Combinatorial entropy and diagram of partially ordered phases Luis G. MacDowell, Eduardo Sanz, Carlos Vega, and Jose´ Luis F. Abascal Dpto. de Quı´mica Fı´sica, Facultad de Ciencias Quı´micas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain ͑Received 8 July 2004; accepted 30 August 2004͒ A close analytical estimate for the combinatorial entropy of partially ordered ice phases is presented. The expression obtained is very general, as it can be used for any ice phase obeying the Bernal-Fowler rules. The only input required is a number of crystallographic parameters, and the experimentally observed proton site occupancies. For fully disordered phases such as hexagonal ice, it recovers the result deduced by Pauling, while for fully ordered ice it is found to vanish. Although the space groups determined for ice I, VI, and VII require random proton site occupancies, it is found that such random allocation of protons does not necessarily imply random orientational disorder. The theoretical estimate for the combinatorial entropy is employed together with free energy calculations in order to obtain the phase diagram of ice from 0 to 10 GPa. Overall qualitative agreement with experiment is found for the TIP4P model of . An accurate estimate of the combinatorial entropy is found to play an important role in determining the stability of partially ordered ice phases, such as ice III and . © 2004 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.1808693͔

I. INTRODUCTION coexistence lines between ordered and disordered phases, or on dielectric response measurements.3 The behavior and properties of ice have provided a con- With the advent of neutron scattering technology for stant challenge to our understanding of statistical mechanics structure determination, the actual hydrogen arrange- and other related areas.1–3 No other naturally abundant sub- ments could be definitively settled for the first time. It was stance is known to show such a wide variety of phases, found that those structures believed to have random arrange- and the elucidation of their crystal structure has been a mat- ment of protons ͑I, VI, VII͒ were indeed essentially ter of research for many decades.4–6 disordered,3,17–19 while the readily accessible low tempera- Early attempts to determine the structure of ice I re- ture phases ͑II, VIII͒ were found to be fully ordered.18,20 Two vealed a hexagonal arrangement of oxygen atoms.7 Due to other phases, however, presented an interesting behavior. their low scattering intensity, the actual arrangement of hy- Both ice III and ice V were found to show clear evidence of drogen atoms could only be guessed, and different ordered partial ordering: the hydrogen crystal sites in these struc- structures were proposed.7,8 At the same time, careful ther- tures are found to have a probability of being occupied modynamic measurements revealed an absolute entropy for which is neither 0 or 1 ͑fully ordered͒, nor 1/2 ͑random͒, but water molecules which could not be properly accounted by rather, take a value in between, which is known to depend on theoretical means.9 This paradox was soon resolved by the thermodynamic state.21,22 Similarly, the metastable phase Pauling,10 who suggested a random arrangement of protons ice IX, which is the ordered counterpart of ice III, was found consistent with the hydrogen bond network of Bernal and to have some partial disorder.23 Fowler.8 By means of a simple calculation, Pauling showed Under these conditions of partial ordering, an extension that the resulting disordered phase requires the addition of a of the Pauling calculation for the combinatorial entropy is combinatorial entropy per molecule of about kB ln 3/2 to the required. Some time ago, Minagawa applied a method appar- theoretical estimate. This finding demonstrated that a crystal ently first proposed by Takagi in order to count the configu- phase such as ice I could show full disorder at 0 K, against rations in ice I.24 This method is particularly suited for the expectations from the third principle. Obviously, it is consid- problem of partial ordering, because it provides a parametric ered that this disagreement is due to kinetic reasons. It is expression in terms of occupancies, the actual characteriza- interesting to point out, however, that conclusive evidence of tion of disorder which can be measured in neutron scattering an ordered low temperature phase at low pressures ͑ice XI͒ experiments.21–23 Howe and Whitworth applied this method was only found many years later,11,12 and requires doping in order to obtain a closed expression for the entropy in the with alkaline hydroxides.13 At present a fully ordered crys- special case where a single occupancy parameter describes talline structure has been proposed for ice XI,14 but interpre- the partial ordering of the crystal,25 and argued that the en- tation of results is quite difficult due to the presence of tropy estimate so obtained is more accurate than that of impurities.15,16 Nagle, which has been applied to measure the entropy of ice For a long time, most of the other ice phases which IX.26 In practice, however, the phases which show significant coexist with water were considered to be essentially disor- partial ordering over a wide region ͑ice III and V͒ have dered. However, the evidence for such belief was only indi- rather complex structures, the partial ordering is described by rect. It was based on the slope of the pressure-temperature means of two or three occupancy parameters, respectively,

