The Problem of Antisemitism Jewish Studies 1370G (550) Zoom Discussions: Monday 3:00-4:30, Wednesday 2:30-3:30 Professor: Dr. John P. Hope Email:
[email protected] Office Hours: By appointment Prerequisites: None Course Description This course serves as an introductory survey of antisemitic ideas from the time of the later Roman Empire until today, together with an examination of some responses to those ideas by philosophers, political theorists, and artists. Focusing primarily on the development of attitudes in Europe and North America, we will explore the historical and intellectual context of antisemitism, study the debates surrounding its definition and origins, and examine its ramifications in theology, political thought, art, and literature. Learning Objectives This course aims to help students to: • Understand the interrelationship between antisemitic ideas and beliefs and the historical, intellectual, and social contexts in which they developed • Adjudicate among the various scholarly arguments surrounding the definition and origins of antisemitism • Analyze the differences and similarities between antisemitism and other forms of ethnic or religious prejudice • Evaluate the strengths and weakness of scholarly and polemical arguments • Identify potential research topics • Amass and evaluate research sources • Construct an argument and communicate it in writing Course Method Class will unfold primarily as discussion, with meetings on Zoom twice a week. Students are expected to come to class having done the reading and identified questions and topics for discussion. Required Resources Jean-Paul Sartre, Anti-Semite and Jew, Schoken All other readings will be provided in electronic form on Assessment Grades will be determined by the following assignments: • Preparation and participation: 25% • 5-page analytical paper: 20% • Research paper: 30% • Final exam: 25% Discussion board Included in your class participation grade is the requirement to contribute NINE paragraph-length posts to our OWL discussion board (