q. 20·64 19·39 19·29 20·64 N.Q. N.Q. 10'00 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 Gram 10·66 8·B8 10·00 17·71 N.Q. 10·00 10·32 12·80 13-33 N.Q. 15·23 1560 16·00 18·82 4- Wee N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. .N.A. !i Juar N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 9·14 7-6] 8·00 N.Q. 8'88 10'00 11·42 12.30 6 Bajra 12·80 N.Q. N.Q. 13·33 11·03 10'JU 10·66 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 15·60 1 Maize N.A. N.A. 'N.A. N.Q. 12·30 14·2l N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ·N.A. N.Q. N.A. N.!. 11. PuIS6S-

1 Mahar (Whole) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 13·03 13·33 14-54 16·00 (do) 16·00 N.Q. N.Q. 2 Moong 13·91 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.~. Urd (do) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 19· 9 3 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 1II V.g6fables-

1 potato DBs; 1 NOT AVAILABLE 2 potato Pahal'i ) 157 PRICEs OF Fooo.sruFFS PlUCES OF STAPLE rOOD-STUFFS MONTH BY MONTH-Cf1llliU.


WholO-iialc prl~ in rllpOO5 prr maunil' 01 82-2/7 Ills. Foodgrains and other ~ important crops and commodlti~s January February March April May June JUIJ AU'.Jst september October November Dccembor

2 3 4: 5 6' 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. C"ItIJ,-

I Wheat 20·00 N.Q. 20·00 16·0} 14-54 14:·54 tS·60 H.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 2 Barley N.Q. N.',2. N.Q. N.Q. 12·30 11·42 12·30 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 Gram 18·112 N.Q. UI·82 15·23 12·80 12·80 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 4- Rice N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. ~t80.A. N.A N. A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A 5 ]uar 12·30 14·54 12·80 10.66 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 6 Bajra 14·54 15·50 13·33 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 7 Matze N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N,A, N.A. . N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.

11. Pul$ss-

I Mahar (Whole) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. IS.3!! Ig,3S 15·23 15·60 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 2 Moong (do) 168" 20·00 17·77 N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. 3 Ura (do) N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. M.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q. N.Q.

lll. V ft6#ablfS-

I Potato Dlli NOT AVAILABLE 2 Potato Paha,. J Sourct_District statistics Officer Note-WholO-iiale prices of lst Friday of each month depict the prices of that month N. Q.-Not qnoted N. A.-Not available llliofillation relating to year 1960 is not available OfFICW. STATISTICS 158

A-Name of Banks and Date of E8tablishment

Serial Name of the Bank Year of Establishment No.

2 3

Hamirpur Distt. Co-Operative Bank Ltd. Mahoba 1924

2 Bank Ltd •• Mahoba 1950 3 State Bank of India. Hamirpur 1958

4 State Bank of India, Mahoba

B-Tota' Deposits in Banks

Number of Total amount deposited Total amount withdrawn depositors (Rs.) fRs.)

2 3 4

Pooled ligures of all the above 2,118 22,425,724 20,822,412

banks In the District Source- District Officer

'fable lS'2-Stadstics of Insurance 1960

Name of the Branch Total number of Policies Sum assured Premium income for the year 1960

2 3 4

N.A. N.A. N.A.

Sullrce-Zonal Manager, Life Insurance Corporation of Indja, Central ZOllal Ollice, Kallpur 159 u'\tES'tdctt

table 16-Statistics of Livest04k

1956 1961 PattiCllla.t\I ,....___.__~ Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

2 3 4 5 6 7

COWl and Bull_ Males 266,891 258,093 8,797 307,081 297,727 9,354

Females 223,401 214,191 9,210 2M,369 206,077 8,292

Tot.. 490,291 472,284 18',007 54t450 1I23 ,804 17,.r4k

(A) Males over 3 "ars 199.845 191.412 6,433 27:1 ,968 i2o,479 6,889

(i) Breeding bulls, i.e., males over 3 years kept or used for breeding purposes only 479 471 8 701 671 30 (il) Working bullocks, i.e., bullOCks and uncastrated male\! over 3 years kept for work only 192,081 185,820 6,261 21(1,816 212,013 6,803 (iii) Bulls and bullocks over '3 years not in use for breeding or work 7,285 7,121 164 7,851 7,795 56

(B) FBmalBs over a "an 160,169 153,419 6,690 163,634 158,010 5,624 (i) Breeding cows, i.e., cows over 3 years kept {or bre;:ding or mllk production 159,788 153,148 6,640 163,0\1 157,429 5,582

In milk 63,575 60,650 2,925 61,896 • 59,206 2,690

Dry 80,925 78,025 2,900 83,115 80,543 2,572

Not calved 15,288 14,4:73 815 18,000 17,680 320

(Ii) Cows over 3 years used for work. only 4 4 30 20 10

(iii) Otber cows over 3 years not in use for work or bre;:ding purposes 377 327 50 593 561 32

(C) Young-stock (31sa,., and ulI46,)- Males 67,045 6+,6BI 2,3M 79.715 77.246 2,465


Total 190,277 125,393 4,884 150,448 145,315 5,133

(i) Under one year Males 33,382 32,026 1,356 39,267 37,656 1,611

Females 32,188 30,633 1,355 ~}650 34,953 1,697

Total 65,570 62,859 2,711 75,917 72,609 3,308

(b) One to 3 years Males 33,653 32,655 1,003 40,446 39,592 854

Females 31.044 29,879 .,.65 34,085 33,114 ~71

Total 67,707 62,534 2,173 7.,531 72,706 1.825

(11) Buffaloe_ Males 18,981 IS,408 573 22,699 22,059 640 Females 115,593 112,709 2,884 116,539 113,665 2,774

Total 13t,574 131,117 3,457 139,138 135,724 3,414 WlCML $TATIstiCs t~o

T.b~ l~-$tatitti~, of Live~tpck-Conld.

1956 ,------..A._1961 __ ..... I3rtiC)llars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 • 5 6 7

tAl ,~oillS o~, 3 ,sara 2,384 2,208 176 2,318 2,m 245 (i) Brooding bulls, i.e., males o,er' 3 years kept or WIed fOr breoding purposes 001 y 479 468 11 378 3:i5 23

un \fprli:~ bullQs:ks, i.e., bullocks a~d UlIcastrated males or 3 year~ kept for work onty 1,811 1,653 158 1,855 1,656 199 (Ui) Bulls ud bll:Uocks over 3 YIlar! not in U8C for breeding or work 94 87 7 145 122 23

(8) P,malu OIHr 6 Jl8ars 81,852 79,666 2,186 81,798 79,801 1,997 (i) Brooding cows, i.e., cows over 3 years kept {{Ir brec:9ine or milk production 81,598 79,433 3,165 81,510 79,~2 1,968

In milk 35,116 34,187 929 38."30 37,311 1.119

Dry 37,542 36,591 951 34,2CO 33,487 713

Not calved 8,940 8,655 2115 8,880 8,7H 136

Iii) COwl ovu: 3 year, nEed for work only 73 67 6 107 100 7

(Iii) other eowl1)VV 3 years not in liSt! for work or breedinl purposes 181 166 15 181 1:'19 22

(e) Youtlg ,tooll (3 "al', anti u,,""I')-

Males 16,597 16,200 397 20,321 19,926 395

Female:! 33,'41 3',043 698 34,641 33,864- 7771

Totttl 50,338 49,243 1,095 54,9~2 53,790 1,172\

(I) crnder one year Males 10,928 10,662 266 ' 13,464 13,162 302

Females 17,240 16,8.67 373 18,609 18,074 m

To~ 28,168 27,529 639 132 ,073 31,236 8S7

(ii) One to 3 y.,rs Males 5,669 5,538 131 6,851 6,76-l 93

Female:! 16,501 16,176 325 16,032 15,790 242

Total 22,110 , 21,'14 456 22,889 22,554 335

(III Sh.e,,- (i) Up to one year- 10,420 10,101 319 12,084 11,897 187

(ii) Over one year Males 4,309 4,188 121 4,696 4,567 129

Females 29,741 28,853 BBB 32,798 32,290 508

TC\W ",058 33,1141 1,009 37,4M 36,857 637 161 LIVEstoCK:

Table 1o-Statistics of Livestock -Gondd.

1956 1961 Particulars .- .,..,__---, ,----""'----..., Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

2 3 4 5 6 'I

(lV> Goat.- (I) Up to one year- 55,187 51,942 3,245 67,622 64,449 3,173 (ii) Over one year Males 12,695 12,138 557 14,530 13,523 1,007

Females 116,256 109,843 6,413 128,283 122,416 5,867

Total 128,951 ;'121,981 6,770 142,815 151,959 6,874 (V) Ducln- Ducks 651 593 58 448 429 19

Drakes 382 361 21 387 357 12 Ducklings 250 244 ,6 265 264 1 (VI) Poultry- Hens 12,671 9,621 3,050 13,034 10,142 2,892 Cocks 4,258 3,448 810 4,749 3,896 853

Chickens 10,681 8,839 1,842 17,100 14,419 2,681 Source-Diredor Animal Husbandry, U, p.


table 17'l List of

Serial Name of the Fair Name of Village/Town Name of Month and Date Name of Festival, No. Development of the Fair if any, with which Block connected

2 3 4 5 6

Rath Chaturbhuj Baba Bira Goharui Cbaitra Badi 30

Sarila Sudi 2 Nav Durga Bbindi " 9 Nav Ratra Karpra " " }S 3 Gabbauli Indertiura " " " Gohand Asadha 4 Shyamla Devi Bara " 15 5 Dwij Fair Ballaon Ralb Kartika " 2 Ram Lila Rath M,B. Badi Dipawali 6 " "

Sudi 15 Deviji Chandwari Danda Gohand " 8 Sidh llaba Puriaini Sarila 9 " " 9 Ram Lila Khera Silajit Agrahayana Sudi 8 Chandant " Pausa Badi 30 " 5 10 Sarila Sarila " " " 11 Mardan Ohai! Tunka Ralh Thursday of Rabi-ul-Awwal

12 Barey Pir Ralh M,B. nIh of Rabi-us-sani Hamirpur

13 Kalka Devi Jalla Korara Chaitra Sudi 15 14 Ram Lila Hamirpur M.B. Asvana Sudi 10 Dussehra

15 Kartika Purnamashi Merapur Korara Karlika Sudi 15 Karlika purnima 16 Chhattra Sal Sikrorhi " 17 Maheshwari Devi Sikrorhi " " Kammu Peer Baba 18 Palara )I 19 Donaya Sangau •• 20 Sayed Bale Nadehra Sumerpur Kartika Sudi l!i to ' AgrahaYlin Badi 2 21 Manasir Nalh Surauli Khurd Kartika Sudi 15 " Saukhar 15 " " 22 Sidh Baba Bhakaul It Agrahayana Sudi 15 23 Daya Karar Kandaur Kotara " 24 Jhara Baba Paulha Buzurg Sumerpur

25 Sidb Bhanti Kandaur to " 26 Gausai Baba Kuchhechh Sumerpur Agrahayana Sudi Iwala Devi Panchri Pausa Sudi 8 27 " ... 23 Maheshwari Devi " " 163 FAIRS AND FESTIVALS


Distance from the Purpose, (Worship of Estimated Nearest Railway Railway Commodities brought Deity, Bath, Urs, Congregation ./ or Bus Station or Bus Station to the ).i'air for sale Cattle fair, etc.) {in Km.) 7 8 9 10 II Tab.it

800 Rath B. S. 13 Clay toys, ban~les, sweets and articles of general mercbandies Worship of Durgaji 5,000 Denwar H. s. 16 .. It SOD Chhani B,S, 13 " Worship of Deity 600 Maskera B. S. 22 .. Worship of Devi 10,000 Ratb B. S. 5 It Bath 700 " 18 It Worship of Shri Rama 8,000 Agricultural implement, cloth, earthen- " ware, rubber anp <;1.ay toys ~d sweets Balh l,uOO Rehun!a B. S. 8 It WorShip of Sidh Baba • 600 Muskara B,-S. 10 It

2,000 Rath R. S, 26 It 3,000 Kadera B. S. 19 .. Worship 5,000 Rath B.S. 26 to Urs 2,000 5 Handloom cloth, aluminium ntensils, earthenware, sweets and clay toys

to 5,000 to .. TaL'il

Warship of Deily 500 Hamirpur B.!S. •18 Sweets and toys A dramatisation of the story of 10,000 Wooden products, cloth, earthenware, Ramayana .. toys and sweets / Bath 3,000 3 II .. ~ 1,000 13 .. " 0' .. 1,000 13 It Urg 5,000 11 " Worship of Deity 6,000 ,I 10 ,. .. 2,000 Sumerpur B. S• 5

II 1,500 Jamuna South Bank R, S. 5 I' .. 3,5CO Sumerpur B. S. 6 ., 5,000 Sumerpur R. S 6 " " 1,0(0 Ham'rpur B. S. 16 " .. 13 II 1,000 Sumerpur B. S. " 1,(100 11 Clay toys, sweets and ar tides of .. general merchandise 3 " 2,000 Hamirpur B. S, .. 3,000 SiJrnerpur B. S • 3 Furniture, brass and coprer"'are and .. artjcle~ d general merchandise

~J,030 3 Clay toys, sweets and articles of general " !llCrchalldis~ OFFICIAL STATISTICS 164- Table IN-List of

Serial Name 01 the Fair Name of Village/Town Name of Month and Date Name of F~tival No. Development of the Fair if any, with Block which connected

2 3 4 5 6


29 Sankranti Pachkhnra Buzurg Sumerpur Pausa Sudi 2-7

30 Deviii Rethari Korara Magha Sudi 15 Pahar 31 Jala Baba " " 32 Sadrukh Baba Chhani Bozurg Sumerpur .. Badi 1 33 Brabma Deo Bidokhar .. Sudi 8

Sankranti Surauli Buzurg January 14 Makar Santranti 34 " 35 Sbivratri Misripur Koranl Pbalguna Badi 13 Shimtri 36 Bhuiyan Rani Jhalokhcr .. Every Sunday


37 Gbazi Mi~an Gu,yar! MaDdaba First Sullday of Jyai~tha 38 Nag Panchmi Gaura J, Sravana Sud! 5 Nag Panchmi

39 Itans Lila Maudaha " Sravana Sudi 15 to Bhadra Sud! 14-15 40 Sravan Fair Kbarela Maskara Bhadra Badi 1 41 Rahas Lila Kahra Maudaha Bhadea Badi 8-15 42 Maharaja Baha Sisolar Kartika Sudi 15 " ~3 Nageshwar Baba Garhrauli Maskara Kartika Sudi 13 10 Sadi 1 44 Kedar Baba ArlhaipurlVa Maudaha Agrahayana Barli 4 I 45 Salrcl BaslVari Maskana .. SUdi 5-1 46 Mababirji Bandhur Buzurg ., 8u41 15 " 47 Basdeo Baba Chherka Malldaha Pausa Badi 2-4 I 48 Ram Lila Chichara " 11-30 Behoni Kalan Maskara " SO 49 Balhhadra Sa ba Khanna Maudaba 5-7 I ... 50 Gao Ghat Ch~anl " Magha Makar Sankranti 51 Sidh Baba Bahinga .. ..


52 Sidh Baba Devai Charkhari .Chaila Sudj 1)

53 Gudad Bbarwara " " l\fababirji Kakuf ~Vflisatha Slldj 5-6 54 " If' 165 FAlRS AND FESTIVALS Falrl-Conld.

Distance from the Purpose (Worship of Estimated Nearest Railway Railway Commodities brought Deity, Bath, Urs, Congregation or Bus Station or Bus station to the Fair for sale Cattle fair, elc.) (in KID.) 7 6 9 10 11


Worship of deity 1,000 Jamuna South Bank R. S. 6 Clay toys, sweets and article'! of general merchandise

to 500 Hamirpur B. S. 16 " .. 5,()OO 11 Handloom clotb, furniture, metal utensils " and articles of general merchandse

to 4,000 Snmerpnr B. S. 19 ,,' 2,500 8 Clay toys, sweets and articles of general " " merchandise 1,000 Jamuna South Bank R. S. 5 " " .. 4,000 Hamirpnr R. S. 29 It Bath and worShip of deity 500 13 " .. Tala.1I

Ura €oo Akona R. S. 3 Earthen pots, sweets and toys Worship 400 Regaul R. S. 19 Sweets, clay and rubber toys and arti- cles of general merchandise II 2,000 2 .. I, 500 N.A. .. 'f 500 " " tI 400 .. " .. 750 It 400 Akona R. S. 3 " " .. roo N.A. , . Worship of Hanumanjl 400 ,. Worship of Basdeo Baba 500 " It Worship of Shri Rama 400 "

n 700 OJ II

Worship of Balbhadra Saba 600 , t

Worship and Blth 1,000 Ragaul R. S. 21 Bamboo b~5kets. religious pictures. ban,gles, toj's etc. Worship 600 4 Sweets and clay to)'s


Worship of deity 3,000 H1nrw31 a B S Sweets, earthenware, hangles, clay toys, _ cMh etc " 1,000 " Worship of Mallabirji ~,OOO Charkhari B, S, U 11 166

Table 1H - List of

Serial Name of the Fair Name of Village/Town Name of Month and Date Name of FEstival No. Development of the FaIr if any. with Block which connected 2 3 4 5 6


55 Jal Bihar KnJpahar Charkhari Bbadra SlIdi 13-15

Jakba Panwari Bhadra Sudi 12 Turra Mabar Sudi 13 56 Gobardhan Nath Charkhari M. B. Kartika Badi 1-15

57 Sankura Nagrsaghaf Panwarl OJ Sudi 15 58 Mania Mela Sunarla Sudi 1 Dipawali " " 59 Garai Baba Bumhori Kalan Cbarhhari Agrabayana Badl 3·4 60 Dhanush Yagya Satarl Sudi 15 " " 6J Bhuiyan Rani Naterra Sudi 1 " " Aichaka to Pausa Badi 7-11. 62 Mahadeoji Sheohar 1-2 It " Kamal Rhera 63 M~babirjl " " 23 64 Bhuiyan Rani Patha I Magha. Badi 15 Bath (Bnrki) Rahunia January 14 Mak ar Sankranti 65 " 66 Ram Lila Panwari Panwari Magha Sudi 5 10 Basan! Pancbmi Pbalguna Badi 5 67 Kanhai~aii Supa Cbatkbari Magba Sudi 5


68 Jawara-ka-Mela Srinagar Chaitra Sudi 9 aDd Ram Naumi Asvina Sudi 9 69 Kajli MeJa Mahoba M.B, Kartika Badi 1·2 70 Katki Me1a Rahatia Mahoba Kartika Sudi 15 71 Dhanush Yagya PaWl Agrahayana Sudi 15

72 Bldesan Devi Darhat It Agrahayan3 73 Ram Lila Sudi 9 Sijwala .. II

Atrar Mauf Sudi 5·6 " 74 Sidh Baba Geondi Sudi 15 to " Makarbai Badi 14 " " Chhani Kalan to pausa and Magha too 75 Mahabirji Guhra Pausa Sudi 2-4 " 76 Ram Lila Sijehri .. January 2-4 77 MeJa Pipra MllaE Pipra Muaf Jailpur Magha 78 Burki (Ba th) Kaimraha Maboba January 13 79 Aina Ajnar Jaifpur Phalgulla .. , 167 FAIRS AND FESTIVALs

Fairs-CoR,1 d.

Distance from Purpose, (Worship of Estimated Nearest Railway the Railway Commodities brou;ht D~iiy Bath,Urs Congregation Shtion or Bu; Station or Bus to tile Fair fot sale Cattle fair, etc.) station Station (in Kms.)

7 8 9 10 11


Worship of Deity 1,000 Kulpabar B, S. 3 Sweets, clrthcnware l bangles, clay toyes, cloth etc. " 2,000 Panwari B. S. 6 .. 4,000 " " 10 .. " 12 1°00 Charkhari B S. 2 Rubber and clay toys, sweets, . cloth, Idnterns, torch and other ar ticles of daily use Bath 3,000 Panwari B. S. 10 " WO(ship of Deity 2,000 " 3 " " 2,0(0 Char khari B. S. 13 " 500 Singla 8. S. 5 .. " 1,500 Charkhari B. S. 13 " II 4,000 22 .. 1,600 13 " " " 1,500 13 .. " .. 16 " 2,000 ,I " II 500 " " A dramatisation of the story 8,000 Panwari B S. ,. oi Ramayana 1,000 Charkbari B. S. 3 " Tab.il Worship of Shri Rama 1.200 Srinagar B. S. .. 5,000 Mahoba B, S. " Bath 1,500 5 " " Worship 1,000 Charkhari B, S. 6 .. 1,000 Maboba B, S. 6 1,000 Sri Nagar B. S. Clays, toys, cloth, sweets and articles " of general merchandise

1,000 . Atrar B. S. 10 It " 3,000 Khanua B. S. S II 1,000 Alipura B. s. 3 " .. 1,000 Barwai B. 5, 3 " .. II 2,000 Kawarai B.• S. 8 ., 1,000 Sura Chauk B. S. 5 .. 2,000 Plpra Mauf B, S. .. Bath 1,000 Kaimraha. R. S, II Worship 3,000 Bela Tal R. S. 14 " OFFICIAL STA'11STICS Hj~

Table 17'2-List of Festivals

Whether observed by ail, by a Serial Name of Festivals Date of Occasion particular commumty or No. people of parttcular relIgion

2 3 4 Sbee-tla Ashtmi Chailra Badi 8th Hindu 2 Ram Naumi Sudi 9th " II 3 Mahabir Jayan ti 13th I' 4 Baishakhi Purnima Vaisakha Sudi 15th " 5 Buddha Jayanti I' II 15th 11 6 Bargadee Amavasya Jyaistha Badi 30th .. 7 Nag Panchmi Sravana Sudi 5th .. Raksha Handhan 8 " 15th .. 9 Janam Ashtmi Bhadra Badi 8th .. Hartalika I eej Sudi 3rd 10 .. II

11 Ganesh Chaturthi II 4th .. II 12 Anan! Chaturdashi II 14th " " 13 Pltra visarjan Amavasya Asvina BadJ 30th .. Durga Naumi 14 " Sud! 9th 15 Vljaya Dashmi (Dassehra) loth " " " " 16 Sharael PUTnima 15th II " It 17 Karwa Chauth Kartika Badi 4th .. 18 Dhan Teras 13th .. " II 19 Chhoti Diwali (Nakar Chaudas) " 14th .. 20 Deepawali 30th .. " " 21 Goverdhan Puja (Annkoot) II Sudi 1st II 22 Bhaiya Dooi 2nd It .. 23 Gopashtmi 8th " II 24 Kartika Puranmashi " 15th " 25 Guru Nanaks Birthday II 15th II 26 Makar Sankranti January 14th " 27 Basant Panchmi Magh Sudi 5th " 2B :-'hivratri Phalguna Badi 13th " 29 Holi .1 15th II 30 ld-uz-Zuha loth of Zllhij Muslim

31 Moharram loth of Moharram II

32 Chehllum 20th of Safar If 33 Barawa fat 12th of Rabl-ul-Awwa1 .. 34 Shabe-e-Barat 14th of Sh

39 New Year'S Day 1st January tl 169 RATS A.ND llAZARS

fable i7'3-Liat of Hats and Bal.ars (Raralj

!!erial Name of Hats and Ba.a,s Main items of Business Days on wbich held Average No. attendance

2 S 4 5

Rath Tah.i1

Rath Grains Sunday flOO

2 Maslmra Khurd Vegetables Monday 50

Basela Friday S " 60 Qasba Kbera Monday 4 " 40 5 Akana Wednesday 70

6 Puraini II Tnesday 80

7 Mamna Grain, Vegetables Wednesday 200

8 Bhendi Vegetables Monday 70

9 Sarlla Grains and Vegetables Friday 200

10 Jaria Vegetables Tuesday 90

Jarakbar Friday 11 " 200 12 Gohand Grains and Vegetable Saturday 150

IS Majhgawan Vegetables Thursday 100 14 Rahank .. Monday 50 15 Bangra .. Tuesday 25 16 Aunta .. Thursday 50 Dbag'llan Wednesda)' 17 " 40 Hamirpur Tah.iI

Kurara Grains Thursday, Sunday 2,000 2 Sumerpur .. Wednesday, Salurday 600

3 Chhaui Commodities of daly use Saturday 500

Tuesday • Berl " 200 Maudaha Tah.il

Bewarhat Kerana, Masala,' Vegetables Sunday 4,000

2 Kbandehi Lohan It Monday 2,000

Uniri Monday 1,800 3 " Ftiday 1,500 4: Newada II


Table 17.3-List of ll4U-aad Bat.ars ~:Rural)-Contt1.

Serial Name of Hlds :lndBa:ra", Main items of Busjress Days on which held Average rio attendance

2 3 4 5

M.da. TabIU-Conal".

5 Lodipur Jalalpur Kerana, Masala and vegetables Fflday 900

6 Mabera Thursday 1,200 "

7 Gahroli It Friday 4,500

8 Amilia Monday 2,300 " 9 Muskara Kerana, general articles Sunday, VVednesday 3,500

10 Baswari Tuesday 1,500 " 11 Pahari Bhitari Wednesday 2,000 " 12 Kharda Grains, Kerana, etc. Tuesday, Saturday 6,000

13 Baburi Kala n Kerana, general articles Friday I.ZOO

Charkhari Tahsil

Kulpahar Vegetables and Cloth etc. Daily 500

2 vijaypur SatUrday 200 "

Gorahri T®sday t Friday 200 3 " Saturday 4 Kllabowa " 200 11 Supa Friday, Wednesday 500 " i 6 Singra SUI1day 150 "

1 Panwa.n It Monday, Thursday 600

8 Cbauka ,t Sunday :200 , 9 Rewai ,t Thursday 200

Kahama Friday 300 10 " Masoodp Friday 11 " 300 12 Nalpura " Sunday ISO 13 Bendo " Saturday 350 14 Jaiya " Tnesday 250

15 Mahobk. It VVednesday 500

16 Didwara ., Friday 200 l1i HATS AND RAZARS

table 17(3.:..'tJ~ df Hal$ and BOZO,s (R~Mt':"':t'oneid. Serial Name of Hals and Btf_at's No. Main items of Business Days on which held

2 3 4


,:. I 17 Budero Common'vegetables and Cloths Wednesday 200

18 Bhandwara .. Sunday 150 19 Sengondhi II Thursday 400 20 Nagaraghat .. Tuesday 200 21 Kankawa " Friday 250 22 Chauran " Tuesday 150

Maboba Tabsil

Srwagar Brass Murties Thursday 700

2 Tailpur Grain and Fish Wednesday, Saturday 800 3 Goeudi It Monday 600

4 Kabrai Grain Tuesday 1,500

Source-District Officer Oftl'1ClAL STAtiSTICS 172

Table 18'1-List of Rural Grafts and Nunaber of>~ S_p1oyecl iD ProductioD

Number of Persons Employed in l»roductlon Name of Craft Number of Villages ...-- Persuns Malee Females 2 3 4 5

Cotton Tcatile 31 887 475 412

Leather Footwear 116 2,849 1,833 1,016

Basketry 30 613 389 244-

Pottery 38 1,039 583 456

Table 18'2-DJstributloD of ArtlsaD CommuDities

Total Number of Workers Name of Craft Name of Caste or Number ApprOlc:i- Number Number Number of Community of mate of of families villages number Persons Males Females families families working in surveyed of working working workshops fami1i~ under co- in own set up operation houses by their employers

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.1 III

CottOIl Textile Kod 31 209 887 475 412 49 1(,0

Leather Footwear Chamar 116 1,125 2.849 1,833 1,016 1,1 ~:,

Ba~kl:try Basar 29 297 620 380 241} 2 7

Damar 9 13 9 4 I... !J

roUe,y Rumhar 38 401 1,039 583 456 4[ 1 17~ HANDICRAF1S

Table 18-3-14a_lakued, Souree of Design, MaD1IfactDt. anel Marketing of Mao"ractured Articl••

No. of Source of Design No. of No.ofVill~ Name of Craft Name of Article Name of MaIn Material villages ,--.-A- Villages which where thera engaged in Traditional All others produce for are ~ Manufacture sale in open operatives markets Socictlca

2 S 4 5 6 7 8

Cotton Textile Dboti Cottan Yam 22 22 22 S Garba .. 29 29 29 Lung! 4 4 .. " Angocbha .. 3 3 :3 7 Gabroon " 7 7 Leather Footwear Sheo Leatber 116 U6 116 Sandal .. 15 15 15

Cbappal II 15 l!'l 15

Basketry (lotri) Basket Bamboo SO SO SO

Dalna 6 " 6 6 Tukna 6 6 6

Dlud 3 3 :3 " :3 :3 Tiparo " :3 Pottery Malki Clay 15 15 15

12 12 12 Kbaprail " 18 18 18 Kulbar " liand 6 6 6

Gbara .. 15 15 15 Sarabi :3 " :3 :3 Cbilam 12 12 12

Deepak .1 8 8 8

Cbukaria II :3 :3 :3

Karwa 8 8 8 " ~ .,. ToY' " 2 2 OF,IC4\L STATISTICS 174

T.ble--19 Statist.os qf Ma~r and Medmlll Projects tClk,,n qp for 8$ecldon Dllring the I, D and DI PlaDs

Estima'e of Cost Gross area Future Probable period by ScrIal Name of Project Y~r of start Stages of Involved by Irrigated upto Mar~h irrigatron which full utiliz&non ~~'0_ Completion stages in Lac 1960 (acres) Potential is expected to be Rs. (in acres) achieved 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Kabral Lake 1949-50 Completed 22-21 3,730 4,800 By 3/63 full ulUiza· tlol1 would be acheivcd 2 Arjun Dam 1953-54 Completed 114·99 21,000 26,600 By 3(66 full potential would be acheived 3 Salar pur 1 auk 1956-57 98% Completed N.A. 1,200 4,850 By 3/65 {ull potential would be acheived

Keolari Tank 19.,1-62 Prelimaury 14·96 Irrigation not yet 3,617 Full utilization in " work stJrted started 1970.71 Source-Chief Engineer, Irrigation Department, U.P.

Table 20-Statistics of Wages

Year Month Wages Year Month Wages

2 3 2 3

1959 June 1-50 July 2·00

July 1·50 August 1·50

August NA. SeptemblJr 1·50

September 2·00 October 1·50

October I-50 November 1·50

November 1·50 December 1-50

December HO 1961 January 1·50 I 1960 January 1·50 F1ebruary 1-50

February 2·00 March 1·50 March N.A. April 2·00

April 1·50 May 1-50

May 1·50 JUlIe 1·50

June 1·50 Source-Labour Commissioner PART III VILLAGE DIRECTORY



VUlage ordinarily means a revenue ma~, whether Household means a group of persons, who com. inhabited or uninhabited. If sorne structur~8 and monly live together and take their meals from a common population come into existence at a place which lies kitchen, unless exigencies of work prevent any of them within the boundaries of two or morc revenue 'ma~, from doing so. the locality hili been treated as a separate Census Village and the portions covered in it are excluded Total population includes household population. from the revenue mau.tas concerned. institutional population and houseless population.

Town means any Corporation, Municipality, Noti­ Scheduled Castes the 66 Scheduled Castes as fird Area, Cantonment, and includes a locality which, defined in the President's T/U S,hsdul,d Castes and 'dI,­ though not in itself a local body, is part of a town-group, dul,) Tribes Lists (Modifoation) Order, 1956 and also any place which has (a) a population of at jeast 5,000 (b) at leilst three-fourth of the population Literate means a person above the age of five who dependent on non-agricultural means of livelihood, and can read as well as write. (c) a density of at least 1,000 persons per square mile . • Worker means a person gainfully employed in any City means a town or a town-group baving a economic activity and is actually working, supervising population of one lakh and above. or directing the work.

Notations WORKING POPULATION HAS BEEN DIVIDED INTO THE FOLLOWING IX CATEGORIES E-Electrified Category-I working as Cultivator, i.e., engaged in R-Connected by Road cultivation, including effective supervision and directioll of land owned or held. Rly-Connected by Railway

I Category-U working as Agricultural1abourer. i.e., Riv-River working in some one else's land for wages in cash or kind. L-Libraty Category-In working in Minin!!. Quarrying, Live­ Mp-Medical Practitioner stock, Forestry. Fishing, Hunting, Plantations, Orchards and allied activities • • Hos-Hospital Category-IV working at Household industry, i.e., an industry, not on the' scale of a registered factory, Mew-Maternity lind Child Welfare Centre conducted by the head of the household himself and/or mainly members of the household at home or within H-Higher Secondary School the village in rural areas and only at hom, in urban areas, Po-Post Office with or witbout hired labour. Category-V working in Manufacturing other than Occupied House means a ~tructure or part of a Household Industry, i.e., engaged in production, fabrica. building, used wholly or partly as human dwelling, and tion, processing, repairs or servicing of any kintl, pot llavin~ a separate mam elit, included in Household lndustrYr ly

Categoty-Vl working in ConatructioD, i.e., engaged been treated 8S Non-workers: in constructio_!l and maintenance of buildings, roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, telegraph and telephone lines, (i) a whole time student not doing any work, dams,, canals, tanks, tubewells, etc. (ii) a house worker not'cngagcd in allY remunera­ Category-VII working ill Trade and Commerce, i.e., tive work; epgaged in buying bnd selling, import and export, I banking, insurance, stocks, shares, etc. (iii) a dependent including infant Or child not attending school, old or disabled person not doing any work; Categor,-vm working in Transport, Storage and Communication, i.e., engaged in transport by man, liv) a retired person (not re-employed), rents, royalty animal, air,. water, road, rail, etc. in warehousing; or dividend receiver, not doing any work; Post and Telegraphs; Telephones; and Information and Broadcasting. (v) a beggar, vagrant or an independent woman of unspecified source of income; Category-IX working in 0 her Services, i.e. engaged in public, administrative, educational and SCientific, (vi) a convict in jail (not an under trial) Or inmate medical and health, religious, welfare, legal, business, of penal, mental or charitable institution; community, recreation, personal and other mis· cellaneous services, etc. (vii) a person in search of employment for the first time; and NOD-worker (C.tegory-X) means a person who is (viii) a person having worked before, but now out of not doing any productive work. The following have employment and seeking fresh employment.









