The Lives of the Saints

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The Lives of the Saints Cornell University Library The original of tiiis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. 3 1924 098 140 746 In compliance with current copyright law, Cornell University Library produced this replacement volume on paper that meets the ANSI Standard Z39.48-1992 to replace the irreparably deteriorated original. 2004 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY »i< ^ THE ILi'Qts of tt)e ^atnts; REV. S. BARING-GOULD SIXTEEN VOLUMES VOLUME THE SECOND ^ ^ THE EEPOSE IN EGYPT, WITH DANCING ANGELS. After Luca Cranaoh. Bj the robbery ot the nest In the tree, the painter Ingeniously points to the MaBsooro of the Innocents as to the oouse of the Flight into Egypt J [Pront.-Tol. II. * ^ THE Hities of tl)e ^mt^ BY THE REV. S. BARING-GOULD, M.A. New Edition in i6 Volumes Revised with Introduction and Additional Lives of English Martyrs, Cornish and Welsh Saints, and a full Index to the Entire Work ILLUSTRATED BY OVER 400 ENGRAVINGS VOLUME THE SECOND LONDON JOHN C. NIMMO NEW YORK: LONGMANS, GREEN, &- CO. MDCCCXCVIII Prinled by BallaNTYiNE, HANSON &- CO. At tlie Ballantyue Press *- ~>h CONTENTS PAGE S. Auxibius .... 339 S. Abraham „ Aventine of Cha- „ Adalbald 41 teaudun ... 86 ,, Adelheid 140 ,, Aventine of Troyes . 84 „ Adeloga 42 „ Avitus . 138 „ yEmilian 212 Agatha . „ 136 B ,, Aldetrudis „ Alexander 433 S. Baldomer Alnoth . „ 448 Baradatus . „ Amandus 182 Barbatus . SS. Ananias and comp. 412 Belina S. Andrew Corsini 105 Benedict of Aniane „ Angilbert 337 Berach „ Ansbert 246 Berlinda „ Anskar . 56 Bertulf „ Apollonia 231 Besas „ Aristion 366 Blaise „ Athracta 236 Boniface, Lausanne „ Augulus 190 Bridget „ Auxentius 299 Bruno VOL. II. *- -* . * -* VI Contents Csesarius .... 412 Castor .... 289 Catharine de Ricci 295 Ceadmon . 272 Celerina .... 46 SS, Celerinus and comp. 46 Charalampius and comp. .248 Chronion . 442 Chrysolius. 189 Clara of Rimini . 256 SS, Claudius and comp. 329 Constantia and comp. 330 Cornelius of Rome . 314 Cornelius the Cent. 38 Cuthman . 220 D S. Damian 375 „ Darlugdach SS. Dionysiusandothers 212 S. Dionysius (Augs- burg) 432 Dorothy 176 Dositheus 378 s. .* 1 *- -* Contents vu PAGE S. Jonas the Gardener 263 S. Meletius . „ Joseph of Leonissa . 1 1 >, Jovita 305 ,, Julian of Cassarea . 320 „ Julian in Africa . 395 „ Julian, Alexandria . 442 „ Juliana . .316 „ Juventius . .211 S. Laurence, Cant. 39 „ Laurence, the Illumi- nator. -49 „ Laurentinus ... 46 „ Lazarus, B. Milan . 264 ,, Lazarus, Constanti- nople . 386 ,, Leander . 445 „ Licinius . 292 „ Limnaeus . 367 SS. Loman and Fort- chem . 321 S. Lucius . 395 M SS. Mael and others . 178 S. Mansuetus . 341 „ Margaret of Cortona 371 Mariamne 318 „ Martha . 373 „ Martian . 289 Martyrs at Alexandria 449 „ in Arabia . 367 „ of Japan . 141 „ of Ebbecksdorf 45 S. Matthias, Ap. 391 „ Maura 286 SS. Maurice and comp. 358 S. Maximian ... 369 „ Maximus . 329 „ Mary, B. V., Purifi cation of 34 „ Melchu. 178 „ Meldan. 193 ^- ->J< Vlll Contents s. * >J< LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS The Repose in Egypt, with Dancing Angels . ... Frontispiece After LucA Cranach. Martyrdom of S. Ignatius . to face p. 2 From the '' Menologium Grcscormn.* S. Ephraem . ,,8 After Cahier. S. Bridget „ 16 After Cahier. Tomb of Joshua .... onp. ^3 J. tlie Greek Menology. Purification of S. Mary the Virgin . to face p. 34 From the Great Vienna Afissal. The Flight into Egypt . „ 36 After Fra Angelico. S. Blaise ,,48 From Cahier. S. Werburga . „ 52 From Cahier. Si * -1^ >h- List of Ilhistrations S. Gilbert, Prior of Sempringhaji iofacej). 104 From a Drawing by A. Welby Pugin. S. Veronica {see p. 73) . o«/. 135 SS. Agnes, Cecilia, and Dorothy to face p. 176 After Angelica de Fiesole. S. AmandUS (j-^4?;5. 184) . oiip. 18S S. Richard the Saxon and his Sons to facep. 192 From Cahier. Family of S. Richard the Saxon . „ 194 From a Drawing by A. Welby Pugin. A Learned Doctor and Church His- torian . , . on p. 210 An Enthusiastic Collector of Saintly Legends . „ 230 S. EUPHROSYNE, finding HERSELF AT Death's Door, makes herself known TO HER Father . toface p. 272 Fro?n the '* Menologium GrcEcoruni" of CAR- DINAL Albani. The Papermaker . on p. 285 An Early Reliquary to facep. 