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and the coupling of occupancies related to different water nonequivalent oxygen atoms. Furthermore, each of the non- molecules needs to be accounted for. equivalent oxygen atoms has a multiplicity mi , such that the An estimate for the combinatorial entropy of partially total number of water molecules in the unit cell is mt ␯ ordered phases is interesting for many reasons. It may allow ϭ͚ o iϭ1mi . one to reinterpret partial ordering from the pressure- An unspecified oxygen atom, say, atom i, is bonded to temperature slope of phase diagrams. More importantly, it is two hydrogen atoms. Each of these may occupy one out of a very important tool in order to calculate the phase diagram (i) (i) (i) four possible sites, which we call sites S1 , S2 , S3 , and of water models by computer simulations.27–31 Indeed, free (i) S4 . Out of all six sites, only two are occupied at a time, energy determination of ice is typically performed for one or however, such that the water molecule is allowed to have six a few hydrogen bond arrangements, and at present there is no possible rotational states. Let P(i) be that rotational state with known computational scheme which would allow to count (i) (i) (i) hydrogen sites S1 and S2 occupied. Let R be the exactly the number of such arrangements. Therefore, an es- (i) (i) ‘‘complementary’’ state, with neither S1 nor S2 sites occu- timate for the combinatorial entropy is added a posteriori to (i) ͑ ϭ pied. Furthermore, let Q j with j 1,2,3,4) be the four re- the configurational free energy measured during the simula- (i) (i) maining rotational states, such that either S1 or S2 is occu- tions, in order to account for all the hydrogen bond arrange- pied ͑cf. Fig. 1͒. ments compatible with the considered crystal phase.27–31 In (i) Let s1 denote the ‘‘occupancy’’ or probability of site this way, the success of the water model and the entropy (i) (i) (i) S1 being occupied, s2 denote the occupancy of site S2 , calculation may be assessed by cross checking. Good agree- (i) (i) s3 denote the occupancy of site S3 , and so forth. Further- ment with experiment suggests that both the water model and more, let p(i) denote the ‘‘orientation’’ or probability of ro- entropy calculation are correct. Furthermore, splitting the en- (i) (i) tational state P being occupied; q1 denote the orientation tropy into two terms allows to assess what part of the latent (i) of rotational state Q1 , and so on. entropy is related to the ordering of the hydrogen bond net- work, and which to the molecular vibrations within a given arrangement. B. Arrangements of water molecules In this paper we extend the studies of Minagawa, Howe and Whitworth and propose a general expression for the Given the definitions above, a glance at Fig. 1 readily combinatorial entropy of any partially ordered ice phase. shows that the occupancies must be related to the orienta- This theoretical calculation is then employed in order to de- tions in the following manner: termine the phase boundaries of ice III and V by means of (i)ϭ (i)ϩ (i)ϩ (i) s1 p q1 q2 , computer simulations. We employ the well known TIP4P 32 (i)ϭ (i)ϩ (i)ϩ (i) model of water, since it has been shown that it provides a s2 p q3 q4 , qualitatively correct phase diagram over a very wide domain ͑1͒ s(i)ϭr(i)ϩq(i)ϩq(i) , of temperatures and pressures.33,34 3 1 3 The paper is organized as follows. In the following sec- (i)ϭ (i)ϩ (i)ϩ (i) s4 r q2 q4 . tion we present the theoretical calculation for the combina- torial entropy of ice phases. In Sec. III we describe the spe- However, this set of equations does not provide four inde- cial techniques that are required in order to prepare partially pendent constraints, because each oxygen is bonded to two disordered ice configurations, and provide a brief account of hydrogen atoms. As a result, the occupancies must obey the the techniques employed to determine the phase diagram. following relation, which reflects the chemical identity of the ͑ ͒ The results are presented in Sec. IV, and our conclusions are water molecule i.e., rule one of Bernal and Fowler : explained in Sec. V. (i)ϩ (i)ϩ (i)ϩ (i)ϭ ͑ ͒ s1 s2 s3 s4 2. 2 The above equations result from the constraints imposed on II. COMBINATORIAL ENTROPY OF PARTIALLY the orientations by the geometry of the water molecule. They ORDERED ICE can be considered as a quantification of the first Bernal- A. Preliminary definitions Fowler rule. Notice that there are only four such constraints, so that we cannot express the six orientations in terms of In this work we will consider solid phases obeying the occupancies only. We can nevertheless solve the above sys- 8,10 Bernal-Fowler rules. According to these rules, only ice tem of equations in terms of two selected orientations, which configurations satisfying the following two conditions are (i) (i) we choose to be q1 and q2 . After some simple algebraic allowed: ͑1͒ Each oxygen atom within the crystal network is (i) (i) (i) (i) rearrangements, we find that p , q3 , q4 , and r may be covalently bonded to two hydrogen atoms. This rule simply (i) (i) expressed in terms of q1 , q2 and the occupancies as fol- implies that ice phases are molecular formed by wa- lows: ter molecules as in the vapor or phase. ͑2͒ Every water (i)ϭ (i)Ϫ (i)Ϫ (i) molecule is tetrahedrally coordinated with other four mol- p s1 q1 q2 , ecules, forming hydrogen bonds. Geometrically speaking, q(i)ϭs(i)ϩs(i)Ϫ1ϩq(i) , this means that along the line joining two such oxygens there 3 2 3 2 ͑ ͒ (i)ϭ Ϫ (i)Ϫ (i)ϩ (i) 3 lies one and only one hydrogen atom. q4 1 s1 s3 q1 , Consider a crystal made of N water molecules. The crys- ␯ r(i)ϭ1Ϫs(i)Ϫq(i)Ϫq(i) . tal has a total of Nc unit cells, and each cell has a total of o 2 1 2

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This set of equations determine the possible orientations con- the remaining rotational states. Accordingly, the sistent with the imposed occupancies. number of ways that molecules of kind i may be (i) Since the crystal contains a total of miNc water arranged in the crystal such that there are p miNc (i) (i) (i) (i) molecules of kind i, it will have on average p miNc in state P , q1 miNc in state Q1 ,..., andso forth, is such molecules in rotational state P(i), and likewise for given by

͑m N ͒! ϭ i c ͑ ͒ Wi ͑ (i) ͒ ͑ (i) ͒ ͑ (i) ͒ ͑ (i) ͒ ͑ (i) ͒ ͑ (i) ͒ . 4 p miNc ! q1 miNc ! q2 miNc ! q3 miNc ! q4 miNc ! r miNc !

The above estimate explicitly takes into account that the ori- them is found in one of six possible states. However, it does entation probabilities of equivalent water molecules are iden- not account for constraints imposed on the rotational states tical. In this way the symmetry is now imposed by force. We by the neighboring molecules, i.e., according to the second are no longer able to consider the possibility of symmetry Bernal-Fowler rule, only those arrangements are allowed degradation, as this would imply changing the assumed such that each molecule simultaneously donates and accepts space group. Although this limitation could be avoided if two hydrogen bonds. This constraint largely reduces the necessary, it allows for a great simplification of the math- number of acceptable arrangements. ematical treatment. Let us now try to quantify the fraction of arrangements The number of ways that each of the mtNc molecules which fulfill the above condition. may be arranged within the crystal will be given by Any oxygen atom has four possible hydrogen sites. Each ␯ o of such sites is adjacent to similar sites pertaining to nearest ϭ ͑ (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i)͒ ͑ ͒ W ͟ Wi s1 ,s2 ,s3 ,s4 ,q1 ,q2 . 5 neighbor oxygen atoms. Let us consider that one of the near- i (i) est neighbors of oxygen i is, say, oxygen j, such that site S1 This equation quantifies the amount of disorder that is ( j) is adjacent to, say, site S2 . allowed by the first Bernal-Fowler rule. For the time being, (i) ( j) According to the ice rules, if S1 is occupied, site S2 the expression remains in terms of six parameters ͑only five must be empty, and vice versa. Therefore, the probability of of them are indeed independent͒, four occupancies and two ( j) Ϫ (i) S2 being occupied is 1 s1 , while the complementary orientations. There is, however, an important difference be- (i) probability of it being empty is s1 . Thus, the occupancy of tween occupancies and orientations: the occupancies are (i) ( j) both S1 and S2 is characterized by a single occupancy readily accessible by neutron scattering experi- parameter, which we denote by a plain Greek letter, say, ␣ ments,15,18,20–22 while the orientations are not. Later on we ͑i.e., s(i)ϭ␣, and s( j)ϭ1Ϫ␣). For the time being, we will will attempt to relate the orientations to the known occupan- 1 2 refer to those bonds which involve site S(i) and S( j) as alpha cies. 1 2 bonds, for reason which will become clear afterwards. Let us C. Account of hydrogen bonds also assume that the total number of such bonds per unit cell ␣ is n␣ . Overall, there must be n␣Nc alpha bonds in the The above equation accounts for the total number of (i) ( j) ways the water molecules may be arranged given that each of crystal, such that site S1 is occupied and site S2 is empty. (i) ( j) Now, the probability that site S1 be occupied while site S2 is empty is ␣2. Therefore, the probability that a total of ␣ (i) n␣Nc alpha bonds are formed such that site S1 is occupied ␣ ( j) ϭ␣2 n␣Nc and site S is empty is given by PS(i)→S( j) . Like- 2 1 2 wise, the total number of alpha bonds formed such that site ( j) (i) Ϫ␣ S2 is occupied and S1 is empty is (1 )n␣Nc , and the probability of having one such bond is given by (1Ϫ␣)2. Ϫ␣ Hence, the probability that a total of (1 )n␣Nc alpha ( j) (i) bonds are formed such that site S2 is occupied and S1 is Ϫ␣ ϭ Ϫ␣ 2(1 )n␣Nc empty is given by PS( j)→S(i) (1 ) . It follows 2 1 that the probability of having one particular arrangement ␣ (i) Ϫ␣ with n␣Nc sites of kind S1 occupied and (1 )n␣Nc ( j) sites of kind S2 occupied, such that all the corresponding alpha bonds are properly formed is given by FIG. 1. Sketch of the six possible orientations a water molecule may take PS(i)→S( j)PS( j)→S(i). However, the total number of such ar- and the corresponding nomenclature for their orientations and proton sites. 1 2 2 1 Full and dashed circles denote occupied and unoccupied hydrogen sites, rangements is given by all possible permutations between the respectively. bonds. As a result, the probability of having an arrangement