SI. Name 01 Village Sl. No. in Sl. Name 01 village S1. No. In SI. NaUle 01 village No. Village No. Village No. Directory DirectOt'J 2 3 2 • I 2

Akoha 97 41 Baroli Rath 22'0 81 ChnUa 2 Akoui 234 42 Basariya 32 82 Churha 3 Alampura 175 43 Basela 210 83 Churwa 4 Alipura 216 44- Bankhar 23 84 Dadri 5 Alka Chawa 137 45 Behgaon 244 85 Danda

6 Amarpura 155 46 Behunta 143 86 Dando '1 Amgaond 125 47 Belgaou 148 87 Deokllari 8 Amoon 86 48 Benda Danda 17 IlS Deora 9 Anghora 246 49 Benda Darya 16 89 Dhagwan 10 Augith 195 50 Bhadarwara 217 90 Dhagwao

11 Athagaon 174 51 Bhainsaiu 72 91 Dh,l[nna 12 Atra 142 52 Bhakrauli 20 92 Dhauaura 13 Atroli 6 53 Bheri Danda 44 93 Dhtuaura 14 Atrol! Rath ~3 54 Bheri Darya 4~ 94 Dharaupur 15 Anndera 229 55 Bhlkampur 55 95 Dhauhal Buzurg

16 Auura Khera 100 56 Bigwan 169 96 Dhauhal Khurd ll1 Aunta 106 57 Bigwara Khnrd 87 97 Diha 18 Badanpura 249 58 Bihar 204 98 Dikhtaura 19 Bagipura 127 59 Bilgaon 58 99 Gahuli 20 Bajmai 112 60 Bilgaon 135 100 Galiha

21 Bakrai ~O6 61 Bilpur 51 101 Garhar 22 BallaoD 259 62 Bilrakh 212 102 Ghungsi 66 23 Bandawa 63 Bira 131 103 Ghurauli Bandholi 21 24 64 Birhat 11 104 Gir.lura Bangra 50 25 65 Birwahi ·132 105 Girwar Bangra 156 26 66 Bohra 120 106 Gohani Panwari 27 Banjni 126 67 Burhi 35 107 Gohand 78 Banpur 115 68 Chak Amarpura 152 \08 Gohni Rath 29 Bara 117 69 Chak 8ehgaon 242 109 Govindpura 30 Sara Khera 134 70 Chandaut Danda 9 110 Gugarwara Barauwa 81 165 71 Chandaut Darya 8 111 Gnrsara 32 8arda 241 72 Chandauli 253 112 Gulakwara 33 Barel 205 73 Chandawari Danda 149 liS Harduwa J4 Barenda Khalsa 1+ 74 Chandawari Darya 150 11-4 Harsl1ndi 35 Barenda Muafi 22 75 Chipki 232 115 Ha~anpur Sera BargJrh 36 146 76 Cheri Beni 59 116 Ikthaur 37 Bargawan 77 77 Chibauli 75 117 lkthaura Barbara sa 34 78 Chikasi 141 118 Inchaura 39 Bar Khera 60 79 Chilli 104 119 Indarpura to Baroli Kha,rka 145 80 Chriawal lOS 120 lnioi ... Vl!J,



SI. Naolu S1. No. in SI Narne of Village SI. No. in SI. Name 01 village SJ. Name o( Village village No. village No, village No Directory Direclory Directory

3 2 3 1 2 3

Kharela Khnrd 99 201 Neoli Bansa 31 )21 Islampnr 10 161 69 202 Niboli 48 122 ltalya lS9 162 Kharka Khera Silajit 18 203 Nohai 219 123 ltaliya IS'! 163 Khiriya 181 204 Pachkhura 78 .124 Itayal 110 164- Kopra 41 205 Pahad.Bir 237 125 Hora GauJ 128 165 166 Kotha 189 206 Pahari Garhi 226 126 Hora Rath 209 Kuchecha 190 207 Pahra 73 1%7 Jakheri 98 167 Kulahanda 196 203 Pandra 251 128 Jalalpur 38 1GB Ku1ahariya 235 209 Para 238 }29 Jamagawan 13B 169 Kumnariya 111 210 Pareha 57 130 Jamkhuri \36 110 131 Jamod Danda 2 Pathkhuri 91 I7l Kundar 2:'7 211 Jamar! Darya I 132 172 Kunwan Khera 93 2]2 Patbnauri • 2S8 172 133 Jamra 173 Kurra 213 213 Pawal 133 163 134 Jarakhar m Kusman 118 214 Puraini 46 135 Jariya 24 Qasba Khcra 245 173 Lin~a 166 215 Jariya 80 136 176 Lodhlpura 33 216 Hahank 162 131 Jhenna Bira 193 61 177 Ludh'lura 186 217 Hanarka U8 Jhermoh 74 21S Rajaman 64 178 Machahri 164 139 Jignt 147 236 17<) Magraul 68 219 Rakau~a 140 Jltkher1 Danda 5 220 'Ramgarh 183 180 Magrau\h 140 .141 Iltkhefl Darya 4 221 Rarkhllra 36 181 Maharajpur 52 142 Kachwa 8B Ratauh :I IB2 Mahjoli ISO 222 143 Kadipura 243 223 Rauro 256 183 Mahjo1i 248 144 Kadaura 28 22~ Rawatpura 157 184 Ma]hgawan 182 145 Kaimokhar 123 225 Rigwara Kalan 82 {~5 Malehta Danda 187 146 Knftba 227 226 Riruwa Buturg Danda 29 lR6 Malehla Darya 18B 147 Kaitbi 2:') Riruwa B"zurg Darya 30 187 Malohan Muaf 214 227 Kanera 43 Saidpur 215 14~ \SA Mamna 54 228 149 Karaundl 94 Saina 110 189 Mankahri 79 229 Kargawan 171, Sangrawall 150 190 Manyanpar 254 230 90 Karhi 92 231 Sarenda Moaf 102 i:'l \9\ Marna 107 152 Karpura 228 232 Sargaon 184 192 Masgawan 122 Karyan 81 153 193 Mawai 225 233 Sarila (T. A.) 84 Kateehd 63 154 194 Mohalllmad'ptlr 47 234 Sarsai 109 76 l!i5 Kesllrganj 195 Musahi l2l 235 Sikauda Kbarka .144 \ 233 156 Khadarro 196 Mmkera Khurd 202 236 Sikraudha Rath 200 157 Khalun 89< 197 Nadna 116 237 Sikroudha 37 15B Khandaut 40 19B Nadpura 180 238 Sirsa 129 177, 159 Khara Khari 199 Nahdaura 160 239 Siyawari 113 160 Khareta Buzurg 10$ 200 Nauranga 173 240 Sujgawan IS be:


RATH T AHSI L...... aOllCI!l,

81, Nallle of Village 81, No. in SL Name of Village SI. No. in Sl. Name 01 Villa~e SI. No. in No, Village No, Village No. Village Directory Directory Directory' ,

2 S 2 3 2 3

241 Suklahri 222 251 Tori 199 256 Ujneh 161 Tulsipnra 242 Tain 53 252 167 257 UlIlanniyan 178 243 Teonlana 124 253 Tungarw,ara 197 258 Umariya 85 254 Tunka 207 244 Tikariya 240 259 Uprahanka 70 Tuma 245 Tikri Parmal 49 255 71

246 Tikur 168 247 Tisoni 247 248 Tola Khangaran 191 249 To1a Rath 108 250 To1a Rawat 192


Ot:c:u. 8eriaI NadIO 01 VUlacc Number Area pied 80'" Total Population ScbcduIed Literate and No. (Notatloat f« ameaitJa) of In Reai- bolde Castel educated Hamtctl ac:nII dcDtIaI pMIODi DOnlel ...... f • F - _..,.-- iii F M Y M y

1 2 4 6 "7 8 9 10 11 12' .,

SARIL.~ BLOCK I Jalllori Darya 579 Un-lllhabited 2 Jamori Danda 2,225 93 122 598 320 278 61 67 48 3 Ratauli 601 Un-inbabited .. Jittheri Darya 203 Un-Inhabiltd 5 Jilkhetl Danda Mp, Po. 3,497 113 142 750 386 364 88 101 109 14

6 Atrnli R, Po. 1.701 159 160 775 413 362 126 130 62 I 7 Dbagwan R, Mp, 2 210 255 256 1.257 636 621 79 72 167 18 8 ChanC1aut Darya 576 Un·iuhabited 9 ChanJaut Danda R, Ri", alp, Po, 6266 10 428 537 2 714 1,450 1.264 230 2'32 274 1!1 Islampur Ri", 7 ,138 245 280 1,495 778 717 135 138 309 35 II Birhat Riv, 1 1 836 73 74 405 219 186 82 66 44 5 12 Harduwa Riv, 1,729 13 1 89 113 558 285 273 54 58 lib 5 Sujgawan Ri", 1 849 10 14- 77 35 42 8 12 4 14 Barenda Khalsa Riv. 15 1 798 55 74 357 194 163 47 41 18 lnehaura Hi", 1 2,557 123 126 696 388 308 58 45 111 6

16 Benda Darya 681 Un-inlnlbitcd 17 Benda D

26 Danda 1 249 Un-inh.lbited 27 Harsundi 2,510 198 198 1,018 521 497 98 115 60 2 2B Kadaura 1,911 29 61 61 409 208 201 67 65 18 Riruwa Euzur g Danda R!v. 917 99 105 576 331 245 76 112 132 18 30 Rlru'lVa BWlUrg Darya Riv, 595 Un-inhabllCd

31 Neoli Bansa lip, Po. 32 I 2,244 149 155 748 403 345 65 58 69 9 Basariya 1 1,845 65 65 439 24 S3 LocIbipnra 223 216 22 5 34 1 1,220 lSI 139 627 343 282 105 84- 92 15 Barhara 1 1,838 1,483 55 Burhi 246 292 769 714 1~8 144 148 10 1 1,227 6 6 14 9 5 2 l!6 Rarldlera 815 Un-inhabiled 37 Siktoudha 446 lln-inhablted :18 lalalpur R, Riv, lip, Po 251 194 225 1,088 559 529 158 165 159 45 ~ Dharaupur Un-inhabited 40 Khandaut 800 R, ~iv. 3 6,808 89 125 710 335 375 34 52 28 14 41 Kopra 1 3.732 291 1,455 4Z Ha6upur Sera 256 783 672 138 149 236 50 1 1,632 10 12 84 40 44 45 Kaner. Riv. 1 232 7 4. Hiler! Dauda 6 25 15 10 R, Rlv. 5 6,732 359 433 2,341 1,230 l,lIl 256 248 214 58 45 Bheri Dar,. B92 Ua-IDlnlbited


Otc:Oo Sorlal Name of Village Number Area pled Hou_ Total Population Scboduled Literate and Mo, (Notatloll8 for amoDitiea) of in RCSi· boldl Caltet educated Hamlets a~rOl dential pcrIOIII Houaoa ... - --- -p It F II , M Ii' 2 • 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

.6 Puraini Mp, Po, 2,964 402 H2 2,'59 J ,433 1,326 281 260 315 41 47 Mohammadpur 1,139 Un-inhabited 48 Niboli 782 Un-inhabiled 49 Tlkri Pannal 464- Un-inhabited 50 Bangra 2,285 147 180 885 454 431 116 120 82 5

51 Bl1pur 1 710 52 56 285 158 127 65 54 33 52 Maharajpur 1 701 15 17 102 61 41 31 24 2 53 Tain 1 836 49 53 215 120 95 10 7 28 54 Mamna R,Po, 2 4,238 310 405 2,046 1,056 990 429 429 189 25 55 llhikampar 656 UIl·inhablted

56 Oahuli 1 401 40 43 193 108 85 66 • 5\ 16 2- 57 Parcha 1 1,940 125 158 794 418 376 118 127 96 1 5~ Bilgaon R. Riv, Po, 6 6,927 540 540 2,867 1,452 1,415 403 431 388 31 59 'Cheri Beni R 1 1,159 44 48 261 142 119 36 32 33 2 66 Ba-r Khera 1 1,161 59 62 326 176 150 25 17 23

61 Dhaahal Buzurg 2 3,74-3 227 260 1,367 733 634 181 163 142 12 62 Deokhari 1 1,923 24 24 134 68 66 4 ... 63 Katechri Riv. 8 2,396 64- 73 470 235 235 45 52 18 1 64 Rajaman Rlv, 2 971 36 37 202 108 94 5 3 2 65 Dbauhal KhUfd 1 1,241 1 1 1 1 1

66 Eandawa I~lv, ~ p. 2,674 218 262 1,367 697 670 156 157 148 22 67 Raharln I

71 rurna 1,894 139 176 891 453 4:38 134 147 121 8 72 Bhain,ain Hiv. 1,830 229 280 1,355 672 683 185 207 218 26 73 Pahra 1,714 230 310 1,50+ 776 728 269 248 189 13 74 Jhermoh 937 Un-inhabited 73 Chibauli R 1,638 126 170 795 426 369 127 119 127 2

76 Kcsarganj R. ... 436 Un-inhabited 71 Bargawan 1 1,473 71 91 452 226 226 102 96 61 2 78 Pachkhura I 1,150 136 177 914 479 435 77 82 131 10 79 Mankahri 1 1,690 51 60 317 158 159 58 66 35 80 Jariya 1 630 28 33 117 61 56 58 45 8

81 Karyari R. 3,095 169 202 1,055 542 513 202 168 147 19 82 Rlgwara Kalav 1,596 55 63 313 158 155 31 35 37 83 Dando 2,128 60 76 392 200 192 35 28 52 1 84 Sarila (T.A.) Mp,Hos,Po. 6,819 834 889 4,197 2,192 2,005 690 688 758 159 10TAL OF SARILA BLOCK 87 161,417 9,562 11,146 56,676 29,528 27,1487,503 7,447 7,171 793 GOHAND BLOCK 85 Umariya P. 1 2,916 229 315 I,m 730 682 197 205 239 18 86 Amoord H. I 2,232 267 332 1,573 811 762 253 267 233 19 87 Bigwara Khurd 1 1,911 93 130 630 316 314 97 87 7l 10 88 Kachwa R 1 2,173 208 306 1,501 758 743 260 202 219 9 69 l{hajuri 1 1,007 2'1 38 168 97 91 10 6 iQ ~ DIRICl'ORY

WORDR8 NON. ~ WORKERS Total Wod:en ------!I-IX) u III IV V VI VI! Vlll IX x SerIal No.

ftr __

--, "PO 14'1411 14 , .. l' 14 l' M ., U ., 14 F II

.... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 52 33 35

826 495 532 333 47 1 19... 72 17 ".... 2 19 13 ... IS5 131 607 831 46 Un-inhabited 47 Un-inhabited 48 Un-inhabited 49 285 155 176 117 18 10 56 3 2.. 9 4 24 21 169 276 50

91 56 54 29 22 1 11 8 3 17 67 71 51 31 19 30 17 I 2 30 22 52 65 45 48 37 12 '" 4 2 1 I i 55 50 53 633 412 357 211 115 100 58 25 3 12 4 88 71 423 578 54 Un·inhabited 55

59 43 40 27 10 6 5 .. 2 3 8 49 42 56 284 187 228 160 20 2 1 36 24 134 189 57 907 629 554 394 94 97 33 2 31 6 129 196 545 786 58 90 33 60 32 8 20 1 1 52 86 59 98 49 67 47 8 12 2 9 2 78 101 60

413 259 337 191 51 '43 12 6 13 19 320 375 61 44 ~5 43 35 24 31 62 134 97 131 97 2 101 138 63 62 54 62 54 46 40 64 1 1 65

424 359 309 286 12 35 2 3 3 65 68 273 :m 66 Un-inhabit(.d 67 174 166 153 149 21 17 110 103 68 Un.inhablted 69 344 271 236 200 39 34 8 5 2 30 61 241 260 70

293 243 199 166 20 19 11 ...... 2 2 1 51 65 160 19:' 71 430 379 249 230 46 52 62 30 1 .. . 7 6 65 61 242 304 72 472 431 324 304 5 87 till... I 1 1 53 64 304 297 73 Un-inhabIted 74 234 179 162 116 18 17 I ...... 2 2 2 32 60 192 190 75

Un-inhabited 76 130 131 127 126 ... 1 2 5 96 !IS 77 287 218 243 205 14 3 2 2 23 12 192 217 78 95 55 74 46 ~ q 1 1 6 8 6~ 104 79 30 19 19 16 1 5 3 5 31 37 80

301 209 207 157 21 24 14 3 41 37 241 304 81 ~ ~ ~ n 1 1 19 22 67 60 82 121 85 86 69 5 15 (J ... 9 16 79 107 83 1,269 596 678 316 115 58 173 43 19 42 16 6 236 163 923 1,409 84

17,153 11,651 12,1798,315 1,207380 41 . 1,761 496 36 16 52 1 266 120 15 1 2,296 2,322 11,675 15,497 GOHAND BLOCK

452 431 293 300 43 1 62 12 7 3 47 115 27P 251 85 521 382 275 228 30 2 2 132 68 7 14 !I 61 81 290 380 85 201 76 128 42 24 16 30 2 17 18 115 238 87 452 338 247 187 46 B4 23 2 ... 6 4 67 124 306 405 88 5' 30 lI5 15 14 13 .., j .,. ." 3 ~ 42 6, &g VU"'G~ ~ATH TAH$IL

()ccG. Serial Name of VlDago N1UIIber Area pied HOlllle· Total PopalatlOli SchOdQlod LI~ollti'd No. (N olaticm for alllCDltl.. 1 ot iD Resi- bolds CastOI educated Hawer, I«eI _tial pClI'SOIIl HOII8eI ~--. .--... ~ ....- P II Ji' II , iii F 2 • • 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

!lQ sangrawan 974 2 2 7 4 3 3. 91 Pathkhuri 930 99 136 655 335 320 95 99 110 4. 92 Karhi 1,378 93 127 625 292 313 102 110 78 2 93 Kunwan Khera I,C04 I I 2 2 2 1 94 Karallndi 1,358 116 189 881 455 426 102 100 165 12

~5 Dhanaura Mp, Po. I 2,678 304 446 2,110 1,074 1,036 320 279 324 53 9S Dhanaura 1 864 41 43 204 109 95 28 28 39 15 ,~l 4-kona Mp. 1 2.989 388 486 2,2"" 1,146 1,°14 ~4 269 300 1.7 98 ~heri I 1,~6() 16~ 250 1,149 513 153 175 Us l~ 99 areta khurd 1 'I,OS9 25 33 1~ 82 5,1 '9 8 7

100 Aunra Khera 1,098 4 4. 19 II 8 2 3 101 Ingoi 1,214 Un-inbabited 102 Sarenda ;MLiaf Riv. I 1,650 49 64 325 116 149 37 34 211 103 Chirawal Riv. 1 1,038 17 21 144- 76 68 2 1. ~ 104 Chilli Mp, H,Po. 2 4,091 399 513 2,464 1,255 1,209 26Y 382 321 37

105 Khareta Bu~urg ~97 10 15 91 54 37 .. , s 106 Aunta Po. 2,845 331 495 2,492 lhi: t.i93 293 280 m 59 107 Marha 181 Un-In 'led 108 '1;ola Rath ~i I,~ 130 145 647 319 828 loti 102 11 109 Sareai 1 '2,516 110 240 1,245 628 .17 1°966 167 212 42

110 ,Itayal 1,028 64 80 422 215 ~01 12 79 68 6 III Kumbariya 697 fiG 101 542 288 ' 254 III 82 ~j 6. 112 B~imai ISS Un-inhabited 113 Siyawari 815 104 133 677 328 3.9 100 99 87 Id 114 Chulla 148 Un-inhabited

115 Banpur 996 129 172 802 402 400 156 166 99 1 116 Nadna 1,246 93 138 714 3)~ 3:>5 87 89 123 6 117 Hara 1,010 59 75 366 180 186 57 67 26 118 Kusmall 627 Un·inhabited 119 GQband R, Mp, Mew, Po. 3,392 649 800 3,898 2,0)5 1,813 509 490 72& 85

120 Bohra 129 Un.inbabiled 121 Musahi 1i08 Un-inhabited 122 Ma8gawan R 784 80 88 421 211 20~ 76 68 74 6 123 Kaimokhar 1,265 57 6~ 29'1 l!'ll 148 18 13 44 ~ 124 Teontanl M9 16 22 125 63 62 22 I

It5 Amjaon R, Po 2,302 210 215 1,104 558 5t6 231 240 131 12 126 Banjni 236 Un-jnhahited 127 Bagipura 86t 37 45 223 110 113 12 10 16 128 Itora Ganj 282 26 211 121 60 67 7 11 16 129 Sirsa 201 Un-Inhabited

130 Mabjoli 926 78 79 369 177 192 49 58 59 20 131 Bira R, Mp. 2,319 300 375 1,933 985 9U! 31U :m 263 19 132 Birwahi 603 Un-inhabited 1,327 t,90 637 1~3 Pawai R, 2,212 23B 280 216 210 199 13 I 4 Bara Kheril 1,01" I~O .20 56 .. 2B2 ~8~ ll~ 12~ Q6 ~ , ~ORKBRS NON. ______--______.~I--~------.------WORKERS Total Workers (I-1X) II 1If IV V VI VII VUJ rx x Serial No.

M F M , II , II .. II .. .. F F II F II F "'MY .. 14 15 If; 17 18 19 20 21 22 2! 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 52 " 34 35

2 1 1 1 I .. '" ... ." 2 2 90 217 158 142 106 B 38 24 2 5 5 22 23 118 162 91 178 205 130 153 ~ 22 7 6 _5 17 39 114 12B 92 ." 2 93 272 231 232 193 5 7 3 28 35 183 195 94

661 658 400 420 )6 2 135 99 9 8 100 128 413 378 95 64 3ij 36 15 9 7 1 1 11 23 45 56 96 _. 14 2 2 76 71 466 665 97 G80 429 383 281 97 57 89 21 '" 12 358 332 263 253 Jl 21 32 4- 1 48 57 215 244 98 49 27 38 20 1 6 4 6 33 46 99

5 5 5 5 6 3 100 ... Un.lihabited"· 101 99 59 79 48 3 .. 3 14 11 77 90 102 41 28 35 19 .. ' 1 1 5 8 35 40 103 7~1 438 446 261 65 1 1 \54 39 1 \02 1M 474 77l 104

36 24 23 13 1 ." 5 .. , 7 II 18 13 105 784 425 389 236 97 65 3 IB6 49 14- 27 4 68 70 515 76B 106 Un·inhabited 107 201 183 91 a6· 28 37 20 ...... 3 42 118 145 lOB 373 292 278 258 22 39 18 1 1 32 'I'16 255 325 109 ilS 107 90 85 6 1 3 3 12 2\ 100 100 110 155 132 104 86 6 7 25 25 '" .. ., 20 14 133 122 111 Un-inhabited 112 188 199 132 144 6 6 ., 12 10 ...... 38 39 140 150 113 Un-inbabiled 114

252 250 187 188 2 44 26 .. 19 36 150 150 115 228 206 185 164- 8 7 31 25 4 10 131 149 116 98 112 74 BO 5 7 ...... I 11 32 82 74 117 Un-inbablted 118 1.179 792 658 531 96 41 2 179 61 2... 18 3 49 13 8 167 143 876 1,051 119

Un-inhablted 120 Un..mbabited 121 128 122 87 94- 4 3 11 1 ". 25 23 89 82 122 87 40 51 29 :s 5 28 10 64 lOB 123 40 12 30 12 3 7 23 50 124

339 186 222 101 25 .,. 26 20 ...... 5 5 55 65 219 360 125 Un4nbabited 1'1.6 67 19 41 16 11 1 II,. .... U' IS 2 43 94 127 34 15 25 13 1 '8 '1. 26 52 128 129

104 97 70 74 7 9 ...... I .. , 17 23 73 95 130 596 502 '109 378 54 43 40 20 ...... " ••• 10 5 83 56 3B9 446 131 , Un-inhabited 132 394 383 215 221 41 5 76 55 1 2 7 2 45 107 296 254 133 166 169 112 112 12 ... 3 ... 30 28 .n ...... ,. .. , 9 29 116 113 134 ~L.Gt RATH TAHS,L

Octo- StrIaI Named vmage Number }.rea pied Hoose- Total Popalation Scheduled Literate and No. lNotatioas for amenities) of in Resi· bolds Castell educated Hamlets ilcres dential persons HODIIIlf ,--..... ~-.... --,"" ,...~ .... _ P M F U F U F ·1 2 g 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 ]3

IS5 Bilgaon 1.434 20 21 152 76 76 7 11 31 2 136 Jamkhuri R.L. 888 79 82 373 202 171 67 68 43 137 Alka Chawa 869 142 144 736 385 351 101 92 m 8 138 Jamagawan 85] Un-inhablkd 139 ltaliya Mp. 36BS 525 539 2,685 1,373 1,312 333 325 450 48

140 Mageanth Riv.L.Mp,Po. 5,188 127 127 680 339 341 129 133 152 27 141 Chikasi R,Riv.Mp. 3.936 150 180 832 454 378 124 115 79 6 142 Atra Mp. 2,525 162 185 868 446 422 122 108 129 26 143 Behnnta R. 2 154 195 286 1.339 6B2 657 136 143 190 4- 144 Sikauda Kharka 94-6 30 47 308 157 151 23 22 27 7

145 Baroli Khatka Po. I 3,444 168 255 1,168 602 566 178 166 152 7 146 Bargarh 1 520 38 53 295 136 159 31 41 62 9 147 Jigni Riv,Po. 1 9.864- 371 400 I 965 975 990 161 154 360 105 148 Belga!)D 1 930 23 30 159 90 69 17 13 14 149 Chandawari Danda Ri,.. 1 925 70 88 438 232 :le6 37 45 75 2

150 Chandawari Darya 357 Un-inh3bited 151 Ghurauli Riv. I l,371 36 40 213 W8 105 19 32 30 1 152 Chak Amaepura 1 134 86 105 488 258 230 52 45 108 14- 153 Garhat 1 605 26 26 242 128 114 15 III 3L1 154 ltaliya Po. 1 1,919 J 16 122 639 342 297 105 85 129 11

155 Amarpura 456 Ur.-inhabited 156 Bangra 1.459 155 164 879 453 426 60 73 139 B 157 Rawatpura 2,506 108 115 648 316 332 16l 154 66 13 158 Churha 1.204- 84 114 517 261 256 68 82 110 19 159 Dhagwan 1,379 134 157 845 439 406 143 135 202 30

160 Nahdaura 1 1.§91 189 234 1,020 498 522 6 II 151 9 161 Ujneb 1 469 17 21 119 61 58 14 16 21 1 162 Rabauk 1 2 570 264- 289 1,466 761 705 240 235 259 52 163 Jarakbar R.L,Mp,Po, 1 :3 811 503 503 2,436 1,242 1,194- 447 457 370 29 ISf Macbahri 1 777 50 65 324- 166 158 52 57 66 3

165 Barauwa 1,137 lIO 134- 711 381 330 140 136 88 10 166 Llnga 536 103 123 608 344 264 12 70 118 8 167 Tulsipura 172 Do-inhabIted 168 Tikur 249 11 16 83 43 40 15 10 15 1 169 Bigwan 1.067 45 48 228 116 112 52 49 22 2

170 Saina 718 93 108 545 265 280 106 120 68 14 171 Kargawan 1,152 96 102 532 297 235 62 58 78 4 172 Jamra 572 Un-inhabited TOTAL OF GOHAN D BLOCK '74 13.,080 9,852 11,079 59,213 30,350 23,863 8,211 8,115 9,046 993 RATH BLOCK

173 Nauranga Po. 3.959 298 420 2,164- 1,129 1,035 238 214 360 22 ,74 AlbagaoD 1,194- 231 237 2,218 617 601 223 218 176 11 • 175 Alampura 422 Un-inbabIted 176 Gursara ... 364 Uo-Inhahited 177 Kbara Kharl 1 1,319 95 liS 548 269 27:l 110 119 46 4 blktcto&Y


M F M F MF M F 14 F M FM F M F M F iii F M F 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20 21 22 2:i 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

47 47 35 41 4 7 1 5 29 29 135 125 51 84 11 1 8 17 12 1._ ... 2 20 20 77 120 136 233 200 149 144 23 1 19 3 I ...... 3 38 52 152 151 131 Un-inbabited 138 837 790 526 547 38 ••• 121 58 1 3 .., 12 II 135 172 536 522 139

203 134 127 116 12 34 11 10 20 6 136 207 140 275 199 190 133 25 3 2B 21 4 27 42 179 179 141 267 253 195 198 1 29 7 1 40 41 179 169 142 438 330 306 251 9 5 24 13 11 87 61 244 327 143 96 2 82 2 4 .. 1 5 61 149 144

350 315 295 267 35 47 16 2 252 251 145 82 6 63 5 6 3 10 1 54 153 146 539 216 295 79 13 83 33 2 2 23 10 119 94 436 774 147 65 13 53 12 1 3 8 1 25 56 148 150 49 114 27 1 10 24 21 82 157 149

Un-inhabited 150 61 25 40 14- 6 •.. 9 1 6 10 47 80 151 142 138 96 93 32 33 8 6 6 6 116 92 152 78 61 67 52 9 5 2 4: 50 53 153 213 110 lSI 53 15 13 9 5 7 40 39 119 187 154

Un-inhabited 153 297 34 216 9 7 2 33 3 1 '" 1 38 19 156 391 156 187 139 161 129 6 1 5 4 ... Jl 9 129 193 157 156 96 85 52 3 17 2 4 J 47 41 105 160 158 262 123 168 76 35 6 12 9 2 2 43 32 177 283 159

336 340 250 246 9 4: 14 11 8 5 55 74 162 182 160 35 32 31 28 ... 2 2 2 2 26 26 - 161 427 54 243 11 38 57 1 II 78 42 334 651 162 755 608 423 417 31 2· 110 23 2 10 19 5 2 158 161 437 586 163 99 72 54- 48 11 13 5 21 18 67 86 164

227 147 129 119 14 .. , 35 7 2 .. 7 40 21 154 183 165 206 152 140 108 45 22 j •• 14 3 ...... , 1 19 138 112 166 Un-inhabited 167 19 23 14 20 2 '2 3 _. 1 24 17 168 74 51 53 38 16 9 .. 4 42 61 169

149 148 97 114 24 6 .• , 7 3 21 25 116 132 170 169 119 135 103 B -4 1 9 ...... 1 15 12 128 116 171 Un-lnhabited 172 18,2i)1 13,211 11,788 9,0311,283 t38 66 52 2.2~7 86S 15 2 98 8 313 93 20 ••• 2,(61 Z,72l 12,089 15,652 RATR BLOCK 705 495 500 364 58 44 57 18 ...... 10 80 68 424 540 173 66 45 238 383 174 879 2Ul 2M [43 29 22 .". 42 6 I •• ,.. t 6 Un-inhabited m - 176 Un-inhabited 103 166 132 112 116 11 1 ... 17 1 .... •.. ""t 1 25 13 147 177 H-3 xviii


CccII' 'Sertal Nalbe of \'IU.&~ Number Area pied House- Total PQPu1atjoD Scheduled Literate aad No. (Notations foc aillenilies) of in Res;" bold, Caales educated Hamlets acrts dential persons IiOUIIC8 ,_ "", ___ . ,.. *" P M F !4 F !4 F 2 6 ., 8 9 10 11 12 13

178 Ulllannlyan 979 49 49 299 152 147 26 SO 13 I 179 Ghurwa 896 36 36 182 92 90 56 55 12 5 180 Nadpura 115 Un-inhabited 161 Rhlriya 1,673 57 60 287 150 137 59 6.5 3 ... 182 Majhlgawan Hos,Mp,Po. 3,740 322 437 2,061 1,068 993 241 194 460 143

IllS Ralll{:arh 2597 Un-inbabited 184 Sargaon 1 4351 1.52 182 1,003 535 468 151 136 91 4 185 lkthaura 1 1,407 19 20 85 42 43 12 14 10 I la6 Ludbaura Mp. 1 3,653 120 167 939 477 462 115 102 152 30 187 Malehla Danda 1 3,697 148 205 1,088 538 550 112 125 141 55

188 Malehta Darya 117 Un-inhabited 189 Kotha 860 46 49 287 149 138 50 55 21 2 190 Ku<:hecr a Riv. 2,663 32 32 192 101 91 35 42 18 2 191 TolaKhan garaa 4,344 202 221 1,123 552 571 203 225 128 5 192 Tola Rawat Po. 2,460 384 525 2 a?6 1 338 1,238 354 314 302 30

193 Jhllnna Bira Riv,Mp. 2 2,611 203 231 I 228 635 593 265 268 160 19 194- Gugarwara 1 861 24 25 132 71 61 5 3 21 195 Anglth 437 Un inbablted 196 Kulahanda Mp. 940 253 314 1 496 762 734 339 346 248 25 197 Tungarwara 591 Un.mhalnted I

198 (,irwar Hiv,Mp. 1.829 153 200 1,052 532 520 168 168 51 5 199 Tori 932 Un-inhabIted 200 Sikraudha Rath 886 54 63 362 178 }84 57 43 7 ... 201 Deora 552 66 84 442 244- 196 22 24 30 5 202 Muskera Khnrd 1:058 180 202 1.117 516 541 201 100 129 7

203 Ikthaur 1 317 81 98 4-87 251 236 71 65 91 5 204 Bihar 1 341 35 39 210 119 91 12 10 13 205 Harel 1 1,246 5U b5 404 216 188 4-9 43 12 206 Bakrai 1 1,086 86 155 610 337 273 105 95 223 4 201 Tunka R. 1 1,213 30 32 164 90 74 41 44 32 6

208 Gohani Panwari Niv. 2240 154- 203 1,052 528 524 139 138 47 3 209 Hora Ratb 748 189 252 1,213 636 577 180 170 182 12 210 Ba~da R,Mp,Po. 1,368 130 240 655 335 320 95 99 110 4 711 (iiraura 576 Un-mbablled 212 Bllrakb 1,04$ 211 265 1,193 644 549 193 172 199 26

213 Kurra 1 1,765 205 '230 1,106 543 563 197 IB5 156 21 214 Malohan Muaf 1 367 48 51 233 122 III 3 5 21 1 215 Saidpur R. 1 1,095 259 319 1.584 604 780 262 272 187 25 216 Ali Pura 154 Un.inhablted 217 Bhadarwara 262 Un·inhabited

218 Diha 262 Un-inhabited 219 Nohai R. 1 1,087 180 188 973 485 400 158 165 146 16 220 Baroli Rath Riv. 1 1,420 14 14 75 40 35 1 2Zl Galiba 1 834- 122 180 7B7 396 391 156 177 43 m ~uklahri 1 323 13 15 66 31 35 3 ... xix

WORKERS NON· WORKERS Total Workers ~------~------~ (I-IX) II ill IV v VI VlI Vill IX x SerIal No.

M F M F M F M F M F MF M F M F AI F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 240 25 26 ';[] 28 29 30 31 32 33 340 35

79 61 61 51 12 1 5 10 73 86 178 51 36 36 30 6 5 1 .,. .. 5 41 54 179 Un-inhabittd ]80 796760549 5 2 ...... 5 11 ?l 70 181 632 105 379 17 33 7 28 J '" ••• 2 II 6 173 79 436 888 182

l'n-inhabited 183 322 139 248 94 12 R 1 17 43 37 213 329 184 30 18 13 11 329 3 2 2 3 12 25 185 277 160 213 117 13 14 3 2 3 45 27 200 302 186 298 116 206 45 15 12 27 4 2 48 53 240 434 187

Un-inhabited 188 92 72 74 62 9 8 5 4 2 57 66 189 64 39 26 19 2 3 12 7 24 10 37 52 190 ~37 266 18K 168 11 6 72 41 1 ... 5 60 51 215 305 191 788 589 562 107 18 19 101 32 5 5 7 4 94 121 550 649 192

363 288 252 213 63 65 38 4 5 4 272 305 193 42 2 31 2 3 7 ...... 1 29 59 194 Un-inhabited 195 456 303 184 164 61 30 3 63 24 .,. 1 12 18 2 113 83 306 431 196 Un-mhabited 197

305 281 239 224 39 44 6 1 ....., 1 4 16 11 227 239 198 Un-inhabited 199 117 13 90 12 9 1. 5.. 4 3 6 61 171 200 124 94 98 71 I ... 25 23 120 104 201 353 319 252 220 15 8 2 2 63 89 223 222 202

IS2 145 120 I'll 4 3 _.. 13 2 :3 15 16 99 91 203 64 41 47 31 17 10 55 50 29~ 132 97 99 76 33 21 84- 91 20') 202 107 127 82 31 4 40 24 135 166 206 56 32 39 16 6 2 9 16 34 42 207

328 182 232 132 24 6 2 71 42 200 342 208 404 322 271 221 39 26 28 7 2 64 68 232 255 ~09 217 158 142 106 8 7 31 24 ...... 3 7 5 19 23 118 162 210 Un-inhabited 211 366 101 230 63 63 29 25 3 3 4 21 5 278 448 212

322 310 234 250 40 32 14 ...... 1 11 44 221 253 213 82 48 61 45 6 2 13 2 40 63 214 500 450 337 324 6 45 20 106 106 304 330 215 Un-inhabited 216 Un-lnhabil;:d 217

Un-inhabited 'lUI 278 277 194 199 2. '" 21 1 2 2 59 75 207 211 219 25 19 22 17 3 2 1:' 16 220 259 155 157 128 95 5 4 3 21 137 236 221 27 ~4 ~ 9 i 13 4 't, 1'1 Z .. " ~ .. ',. ... 7 m VILLAGE lATH TAHSIL

Occo- Serial Name of ViUagc Numbor Area pied Hoa. Total Population Sc:beduled l.iterate and No. (Notations fot amentiee) of in Rest- hold~ Caste. educaled Hamlets acres dential Ilcrsoru Holl8Cs ... - ...... -- ,...-..... _..... p .. Ii' .. F .. F 1 2 3 • 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 lZ 13

2~3 AlraH Ralll 391 32 33 156 88 68 4 3 27 2M Govindpura 386 Un-inhabited 225 Mawai Riy. 1 2,182 246 274 1,376 721 655 150 156 162 15 226 Pabari Garhi R,Mp. 1 1,404 160 178 893 456 137 159 169 92 8 227 Kaitha R,Riv 3 2,818 244- 316 1,545 792 753 290 240 J7J 6

228 Karpura Riv, 1,342 Un-inhabited 229 Aundera 2,219 276 329 1,703 885 81B 373 331 219 23 230 Dikhtaura 267 Un-Inhabited 231 Dballlna Mp. 1.575 342 430 1,995 • I,Q23 972 248 280 286 26 232 Cblpki 205 Un·mhabited

239 Khadarro ... 149 Un.inhabited 2341 Atoni 384 Un-inhabited 23S KuJabariya 416 Un-inhabited 236 Rakaura 395 Un-in hab ittd ~~7 Pahari Bir Mp. 561 80 80 430 221 209 93 79 28 2

23s !'ara Rtv,Mp. 1 1,077 78 78 60B 306 302 149 122 69 I 289 Dadri niv. 1 1,212 78 82 461 226 235 75 85 47 2 240 Tikariya Mp. 1 630 133 175 874 438 436 174 205 137 6 241 Barda 1 540 102 121 604 307 ~97 79 74 78 1 242 Chak Behgaon 67 Un·inhabited

243 Kadipura Riv. 618 Un-inhabited 244 Bebgaon Iiiv. 2,680 300 300 1,510 714 196 265 313 145 12 245 Qasba Khera Riv. 744 97 98 597 299' 298 38 41 36 2 246 Angbora Riv,MIl.Po. 2,445 192 219 1.034 527 507 154 140 131 15 '247 Tisoni 882 57 57 243 129 ll'4 10 12 11

2"8 MabjoH 191 On-inhabited 249 Badanpura 2 889 56 63 308 160 148 44 58 20 ~50 Gobni Hath Riv. 1 2,141 13:\ 135 746 389 357 216 210 33 3 251 J'andra Hiv. I 1,154 60 65 355 185 170' 68 57 11 252 Ghungsi Hiv. 1 964 1 1 5 3 2

253 Chandauli 2,934- 235 265 1,113 542 571 199 226 166 15 254 Manyanpar Riv. 419 Un.inllablted 255 Raithi 1,361 12i 153 750 400 350 LIS 118 77 10 256 Rauro Riv. 2,698 96 122 567 286 281 98 101 59 1 257 Kundar Riv. 3,442 247 250 1,339 669 670 117 186 107 3

258 Pathnauri Riv. 1.555 108 108 532 272 260 45 55 38 5 259 Ballaon Riv. 2,056 109 142 699 35l 347 104 97 91 2

TOTAL OF RATH BLOCK 67 114.649 8,516 10,292 51,136 26,174 24,962 8,030 8,006 6,286 657

TOr AL OF BATH TAHSIL 228 407,146 27,930 33,51711;7,025 86,052 80,97323,74423,56822,5032,443

The rural area of Tahsil Rath given in Table A·I is 650·3 sq, miles i.e., 416,192 acres. The villlage-wise areas in the Directory are as reported by the Tahsildar, while the rural area of the Tahsil in Table A-I ha$ been derived by deducting the sum of urbilu ~feas frolll the total revised area figures of the Tahsil furnished by the Board of He venue, U. P. ,______WORKERS - -~ WORKERSNON- Total Wonen (I-IX) n w IV V VI VB vm IX Sortal No.

II 11' II 11' }of 11' II F M F II 11' II F II 11' M 11' Y 11' F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2S 24 25 26 27 2B 29 SO 11 52 55 55

S8 33 22 21 5 ••. •.• ••• I ... 10 11 50 35 223 Un-Inbabited 224 432 225 305 167 56 9 ... 36 6 ." ...... 2 1 33 42 289 430 225 255 229 174 167 ... 21 2 ...... 2 1 58 59 201 208 226 463 431 349 341 6 3 S7 7 ...... 2 69 80 329 322 227

Un-Inhabited 228 482435276294 73... 54 4 1 ... 3 .. 71 135 409 983 229 Un-Inhabited 290 600 217 288 117 95 9 1... 92 20 ...... II 16 ...... 105 68 423 755 231 Un-inhabited 232

Un-inhabited 23S Un-inhabited 2S4 Un-inhabited 235 Un-inhabited 236 131 132 94 102 3 19 21 30 90 77 237

rl86 22 89 8 98 12 15 5 38 2 120 280 298 137 122 !l3 90 8 8 _. 16 4 ...... 20 20 89 119 239 249 273 166 1M 23 21 11 4 85 74 189 163 240 205 165 120 96 25 IB ... 36 10 ••• 1 23 41 102 182 241 Un-inhabited 2+2

Un-lnhabited 243 451 266 240 143 18 117 42 1 5 70 78 263 530 244 157 83 83 52 36 2B 1 ". 31 3 6 ...... 142 215 245 337 303 243 240 24 6 10 I 19 4 ••• _.. .•• .._ 2 1 38 51 190 204 246 11 10 ...... 2 87 92 74 79 64 '" 40 247 Un-inhabited 248 105 78 93 66 ..... 12 12 55 70 249 239 235 179 172 59 63 1 ISO 122 250 124 91 89 69 32 22 .. , ... s 61 79 251 1 1 1 I 2 I 252

S60 218 220 132 99 8 1 ... 45 11 ... 2 53 67 182 3~8 253 • Un-inhabited 254 280 232 221 177 29 14 ...... 10 5 19 36 120 118 255 178 150 165 136 1 •• , 'u 1 ...... II 14 1U8 131 256 417 280 272 193 34 17 56 20 8 47 47 252 390 257

165 145 140 124 16 21 7 2 107 115 258 222 187 !58 158 22 28 1 ... 37 ... 3 130 160 259 15,776 10,89210.538 7.733 1,.0363HZ 31,429 383 3 2 38 6 160 'I' 10 ... 2,1532,OIIt 10,398 14,070

. 51.890 35,75434,425 25,0793,8931,.50 I~ 55 ',4811,1« 5. 20 1" 1$ 139 Zf~ ~ 16,11107,128 '.,162 45,219 VILLAGE RATH TAHSIL

Qc:cll' Total Population Scheduled Literate and SerIal Ward/Illoballa -Area In pled House· Resi· bolds Callies educated No. Enameratot'l B10ct Sq. llli1es/ Sq. Jun. dential persons Hotl8el . .... _..._ r--" f - P III F M F M F

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 RATH WARD No.1 PATHANPURA 1 I 162 361 1,865 971 B'l4 365 344 392 113 2 2 332 278 1,550 802 740 log 178 298 9~

TOTAL 610 639 3,415 1,773 I,R2 55. 522 690 215

WARD No.2 SIKANOERPURA S I 181 198 1,019 520 499 237 249 141 23 .. 2 173 179 893 445 448 185 191 194 97 5 3 67 '67 290 145 145 2~

TOTAL 421 444 2,202 1,110 1.092 422 440 360 120

WARD No. S DIW ANPURA 6 I 162 178 902 418 424 92 78 94 18 7 2 332 367 2,015 999 1,016 ~47 250 276 97

TOTAL 49. 5f5 2,911 1.4'17 1,440 339 328 370 115

WARD No .... MIYANPURA 8 1 235 238 1,136 641 495 111 94 395 IIIl. 9 2 198 205 1,251 846 4011 240 159 551 67 10 3 124 134 757 S92 365 76 IS

TOTAL 551 577 3.1" 1,879 1,265 351 253 1,022 170

WARD No 5 KHUSHIPU~A II I 197 222 J .253 64(J filS 11 73 248 92 12 2 117 127 716 383 333 22 250 115 13 3 177 188 1,021 551 470 67 59 293 134

TOTAL 491 537 2,990 1,574 1,416 166 132 791 ,3n

WARD No.6 PATNAOO 1(. I 227 269 1,3911 712 687 22 24 437 2211 15 2. 262 171 1,352 M6 656 257 248 246 68

TOTAL 489 54O 2,751 1,408 1,343 279 272 683 296

TOTAL OF RATH M. B. 0·93/2'41 3,062 3,282 17,419 9,22l 8,1982,111 1,9473,9161.257

"WarOJMoballafEuumerator's .\Jloc;kwisc area figuree not available OlU

WORKERS NoN. WORKERS Total Workers (I-IX) u IU IV v VI VD vm IX x SerIal No,


M F 1( F M F If F If F M F If .. M 1 II F M , M F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 81 82 !IS !14 M. B.

