The Convention
Fifth Year, No. 43. New York and New Haven, Saturday, October 26, 1889 Price 3 Cents REPORT THE CONVENTION. COMPLETE REPORT OF ITS PROCEEDINGS. Twenty-seven Sections Represented. Long Sessions, Short Speeches, and Practical Work—The Grand Mass Meeting at Vorwærts Turn Hall—Thousands of Sympathizers and Twenty-five Sore-Heads in Chicago—Platform and Resolutions. SATURDAY, Oct. 12.—At 3 p.m. the convention was called to order by Comrade A. Negendank, of Philadelphia, in the name of the Board of Supervision. After a few remarks by him in German and by Phil. Rappaport, of Indianapolis, in English, the delegates proceeded to the election of a chairman pro tem., and Comrade Foth, of New York, was elected. On motion of Comrade Shevitch it was resolved that English be the official language of the convention, but that the minutes be kept in English and German, and that every delegate might speak any language he pleased, provided the sense of his remarks be translated into English at the request of any other delegate. In order to carry out this resolution, Rappaport was elected English secretary and Fellermann, of Hartford, German secretary. A Committee on Credentials, composed of Otto Reimer, of New York; Lother, of Pittsburg; and Mrs. Greie, of New York, was then elected, and a short recess taken, at the end of which the committee reported the following Sections to be represented: New York (German Section), by Otto Reimer, S.E. Shevitch, Johanna Greie, Hy. Foth and Reinh. Meyer. New York (American Section), by Lucien Sanial. Brooklyn, N.Y., by Fr.
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