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( j) Þ (i) (i) with all its alpha bonds properly formed, compatible with the q2 ( j i). As a result, it is found that the q1 and q2 which imposed occupancy ␣ is maximize the entropy are given by the roots of the following equation: ͑n␣N ͒! ϭ c P␣ ͑␣ ͒ ͓͑ Ϫ␣͒ ͔ q(i)͑q(i)ϩ1Ϫs(i)Ϫs(i)͒ n␣Nc ! 1 n␣Nc ! 1 1 1 3 ϭ (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) (i) 1, ␣ Ϫ␣ ͑s Ϫq Ϫq ͒͑1Ϫs Ϫq Ϫq ͒ ϫ␣2 n␣Nc͑1Ϫ␣͒2(1 )n␣Nc. ͑6͒ 1 1 2 2 1 2 ͑11͒ q(i)͑q(i)Ϫ1ϩs(i)ϩs(i)͒ This equation quantifies the probability that a given arrange- 2 2 2 3 ϭ ͑ (i)Ϫ (i)Ϫ (i)͒͑ Ϫ (i)Ϫ (i)Ϫ (i)͒ 1. ment of randomly oriented water molecules satisfies the sec- s1 q1 q2 1 s2 q1 q2 ond Bernal-Fowler rule. After some rearrangements, the above set of equations may We assume that similar arguments may be employed for be converted into a fourth order polynomial, which may be the remaining bonds. In case of site S(i) , for example, we 2 solved either numerically or analytically. In principle, all consider that the adjacent site is, say, S(k) , the corresponding 3 positive roots resulting in meaningful orientations ͑i.e., such occupancy number is denoted as, say, ␤, and the total num- that all orientations are bound between 0 and 1͒ are accept- ber of beta bonds is n␤ . Accordingly, the probability that able. In practice, we found that only one out of the four one of the W arrangements fulfills the ice rules for all its possible roots yields physically meaningful results. bonds is given by l ϭ ͑ ͒ P ͟ P␭ , 7 E. General solution i i where l is the total number of different bonds required to From the previous considerations, we can now write describe the crystal; ␭ stands for a ‘‘Greek letter,’’ such that down the general solution for the combinatorial entropy of a i partially ordered crystal phase of ice: ␭ ϭ␣, ␭ ϭ␤, ␭ ϭ␥, etc; and P␭ is given by Eq. ͑6͒, with 1 2 3 i ␣ ␭ ϭ Ϫ ͑ ͒ substituted by i . SC SO SB . 12 ϭ The first term in the right-hand side, SO kB ln W, accounts for the entropy gained by the crystal due to the random al- D. Maximization of entropy location of molecules in one of six possible states, and reads, ␯ o (i) (i) (i) (i) In the previous sections we have first calculated the total SO (i) (i)q (i)q (i)q (i)q (i) Ϫ ϭ ͓ (i)p 1 2 3 4 (i)r ͔ mi /mt number of arrangements that result from placing the mol- ln ͟ p q1 q2 q3 q4 r , NkB iϭ1 ecules in rotational states compatible with some prescribed ͑13͒ occupancies. Then we have estimated the fraction of such ␯ arrangements which are compatible with the ice rules. It fol- where o is the total number of nonequivalent oxygen atoms, lows that the total number of arrangements consistent with mi is the multiplicity of each of such atoms, and mt is the (i) the ice rules and the prescribed occupancy numbers ␣, ␤, ␥, total number of water molecules in a unit cell; while q1 and (i) ͑ ͒ etc., are given by q2 are given by the roots of Eq. 11 and the remaining orientations by Eq. ͑3͒. ⍀ϭWϫP. ͑8͒ ϭ Ϫ1 The second term SB kB ln P accounts for the reduc- To this number of arrangements there corresponds an en- tion of entropy due to the constraints imposed on the pos- tropy: sible orientations by the second Bernal-Fowler rule: ϭ ⍀͑͒ l SC kB ln 9 SB ␭ Ϫ␭ Ϫ ϭ ͓␭ i͑ Ϫ␭ ͒1 i͔ ni /mt ͑ ͒ ln ͟ i 1 i , 14 Note, however, that the above equation does not provide a NkB iϭ1 close expression, because W is given in terms of individual where the product runs over the different kinds of bonds, up contributions Wi and each of those depends on as yet un- to a total of l; ␭ are the corresponding occupancy numbers (i) (i) i specified orientations q1 and q2 . To obtain a closed result, (␭ ϭ␣, ␭ ϭ␤, ␭ ϭ␥, etc.͒, and n is the amount of such 25 1 2 3 j we follow Howe and Whitworth, and note that, in the ab- bonds per unit cell ͑note that ͚n ϭ2m , since there are two (i) (i) j t sence of any other information, q1 and q2 should be ob- hydrogen bonds per molecule͒. At this point, we remark that 25 tained by maximizing the entropy, such that, Eq. ͑14͒ may be interpreted in either of two ways. We could S assume that l stands for all different pairs of sites forming aץ ͩ C ͪ ϭ i) 0 bond, so that ni stands for the number of such pairs per unit) ץ q1 ␭ cell and i characterizes the occupation of such bonds. Al- ϭ ␯ ͑ ͒ for i 1, o 10 ternatively, we may note that due to crystallographic con- -straints, some occupation numbers are constraint to be iden ץ SC ͩ ͪ ϭ0. tical. For this reason, we can sum up all bonds with equal (q(iץ 2 occupation number. In that case, l is interpreted as the total Fortunately, the solution of this set of equations is very much number of different occupation numbers required and ni is simplified, because in the expression for the entropy the the sum of all bonds described by one such occupation num- (i) (i) ( j) q1 and q2 are completely decoupled from q1 and ber. We will henceforth adopt the latter interpretation.