487 32 97 2 10 7.. 58 2 37 2 28 96 !I 81 73 22 484 862 1 317 29 43 4... 1 28 15 6 101 5 19 ." 160 24 425 719 2

864 61 140 2 14... 8... 86 2 52 2 3t 1 197 8 110 233 46 900 1,581

272 105 60 20 5 ... 8 1I1 11 19 24 58 12 93 36 248 394 3 224 60 18 3 .-- .... I 11 5 4... 1 ... 26 7 156 52 221 388 4 21 5 4 3 2 I 1 13 2 124 140 5

517 170 82 6 20 6 215361120 51 58 19 262 90 593 922

256 70 112 20 ... 32 11 7... 1 15 49 11 47 21 222 354 6 539 47 104 4 53 1 14 47 !I 42 1 21... 94 9 10 152 29 460 969 7

795 117 216 4 75 46 ... 58 349122 109 58 21 .. , 199 50 682 1,323

281 78 33 2 7 .. _ 6 9 25 36 3 !lO 18 29 68 32 360 417 8 268 78 39 17 10 I 1 22 7 12 4 12 14 15 153 39 578 327 9 180 27 :H 12 2 4 1 51 3 6 16 S lID 40 7 212 338 10

729 183 103 31 17 1 9 353399313 118 35 7' 2 261 78 1,150 1,082

298 30 26 1 2 2 47 4 34 2 62 4 34 91 18 342 583 11 174 18 19 2 14 2 .23 2 64 3 .. 48 11 209 1I15 12 2~7 8 III 2 ...... ' .'. 29 3 61 3 104 1 18 61 4 254 462 IS

76956583412 90911825 230 8 56 206 33 805 1,360

356 84441 2 6 40 6 128 I 19 110 2 356 679 14 361 34 103 2 15 17 2 14 7 " ... 25 43 3 27 110 26 335 622 15

717 42 147 6 16 19 2 20 2 47 31 In 4 (6 220 28 691 1,301

4,391 (;29 746 52 146 3 90 2 310 54 .01 19 U5 1 876 171 316 21,381 325 4,830 7,569


. .r· ....,._~ · L ..I ! .J

Q .< ."J Q ,., ...../ z ~. c .'\.,) " ,,,,1 .... (_ CJ .~ ...~ en o-

IeImOM Of! THE TAttI'..... 'tIllCT

I i;.. : ( ".,.,. " .". . f .1 ~ , :' ". \ ~~ .'.. .. I "i • • .. r;.' ~'Y ., .~." • 'f r ,...... ~ "~ ,; .J ..... "'-;,'" ", ~ ...... '\ ,,/ .""" V:JJ.s .It "'""""~ (,..,. ....,.. ... ~ HAMIRPUR TAHSIL

H-4 , ldtvi



51, Name 01 Village 81. No. in Name of Village SJ.No.jn SI. Name of Village 51. No. in SI. Village No. village No. ViUa!!e No, Directory Directory Dire.ctory

2 !l 2 3 1 2 3

51 Abdullahpur 44 41 Bidokhar Thok Medni 163 81 Jamrahi Upar 59 2 Amirla 138 42 Bidokhar Thokpura 164 82 Jhalokbar 193 S Arazi Dhanpura 93 43 Bilanhdi 131 83 Kaithi 4 Arazi Khandehi Jar 92 44: Bilota 38 84 Kakrau 24 107 5 Arad Mutnazia Padhri 174 45 !:lir Khara 178 83 Kalauli Gar

6 Arazi Sagar 90 46 Chakatuhi 19 86 Kalauli Tic Danda 123 7 Arazi Sani Dhanpura 94 47 Chak JamTahi Teet 52 87 Kalauli Tir Darya 124 B Atraiya 183 48 ChandauJ(hi 140 88 Kalla 96 !)7 9 Atrar 110 49 Chandauli Jar 113 89 Kandallr Danda 10 Babina 117 50 CMndauli Teer 139 90 Kandaur Darya 58

11 Bacbrauli 41 51 Chandpurwa Buzurg 172 91 Kanjauli 145 12 Badanpur 76 52 Cbandpulwa Khurd 163 92 Kanota Danda 74 13 Badanpur 180 53 Chandupur Danda 68 93 Kanota Darya 75 14 Bahrauli Danda 99 54 Chandupur Darya 69 94 Kariyapur 25 IS Bahrauli Darya 100 55 Chhani Buzurg 91 95 Khandehi Jar 97

16 BaiJe Islampur 35 56 Chhani Khurd 89 96 Kharebta 26 17 Bamanpur 13 57 Damar 17 91 Kharonj 20 18 }-landa 11+ 58 Varyapur 129 98 Kjratpur 120 19 Bank 168 59 Deogaon 186 99 Korara 21 20 Banki IlJ7 60 Deviganj 34 100 KQtupllr 45

21 Baragaon 154 61 Dhanpura 95 101 Kllchhechha Danda 13+ 22 Bardaha SahJana Danda I'll' , 62 Dhundpur 185 102 Kuchhechha Darya 135 23 Bardaha l)ahjana Darya 122 .63 Gahtauh 187 103 Kumhaupur 98 23 Barwa 11 64 Gauri 182 104 Kundaura 130 25 Barwa 160 6) Gimuhan Danda 72 105 Kunwan Khera III

26 Bendrapuri 30 66 Gimuhan Darya 73 106 Kusauli 16 27 Beri 28 67 Gujraura 27 107 Kusmara 65 28 Bhainsa Pali 15 68 Gulabganj 31 108 Kutubpur 12 29 Bbakaul 128 69 HarauJipur 3 109 Lahra 23 30 Bha.Jllora l!i5 70 Hclapur Danda 125 110 Lalpura 104

31 Bhatpura Danda 53 71 Hclapur Darva 126 III Magrcri 36 32 Bhatpura Darya 54 72 lndrapuri 32 112 Mahmoodpur 127 lngotha 113 Mamrejpur Danda 33 Bhauli Danda +7 73 169 85 114 Mamrezpur Darya S4 Shaull Darya 48 7+ lsauli 191 86 7:; Manjhoopur Danda 35 Bbaunra Danda 161 llra 171 m 77 116 Manjhoopur Darya 36 Bhaunra Darya 162 76 Jakhela 33 78 77 117 Manki Kalan 117 Bhawomlyan 176 Jalala 188 2 Manki Khurd 38 Bhilawan Oanda 83 78 Jalla 55 118 1 119 Mauhar 192 39 Bhilawan Oarya M 19 Jamrahi Tirdanda 49 120 Mawai Jar 40 Bhilri 37 80 Jamrahl Tlrdarya 50 112 DYIl lLPIL\BB1'lCAL LIST or mUGU


81, Name of Vll1a~ SI, No, in SI. Name of Village SI. No, In SJ. Name o( Village SI. No. In .",,0. Village No. Village N~ VlUJ.!:. Directory Directory Directcry

2 5

121 Mazra Kundora Danda 132 146 Para Raipnra 175 171 Sheikhnpur 43 122 MazTa Kundora Darya 133 147 Parsani ~8 172 Sikri 106 123 Meerapllr Danda 81 148 Palara Danda 60 173 Sikrorhi Danda 66 124 Meerapur Darya 82 149 Patara Darya 61 174 Sikrorhi Darya 67 125 MihUIJa 181 150 Pateora Danda J56 175 Simnauri 153

126 Misripur 5 151 Pateora Daryl 157 176 Simfa 7 127 Mora Kandar 87 152 Patiya 46 177 llindra Danda IU 128 Mundera 184 153 Pauthia Buzurg 103 178 Sindra Darya 142 129 Nachaut 64 154 Pauthia Rourd 119 179 Sumerpur (T. A ) 170 130 Nadehra 116 I:;:; Haghwa 40 ISO Sur.tjpur Dand L 136

131 Naithi Danda 62 156 "Ragaura liS 181 Surajpur Darya 131 132 Naithi Darya 63 1!i7 Hameri Danda 79 182 Surauii Buzurg Danda 158 133 Narainpur 147 158 Hameri Darya 80 1113 Surauli Buzurg Darya 159 134 Narsara 42 159 Raniganj 29 184 Surauli Khurd Danua 151 135 Nazarpllr 148 160 I,igna 146 185 Surauli KI.urd Darya 152

136 Nirni 6 161 Rithari 22 186 Swasa Buzurg 109 137 Pach Khllra 10 162 Rilhora Danda 70 187 Swasa Khurd J08 138 Pachkhura Buzurg 189 163 Rilhora Darya 71 ISB Terha 190 IS9 Pachkhura Khurd 177 164 Sahurapur Danda 101 189 Tikona Har 18 140 Padhauli 179 165 Sahurdpur Darya 1(J2 190 likrauli ISO

141 Palra 16(' 166 Sarsai 14 191 Todarpur 8 142 l·andhri 173 167 Saukhar 149 192 Ulncri 105 • 143 Para 56 168 SC:ori 9 193 U,nrilhal 4 144 Paraojhi Danda 143 J6l1 Shadipur 115 145 Paraojhi Darya 144 _l7Q SI\;llIl!.erpur 3') VJLUGI HAMlRPUR TAHSIL

Dee .. Serial Namo of Village Number Area pied Hoollllo Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (NotatiOllll for alllOnitioB) of in Real- bolde Castel educated Hamlets acrol deotill pertOlIII 800l0I ,.._._... .., FA -+ .... '1 ,-- P II F II , M F 2 .. !i 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS KORARA BLOCK 1 Manki Khurd R. 1 1,092 93 100 474 255 219 80 68 42 .. 2 Manki Kalan R. I 1,117 59 67 407 220 t87 61 46 12 3 Haraulipur :R. 2 715 39 41 275 166 109 6 3 29 2 4 Umrahat R. 1 1,944 79 85 49R 271 227 24 19 48 6 5 Misripur R,Mp,Po. 2 2,909 147 198 1,102 563 539 182 183 184- 57

6 Nirni 1 771 8 8 26 16 10 2 7 Simra 1 554 41 44- 219 109 110 ... 8 Todarpur 1 1,066 80 94 453 222 231 67 11 45 11 9 Seori 2 1,484 177 239 1,098 604 494 240 213 131 15 10 Pachkhura 2 392 42 5t 327 171 156 14 20 27 2

11 Barwa Riv. 3 1,257 78 86 526 282 244 M 42 67 7 12 Kutubpur 5 1,620 105 132 749 384 365 91 92 57 1 13 Bamanpur 1 476 12 14 57 32 25 8 12 -I 14 8ars3i R. 1 1,202 53 86 44-2 235 207 58 56 SO 7 15 Bhainsa Pali 2 1,477 106 126 602 307 295 79 83 44 8

16 Kusanli 1,015 38 50 209 lOS 106 42 45 19 17 Damar R. 3,548 120 176 899 490 409 108 69 145 13 18 Tikona Har 545 Un-Illhabited 19 Chakauthi 1,011 99 108 536 280 256 104 101 60 8 20 Kharonj 1,658 101 159 849 442 401 129 126 64 12

21 Korara R,Mcw,Po. 5 7,25B 670 906 4,151 2,171 1,980 827 804 64<1 199 22 Rithari 1 1,329 91 134 650 334 316 115 117 92 20 23 Lahra I 1,310 107 126 611 316 295 82 76 75 9 24 Kakrau Mp. 1 922 127 J72 1194 468 426 179 166 100 4 25 Kariyapur 1,293 21 35 204- 110 94 20 24- 27 2

26 Kharehta 1 395 20 32 174 86 88 29 37 21 \ 27 Gujraura 1 1,627 50 52 249 128 121 32 29 51 14 28 Berl Riv,Mp,Hos,Po. 2 3,394 421 625 2,955 1,518 1,437 420 4'$1 414 9'1 29 Raniganj 2,158 Un-inhabited SO Eendrapuri 2 1,564 17 21 149 92 57 22 14 3

31 Gulabganj 1 802 10 22 99 47 52 14 25 16 32 Indrapuri 1 I,.HL 20 25 176 96 80 7 33 Jakhela 1 1,593 111 141 665 334 331 130 164 110 23 34 Deviganj I 1,115 40 62 297 159 138 27 21 28 35 Eaije Islampar 1 1,571 21 31 183 99 84 9 7 20

36 Magreri 864 Un-inhabited 31 Bhitn 522 5 6 33 16 17 13 10 38 Bilota Riv,Po. 4 1,427 100 173 929 499 390 88 67 87 13 39 Shankerpur 2 555 40 4'1 222 126 96 49 41 ~3 40 Raghwa I 1,235 41 48 278 142 136 46 36 It

41 Bachrauli Riv. 2 3,782 150 292 1,750 898 852 201 211 159 5 42 Narsara 55 Un-inhabited 43 Sheikhupur Po. 2,069 106 179 1,006 523 483 110 111 196 38 44 Abdullahpur 239 11 n-inhabi ted ~ Kotupur 398 21 2~ 122 65 57 7 3 DIIlICTORY RURAL

wORKERS NON. WORKERS Total Worters ~------(I-IX) II 1Il IV V VI VlI VIU lX x Serial No.

M Ii' M Ii' M F :M F M Ii' M F M Ii' III Ii' M Ii' M , M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 54 !IS KORARA BI,OCK

160 53 III 51 16 5 o. 26 I 9!i 166 I 135 II 95 9 37 3 2 85 176 2 101 4 88 2 11 2 2 65 105 3 172 34 156 33 11 I I . :19 193 4 36:; 103 241 54 98 411 9 8 9 198 436 5

12 1 5 7 1 4- 9 6 69 1 42 27 I 40 10'l 7 5 82 140 8 99 4 33 4 " 3 223 8 386 73 253 9 18 2 4 53 33 11 7 3 37 24 218 421 9 104 67 119 59 11 5 1 3 3 67 89 10

180 12 156 4 10 3 4 2 8 4 102 232 11 165 8 121 5 36 2 1 3 3 1 219 357 12 17 4 14 2 3 2 IS '1 13 147 94 105 63 20 28 9 3 88 113 14 143 13 124 12 17 1 2 164 282 15

66 34 47 20 16 13 1 ... 2 37 72 16 238 19 128 12 4{) 2 2 3 64 5 252 390 17 Un-inhabited IS 157 129 69 1 77 128 .,. 9 2 123 127 19 240 17 166 3 18 •.. 20 2 33 14 202 390 20

1.271 283 526 36 279 146 17 88 9 73 3 21 4 108 18 11 14B 66 900 1,697 21 214 116 100 10 107 104 I 113 2 I 120 200 22 184 49 124- 7 52 40 2. 3 3 132 216 2~ 278 19 202 16 38 8 4 26 3 190 401 24 64 55 37 2 27 53 46 ~9 25

52 49 4B 46 2. 2 1 34 3\1 26 80 51 76 49 4 1 ... 1 ... 48 70 27 865 79 549 28 109 1 16 29 20 10 I 25 1 :! 114 29 653 1,358 28 Un-inhabited 29 74 46 66 42 8 4 IS 11 SO

29 30 26 28 2 2 .. , 18 22 31 71 52 71 52 25 28 "2 201 126 116 8 37 84 [) 2 q 30 133 205 33 113 95 110 94 2 1 1 46 43 34 72 56 68 53 3 3 1 2.7 28 35

Un-inhabited 36 8 12 6 B 2. 4 '" ... 8 37 323 205 275 177 34 28 4 2 2 4 2 176 38 66 60 60 49 5 5 I 6 .. 60 39 94 78 73 56 10 12 8 10 2. ... 48 40

556 286 381 24- 9 4- 65 2 29 62 3 11 I 5 2 61 182 34-2 566 41 Un-inhabited 42 290 103 224 4 10 55 2 16 6 31 41 233 380 43 Un-inhabited 44 ~4 6 34 6 ... 31 51 45 VlLUOI tfAMJRPUft TAHSIL

Occu. Serial Nallle of VUlagt Namber Area pied Rouse- Total PopaJatiOD SchOdllled Literate and No. (NotatJ0Il8 (or iIlIIenitlc~1 at in Resj. holda Castel educated Hamlct. 1k;t'e1 dentialHo _ ... pcnoo. _ _ rs--" ,.._...__., p M lI' II F II F 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 JS

45 Patiya 417 20 22 102 55 47 4- 2 47 Bhauli Danda RiY,Mp,Po. 1,645 189 295 1,716 978 79B 157 129 379 44 48 Hhauli Darya 516 Un-inhabited 49 Jamrahi Tirdanda Riv. 262 20 33 174 77 97 2 3 12 50 Jamrahi 1 irdar}3 690 Un-inhabited

51 Jamrahi Upar 706 50 83 450 214 236 34 27 83 6 5l Cbak Jamrahi Teer 52 Un-inh,lhited 53 Phatpura Danda 936 90 162 875 458 417 21 30 73 8 54 Bhalpllra Darya kiv, 246 Un-inhabited 55 Jalla 1,079 61 99 448 231 217 53 47 46 3

56 Para Riv. 2 3.219 177 242 1,299 688 611 282 265 113 6 57 Kandanr Danda Riv,Po, 1 2,807 116 201 1,062 555 507 142 139 125 28 58 Randaur Darya 485 Un-inhahited 59 Jh llokhar R,Pu. 1 1,864 302 440 2,039 1,074 965 322 329 333 80 60 Palara Danda Riv,PD. S 8,4# 358 555 2,815 1,537 J,278 347 335 345 58

61 PataTa Darya 597 Un-inhabited : 62 Naitbi Danda Riv. 600 31 46 274 147 127 47 32 30 63 Naitbi Darya 26'1 Un-Inhabited 64 Nachaut fiI4 Un-inhabited 65 Kusmara Po. 3,168 166 290 1,589 828 , 761 272 278 230 14

66 Sikrorhi Dand;l 3 3,518 200 320 1,569 ' 808 761 157 143 125 14 67 Sikrorhi Darya Riv. 437 Un-inhabited 68 Chandupur Danda tRiv. 6 1,362 60, 96 536 283 253 34 69 Chaudupur Darya 365 Un-inbabjfj d '" 70 ::IithQra Danda Riv. 55" ~O 68 36t! lB7 ISl 45 46 40 5

71 Rith{ ra I arya 122 Un-inhabited 72 nimuhan Danda Riv. 721 50 8) ~26 290 236 56 42 62 3 73 Gimullan Darya Ri,. 160 Un-inhabited 74 KanQta Danda 2 1,743 70 110 610 :321 2B9 7(} 65 49 9 15 Kan{ ta Darya 273 Un-inhabited

*;6 HailalJrur R,Riv. I 893 II 15 150 III 69 6 '*77 ManjlJoopur Danda Riv. 3 1,089 30 41 -239 13~ 104 11 ·,8 ManjhoopUl Dana lib Un-inhabi'ed "'9 Hameri DJnda 9 1,4n 70 120 569 296 273 54 42 33 eo Rameri Var~a 957 Un-inhabited

*81 Meerapur Danda 2 916 101 181 931 49] 438 77 70 119 II 82 Mcerapur Darya 634 Un-inhabited *83 Bhllawan Danda Ii 251 30 50 238 1'J.4 114 19 5 Il4 Bhilawan llarya 9-1- Ill! inhabited TOTAL GF KORARA BLOCK 117 110.092 5,914 3, '65 44,184 23,239 20,9*55 8q9 5,662 5.112 887 SUMERPVR EL' CK

85 Mamrezpur Danda 748 10 16 100 50 50 8 8 86 Mamrezpur D;lrya 60 Un-inhabited 87 ~,ora Kandar 637 m 145 74.1 401 142 :'2 56 29 3 fiB Pars ani 1,339 56 62 368 202 Inf, 55 44 46 2$ 89 Chhani Khurd RMp. 2,564 363 403 1,936 988 946 276 279 200 ~Il *fartiy included in the towil ijamjrp1U' M, 5. WORKERS NON. WORKERS Total Worken ~------~------.------(l-IXj u !II IV v VI VII VIII IX serial No.

--F U F M (ty~' M P' iii F M F M F M F M F M 1" \4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2~ 26 27 28 29 SO 31 32 33 34 35

29 25 2 I .... " ••••••• fl. 1 26 47 46 638 65 394 10 72 22 3 2 III Z 733 .•. 22 4 25 22 340 733 47 Un-inhabited 46 48 7 41 3 7 4 ... . , .. 29 90 49 Un-inhabited 50

130 5 119 2 4 2 5 1 ...... 84 231 51 Un-inhabltld 52 283 214 193 102 82 lI2 ...... 3 175 203 53 Un-inhabited 54 149 34 lIB 8 22 26 5 :3 82 183 55

43" 8 306 I 69 II 3 '" ." ... 3 45 7 253 603 56 352 125 213 7 112109 17 5 ... .~...... 2 2 7 '2 203 382 57 Dn-inhabited 58 614 "l03 483 197 92 6CJ 66 22 3 I 13 1 20 5 17 8 440 662 59 958 255 618 189 187 43 34 6 ) ...... 31 I SO 21 .179 1,023 60

Un-inhabited 61 75 3 71 2 2 72 124 62 ij~-i~habii~d ... 63 Un·inhabited 64 501 IB9 378 14+ 59 33 9 .. ' 32 2 3 4- 3 ... 3 2 20 4 321 572 65

488 310 369 152 76 144- 7 3 ...... 28 14 320 451 66 Un-inhabited 67 171 8 155 6 12 1 3 2 112 245 ~8 Un-inhabIted 69 110 62 63 4Z 12 3 l8 6 1 I 7 7 4 .2 77 119 70

Un-inhabited 71 163 46 148 43 11 ••••• , 1 .... !I 2 127 190 72 Un-inhabited 73 198 9:1 146 60 12 10 2 21 1 3 ... 2 II 3 123 194 74 Un-inhabited 75

41 1 39 1 ... 40 68 76 71 4 47 17 1 ... 6 3 64 100 77 Un-inhabited 78 162 125 110 106 16 11 5 2 5 ... 5 ... 21 6 134 14fl 79 Un-inhabited 80

290 203 192 134 8 24 42 5 1 ... I 9 4 4- 46 22 203 235 81 Un· inhabited 82 66 67 57 57 3 4 1 .. ' 1 ... 2 2 18 5 38 47 B3 Un-inhabited 84

13,954 4,670 9,506 2,425 2,123 1,382166 56 65S 183 158 28 67 15 291 53 26 962 527 9,285 16,'275 SUMERPUR BLOCK

!l3 31 31 27 2 4- 17 19 85 Un-inhabited 86 271l 220 232 176 32 S8 10 3 4 3 12!1 122 87 128 100 122 97 6!1 74 66 88 588 116 325 36 183 t6 38 13 2 ••• ::: ::: 19 15 6 400 283 89 HAMIRPUR TAHSIL

Uceo· Serial I\ame o. vilIaj!c Number Area pied House· Total Populatloo Scheduled Literato and No, NotatiOll' for amenitieal of io Resi· bolds Castes educated Hamlet. aerel dePtial persoDS HOOBeI ,....-.... __, ~--. ,....._.A.-

P M 1" M , M F 2 S 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

90 Arazl Sagar 177 Un-inhabited 91 Chh3lli Buturg R 2,873 194 230 1,189 599 590 106 JlO 189 25 92 Arazi' Khandehi Jar 137 Un-inhabited 93 Arazi Dbanpura 127 Un-inhabited 94- Arazi Sani Dhanpura 105 Un.jf\habited

95 Dhanpura 1,114 102 135 660 3ll 349 70 75 78 13 96 Kalla Mp. 1,560 86 106 508 263 245 92 88 31 13 97 Khandehi Jar 1,150 61 75 391 208 183 5 5 41 2 98 Kumhaupur 1,813 121 164 886 486 400 122 115 74 7 99 Bahraoli Danda 822 Un·inhabited

100 Ba hra uli Va rya 253 Un·inhabited 101 Sahurapur Danda 1,539 89 123 677 366 311 95 79 128 34- 102 Sahurapur Darya 244 Un-inhabited 103 t'authia Buznrg R,Po. 1,912 S59 505 2,535 1,318 1,217 191 ISS 525 174- 104 Lalpora R. 725 62 67 282 147 135 66 70 32 3

105 Ujner! R. I 1,303 106 138 6£3 349 314 92 95 98 7 106 Sikri 2 1,695 74 84 44ij 227 221 65 78 43 4 107 Kalauli Jar Mp. I 2,106 155 195 960 478 482 7:l 88 82 7 IU8 Swasa Kburd R. 1 777 98 115 548 306 242 66 6 109 Swasa Buzurg R,Po. I 1,406 102 135 679 J()4 315 72 9

110 Atrar 2,271 107 157 954 520 444 161 30 111 Kunwan Khera 1,132 Un.inhabited 112 Mawai Jar 2,588 208 265 1,387 744 643 144 124 155 23 113 Chandauli Jar 844 9 12 65 31 34 7 6 1 114 Banda 1,455 137 181 1,000 530 470 145 155 178 37

115 Shadipur 1,272 Un·inhabited 116 Nadehra 3,313 201 290 1,537 806 731 111 133 227 21 117 Sabina 540 Un-inhabited 118 Ragaura 714 Un·inhabited 119 Pauthia Kburd 1,214- 10 10 46 21 25

120 Kiratpnr 1 479 35 40 201 • 110 91 20 16 13 121 Bardaha Sahjana Danda 7 787 77 80 427 216 211 2 2 59 10 122 Bardaba Sahjana Darya 380 Un-inhabited 123 Kalauli Tir Danda 1,086 140 174 974 507 467 116 104 224 29 124 Kalauli lir Darya R. 187 Ub-inhabited

125 HeJapur Danda 68 95 519 260 259 102 107 9j 20 1~6 Helapur Darya tl,t 25 30 142 75 67 11 127 Mahmoodpur 925 19 20 110 48 62 19 2 128 Bhakaul 1,653 Un-inhabited 129 Daryapur R. 1,320 120 135 714 382 332 71 47 95 15

130 Kundaura R. 1,874 146 245 1,325 699 626 99 110 169 10 131 JjiJanhdi 414- 61 70 357 174 183 38 42 75 13 132 Mazra ~undera Danda 150 Un-inhabited 133 Mazra Kundora Darya 216 Un-inhabited 134- Kuchhelhha Danda R,Riv. 347 84 126 637 335 302 50 54 90 12 aURAL-Cots'",

I WORKERS NON. -----.... WORKERS totalWorken ------_...... -_...... (I-IX) u ill IV v VI va vm IX x Sodal - No, II F M , M F M F M F M F M F M .. M F M F M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 %0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 !l2 S!I 34 35

Un-Inhabited 90 !l53 37 246 8 48 9 1 __ , 24 20 5 14 12 246 55!! '9! U~i~habii~ .. , 92 Un-inhabited 9S Un-inbabited 94

198 53 152 41 8 3 35 4 I '~•• 1l!I 296 95 159 4: 120 1 27 1 11 '3 104 241 96 99 2 96 2 3 ••• ... " 109 181 97 269 8 253 7 13 1 2 1 217 392 98 Un-inhahited 99

Un-inhabited 100 213 !l3 150 13 50 17 5 .. 2 I ... 6 153 278 101 Un-inhabited 102 741 177 356 45 73 27 8 6 170 40 14 19 7 28 2 85 38 577 1,040 103 92 36 57 25 34 11 1 55 99 104

207 5 120 3 27 1 8 5 2 45 142 !109 105 144 16 121 6 20 10 I 2 83 205 106 284 163 223 126 31 15 16 15 21 194 319 107 179 12 125 7 33 2 4 1 I I 15 2 127 230 lOB 205 16 116 It 37 2 6 17 1 2 " " 2 - 19 159 299 109 312 94 198 17 86 70 4 5 I ••• 4 15 5 208 SSO 110 Un-Inhabitlld III 432 69 286 11 57 5 75 53 4 9 312 574 112 19 1 16 2 1 1 12 33 US 336 212 248 133 77 76 6 4 194 258 114

Un-inhabited 115 483 77 269 48 175 9 2 ... 9 7 I ... 6 .•• 12 5 8 8 323 654 116 Un-inhabited 117 Un-Inhabited 118 JO 11 6 6 ,,5 II 14 119

54 1 42 6 2 4 ... 56 90 120 113 1 93 4 10 3 6 1 ... 3 103 204 121 Un-inhabited " 122 278 36 178 7 6B 27 11 8 1 ... 9 4 229 431 123 UR-inhabited 124

144 94 91 62 33 29 ... 16 2 '3 U6 \65 125 47 41 4() 32 fI i _._ 2 1 28 26 126 28 2 19 1 9 ...... 20 60 127 Un-Inhabited 128 217 sa 160 9 45 ... 7 3 " 21 165 299' 129 394 20 303 12 40 5 .,. 13 2 .,. .•. ••• 10 25 2 305 606 130 lOS 57 55 27 42 30 ... S 1 .•• ..• ••• 69 126 131 Un-inhabited 132 Un-inbabited " 133 192 100 67 4 114 1I6 2 M. 2 ...... f" 2 s 2 143 202 134 H-5 - ~LJ.iGi HAMlRPUR T,A.H!;IL

Oc:ca- Mdal Nime 0( village Number Area pied Honse· Tolal PopnlatiOll Scbeduled l.iterate all d No. (NotatioD' for ;uDel)itiee) 0( in Real· holds Castes edUcaled Hanllets acres deDlial persons HOIIIICI ....--....___, ,_- .... _...... ,..._Jilrr.._-.. P II F II Ii' II F

2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 l2 IS

lS5 Kucbhecbba Darya 28 Un-inhabited 136 Surajpuc Danda R,Riv. 16~ 36 39 207 106 101 IS 21 40 15 157 Sara iptlr Darya 73 Un-Inbabited 138 Amlrta Riv. 267 63 73 SQ4 20+ 190 64 64 64 21 139 Cbandauli Teer 275 55 60 321 175 146 14

140 Cbandaukhi 1,489 94 122 545 291 254 81 78 76 10 141 Sindta Oanda Riv. 346 32 40 214 113 101 3 17 lS t 142 Siadra Qarya ... '09 Un-j nbabiled 143 ParaojM Danda R,Rlv, 1 894: 56 85 365 186 179 126 124 79 12 1M Parao)hi Dar~a 102 Un-inbabited

145 Kanjauli 17 25 12% 65 57 19 146 Rlgna l,!~ 15 25 121 58 63 .. 9 I 147 Naralnpur R. 1,338 40 49 296 157 139 12 10 69 H 148 Nawpur 265 12 15 43 23 20 ... 3 149 Saukbar 1,047 50 60 305 155 Ifill 10

150 Timuli 2 884 102 176 9113 511 472 76 74 122 18 151 Suraali Ialurd Oanda Rlv. 1 225 +0 46 192 109 83 25 19 52 8 152 Snrauli !Churd Darya 50 Un-inhabited 1S3 Simnauri 1.564 104- 183 921 47§ 445 118 121 135 19 154 Baragaou R,Rlv. 1,69!i 101 137 629 ~53 276 36 26 91 15

155 B~ Rly,Riv. 1 39-l 48 65 390 184 206 70 86 10$ 24 156 Pateora Panda Po. 6 3,201 306 4:10 2,089 1.129 960 177 Il3 364- 35 157 Pateora !)arya 705 Un-inhabited 158 Suranli BUllltg D~nda Riv,Po. 7 8,540 3811 570 2,958 1.601 1,'357 211 185 441 63 159 Surault BUlurg Darya 579 Uu-lnhabited

160 Parwa Riv. 1,315 80 103 588 303 285 178 202 103 5 ,161 Bhaunra Danda Riv, 88::1 120 180 971 501 464 92 87 167 8 Bbaunra Darya 75 Un-inhabited If: Cbaudpurwa Khurd 770 Un-inhabited 1~ Bidoltbat Tboltpura 2,n7 207 335 1,550 781 763 141 154 S33 50

Bidolthar Tbok Medni Po, 1 2,749 178 270 1,294 668 626 139 153 240 46 Palra ) 1,309 10 81 411 212 199 10 11 tit 5 Banki Po. 2 2,234 200 365 1,872 ~66 906 239 248 m 41 i*lli8 Bank 1 1,029 84 95 472 243 229 101 9b 76 5 .69 lDgotba R,R1y,Po. 1 6,987 4U 763 3,681 1,929 1,7~2 43+ 4~2 511 89

SllIIlOI'pur (T.!,) R,Rly .Hos, Mcw,Po, 5 9,162 1,093 1,650 /'.832 4,1)6 3,676 1,347 1,241 1,793 463 'po, 71 lira I 901 16 19 68 32 36 29 35 '3 172 Qlandpurwa Buzurg 1 3,262 214 390 2.069 1,084 9115 174 154 279 35 173 Prtlndhri Mp. 1 3,892 205 365 1,7Ot 867 837 205 243 255 50 174 ,Arazi Mutnazla Padhti 9 Un-inhabited

.75 para Raipura 1 1,692 100 150 761 38S 376 9!i 96 88 15 176 flbawaQiyon 1 1,5'19 138 618 327 291 156 160 69 24 177 Pacbkhora Kburd 1 J ,8'19 I~ lSI 628 338 290 100 80 57 5 J18 Bir Kbera I l466' Jt3 167 9V8 464 444 42 +5 139 21 &79 Padbl,uti ... '685 Ua-Inhabitod IXIV DlUCTORY RURAL-COrt'".

NON­ WORKBRg lotal Workon r---- (l-IX) " 11 III IV v VI VII vm IX

M F lot F IotFIot F IotP IotPUP UP iii PM P II F

14 15 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 22 23 24 25 26 '(l 28 29 30 31 52 33 ,. H

Un-Inhabited 116 62 5 34 5 24 2 ••• ~. .. •• 2 ... 44 96 136 Un-inhabited 157 120 20 52 5 10 9 ... '" 15 7 35 5 84 170 188 HI 5 9f1 5 1 1•. 6t 141 139

184 77 132 52 39 20 ... 6 1 2 " . 4 107 177 140 71 21 49 17 8 5 2 ..... 2 7 2 42 80 141 Vn·inhabited J.2 106 26 47 12 10 'oo 8 I ••• ••• ••• 2 37 12 80 153 148 Vo-mbablted 144

92 28 .. 33 57 145 29 1 21 2 1 .• , Z9 6t 146 92 18 77 14 3 ... 8 '" ...... ··i !I 65 121 147 15 4 1 1 8 3 8 16 Its 73 4 71 1 2 3 82 146 IW

278 S4 18~ 19 31 3 34 4 2 1 5 2 23 5 233 ..sa ISO 69 15 36 7 10 4 I ...... 13 7 46 6B 151 Uo-inhabited 152 300 263 135 8 136 251 ... 19 2 1 2 ... 9 176 182 1" 246 122 172 6 7 88 4 15 17 1 I 26 3 1 15 12 107 1M 154

111 60 49 I 57 58 ... .. , 3 1 1 1 73 146 1M 737 471 494 259 79 157 42 4 1 .. , 20 ... 20 3 3 78 48 392 489 156 Vn-inhabited • 157 992 199 747 61 188 115 39 21 ...... , ...... 10 8 2 609 1,158 158 Un-inhabited 159

168 21 148 15 12 4 5 ••• 1 '1. II' 2 oo, I 135 264 160 179 7 165 3 1 1 13 328 457 161' Un-inhabited 162 Un.inhablted 163 496 232 368 152 41 27 23 2 31 19 2 1 12 15 19 17 291 5!11 164

457 346 400 214 54 72 ...... 211 280 165 123 16 85 11 28 3 ...... 1 ... ., 2 1 1 ~ 119 1113 166 !i17 ISB 4U5 qt 50 50 J 4 I 10 2 IH Sag 74a 161 140 113 109 88 27 25 •• , 2 1 ... I .. 103 116 168 1,119 654 731 448 225 144 •• , 22 II 4 , •• 15 7 78 36 810 1,098 169

2,398 239 734 39 105 3 20 6 233 4 118 6 79 20 97 (.46 161 1,758 ',437 170 21 9 10 II 8 ,,, ...... I 11 27 111 655 324 322 32 209 224 'filj 16 2 7 3 .,. 3 :.1 47 4J 429 661 172 538 109 376 84 41 1 26 23 5 8 4 oo, 56 15 329 728 113 Un·inhabited 174

125 208 168 132 38 51 19 9 6 9 160 168 175 tcI8 133 115 17 70 99 7 5 4 , ...,. 11 15 119 ISS 176 Mlo 118 147 68 43 42 4 8 5 1 138 172 171 188 2=9 256 206 12 7 10 Il 3 ... 7 ~ 176 m 178 t]n-inbabilecj "' '" IB~ VILLAGE HAMIRPUR TAHSIL

Qcolo Serlal NalllC of Village Number Area pied H()IIIOo Total PopulatloD Scheduled Literate and No. (Notations for amenlies) of in HeI~ bold! Castel educated Hamlets acres deDliai perBOus HoDIICIs ,_..__...... ~---. ..---"'---

P 14 , iii P iii P 1 S • II 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

,180 Badanpur I 825 87 95 547 284 263 30 M 121 14 l81 Mihuna I 1,013 98 105 5H 290 2M 21 15 63 3 182 Gauri I 736 27 39 166 90 76 27 2 ,183 Atrai~a 2 1,856 105 125 6H 332 312 48 48 lOS 17 184 Mundera Po. 1 3,502 189 260 1,293 716 577 150 124 144 !J

185 Dhnndpur 4 1,526 101 185 1,064 557 507 99 89 80 3 186 Deogaon Rly,Po. I 2,209 204 312 1,730 888 842 138 141 287 63 187 Gahtaugi Rly. I 879 49 49 234 125 109 12 9 40 7 188 )Llala 1 543 40 48 2Y8 159 139 27 33 45 3 i89 Pachkhura Bllzurg Po. 1 2,895 408 520 2,627 1,341 1,286 417 425 481 79

,190 Terha Po. 1 9,003 605 755 3,724 1,905 1,819 399 403 514 103 191 lsauli 1 680 20 35 189 97 92 19 15 14 I 192 Mauhar Riv. 2 1,503 103 170 758 423 335 61 45 71 1 193 Kaithi Riv. 1 4,154 194 295 1,678 914 764- 141 122 149 8 TOTAL OF SUMERPUR BLOCK 105 155,493 10,737 15,013 75,993 39,806 36,187 8,340 8,177 11,619 2,022 TOTAL OF HAMIRPUR. TAHSIL 222 265,585 16,651 23,579 120,177 63,045 57,lS2 14,239 \3,839 17,031 2,909

r The rural area of Tahsil Hamirpur given in Table A-I is 414.9 sq. miles i.e., 265,536 acres, The village-wise areas in the Directory are as reported by the Tahsildar, while the rural area. of the Tahsil ill Table A·I bas been derived by deduchng the sum of urban areas from the total revised area figures of the Tahsil furnished by the Board of Revenue, U.P. xxxvii DIRECTORY RURAL-CotIIkI.