318 S. Agatha {see p. 136) . on p. 338 The Printer . „ 357 S. Margaret Cortona . th face p. 370 From Cahier. *- -"J* >i<- -* List of Illustrations XI The Bookbinder .... on p. 372 S. MiLBURGH ... ... ioface p. 3S4 After Cahier. S. Beheading of Matthias • „ 392 From Cahier. Window in the Cathedral at Tours (Virgin with Angels) . „ 408 Enamelled Chest which contained the Remains of King Ethelbert ,, 408 S. Walburga „ 414 From Cahier. »i<- -^ * ^ Lives of the Saints. February 1. SS. Cecilius, B. ofElvira, and CompanionSj MM. in Spain, jsi cent. S. Ignatius, B, ofAniioch, M. at Home, a.d. 107. SS. PiONius AND Companions, MM. at Smyrna, a.d. 251. S. EuBEET, B, of Lisle, ^th cent. S. Ephraem Syrus, D.C. at Edessa, a.d. 378. SS. Severus, 5.,ViNCENTiA.A£r wr/Q?, fl«£/lNNOCENTiA, V., their daughter^ at Ravenna, end of ^th cent. S. Paul, B. of Trois-Chateaux in France, beginning of^th cent. S. Petbr the Galatian, M. at Aniioch i?i Syria, 5th cent. S. Kinnea, V. in Ireland, ^th cent. S. Bridget, V. Ads. at Kildare, a.d, 525. .,3. Darlugdach, V. at Kildare, a.d. 526. S. Severus, B. of Avranches, 6ih cent. S. Pr«cordius, p. ai Corbie, 6tk cent. S. SoRus, H. at Perigeux, 6th cent. SS. Agripanus, B., and Ursicinus, MM., at Le Pity, after A.-D. 650. S. Sigebert III., K.C. at Metz, a.d. 656. E. WoLFHOLD, p. ai Hokenwast in Bavaria, after a.d. iroo. S. John of the Grate, B. ofS. Malo, a.d. 1163. S. Raymond, ofFitero, A.C., Founder o/' the Order of Calairava, a.d. 1163. S. Veediana, Castel Fioreniino, in Ttiscany, a.d. 1242. S. IGNATIUS, B. M. (a.d. 107.) [S. Ignatius is commemorated variously, on June loth, Oct. 8th, Nov. 24th, Dec. 14th or 19th ; but by the Roman Martyrology his festival is fixed for Feb. ist. In the Bruges and Treves Martyrologies, his com- memoration vfas placed on Jan. 31st, so as not to interfere with that of S. Bridget on this day. The authorities for his life and passion ai-e his own genuine Epistles, the Acts of his martyrdom, Eusebius, and S. Chrysostora's Homily on S. Ignatius.] ^AINT IGNATIUS was a convert and disciple of S. John the Evangelist. He was appointed by S. Peter to succeed Evodius in the see of Antioch, and he continued in his bishopric full forty years. He received the name of Theophorus, or one who carries God with him. In his Acts, Trajan is said to have asked VOL. It. I * — (J( * ^ ^ ^— 2 Lives of the Saints. [February i. him why he had the surname of God-bearing, and he answered, because he bore Christ in his heart' Socrates, in his " Ecclesiastical History," says, "We must make some allusion to the origin of the custom in the Church of singing hymns antiphonally. Ignatius, third bishop of Antioch in Syria from the aposfle Peter, who also had conversed familiarly with the apostles themselves, saw a vision of angels, hymning in alternate chants the Holy iiito Trinity ; after which he introduced this mode of singing the Antiochian Church, whence it was transmitted by tradi- tion to all the other churches."^ It seems probable that Evodius vacated the see of An- tioch about the year 70. There are traditions that represent Evodius to have been martyred; and Josephus speaks of a disturbance in Antioch about that period, which was the cause of many Jews being put to death.' There is a diffi- culty in supposing S. Peter to have appointed Ignatius bishop of Antioch, if he did not succeed Evodius till the year 70. But it is probable, that later writers have con- founded the appointment of Ignatius to the see of Antioch, with his consecration to the episcopal office ; and it is highly probable that he received this from the hands of the Prince of the Apostles. The date of the martyrdom of Ignatius can be fixed with tolerable certainty as occurring in the year 107. The Acts expressly state that Trajan was then at Antioch, and that Sura and Senecio were consuls : two events, which will be found to meet only in the year 107. Trajan made his entry into Antioch in January; his first concern was to examine into the state of religion there, and ' Vincent of Beauvais, and other late writers, say tliat tlie name of God was found after liis deatli written in gold letters on his heart ; but this is only one instance of the way in which legends have been coined to explain titles^ the fplritual significance of which was not considered sufficiently wondrous for the vulgar. 2 2Lib, vi.c, 8. De Bel. Jad. vii. 3. ^ ^ -t) .J( ^ Februiryi.] ^. IgnatluS. 3 the Christians were denounced to him as bringers-in of strange gods. Ignatius was brought before him, and boldly- confessed Christ to be God. "Dost thou mean Him who was crucified?" asked the emperor, scornfully. Ignatius answered, "The very same. Who by His death overcame sin, and enabled those who bear Him in their hearts to trample under foot all the power of the devils." Then Trajan ordered him to be taken to Rome, and exposed to wild beasts in the amphitheatre. It was gene- rally a distinction reserved for Roman citizens, that if they had committed an offence in the provinces, they were sent for punishment to the capital. This, however, does not appear to have been the reason in the case of Ignatius.
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