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TABLE I. Crystallographic parameters required to calculate the orienta- cupancies of two hydrogens labeled as 2 in Fig. 2, and s(1) ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ 3 tional contribution to the entropy, Eqs. 13 and 11 of the different ice and s(1) stand for the occupancies of the two hydrogens la- phases. For each nonequivalent oxygen atom, iϭ1, iϭ2, etc., the table 4 beled as 3, respectively. In our treatment we assume that all shows the multiplicity mi and site occupancies of the related bonded pro- tons. The latter are expressed in terms of the independent occupancy param- equivalent crystallographic sites with a unit cell are identical, (i) (1)ϭ (1) (1)ϭ (1) eters, unless otherwise stated. The occupancy of site S4 follows from the so that, from the outset s1 s2 and s3 s4 . Since, ac- remaining occupancies and Eq. ͑2͒. cording to the ice rules, each pair of adjacent 2-3 sites must contain one and only one hydrogen, the following relation Ice i 1234 among the occupations must also hold: mi 4 (i) ␣ϭ (1)ϩ (1)ϭ s1 1/2 s1 s3 1, I s(i) ␣ϭ1/2 2 (1) (1) ͑15͒ (i) Ϫ␣ ϩ ϭ s3 1 s2 s4 1. (1)ϭ (1)ϭ␣ mi 66 As a result, two of the hydrogen sites have s1 s2 , s(i) ␣␥ (1)ϭ (1)ϭ 1 while the remaining hydrogen sites must obey s3 s4 1 (i) ␤␤ II s2 Ϫ␣. Upon substitution of these relations into Eq. ͑11͒,we (i) 1Ϫ␣ 1Ϫ␥ s3 find mi 84 (1)ϭ (1) (i) ␣ Ϫ␣ q1 q2 s1 1 III s(i) ␤ 1Ϫ␣ ͑16͒ 2 (1) 1 1 1 2 1/2 (i) Ϫ␤␣ q ϭ Ϫ͓ Ϫ ͑␣Ϫ␣ ͔͒ . s3 1 2 3 9 3 ͑ ͒ mi 4888Further substitution of the above relations into Eq. 3 , (i) Ϫ␣␣ Ϫ␣ Ϫ␥ s1 1 1 1 yields, (i) ␣␤Ϫ␦ ⑀ϭ V s2 1 1/2 (i) Ϫ␣␥ Ϫ␥␥ (1)ϭ␣Ϫ 2 ͓ Ϫ͑ ␣2Ϫ ␣ϩ ͒1/2͔ ͑ ͒ s3 1 1 p 3 1 3 3 1 . 17

mi 82 So that our approach recovers the result suggested by Howe (i) ␣ϭ1/2 1Ϫ␤ s1 and Whitworth for partially ordered phases described by a VI (i) ␤ϭ1/2 1Ϫ␤ s2 single independent occupancy parameter, as expected.25 In s(i) ␥ϭ1/2 1Ϫ␤ 3 the particular case of full proton disorder we have ␣ϭ1/2, m 2 ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ (1)ϭ (1)ϭ (1)ϭ i whereby Eqs. 2 and 3 show that p qi r 1/6 (i) ␣ϭ1/2 s1 (iϭ1,2,3,4). Accordingly, one finds S ϭNk ln 3/2. Hence, VII (i) ␣ϭ1/2 C B s2 ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ s(i) ␣ϭ1/2 Eqs. 12 – 14 reproduce the Pauling estimate for the com- 3 binatorial entropy of fully disordered ice.10 mi 8 (i) ␣ s1 (i) ␣ VIII s2 2. Ice I s(i) 1Ϫ␣ 3 In ice I there is also only one nonequivalent oxygen ϭ 3 atom (m1 mt) and two nonequivalent hydrogen atoms. As shown in Fig. 3, each oxygen has three 2-2 bonds and just Equations ͑12͒, ͑13͒, and ͑14͒ provide a general expres- one 3-3 bond. In principle, this would require two indepen- sion for the combinatorial entropy of any water crystal phase dent occupancy parameters. However, in this case the adja- obeying the ice rules. For a given crystal phase, the entropy cent hydrogen sites along a bond are both of the same crys- is a function of the occupancy numbers, ␣, ␤, ␥, etc. For tallographic kind, and the ice rules adopt the most simple different crystal phases, the entropy will depend on the crys- form possible: tal geometry, as reflected by the number and multiplicity of (1) (1) ␯ s ϩs ϭ1, the oxygens ( o ,mi), the corresponding occupancies, 1 1 (i) (i) ͑18͒ s1 ,s2 , etc. and the arrangement of the hydrogen bonds (l (1)ϩ (1)ϭ s2 s2 1. and n j). The reader is referred to Tables I and II for details (1)ϭ (1) concerning the structure of the different crystal phases. This means that both occupancies are the same, s1 s2 ϭ␣, but moreover, that ␣ is not an independent parameter, ␣ϭ F. Special cases but on the contrary, bound to have 1/2. Therefore, only ϭ one occupancy parameter is required and n␣ 2mt . Thus, 1. One independent occupancy parameter the case of ice I is the same as that of a single independent The simplest possible case which allows partial ordering occupancy parameter discussed before, but with full proton is sketched in Fig. 2. There is only one nonequivalent oxy- disorder. gen, with multiplicity mt and two nonequivalent hydrogen There is, however, an important conceptual difference. sites. Every oxygen atom has four bonds between 2-3 hydro- In this case, it is predicted that Ice I is an intrinsically proton- gens, but since each bond is shared between two identical disordered phase: the disorder is imposed by the crystallo- oxygens, there are overall two 2-3 bonds per oxygen, whose graphic structure itself and there is no room for partial proton occupancy is described by a single independent occupancy ordering upon cooling. In this case, any deviation away from ␣ ϭ (1) (1) ␣ϭ parameter, (n␣ 2mt). Let s1 and s2 stand for the oc- 1/2 would necessitate a departure from the considered

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TABLE II. Crystal parameters required to calculate the bond contribution to the entropy, Eq. ͑14͒ of the different ice phases. The entries in columns labeled 1 to 5 show the multiplicity and occupancy parameter of each possible bond in the crystal.

Ice i 12 3 4 5

bond/s 2–2, 3–3

I ni 8 ␭ ␣ i bond/s 3–5 4–10, 6–8 7–9

II ni 6126 ␭ ␣␤ ␥ i bond/s 3–7, 6–8 4–5

III ni 16 8 ␭ ␣␤ i bond/s 5–7, 6–11 8–14 9–15, 13–17 10–12 18–18, 16–16

V ni 16 8 16 8 8 ␭ ␣␤ ␥␦ϭ Ϫ␣Ϫ␤Ϫ␥⑀ i 2 bond/s 3–3 4–6 5–5

VI ni 88 4 ␭ ␣␤ ␥ i bond/s 2–2

VII ni 4 ␭ ␣ i bond/s 2–3

VIII ni 16 ␭ ␣ i

35 (1)ϭ (1)ϭ space group. This is not in conflict with experiments, which q1 q2 q, but q deviates from the fully random value of suggest a significant loss of entropy before the I–XI transi- 1/6, as a result of specific interactions among the molecules. tion is attained.11,12 According to our model, strong orienta- For this particular case, substitution into Eq. ͑3͒ shows that tional ordering is compatible with full proton disorder. In- the remaining orientations are given by (1) deed, in the more general case, the values taken by q1 and (1) q2 should be obtained by extremalising the free energy, p(i)ϭ 1 Ϫ2q, rather than just the entropy. In such a case, we could envis- 2 age a situation where the extremalisation yields ␣ϭ1/2 and (i)ϭ q3 q, ͑19͒ (i)ϭ q4 q,

(i)ϭ 1 Ϫ r 2 2q.