WORKERS NON. - WORKERS; (I-IX) U 1I1 IV V VI VII VJD IX X SerIal No...... ,... ,....~ _ ... ,...... ~ ,...-.... ~ .--...... -... ~ M Ii' If Ii' M Ii' II Ii' M Ii' Ii Ii' M F It F M F .. 1" M Ii' 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 %9 30 31 32 33 34 35

164 119 1+2 99 16 19 3 1 I 2 .,. 120 144 180 186 18 11l 6 27 10 H 1 ...... 2 2 I 104 233 181 61 16 53 10 8 6 .. , ... ~9 60 182 224 7) 211 69 9 6 4 ...... ,-- lOB 237 IB3 47& 323 261 127 158 147 5 .,. 21 10 6 1 3 ,,- 8 10 11 28 241 254 184

370 331 251 211 78 85 4 9 10 I ... 27 25 187 176 185 515 243 313 145 27 14- 6 ... 30 9 25 ." 11 7 1 101 67 373 599 186 81 52 67 29 13 23 1 44 57 187 92 51 85 45 5 6 2 67 88 188 827 289 536 134 180 103 37 10 2 ... 12 2 58 40 514- 997 189

1,169 219 656 57 301 131 8 35 3 6 20 24- 2 118 26 736 1,600 190 68 40 44 1 22 39 ...... 2 29 52 191 273 203 247 179 2 2 1 3 3 3 17 18 150 132 192 516 200 430 167 42 17 ••. 7 8 2 27 15 398 564- 193 23,769 8,324 15,299 4,416 3,877 2,607 97 32 1,339 318 255 66 202 665 112 126 ... 1,909 7?3 16,037 27,863 37,72312,99424,8056,8416,000 3,989 263 881,994 501 413 94 269 15 956 165 152 1 2,871 1,300 25,322 44,138 VlLLAGI HAM!RPUR TAHSIL

Occu- Iledal Ward/MohaUa "Area in pied 8011&0· Total Population SChoduled Literate and No. i!:numerator'S lliock Sq.miles Resi· holds CaBles edUcated ~.Km. denlial peraODs HOllsel ,,_--"---

P ),{ F M F M F 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 HAMIRPUR

WARD No. I QAZIYANA I 1 97 98 390 215 175 2 2 87 26 2 2 193 199 934 487 441 40 jll 178 39

TOTAL 290 297 1,324 702 622 4z 40 265 65

WARD No.2 MISHRANA 3 1 l21 141 693 358 335 41 15 253 139 4 2 162 163 934 549 38.1 31 22 3.10 1+6 5 3 114 212 839 484 355 32 18 350 146

TOTAL 397 516 2,466 1,391 1,075 104 55 953 431

WARD No.3 KHALEPURA 6 1 97 III 565 31, 250 18 11 185 66 7 2 63 101 441 262 179 116 90 134 20 8 11 138 ISB 611 325 286 15 9 189 125

TOTAL 298 350 1,617 9O'Z 715 H9 110 508 211 I WARD No.4 SOOFIGANJ 9 I 121 142 566 281 285 12 10 191 134 10 2 86 94 515 277 238 57 56 199 89 11 S 119 122 647 336 :ill 90 17 183 1Il 12 4 38 42 299 213 86 2 .; 194 49 TOTAL 364 400 2.027 1.107 920 16.1 148 773 383

WARD No.5 MANJflKHOR 13 t 195 235 1.233 645 588 81 65 409 21() 14 2 III 129 589 320 269 58 60 178 5u

TOTAL 306 36t ,1,822 965 857 IS9 125 587 260

WARD NQ 6 MANIHKHOR 15 1 128 147 782 407 375 122 14B 184 85 16 2 105 121 SIB 5S0 S03 lib 87 .41 52 TOTAL 23J 268 1,665 S07 678 233 235 425 137 TOT AL OF HAMIRPUR M.B. 2.0015.18 1,888 2,195 IO,9U 6,054 4,867 813 713 3,511 1,487

*Ward/Mohalla /Euumerlllor's lOIlockwise area filiUfes not available UIR2ctORY URBAN

WORKERS NON. WORKERS Total Workers ------,------(I-lX) D 1lI IV V ' Vi Vll vm IX x

M I" M F M F U F M F M F M F M F II F .. F F 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 U 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 M.B.

121 4 39 3 I ... 2 8 8 11 ... II 41 1 94 111 1 212 9 17 2 13 ••• 8 2 14 ... 24 22 1 34 78 3 275 43B 2 3331356514 ... 814 22 3213314511194369609

137 10 7 I ••. 6 .. , 7 I 17 10 88 9 221 325 3 237 1!l 4 3... 22 1 8 ... 5... 38 3 14 143 11 312 370 4 187 15 2 2 1 1 12 3 26 1 7 136 11 297 3to 5

561 40 13 3 29227 •.. 9 81 f 31 36'1 31 830 ],035

153 9 10 12 I ... 5 4 7 42 5 11 61 I 162 241 6 loa 14 ... 2 7 4... 5 6 76 J4. 162 165 7 168 9 2 23 1 ••. 10 I 8... 2... 34 6 83 7 157 277 8

421 32 12 1 35 2 1 ... 17 2 19 13 81 5 23 ... 220 22 481 683

151 15 3 19 11 ... 2 44 3 2 ... 70 11 130 270 9 135 12 ...... 10 5 26 37 4 1 1 56 6 142 226 10 167 9 II 3 .,. 5 26 16 16 5 12 78 2 169 302 II 164 2 ... 2 2 4 156 2 49 84 12 61'1 38 14 3 ... 35 2 42... 46 2 97 U 19 1 360 21 t90 882

SOl 46 36 9 8 2 27 2 10 2 16 35 5 8 159 27 344 542 tg 153 30 20 6 3 ••• 6 "... 3 11 6 3 97 23 167 239 14

454 76 56 9 14 1 5 I 33 2 14 2 19 46 11 11 256 50 511 781

200 67 49 2 10 16" 25 6 4 8 9 5 86 42 207 308 15 332 18 161 5 10 1 ... ,.. 31 I 1 9 2 3 115 11 248 283 16

532 85 210 7 20 17 , 1 56 'I 5 17 11 8 201 53 f55 59'

2,918 284 361 25 86 20 22 3 175 15 129 2 136 3 349 33 137 3 1,523 181 3,136 4,583







SI. No. in ~ame of Village SI. No. in SI. Name 01 Villaj!e SI. No. in SI. Name of Village SI. No Village No. Village No. Village Director,. Directory Dirvctory

2 3 2 3 2 3

Falehpurwa Khandeh 178 I Acbh«eJa 110 41 Bharkhari 26 81 2 Adhai Purwa 179 42 Bharswan 88 82 Gadaria Khera lOS S Alnjhi 51 43 Bhatra 14 83 Gahbra 168 4 Akbai 184 44 Bhatri .133 84 Gabroli 64 5 Allbaipnr 149 45 Bhensmari 140 85 Gahroli 146

6 Alcona 176 46 Bhensla 150 86 Gakheri 125 7 Alra 61 47 Bhugecha 76 87 Gali Haman 7 8 Arlata 116 48 Bhujpur 5 88 Garba 129 9 Asui 93 49 Bhulsi 132 89 Ghandua ~03 10 Atghar 185 50 Blbhuni 20 90 Ghatkana 154

11 Bagbatka 16 51 Bilpura TaraJ Bewar 23 91 Gidhras 157 12 llahdina Achhpura Dand 2 52 Bilpura Taraf Umri 24 92 Gora 66 13 Bahdina Achhpura Oarya I 53 Binwar 21 93 GundeJa 55 14 Babinga 192 54 Budhai 131 94 Gurdaha 155 15 Bahrela 109 55 Chak Bandhur 18 9[) Gutha l72

16 Bajamau 130 56 Chak Daha 1M 96 Gusyarl 180 17 Bajehla Danda 4 57 Chak Sona 78 97 Selpur 87 18 Bajehta Oary 3 58 Chamar Khanna 167 98 IIminauli 107 19 Bakcha 135 59 Chandauli Ahlt 9 99 Husena 69 20 Bamrauli U9 60 Chandj gal an 142 100 Ichauli t8t

21 Bandhur Buzurg 12 61 Cbandl Khurd 138 101 Imilia 70 22 Bandhpur Khurd Farukh Husain' 10 62 Chndora . 48 102 liwan 38 23 Bandhur Khurd Mabadeo II 63 Cbelehta Jalalpur 13 103 Jalla 32 24- Banni 175 64 Chelehta Rath 47 104 J!gnoda la3 25 Barbal 193 65 Chbani 56 105 Kabra 201

26 Barda 59 66 Chhani 134 106 Kaimaha 194 27 Barenda 58 67 Cbhedi Basaik 8 107 Kaimolthatl ·77 28 Barethi 22 68 Chhemoli 160 108 Kamhariya 91 29 Barmauli 188 69 Chherka 166 109 Kandholi 57 SO Basaut 62 70 Chichara 189 110 Kapsa 147

31 Baswari 45 71 Chilli 34 111 ({arahia 156 32 Begchna 100 72 Dam1pllrwa 44 112 Katgaon 29 as Bebarka 141 73 Deokali 83 113 Khamaria 199 34 Behoni Kalan 52 74 Dhamna Jalal 50 114 Khaudeh 177 35 Behon! Kaurd 53 75 Dhawari 60 115 Khandebi 98

S6 BbadaD 36 16 Dhungawan 94- 116 Kbandebi Lodban 39 37 Bbadarwara 174 77 Diba 25 117 Khanna J73 38 Bhamal 137 78 Dikbtaura 37 118 Kbarela 61 59 Bbamani 169 79 Dohrl 30 119 Khcra 73 40 Bbarnaura 162 80 Fatehpur 115 120 Kber 136 xLiii



81. Name of VDlago SI.No.1D 81. Name 01 Village 51. No. In SI. Name of Village S1. No III No. Village No. Village No. Village Directory Directory DireclOfY

2 S 2 S 2 S

121 Kberl 127 151 Nauranga 46 181 Sijnoda 148 122 Kherwhl 198 152 Neoria 79 182 Sljwahi 1!)J 123 Kishanpnr 163 153 Newada 19 183 Slioli 95 124 Kiswahi 123 154 Noorpur 195 1M Siocbaull 161 125 KUlku Man 200 155 Ora 65 185 Sirsai 27

126 Kunetha 102 156 Pachpahra 196 186 Sirsi Kalan 202 127 Kusmela 111 157 Padhori 122 187 Sirai Khurd 187 128 Lachhmanpur 143 158 Pahari Bhilari 68 188 Sisolar 128 129 Ladar 170 159 Para 106 189 Sobela 8t 130 Larond 108 160 Parchha 121 190 Sori},a 54

131 !.ewa 145 161 Parchhach 117 191 Tagari 7. 132 Lodhamau 15 162 Parcbt~ 124 192 Tamanra 191 133 Lodhipur Jalalpur 17 163 Parkhera IS 193 'Iihar 75 134 Lodhipur Ratb 71 164 Pasun 144 194 Tikri Buzurg 152 135 Madarpur 158 165 Patanpur 89 195 Tikri Kburd 28

136 Mabarka 82 166 Pepronda 96 196 Tilsaras 118 137 Mahera 31 167 Para Jahan 33 197 Tindohi 197 138 Makraon 112 168 Punnia 63 198 1indohi Ki~han Chand 113 139 Mancha 92 169 Ragan1 J59 199 Tindohi Kishanlal )1+ 140 Masgaon 41 170 Ralauli 105 200 Tindwa 139

141 Masgawan 97 171 Ralwa 186 201 Tola Khalsa 80 142 Maudaha T.A. 205 172 Rauhari 90 202 Tola Muaf 126 143 Mawai;! J65 173 Rewan 171 203 tJmri 35 144 Mawai Kburd 190 174 Ruripara 6 204 Upri 86 145 Mibona 42 175 Rowai Sunecha 204 205 Urdana 153

146 Mu~kara 49 176 Sadba 120 ,,*7 Mutni 99 177 Satawa 40 148 Naik Purwa 182 178 Sayar 81 149 Naraich 164 179 Seoni 43 150 Naogawan 72 180 Shdhpura 101 VILLAGE MAUDAHA TAHSIL

Oc;co· SerIal Name 01 VIllage Number Area pied HoUfO. Total Population SchednJed Literate and No. (Notatiolll f«x aDlCIIlltlCII) of iD RClIIi- holdl Cuts educatocl Hamlet. ac:teII dcntiaI pctt'IIOlII HolllCl ...... p Ii[ F II , ---Y ¥ 2 S S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS J4ASKARA BLOCK 1 Babdina Achhpura Darya ... 422 Un-inhabited 2 8ahdioa Acbhpura Danda 1 1,816 101 119 749 380 ~69 20 18 59 4 3 Bajebta Darya 454 Un-inhabited 4 Bajehta Danda 1 5,289 304 304 1,629 873 756 90 55 209 2% 5 Bhujpaf I 1,"39 53 59 358 190 168 25 2

6 Ruripara I 3,521 307 324 1,627 914 713 51 25 189 17 7 Gali Hamau 1 862 25 28 118 58 60 4 7 1 8 Chhedl Basaik 1 1,847 101 111 533 296 237 73 84 45 5 9 Chaudaull Ahir I 812 27 29 180 92 88 10 J1 12 I 10 BaDdhur Khard Farukh Husain Po. 1 2,109 160 215 1,104 571 533 123 116 163 25

11 HandbDr Kburd Mahadeo 1 417 t6 29 140' 67 73 35 SO 12 I 12 Bandbur Buzurg I 3,340 148 224 1,070 566 504 75 66 134 15 13 Chelehta Jalalpur 826 Un-iobablted 14 Rhatra 1 1,122 22 22 133 68 65 1 4 15 Lodhamau 1 704 48 48 254 145 109 24 I

16 Bagbarka 1,205 Un-inhabited 17 Lodhipur Jalalpur R. 1,249 202 235 1,111 54!i 565 m 148 171 46 18 Chak Sandbar 521 Un-inhabited 19 Newada R, Po. 2 2,499 291 S79 1,97. 1,056 ,918 23S 223 308 75 20 Bibbuni R. 1 850 38 41 115 64 ' 51 35 20 10 3

21 Binwar R, Mp, Po. 3,206 870 889 4,137 2,177 1,960 593 554 155 148 22 Baretbi 9M1 1 I 6 4 2 S 2lI Bilpura Tara! Bewar 307 Un-inhabited 24 Bjlpura Tarai Umri 265 Un.inhabited 25 Dihll +52 Un.inhabited

26 Bharkhari 1,755 151 154 SlG 423 393 121 122 n2 7 27 Sirsai 374 Un-inhabited 28 Tikri Khurd 401 Un-inhabited ',19 Kargaon 3,005 174 210 960 494 466 146 142 93 5 SO Dobri 'l67 9 10 59 SO 29 1

31 Mahera Riv. 4,052 381 384 1,862 926 936 1119 206 216 16 32 lalla R. 1,428 7 7 44 22 22 1 I 33 Por .. Jahan R. 693 20 25 119 62 57 14 10 12 3 34 Chilli ~, Po. 1,497 101 134 657 352 305 101 98 71 6 35 Umri 3,567 401 555 2.422 1,259 1,163 368 322 306 !l0

36 Bhadan 334 Un-inbablted 37 Dikhtaura .75 . Un..jDbablied 38 Itwan 621 Uo-iDhabited 39 Khandehi Lodhan R. 1,702 187 304 1,536 805 733 202 195 226 15 40 Satawa R. .02 Uo-inhablted

41 Ma5gaon R. 2,415 239 286 1,310 108 662 228 239 224 39 42 Mihuna Riv. 1,555 89 89 484 260 224 23 28 63 1 43 Seoni 4,373 71 71 515 285 230 12 44 Damapurwa R. 737 43 76 3!i9 183 176 79 73 51 10 ~5 BfSwari R, Po. ~,899 ~ 541 2,634 l.m 1,311 ~55 ~71 ~2 4i D1RBm'Oa1 RURAL

WORKBRS NON­ WORKERS Total Workers (I-IX) II III IV v VI VD VllI x Serial .. . No • lot F lot F III Ii' III P lot F M ,III. Ii' 101 , lot li' II F F 14 U 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2!! 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO 51 52 S3 35 MASKARA BLOCK

Un-inhablted 1 212 47 lOB 39 8 2 6 1 I .:. ,.. 3 2 .. 4 168 322 2 Un-inhabited 3 590 385 470 330 27 1 2 20 1 14 6 57 47 289 371 4 130 103 104 77 26 26 60 65 5

646 26 542 19 37 I 34 2 2 5 26 4 26B 687 6 32 9 26 2 5 3 4 1 26 51 7 194 104 119 72 41 29 29 2 3 2 102 133 8 60 27 41 23 11 3 7 1 1 32 61 9 S56 SO 245 94492 ••. 39 5 21 12 215 503 10

51 6 93 9 6 10 2 .- 1 1 16 67 11 337 61 280 50 10 2 12 1 2 5 26 10 229 443 12 Un-inhabited 13 43 27 36 15 7 12 25 38 14 89 25 61 12 23 7 4 6 56 84 15

Un-inhabited 16 332 151 210 100 53 5 2 26 4 ••• ... 3 6 32 42 214- 414 17 Un-inhabited 18 595 335 336 134 55 78 2 142 87 2 ... 4 4 53 32 461 583 19 30 19 27 14 '3 3 2 34 32 20

1,273 434 556 47 399 324 6 40 9 10... 16 26 2 4 210 52 904 1,526 21 3 1 2 '" ... 1 2 22 Un·inhabited 23 Un-inhabited 24 Un-inhabited 25 j \

261 9 106 6 133 2 4 5 1 ... 3 9 162 384 26· Un-inhabited 27 Un-inhabited 28 293 66 225 42 19 19 3 1 24 20 201 400 29 19 18 1 11 29 90

571 201 35S 112 lOS 79 80 6 11 14 3 355 735 31 13 9 10 8 1 3 9 13 32 36 19 24 7 2 5 ... 1 4 II 26 38 33. 206 122 107 61 21 29 4 1 1 5 3 42 54 146 183 34 698 61 352 21 226 '3~ 22 21 10 ." 15 46 7 561 1.102 35

Un-Inhabited 36 Un-inhabited 37 . Un-inhabited 38 434 229 254 131 14 3 .•. 64 6 1 1 ... 8 92 89 369 504 39 Un-inhabited 40

422 328 245 124 44 9 2 10 70 121 5 6 14 7 36 56 286 334 41 160 113 III 72 742 29 1 ... I 10 6 100 141 42 174 125 126 124 I 44 I 2 ... 1 ... 1ll 105 43 104 20 69 16 I .. 10 ... 1 1 22 4 79 156 44 635 75S 557 558 6~ 13 1 68 2~ 1 .. , 7 3 19 20 116 136 468 5$6 1-5 VILLAGE MAUD AHA 'JAHSIL

OcCIio SoriaI Name 01 Vlltage Number Area pied tlOUI!Cl. Total PopaJa.tlOll Schedaled Literate and No. (NotattollB for amenitleB) of in Resi- bolds Castes educated Hamlets acres deutial per8OII8 HoUlel ...... _ _- ... ,..--- p )( Ii' U--- F ld F 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

46 Nauranga 779 .. .. 27 14 13 I 47 Chelchta Fath 776 11 11 73 38 3!i I 48 Chandora 1.97!i 47 49 327 164 163 20 14 40 3 49 Mntkara R, Mp.Po. 4,36$ 723 896 4,3% 2,295 2,100 457 425 810 176 50 DhalDna Jalal R. 793 Un-inhabited

Ainjhi 51 R. 1,1<11 83 101 493 ~69 224 71 61 6!) 2 52 Behoni Kalan R, Iliv, Po. 4,299 238 255 1,615 853 762 140 119 198 17 53 Behoni Khnrd R, Riv. 3,696 392 425 2,056 1,064- 992 193 179 225 22 54 Soriya Rt Milo 537 Un-inhabited Gundela 55 R, Rjv. 3,129 184 225 1,138 619 519 171 141 In 35

56 Chhani Riv. 1,497 160 164 605 411 394 95 103 121 12 57 Kandholi R. 2,056 205 253 1,120 566 554 159 179 187 20 58 Barenda 1,174 Un-inhabited 59 Barda Dhawari 2,036 60 66 333 184 149 57 54 33 60 2,187 159 198 914 462 452 175 170 110 23

61 vEbarela R, L,Mp, Po. 4 15,799 1,693 1,785 A,060 4,148 3,9121,2391,181 .,310 238 62 Basant R I 3,961 161 182 858 426 432 122 110 81 20 63 Pnrmia R,Mp, I 3,722 177 1'19 975 522 453 196 194 114 14 64 J Gabroli R, L, Mp, Po. 1 7,770 1,037 1,273 10#'5,995 3,035 2,960 640 6!iO 874 119 65 }{Jra R. 1,925 Un-inhabited Gora 66 R. 1 556 63 82 !la6 200 186 193 180 61 "11 67 Alra R. I 339 47 67 282 141 i 141 90 27 ~4 9 68 Paha,i Bhitari P, Mp, Po. t,311? '1,32(; 301 38 Hu.o;ena 1 3,051 427 596 2,713 315 293 69 R. I 3,113 203 234 1,155 593 562 lOB 121 112 20 70 lmilla R, Mp, Po. 1 2,804 580 585 2,693 1,381 ~ ,312 250 249 438 69 71 Lodhipur Rath 428 Un.jnhabit~d , 72 Naugawan Un-inhabited Khera 599 73 9 62 37 2 74 Tagari 732 11 ' 25 35~ 185 Ifi8 27 Tihar 2,627 41 53 31 17 75 2,104 163 179 826 131 395 87 97 111 7

76 Bhngecha 170 702 361 34'1 60 56 95 24 KailDokhar 794 157 77 1,232 122 123 572 271 301 70 86 84 20 78 Chak Sona 832 45 216 113 103, 36 31 11 Neoria 38 79 R, Po. 2,730 177 237 1,126 5Il3 543 90 98 116 13

TOTAL OF MASKARA BLOCK 63 154,964 12,469 14,379 69,345 35,950 33,3958,1877,942 9,695 1,459


8f) Tola Khalsa 185 Un-inhabited III Sayar R, Po. 2,653 1,363 1,290 Maha(ka 3,988 546 546 393 360 499 110 62 649 Un-inhabited 83 Deokali 457 5 6 31 14 17 5 ~ 84 Sohela .,. 538 Up·lnhablted WORKERS NON. ~,------______~ ______, ______~ WORkERS Total Workers (I-IX) u 1I1 IV v VI VII Vlll IX x ScrIa\ No• ...... M FilII' II F II' II P II P 11 P 11 11' II 11' M F 11 F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2S 24 2~ 26 Z7 28 29 SO 31 32 33 34 35

10 10 , 10 3 4 3.46 13 12 12 22 13 13 13-i7 99 109 70 105 28 2 ... I 2 65 54 48 1,37$ J ,035 820 720 146 99 7 S 150 44 7... 8 55 22 1 181 147 920 1,065 49 Un-inhabited 50

160 57 102 35 13 14 6 8 •.•••••. 2 1 21 15 109 167 51 500 355 316 222 133 102 23 11 3 ...... 5 6 2 18 14 353 407 52 668 505 430 186 I4B 300 ... ." 56 4 2..... 13 4 2 17 11 396 487 53 Un-inhabited 54 343 203 181 123 80 13 4 57 7 18 62 276 316 55

268 283 187 221 26 3 ... 3 2 52 57 143 1ll 56 343 219 209 141 28 2 60 33 I 7 1 2 37 40 223 335 57 Un.inhabited 56 116 59 S5 40 7 6 ... 9 S '2 ,.. 13 10 68 90 59 283 13) 172 69 74 12 9 14 2 4 4 10 44 179 321 60

2,505 1,337 1,195 523 385 144 5 .. 458 194 9 7 27 16 76 27 3 ,,, 347 426 1,643 2,575 61 271 239 158 161 18 1 18 2 1 1 75 75 155 193 62 314 189 190 U6 51 .•• 39 4 ... I 2 33 67 208 264 63 1,865 1,419 1,003 726 202 126 6 331 113 2 4- 20 2 41 18 3 257 429 1,170 1,541 64 Un-inhabited 6)

112 114 72 60 15 9 .. 2 12 10 6 13 27 98 72 66 82 68 53 31 2 9 7 3 ... 20 25 59 73 67 824 614 501 347 209 150 44 5 2 .. ••• •.. 1 1 2 65 III 563 712 68 384 201 203 100 85 38 31 8 2 4 59 55 209 361 69 830 673 480 398 69 43 1 112 34 I ... 15 7 2 150 191 551 639 70

Un-inhabited 71 Un·inhabited 72 25 14 23 12 I ...... " I 2 12 11 73 123 107 104 92 6 ... 5 4 1 6 11 62 61 74 245 38 184 17 16 2 11 20 9 3 3 8 9 186 357 75

203 J77 132 90 13 7 ... 6 2 2 50 78 158 164 76 163 34 87 8 28 5 7 2 2 37 21 108 267 77 72 fi6 34 42 8 19 I 10 24 41 37 78 370 324 249 225 41 11 47 3 2 2 2 2 29 79 213 221 79

21,77712.41613,096 7,0703,1751,724 83 21 2,435 781 87 14 99 22 397 156 24 ... 2,381 2,628 14,173 20,979


Un-inhabited 80 869 589 565 329 196 175 30 4: &2 23 1...... 10 4 34 54 494 701 81 • Un-ioha bited 82 10 10 8 6 2 .. 4 7 83 Un-inhabited M vILLAdE MAUDAHA TAHSIL

Number Area Oa:u- s¢lal Name of ViUage of in pied Honse- Total Population Scheduled Literate anl'1 No. (NotatiODS for lImenitiesl Hamlet aerO! Res! holds Castes educated dentlal per8OD8 Houses .--- ,....-h- p )of F K F M F

2 :{ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

'85 Parkhera 720 Un-in hablted 86 Upri 1;592 110 124 623 319 304- 93 85 93 23 87 HeJpnr 557 Un-inbabited 88 Bharswan 902 31 33 176 94 82 65 51 4 1 89 PatanplIJ" Po. 2,180 283 318 1,637 839 198 172 180 2~ 50

90 Rauhari 1 2.949 95 95 438 225 213 105 112 35 3 91 Kambariya R, Mp, Po. I I,m 326 343 1,613 770 843 152 153 54 1 92 Mancha 1 1,291 209 234 1,027 519 508 79 74 86 5 93 Asui 1 309 32 ~4 178 97 81 18 13 29 13 94 Dhungawan 1 787 23 24 97 49 48 3 3 6 1

95 Siloli R 2,066 131 151 726 379 347 99 101 79 4 96 Pcpronda 1,870 165 IB7 834 444 390 144 134 112 26 91 Masgawan 1,469 71 83 410 209 201 66 68 25 3 98 Khandehi Po 888 16 17 90 43 47 11 1 99 Mutni 1,127 155 155 811 437 374 65 54 108 4

100 Begehna R,Po. 1,222 133 151 711Q 414 366 77 87 121 6 101 Shahpura R. 434 Un-inhahlted 102 Kunelha R, Mp, Po, 3,441 309 333 1,677 668 809 167 157 286 54 103 Gadaria Khera R 276 S 3 14 8 6 .. 104 Chak Daha R. 805 68 82 435 2:t1 201 29 30 19

105 Ratauli Riv. 1,763 97 115 589 gi9 210 82 73' 76 4 106 Para Riv. 1,946 114 126 663 344 319 114 119 46 107 HimauJi Riv, 8~9 56 73 410 193 217 25 24 18 108 Larond Riv. 1,861 119 142 775 397 318 78 76 102 13 109 Babrela Rlv, 593 13 16 82 44 38 8 IS 19, 4

110 Achherela 417 9 15 55 26 29 4 29 III Kusmela 236 Un-Inhabltlld 112 Makraon R 2,117 179 199 986 523 463 167 85 151 21 113 Tindohi Kishan Chand 432 29 35 171 92 79 20 12 24 1 114 Tindohl Kishan Lal 439 30 38 185 99 a6 22 21 SO 1

115 Fatehpllr R. 1 925 87 87 400 ~OO 200 74 79 60 4 116 Artara Mp, Po. 1 8,473 699 703 3,421 1,727 1,694 574 596 562 104 117 Parchhach 1 3,085 302 322 1,578 851 727 214 181 25j 41l 118 TiJ"aras 2 677 59 63 336 174 162 47 48 32 2 119 Bamrauli 2 1,348 85 95 502 261 241 41 33 41 2

120 Sadha 1 643 9 11 46 23 23 5 ... 121 Parchha 1 969 122 131 812 418 394 54 60 37 I 122 Padhori Po. 2 2,531 226 262 1,469 774 695 116 123 157 25 123 Klswahi Mp, Po. I 3,424 245 250 1,430 742 688 134 131 235 2:' 124 Parehta Rlv. 1 2,639 170 197 1,062 !)!)2 510 m 122 112 9

125 Gakheri 793 Un..Inbabited 126 Tola Muaf 1 925 109 124- 617 :i21 290 38 21 85 3 127 Kheri 1 1,026 72 15 438 239 205 97 9B 44 I 128 Sisoiar Mp, Po. 2 3,936 468 486 2,427 1,'J.97 1,130 180 145 488 88 129 Garha Riv. a 2,011 171 190, 963 507 456 79 62 71 .. WORKERS NON. WORKERS Total Workert ~------,------(I-IX) Jl llJ IV V VI VII VlU IX X Serial . No •

M Fill F 111 FMF 11 F MF MF M Ii' M F II F M It 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 2S 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 lI4 35

Un.lnhabited 85 205 173 164 126 95 45 ... .., ...... 2 114 131 86 Un·inhabited 97 62 60 43 41 19 19 ... 32 12 88 438 133 331 III 59 2 5 15 1 2 5 3 21 16 401 665 (19

129 11l 110 12 16 m 5 ~ 2 2 92 84 90 468 85 115 22 159 3 37 .• 13 2 7 1 4 73 56 302 75H 91 314 8(\9 16S 18 140 289 S 2 2 2 2 205 199 92 (is 39 26 3 37 36 34 42 !!5 35 17 5 18 30 43 14 13 94

224 180 138 III 28 14 11 13 2 ... 5 2 40 40 155 167 9; 268 42 193 8 45 2 I 15 7 2 2 ... , 2 8 24 116 126 106 89 76 348 96 20 27 14 2 1 I 2 83 95 91 30 13 29 13 I 13 246 186 204 168 l!4 HI 12 14 ... 21 4 2 7 191 188 99

2€O 205 192 187 15 13 6 1 1... 2 .. 4 39 154 161 100 Un.inhabited 101 531 332 356 222 56 26 61 6 2 1 9 47 68 6 1 6 1 337 477 102 2 5 103 147 106 III 70 36 36 87 95 104

203 123 102 51 81 68 17 3 ... 2 116 141 10~ 221 164 143 83 32 53 46 17 123 165 1(16 124 75 109 65 4 9 3 3 3 255 125 1.;11 104 2 69 142 107 10 3 9 ... 47 5 I 25 16 142 27 6 22 2 2 1 .•. 253 108 3 3 17 32 109 16 10 16 10 10 19 110 Un-inhabited III ~Ol 187 159 130 18 5 ... 71 10 2 3 49 39 22? 276 112 50 39 34 26 3 I , 12 12 5Z 38 35 26 42 40 113 4 13 12 47 48 114

85 42 15 1 6 I ... 7 4 .. .. 52 37 115 r~8 115 1,062 689 700 419 139 88 8 56 20 9.. 1 ... 14 12 129 150 665 1,00'i Ill; 522 375 331 248 45 33 II 9 4: 2 .. 2 127 81 329 352 117 101 72 ['5 57 9 II 4 1 .. I 4 157 132 136 115 Ii Ii 73 90 118 4 1 2 2 I 104 109 119 14 II 11 11 3 9 242 238 199 196 35 39 12 120 3 I :1 I 2 I 176 156 121 457 261 291) 199 40 23 ... 80 2 4 2 3 452 219 277 97 .. 28 35 317 434 122 II I .. 48 13 I ," 4 ... 8 2 1 ... 102 lOS SS2 203 187 113 2Qo 469 123 68 68 6 59 .. 7 5 5 13 220 307 124

Un.inhabtted 211 81 107 8 125 31 2 50 58 ... 1 22 12 116 209 126 198 99 103 '79 15 16 5 9 1 I ... I 4 3 95 106 1~7 803 361 fl61 2Il 90 70 4 56 15 2 5 13 9 28 17 349 201 48 24 494 769 128 287 158 30Si 11 ~ ...... 7 I n-1 14 \I 1~ m 129 L VlLLAGI MAUDAHA. TAHSIL

Oa:oo Serial Name of VlUagti Numbor Area pied HoIISO- Total Populalloo Scheduled Literate and No. (Notatloo8 for amenltlel) of In ReBi· holds CaBlel educated Hamlot, IIa'CII dentlal penonl HoQ8CII _.... --... ,..._ ...... ,...__....___ P III F I( ., II F 1 2 9 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS

130 Bajamau Riv. 3 3,276 170 192 975 518 457 98 103 143 10 131 Budhai I 993 69 80 402 207 195 10 9 52 4 132 Bhulsi Riv. 1 4,095 247 291 1,541 818 723 21 IS 126 8 133 Bhatri 1 1,335 89 106 489 268 221 29 36 115 5 134 Cbhani Rlv,Po. 1 2,266 126 130 '628 330 298 91 89 62 9

135 Bakcha Riv. 1 1,624 66 71 419 230 189 23 16 65 12 136 Kher 2 1,202 64 75 404 220 184 30 28 43 1 137 Bhamai Po. I 1,495 196 214 1,240 649 591 91 97 184 20 lSI! Chandi Khurd 1 681 15 15 73 31 42 9 19 3 139 Tindwa 1 547 6 12 39 19 20 7 4

140 Bbensmari Mp. 1,807 233 2ED 1,267 666 601 158 136 251 32 141 Beharka 1,537 178 195 998 521 477 171 178 150 17 142 Chandi Kalan 1,764 115 153 757 398 359 54 40 133 10 143 Lachhmanpur ... 461 Un-inhabited 144 Pasun 1 1,021 54 56 309 165 144 59 46 35

145 Lewa Mp. 1 1,906 146 167 BS5 452 !lB3 124 119 151 11 146 Gahroli Mp. 2 1,079 B7 B7 415 20fi 206 45 48 27 9 147 Kapsa 1 1,718 115 140 666 359 307 62 55 109 9 148 Sijnoda Riv. 3 959 55 66 430 223 207 33 44 4 B 149 Akhaipur 593 Un-inhabited

ISO Bhensta 1 1,158 73 B6 521 262 259 54 52 44 151 Sijwahi 1 I,B64 Jl9 143 621 416 405 148 124 77 9 152 Tikri Buzurg S 1,138 183 212 941 504 437 99 77 12 8 153 Urdana Po. I 1,627 97 105 667 336 331 41 42 48 1!i4 Ghatkana 1 715 80 86 451 326 225 74 79 32

155 Gurdaha I 2,870 156 165 799 450 349 123 100 87 12 156 Karahia Mp,Po, 2 5,717 447 466 2,291 1,198 1,093 282 285 398 54 157 Gidrras 490 Un-inhabited 158 Mad3rpur 1 1,275 153 157 B31 ·41B 4'13 50 53 90 2 159 Ragaul R,Rly. 3 1,339 154 159 756 393 363 71 59 72 13

160 Chhemoli 2 644 126 140 922 478 444 62 74 35 161 Sinchauli 1 948 20 20 121 61 60 3 2 11 )02 Bhamaura Riv. 1 1,126 L08 )12 571 293 278 71 61 99 22 163 Kishanpur 1 496 32 32 191 100 91 29 26 15 16! Naraich R,Riv. 1 2,038 176 '197 925 45B 467 119 m 132 11

165 Mawaia R,Riv. 1 808 31 34 204 121 BS 32 20 S4 9 165 Chhcrka H,Riv. 1 2,457 190 216 1,103 574 529 141 121 36 1 167 Chamar Khanna Riv. 1 564 33 S6 226 116 110 16 23 6 168 Gahbra H 1 710 19 ~o 113 55 58 19 16 3 169 Bhamani Riv. 2 1,776 90 120 586 3U9 277 96 87 21

170 Ladar 1,470 101 116 603 313 29) 118 114 70 171 Rewan R. 3,725 355 385 2,123 1,08Z 1,041 158 158 397 22 172· Gurha Riv. 2,087 145 157 753 3B3 370 91 B9 47 3 173 Khanna R,Mcw,Po. 4,365 419 486 2,218 1,146 1,072 329 415 375 26 174 Bhadlrwara ,.. 569 !) n-inhabiteil Ll

WORKBRs NON. WORKERS Total WOIten ------~------~ (I-IX) n m IV v VI vn vtu IX x Sorial No.

