Beginner’s Guide TM to a Sexy Fit Vegan Lifestyle

By Ella Magers, MSW Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Introduction 1

Chapter 1 3 Why a SFV Lifestyle is the way to go

Chapter 2 9 Getting Started: The SFV Plate

Chapter 3 20 Staying Stocked with Staples

Chapter 4 27 Meat & Dairy Swaps

Chapter 5 34 How to Make Healthy Food Choices

Chapter 6 40 Creating a Plan & Sticking To It

Chapter 7 44 Sample Menu

Bonus Shake Recipes 57

About the Author 59 Table of Contents Table Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle


Welcome to the Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle. Before we begin, I want to congratulate you for taking the first step toward a healthier, happier you. How exciting! I’m honored that you’ve chosen to let me to be a part of your journey. I want you to know that I’m devoted, as your personal guide, to making your path to success one of pleasure, ex- citement and joy. The purpose of this particular ebook is to provide you with tools to take positive, practical steps toward reaching your health and fit- ness goals and living consciously. I’m here to walk you through each step, one at a time, so that you finish the book feeling comfortable and confident with the direction you are headed. Here’s what you’ll learn: Why a Sexy Fit Vegan™ lifestyle is the way to go. How to get started (I know it can seem overwhelming but there’s no need to worry. Just remember, one baby step at a time!) What the Sexy Fit Vegan™ Plate guidelines are. (This will help you conceptualize what a balanced vegan diet and lifestyle look like!) What staple foods to keep stocked in your kitchen (we’re going gro- cery shopping together!) Some great vegan “swaps” to take the place of animal products and junk foods you may be eating now. How to read food nutrition labels and what to look for (the good, the bad, and the ugly!). How to create a transition plan and stick to it. How to create a weekly meal plan that is both nutritious and satis- fying. What a sample 7-Day Sexy Fit Vegan™ Meal Plan for beginners consists of, including easy to follow and simple to make recipes.

01 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Before I continue, let me introduce myself. I’m Ella, an 18-year vegan vet- eran with a passion for optimal living. I have over 12 years experience in the fitness and wellness community working with a wide array of clientele. I’ve worked with celebrities, high profile athletes, and people in the commu- nity who want to change their bodies, and lives, for the better. I am focused on helping as many people as possible through my website, forum, blog, books, articles, workshops, and guest appearances. I love sharing my sto- ry, but I want to stay focused on what this guidebook is all about… YOU! You can read more about me, my background, and experience in the back of this book and on my website. I’m sure you’re eager to get started now, so let’s jump right in!

02 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle CHAPER 1: Why a Sexy Fit Vegan ™ Lifestyle is the Way to Go I get asked all the time, “Why are you vegan?” I love this question! It gives me the opportunity to share my story and the many reasons I’m committed to eating a plant-based diet. So now I ask you! For what reasons are you interested in ? What brought you here today? Maybe it was to: Lose Weight Feel Better Look Better Have More Energy Save Animals Protect Our Planet Identifying the reasons why you’ve decided to make positive changes in your lifestyle is the first step to making those changes a reality.

In this chapter, I’m going to outline the topfivereasons that a Sexy Fit Vegan™ lifestyle is thewaytogo! Whether you relate to all of them, or just one, it’s all good! Identify the reason(s) and acknowledge yourself for caring enough to align your actions with your values.

03 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Reason #1: Get healthy from the inside out. Eating a plant-based diet filled with a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains can not only prevent all kinds of diseases and health conditions, but also treat and even reverse them in many cases! It’s now believed that a condition called chronic inflammation is to blame for many common ailments and fatal diesases. Chronic inflammation is a severe bloating within the body that has to do with your blood cells. It’s thought to be the underlying cause of most of our top killers (heart disease, cancer, stroke, just to name a few). If you have chronic inflammation, it basically means your body is in a constant state of crisis and your immune system is completely out of whack. Your organs take the hit. Stress and pro-inflammatory foods including animal products and sugar are mostly to blame.1 Don’t worry though, it’s much easier to bring chronic inflammation to a halt than you may think! Nutrient dense whole plant based foods, as well as good stress-management, are what your body needs. And here you are, already on your way! It’s never too late for a lifestyle make-over, starting with what you are doing right now, moving toward a plant-based diet and taking care of yourself! 04 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Reason #2: Compassionate LivinG “ If slaughter houses had glass walls we’d allbevegetarian” – Paul McCartney

The ugly truth is that factory farming of today’s meat, dairy, and egg industries is downright cruel. We live in an age where family farms have been wiped out, and big businesses and factory farming have taken over. The amount of pain and suffering the animals in this industry go through every minute of every day is devastating. When I learned, 18 years ago, what goes on behind the closed doors of factory farms I was deeply moved. The information prompted me to a life long mission to share the message and lead by example. I want to thank you for everything you do to live consciously. Together we can, and will, be a voice for the voiceless!