Clearly, any value from qϭ1/4 to qϭ0 is possible. In the former case, only four out of six orientational states would be visited, while in the latter case the water molecules would be allowed to choose between just two states. Actually, this apparent freedom between two states is illusory. There is only one possible crystal configuration in which half the molecules are found in state P(1) and half the remaining molecules in state R(1Ј). It corresponds to a case where the symmetry is broken, the water molecules in the P and R state become nonequivalent, and the symmetry FIG. 2. Hypothetical local environment for a crystal with a single non- equivalent water molecule and two nonequivalent hydrogen atoms. The ar- changes from P63 /mmc to Cmc21 , i.e., it corresponds to rangement is such that a single occupancy parameter, denoted as ␣ is re- the actual ordering transition thought to occur between ice I quired to describe proton ordering in this phase. The large and small circles and ice XI.14–16 The illusory orientational freedom between denote oxygen and hydrogen atoms, respectively and the numbers represent the P and R states is a result of averaging over nonequivalent nonequivalent atoms. This structure corresponds to that found in ice VIII. In the special case where hydrogen sites 2 and 3 become equivalent, the local sites and may be remedied by considering explicitly the four 36 environment becomes that found for ice VII. water molecules inside the unit cell of ice I.

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(1)ϩ (2)ϭ s1 s1 1, (1)ϩ (1)ϭ ͑ ͒ s2 s3 1, 20 (1)ϩ (2)ϭ s4 s2 1. The fact that each oxygen atom must be chemically bonded to two hydrogen atoms poses two other constraints: (1)ϩ (1)ϩ (1)ϩ (1)ϭ s1 s2 s3 s4 2 ͑ ͒ (2)ϩ (2)ϭ 21 2s1 2s2 2. Solving for the occupancies ͑cf. Table I͒, it is found that bonds between 3-7 and 6-8 hydrogens are characterized by a single occupancy parameter, which we call ␣, while the re- maining bond between 4-5 hydrogens is characterized by a FIG. 3. Local environment of the nonequivalent water molecules in ice I. parameter which we denote ␤. As a result, the number of The large and small circles denote oxygen and hydrogen atoms, respec- ϭ alpha bonds is n␣ 2m1 , while that of beta bonds is tively; the numbers represent nonequivalent atoms and the Greek letters ϭ denote the corresponding hydrogen occupancy parameters. n␤ m1 , and the total number of occupancy parameters re- quired is lϭ2.

3. Ice III 4. Ice V In the case of ice III there are two nonequivalent oxygen This is the most complex crystallographic structure of ␯ ϭ the solid water phases.22 It has a total of four nonequivalent atoms in each unit cell ( o 2), oxygen 1 has a multiplicity ϭ oxygen atoms per unit cell, with multiplicities as shown in of eight (m1 8) and oxygen 2 a multiplicity of four (m2 ϭ4). By taking into account the coordinates of all non- Table I. As many as 14 nonequivalent hydrogen atoms may equivalent oxygen and hydrogen atoms as determined by be found, and the crystallographic environment as deter- neutron diffraction,22 one finds that the local environment is mined from neutron diffraction is shown in Fig. 5. We denote (1) (1) (i) (i) as shown in Fig. 4. For every oxygen of type 1 there is one s1 and s2 the occupancies of sites 5 and 6 and s1 , s2 , (i) (i) bond between 3-7 hydrogens, other between 4-5 hydrogens s3 , s4 the occupancies of the four sites of each of the ͑since one 4-5 bond is shared by two type 1 oxygens͒ and remaining oxygen atoms (iϭ2,3,4). The ice rules impose (1) (1) (1) (1) the following constraints on these occupancies: other between 6-8 hydrogens. Let s1 , s2 , s3 , and s4 stand for the occupancies of hydrogen sites 3, 4, 5, and 6, s(1)ϩs(2)ϭ1, (2) (2) 1 1 respectively; and s1 , s2 stand for the occupancies of hy- (1)ϩ (3)ϭ drogens 7 and 8, respectively. From the ice rules, the follow- s2 s1 1, ing constraints between the occupancies must hold: (2)ϩ (3)ϭ s2 s4 1, (2)ϩ (4)ϭ s3 s1 1, ͑ ͒ (2)ϩ (3)ϭ 22 s4 s2 1, (3)ϩ (4)ϭ s3 s3 1, (4)ϩ (4)ϭ s2 s2 1, (4)ϩ (4)ϭ s4 s4 1. Additionally, the chemical identity of the water molecule fur- ther imposes the following constraints: (1)ϩ (1)ϭ 2s1 2s2 2, ͑ ͒ (i)ϩ (i)ϩ (i)ϩ (i)ϭ ϭ 23 s1 s2 s3 s4 2, i 2,3,4. Solving for the occupancies, it is found that bonds 5-7 and 6-11 are characterized by the same occupancy parameter, which we denote ␣; bond 8-14 is characterized by a single parameter, which we denote ␤; bonds 9-15 and 13-17 are characterized by the same occupancy parameter, denoted as ␥; the occupancy of bonds 10-12 is denoted as ␦; while the occupancy of bonds 16-16 and 18-18 may be formally de- noted as ⑀, although the ice rules provide the requirement ⑀ FIG. 4. As in Fig. 3 but for ice III. ϭ1/2. Further note that ␦ is not truly an independent param-

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FIG. 6. As in Fig. 3 but for ice II.

unity and the combinatorial entropy is zero. The structure of ice VIII is somewhat simpler. The unit cell contains only one nonequivalent water molecule, with two different hydrogen sites each. The Bernal–Fowler rules allow for a single occu- pancy parameter ͑cf. Table I͒, so that the local environment about a water molecule is as depicted in Fig. 2. Note that ice VIII is formed by two unconnected hydrogen bond networks. The figure shows only one such network, both presenting identical connectivity. Despite the possibility of partial order- ing in ice VIII, neutron scattering experiments suggest no FIG. 5. As in Fig. 3 but for ice V. appreciable disordering within its stability region,18 so that its combinatorial entropy is zero. eter, but rather bound by the constraint ␣ϩ␤ϩ␥ϩ␦ϭ2. On Upon heating, ice VIII undergoes a first-order transition the basis of the considerations above, we find that the num- into ice VII. The tetragonal oxygen lattice is rearranged, ber of occupancy parameters required to estimate the entropy evolving into a cubic structure. The gain in symmetry results ϭ ϭ in a degeneracy of the hydrogen sites. Referring to Fig. 2, is l 5, the corresponding number of bonds is n␣ 16 (1) (1) ϭ ϩ ϭ ϭ ϭ ϭ sites S and S become identical and a single occupancy (4m1 m2 m3), n␤ 8(2m1 m3), n␥ 16 (m2), n␦ 8 1 2 ϭ ϭ parameter ␣ is needed. The Bernal–Fowler rules require ␣ (m2), and n⑀ 8(m4 8). ϭ1/2, however. As a result, full disorder is imposed in ice VII by the crystal structure, in a manner similar to that dis- 5. Other structures cussed previously for ice I ͑cf. Table I͒. The remaining structures may be divided into two cat- Proton disorder of this kind may also appear in crystal egories, ordered and disordered. Ice II and ice VIII belong to structures with a much more complex asymmetric unit than the former category, while ice VI and ice VII belong to the that of ice I and ice VII. Ice VI ͑cf. Fig. 7͒ and the recently latter. discovered ice XII are an example. Particularly, in ice VI The asymmetric unit of ice II contains two water mol- there are two identical hydrogen bond networks, with two ecules, with four nonequivalent hydrogen sites each. The co- nonequivalent water molecules and four nonequivalent pro- ordination among the molecules is depicted in Fig. 6, and the ton sites each. However, the occupancy parameters required constraints imposed on the occupations may be found in to describe proton sites 3 and 5 take the value 1/2, due to the Table I. Although three independent occupancy parameters constraint imposed by Bernal–Fowler rules. The remaining are required to describe the proton arrangements, ice II is degree of freedom, required to describe the 4-6 is only illu- thought to be fully ordered, and no evidence of partial order- sory. The constraint which imposes chemical identity of wa- ing has been observed within its stability domain. A first- ter molecule 2 ͓Eq. ͑2͔͒ also imposes random proton arrange- order transformation is encountered upon heating before any ment in this bond. As a result, ice VI also exhibits full proton significant disordering is observed.20,37 Accordingly, the disorder of the kind imposed by symmetry requirements. The three occupancy parameters may be considered equal to occupancy of the different hydrogen sites is described in

