Book 001 040707 FINAL.Indd
A research paper commissioned and facilitated by MISA Namibia Martin Buch Larsen Windhoek, Namibia June 2007 This research paper could not have been fi nalized without great help and contributions from people I have come across during my period of researching and writing. In particular I would like to thank Vikitoria Hango and Tuhafeni Ausiku, from MISA Namibia, who have contributed substantially to the initial chapters on international legislation as well as to the chapters on legislation applying to the print media and the broadcasting media. Although I could mention dozens of people that I owe my gratitude, I would like to express my appreciation for the initial input provided by Robin Tyson, University of Namibia, Gwen Lister, The Namibian, William Heuva, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Willie Olivier, Polytechnic of Namibia, Eberhard Hofmann, AZ & The Editors Forum, Jan Kruger, The Communications Commission and David Lush from Shirumbu Consulting. These are the names of only a few of the helpful and open minded media practitioners that have contributed to the research for this paper, and my much needed initial orientation in media ownership and legislation in Namibia. With regards to the inputs on media ownership, I have generally enjoyed great feedback and exchange of views and opinions from almost all the different media owners, directors, managers and editors representing the media establishments investigated in this paper. Thank you all for your time and contributions. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation for the lively company of Vikitoria Hango, Marbeline /Goagoses, Matthew Haikali and everybody else assisting and facilitating me at MISA Namibia and the MISA Regional Secretariat.
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