--~ M F M F M' 11' II 11' M 11' M 11' M' M 11' M 11' M 11' M 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 !II 32 !IS 34 !IS

324 186 2ll 97 8 2 16 10 1 ... 7 3 81 74- 194 271 130 130 87 lOB 78 11 4 6 3 2 5 77 108 131 419 205 35~ 145 32 42 7 1 S 2 2 2 11 12 399 518 132 167 11 104 1 24 3 1 ... 36 9 101 210 133 212 98 120 53 12 31 6 51 17 3 3 1 3 6 3 118 200 134

142 85 118 80 4 2 15 2 1 1 4 88 104 135 143 91 111 115 6 ... 21 2 1 3 4 77 93 136 361 193 217 87 72 6 45 3D 3 9 11 14 59 288 398 137 19 17 14 14 5 3 12 25 138 11 3 8 2 1 3 8 q 139

385 IBI 191 79 69 84 40 7 .. 8 4 25 58 281 420 140 3u3 146 159 50 40 9 45 3 1 ... 9 1 48 83 218 331 141 255 97 151 49 20 3 ... 48 11 1 ... 4 31 34 143 262 142 Un-inhabited 143 111 93 84 58 22 34 3 54 51 144

275 126 158 59 25 3 40 5 1 ... 4 4 46 55 177 257 145 132 135 107 103 14 1B ... .. 4 1 7 13 77 71 146 247 163 182 120 27 23 10 3 3 12 29 112 144 147 127 110 88 68 39 42 .. 96 97 148 Un-inhabited 149

157 158 143 126 12 30 1 2 105 101 150 289 78 182 3 98 72 2 2 4 1 I 127 327 151 345 136 248 92 43 25 14 5 1 35 18 159 301 152 200 188 168 165 22 20 6 2 2 2 1 136 143 153 143 133 \)2 69 60 64 1 83 92 154

273 115 154 75 18 7 1 ... 44 2 16 1 4 ... 36 30 117 234 l55 708 405 474 265 84 28 56 9 19 1 21... 10 10 43 92 490 ii83 156 Un-inhabited 157 222 61 162 35 44 14 9 1 7 10 196 352 158 226 140 72 57 14 5 2: 31 6 3... 15 3 86 71 167 223 159

266 262 189 193 56 50 11 3 10 16 212 182 160 32 13 24 10 1 3 4 3 29 47 161 168 127 90 78 14 5 22 ~ 1 41 40 125 151 162 58 41 39 37 3 6 1 3 2 5 3 42 50 163 272 285 156 189 37 8 42 1 2 1 ... 1 33 87 186 182 164

71 35 51 23 6 ... 2 12 12 50 48 165 364 224 255 186 35 1 50 20 24 16 210 305 166 57 10 52 9 5 1 59 100 167 31 7 22 4 6 .. 3 ... 3 24 51 168 201 155 168 126 14 11 11 2 7 16 108 122 169

198 139 156 III 34 27 1 ••••••••••_o 3 ... 4 115 151 170 640 61 475 22 75 14 1... 32 5 1... 1 ... 6 1 48 20 442 9110 171 '1.L4 33 119 12 48 14 40 6 11 1 i59 3~7 172 739 300 450 163 158 110 37 10 1 ... 31 11 31 6 407 772 173 \In-inhabited 174 Lii VJLLAG£ MA.UDAHA TA.HSIL

Number Area ()ccao SerIal Name of VlDage of in pied Houae- Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. (Notatloo8 for amenities) Hamlet acres Rest- holds Castes educated dential persona Hoosea ... -.

P M Ii' M F M Ii' 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS

175 Bannl Riv. 985 83 97 531 289 242 37 24 32 176 Akona R1y. 738 Un-Inbablted 177 Khandeh Rty. 2 6,755 479 5BO 2,824 1,432 1,392 397 416 240 81 178 Fatehpurwa Khandeh 1 1,735 86 91 461 236 225 28 30 55 14 179 Adhai Pnrwa 946 Un-inhabited

180 Gusyari 1 2,110 241 275 I ,'i23 773 750 66 59 214 25 181 Ichduli Rly,Mcw,Po. I 3,508 202 225 1.147 567 580 117 149 126 2() 182 Naik Pu[wa Rly. 2 1,315 175 189 1,045 538 507 117 159 139 15 183 Jignoda 1 936 83 83 417 218 199 78 78 80 20 184 Akbai R. 1 2,655 161 165 751 378 373 64 81 78 12

185 Atgbar R. I 2,824 166 180 926 467 459 131 137 103 25 186 Ratwa R. I 1,724 41 52 302 162 140 4:; 52 78 2 181 Sirsi Kburd R. 1 3,310 194- 214 1,069 546 523 163 175 210 30 188 Barmauli I 1,782 134 152 839 420 419 186 Iq2 87 8 189 Chichara R. 1 4,324 297 366 1,571 796 715 291 297 275 113

190 Mawal Khurd 1 4,910 352 445 2,160 1,084 1,076 118 134 350 50 191 Tamaura I 1,535 123 157 762 394 3f8 144 129 95 32 192 Bahiuga I 2,648 2M 222 1,026 508 518 142 155 132 7 193 Barbai R. I 3,741 236 272 1,235 622 613 99 117 94 12 194 Kaimal1a 1 1,098 80 98 408 21D 198 41 49 46 6

195 Noorpur 687 Un-inhabited 196 Pachpahra R. 3,753 185 212 1,025 528 497 133 PO eo 2 197 Tindohi R. 1,415 91 95 495 234 261 12f1 169 38 8 198 K~erwhi Riv. 67. 69 92 473 245 228 89 88 81 22 199 Khamaria Rlv. 724 125 146 739 353, 3S6 22 30 36

200 Kulku Man Riv. 1 1,080 86 95 444 235 2n9 37 35 53 4 201 Kahra Po. I 1,202 398 465 2.098 1,069 1,029 226 233 361 51 202 Sirs! Kalan 5,432 412 437 2,045 1,006 1,039 249 269 212 30 203 uhandua I 1,859 84 97 427 210 217 87 88 57 20 204 Ruwai SUDerha R "2 4,711 316 384 1,848 958 a90 314 3uO 240 21

205 Maudaba T.A. R,Hos,Mcw,H,Mp,Pn. 5 6,504 2.191 2.543 vr(256 6,581 5,675 821 824 1,806 670

TOTAL OF MAUDHA BLOCK 140 226,036 18,803 21,061 IOS,I38 54,482 50,656 11,736 11,695 13,698 2,338

TOTAL OF MAUDAHA TAHSIL 103 381,000 31,272 3S,U2 174,483 90,432 84,051 19,923 19.63723.3933,797

The rural area of Tahsil Maudaha given in Table A.l~ is 604·6 sq. miles i e., 386,!'44 acrt:1I. The villlage.wise area$ in the Directory arc as reported by the Tahsildar, while the rural area of t e Tahsil ill Table A-I has been derived hv deductin~ the sum of urban areas from tbe tolal revised area figures Qf tbe Tabsil furnished by the Board of Revenue, U. r. till t)idCTOat RURAL-Conel".

WORKERS NON. WORKERS rotal Workers --- (I-IX) II III IV V VI VII VIn IX X Serial No. ,...... ~ ,...... ,_. ,...... ,...-..... ~ _ ,...... -...... ~- ...... ~ M F M F M F 114 F M F .M F 114 F at: P at: F 'If , H F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 2B 29 SO 31 '2 " M 35

180 46 132 25 34 17 .,. ... 8 ••• '" "1 2 6 2 109 196 175 Un.inh",bited 176 932 512 406 232 222 183 1 S 189 30 4: 3 ,. 28 16 20 53 48 500 880 177 144 95 107 85 19 ... 1 ... 10 1 2 ...... 1 5 8 92 130 178 Un·inhabited 179

453 318 286 232 68 1 52 26 1 ... 2 17 8 1 26 50 320 432 180 299 165 178 88 54 3 .. 23 3 2 13 6 12 17 65 268 415 181 313 129 17B 80 72 I ... 22 35 10 4: IS 15 10 225 378 182 129 8 58 4: 46 19 4: 2 ... .. 89 ,191 183 212 40 127 25 13 '" 62 1 5 3 2 3 11 166 m 184

283 122 142 36 49 1 58 15 4- 3 30 67 184 337 1115 96 50 60 33 7 13 1 ... 19 3 6 2 t 66 9() 186 328 200 206 113 6B 65 ", 37 4 -.... , ... 7 6 9 12 218 323 187 410 411 303 313 102 93 '" ... 3 2 10 8 168 498 269 285 103 63 9 28 1 ... 6 2 ... 114 155 298 506 189

673 510 492 330 136 133 24 15 2 9 6 10 2~ 411 566 190 229 65 130 14 10 1 20 ...... 2 ... 67 50 165 303 191 324 252 184 135 67 72 27 5 2 11 8 33 32 184 266 192 400 351 264 186 113 151 ... 14 7 .... f' •••• 3 5 I ~ 222 262 193 132 89 98 61 23 24 1 2 9 ...... 1 I 1 18 109 194

Un-inhabited 195 310 261 228 199 15 5 30 15 2 7 35 35 218 236 196 134 143 85 98 12 2 8 2 2 1 27 40 100 118 197 146 76 95 49 19 I 19 5 2 11 21 99 152 198 229 195 174 li6 15 11 ... 1 34 1 6 6 124 191 199

166 66 107 47 2ll 2 ... 34 4 1 17 69 143 200 616 87 357 12 108 1 5 ... 60 1 1 7 3 2 76 70 453 94Z 201 633 251 318 28 158 172 78 5 5 21 8 52 38 373 7St! 202 129 71 73 37 27 ... 14 1 4 ... 11 33 81 146 203 592 193 409 132 76 37 1 no 51 1 6 ... 9 2 1 39 21 356 697 204

3,037 566 776 159 113 3 355 29 30 59 3 452 26 96 ... 1,153 348 3,544- 5,109 205

32,28317,U819,71210,357 4,631 2,991100 23 2,9t6 616 \63 21 IS5 17 904 256 112 ... 3,500 7,887 71,199 33,508

M,OGO 29,56132,80817,4277,8064,715 1834U,:J81 1,397 250 35 254 39 1,301 412 196 ' ... 5,.1 5,495 36,372 54,417


5, m


:f.. ,.-·, '~I.., ?

~ r III ~ .., 1/1 'l: '\ cUt " '"~ .. --VIr -i '"~ N :0 ..III ~o :l::t ::0 0 ~> )I. ~:::o -r flO :OJ:~" :l: » ::0 3 - r'" ....,1 , 0 i "'J 3: /.- .. ~ -i , .' '"~ / ( .. I.r _,.--"' ... ," r ') ...:- (~ :_:'y l "$. i' (J'I,... t9 (' '",') 1- 8, ~, . <". c:;. (. ·_.a "."1$ 111 Gl 1...''Y • .l"'-





Sl. Name of Village 81. No. in SI. Name of Village SI. No. in Sl. Name of Village SI. No. In No. Village No. Village No. Village Directory Directory Directory

2 3 2 3 I 2 3

Ainchana 234 41 Bhaleora 183 81 Gahlaund 116 2 Akthauhan 151 42 1:!halioria Kalan 160 82 Gangndho 3 3 Alipura 11 43 Bhilauni 166 83 Garari 242 4 Alipura 41 44 Bhujpura 84 B4 Garo 104 5 Amanpura !J8 45 Bhura 63 55 Garotha 153

6 Amilia 92 46 Bihar 143 86 Garrauli 13 7 Andwara 138 47 Bihat 51 B7 Garaura 95 8 Aslhon 185 4B Bijaipur 131 IlB Gaurahri 150 9 Atarpatha 170 49 Bijalpura 212 89 Ghate[a 82 10 AtrauJi 239 5Q Bijr:tri 76 90 Ghurwa,mau Jl7

11 BagaJ 148 51 Brijpura 251 91 Ghulai 90 12 Bagron 271 52 Bndero 1 92 Ghutwai 211 13 Bagrauni 1(15 53 Bndhaura 114 93 GopaJpura 270 14 Bahadurpur Kalan 44 54 Budhe 149 94 Gorkba 157 15 Babadurpur 31 55 Chamarra 1 2 95 Govindpura 19 96 Gugaura 122 16 Baihari 228 56 Chandanhas 74 97 Guptmau 17 Balcbaur 188 57 Chapka 115 207 98 Gurha 197 18 Bamhauri Baldaram 189 58 Charkharil 187 99 Haibatpur Brahminan 19 Bamhauri Khurd 174 59 Charua 146 38 100 Haibatpur Khagaran ~O Bamhauri Kurmin 61 60 Chauka 108 ..

21 Bamhori Kalan 245 61 Chhanchri 21 101 Imihya 246 102 Imli Khel:! 259 22 Bamhori Khurct 203 62 Cbhani Khurd 231 103 Indora 181 23 Bamnetlla 258 63 Chba!esar 37 24 Bamoria 224 64 Chhedimall 158 104 naula BUrtll g 75 25 Bamrara 254 65 Chu.-.ari 141 105 ltwan 16

26 Bapretha 198 66 Dadn 80 106 ltwan 268 107 Jagpura fluzurg 27 Baraill 240 67 Dayalpura 263 22 28 Baran;) 46 68 Deoganpura 40 108 Jakha 29 1IJ9 Jakhi 32 29 Barenda Buzur;; 106 69 Dwgaon 91 110 Jamala 115 30 Bari 241 70 Dhanawan 16i III Jaraula 154 31 Bar kachha 194 71 Dharwar 69 112 Jarauh 201 32 Basana Pan wari 59 7Z Dhawar 65 113 Jardinganj 262 33 Baura 144 73 DbumgJr 191 114 Jaswari 217 34 Behar B 74 Didaul3 93 35 Benda 15 75 Didwara 39 115 Jataura 225 116 Kajriwar 81 36 Beri Rhera 260 76 Dinai 140 117 Kakra 256 37 Berio 77 77 Duhra 86 113 221 38 Bhagauri 27 78 Dumdnma 208 Kakuu 127 39 Bhandwara 96 79 Dwasi ]47 119 Kamala 120 Kamal Khlca 248 ~o I3barwara 133 80 Fatehpur ~66 Lviii ALPHABBTICAL LIST or VlLLAGIS


Sl. Name of Village 51. No. in 81. Name of VDlage SI. No. In Sl. Name of VUlage 81. No. In No. VUlage No. Village No. Vlllago Directory Directory OlrectoI'J

1, 2 S 2 S 2 S

121 Kamalpnra 175 161 LodhipDra 35 201 Patha 249 122 Kanera 230 162 Lohargaon 52 202 Palhari Kadim 145 123 Kaneri 253 163 Lohari 162 203 Phandna 129 124 Kanba 99 164 Lohpuri 213 204 Pipri Sf 125 Kanora 97 165 Mahoba I\anth 100 205 Pirtbipura 179

126 Karehra Kburd Kherl! 110 166 Mahraipur 247 206 Puchhi 191 127 Karebra Dang 176 167 Mabaa Ilaura 132 207 PIlpwara 243 128 Karehra Kburd 152 16S Majhol 264 208 Putta III 129 Karimbar 101 169 Malkhanpur 269 209 Ragau! 200 ISO Kasari 130 170 Manti 113 210 Rahuniya 244

131 Kashipur 67 171 Maragpura 20 211 Raimalpur 43 132 Kbangarra 125 172 Markui 218 212 Raiopnr (Gumanpura) 21 .. 133 Khera Nankari 123 173 Marwari 53 213 Raipuril Hardo Nid 68 1M Khero Kalan 71 174 Masudpura 9 214 Rajaura 2a3 135 Khiria Buzurg 17 175 Mabrra 227 215 Rampura Kadin 159

136 Khirya 206 !76 Mitlanganj 265 216 Rausbanpura 255 137 Kbonaria 177 177 Mohari 171 217 Rawatpur ~alan 112 138 Kilhaua 121 178 Nagarraghat 45 218 Rawatpor Kurd 180 139 Kiralpra 222 179 Naikpura 49 219 Rewai B8 Rewai 140 Kohania 56 180 Naipura 54 220 215 Richha 134 141 Kobari 205 181 Nakra 124 221 Ricbhilril 58 142 Konia 36 182 Narerl 196 222 Rupnaul 48 143 Kolra 50 183 Natarra 126 223 144 Kuan 235 184 Naugaon 128 224 Ruri Kalan 89 Ruri Khurd 66 145 Kuan Rhera 109 185 Nau'ara 257 22!i Sabua 146 Rulpahar (T.A.) 164- 186 Nibora 23 226 109 147 Kamrai 216 187 Nibwari 232 m Sabarra 172 ra 148 Kunala 139 IR8 Niswara 24 228 SaiDgarpa 120 149 Kuraura Bajpai 223 189 Nonka 135 229 Salaiya Khalsa 2 150 Kuranra Dang 261 190 Padaria 12 230 Salat 192

151 Kusarma 204 19! Padora 216 231 Salua 252 152 Kutia 190 192 Paharia 73 232 Santhar B3 153 Ladbaura Khurd 14 193 Paharpura 119 233 Sanlo,hpura 220 154 Ladhaura Socm 163 194 Panara 136 234 Saragpura 42 155 Ladpura 168 195 Panchampura 226 235 Salad 142

156 Laita 137 ! 196 Paowari 34 236 Sataura 55 157 Lakbania 6 197 Para Pantar 79 237 Sauora 107 158 Lalaura 219 198 Paretba 237 238 SeJa KbaJsa 182 Partishtha 239 1 159 Laulara 18 199 199 Seondhi Patha Sbeo~l+ 160 Lilwa 70 200 47 240 ~5Q Lx



81, Name of VUlago 51.No.ID 81, Name of Village SI. No. in No, SI, Name ol Village 81. No. iu Village No, Village No. Village Directory Directory Directory

2 S 2 S 2 3

2.' Sbcrgarh 26 251 8ukhaura 28 261 Tlngra 78 242 Sijaura 238 252 Suugra 167 262 Tola Chahlrrum 155 2.3 Skikandarpura 118 253 Supa 184- 263 Tola Pantar 81 24. I\Uarpura 5 • 254 Swasa Muafl 195 264 Tola Soem 186 2.5 Simaria 2)5 30 Tagaria 10 265 Tudar 64

246 Slnghain 156 256 Talya 60 266 Turm Mohar 25 247 Slrmaur 173 257 Teli Pahari 103 267 Udaipura 169 248 Sonakpura 161 258 Thalaura 62 268 Udaipur a 210 249 Sudamapuri 229 259 Tha!eora 178 269 Ujrendi 202 Subajna 250 267 260 Tikaria 57 270 U1dan 33 271 Umrai 72 Lx VlLLAG:£ CHRKHARI TAHSIL

Occ~ Serial Name of Village Number Area pied Hoose. Tolal Population Scheduled LitErate and (Notations far amenities) of No. in Resj- holds Ca9tes educated Hamlets acres dential persoos HOQses __h_ I""'"'---"'A_,-, ,....-~-......

1.1 F' M F M Ii' 2 S " 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ul 11 12 13 PANWARl BLOCK 1 Seondhi Riv,Po. ~,989 302 328 Salaiya Khalsa 1,64' 855 790 279 268 154 4 2 1,07B 134 186 94-3 462 481 40 45 13 3 Gangudho 409 50 62 4 Haibatpur Khagarar. 306 167 139 15 13 10 466 50 52 292 153 139 23 22 21 1 5 Silarpura RIV. 865 SO 80 422 234 188 14 8 46 4 Lakhania ~ ~132 Ur,-inhabited 7 Budero Riv. 1,408 280 Behar 280 1,279 653 626 208 219 67 :3 8 432 Un"inhabitcd 9 Masudpura 662 150 203 Tagaria 1,033 530 503 168 159 80 10 571 Cn-inhabited 11 Alipura 385 102 102 461 249 212 70 5B 54 12 Padaria 219 2 13 Garrauli Un-inhabited 190 65 6.1 266 144 122 42 34 45 14 Ladhaura Khurd 517 108 lu8 15 Benda Po. 545 286 259 84 66 102 4 2,767 320 321 1,505 782 723 191 2(6 19\1 16

16 Itwan Riv_ 2B3 Khiria Buzurg Un-inhabited 17 Riv. 373 Vn-inhablted 18 Laulara Rill. 527 56 56 I 155 19 GoVindpura 310 155 40 45 53 4 IB2 Un-inhabited 20 Maragpura Riv, "i 395 25 25 134 11 63 25 17 17 21 Chhanchri Riv. 140 24- 24 J19 68 51 10 16 22 Jagpura Bu~urg 7 231 ~6 26 125 60 65 27 36 JO 23 Nibora 60 ~ 24 Niswara. Riv. Vn-inhabited 413 9 9 45 22 23 I 1 25 Thrra Mohar 1,211 235 246 1,250 655 595 79 80 106 16 26 Shergarh &29 52 77 369 189 180 47 56 27 Bhagaun 265 2B Sukhaura Un· inhabIted 28 .-. 274 Un-inhabited 29 Jakha 1,033 168 133 30 Simaria Riv. 862 427 435 138 145 111 5 854 73 74 389 200 189 70 69 42 9 31 Bahaducpur 131 32 Jakhi Un inhabited 205 Un-inhabited 33 Uldan Riv. 276 I>anwari 27 27 146 7B 68 6 1 15 34 R,Mp,Mcw,Po. 2,612 900 4,998 35 Lodhiptlra I

111 F M F MFIIIFH FMFMPM FM PM F M P 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 52 39 94 95 1 PANWARI BLOCK 564 507 414 374 56 58 16 56 53 4 2 1 5 12 13 291 283 1 363 296 302 273 34 20 23 1 1 1 3 1 99 185 2 115 89 85 72 15 15 2 7 1 3 1 3 52 50 3 103 87 89 82 9 5 5 50 52 4 147 116 119 101 11 13 7 2 3 2 3 81 12 5

Un-Inhabited 6 410 363 23B 199 118 149 .,. 40 10 3 1 Jl 4 243 263 1 U~.i~j,abit~d .. , 8 314 2fj6 180 150 60 69 3 6 39 20 4 1 ••• .., 8 2 20 18 216 231 9 Un-inbabited 10

148 74 88 52 10 2 ...... 28 5 2 20 15 101 138 11 Un-inhabited 12 94 82 76 69 16 13 ... 50 40 13 1 9 104 109 14 182 150 119 118 38 31 .. ... 14- 1 .. ~ ...... 1 460 292 327 222 282611 1 30 10 4 .. , _ •." 15 2 1 4t 31 322 431 15

lTn-inbabited 16 Un-inhabited 11 98 105 SO 91 14 13 3 57 50 18 Un-inbabited 19 51 45 49 44 2 20 18 20

49 39 44 32 5 7 19 12 21 45 50 33 25 12 25 15 15 22 Un-inhabited 23 11 15 10 13 1 2 11 8 24: 393 125 320 111 62 a 1 4 1 ." 1 ." 4 262 470 25 26 116 99 so 73 26 24 ". 9 2 73 81 Un-inhabited 21 Un-inbabited 28 217 259 171 143 65 101 4 4 150 176 29' 32 13 58 114 131 B5 102 20 24 ... 6 5 1 .,. ••• . •• 1 86 SO

Un·inhabited 31 Un-.inhabited 32 28 21 33 50 41 38 41 11 6 ,.. 1 --. ~. 1,426 682 633 280 132 1~7 17 164 56 S 34 2 106 37 5 332 170 1,123 1,767 34 121 96 84 65 21 28 13 3 1 2 81 91 35

123 145 102 122 20 23 ... t 1 96 77 56 5429302 22 Il? 1 36 45 37 19 18 3 2 16 16 10 10 38 318 164 187 119 56 24 13 2 4 9 14 231 316 39 39 1 8 180 40 138 74 60 5 66 69 ... 6 6 121

17 II 3 6 4 5 9 12 17 41 34 as 27 27 6 5 21 15 42 .1 41 43 4 1 ,.. 1 ... 172 44 185 )16 119 64 49 47 /) 5 3 120 2 4- 2 " 495 446 229 237 126 139 82 4 45 6 1 12 10 10 1 257 +5 H-9 ~W.oI CHARKHARITAHSIL

Occa- Serial Name 0( vIDage Nomber Area pied House- Total Population Scheduled Literate IIld No, (Notations for amcnitie&) of in Resi- bolds castes cdllCated Hamlets acres deutial penons Houses ..--- ,.. ... ,...... __, P II F )I F II F 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 19

46 Batano Riv. 488 6 6 33 18 15 6 47 Patha Riv. 202 Un-inhabited 48 Rupnaul Rh'. 1 1,367 10 16 88 54 34 5 3 11 49 Naikpura 1 289 133 133 656 532 324 92 99 75 5 50 Kolra 1 929 160 ]60 837 408 429 143 149 44 7

5] Bihat Riv. 1 1,879 32 60 241 120 121 33 42 8 52 Loh3rgaon Riv. 1 1,372 143 143 641 344 297 103 92 70 10 53 Marwari Riv. 1 783 67 67 331 165 16S 76 82 44 4 54 Naipura Riy. ] 1,424 183 183 779 392 387 79 91 63 3 55 Salaura Riv. 1 197 72 105 529 286 243 92 84 95 10

56 Kohania 1 2,165 155 155 884 452 432 140 130 123 26 57 Tikaria Riv. 1 1,318 147 148 705 359 346 70 59 92 11 58 Rlcbhara Riv. 1 515 SO 30 145 69 76 27 9 69 Basada Pallwari Riv. 1 715 20 20 122 66 56 ...... 24 60 Talya R. 1 1,674 260 260 1,310 664 646 SIl 322 170 18

61 Bamhauri KUrmill t 864 81 83 344 174 170 79 76 32 9 62 Thalaura 1 366 36 37 ]67 79 88 1 3 38 7 63 Bhura 1 913 38 38 165 90 75 SO 32 2S 3 64 Tudal' 1 605 25 25 148 76 72 4 ... 65 Dttawar R,L. I 1,242 119 120 568 298 270 75 71 124 39

66 Runl{hllrd Hiv. 1 468 30 SO 197 103 94 44 42 26 2 67 Kashiput Riv. !I 4,107 219 220 1,162 582 580 41 45 179 28 00 Raipllra Bardo NisI Riv. t 788 9 10 21 13 8 !i 3 69 Dharwar Riv. t 1,954 73 76 394 202 192 65 72 31 1 10 Lilwa Riv. 1 2,709 74 79 502 255 247 95 64 48 2

71 KheroKalan Rlv. 987 62 61 336 184 152 43 31 26 1 72 Umrai Riv. 1,048 87 121 546 294 252 56 54 53 t 73 Pabaria R1V. 602 140 140 703 368 335 116 III W 13 74 Chandanhas ... 578 Un-inhabited 75 ltauta Buzurg Riy. 1 827 78 78 437 216 221 84- 91 5

76 Eljrarl Riv. 1 ],284 102 105 385 203 182 85 89 22 ... 77 Berio Riv. 1 907 90 9() 477 247 230 45 46 14 78 Tingra my. 1 642 40 45 229 1t4 115 28 2[1 ~6 7 79 Para Pantar Riv, 1 966 90 92 415 228 1Il7 53 32 36 2 80 Dadri Riv. t 1,709 140 140 676 343 333 128 127 60 3

81 Tola Pantar Riv. 1,155 138 160 801 409 392 144 1'0 32 5 82 Ghatera Riy. 1,251 60 60 325 164 161 63 69 !i6 83 Santhar Riv. 944 15 16 84 49 35 2 1 16 M Bhlljpllra. 905 102 102 510 261 249 AZ 84 65 ... 85 Chapka 322 15 ]5 98 55 43 1 1 20 .2

86 Dulara Riy. 2,124 224 225 992 499 493 172 165 107 S 87 Kajriwar 197 Un-inhabited 88 Rewai Riv,Mp,Po 1 2,197 163 170 837 441 396 101 87 55 4 89 Ruri Kalan Rly. 1 2,956 248 250 1,117 573 544 126 215 96 4 90 Ghulai my. 2 2,489 192 196 897 450 447 179 161 108 Ii Lliii DIRBCTORY RVRAL-COfl'.,

WORKERS NON. WORKERS Tot.1 Worken ~------~----~------~ (1-lX) o III IV v VI vu vm IX x SerIal No.

.. F t.l F M F M F K F 14 F )( F 14 J! U , 14 1!' M F It 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SI S2 3S 34 35 1

IS 3 12 3 ...... 5 12 46 47 33 14 31 14 1 I 21 20 48 190 109 110 48 55 60 18 1 I ... 6 142 215 49 261 81 189 19 49 62 16 2 S 1 4 147 348 50

90 31 63 12 21 17 .,. .. 2 30 go 51 199 52 155. 12 39 39 ..••.. 2 2 1 145 245 52 113 90 83 74 16 10 .. , 10 6 I 3 52 76 53 258 115 216 72 33 43 9 .- 134 272 54 175 98 118 74 30 29 5 12 1 ...... 3 7 111 145 55

281 206 201 184 37 18 2 23 3 5 ... 8 2 171 226 56 215 146 179 131 17 15 12 1 6 144 200 57 40 29 40 29 29 47 58 43 36 42 96 1. 1M ••••,...... 23 20 59 405 230 237 126 146 102 ... 11 2 2 4 4 259 416 60

11')' 60 69 24 15 13 9 ... 7 7 15 16 57 110 61 57 50 50 43 2 4 4 2 1 1 22 38 62 64 33 52 21 6 8 _. 6 2 2 26 42 63 54 12 40 4 2 6 _. 9 I ...... - S I 22 60 64 164 liB 9(1 82 3B 35 1 11 1 17 134 152 65

64 42 31 24 20 16 9 .. ' ~, ... 4 2 89 52 66 366 221 283 169 33 28 23 11 4 1 ... .. 1 18 12 216 359 67 10 8 ... 2 3 8 68 113 79 75 55 23 23 9 5 89 113 69 142 89 97 52 18 37 25 2 113 158 70

112 55 88 48 10 7 10 3 72 97 71 179 119 133 75 40 43 5 1 11:i 133 72 214 245 160 185 39 53 8 4 .. ,.. 1 ... 5 3 154 90 n Un-inhabited 74 162 144 129 109 26 29 3 2 3 4 54 77 75

133 128 122 115 9 12 ... 1 1 70 54 76 185 l!i5 163 141 18 14 1 _. 2 1 62 75 77 64 71 39 47 11 4 1 5 6 1 8 13 50 44 78 140 122 104 92 16 8 6 1 7 5 ...... 1 6 16 88 65 79 212 166 157 121 38 35 12 7 .. , 1 2 5 131 167 80

277 255 215 206 46 46 ...... 15 3 132 137 8t 100 8 76 7 12 1 11 64 153 82 23 1 16 1 3 .... 4 26 34 83 )64 30 126 23 26 6. 6 5 97 219 84 21 24 3 28 43 85

327 321 259 256 32 47 9 ... 21 17 ...... 3 3 172 172 86 Un-inhabited 87 273 251 264 244 4 7 2 1 ... 1 1 ." 168 145 88 349 337 237 233 '82 91 14 8 9 4 7 1 224 207 89 ~9~ 277 184 119 55 74 •• , i6 23 .. , .,. 1 ... 3 1 9 152 170 90 Lziy VILLAGE CHARKHARITAHSIL

Number Area Qccu. SerIal Name 01 Village of in JlIe!l Bou.,. Total Population Sc:beduled Literate and ~o. (Notation, for lDleultioa) Hamlet acres Resi- holds Castes educated dential persona Hoosel ~ .... ~ ,...--'---. P M F )of F. )of F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS

91 Deogaon 938 Un-inhabited 92 Amilia Rly. 321 27 27 127 67 60 5 8 17 93 D1daura 259 19 20 114 57 57 10 8 12 94 Pipri Riv,Rly. 971 150 150 721 391 330 166 147 152 18 95 Garanra Riv. 883 25 50 247 118 129 30 38 21 1

95 Bhandwara Riv,Rly. 1 668 32 40 210 114 96 52 45 44- 12 97 Kanora Hiv. I 490 56 61 322 152 170 78 81 34 6 98 Amanpura 1 727 82 89 372 203 169 83 69 30 3 99 Kankua L. 1 I,S!!l 295 295 1,303 678 625 277 264 170 23 too Mahob lCanlh R,Mp,Po. 2 2,057 199 ' 190 895 46S 432 151 150 160 15

101 Karimbar ... 309 Un-inhabited 102 Chamarra Hiv. 1 955 65 65 360 200 160 50 44 76 13 103 Teli Pahari Riv. 1 2,552 143 145 714 372 342 91 92 73 5 104 Garo 1 997 28 28 132 78 54 36 23 7 105 Bagrauni 1 698 45 45 238 125 il3 42 45 15 7

106 Barenda Buzurg 1 691 80 80 420 215 205 53 46 35 9 107 SaUOra 1 3,027 265 268 1,242 641 601 270 277 152 17 lOB Chauka 1 2,182 175 175 765 395 370 132 122 80 3 109 Kuan Khera 577 Un-inqabited 110 Karehra Khurd, Khera 659 4- 5 39 24 15 9 1 ,

III Putta S31 Un-inbabited 112 Rawatpur KaJan 458 51 51 251 129 122 50 44 30 3 113 Manki 1,080 Un· il1habited 114 Budhaura Riv. 723 47 50 243 119 124 59 67 .3 115 Jamala Rlv. 708 13 13 128 60 68 15 23 19

116 Gahlaund 368 Un-iuhabited 117 Ghurwas Mau R,V. 281 Un-inhabited 118 Sikandarpura Riv. 490 Un-inhabited 119 Paharpura 457 Un-inhabited 120 Saingarpura 467 Un-inhabited

121 KUbaua Po, 2,321 385 393 1,889 963 926 342 349 242 30 122 Gugaura 885 114- 119 548 279 269 80 78 61 2 123 Khera Nankari 506 21 21 III 61 50 31 33 8 124 Nak[a R,Po. 3,878 323 326 1.511 761 750 256 256 138 10 125 Khangarra 967 21 30 195 102 93 16 1

126 Natarra 1,931 124 130 689 351 338 67 85 107 14- 127 Kamala 555 II n-inhabited 128 Naugaon 752 49 60 319 157 162 42 57 54 9 129 Pbandoa 431 60 61l 206 110 96 34 35 16 130 Kasari 387 Un-inhabited

131 Bijaipuf Po. 2.221 254- 259 1,141 594 547 229 202 160 38

TOTAL OF PANWARI·8LOCK J08 132,734 11,411 11,938 58,549 30,152 28,397 8.9 6 8,855 6.840 89t LIV DIRECTORY RURAL-COts'd.

WORKERS NON- WORKERS Total Workers (l-IX) II ill IV V VI VII VW IX X SerIal No, ... ,. ,...... ,...... ,-A_ ,...-A-, ,..-... ~ ~ .. - .....--. ~ M F III F III F III P III P III F III P III F II P Il F III F 14 J5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2f 25 26 27 28 29 SO 81 82 88 54 35

Un-inhabited 91 43 33 27 29 H' 6 7 3 3 24 27 92 31 34 28 32 1 1 1 1 ...... 26 23 93 231 168 161 132 4 6 2 .. , .. 16 15 28 34 160 162 94 73 63 58 56 4 2 8 2 2 2 45 66 95

56 38 32 14 6 5 3 1 3 11 18 58 58 !!6 94 94 59 71 7 U 13 1 14 11 58 76 97 l~O 100 61 54 20 13 13 11 I 5 ... 20 21 83 69 98 422 356 227 185 143 152 I 16 12 _. ... ~O 6 1 II 1 256 269 &9 266 157 164 66 55 82 2 12 4 ~ 4 9 1 18 4 197 275 100

Un-inhabited 101 119 105 85 70 32 35 2 81 55 102 216 223 172 167 31 44 5 12 I 2 5 156 119 103 49 35 33 24 11 7 5 4 29 19 104 77 68 61 62 7 3 3 1 5 2 ..8 45 105

128 112 82 87 23 22 J4 1 2 7 2 87 93 106 3Y2 302 277 168 53 56 10 11 16 10 3 2 ... 8 41 23 16 249 299 107 260 204 164 III 18 15 6 ... 40 17 1 1 7 38 2 21 23 135 Ib6 108 Un-illilabiled 109 10 3 10 3 ...... 14 12 110

Un-inhabited 111 77 65 71 59 3 3 4 2 52 57 112 Un-inhabited 113 94- 87 81 72 J3 15 ...... 25 37 114- 46 48 33 35 13 13 ." ...... , 14 20 115

Vn-inhabited 116 Un-inhabited 117 Un-inhabited 118 Un-inhabited 119 Un-inhabited 120

591 262 355 89 172 157 41 15 3 6 2 11 372 664 121 156 41 111 6 34 33 9 I 1 2 123 228 122 15 18 I 10 30 9 'l' ~ 4 ... I 31 35 123 477 425 322 297 121 126 2 18 2 9 2 3 284 325 124 56 60 53 60 2 1 46 33 125

203 131 156 104 24 22 ... 18 5 I 4 148 207 126 Un-inhabited 127 112 112 104 llO a 2 45 50 128 77 74 46 49 31 25 ...... 33 22 J29 Un-inhabited 130

355 252 238 167 82 73 ...... 28 9 1 ... 5 2 239 295 lSI

18,55613,13l1~,688 8,969 3,1413,041 130 25 1,242 430 40 10 104 2 288 161 53 ... 870 193 11,596 15,265 Lxvi VllUOB CHARKHARI TAHSIL

OCCII' SerfaJ Name of VIllage Nombec Area pied Hote Total PopalaUob SchedaJed Literate and No. (NotatlonB fcao amenltiea) of in RIll- boldl Castes educated Hamlets acros dIIltlal pcrsoDi HOIlBell .... ~ ~- P M F )( F M F 1 2 S 4 !I 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 IS CHARKHARI BLOCK

132 Mahua Ita ura R,Riv. 1,296 200 200 997 515 482 116 109 129 U 133 Bharwara R, Po. 1,492 425 425 2,058 1,041 1,017 238 242 287 46 134 Riehha Mp. 2,106 105 131 649 342 307 134 124 49 1 135 Nonka 1,145 Un-inhabited 136 Panara 995 28 34 167 85 82 34 35 17 3

131 Laita 1,099 1 1 1 1 1 138 Andwara 1,727 242 270 4,251 672 579 )67 153 )64 19 139 Kunata 1,335 70 70 338 184 154 66 64 43 3 140 Dlnai 2,248 Un-inhadi[ed 141 Churari 2,649 lS3 183 912 461 451 131 143 140 7

142 Salari 1 2,610 183 189 1,052 560 492 173 165 138 21 143 Bihar 1 980 79 90 455 221) 235 66 85 56 144 Baura 1 1,889 72 BS 457 237 220 42 47 24 6 145 Pathari Kadim 1 1,518 27 33 171 94 83 6 6 28 1 146 Charua 1 534 23 31 153 80 73 13 15 28 1

147 DW3Si 1 744 15 18 94 47 47 5 7 3 148 Bagal 1 1,493 40 50 296 145 151 42 44- 45 4 149 Budhe 1 530 14 16 71 35 36 2 3 5 150 Gaurahri I" Po. 1 3,511 448 500 2,15.1 1,142 1,013 321 327 403 52 151 Akthauhan R. 7 5,183 387 405 1,995 1,018 977 346 376 290 45

152 Ka [ehra Khurd 1.860 223 250 1,198 595 603 131 136 143 9 153 Garutha 582 Un-inhabited 154 Jaraula 780 Un-inhabited 155 Tola Chaharrum 680 Un-inhabited 156 Singhain 900 Un-inhabited

157 Gorkha 3,756 167 168 907 483 424 133 102 109 8 158 ehhedl Mau 1,622 9 9 5\ ~6 25 159 Rampura K&dlln 524 21 22 124 62 62 18 21 6 1 160 BballOria Kalan 3,309 235 238 I,05S 550 508 143 122 166 15 1&1 DhanalVan 1,259 B 10 33 16 17 2

162 Lohari 2,042 74 80 445 230 215 56 56 49 163 Ladhaura Soem 616 .".ej Un-inhabited 164 vi{ulpahar(f,A )):{,Rly,Mp,Hos, "cIV,H,Po. 8 12,035 1,328 1 ,gOO .886 3,601 3,285 859 79\ 1,378 519 165 SOIl

167 Sungra R,L,Mp. Po. 2.229 454 590 2,797 1,462 1,335 321 302 422 86 168 Ladpura 1<. 1,076 208 225 1,144- 603 541 115 105 142 19 169 Uddlpura 572 Un-inhabIted 170 Atarpatha H. 1 524 31 53 223 114 109 50 45 44 8 m Mohari 6 505 133 135 720 386 334 84 85 71 4

172 Saharra 387 Un-inhabited 173 Sirmaur R. I 1,190 59 75 411 2t4 197 81 31 12 174 llamhauri Kllurd R 4 1,162 60 60 421 233 188 21 19 31 175 Kama1pura 612 83 85 503 264 239 45 48 84 10 176 l\arehra Dang 1,592 25 31 13Q 7~ 5~ 14 12 16 ... 01&EctORY RURAL-COnM.