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sion reduces to the Pauling estimate, which is known to be rather accurate, even though it suffers from the same ap- proximations. Also, one must bear in mind that this treatment is valid within a limited range of temperatures. At very high temperatures it would fail, because the ice rules are not nec- essarily obeyed. At low temperatures, it would also fail, be- cause then, the energy differences among the bonds will be ‘‘felt’’ by the molecules, and so bias the orientations accord- ingly. Obviously, this energy effect is ignored altogether (i) (i) ͑ ͒ when we estimate q1 and q2 from Eq. 10 . A more general treatment would imply extremalisation of the free energy, instead of just the combinatorial entropy. This would have significant consequences in the mathematical tractability of our approach. We expect that a simple mean field approxi- mation for the lattice energy should depend on the orienta- tions of all the nonequivalent water molecules. Therefore, explicit account of this effect would couple the orientations (i) of different molecules, so that finding the values of q1 and (i) q2 which extremalise the free energy would involve solving for a system of coupled nonlinear equations. The rather in- volved problem of explicitly considering energy interactions FIG. 7. As in Fig. 3 but for ice VI. for each water molecule within the unit cell has been consid- ered for the particular case of ice I. The solution requires extremalisation of 13 nonindependent variables.24,36 Mina- Table I. Interestingly, no convincing evidence of either par- gawa showed that right above an ordering transition at rather tial or complete ordering at low temperatures has yet been low temperatures, the system becomes completely disor- found.3 dered. In that case, considering the nonequivalent water mol- G. Comments ecules only, and ignoring the coupling effect discussed above It is advisable to summarize the approximations that provides the same solution as the full treatment. have been made in order to understand the limitations of the An alternative approach for the enumeration of all pos- sible arrangements compatible with the ice rules has been entropy estimate presented in this work. 26 From the outset, we have assumed that equivalent water employed to estimate the combinatorial entropy of ice IX. molecules ͑within the considered space group͒ within a unit The number of arrangements obeying the second Bernal- cell are identical, such that their orientations may be charac- Fowler rule is counted exactly, and then multiplied by the approximate fraction of configurations obeying the first terized by a single set of parameters (p, qi and r). Similarly, we also assumed that all equivalent hydrogen sites within a Bernal-Fowler rule. In this work the calculation is done in unit cell are identical, such that their occupancies may be the reverse order. First we count exactly the number of ways described by a single occupancy parameter (␣,␤,...). This is the molecules may be arranged into six possible rotational the case as long as the system remains in the assumed space states, and then multiply by the approximate fraction of con- group. Unfortunately, imposing the symmetry this way does figurations obeying the second Bernal–Fowler rule. Since not allow us to predict a possible symmetry degradation, both methods include an approximation in one of the steps which could result if the occupancies of equivalent hydrogen they are not equivalent, although they yield equal results in sites become different. the limiting case of full order and full disorder. It is not Secondly, we calculated the constraints imposed by the evident why one method should be superior to the other, but Howe and Whitworth argue that the enumeration scheme hydrogen bonds in a mean field way, in the sense that we 25 made no explicit account of correlations between neighbor employed here is more accurate. water molecules. Obviously, if the ice rules are considered to hold, the location of a water molecule in one particular rota- tional state largely reduces the possible rotational states of the four neighbor molecules. Moreover, the constraints over III. SIMULATION OF PARTIALLY ORDERED ICE the different kinds of bonds were imposed independently, even when such bonds involved the same molecule. Finally, Predicting the phase diagram of partially ordered phases since nearest neighbor correlations are ignored, it is clear that is a complicated problem. Apart from the difficulties in- no account can be made of ‘‘ring correlations,’’ which are volved in the calculation of free energies of molecular inherent in the water crystal structure.3 ,38–40 the fact is that ice III and V show phase bound- Clearly, a large number of approximations are involved, aries with four other phases each and a total of six different but the hope is that the effect is small, at least for phases with phases must be considered. A full explanation of the different high disorder, where strong correlations are expected to be methodologies employed is lengthy. In this section we will less apparent and can be averaged out. Indeed, our expres- present only a brief description of the strategy employed, as