WORKERS NON. WORKERS Total Workers (I-IX) 1I III IV V VI VlI VlU IX x Sorlal No. - M F M II' Mil' Mil' M FMFMF MF M II' M F M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 29 24r 25 26 27 28 29 90 31 32 ~3 34 35 CHARKHARI BLOCK 326 232 191 138 99 68 14 21 5 1 ..• 4- 4 6 6 189 250 132 679 688 484 488 154 196 26 3 1... ••• 4- 10 362 329 133 222 162 122 137 49]9 44- 6 ...... 4- 3 120 145 134- Un-inhabited 135 54429 62 6 13 2 31 78 136

1 ... 1 137 400 320 259 201 115 114- 16 3 7 4 272 259 138 118 81 67 46 40 35 9 2 66 73 139 Un-i;habiter 140 305 SI8 228 263 51 53 19 2 1 3 3 156 133 141

353 269 289 237 11 10 .•. 22 7 2 28 15 207 223 142 137 100 97 91 18 1 2 20 8 83 135 14-3 147 53 99 37 16 9 19 3 1 11 3 90 167 144 59 10 41 6 14 4- 3 1 35 73 145 42 14 34 8 2 3 4 3 1 38 59 146

28 23 5 19 47 147 91 25 65 14 12 8 9 5 3 54- 126 148 19 • I 17 I 2 .. 16 35 149 718 465 403 208 4' 9 16 153 145 6 18 7 15 11 49 85 424 548 150 640 232 382 58 162 150 69 15 6 2 21 7 378 745 151

392 436 276 316 58 81 7 4 33 19 ...... 5 13 16 203 167 152 Un-inhabited 153 Un-inhabited 154- Un-inhabited 155 Un-inbabited 156

337 316 278 266 35 33 21 16 2 146 108 157 17 15 17 14- 1 9 10 158 39 40 33 36 4 4 ... 2 ... 23 22 159 317 209 190 123 95 81 24 4 ...... 5 3 1 233 299 160 11 10 10 9 1 1 5 7 161

143 129 112 95 22 34 8 87 86 162 '''Un i;habii~ 163 1,985 744 577 269 277 174 27 4 345 9423533 143 19 60 500 177 1,616 2,541 164- 11 )1. 5 .4 4 6 2 ... 1 6 12 165 ... Un-i'~'habiied'" ... 166

814 188 435 112 82 25 8 140 9 ...... 10 17 3 119 41 648 1,147 167 379 295 283 240 22 21 2 23 3 1."...... 3 2 43 31 224 246 168 Un-inhabited 169 71 58 34 22 28 34 8 ... 1 ... •.. 2 43 51 170 233 162 193 124 34 37 3 1 ... 2 153 172 171

Un-inhabited 172 129 119 90 89 14 28 17 2 8 85 78 173 141 114 86 95 20 18 21 ."1 1 3 10 92 74 174 150 Jl9 99 89 7 19 1 ... 36 8 2 .~ 3 2 114 120 175 48 31 33 22 10 9 4 1 27 24 176 VltLAG:I CHARKHARITAHSIL

0ccD- &erial Name 01 VllJl~ NDlIlbcr Area pied H01lBe- T~ Population Schednled Literate an" No. (Notations for alllClllics) of in Hesl- holds Cutes educated Hamlets acres dcotial persona Houses ...... ~ _----. ~ .... ,..- P II p II P 11 P 2 • 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 13

117 Khonaria 407 30 30 191 10\ 90 7 3 16 178 Thateora 930 47 48 299 159 140 56 55 41 2 179 Pirtplpnra 253 Un-inhabited 180 Rawatpur Khurd 673 60 61 342 1813 154 82 64 32 4 181 ln~ora l,:m 12 16 87 50 37 10 7

182 Seta Khalsa I 1,675 35 36 184 100 84 5 3 6 183 Bbaleora 1 1,494 96 10\ 608 301 305 91 101 43 5 184 Supa R,Rly,L,Mp,Po. 7 10,044 520 S05 4,356 2,213 2,143 716 704 632 163 185 Asthon R, 2 2,995 164 179 850 452 398 103 90 126 14 186 Tola Soem 1 2,418 98 123 637 318 319 97 110 20

187 Charkharia 681 Un·inhabited 188 Balchaur 990 52 65 342 176 166 64 6a 28 189 flamha uri Beldaram Mp. 2,231 94 102 516 254 262 !lO 87 43 3 190 Kutia 580 Un-inhabited 191 Dhumgir 1,037 Un-inhabited

192 Sal at 4,863 205 241 1,107 565 542 173 164 80 9 193 Puchhi 824 Un-inhabited 194 Barkachtla 174 Un-inhabited 195 Swasa Muan 2,253 130 130 616 831 285 72 201 28 2. 196 NarerI 652 47 48 272 141 131 2 3 22 1

197 Gurha 6,119 230 432 2,109 1,054 1,055 289 212 255 21 198 Bapretha 2,117 161 175 811 41( 400 77 82 92 ,6 199 Partisbtba 293 Un-inhabited 21)0 Raganl 1,070 Un·inhabited 201 Jal3uli 1,274 141 250 1,066 544 522 168 leO 178 23

202. Ujrendi 1 350 16 18 67 39 28 18 12 9 203 Bamhori Khurd 1 610 36 40 193 94 99 32 37 32 204 Knsarma 1 500 46 4B 242 128 114 38 39 31 4. 205 Kohari 1 558 II 11 54 9 35, 5 4 206 Khirya 282 Un-inhab\ted

207 Guplmau 423 Un-inha bited 208 Dumduma 971 25 25 77 37 40 9 8 7 2 209 Sabna 930 66 90 459 244 215 60 50 52 2 210 Udalpura 633 2. 2 3 2 1 211 Ghutwai 895 8 8 47 31 16 8 6 7 'i

212 Bijalpqra 197 !J 3 15 10 5 ... 213 Lohpuri 357 Un-inhabited *214 Rainpur (Gumanpura) "i 1,596 6 6 37 21 16 1 1 ... 215 Rawai R,L,Mp. 1 1,631 2.88 462 2,218 1,175 1,103 284 298 407 62 216 Kumrai 1,555 Un-inhabited

217 Jaswari 692 Uo-inhabited 218 Markui 1,107 Un·inhabited 219 Lalaura 1,006 Un.inhablted 220 Santoshpnra L 909 8 10 63 34 2.9 2. 1 3 221 Kakun 1 1,199 59 77 370 194 176 38 45 lOS 22

"'Partly included In the town Cbarkhari II.B Lxix DlRBGTORY RURAL-CoIfltl.

WORKERS NON. ... _..... --.._ ----. WORKERS Total Worken (I-IX) U ill IV V VI vu VIU IX x: SorlaI No.

....--....._ ,.....,__, ,_ ...... ,...... ,...... ~ ... ..,.--. ....-... ~ ~ .... -- ... F M-- F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 SI 32 33 34 35 1

64 46 59 42 1 4 4 ...... 37 44 177 102 87 81 79 11 8 9 57 53 178 Un-i~babiier 179 114 90 82 75 7 5 11 1 14 9 74 64 180 36 27 28 24 .,. 6 1 2 2 14 10 181

6S 57 38 40 10 2 10 5 15 37 27 182 183 172 110 124 38 35 3 23 3 .. - I 9 9 120 133 183 1,416 1,043 852 609 183 105 31 .... 160 52 5 2 17 12 165 265 797 1,100 184 271 241 233 196 35 H 1 3 181 157 185 201 137 135 87 49 48 10 1 7 117 182 186

Un-inhabited 187 107 76 100 70 1 2 3 .. , ...... 3 4 69 90 188 174 165 147 136 24 29 :5 ... ".. ... 80 97 189 Un-inhabited 190 Un-inhabited 191

352 256 257 196 42 44 4 29 4 3 ... 8 6 9 6 213 286 192 Un-inha bited 193 Un-inhabIted 194 211 91 123 64 51 26 6 ... 22 1 3 120 19~ 195 87 63 66 60 4 1 15 2 2 54 68 196

663 419 442 319 89 52 84 10 2 46 38 391 636 197 269 293 165 176 67 84 ,,- 35 30 2 2 1 142 107 198 Un-inhabited''' 199 Un· inhabited 200 559 88 222 57 63 20 48 7 9 16 4 185 434 201

26 11 11 3 7 8 6 2 13 17 202 66 63 45 8 11 54 7 3 1 28 36 203 70 60 56 46 6 11 3 5 2 58 54 204 5 19 3 10 2 9 14 16 205 Un-inhabited 206

Un-inhabited 207 27 24 22 13 1 10 ... 3 1 1 10 16 208 140 57 93 36 19 12 21 2 6 7 104 158 209 2 ... 1 1 I 210 15 2 9 2 5 16 14 211

8 4 3 ... 2 5 212 Un-inhabited 213 9 16 214 12 9 3 ... •, ••1. U • ... 717 130 426 47 165 20 74 12 .,' ...... 15 2 37 49 458 973 215 Un-inhabited 216

Un-inhabited 217 Un-iohabitetl 218 Un-inhabiled 219 8 8 21 19 Ii 7 11 220 26 5 74 138 221 120 38 65 20 50 18 '...... ti-1O V1IUGi CHRKHAlITAHSiL

OCCDo and Nama of village Number Area pied BouBII- Total PopolaHoD Scheduled Literate serial Castes educated No. (NotatlOllS for amenities) of in Resi- holds Hamlets acres dential per80DII H01IS08 ..---. ..., r" -+ "' ,..-~ P H F I( , M F 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

21 27 53 6 ~22 'Kiralpura 1,182 68 75 420 217 ~03 '2~3 Kura ura Ba ipai 59i Ln-inhabited 885 Un-inhabited Bamoria 8 I 5 1,212 60 62 290 153 137 10 10 '14 Jataura 30 9 3 '2 6 Jpanchampura 865 30 30 150 70 60 23 82 36 7 ~t7 Malarra 1 1,793 110 110 572 298 274 71 1 1,466 151 178 784 390 3!)4 109 117 69 2 ~I8 ~aiharl 40 32 11 1 19 ullamapnri R. 2 883 29 30 146 SO 66 1 525 43 45 205 116 89 53 39 19 230 Kanera 7 231 ehhani Khurd 1 828 31 35 149 84 65 28 22

2S2 Nibwari 828 Un-inhabited 848 1 1 8 5 3 Rajaura 112 18 '22r .. Ainchana 2,586 180 180 894 462 432 E 69 2,700 238 268 1,213 617 596 139 135 121 8 '25 Kuan 61 33 2 2~6 Pad or a 1,282 85 87 365 191 174 59

4,434 237 275 1,276 684 592 208 212 225 28 237 Paretha 24 17 1 238 Sijaura 616 48 50 190 87 103 17 49 8 3 239 Atrauli 754 16 17 89 40 7 481 "" 66 240 Barain 2,299 235 239 978 497 2 241 Bari 2,008 98 102 429 233 196 90 77 35 11 242 Garari 2 1,169 19 19 89 48 41 13 9 1 125 176 144 47 50 50 ... 243 I'upwara 1 61 69 320 21 244 Rahuniya 1 695 44 53 268 137 131 5,482 909 180 170 178 '28 245 Bamhori Kalan L. 1 337 402 1,914 1,005 25 246 Imiliya R. 3 4,592 160 160 830 423 407 117 120 29 4 247 Mahrajpur 1 620 30 38 198 105 \ 93 37 214 45 60 30 3 248 Kamal Khera 1 1,535 65 78 416 202 10 249 Patha 1 2,651 219 260 1,260 643 617 156 179 114 342 177 i6~ 53 43 27 3 250 Sheobar 1 1,304 81 88 9 'lSI Brijpura 1 1,013 35 37 195 99 96 47 56

219 222 SO 82 53 2 252 Salua 1 929 80 80 441 9 2113 Kanerj 1 805 15 15 88 43 45 9 12 187 216 1,039 540 499 91 100 85 8 254 Bamrara 1 2,885 69 43 15 255 Raushanpura 1 4!16 64 81 355 183 172 80 256 Katra 607 Un-inhabited 1(} 8 40 257 Nausara 1 606 70 70 358 182 176 62 59 8 1!~8 Bamnetha 1 552 20 20 121 23 8 259 ImIi Khera 1 486 10 10 98 53 45 UD-inhabited 260 Beri Kbera 319 23 20 261 Koraura Dang R. 711 35 41 200 107 93 23

262 Jardinganj 1,238 Un-inhabited 40 26 33 22 1 263 Dayalpora 1 1,266 15 15 66 17 9 264 Majhol 1 990 19 20 98 50 48 13 1 S 6 1 265 Mitlanganj 1 535 1 11 135 80 15 266 Fatebpor 2 1,780 113 137 616 315 SOl 130 Lui DlUC'l'OllY RtJIW..-CoftU.

WORKERS NON. WORKERS ToW Worm (I-IX) II III IV I V VI VI[ vm IX X Serlal No. ,..-..... ,....._ ,...... -, ,...... _, ...... ,.....--. ,...-_ ,...... , M F M F M F M F M Ii' M F M II' M Ii' M F M Ii' M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 so 31 32 S3 34 35

130 65 91 35 35 29 3 ...... 87 138 222 Un-inhablted 223 Un-inhabited 224 80 48 54 31 8 3 17 14- 73 89 225 ••• I" 33 31 23 23 1 '" ... .. , 9 8 37 49 226

159 111 127 60 23 43 4 4 1 1 4 2 139 163 227 251 207 183 108 56 ~3 ... 2 l! 3 1 7 13 139 187 228 63 44- 52 36 9 8 ...... 2 17 22 229 75 74- 53 51 22 23 41 15 230 65 52 58 44 7 8 19 13 231

Un-inhabited 232 5 2 5 2 ...... 1 233 289 209 152 99 89 89 27 9 10 1 7 7 3 4 173 223 234 394 266 2t8 72 76 68 14- 57 84 2 7 4- 20 37 223 330 235 115 82 65 44 39 35 3 4 4- 3 76 92 2~6

415 224 206 61 III 144- 20 52 7 7 5 13 11 269 36B 237 SO 9 31 4- 16 S 1 2 37 94 238 23 1 17 1 6 ...... 17 48 239 294 41 185 6 33 .. 10 24 6 36 35 203 440 240 163 130 92 79 49 43 2 11 1 1 2 .,. 1 6 5 70 66 241 34- 20 14 5 l8 15 .2 ...... 14 21 242 69 1 50 1 16 ... 2 ...... J 107 143 243 S8 1 45 13 1 ...... 79 1~0 244- 649 275 500 175 95 B6 1 ... 31 9 5 1 10 1 7 '3 356 634- 245 261 lSi 201 120 2 1 21 5 2 2 35 26 162 253 246

75 52 54 40 1 3 4 16 8 30 41 247 116 5 100 2 15 3 .,. 1 86 209 248 409 271 2)4- 115 155 131 21 7 2 .,. 9 4 10 12 234- 346 249 102 16 78 8 20 7 ...... 1 4 75 149 250 69 58 10 ... 1 30 96 251

136 2 103 33 2 S3 220 252 26 19 7 17 45 253 337 178 224 107 SS 44- 16 3 1 ... 2 5 5 19 203 321 254 107 86 61 58 22 2 ... 15 2 ...... 2 9 :!2 76 86 255 Un~inhabited 256

118 36 81 22 27 13 2 2 ••• 2 4 64 140 257 36 13 24 5 9 8 3 ...... 26 46 258 30 4 25 3 2 1 ... .,...... , 2 23 41 259 Un-inhabited 260 69 44 37 28 43 1 ...... 2 38 49 261

Un-inhabited 262 28 20 9 6 18 14 ... 12 6 263 34 33 23 17 11 16' '" 16 15 264 3 3 3 .. S ... 2 3 265 194 124 134 100 27 3 -t .. 14 6 19 15 121 177 266 Lxxii


Occo- SerIal Name .>f VlDago Number Area pied SOUlle- Total Popuiatioo Scheduled Literate and No. (NotatlOlls for :unenltle~' of in Resi- bolds Castes educated Hamlets 3C,TeB dential persons Holl8e8 ~-- .... -~~~- .--""'--0 P M i' --AI F oW F 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

267 Suhajna 2 1,463 77 84- 406 206 200 79 75 17 2 268 Itwan 1 823 2 2 3 2 1 I *269 Malkhanpor 1,242 Un-inhabited 270 Gopalpura 1 786 18 18 76 40 36 3 I 5 271 Aagron 2 2,892 204 203 1,040 523 517 120 149 46

TOTAL OF CHARKHARI BLOCK 143 210,815 12,005 13,915 67,673 35,007 32,~66 8,829 8,842 8,577 1,429

TOTAL OF CH.ARKHAKI TAHSIL 251 343,549 23,416 25,85111Z6,222 65,159 61,063 17,8151',697 15,41721325

~ote-l *PaIty included in the town Charkhari M. B.

2.' The rural area of Tahsil Charkbari given in Table A-I is 542.2 sq miles i.e., 345,003 acres. The village-wise areas in the Directory are as reported by the Tahsildar, while the rural area of the Tahsil in Table A-I has been derived by deduclmg the sum of urban areas from the total revised area figures of the Tahsil fnrnished by the Board of Revenne, U.P. Lxxiii DIBBCTORY .RURAL- Conala.

WORKERS NON. WORKERS Total Workers (I-IX) U III IV v VI VII Vlll IX X ScIrIaI No. ,.._...__ ,....--. ~ ...... ,..-._ ,..-., .... ~ ,....-..... ,..--. ~ lit Ii' lit Ii' M Ii' I( Ii' lit Ii' lit F M F M F lit F lit F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 51 52 33 34 35

145 III 86 34 53 77 5 ...... 61 89 267 2 2 .,. 1 268 Un-inhabited 269 26 21 21 20 3 2 14 15 270 338 272 247 205 28 10 1 38 2 2"2 ' 57 185· 245 271

21,537 13,084 13,514 8,215 3,729 3,004 174 23 2.073 611 61 1Z 86 11 336 93 74 11.490 1.114 13.470 19.582

40,093 26,215 26.202 17,184 6,870 6.IKS 304 48 3,315 1,041 101 22 19013 624 254 127 1 2,360 1,607 25,066 34,848 VILLAGE CHARKtiAIU TAHSIL

!!erial WardfMohalla 0c:cD- No. -Area in pled HonBe' Total Population Scheduled Literate and EnulllCtatcr's Hloe k Sq.miles Resi· holds Castes educated Sq. Km. denlial per8Oll8 Housea ....-- ,...__""__' ....-... ~ P M F M F M F

2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1~ CHARKHARI WARD No.1 RAINPUR 1 1 220 226 1,038 564 474 62 51 275 83 2 z 114 127 574 318 " 256 95 80 164 60 S 155 165 742 441 295 36 12 218 3-4 4 4 118 122 640 322 318 30 25 93 3.:

TOTAL 607 640 .2,994. _1,651 .1,3~3 _:223 .168 '7:10 209 WARD No.2 RAJMANDm 5 1 148 166 694 397 297 208 66 6 2 128 136 580 302 278 78 75 183 65 7 3 1~9 139 578 285 293 57 63 138 48 8 4 95 97 478 237 241 44 46 59 10

TOTAL 51f1 538 2,330 1,221 1,109 179 184 588 189 WARD NO.3 RAEIHGH 9 1 168 168 840 477 363 1q6 10 '}, 166 188 29 11 1114 184 892 467 425 145 120 JI6 27 :1 133 133 734 417 317 170 136 148 11

TOTAL 485 485 2,466 1,361 1,105 511 422 452 67 WARD No.4 QAZIANA 12 I 123 136 649 335 13 2 314 50 43 141 40 116 121 552 271 281 140 138 94 39 TOTAL 239 257 1,201 606 595 100 181 235 79 WARD No.5 SADAR BAZAR 14 1 76 391 217 15 78 180 31 64 106 35 2 WI JIB 506 238 268 16 3 18 16 136 67 123 131 661 329 338 3 1 150 46 TOTAL 31' 327 1,570 784 786 102 81 :m 151 WARD No.6 AMERGANJ 17 1 148 148 634 344 290 21 18 1II 19 18 2 202 934 19 202 479 455 16 11 185 47 3 112 112 508 260 248 20 4- 81 76 73 24 152 152 698 377 321 29 29 Irs 28 , TOTAL 614 614 2,774 1.460 1,31t 1t7 128 474 118 TOTAL OF CHARKHARI M B. 3·00/1·77 2,772 2.861 13,335 '.083 6,25'!~1,352 1,16i 2,891 813 *Ward/Mohalla/Enumer"tor's Blockwisc area figures not availabl(j DlREaroa~ URBAN

WORKERS NON.. --____. ______~ WORKERS Total Workers (I..o.VC) II UI IV v VI vu vW IX x

11' M 11' M F II F 11 F M F M F M P II F M F F

13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 U 25.26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 J M.B.

281 1 76 1 20 32 24 5 123 283 473 1 161 28 51 7 10 ... 31 6 11 16 2 40 15 157 228 2 29B 37 86 5 16 7 14 13 25 6 1 10 2 .,. 131 1B 149 258 3 144 22 65 4 5 5 ... 69 18 I1B 296 4 • 884 88 278 17 51 7 15 76 6 30 6 12 50 1 9 36l 51 767 1,255

192 13 46 3 1 .,. 4 15 2 ... 45 8 11 8 205 2B4 5 144 36 16 8 2 22 6 4 17 !J 78 21 158 242 6 130 11 26 2 ". 3 to 1 1 6 '16 8 155 282 , 87 10 41 6 8 7 I 31 3 150 231 8

553 70 129 19 9 9 8 19 1 2 63 2 19 ... 256 40 668 1,039

252 42 46 2 8... 9 .. , 4: 6 30 7 18 3 28 ... 103 30 225 321 9 223 28 44 2 4 2 I 9 18 20 .•. 28 1 5 93 19 244 402 10 182 24 16 12 ... 4 ... 33 15 is 1 I 87 23 235 293 11

657 89 106 4 24... 15 1 46 I 39... 63 7 47 4 34 283 72 704 1,016

177143563 33 11 3 ••• 21 2 7 64 5 158 300 12 117 18 22 1 S 2 59 10 6 2 8 13 4 11 &3 1 94 263 IS

354 32 57 7 6 1 2 92 10 17 211 34 G 18 117 6 252 563

liB 21 9 1 ~ ...... " 45 12 3 16 5 6 ... 87 3 99 159 14 115 17 19 I ~. 4 20 3 :3 ... 2 12 11 44 13 123 251 15 143 20 22 II 2... 2 6 10 ... 6 ... 19 7 13 63 iO 186 318 16

37658 SO 54 ... 6 71 15 111 8 47 J2 30 144 26 408 I 728

196 23 92 5 1 S 29 10 3 15 2 45 8 148 267 17 221 21 43 5 4 4: 38 8 4 26 15 79 16 258 434 J8 131 16 59 8 9 5 9 3 2 9 6 4: 28 5 129 232 19 200 13 18 'N 2 1 ]79 12 177 308 20

748 73 212 18 20... 12 761313 ... 13 t9 1 22 531 41 712 1.2t1

3,572 410 832 70 114 8 59 1 408 53 134 'lot 7 2'0 26 JS2 "' .,.. 2SG ",511 5,8ft

z ~------~~~'------~--~r------~mI



.1"'"", , j~ii:l~''"';Ilt ...,.,. , ,.. :~.---. . / rn




Sl. Name of Village Sl. No. in Sl. Name of Village SI. No. in Sl. Name oflVilIage Sl.No. in No. Village No. Village No. Village Directory Directory Directory

2 2 2

Ahrora 32 41 Bhainsta Muaf 175 81 GehaI! 182 2 Ajner 63 42 Bbandra 128 B2 Gopalpur 129 3 Akona 87 43 Bhateor 158 83 Gugoca 200 4 Akoni 86 44 Bhatipura 147 64 Guud 59 5 A lIH-rpllf 58 45 Bijanagar 205 85 GUIba 14

6 Amlihai 181 46 Bijauri 45 86 Hansla 6 7 Arghatmao 85 47 Bilbai 155 87 Hardwa 192 8 Ari 18 48 llilkhi li5 88 Hilwa 105 9 Ataniya Muaf 50 49 Bilrahi 121 89 lmilia 119 10 Atrar Muaf liO 50 Binora 2 90 Indrahta 46

11 Baberl I7l 51 Budhaura 70 91 Jagatpur urI Garbia 37 12 Bacheora 51 52 Budbwara 28 92 Jagpura Khurd 93 13 Hachhechhar Kalan 81 53 Budkhera 65 93 Jailwara 16 14 Bachhechhar Khnnd 80 54 Cbak Marela 214 94: Jaitpur 75 J5 Baghawa 186 55 Chamaura 24 95 Jateora 19

16 Baghora 22 56 Chando 151 96 Jblr Sahewa 163 17 Bagrajan 7 57 Chandpura 150 97 Jujhar 161 18 Bagwaho 97 58 Chhani Kalan 177 98 KabIai 180 19 Balkora 191 59 Chhatarwara 11 99 Kaimaha 120 20 Bamhori Gosha!n 142 60 Chhikahla lSi 100 Kaithora 84

21 Bamhori Qazi 159 61 Chita)'yan ll3 101 KaJi P~hari 2.01 22 Bamnaura 53 62 Cburbura 208 102 Kanli 82 23 Bamolia 109 63 Daharra 198 103 Karehra Kalan 152 24 Bamoar 20 64 Darnera 213 104 Karphatia 101 25 Baniatala Mahanpura 143 65 Darha! Muaf 202 105 Karra 42

26 Bara 130 66 Dariba 148 106 Karri Jadid 23 27 Baratpbari 156 67 Dharon 164 107 K hairaria 90 28 Barenda K~ urd £0 68 Dhawarra 39 lOB Khama 33 29 Bari 160 69 Dhikwaba 122 109 Kharka 193 30 Baripura 203 70 Dhuraiya n 114 I iO Kheria Kalan 13

31 Barkhera 62 71 Digaria 124 111 Kheria Khurd 4 32 Basaria Jaitpur 8 72 Fatebpur Bazaria 146 112 Khioriya Jeoria 123 33 Basora 138 73 Gabpura 61 113 Khiria Jadid 98 66 34 Beela Dakkhin 185 74 Gahra 166 114 Khoi 35 Becla Uttar 188 75 Gani 36 115 Kirari 2.04

36 Belatal 76 76 Gani 162 116 Kohar! 172 5 37 BCli 83 77 Ghisalni 38 117 Kudai 207 38 Bbadarwara 88 78 Ghongbora 44 liB Kumrora Muaf 39 Bbagari 40 79 Ghufwai 210 119 Kutca 7+ 40 Bhagaura 17 80 Goendl 173 120 Ladpura 21 Lube ALPIIABITICAL UST O' VILUGI8


81. Name 01 Village SI. No. in SI.' Name 01 Village SI. No. In SI. Name of Vlilage SI. No. in No. Village No. Village No, Village Directory Directory Directcty

2 S 2 S 2 S

121 Lakhora 49 156 Pachehra 212 191 Salarpur 131 122 La]auni 31 157 Pachpahra 149 192 Sarangpura 10 123 Lamaura 78 158 Pahra 194 193 Segon 27 124 Lewa 94 159 Palka 136 194 Sela Muaf 100 125 Lilwahi 1 6 160 Paraobari 3 195 Sewan 52

126 Loheri 10~ 161 Parsaba 168 196 Shah Pahari 206 127 Magariya 64 162 Pasanabad 48 197 Sham Shera Phutera III 128 Magraul Kalan 71 163 Paswara 211 19B Sicbora 178 129 Magraul Khunl 72 164 Pathari Noabad 34 199 Sijaria 125 130 'Mahewa 73 165 Pawa 134 200 Sijehri 133

131 Mahewa 179 166 Piodari 169 201 Sijwaba 126 132 Mahona 14~ 167 Pipra Muaf 103 202 Singhanpnr Baghari 167 133 Mahna Balldll 107 168 fnra 174 203 Srinagar 117 134- Majhgawan Kalan 56 169 Purainya 26 204 Sukara 189 135 Majhgawan Kburd 108 170 Pnrwa Jaitpur 55 205 Surha 170

136 Majhalwara 135 171 Purwa Panwari 99 205 Thana 209 137 Makar Bai 195 172 Ragoli 57 207 Thirat 12 138 Mamna 140 173 Ragoli Btlzurg 92 208 Tikamau 199 139 Marehti 183 174 Ragoli Kl10rd 96 209 Tikaria Jaitpura 15 140 Mawai 127 115 Rahalia 141 210 Tikaria Panwari 89

141 Mawaiya 69 176 Raipura Kalan 144 211 Tindoli 132 142 Mirlala 137 177 Raipura Kalan 29 212 Tontyan Bara liB 143 Mochipura IB4 178 Raipllra Khurd 157 213 Urwara 112 144- Mohanpula 47 179 Hajallni I 214 Utyan 165 145 Mundhati 77 180 Rajpura 5~

146 Mundhcra 139 181 Rdmpur Nauabad 68 147 Murani 116 182 Ramupur3 106 148 Nagata Dang 43 183 Ranipura 79 14:1 Nahdora Muaf 187 184 Ratoli 197 150 Naigwa n 196 185 Hawatpura Kh

151 Nanaura 102 186 Rewara 190 152 Narwara 95 IB7 Rikhwa'lO 91 153 Narwara 25 188 Sagunia Mua! SO 154 Nathoopura 153 189 Sainthwara 67 155 Pachara 9 190 Salaiya Muaf 41 VILLAGE MAHOBA TAHS,L

Occ ... Serial NameofVm. Namber Area pied Roa ... Total Population Scblld1Jlod Literate and No. (Notations for alllOllltles) of in ReBi- holds Cutes edncated Hamlets acree dential per80DI 80_ ....-"""_....,_ ... -...._ P M F ---M F M F 2 S 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 II IS

I Rajauni I 513 133 133 684 360 324 91 96 52 2 Binora 1 S07 1 1 1 t ... 1 3 Parao Bari 1 723 79 79 343 100 163 68 72 33 4 Kheria.Kliurd t 642 12 12 59 29 30 .. 2 5 Kndai 1 409 110 III 476 243 233 77 80 79 9

Ii Hansla I 389 30 32 202 105 97 37 37 40 8 7 Bagrajan I 340 5 5 16 10 6 t 8 Hasaria Iaitpur 1 231 37 38 138 86 52 38 24 9 9 Pachara 1 1,212 152 167 785 387 398 III 121 87 13 10 Sarangpura 1 689 37 37 191 99 92 9 6 35 16

11 Chhatarwara 1 1.703 110 111 544 281 263 55 50 78 4 12 Thirat 1 2,473 138 142 783 418 365 157 160 72 6 13 Xheria Kalan 1 950 140 141 692 363 329 103 101 53 10 14 Gurha J 663 57 70 391 190 207 53 67 40 4 15 Tikaria Jaitpur 1 2.190 155 200 925 485 440 160 162 93 14

In Jailwara 1.728 82 90 463 231 232 16 84 45 17 Bhaganra ... 341 Un-inhahited 18 Ari 1 3,166 21\ 236 l,20'i 634 • 571 12.6 132 67 '1 19 Jateora I 265 6 7 49 21 28 16 I 20 Bamoar 21 Un-inhabilcd

21 Ladpura 1,425 82 83 462 240 222 73 67 43 I 22 Baghora 4,181 18S 242 1.170 603 567 241 259 62 2 23 Karri Jadid 542 t: n-inba bi ted 24 Chamaura Riv. 677 115 115 544 274- 270 76 86 59 20 23 Narwara RlV. 1,534 63 68 328 166 162 24 29 28

26 Purainiya 585 Un-inhabited ·27 Segon Riv. 1,858 132 152 724 397 3~7 91 87 113 14 2B Budhwara Po. 3,212 238 276 1.239 665 574 245 224 117 7 29 Raipura Kalan 548 Un-inhabited 30 Sagunia Muaf 1,041 185 219 !l56 493 463 166 180 37

31 La1auni 321 17 11 76 42 34- 15 13 11 32 Ahrora 209 Un-inhabited 33 Khama 1.001 110 110 625 328 297 101 90 63 2 34- Palhari Noabad 485 53 59 255 135 120 48 32 19 I 35 Rawatpura Khllsa 8BB 53 68 357 187 170 83 69 25 3

36 Ganj Riv. 645 78 78 382 211 171 lOr) 75 27 2 37 Jagatpur nrf Garhia 566 42 46 216 127 89 63 64 22 I 38 Ghisalni Riv. 747 25 26 116 63 53 22 24 10 I 39 Dhawarra 1,664 296 296 1,356 714- 642 500 219 262 44 40 Bbagari 1,517 141 141 638 325 lIH 81 79 37 7

41 Salaiya Muaf 1 1,425 J82 182 779 403 376 94 92 72 9 42 Karra 1 1,835 22 22 111 58 53 12 18 12 43 Nagara Dang I 1,261 247 265 1,295 653 642 221 229 114 23 44 GboDf!hora I 712 93 94 423 235 188 Jl3 78 47 3 45 Bijauri R 1 784 84 84 422 229 193 85 89 57 3 DlBBCTOay RURAL

WORKERS NON. WORKERS TotalWorkm .------~ (I-IX) I II III IV V' VI VII YID IX X Serial No.

~ ~~ ~ ~~ ,...... _ ,...._._ ~ M F M F M FMF M F MF MF M F M F II F II F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 •

224 122 151 102 14 34 3 5 18 17 136 202 I I 1 2 119 92 73 64 15 6 20 3 3 8 19 61 71 3 20 6 18 5 2 I 9 24 4 129 ~O 55 5 23 1 6 2 44 12 114 213 5

58 59 57 59 47 38 6 444 4 6 2 7 57 39 42 28 15 11 29 13 8 226 54 124 29 6 I 36 4 1 4 55 20 161 344 9 55 5 33 4 2 6 I 1 .•• 2 11 44 87 10

164 22 1~4 12 4 36 2 2 1 15 8 117 241 II 241 11 216 10 14 I 3 2 5 177 354 12 222 47 171 10 36 37 8 6 141 282 13 106 33 61 3 12 14 2 ... 19 28 84 174 14 294 81 237 55 40 22 7 1 2 3 2 5 1 191 359 15

154 100 III 74 14 8 20 6 ... 2 7 12 77 132 16 Un-Inhabited 17 402 100 293 53 20 S8 51 2 ...... 4 34 7 232 471 18 13 9 13 9 _-, ...... 8 19 19 Un-inhabited ~O

138 110 118 81 11 29 8 ••• t ••••• ... 1 102 112 21 342 94 239 50 91 49 9 I . 1 2 261 473 22 Un-inhabited 23 166 159 134 150 18 7 5 2 ...... 1 2 6 108 III 24 122 117 118 112 2 5 2 44 45 25

Un·inhabited 26 236 115 176 93 29 18 4 18 3 ...... ••• 1 ... 8 161 212 27 414 304 290 208 95 95 12 ...... ,. 12 I 5 251 270 28 Un-inhabited 29 365 322 314 268 47 52 2 128 141 30

30 18 27 18 2 ••• ...... 12 16 31 Un-inhabited 32 194 109 1'17 86 35 19 6 I 16 3 134 188 33 79 51 45 30 24 20 .. 7 3 I 56 69 34 108 75 80 51 12 21 8 2 6 2 79 95 35

123 75 91 54 23 20 5 I 88 96 36 72 41 44 22 19 15 1 2 4 2 55 48 37 42 19 39 16 1 I "2 2 ... 21 34 38 427 223 224 95 13 7 11 2 43 16 3 "9 2 8 3 113 101 287 419 39 161 5 90 32 11 28 5 164 308 40

273 1lI 171 68 9 66 21 6 4 21 17 130 265 41 44 20 33 18 I ... 9 I I 1 14 33 42 390 19 268 3 21 41 2 2 7 I 50 13 263 623 43 136 86 100 47 21 38 13 I 1 99 102 44 145 99 96 60 31 39 17 .,. .., 1 IH 94 45 tU.LAGI MAHOBA TAHSIL

Oa:D' Serial Name of Village Number Area pled H()Ils~ T olal Population Scheduled Literate anc No. (Notations for amenities) of in Rest- holds Castes educated Hamlets acres denlial persons Houses ..._-._ #z! F 4 • - + P M F M li' M P 2 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 IS

46 Indrahta R, 1,294 79 83 462 256 206 107 92 65 3 47 Mohanbura 136 Un-inhabited 48 PMana ad 3,017 39 47 268 135 133 31 24 33 14 49 Lakhora 321 Un-inhabited .10 Atari)a Muaf 001 U!!-inhabiled

51 Bachoora 1 264 2 2 9 6 3 52 Sewan I 587 194 IlI4 1,001 526 475 177 158 139 9 53 Bamnaura 2 807 40 40 194 113 81 ao 21 29 2 54 Rdjpura 1 326 41 41 231 122 109 32 31 14 55 Purwa Jaitpur 1 996 42 52 241 125 116 49 33 36 .. 56 Majhgawan Kalan 41·i 717 Un-inhabited 57 Ragolt 417 21 21 102 53 49 6 9 58 AIllarpur 4V9 Un·inhablted 59 Gund 1 J,Ol7 43 5'1 269 190 139 26 28 13 ... 60 Barenda Khurd 2 356 liB 122 556 279 277 62 64 47 S

61 Gahpura 284 Un-inhabited 62 Barkhera 1 1,538 89 89 430 239 191 170 55 41 3 63 Ajner Po 1 5,423 449 573 2,677 1,421 1,256 397 371 481 66 64 Magariya I 1,084 132 132 GoB 320 324 148 156 51 2 65 Buctkhera 1 1175 17 17 86 45 41 11 9 9 I •••

66 Khoi R, 888 20 27 117 57 60 53 35 1 67 Sainthwara 443 17 l7 77 014 33- 2 68 Rarnpur Nauabad 518 Un-inhabited 69 Mawaiya 1,016 131 1!J2 598 313 285 76 69 91 3 70 Budhaul:\ 995 1()7 111 552 298 254- 141 150 83 2

71 Magraul Kalan . 1 1,149 212 212 1,070 553 517 142 135 158 35 72 Magraul Khurd R. 1 766 29 29 141 7{l 71 34 37 2 n Mah~wa I 531 63 63 337 183 154 44 45 30 74 l{utra ! 664 17 17 7() 36 34 33 31 2 75 -:faitpur R. Rly. Has, Po. 6 9,740 1,382 1,432 ,y,m 3,457 3,284 1,016 1,003 ),OOl 245'

76 Belata! R, R1y. 1.331 Un-inhabited '77 Mundhari K, Po. 4,555 573 616 3,007 1,534 1,473 337 421 289 30 ?B Lamaura It 1,175 125 125 618 328 290 42 38 46 19 Ranipura R 1,134 Un·inhabited ~O Ba chhecbhor Khur d 436 96 96 510 265 245 101 87 27

81 Bacllhechhar Kalan 1,466 112 118 621 305 316 ll7 120 71 15 82 !{aoti 845 8 8 42 25 11 5 2 a 1\3 Beri 627 58 59 272 142 130 33 41 31 1 84 Kalthora 1,081 181 188 901 476 427 157 146 66 2 85 Arghatrnau 1,339 67 76 422 216 206 63 76 21 3

86 Akooi 1 742 55 12 397 218 179 36 26 32 87 Akona R. 2 1,338 165 198 935 471 464 117 119 62 7 aa Bhadarwara 1 869 10 16 72 41 31 14 12 2 89 Tlkaria Panwari 1 1,021 34 38 162 co 72 20 18 10 90 Khairaria R. I 623 44 51 230 118 112 1 WOIlKERS NON. WORKERS Total Wortert ..------.------~------~----~ (I-IX) 11 ill lV V VI VII VUl IX x Sena.I No• ....

F if F if F ifF M F M F ifF if F M F M F M F

14 15 16 17 18 19 10 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 81 32 33 34 35

162 41 107 5 11 11 26 .21 ... ••• ... IS 4- 94 165 46 Un-inhabited 47 75 56 47 6 2 9 4: 17 33 ... ,.. t .. .,' 9 4 60 77 48 Un inhaJ>ited 49 Un-Inhabited 50

4 3 l" I ... 3 3 51 532 57 171 Ii 69 3 7~ 4 16 3 194 41S 52 61 16 58 15 ... 1 2 1 52 65 53 82 &7 76 ,~ 5 6 I 40 52 54 80 56 61 49 6 13 6 45 60 55

Un-inhabited 56 35 28 24 22 3 3 7 3 18 21 57 ·"Un.i~habited"· 56 92 3t 61 6 25 22 2 4 ...... 3 2 38 105 59 164 :, 129 I 24 2 ... 9 1 ...... Z 1 115 272 60

Un-inhabited 61 153 101 103 100 29 18 1 2 86 90 62 923 407 491 221 86 i8 133 SO 2 23 4 34 2 4- 144 72 493 849 63 209 156 123 !i9 25 20 46 31 4 11 6 111 168 64 26 18 20 13 5 5 1 19 23 65

40 34 18 15 12 9 18 17 21> 66 31 23 29 22 1 ... 1 13 10 67 Un.inhabited 68 201 63 148 22 23 20 25 1 1 4 20 ll2 222 69 18) 103 86 49 9 8 37 13 3 50 33 113 151 70

1132 194 258 154 38 19 10 .. 33 17 221 323 71 44 29 35 22 5 I :3 1 26 42 72 107 64 87 54 '7 6 8 3 7b 90 73 24 )9 22 17 2 2 12 15 74 1,911 49:.1 783 125 133 81 11 434: 169 12 74 2 137 31 62 13 245 71 1,5j6 2,792 75

Un-inhabited 76 847 204 451 56 2116 140 68 4 ...... 1 4 8 28 4 687 1,269 77 195 182 180 163 9 16 6 3 ...... 133 108 78 Un-inbablled 79 17.2 139 140 111 25 28 4 2 93 106 80

169 4- 111 3 22 ... 15 ... 13 1 136 31.2 81 10 1 8 2 1 15 16 82 82 4 64 1 9 6 3 3 60 126 63 311 64 H7 5 25232100 46 4 ... 30 8 16!) 363 84 147 40 101 34 12 5 31 1 I 2 69 166 85

131 41 100 30 22 2 87 138 86 299 53 198 25 46 38- 2~ 172 411 87 26 .2 26 .2 15 29 88 48 4 36 3 2 1 7 2 42 68 89 83 2 78 2 2 .... , 35 110 90 MAHOBA TAHSIL

Qo;o. ScdaI Nameof Village Ntllllbec Area pied Ho_ Total Populatioo Scboduled Literate and No. (Notattoos for ameultiosl of lD RelIi- holds Castes educated Hamlets lace deutial persooa HollSCB "...... _____, to "..-----... P M 11' II 11' 14 11' 1 2 .; 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

91 Rikhwaho 749 64 7B 367 190 117 40 36 21 92 Ragoli Buzurg R. 579 80 80 479 248 231 21 25 47 2 93 Jagoora Khurd R. 541 Un-Inhabited 94 Lewa R. 1,444 89 90 436 239 199 93 83 41 6 9S Narwara 473 70 87 389 199 190 58 57 44 2

96 Ragoli Kburd R. 1 409 31 34 197 110 87 70 61 4- 97 Bagwaho 1 664 186 214 1,047 561 486 121 110 159 12 98 Khlria Jadid 991 Un-inhabited 99 Purwa Panwari 1,342 75 75 454 242 212 93 81 40 4 100 SelaMuaf R. 999 20 20 115 62 53 35 SO 10

101 Karpharia R. 1 217 32 35 153 67 86 37 41 8 2 102 Nanaura R,Po 1 3,18s 507 50S 2,503 1,310 1,193 280 290 386 57 103 Pipra Muai R,Po 3 4,921 361 362 1,704 797 767 338 316 265 36 lQ4 Loheri R. 1 3,651 235 235 1,223 653 570 224 183 139 19 105 Hilwa R I 1,124 59 59 261 147 114 53 47 12

106 Ramupura 953 90 90 431 220 211 50 60 21 2 107 Mahua Bandh Po 4,618 410 410 1.869 1,002 867/ 203 286 220 22 108 Ma]hgawan Khurd 457 52 52 321 165 156 8 109 Bamolia 774 35 35 179 ltO 691 4 TOTAL OF JAITPUR BI.OCK 102 132,097 11,149 11,910 57,621 30,113 27,508'9,139 8,663 6,471 850


110 Alrar Muaf R. 2 1,872 216 220 979 491 482 159 157 143 17 111 Sham Shera Phutera 2 1,195 43 43 223 105 118 }41 55 7 1 112 Urwara 1 3.373 104 105 576 SOl 275 42 125 93 18 113 Cbitayyan R. 1 583 483 50 237 126 III 31 24 20 114 Dburaiyan 1 1,010 45 45 200 112 88 26 28 31

115 Bilkhi R. 1 3,127 165 165 875 467 408 98 83 68 4 116 Murani R. 1 610 66 66 353 180 173 64 74 20 1 117 Srinagar R,Hos,Mcw,Po. 1 5,157 900 900 4,728 2.440 2,288 752 852 661 169 118 Tontyan Bara 303 Un-inhabited 119 Imilia R. 998 71 71 367 184 183 70 76 33 6

120 Kaimaha R. 3 2,490 102 105 533 296 237 67 73 55 15 121 Bilrabl R. 1 3,070 145 145 721 385 336 127 lOS 85 4 122 Dhikwaha R. 1 1,985 93 93 430 219 2ll 62 52 42 5 1%3 Khioriya Jeoria R. 1 2,706 109 125 621 328 293 100 93 53 6 124 Digaria 1 1,061 157 157 109 359 350 38 41 49 1

125 Sijaria 1 1,426 154 155 670 376 294 116 III 35 126 Sijwaha I 1,469 250 250 1,147 610 537 203 200 110 3 121 Mawai 1 1,459 84 85 365 199 166 33 31 38 4 128 Bhandra Riv,Po. 1 3.851 485 485 2,309 1,268 1,041 334- 316 241 27 129 Gopalpur 584 Un-iIlbabiled Lxxxv ,i)iB.ECTORY


WORKERS NO~ ~ ______• ______.+- ____~------.------~ WORKERS 'Iota! WOlken (I-IX) IX X SerIal 1I ill IV v VI VII No.

F 1>1 Ii M F MFYF MF III11YF IIIF 101 PY Fill 35 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 2.9 30 91 S2. S3 S4

2 66 175 91 124- 2 86 1 19 1 17 ...... 4 105 160 Il2 143 71 102 53 16 14 18 ••••1' ••• I" 2 93 Un-Inhabited 83 111 94 I 2. 156 RB 97 49 45 39 II 0} 11l 174 95 121 16 101 2 9 )0 6 ...... ' 1 53 B5 96 57 2 46 2 10 I ... 13 14 211 an 97 350 1t5 271 13 20 17 30 4: 1 3 2 98 Un·inhabited 87 B3 99 155 129 134 109 20 20 24 33 100 38 20 3) 19 3 1 7 2 20 65 101 47 21 31 10 9 9 578 1,113 102 1 •• 4 13 732 80 552 36 H2 32 15 12 5 92 16 3S6 626 103 521 171 277 52 65 100 75 3 I 2 ., B 245 476 104, 1 65 55 'loa 94 276 26 21 1 44 12 4. 16 112 105 71 2 61 1 6 1 24: 2 70 205 106 13 2.5 2 2. 150 6 84 4 1 79 70 408 782 107 594: 85 371 10 34 99 3 :3 6B 154 lOB CJ7 2 90 Z 1 45 53 109 65 1 58 1 1 18,1186,67411,8714 (123 'Z,l\11,~~ 311 «2,0')$ 5211 32 1 132 8 11\0 51 95 13 1,502 743 11,995 20.814

MABOBA BLocK 244 110 II} 3 7 187 310 ·238 216 141 74 96 I 41 77 111 64 41 51 24- II 16 1 1 17 10 121 175 Jl2 180 100 111 59 31 213 14- 3 7 6 49 6+ US 77 47 46 37 6 3 IS I 3 6 45 5~ 114 67 36 49 21 7 ..... 8 5 1 190 194 115 277 214 174 158 47 53 50 3 4 2 n 123 116 109 48 74: 27 22 19 9 1,528 111 M. 149 53 1,059 1,3BI 160 683 252 278 411l 166 25 S 7 ... 81 11 8 " US Un-inhabited 5 11 6B 98 119 116 85 98 69 12 3 1 2 17 112 165 120 1 ... 40 21 16 184 7Z 86 27 26 6 15 19 40 136 165 121 249 17l 194 129 23 13 2. 197 122 2 4 66 153 14 123 11 22 2 2 1 123 164 123 2 2 205 129 145 101 25 26 32 I 118 173 124 241 J17 lEil 130 46 45 29 2 152 1OO 125 224 164 \25 71 80 91 15 4 44:\ 126 10 3 5 237 373 !i6 237 17 51 74 ...... 69 6'3 149 127 136 17 118 14 16 S 2 7 136 H6 441 606 118 827 435 567 240 86 28 27 ...... 2 9 129 Un-inhabited H-12 MAHOBA TAHSIL

Number Area Occu- S«IaJ Name of Village of ill pled Houso- Total Populatioo ScbeduJcd Llterate and No. (Notatlona lor IItIcnltlea) Hamlet acres RCIII bolds Ca8tes edllCated dential persons ttc:.as. IO ... r- -.... I ,..-JIo--. P Y' F II F H F 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 l(l Jl 12 U

130 Ba.ra R,Riv. 1 3,102 143 146 689 364 325 143 156 68 4 131 SaJarpur lliv. 1 1,924 177 195 874 452 422 150 H7 78 7 132 Tindoll 1 1,493 91 108 !i31 275 256 91 90 41 2 133 ~ijehri Po. I 7,054- 521 530 2,512 1,2.86 1,226 347 341 341 54 134 awa R,Po. 1 '&,097 oW7 470 2.179 1,158 1,021 261 251 295 26

135 Majbalwara ] 901 ISO 15S 708 948 360 130 I6() 50 3 136 Palka 1 1.337 100 105 416 2.08 208 III 117 27 4 137 MirtaJa 1 810 90 90 411 2.08 203 128 130 46 ,138 Basora 1 1,003 80 80 391 192 205 76 53 24 139 Mundhera R. 1 1.230 63 68 318 162 156 54 77 8

140 Mamna Po. 1 1.195 94 95 433 217 216 59 64 47 2 141 Rahalla 1 1.533 67 67 295 143 152 70 16 9' a2 Bamhori G~ain 1 571 49 49 230 122 108 20 15 15 163 Baniatala Mabaupura 1 1,100 72 n :m 160 153 42 45 57 5 144 Raipura Kalan 1 1.910 113 113 533 269 264 51 54 40 4-

·145 Mahoba 1 3,859 10 10 25 14 III 3 1 4 ·146 "atahpur Bazaria 1 925 S 8 23 )4 9 5 4 I *147 Bhatipura I 1.742 3 6 21 12 12 1 1 1 *148 Darlba 1 735 2 2 4 4: 2 149 Pathpahra R. 1 ":,029 146 155 867 441 426 147 172 80 11

150 Chandpura. 1 543 62 65 333 162 171 48 44- 45 9 )$1 Cbando 1 1.463 !is 62 328 182 146 44 35 37 152 Karenra Kalan R,Po. 1 4,996 3Z5 325 1,684 879 805 221 211 178 J9 153 NathQopura R. 1 2,498 101 110 504- 260 244 106 102 31 154- Cbbikabra. Po. 1 7,528 432 462 2,202 1,138 1,064 282 274- 316 46

155 Bilbai 1 5,164 448 453 2.364 1,241 1,123 188 195 381 18 156 Baratpbari 1 I,B33 91 111 651 325 332 ,78 78 84 6 m Raipur Khurd 1 426 68 81 505 257 248 58 48 57 3 158 Bhateof I I,B4:l 64 78 439 239 200 90 87 57 .. ,1&9 Bamhori Qazi 1 1,313 117 137 589 315 214 97 83 57 3

160 Barl 1 1,399 48 53 265 140 125 32 30 31 6 1161 Ju;har I 1,230 96 115 525 279 246 18 6 00 8 16% Ganj 1 2,617 217 2.37 1,035 562. 523 no 139 U8 9 163 Ihirsahewa 1 2,002 37 54 284 165 119 30 29 16 ... jl6+ Vharon R. 2 2,830 197 242 1,192 604 58B 122 134 143 3S

165 Utyan R. 1 3.056 209 230 1,005 528 477 126 11& 130 8 166 GahlOt R.Mp. 1 3,355 250 266 1,306 675 631 J8l J66 1:.8 29 167 Singhanpur Baghari R,Ri1l.~ 1 3.048 292 341 1,5S8 787 751 194 193 159 4 168 Parsaha 1 2,617 1~5 149 785 397 388 99 107 102 18 .169 Pindan 1 \,118 ~ !i~ 311) 159 151 27 23 17 2

no Surb.a R,Riv,~p,Po, 2 6,641 389 SS9 1,895 962 933 2S6 318 307 41 l1l Haberl R, 1 1.798 liZ 132" 663 354 309 83 76 50 1; 172 Kohan 1 2,929 129 138 6~9 3~9 360 110 12£ 73 8 173 ...soendi R,Riv,Mp,Po. 3 12,049 1,100 1,132 ...a,386 2,799 2,587 763 749 595 66 174 Pura I 2,053 64 83 410 232 178 25 17 28 1

*Partly!Jlduded in the town Mahoba M.B. l.nItlS DIUOTOR1 IUUa,...cQ"U.

WORhRS NON. WORKERS Total Worten -- I (!-IX) n III 11 v VI vD vlU (X 1 8erial No. __ ...... ,...... ,...... _ ,..~ ,..-..., ,...--. ~ ,..-..... _ .... \I 11' II 11' 14 11' 14 11' ---14 11' II 11' II 11' --14 11' ---II , II F 14 F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2S 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO 51 52 SS 34 S5 1

233 113 144- 69 45 37 40 3 2 3 1 131 212 130 287 188 194 107 66 78 20 3 6 165 234 131 !f8 136 130 91 22 32 13 7 3 107 120 132 809 546 460 293 169 237 145 15 6 13 1 16 477 680 133 671 239 392 75 205 161 46 1 1 10 2 23 481 782 134

222 153 157 105 39 46 19 5 2 126 207 135 126 7' 89 50 31 27 5 1 82 131 136 128 96 72 , 58 44 38 11 80 107 137 124 125 115 III 5 12 4 2 68 80 138 107 105 83 74 14 25 10 6 55 51 139

148 106 114 72 22 34 12 ... 69 110 140 88 63 48 19 33 44 3 2 2 55 89 141 B6 57 67 38 10 19 8 1 36 51 142 96 29 75 13 20 16 1 64 124 143 161 111 132 20 I 23 91 1 4 -1 108 153 144 13 7 9 7 3 1 4 145 9 5 ... 9 5 .•. 5 4 146 5 5 2 1 3 4 7 7 147 4 148 263 11 177 3 37 7 16 23 6 178 415 149

92 13 52 22 12 13 1 2 1 2 70 158 150 114 31 56 15 18 12 31 4 2 ... 4 2 68 115 151 526 66 371 13 23 49 8 5 5 1 72 45 353 739 152 167 110 104 63 3 4 4 41 31 15 12 93 134 153 673 83 438 32 126 19 68 11 7 2 34 19 465 9Jl 154

705 149 305 9 244 121 117 7 2 2 .•• 13 9 22 3 536 974 155 200 18 122 2 23 23 3 .. 4 26 13 125 314- 156 159 32 116 12 18 8 14 5 3 1 7 7 98 216 157 1'16 24 110 7 29 13 7 4: 93 176 158 200 36 132 16 24 10 19 24 10 115 238 159

76 24 40 3 5 11 25 16 64 101 160 157 1 114 27 13 2 122 245 161 334- 54 205 8 81 43 39 2 8 228 469 162 92 65 70 51 6 14 .•. 16 ... 73 54 163 332 40 194 6 122 32 9 2 5 2 272 548 164

288 87 171 9 60 53 23 13 6 2 28 10 240 390 165 426 117 266 9 127 101 15 4 2 16 3 249 514 166 458 106 290 4:1 140 32 12 JO 5 2 11 15 329 645 167 256 75 212 45 44 30 141 313 168 114 16 95 13 16 3 3 45 135 169

596 165 423 20 153142 11 3 2 6 366 768 170 225 87 175 63 49 24 1 129 222 171 221 117 149 56 71 56 1 5 128 183 172 1,787 1,OB7 1,056 589 368 lI27 79 15B 53 13 37 19 1 75 98 1,012 1,500 173 1~ 4 114 2 40 2 .. , ." ...... 7B 174 17'1' Lxxxvh1 VlLLAOI· MAH08A TAHSlr.

OccIJo Number Area pled Hoose- Total Population Scheduled I:.ilerate Ir d 5eda1 Name of village Cutes edllCated No, {NctaUons fat amenitic.) of in Resi. bolds HilIlIlets acres dential persons Houses .. "'"'~ "'"' ... -P M F M F M F 9 10 11 12 IS 1 2 3 5 6 7 8

,14 83 41 42 5 4 12 1 175 B~ainEta Mllaf 366 IS 1,5Q5 105 127 590 289 301 70 73 38 I 176 Lilwahi Riv. 6 Riv,PO. ~,BI9 323 32'3 1,561 801 1~Q 171 m 14\ 177 CI1halli gal an 266 132 128 25 2 Siehora Riv. 1,330 lOS 123 563 297 178 142 685 365 320 133 109 89 11 179 Mahewa R,Po. 1,785 115 2,627 l.351 1,276 291 294 299 39 l80 Kabrai 1<,Rly,Mp,Po. 3 5,053 516 582 R. 235 Un.inhabited )81 AlPlihai ... 439 126 109 1&7 60 Gohari R,Rly,Mp. 3 UN 159 171 914 475 2 ,0' 5 Marchli R. 1 47j 8 9 15 13 '1. 83 1,062 545 517 111 115 179 27 r84 Mochipura R,Rly,Mp. 1 1,477 219 241 2 2,227 165 189 802 425 :m 16 8 185 Beela Dakkhin' 1<1y. 520 67 73 131 27 186 Baghawa R,Rly."Mp. 2 2,640 203 222 1,072 552 1 646 51 61 272. 134 13B 45 57 35 6 187 N:thdora Muaf R. 136 16 16 34 Eeela. Uttar 1 1,062 45 61 219 143 JIlS 434 400 129 J24- 81 6 189 Sukora R. 2 1,475 140 164 834 2 1.888 100 104- 450 235 215 94 92 41 190 Rewara Un-inhabited )91 Balkora 560 1S7 Un-inhab;ted 192 Hardwa lQ7 S 2,005 1!\~ 192 90& 4S7 469 103 127 7 193 Kharka 1,103 1,142 371 398 256 51 194 Pahra R. I 6.208 36l 439 2,245

Po. 4 5,550 326 391 1,954 993 961 2B9 284 184 23 195 Makar Bai 137 7 9 10 Naigwan I 1.269 50 73 287 150 Ig6 424 379 142 148 12 5 191 Ratoli I 3,412 191 194 803 1 2.112 137 138 778 407 371 145 142 102 4 198 Daharra 365 319 126 119 77 2 199 'l'ika Muaf 1 2,374 112 138 684 181 44 62 4 Riv. 2 1,459 75 75 388 207 4ll 200 Gugora 398 4:23 142 ISl 11,9 29 llli Kal\ Pahari 1 1,762 176 176 821 1 488 24D 243 1,208 604 604 116 126 61 1 202 Darhat Mua! 65 '41 44 7 3 Baripura 1 562 20 23 122 57 203 R. 237 190 71 61 53 5 204 Kirad R. I 1,051 63 77 427

1,414 101 101 501 255 246 SO Sl 17 I 205 Bijanagar R. 453 129 129 91 S 2(l6 Snab. Pah.ri H. 2,872 189 189 952 499 934 116 116 585 314 271 100 73 40 4- 201 Kul11£ora Muaf 225 103 92 49 (;hurbura 1,997 114 114 500 275 ~08 203 lOS 100 14 13 15 2(19 Thana 2,203 37 37

1 974 31 31 153 79 74 2? 33 6 2. 21() Ghutwai 1,413 71B 695 141 liB 107 4- jill Paswara Po, 1 2,182 302 304 87 399 2\() IB9 42 44 5 212 Pacbeha 1 993 115 1 I,m 102 104- 496 234 262 6l 82 73 14 213 Damora Un-inhabited 214 Chak Mareh 399 39,70Z 1l,{B& 11.525 9,155 034 TATAL OF MAHOBA BLOCK 171 226,536 16,045 17,065 82,368 42,666 23,975 139,989 72,779 67,210 211,5l5 20,188 ll,627 1,984 TOTAL OF M~HO~A TAHSIL 723 358,633 27,194

The rural area of Tabsil Mahoba given in Table A-I is 558·2 sq. miles i,e.,357,248 acres. The villlagcowise areas in the Directorj' lire as £e?

WORKERS NON. Total Workers ~------.------~----._------~ WoRKERS (I-IX) u III IV V VI Vll VIII IX x S«IaI No, "" ,ft zq ....---_

Il F Il FilII Il II U F .. F M II M F .II P .II II M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 ZO 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Z9 30 31 SZ S3 34 35

26 3 25 3 1 15 39 175 192 133 157 108 33 25 2 97 519 326 317 163 168 176 33 2 72 30 3 9 94 121 288 434 177 192 75 146 50 21 7 2 2 1 16 22 105 207 160 140 112 191 178 10 :3 16 1 3 2 2 39 39 ISS 160 179

796 136 453 46 73 12 47 2 5 22 2 15 181 74 555 1,140 180 Un-inhabited 181 289 139 107 63 21 45 18 2 51 11 8 55 47 185 300 182 11 2 7 2 303 84 141 34 2 2 183 12 3 27 12 27 9 2 '" 8 23 6 10 53 20 242 433 184 237 28 137 2 8 2 13 2 3 35 41 22 188 349 185 310 32 188 8 26 24 3 3 4 11 3 51 20 242 488 J86 78 10 57 7 6 4 1 1 10 2 56 89 8 60 12 128 187 ... 10 1 ...... 7 7 54 188 278 55 119 22 51 3 25 128 32 6 3 9 2 4 33 24 156 345 189 154 93 I13 50 15 4 16 10 38 81 122 190 Un-inhabited 191 Un-inhabited 289 159 211 124 35 192 31 2 1 2 9 33 14S 684 351 412 200 69 7 310 193 102 22 10 8 90 114 419 791 194 589 35 416 11 155 23 6 9 404 86 27 52 17 34 10 926 195 260 113 179 77 80 36 64 110 196 164 266 197 265 229 239 196 21 33 1 3 1 207 73 134 14 31 59 ... 142 142 198 36 2 1 4 3 158 241 199 131 24 80 4 3 22 7 6 15 16 76 157 200 238 97 158 4, 62 89 .,. 17 .. ... 1 160 326 201 344 169 206 67 117 95 16 7 2 2 36 24 15 19 24 2 260 435 202 151 37 69 46 36 -" 21 41 203 27 4 4 86 153 204

151 42 107 9 40 33 2 2 213 210 16 104 204 205 10 6 256 453 206 183 134 144 87 36 42 3 2 168 8tl 122 1 3 131 137 207 18 81 22 3 5 3 80 43 54 1 10 40 107 137 208 12 I 4 1 23 57 209

53 28 35 I 8 26 10 439 33 354 HI 61 12 --- '" 26 46 210 16 2 I 7 279 144 99 104 67 36 32 4 662 211 171 121 126 io 45 45 66 90 212 63 141 213 214 26,01410,836 16,6895,4684,7653.657 ]37 18 2,144 351 40 3167 52 388 114 113 ... 1,571 1,173 16,65Z 28,866 44,13217.51028,5609,491 6,876 4,956 167264209 879 72 .. 299 60 668 165 208 13 3,073 1,916 28,647 49,70() VILLAGE MAROBIs T AH5IL

Occa. Serial Ward/lfohalla 'Area in pied Houae- Total Poplllatioll Schedllled Literate and No, Enumerator .. Block Sq. Inilesl Resi- holds Castes educated Sq.km. dentiaJ persons HoU!lel


P II F II F II F 1 2 8 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 MABOB! WARD No 1 FATEHPUR 1 1 80 102 397 216 181 9 7 Hi f8 2 2 179 181 799 399 400 143 166 116 81 3 3 38 92 423 241 182 81 69 104 12 4 4- 179 186 724 439 285 35 29 IB2 81

TOTAL 476 561 2,343 1,295 1,048 268 271 519 172

WARD No. 2 MALAKPURA 5 5 106 I23 478 244 234 34 34 68 24 6 6 86 97 487 252 235 8 10 164 69 7 7 93 lfn 472 2.60 212 7 8 114 26 8 8 99 116 572 293 279 10 13 156 72 9 9 93 108 468 236 232 35 35 98 40

10 10 96 105 466 249 217 37 34 72 13 11 11 86 121 613 312 301 25 19 183 95 12 12 83 105 464- 229 235 1 2 68 20 13 13 99 121 577 308 1269 89 59 182 105 I TOTAL 841 997 4,597 2,383 2.2U 246 214 1,105 464

WARD No, 3 BANDHANPURA 14 14 112 119 518 264 ~54 211 198 40 15 15 110 138 Mol 322 22 168 170 127 ~~ 16 16 64 82 370 203 . 167 112 30 11 17 105 117 578 305 273 182 64 18 18 103 U8 483 246 237 140 161 62 14

19 19 96 104 503 259 249 50 53 76 5 20 20 109 , 121 583 282 301 64 19 21 21 75 106 560 290 270, 13 17 150 61

TOTAL 774 905 4,2U 2,171 2,073 58'l 599 813 256

WARD No.4 llAZAR 22 22 74 92 5f17 289 268 9 11 140 58 23 23 40 58 336 179 157 11 7 112 75 24 24 42 47 213 115 98 87 71 25 25 52 67 357 182 175 40 36 100 138 26 26 127 137 733 373 360 lOB 81 75 ZO

27 27 103 1Il 670 351 319 8 5 182 39 28 28 101 110 611 349 262 17 14 177 104 29 29 100 115 573 303 270 110 93 153 66

TOTAL 6.5 '137 4.050 2.141 1,909 303 247 1.026 571 kel 1)1llEO'l'oat URBAN

WORKERS Noill. TottJ Workers ~------~--_.. ... ----~ WORKERS (I-JX) u UI IV v VI VII VUI IX x s..... No.

V F M F M: F II F M F M Ii' M F M F M F M It 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 33 Jrf.B.

109 10 8 1 3 _. 5 9 9 2 37 37 7 107 212 31 12 3 13 1 2 2 12 2 15.. 10 10 3 73 3 65 17 187 118 10 9 133 7 7 .. 25 I 59 7 123 190 5 2 8 14 .. 139 1 23 4 249

629 56 29 3 15 8 2 22 2 39 2 31 1 27 5 274 5 184 35 666 992

150 22 18 47 6 25 2 1 8 13 ." 4 34 13 94 212 5 135 10 42 7 1 14 223 23 1 3 40 7 117 225 6 135 9 83 3 8 1 1 ••• 3 4 3 14 19 5 125 203 7 139 9 78 4 2 2 12 .. ' 6 1 22 2 6 12 1 154 210 8 121 22 34 8 23 .. II 5 6 2 3 ... 26 2 3 15 1 115 210 9

138 65 64 44 123 10 1 6 t 6 2 2 45 15 III 152 10 157 22 .. 1 10 8 5 5 .. 25 2 41 27 39 7 155 279 11 123 27 27 16 27 3 •• , 11 6 8 6 13 28 5 106 208 12 154 30 20 3 15 7 2 4 1 7 7 •• , 37 7 55 18 154 239 13

1,252 216 :m 80 140 30 15 95 19 65 7 27 188 8 65 287 7Z 1,131 1.998

140 67 27 1 41 36 5 ... 6 3 ... 13 5 1 14 30 24 124 187 14 190 74 42 9 3 4 5 1 18 2 7 4 18 12 81 58 132 248 15 117 5 6 2 4 68 2 2 4 10 ... 2 21 1 86 162 16 158 31 54 7 21 24 4 4... 2 36 1 6 25 5 147 242 17 139 51 28 6 2 38 15 2 2 22 10 35 36 107 180 18

146 29 48 68 26 9 2 4 2 13 2 Jl3 220 19 153 20 16 15 2 II 5 ... 7 1 .. 19 6 8 68 9 129 281 20 131 27 11 9 1 21 1 .• , SO 6 10 49 20 159 243 21

1,174 310 232 19 138 89 23 Z 177 24 46 1 32 6 140 Iii 6!1 322 155 997 1,763

119 10 ... ,.0 22 2 23 6 28 2 14 26 6 170 256 22 75 7 6 1 1 ... 11 1 3 24 2 28 5 104 150 23 68 1 1 2 4 ." 33 9 19 I 47 97 24 102 6 5 ... 17 4 3 48 3 16 9 1 80 169 25 182 45 13 2 12 21 '2 28 2 13 94 38 191 315 26

145 8 2 22 2 5 1... 41 2 24 50 3 206 311 27 172 14 12 2 24 2 13... 1 83 6 8 29 6 177 248 28 161 52 3 52 46 23 l...!ll 2 20 31 4 142 218 29

162 55 96 2 12 316 17 106 1 286 6!1 1,117 1,766 kcii


Occ:u- Serial WardJMohalla *Area iu pied riouse. Total Population Scheduled Literate and No. l!;oumerator's ti10ck Sq. miles Resi- bolds Castes educated Sq. Km. deutial persons Houses ....-...... _- ,....- ,....--"--~ P M F M F M F 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MAHOBA

WARD No.5 NAIKANPURA 30 30 149 169 795 442 353 10 12 212 72 81 31 104 104 40Q 227 182 23 14 99 37 32 32 90 141 4Hfi 304 182 136 91 80 8 33 33 100 112 472 270 202 172 149 133 42 34 34 107 114 569 295 274 121 121 155 86

35 35 65 77 306 16B 138 60 67 71 23 36 36 103 129 640 330 310 215 200 79 16 37 37 131 143 728 378 350 47 51 155 58 38 38 79 82 419 217 202 87 44

TOTAL 928 1,071 4,824 2,631 2,193 785 705 1,071 586

WARD No.6 BHA TlPURA 39 39 128 133 691 351 3iO 136 278 204 14 40 40 78 132 &26 310 316 93 97 115 29 41 41 76 77 474 241 233 140 70 42 42 91 99 520 299 221 31 23 101 9 43 43 97 98 524 1279 245 167 57

44 44 67 67 395 202 193 7 9 86 44 45 45 105 110 531 263 26B 21 27 77 30 46 46 96 98 484 239 245 48 60 52 15 47 47 118 122 575 287 28B 181 193 71 17

TOTAL 862 936 4,820 2,471 2,349 517 657 1,013 285

TOTAL OF MAHOBA M.B. 3.15/18·16 4,526 5,207 24,878 13,092 11,786 2,700 2,693 5,5t? 2,134

~Ward/Mohalla/Enumerator's Block wise area figures not available ieW DI.laroaY URBAN-COtl6't.I.

WORKERS NO~. ,..------_ WORKERS robl Wooers (I....IX) .1 D DI IV V vi vu vW IX X Sartal No.

.. ,..._.-~ F"'"" ~ ,...A-, ...-A...... -... ..--...... -...... -... ,....-4_ II II II F II F II F Ii F M 11' M F II II' II F II 11' ... F IS 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 SO 31 32 33 34 1I.B.-Collolt.I.