Downloaded 16 Dec 2004 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see 10154 J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 20, 22 November 2004 MacDowell et al. well as full details of specific methodologies required for the erate a number between 0 and 1 with uniform probability. If simulation of partially ordered phases ͑further details may be that number is smaller than the occupancy of the chosen site, found elsewhere33,34,41͒. we place the hydrogen there. Otherwise, we place the hydro- gen in the opposite site. In the second stage of the algorithm, A. Model potential we do not attempt hydrogen displacements at random. In- stead, the displacements are chosen from a biased distribu- In order to study the effect of the combinatorial entropy tion, such that those attempts which will drift the population of partially ordered phases of water, we employed the well of occupied hydrogen sites towards the desired occupancies 32 known TIP4P model. This model is based on a simple point are favored. This is performed in the following way. First, a charge description, similar to that proposed by Bernal and hydrogen is selected at random. Let the actual occupancy of Fowler long time ago.8 Ј that kind of hydrogen site in the crystal be sreal , and let sreal The molecular core is described by a single Lennard- Ј be the actual occupancy of the adjacent hydrogen site (sreal Jones interaction site placed on the center of the oxygen ϭ Ϫ 1 sreal). We define an actual occupation shift as atom, with LJ range and force parameters of ␴ϭ3.154 Å ⑀ϭ ϭ ⌬s ϭsЈ Ϫs . ͑24͒ and 78.02 kB . One positive partial charge q 0.52e is real real real placed at each hydrogen site, while a negative charge is Now, let sideal be the desired occupancy of the chosen site, placed along the H–O–H bisector, displaced in the direction Ј and let sideal be the desired occupancy of the adjacent hydro- of the hydrogen atoms at a distance of 0.15 Å away from the gen site. We define an ideal occupation shift as oxygen site. This small shift of the negative partial charge is ⌬ ϭ Ј Ϫ ͑ ͒ thought to be crucial in order to properly describe ice sideal sideal sideal . 25 33 polymorphs. The model is rigid, with an assumed bond A displacement from the chosen to the adjacent hydrogen length of 0.975 Å and an assumed bond angle of 104.5°. Ϫ ⌬ site is selected with probability min͓1,exp͕ w( sreal The choice of this model is based on recent studies, Ϫ⌬ sideal)͖͔, where w is an arbitrary parameter which deter- which have shown that TIP4P provides a qualitatively cor- 33,34 mines the broadness of the distribution. Once a displacement rect phase diagram for the solid phases of water. is selected according to the proposed underlying matrix, the algorithm proceeds as explained before, accepting or reject- B. Initial configurations ing the proposed displacement depending on the coordina- In order to simulate ice III and V, we need to generate tion difference that results. initial configurations with partial ordering of hydrogen at- We found that a choice of w between 1 and 1/2 produced oms. Buch et al. have developed an algorithm which allows configurations which deviated but little from the prescribed the generation of fully disordered ice I in two stages.42 In occupancies. Out of all such configurations, only those with stage one, a perfect oxygen lattice is generated, and the two zero dipole moment were chosen. We found that producing allowed hydrogen sites between each nearest neighbor oxy- partially ordered configurations with zero dipole moment for gen pair are identified. A single hydrogen atom is then placed both ice III and ice V was considerably more difficult than at random on one of the two allowed sites of each such pair. for ice I. Several thousand configurations had to be produced In this way, one ensures that there will be only one hydrogen in order to find one with negligible net dipole moment. between every two nearest neighbor oxygens. However, the oxygen atoms will be coordinated by anything between zero and four hydrogen atoms, while only those configurations C. Free energy calculations with two hydrogens per oxygen are acceptable. This problem The configurational free energy of the solid phases was is remedied in stage two. A hydrogen atom chosen at random calculated using the extension of the Einstein crystal is displaced to an adjacent hydrogen site along the hydrogen method43 to molecular fluids, as suggested by Vega bond. If the effect of this displacement is to reduce the co- et al.38–40 This method provides the free energy of a configu- ordination difference between the two oxygen atoms in- ration with a specified hydrogen bond network. In this work volved, the change is accepted right away, and a new hydro- we assume that this configurational free energy so obtained gen atom is selected. If the coordination difference remains does not depend significantly with the chosen hydrogen bond the same, the change is accepted with probability 1/2, while network, as long as the hydrogen site occupancies remain the if the change increases the coordination difference between same. With this assumption, the total free energy of a crystal the oxygen atoms, it is rejected right away. The procedure is with some chosen occupation parameters, ␣, ␤, etc., may be repeated until the coordination of each oxygen atom be- approximated as comes equal to two. G ͑␣,␤,...͒ϭG ϪTS ͑␣,␤,...͒, ͑26͒ Whereas this method produces fully random order, what crystal conf C we need is a procedure to allocate hydrogens in each non- where SC is calculated as explained previously. equivalent hydrogen site according to some prescribed prob- The free energy of the liquid phase was determined by ability. In order to do so, we modify the algorithm of Buch integrating along a path which switched the Hamiltonian et al. in two ways. In the first stage of the algorithm, we do from that of the water model considered to that of the not allocate the hydrogen atoms at random in one of the two Lennard-Jones fluid. The free energy of the Lennard-Jones sites, but rather, place them with probability equal to their fluid may be readily determined from a parametric fit to Mo- occupancy: we choose one hydrogen site at random. We gen- lecular Dynamics simulations.44

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Once the free energy of the different phases is known, TABLE III. Estimated combinatorial entropy change for several solid/solid the coexistence point may be determined by thermodynamic coexistence lines at the triple points, compared with the corresponding ex- perimental entropy change ͑taken from Ref. 2͒. For ice V we assumed the integration along isotherms and isobars, as required. This experimental occupancies found at 254.0 K and 5.0 GPa, ␣ϭ0.47, ␤ was achieved by employing NpT Monte Carlo simulations, ϭ0.299, ␥ϭ0.485. For ice III we assumed occupancies as measured experi- using the Rahman-Parrinello method in order to account for mentally at 250.0 K and 0.25 GPa, ␣ϭ0.35 and ␤ϭ0.5 ͓occupancies as nonorthogonal box geometries consistent with the crystal determined by Lobban et al. ͑Ref. 22͔͒. 45,46 phase considered. Ϫ Ϫ Transition ⌬S/(J mol 1 K 1) The full phase diagram was then obtained by tracing the coexistence boundaries by means of the Gibbs-Duhem Triple point from to Total Combinatorial 47 method, using a fourth-order predictor-corrector Runge- L-I-III I III 1.6 Ϫ0.25 Kuta method for the integration of Clapeyron’s equation. L-III-V III V Ϫ0.3 Ϫ0.01

IV. RESULTS IIIϪ3.2 Ϫ3.37 I-II-III I III 0.7 Ϫ0.25 In order to calculate the combinatorial entropy of a crys- II III 3.9 3.12 tal, we must first estimate somehow the proton site occupan- cies. II III 5.1 3.12 II-III-V II V 4.8 3.11 In those phases with random proton order imposed by III V Ϫ0.3 Ϫ0.01 the crystal symmetry, ice I, VI and VII, the occupancies must take the value 1/2. Furthermore, experimental evidence sug- gests that in the neighborhood of phase transformations of these phases, the thermal energy is significantly higher than natorial contribution is large, and may vary between as much the energy differences resulting from partial orientational or- as 90%, to about 60% of the total change. For transitions dering. The orientations are then also random, and we can between two disordered phases, the comparison is difficult, assume a Pauling like value for the combinatorial entropy because the changes are small and the relative error could ϭ S/NkB ln(3/2). become too large. Comparing the combinatorial entropy Other phases, such as ice II and ice VIII have at least one changes of Table III with the total entropy changes as esti- degree of freedom for partial proton ordering, but experi- mated from computer simulation,34 where the configurational mental evidence suggests that these phases may be consid- entropy change may be measured explicitly, we find that the ered as fully ordered at the phase transition. We therefore combinatorial contribution varies between 0 and assumed a value of 1 for the involved occupancy parameters, 3.5 J molϪ1 KϪ1, while the configurational change lays be- leading to zero combinatorial entropy. tween roughly 0 and 1.5 J molϪ1 KϪ1 for transitions among Finally, ice III and V are known to show some degree of solid phases. partial proton ordering. The occupancy parameters take non- In order to assess the role of combinatorial entropy in a trivial values which must be obtained from experiment. The more direct manner, we calculated the phase diagram of wa- problem in this case is that the occupancies depend to some ter using computer simulations as described previously. For extent on temperature and pressure, and the experimental ice III and V, the Gibbs free energy of the model is calculated data is somewhat limited. With the available data from Lob- in an approximate manner, by assuming prescribed occupan- ban et al.,22 however, we can infer approximate occupations cies consistent with experimental measurements. As noted at the experimental triple points, which allow a comparison previously, the problem is that the occupancies depend to with measured entropies of transition. some extent on the temperature, so that the choice is some- Table III shows a comparison between the measured en- what arbitrary. Fortunately, ice III is stable only in a rather tropies of transition and the estimated combinatorial entropy narrow range of temperatures, and we do not expect major changes at some selected triple points. The assumed occu- rearrangements within its stability domain. From inspection pancies are indicated in the caption as estimated from Ref. of experimental data,22 we assumed ␣ϭ1/3 and ␤ϭ1/2, ϭ 22. Obviously, one cannot expect full agreement, because the which results in an entropy estimate of S/NkB 0.3686. This experimental entropies of transition include not only a com- was the value of the combinatorial entropy used to compute binatorial entropy change, but also the corresponding con- the phase diagram of the TIP4P model.33,34 Notice that this figurational contribution. However, since volume changes in value amounts to a 9% reduction with respect to the Pauling solid/solid transitions are relatively small, it is assumed that entropy. Using the Nagle enumeration scheme for the same the combinatorial entropy change will play an important role. degree of disorder, Nishibata and Whalley predict a value ϭ 26 Indeed, it is observed that the entropy of transition between a which is closer to the Pauling estimate S/NkB 0.3818. fully ordered and a disordered phase is much bigger than that For ice V, the situation is somewhat more complicated, be- found between disordered phases, and this trend is captured cause it is stable within a temperature range of several de- by simply considering the combinatorial entropy as predicted cades, and the occupancies change to a larger extent within from our simple theoretical model. If we assumed that the this range.22 As a compromise, we assumed ␣ϭ1/2, ␤ combinatorial entropy estimate is exact, it is difficult to pro- ϭ3/10, and ␥ϭ1/2 ͑with ␦ϭ2Ϫ␣Ϫ␤Ϫ␥). This yields an ϭ vide a simple thumb rule for the relative contribution of the entropy of S/NkB 0.3817, only 6% smaller than the Paul- configurational entropy change. For transitions between an ing estimate for fully disordered ice. This was the value of ordered and a disordered phase ͑I-II, II-III, II-V͒, the combi- the combinatorial entropy used to compute the phase dia-

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FIG. 8. Calculated phase diagram for the TIP4P model of water. The full FIG. 9. Calculated phase diagram of the TIP4P model of water in the neigh- line represent estimates obtained with allowance for partial disorder in ice borhood of the partially disordered ice phases III and V. Rest of caption as III and V. The dashed line results from considering the combinatorial en- in Fig. 8. tropy of ice III and V to be that of a fully disordered ice.

istence temperature changes as much as 25 K or so. This gram of the TIP4P model.33,34 Notice, however, that the com- shows clearly the importance of combinatorial entropy in binatorial entropy of ice V changes somewhat within its ther- determining the stability of partially ordered phases. Experi- modynamic stability range. For instance close to the mentally, ice III is stable over a very small temperature experimental II-V-VI triple point of water, at about 200 K, range, of only 13 K. The TIP4P model already predicts too the measured occupancies resemble more ␣ϭ0.45, ␤ large a temperature range for ice III when partial order is ϭ ␥ϭ ϭ 0.28, 1/2, which yields S/NkB 0.3671. considered, i.e., 23 K. If, however, full disorder were as- The phase diagram of the TIP4P model, with combina- sumed, this range would increase up to 43 K, approximately. torial entropies estimated as described above is shown in Fig. On the other hand, by employing the entropy estimate of 8 ͑full lines͒. As can be seen, the qualitative agreement with Nishibata and Whalley, the temperature range where ice III is the experimental phase diagram is remarkable, although stable would lie somewhere in between 23 K and 43 K. The quantitative agreement is not achieved. Most noticeable, the simulation results therefore argue in favor of our own esti- TIP4P model predicts melting temperatures which are about mate, although this evidence is obviously indirect and could 40 to 60 K low. A more detailed comparison with experimen- result from a cancellation of errors. tal results was reported elsewhere,33,34 and we will not pur- The large stabilization that occurs against ice II may be sue this issue here, but rather, discuss the effect of the com- rationalized as follows. When we assume partial disorder, the binatorial entropy. phase diagram is calculated by assuming equal chemical po- As the Einstein crystal simulations are rather expensive, tentials for each phase: we estimated the role of the combinatorial entropy by adding ␮ ͑ ͒ϭ␮ ͑ ͒ ͑ ͒ ͓ a p,T b p,T , 27 the Pauling value i.e, kB ln(3/2)] to the configurational free energy of ice III and V ͑instead of using the value of the where a stands for either ice II or liquid water, and b denotes combinatorial entropy obtained from the treatment of this a partially ordered phase ͑ice III or V͒. If we now assume work͒. The goal was to analyze the effect of such change on full disorder for phase b, its entropy is changed by a positive ⌬ the phase diagram. Replacing the combinatorial entropy of SC . At constant pressure, the coexistence condition now this work by the Pauling value increases the combinatorial becomes entropy of these phases by 9% and 6% in kB units, respec- ␮ ͑p,TЈ͒ϭ␮ ͑p,TЈ͒ϪTЈ⌬S , ͑28͒ tively. From the estimated free energies, coexistence points a b C were obtained, and the full diagram was then calculated by where TЈ is the new coexistence temperature at the imposed using the Gibbs-Duhem method. The resulting phase dia- pressure. If we now make a Taylor expansion about T, in the gram is shown in Fig. 8 ͑dashed lines͒. spirit of Clapeyron’s equation, we obtain As expected, increasing the entropy of ice III and ice V Ϫ Sb Sa has the effect of increasing their stability. In order to see the TЈϭT . ͑29͒ S ϪS ϩ⌬S extent of this effect, Fig. 9 shows the calculated phase dia- b a C Ϫ ϭ Ϫ1 Ϫ1 grams at higher resolution. On the one hand, the melting For the II-III transition, SIII SII 3.1 J mol K is small temperatures increase, while on the other hand, the coexist- and positive,34 the entropy ratio of Eq. ͑29͒ is smaller than ence temperatures with ice II decrease. A striking feature is one and the coexistence temperature decreases. For the L-III Ϫ ϭϪ Ϫ1 Ϫ1 the extent of stabilization with respect to ice II, which is transition, on the other hand, SIII SL 16.4 J mol K much more apparent than the corresponding stabilization is large and negative,34 the entropy ratio is greater than one, with respect to water. In the latter case, the melting tempera- and the melting temperature increases. For the II-III transi- ⌬ ture changes by a few Kelvin, while in the former the coex- tion, however, SC is a larger fraction of the total entropy

Downloaded 16 Dec 2004 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright, see J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 121, No. 20, 22 November 2004 Combinatorial entropy of ice 10157 than it is for the L-III transition. Hence, the change is much however, this seems a difficult task beyond our computer more apparent in the former than in the latter. Analogous power capabilities. Presumably, one would have to allow for arguments apply for the II-V and L-V transitions. hydrogen bond network rearrangements, and devise some method in order to calculate the free energy of such a crystal. V. CONCLUSIONS Whereas the former issue could be tackled by employing a method recently developed by Rick and Haymet,51 In this paper we have presented a general expression in the latter order to estimate the combinatorial entropy of partially or- possess problems which still need to be solved. dered ice phases. The equation requires knowledge of the crystal structure, and depends on occupancy parameters ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 22 which may be measured by neutron scattering techniques. This project was financed by Grants Nos. FIS2004- Rather simple symmetry arguments allow to assess the de- 06227-C02-02 and BFM2001-1017-C03-02 of Direccion gree of disorder that may be expected. Particularly, ice I, VI, General de Investigacion. E.S. and L.G.M. wish to thank and VII are likely to show full proton disorder as a result of Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologa ͑MCYT͒ for an FPU pre- constraints on the crystal structure. However, such a proton doctoral grant and MCYT and Universidad Complutense de disorder is not incompatible with partial orientational order- Madrid for a Ramon y Cajal contract, respectively. We thank ing, because the occupancies do not completely determine R. Garcia and C. McBride for technical help. the fraction of molecules with a given orientation. 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