216 64 46 3 SO 54 6 25 7 I .., 50 4 13 38 1 226 289 30 132 10 16 ... 1 22 5 14 4 23 1 .. 47 5 95 172 31 199 9 17 I 19 ... 2 17 1 8 3 1 25 S4 74 6 105 173 32 135 18 8 1 1 2 ... 6 2 16 12 5 38 51 10 135 184 33 169 15 6 1 6 14 2 20 41 1 21 54 12 125 259 34

88 17 15 2 2 17 12 1 7 8 33 16 80 121 35 177 15 13 ... 5 3 2 22 28 ... 10 8 86 15 153 295 36 191 20 16 3 1 1 61 4 6 2 24 2 14 66 11 187 3S0 37 101 8 8 2 12 1 31 14 33 8 116 194 38

I,. 176 136 7 60 54 15 154 6 92 5 86 5 223 14 160 1 4B2 84 1,~ 2,017

192 10 28 1 4 37 1 3 53 19 1 4- 44 6 159 330 39 142 68 10 2 24 3 7 7 59 6 10 25 57 168 248 40 113 7 5 1 37 1 9 ... 3 19 8 1 32 4 128 226 41 158 14 16 2 11 37 1 !I 1 2 ... 32 7 10 45 5 141 207 42 126 9 19 17 2 2 45 I 15 28 6 153 236 43

183 44 94 10 21 2 ' .. 15 5 9 2 7 ... 20 1 4 .., 18 ... 108 132 51 40 3 6 16 7 7 8 14 2 II 8 6 13 10 22 10 131 217 45 141 29 43 3 1 18 11 19 2 1 ... 23 2 32 15 98 216 46 166 5 25 8 6 33 I 5 6 3 79 4 121 283 47

1,264 203 207 12 21 51 18 226 21 til 5 91 9 229 30 6& 1 325 107 1,207 2,146

6,7511,104 1,016 123 ' 375176115 22 836 127 386 22 279 21 1,123 88 735 81,886 517 6,341 10,682

!:i-iS lei.;


Number of Establishments classified by Minor Groups of Industrial Classi6cation

Total: 399 (3); Harduwa-207 (2); 273 (2); 369 (2); 399 (3): Bart)tlda Kbalsa- 200 (365); 2Cl6 (1); 207 (218); 209 (lot8); 213 (14); 220 (10); 222(2); 311 (4); 350 (l)i 399 (1); Inchaura-200 (2); 273 (1); 289 (1);\399 (3); ~2s ~2); 2S0 (9); 231 (79); 233 (2); 235 (230); 236 (S4); 262 (9); 264 Khera SllajIt-200 (3); 207 (2);'209 (I); 231 (4); 273(3); 288 (9); 311 (8); (9); 270 (4); 272 (2); 273 (315); 280 (5); 281 (115); 282 (97); 283 (I); 336 (1); 369 (I); 393 (4); 399 (3); Gutakwara-200 (1); 311 (2); 399 (2); Bandbo!i.200 (I); 207 (2); 273 (I); 289 (2); 3il (2); 350 (2); 39S (S); 288 (104); 289 (4~); 292 (42); 302 (5); 310 (53); 311 (303); 312 (11); 314 (7): m (6): !ISS (10): !I:J5 (2); 336 (1); 338 (7); 339 (1); 345 399 (I)~ Baukbar.200 (l)j399 (4); Jariya-200 (I); 207 (2); 231 (8); 273 (52); 350' (298); 165 (35); 367 (1); 369 (68); 370 (2); 38'1 (3); 384 (I); 288 (4); 311 (2); 350'(1); 399 (3); lndarpur-200 (I); ~89 (1); 311 (5); 388 (32); S~ (274): 394 (2): 399 (389). (2); 399 (4); Harsundi-200 (2); 350 (2); 393 (1); 399 (4); Neoli BMaa.- Rural: 200 (2); 209 (~); 264 (1); 311 (2); 399 (3); Barhara-200 (1) ~ 273 (2); 200 (t~); 207'U72); 269 (64)1 213 (14): 220 (4); 225 (1); 239'(5); 350 {Il; 399 (2); lalalpur-200 (3); 207 (3); 289 (1); 399 (2}j Kopra- 200(1); 399 (3); Bheri Danda-200 (1); 207 (2); 231 (I); 28ti (I); 393 2'31 (79): 233 (2h 235 (f36); ~3ci (34); 26Z (9); 264 (S); 272 (2); \ ' (2); 399 (4); Puraini-200 (I); 207 (2); 350 (1); 399 (I); Bangra-200 '.tf3 (224J; 280 (5f12Bl (g\i): 28! (97); 283 (It; 288 t77); 289 (45): 292 (2); 207 (I); 209 (1);289 (1); 311 (l)t 399 (1); Bilpur-200 (1); 207 (2); (16); SON2); 3W (41); 3ll (259r, 314 (6); 331 (6); 333 (7); 335 (1);, 393 (1); 399 (I); Tain-2U7 (2); 311 (2); Malllna-200(2); 311(4); Gaboli- ~(I)('138 (7),; 345 (5~); 3!lO(274h 3115 (35); 3fI9 (55r; 370{l); 207 (I); 23'1 (4); 2a9 (1};-393 (2); 399 (2); Bilgaon-200 (2); 207 (1); 381 (3); !l88 (6); 393 (209); 399'(880). Uraa: 311 (I); 350 (I); Dhauhal Buzurg-20U (I); 393 (I); Uprabanka·273 (1); 288 (ll: 289 (I); Turna-200 (1); 207 (I); 231 (1l; 27S,(t); 2m\(2); 200 (87); 206 (1); 207 (46); 209 (84): 220 (6); 222 (2); 225 (I); 311(1); 314 (1); 3~0 (3); 399(2); Bhainsain-23 1(4); 393 (1); Chibauli­ 2.30 (4); 235 (94); 270 (4); 273 (91l; 281 (23); 288 (27h 2n (26); 302 Sll (2); Pachkhura-28~ tIl; S11 (1); J~riya'207 (I); 2SI! (2); K~ri- (3); 310 (12); 311 (44); 31t (11)'; 314 (I); 333 (3);335 (1);339 (I); 350 273 (I); 393 (I); Sarila-207i(l); 231 (9); 173 (2); 282 (1); Ullla'rlya- (241; 367 (11; 369(131; 3'70 (1); 384 (5); 3SS <<26); 393 (65); 394 (2); 200 (3); 207 (I); 231 (2); 2fl4 (2); 273 (I); 2tl8 (2); AlDoon-207 (2); 3~(9). RATH TAHSIL 231 (9); 273 (5); Rigrawa Kalan-ZOO (2); 273 (5); 282 (I); 288 (I); Total: Kachwa-200(1); 207 (I); 393'(2); 399 (2); Patbkhuri-231 t3~; :l7Hlh 200 (113); 207 (42); 209 (17); 225 (Il; 230 (4); 231 (72); 235 (36); :':8~ (I); 399 (1); Karbl-~73 (1); 282 II); 350 (1); 393 (l); Dhallaun- 264 (4); 273 (95); 282 (33); 288 (40); 289 (34); 310 (12); 311 (l04); 200 (1); 207 (1); 273 (1); Dh~naura-28~ (I); 393 (2); Akora-200 (2); 314 (11; g~! (I); 335 {ll\ 'S36n}, 3*9 (1); 350 (t2); 369 (14); 370 27J (I); ~O (l)l 399 (2); Jakhen-399 (2); Chllh-200 (1); 289' (I); (1); 388 (6); 393 (82); 399l146). Aunta-200 (I); 350 (1); 393 (4); 399 {2); rola Rath-20u (1); 311 (t);

~93 (2); KUlllbariya-231 (6); 289l2);S(yawari-399 (1); Nadna·200 (1); Rural: 350 (I); Gohand-207 (1); ~35 (b); 289 (I); 393 (3); 399 (3); Masga­ 200 (92); 207 (41); 209 (8); 231 (72); 235 (29); 264 (4); 273 (82); 282(33); 288(40); 289(34); 311(94); 314(1);336 (1); 350 (71); wan-311 (1); 399 (I); Athagaon-200 (2); 231 (8); 311 (I); 350 (4); 369 (12); 393 (74); 399 (146), 393 (S); 399 (4); Bagipura-2B9 (I); 399'(2); Bira-311 (1); 39& (4); 399 Urbaa: (1); Pawai-200 (1); 350 (2); 399 (1); Bara Khera-235 (4); 311 (I); 200 (21); 207 (l); 209(9); 225 (1); 230 (4); 235 (7); 273 (13); 310 350 (1); Jamkhuri-200 (1); 289 (1)i 393 (5); 399 (3); ltaliya-288 (1); (12); 3ll (10); 333 (1)j 335 (1); S39 (1); 350 (1); 369 (2); 370 (1); 311 (1); Magrauth-288 (1); 311 (2); 350 (I); 393 (4); Chikasi-207 (1); 3118 (6); 393 (8). 235 (4); 311 (2); 399 (2)j Alra-S99 (1); Behunta-200 {llj 289 {l)j Vll1age~ : 311 (2); 350 (2); BaroJi Kharka-200 (1); 288 (1); 311 (1); 350 (I); 399 Jamori Danda-399 (2); Jitk!teri Danda-200 (2); 289 (lJ; 350 (1); 399 (3); Bargarb-Sll (1); 393 (I); Jigol-200 (2); 288 (1); Sl1 (4); 399 (I); (2); A.irolj·loo (2); 289 (1); 350 (1)1 399 (2); Dbagwan·311 (2); 363 Cbandawari Danda-200 (I); 399 (1); Cbak Amarpura-311 (1); 399 (2); (I); 399 (4); Cbandaul Danda-200 (2); 264 (II; 273 (9); 311 (3); 369 Italiya-200 (1); 311 (1); 350 (I); 393 (Il; Baogra·289 (I): 399 (2); (1); 350(1); 393 (I); 399 (2); Islalllpur-200 (3): 209 (I); 273 (1); 289 Dbagwan-200 (1~ 273 (4); 282 (4); 311 (1); 35() (4); Rabank-2oo (2): 11); 311 (S); 350 (1); 369 (I); 393 (1)1 399 (2}1 Birhat·311 (2); 369 (2)1 .273 (3); 2B2 (2); 350 (6); 869 (I); 399 (2); Iarak!tar-200 (1); 207 (3); ~

Number of Establishments classified bY Minor Gr01.JPS of Indultr,ial OlaBllUicatipn-C••

2S1 (21; 2~ 13}; 27~ (4); 2e2'(3); 393 (Il; 399'(4); B~r!l~-2n (ll; Rural: ~? (1); 350 (3); 399 (I); Linga-200 (l);Tikur~200 (I); 282(1);~~9 (I); 200 (62); 207 (10); 209 (20).230 (4); 231 (1); 235 (16); 27' (26); !!\lIiJUl-20P (1); 399 (I): N",uranga-~ ~I); S11 (I); -4th~on-190 (Jh 281 (4); 282 (4); 283 (l); 288 (3); 269 (4); 292 (4); 310 (1); m (33); ~¥~ (1); Chu~a-~9 (I); 311 OJ; Majhgawao-209 (f); 273 (I); 282 350 (12); 365 (9); 370 (1); 381 (3); 393 (22); 399 (20). !H; lUI ~I); 393 (I); S99 (I): Ludhaura-2OQ (,I); 399 (I); 'Coli

KJ:!angaran-231 (6); 235 (6); ~73 (I); 282 (2); 288 (2); 289 (1); S~I (13)j Urban: ~5' {4); ~69 (1); 399 (1); Tola Rawat-~09 (1);273 (11; 393 (5); Jh~a­

~ira-~Q fl); 207 (I); 209 (I); 393 (3); 399 (2); Kulabanda-235 (7); 2,00 (13); 206 (I); 207 (?t ~99 (4)~ ;~ (21; ;73 t23~,~! (4); 211:1 (6); 282 (2); 288 (8l; 311 (2); 350 (8); Glrwar-200 (1); 369 (I); 288 (3); 302 (2); 3~J (5); ~6~ '4,)~ 3~nO~

$9.9 (I); I~tbuar-235 (3); 273 (8); 2fl.2J3); 289 (6); 399 (2); Bakrai-200 ViUages: (I); 289 (1); 3$0 (1); 399 (2); ~obani Panwari-200 (I); 273 (Il; 282 (1); 288 (3); 350 (3); 393 (1); 399 (2): Basela-235 {l); 273 (I); 282 (l)r Manki Khurd-399 {1l; Misripur-200 (2); 399 (1)1 Todarpur-288 2.811 (1); 3SQ (31; ~ (~l; ~ilral!h~200 (I); 273 (1); 311 (I); 399 {1l; (1l; Seori-200 (1); 273 (1l; 292 {ll; 350 (I); 399 (2); l4anjhoopur &ai(jpur'~OO '(Il; 231 (4); 28Q (Ih !!93 (I); No~i-200 (2); 399 Danda-27S (lh :aanv~~O~ I\)i a73 (Il; S8{s,~O (1l.; D:J~l\r-~ tt); Ma\jlai-200 (~); ,399 (I); Pah~ri Gat'hi_207 (1); ~73 (I); 282 (1); (1); Chllkaluhi-209 (I); 230 Uh ~73 (I); ~9raf~-200 (6); 273 (I); ~~ ?flq (ll; 3~1 Ph 39~(1); Aund~r,-31l (2)1,350 (1); Dhamna-~ (2); (I): 3ll (1); 381 (2); RUhari-200 (1); 350 (I); Xakrau-:,:OO (I); 2?a,{~1 ~~ (J,)j 211~ (I); ~1l {1)13j}31,)j 3911 (2l; P~rad Bir-3~9(2): Beri-200 (2); Jakbela-200 [1); Bachrauli-200 (2); 399 (2); Sheikhupllr- Para-200 (1); 207 (1); 350 (3); Dadri-200 (I). T-i~~ri~jI"p3 q!; 282 200 {1);Bbauli Danda-200 (2);230 (l)jJha1qthV~200 (l};J(IWJ¥I,~..(JM

(2); 311 (1); 399 {Il; Bebgaon-200 (2); 207 (1); 231 (1); 289 (I): (I);Sikrorhi Danda-200 (1);Rithora Danc1a-273 (4); Gimuhan I?,l!~ Qasba Khera-200 (1); :m (1); 369 (1); 393 (1); 399 (I); Angbora-200 273 (3); Kanota Danda-200 (1), 209 (2); 273 (3); 365 (I); 393 (1); (1); Badanpura-399 (1l; Chandauli-200 (I): 273 (1); 311 (3); 350 (3); Meerapur Danda-273(1); 365 (5);399 fl);Chhani Khurd-200 (2);Kalla-

393 (2); 399 (1); Kaithi-200 (I); 273 (I); 282 (2); 289 (1); 399 (1); 311 (1); Sahurapur Danda-350 (1); 399 (3); Pauthia Buzur~-200 (4); Rauro-393 (I); Kundar-399 (\J. 230 'I). 235 {3);Kalauli Oa(-235 (6); 292 (2); 393 (4); Helapur Danda

200 (I), 311 .(2); S99 ,(II; D~l1'llpur-~O (I) Kacjtboobha Danda- Town: 200 (I); 230 (I); 311 (10); Amtrla-209 (i); 0ha.~!()Q ~I);

RA'l'H MUNICIPAL BOARD Tikrauli-200 (I). Baragaon-27!l (1); falcora Oanda- ~ fl); Bltap.

nara Danda-399 (I); Bidokhar Thokpura-350 (3); S93 (t); 899 (~; , Block No. 1-200 (1l; 273 (2); 311 (2); Block No. 2-2oo (2); 235 (1); Bidokhar Thok' Mcdni-207 (2); 350{3); 391 (1); 399(2); Banki.200 (IJ;

811 (3); 369 (2); Block No. 3-200 (1); 273 (2); 310 (11); Block No. 4- 273 {3l; 311 (2); 393 (7); 399 (1l; SIlI!lIerpur-2{lQ ~7); 289 (I); 209{1~~ 235 (1); Block No. 5-200 (2); 273 (I); Block No. 6-200 0); Block 235 (6); 281 (1); 288 (1); 310 (t); 311 (IS); i50 {Ill 3'0 (II; 393 (t); No. 7-200 (II; Block No. 8-200 (2); 207 (I); 209 (4): 235 (I): Block Pandhri-200 (2); 207 (3); 231 (I); lIll (1)1 3B3 (2); Para Raipllra-200 No. 9-200 (3); 273 (I): 310 (I); 333 (I); Block No. 10-200 (I): 235 (I); 399 (3); Birkhera-235 (I); Padhauli-®O (I); lladanp\ll'-w'J (II. (1); Block No. 11-200 (4J; 235 m; 339 (I): Block N9.12-2Il0 (I); 225 SJI (I); Gauri-200 (4); 282 (I); 188 (1); 365 II); 119! {II; At,aiya- (1); Block No. 13-200 (Il; 203 (5); ~3Q {4}; 273 (7); 311 (5); 335 (I); 273 (4); 282 (1); 283 (I); 289 (2); Mundera-200 (ij; tQV (I); 981 (I}; 350 (1); 370 (I); 388 (6): 393 (8); Block No. 14-200 (I). Dhundhpur-207 (2); 282 (Il; 289 (1); Gahtauli-365 (2); Paa.khura Buzurg-200 (2); 282 (1); 28!1 (I); Terha-280 (st; :MI9 (t); 21S,(l1; HAMIRPU~ TAHSIL 281 (3); 393 (4). rolal: Town: HAMIRPU~ MUNICIPAL BQARQ 200 (75); 206 (I); 207 (12); 209 (54); 222 (2); 230 (4); 231 (I); 235 (16); 273 (49); 281 (8); 282 (~); 283 (I); 288 (6); 289 (4); 292 :ejcx;1t Np. 1-209 (4); 288 (2); ~~~ (1); B1p~k t,i'Q. ~-fRf' (4); ~R~ (4): 302 (2): 310 (I); 311 (38); 350 '(12); 365 (9); 3(i9 (4); 370 (1); 273 (4); 369 (2),; 393 (2); BJQc~ No. ~-~AA ~~ ~7 (ll; ~09 (II; ~I); 381 (3); 393 (32); 399 (20). 13lock No. ,,-209 (10); 281 (4); 311 (3); 393 (1); Block No. 5-200 (2)j Number or Establishments classified by Minor Groups of Industrial Classification-Colli I.

207 (1); 302 (2); Block No. 7-393 (1); Block No. 8-200 (2); 209 (11); 311 (2); 350 (41;393 (II); 399 (4); Qora.200 (2)1 281 (I); Alra-209 222 (2); 273 (9); Block No. 9-369 (2); Block No. 11·311 (1); 393 (4); (I); 273 (I); 3ll (II; 350 (2); 399 (4); Pabari Bbitari-200 (I); 292 Block No. 13-209 (4); 213 (10); Block No. 15-200 (2); 209 (4); (I); Husena-311 (I); 350 (2); 399 (4); Tlbar-2oo (\); 209 (I); 288 (1); 311 (I). Kaimokhar-350 (2); 399 (I); Upri-200 (2); 235 (I); 273 (I); m (1); 399 (III Kunelha-200 (1); 207 (1); 282 (2); 393 (3); 399 (2); Artara- MAUDAHA TAHSIL 200 (21; 207 (I); Kiswahi-200 (2); 235 (I); To)a Muar·311 (2); Silolar. Total: 200 (2); 273 (2); 311()); 350 (1); Baljemau (Bajamall) 292 (I); 365 II);

200 (65); 207 (16); 209 (28); 220 (4); 225 (I); 230 (1): 231 (6); 233 369 (1); Bhulsi-209 (1); 350 (I); Bakcba 200 (1); Bbamal·tOO (2); 275 (2); 235 (19); 264 (5); 272(2); 273 (26); 281 (12); 2B2 (12); 292 (12); (1); 311 (I); 350 (2); Karabia-200 (2);,281 (1); Ragaul-209 (IJ; 292 (I); 302 (2); 311 (35); 314 (5); 333 (5);:l38 (7); 350 (27); 365 (1); 31i~ Rewan-200 (I); Gnrha-200 (I); tKbanna-~OO (I); 281 (2); 399 (I); (2); 393 (2B); 399 (BI). Khandeh-200 (3); Naik Purwa-200 (1); :209 (I); f273 (I); Algbar.2QO (1); 272:(1); 338 (1); Sirai Khnrd-200 .(1); 207 (1); 231 (I); 273 (1); Rural I 314 (I); 333 (2); Cbicbara-~OO (17); 220 (Ih. 336 (I); Babinga-200 (I);

200 (65); 207 (16); 209 (28); 220 (4); 225 (I); 290(1); 231 (6); 314(2); 333 f31; Pachpahra-200 (I); Tindobi-220 (I) 231 (1); 311 Uh 388 (I); ~50 (I); ,Kabra-2oo • (1); 220 (1); 231 II); 314 (2); 393 (Iii 233 (2); 235 (19); 264 (5); 272 (2); 273 (26); 281.(12); 2B2 (12); 399 (2); Mancha-2oo (I); '233 (1); 273 - (I}; 386 (2); 369 (I); 292 (12); 302 (2); 311 (35); 314 (5); 333 (5); 338 (7); 350 (27); 365 (1) Maudaha-200 (9); '1JJ7 (1); 209 (ISh 225 (1);233 (1); 264 (2); 281 (I); 369 (2); 393 (28); 399 (81). 311 (5); 338 (2); 399 (15). Urban: \ CHARKHARI TAHSIL

NIL Total:

vmagaa: 200 (54); 207 (50); 209 (7); t35 (

BahdinaAchhplIra ,Danda-399 (I); Bajebta Danda-207 (II; 273 (2); 281 (39); 288 (28); 289 (7); 292 (26); 311 (37); 345 (52); 350 (37); 369 S~~ (2); SSO (3); 393 (1); 399 (4); Rllripara-2OO (2); 393 (II; Chhedi (5); 388 (6); 393 (26); 399 (23). Ba,saik-231 (1); 282 (1); 399 (I); Bandbur Khurd-200 (I); 207 (2); Rural: 22q (1l; 292 (2); 399 (I)i Bandhur Buzurg-273 (I); 393 (I); Lodaman- 292 (I); 350 (21; LOdhipur Jalalpllr-200 (I); '/.01 (II; Newada-264 (21; 200 (151; 207 (35); 235 (19); 262 \(91; 273 (%1); 280 (5); 281 (SOl; 272 (1); ~73 (2); 282 (1); 311 (2); 393 (1); 399 (I); Binwar-200 (2); 288 (JI); 289 (7); 311 (27); 345 (52): 350 (32); 869 (5); 388 (6): 264 (I); 273 (I); 292 (2); 3ll (1); 393 (1); 399 (10); Diha-707 (II: 393 112); 399 (14). 14ahora-2oo (1l;. 282 (2); 292 (I); 311 (2); 399 (7); Chilli-2oo (1); Urban l 207, til; 28~ (2); Umri-200 (1); 207 (3); 209 (3); 235 (5); 273 (1); 181 (2);. K~andehi Lodhan-200 .(1); 3U, (6); 350 ~(3); 399, (10); 200 (!l9); 207 (15h 209 (7); 235 (21); 281 (9); 288 (17); 292 (26); ~~non-209 (21; 207 II); 209 (1); m ('3); 281 (1); 282 (lJ; 311)1); 311 (10); 350 (5); 393 (16); 399 (9). 350 (2); .399 (1» Baswarj·200 (1); 235 (4); 3ll (I); 399 (6); Musliara 200.l~)j 20~ (2); 231 (1); 273 (1); 302 (1); Ainjhi-273 (I); 292 (2); 393 (I); 399 (2); Behoni KalaD-273 (2); Behoni Kburd·200 (2); 273 Silarpura-311 (I); Alipura-21$ (2); 273 (1)1311 (2): Garrauli.3Ml (I); 282 (1); 311 (2); 393 (I); 399 (4); Gundela-209 (2); 231 (I); • (I); Ladhaura Khurd-207 (1); 273 (1); SIl {1l; 350 (I); Bari-200 (1); 281 (1); 311 (2); 350 (2); Chbani-200 (I); 393 (5); 399 (3); Kandholi- 207 (2); 273 (I); Slmaria-273 (1); S50 (I); Bamoria-200 (I); 388 (I); 281 (II; 292 (I); 393 (1); 399 (4); Dhawari-281 (l)i -200 (2); 393 (I); Lodhipura-281 (4)1 311 (I); 350 (II; Konia·399 (I): 209 (1); 220 (\); 273 (2); Basaut·2oo (1); 282 (1); 31 I (1); 399 (I); Shergarh- 311 (I); Turra.Mobar-207 (1); '281 (I); 311 (I); 393 (1); O;lbroll-200 (4); 209(l)i 235 (8); 273 (Il; 281 (I); 282 (\): 302 (1); 3~ (I);Saharra-200(1); 273 (1); 311 (2); Sbeohar-207 (I)i 273 (I); levU

Number otEttablishmenu claspfied by Minor Groups ofIndustrial (lassiJicatlon-COIIId.

I 281 (1)1 311 (I); 393 (1); 399 (I); !udero-207 (2); 219 (I); 280 (I); Rural' 288 (9); 311 (I); 350 (I); 39~ (I); 399 (I); Ma,atmri-200 (I); 200 (44); 201 (70); 209(8); 213 (14); 235(53); 2S6(Mh 2'13(69). 207 (S); 235 (4); 262 (3); 27S (1); 280 (1); 288 ('1)1 311 (2); 350 (2); 281 (46); 282 (4P); 288 (23); 310 (40); Sll (70); sst (6)1 ~S9 (2), ~5 S69 (1); 388 (1); 393 (I); 399 (1); Kobarl-200 (1); 213 (I)! Lobar- (1); 350 (132); 365 (25); 369 (S6); 39S (73); 399 (119). gaoOom (1)1 350 (I); Blhat-207 (I); Varwari·213 (I); 281 (I); 3SO Urban' {Ill 393 (1); Baseriya Panwarl-207 (It; 350 ('); Talya_gso (I); 200 (14); 207 (28); 209 (34); 220 (6); 235 (66); 2'10 (4); 27S 1M);

Bamhauri KUlmln-~50 (1)1 Thalaora-2B8 (2): Dharwar-273 (I); 281 (10); 288 (7); 302 (1); 311 (19); 312 (11); 314 {II; 3S3 (Il; 'SO 399 (I); Pabaria-,SO (2); D3l1r1J207 (2); 279 (I): 393 (1); 399 (I); (18); 367 (1); 369 (7); 384 (5); 388 (20); 393 (91); 39f (2).

Dharwar-~50 (1); Bhujpura-207 tIll 273 (Il; Rurl Kalan-273 (I); 350 Village,' (I); Pipri-2!10 (1); Bi;rarl-200 (1); 280 (1); Mahnbk:mth-2?3 (I); Rajauni-207 (1); 310 (I); 350 (2); 362 (I); 593 (I): Kudal-281 (I): Telipabarl-288 (2); 393 (I); 999 (1); Garaura-207 (2); 350 (1); 399 (I); Pacbara-200(1);~20712); 273 (2); 281 (3h 350(1); 393(5); 399(2h Kilflana-ZOO (I); 201 (S1; 185 (4!; 262 (21; 289 (6); SlJ el); 3SO ('); Sarafll'pura:-273 ( I); Chbatarwara-2Bl (51; S99 (11; Klreria KaIalJ- 388 (1); Gar-SII (I); Nalrra-SSO (1); 3r9 (I);Nalarra-QSO II); 391) (I); 281 (I); Gurha-281 (I); 39'-1 (II; Tikaril Jaitpura·2OO (I); Jallw:ara. Biialpura-235 (2); 281 (I); 311 (1); Churarl-,OO (1); Gallrahri- 335 (1); Ari-207 (1); 2BB (1); 311 (1); 339 (2); Ladplll'll.-288 (Ill 200 (I); 207 (2); 280 (I); S11 (I); 345 (50); 350 {Ilj Rewai-200 (1): B~ghora-'07 (3); 311 (3); 350 II); 393 (21; 399 (4); Chamrua-207 281 {ll; 350 (I); 369 (1); Karebara-207 (2); 295 (2): 311 (2); 345 (2); (2); 281 (2); 288 (1); 391 (I); Narwara-281 (I); 311 (I); SegaOh-Slt 369 (I); 393 (I); Gorkha-235 (1)1 Bambori Kalan-200 (I); 273 (I); (2); 350 (1); 369 (3); 365 (I); Budhwara-207 (I); 281 (5); SII (S); 281 (3); Euraura-3OO (Il; Kalpbar-200 (1); 207 (3); 235 (I); 365 (I); Sagunia-273 (I); 311 (I); 333 (II; 350 (2); Khama-

262 (2); 273 (1); 280 (I); !Ill (2); S88 (3); 391 (1); Sijaura-200 (I); 273 (l); 281 (I); ~11 (I); 350 (I); 899 (I); Pathari Noabad-S93 (4h 207 (3); 235 (I); 273 (I); 281 (6); 288 (I); 28g (1); 311 (1)1350 (1); RaWlitpura Khalsa-393 (I); Oanj·273 (I); S93 (Il; Ohitalnl-S9S(I); 369 (2)j 593 (1); Bh~Ieora-281 (2); Lobpuri-207 (21; 279 (2); 281 (5); Dhawarra-273 (2)j 288 (I); 311 (I); Bhagarl-2oo (1); 207 (1)1 m (I); 311 (I): 350 (2); 399 (I); Atarapalha-399 (I); lCamalpura-281 (3); 311 (I); 350 (9); 3~9 (I); Salaiya Muaf-207 (2); 311 (1); !ISO (2); 350 (1); Rupnaul-235 (1); 262 (2); 281 (I); 8alat-273 (I); Gurha- 365 (I); 393 (5); 399 (I); Nagara Dang.200 (1l; 256 (2); 273 (2); 2B2 200 (I); 235 (I); 281 (I); 311 (1); 350 (1); Ghurwasmau-207 (3); (1); 350 (2); 399 (1); Indrabta-399 (I); Pasanabad-S99(2l; Sewan- 273 (1); 288 (I); 350 (2); 393 (I). 207 (4); 273 (2); 28t (I): 311 (2); 350(4); 365(1); 399(1); Anand­ Towa: CHARKHARI MUNICIPAL BOARD pura-207 (3); 273 (1); Barthera-S99 (t); Ajntr-200 (1); 273 (S); !B2 (3); 311 (I); 331 (6): 399 (2)i Magariya-2S5 (2)i 399 (I); Mawal,a.. Block No. 1-200 (I); 207 (9); 295 (2); 281 (2); 288 (8); 911 (2); 393 399(1); Bhadarwara-207 (1); 235 (15); 236 (5); 21'8 (1);350 (2); 399(2); (I); 999 (I); Block No. 5-200 (1); 292 (5);3U (1); Block No.6-200 (1); 288 (I); 350 (2); 393 (1); Block No. 8-200 (1); 209 (1); 215 (2); 292 MagrauI Kalan-S9S (~); 399 (1); Jaltpur-2OO (2)1207 (I); 209 (1)1 215 (2); 311 (1);350 (I); 393 (I); 399 (1); Block No. 9-200 (2); 288(3); 311 (4); 235 (16); 236 (17); 273 (8); 281 (I)i 288 (I); 310 (38); 311 (I}; (I); 399 (2); Block No. 10-207 (I); 292 (4);311,4):399 (I); Block No. 333 (1); 350 (7}; 369 (2); 393 (8); 399 (4): VDlldbari-200 (I); 207 (I); 11-2()0(1); 235(1); 292(5); 399 CI): Block No. 14-200 (12); 207 273 (4); :m (1); 393 (2); 399 (I); Lamaura-Sgg (I); ~chbechbar (2); 209 (5); 235 (12); 281 (7); !Ill {I); S50 (I) 993 (5); Block No. 15. Kalan-235 (I); 311 (I); 399 (I); Kailhora-207 (4); 235 (Jll; 23615); 200 (10); 235 (3); 292 (2); S50 (I); S93 (4): 399 (1)) Block No. 18- 273 (I); 281 (4); 288 (I); 311 (4); 350 (7); 369 (IJ); S93 (I); 399 (2): 200 (I); 288 (5); 292 (2); 393 (3); Block No. 19-200 (5); 209 (1); Akona-200 (1); Ragali Buzurg-207 (1); Lewa-27S (I);· 281 (I); (I); (I); 292 (9); 311 (I); S99 (2); Block No. 20-200 (4); 207 (3); 235 (1); Narwara-207 365 (3);Pachpahra-200 207 (I); 27S (2)1 281 (I), 292 (3). 311 (t); 350 (I); 393 (2}; 399 (2}; Punta Panwarl-200 (I): 'II (I); .,AHOBA TAHSIL Total: , Nanaora-200 (I); Pipra 1\:Iuaf-2oo (2); 207 (1); 2'73 (I); 281 (l); 282 200 (58); 207 (98); 209 (+2); 213 (1+); 220 (6); 235 (119); 236 (34); (2)j 311 (2); 350 (3); 394 (2); 399 (2); Loheri-207 (I); 311 U): 399 270 (4); 273 (124); 281 (56); 282(48); 288 (SOl; 302 (I); 310 (40); 311 (2); Ramupura- 350 (~); ldabua Bandh-200(2); 207(5~ 282(5): !Ill (89); 312 (11); 314 (1); 331 (6); 393 (4); 335 (I); 3SO (150); 365 (25); (I); 350 (3); 369 (4); 393 (3); 399 (4); Alrar Muaf-350 (I); !l93 (tt; 367 (II; 3119 (41); ~8" (5); 38~ (~Q)i m (lot); 391 (~h 3~9 (U9). 399 (2h t1rwara~399 {I)j Dhaf_I~D-39Q (I)i BIlkhlo201 (Iii 273 (2h 281 (1); 288 (1); 311 (I); 350 (I); 399 (2); Morani-281 (I); Srinagar. ~); Qo~ri,200 (I); 209 (I); 213 (6');I2lJfi (2)1 293 (Il; Moehipura. ~Qo f~~~ (3); 213(1); 235 (2);, SU (2); 365 (6); 393 (4); 399 (I); 2.!¥l (2); 2A9 (I): 213 (2); 236 (I): 39i (~)S' Baghawa-IIS0 (1); ~ ~1-"~1l J!:oria-399 (2); Digaria7399 (I); Sijwahl-2Bl (1); 393 (1); () li NlIhdo,a Muai-aOO (1); RelVara-3~ (2h Kharka·311 (4); 850 S99 (1); BbandJ(l{¥lO (I); 215 (I); 393 (2); 399 (1); Bara-273 (I); (I); 399 (1); Pabra ... 200 (11; 8$0 (1); M.~i·200 {il; 311 (1); nO 399 (1); Tindoli-399 (2); Sijehri-2CO (I); 207 (3); 235 (2); 273 (2); II); 393 (3); 399 (1); Ratoli-2CO (I); 292 (1); S99 (1); Dabul'2!-

W(~)? 28~ {6)~ 288 ~I); 3~0, (4); 365 (8); 393 (5); 399 (2); Pawa­ 201 (1); 399 (I); Tikamau-!Oll (1); 350 (4); 399(t); Gugtrl-35O (~); mO)f 207 {l); 2lU (1)61 ~a (,I); 311 (2); 350 (2); 393 (1); 399 (3); Kall Pahari-2'/3 (1); S11(1); 399 (1); Darhat Maaf,.282 (2); lIlO fl)i Maibalwarll:-27~ (1~1 ~111 (I); 311 (1); 399 (I); Palka-~50 (I); Mirtala- 350 (3l: 399 (I); Barlpura-311 {2); Kirari-207 (1); 399,(1): ,Sh_b. 281 (1); 399 (I); Basora-350 (7); 399 (2); Mundhera-207 (I); 311 Pahari.235 (2); 236 (1); 399 (I): Kumrora Muaf-200( l)j 2~2 (a); mi !\1',auIna·S50 (I), -1199 (3); Bania TaJa Mahaopura-281 (lh S99 ::150 (1); 1\99 fll: 1'~alila-281 H); Paswara·200 II}; 2M '1); ~~ {Il-l ~iljp'1fa ~ala~ (3): 365 (I); Gbandpora-399 (II; Chando­ (4); 399 (1\). ~~'om; ,39~ fI); Karehra K~lan-200 (1); Nathoopura-350 (1); 393 (I); Town: ~~'Ara-SIlHL}; 399 (I); Bilbai-20D'(2); 207 (4); 273 (5); 311 (4-); MA!loB~ MU~ICIPAL BOARD !JilA (I}; 39S (3); 399 (2)i FaiPura Khurd-207 (I); 288 (I): 399 (1); Block No. 1-209 (2); 2Bfl (21;' 394 (2); Block No. 2-200 (I)i :lS5 ~~!lri Qazi-~99 (I); Jujhar-273 (2); 288 (Il; m (I); 350 (1); (5); 273 (2); 312 (3); 350 (2); Block No. g·209 (I); 220 (I); 399 ,98 399 (2); l>an;-207 (2); 2~5 (I); 282 (5); 288 (1); !Ill (2); m; (11); Block No. 5-273 (:/); 291 (1); 288 (3); Block No, 6-207 (t); ~~{~h ~~(~J JW,f ~hewa-3II(I); Dharon·200 (lJ; 207(1); 273(2): i09 (I): 27:1 (6); Sl2 (5); 369 (2h SSB (1); 393 (1); Block tlO. 8- 2.\11,\'~1 !I~W); 393 (1); 399 (1); Utyan-350 (10); 369 (9); 399 (1); 2'-1~ (24); 33» (I); Blocl: No. 10-209 (3h 220 (3); 273 (10); m (l); ,?r,h~2QO (I);. ~07 (~); 2n (1); 21lB (1); 311 (4); 335 (lJ; 350 Block Ko, 12-200 (4); 207 (1); 314 (I); S50 (3); 388 (2); 393 (I); ~W) •• ,~ ~4);. ~9$ (2h 399 (9); Sil)gnanpur Baghari-207 (8); 213 BIndt No. 16-201 (I); 2(}9 (1<2); "lIs (1); !IO! '{l~; 388 (\1; Bloelt Wi t73, (~); 28~ (5); Sll (I); 350 (4); 399 (1); fPindari-236 (I); No. 20-207 (1); 220 (th 295 (I); 273 (4); 288 (2); 367 (I); Block ~'nU)i. ~5Q (I); 393, • (1); 399 (3); 'Surha-200 (Il; 207 (1); :No. 25-235 (61; 273 (lBl; 312 (I); 388 (2); Bloclc No. 2&40V (5); :~p :""~, ~1 p~~ ~82 (6); 288 (1); 311 (1); 3~O (4): 365 (2}; ~kefl· S1l (4); 350 (I); 393 (3); Block No. 3D-2S5 (6); 27:1 (2); 3M (J~; 28,& ~S); ~,'4); 311 (1); KPlta~i-207 (I): 273 (I); 288 (I); 399 SSB (13); 393 (S~; Blq¢lc NOr ~84 (I}; Block No. 3&-2!19 (1); J~l! qeo.'}~i-~QQ (~); 207 (1); 209 (2); 273 (10): 282 (2): 9ll (ili 235 (6); 369 (2); 384 (I I; Blpck N:1_l. 4~ {fi}; 235 (II); 34 1 (6); ,:~r,p; ~~~, _3~~\ l\Rli 3~3 13); 399 (5); Lilwahi·207 (I): 288 Block No. 42-207 (3): Block No. 44-207 (16); 235 (10); S5e (I); .Wi, .~i} ."'; 350 !3); ~99 (2); Chhani Kalan-2DO (Il; 2\>7 PI; g88 (I); 393 (10); 8lock No, 45-200 (3); 273 (9); 312 (2); Block No. 4t-20' {9l; 311 (6l: ~9 (21; 393 (2); Bloc,k l!Q. 47-:t.~ (l4); ~X~. :

Detailed desCti~i afltJ.dtUt'l'i~l (lMd~Mihbr GtOtlp) numbers under whicb the Industrial E~~bmhments are arranged jn the table.

Minor Group VekttpllOl\ ~ per thtl Indian Stal\dard No. Industrial tiassificatlon

1 2

200 Production of rice, atta, flour, etc., by milling dehusking and processing of crops and foodgrains 206 Production of buUer, ghee, cheese and other dairy products

207 ProoU'ctiotl of edibte fats and oils (other than lIydrogellated oil)

209 Production of other food products such as 6weetmeat an'd condiments, muri, murki, chira, khoi, l:ocoJ, ~~hocolate, toffee, lozenge

213 Production of other liquors not covered above 220 Manufacture of bidi

222 Manufacture of Cigarette and Cigarette tobacco

225 Manufacture of jerda and other chewing tobacco

230 Cotton ginning, clearing, pressing and baling 231 Cotton spinning (other than in mi11s)

233 Cotton dyeing, bleaching

235 Cotton weaving in handJooms

235 Manufacture of Khadi texhle in handlooms 262 Splnnmg of silk other than in mills

264 vJ ~aviDg of sdk text\lc by handloom

Z70 MalAllfalitute 01 ~rf)et and all oth'Cl:' similar type of texute products 27% Embroidery and making of crepe lace and fringes

273 Making of textile garmenta including raincoats and headge~r

280 SawiIli; and planing of wood

281 Manufacture of wooden furniture and Iilt;llres

282 Manufacture of strnctural wooden goods (including treated timber), such as beams, posts, doors, wmdow§

263 Manufacture of wooden industrial goods other than rransport equipment such as bobbin and similar equipment and fixtures

288 Manufacture of materials from cork, bamboo, cane, leaves and other allied produ'cts

289 ManufactUre of other wood and allied products not covered above

292 Manufacture of products, such as paper bags, boxes, clrds, envelopes and moulded pulp goods from paper, papers board and pulp Number of .Establishments classified by Minor Group> of Industrial d1assilication~onctJ.

Detailed description of Industrial code (Minor Gr~up) numbers under which'the Industrial Establishments are arranged in the table.

Minor Group Description as per the Indian Standard No. Industrial Classification

1 2

All other types of llrinting including lithography. engraving, etching, block m~king and other work connected with printing industry

310 Currying, lanning and finishing of hides and skins and preparatl~D of linishcd leather 811 Manufacture of shoes and other lea ther footwear

312 Manufacture of clothing and wearing apparel (except footwear} made of leather and fot

3lt Repair of aboes and other leather footwear

SSI Manufactu~e of dyes, prints, colours and varmisheS ISS Manufacture of ammunition, explosives and fire works

125 Manufacture of medicines, pharmaceutical prepaparation, perfum6l. cOIIDetics and other loilet preparations exept soap

Manufacture of brass and bell metal products

361 Manufacture of metal products (other than of iron brass, bell melal 'and alulniniulI1) IIIlch ~s tin can

Manufacture of sundry hard wares sucb as G. T. pipe, wire, net, bolt, screw, bucket, cullery (Thi, will also inclnde the manufacture of sudllry ferrous engineering products done 'by jobbing ellgineering concorns which cannot be classified in major ~roups 36, 37, 38 and 39)

370 Manufacture and assembling of machinery (other than electrical) except textile machinery

381 ManufactUre ;)f wagons, coaches, tramways and other rail road equipment ot~er than tbat covered by code DO. 009

31M Repairing and servicing of motor vehicles

388 Repairing of bicycles and tricycles

S9~ Manufacture of jewellery, silverware and wares using gold and other precioUs tUetal$

394 Manufacture aup tumping of musical instruments

399 ManufaCfar. and' repair wqrk'. o~ goods not assignable to any other group ci


Gazette Moti6cations or Ch~nges in BDuddaries During the Decade-1951-6i No. 1254/IC-21C-50 U. J!. GalEette dat~d April 1,1953-In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-Section (2) ot Seetion 11 of the U. P. Land Revenue Act, 1901 (Act no. III of 1901), the Governor of Uttar Paadesh is pleased to order the abolition, with effect from April I, 1953, of tahsil Kulpahar in district Hamirpur which was re-created in notification No. 5916{IB-387-B-46; dated September 4, 1948, and the amalgamation of its two Kanungo circles, viz. Kulpahar and Panwari with tahsil Charkhari and its Kanungo circle Ajnar .. with tahsil Mahoba. No. 5628JIC-16() C-55 U.P. Ga.zette dated February 10, 1956-1n exercise of the powers conferred by sub-Section (2) of Section 11 of the U. P. Land Revenue Act, 1901 (U. P. Act No. III of 1901), the Governor has been pleased to direct the transfer of the following villages from district Hamirpur to Jalaun provided that nothing herein contained shall affect any legal proceedings pending on the date df this notification in any revenue court which has hitherto exercised jurisdiction in respect of these villages.

To be transferred To be transferred from to Serial Name of village Area in r---...A.---""""\ r---...A.---""" No. acres Tahsil District Tahsil District

. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1 Shamshi 587 Rath Hamirpur Kalpi Jalaun 2 Hajipur Salaiya 1,191 do do do do

3 Basrahi 1,038 do do do do 4 Keotra 482 do do do do

5 ChJpura' 235 do do do do

6 H~anpura 718 do do do do

By Order, (Sd.) ZAHURUL HASAN Secretary.