05 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Reason #3: Drop Extra Pounds and Gain Energy The claims are true! Going vegan is refreshing, energizing, and gives your body all the highest quality nutrients it needs to be healthy. By cutting out the bad fats, hormones, antibiotics, and bacteria found in animal products, and replacing them with the vitamins, minerals, and fiber found in plant foods, you’re body will say, “Winning!” You’ll drop extra body fat once your body is properly nourished, and your energy will skyrocket... Woohoo!!! tgs properly

06 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Reason #4: Environmental Responsibility It may surprise you to learn that abstaining from eating animal products is the single most important contribution you can make to save our planet! According to studies by the UN, farmed animals contribute significantly more to ozone depletion and climate change (from greenhouse gas emissions) than all transportation combined.2 The amount of natural resources that are used to raise just one cow is staggering. The vast destruction of our rain forests and contamination of our precious water supply due to livestock is detrimental to our planet and the people on it. Going vegan is one HUGE way we can do our part to preserve our beautiful planet for our children and generations to come. It’s awesome that doing something for yourself and your body, is also so good for the rest of the world!

07 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Reason #5 Vegan is Sexy! Reasons #1-4 make being vegan sexy as hell! What’s sexier than being in phenomenal shape, with unparalleled energy and stamina, glowing from the inside out, all while making a positive impact on the world? Nada! So there you have it. Take a moment to soak it in. What reasons to transition to a SFV lifestyle are in line with your personal values and passions? Whatever they are for you, revisiting them daily is key to sticking with your plan and replacing old, unhealthy habits, with new, beneficial ones. You’ve got this!

08 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle CHAPER 2: Getting Started: The SFV Plate Now that you’re confident you’re making the right decision about the direction you’re headed, what’s next? In this chapter we’re breaking it down with the SFV Diet and Lifestyle Plate to give you some general guidelines for a Sexy Fit Vegan™ lifestyle. This visual will help take the concept of a whole foods, plant-based diet from abstract to concrete. Just keep in mind that the number of servings and percentages for each category will vary based on factors such as your size, metabolism, and activity level. This visual will also help you take into consideration other aspects of your life that deserve attention and are a part of a SFV Lifestyle as well. Check it out!

09 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Let’s go through the components one by one, starting with the centerpiece of the graphic, water. Water Drinking plenty of water lays the foundation for health. Staying properly hydrated benefits us by: Keeping us alert and energized (our brain is mostly water.) Promoting body fat loss. If you are looking to lose weight, drinking a large glass of water 15 minutes before a meal helps prevent you from over-eating. Detoxing our bodies. Water helps flush toxins through sweat and urination. Maintaining regularity. Boosting our immune systems. Improving the condition of our skin. Preventing muscle cramps and injuries. Improving our mood. You can calculate the minimum number of ounces of water your body needs at rest by taking your weight and dividing it in half. However, since being active and working out is a big part of the SFV Lifestyle, you will be losing extra water through sweat, so that number needs to increase. Add at least 8 oz (minimum) of water for every 15 minutes of moderate to intense training you do and you’re good to go! Coffee and tea can count as part of your fluid intake, but the more pure water you get the better!

10 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Vegetables Vegetables make up the first portion of the SFV Food Plate. The great news is that you really can’t overdo it with the green veggies, especially the dark greens like kale, broccoli, and spinach, so eat up! The serving suggestion, 4-7, is the minimum. The more the better! Eating a wide variety of other bright colored vegetables is also important to ensure you are getting all the different vitamins and minerals you need. Carrots, purple cabbage, bell peppers, and cauliflower are all very nutrient dense. If you’re watching your weight, just be mindful of the “starchy vegetables” like sweet corn, yams and potatoes (sweet potatoes are a better choice than white potatoes), which can be a hindrance to dropping those stubborn body fat pounds. Fruit The next food group is fruit. Fruits are gifts from Mother Nature and contain tons of the vitamins and minerals you need to thrive. Berries contain a particularly high amount of antioxidants, which I describe as cancer-fighting micro-soldiers! Fruit makes a perfect energy packed snack. If you have a sweet-tooth, start reaching for a mango or peach instead of packaged junk

11 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle food. Be patient... It takes time to get there! Will your way through a few weeks of the swapping, and your cravings for junk will diminish. You will find yourself choosing fruit for the natural goodness and for how it makes you feel, both physically and mentally. For most people 2-4 servings per day is a good goal. Legumes Next we have legumes. Legumes include beans (e.g. black, kidney, navy, pinto, lima), lentils, peas (e.g. black eyed, green) soy and peanuts. Legumes are high in fiber, a good source of protein, and eating them greatly reduces your risk of heart disease. Bring on the beans! Help yourself to 3-6 servings daily. Nuts, Seeds, Avocado, & Coconut The next section is composed of whole foods that are high in “good fat”. These include nuts, seeds, avocado, and coconut. Nut and seed butters count as well. They are all nutrient-dense and high in what we call “good fat.” We need fat in our diets, but we have no need for unhealthy animal fats that contain harmful, artery clogging cholesterol. Whole plant foods high in good fat like nuts, seeds, avocado, and coconut, keep you on your path to optimal health. Eat 2-4 servings per day. Grains & Grain-Like Seeds Let’s move on to whole grains and grain-like seeds. Grains often get a bad rap, but in reality, eating unprocessed, organic, non-gmo, whole grains does have proven health benefits which is why the sugested amount is up to 4 servings per day for the average person. Beware though, the same

12 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle cannot be said for processed or genetically modified grains. The healthiest grains include amaranth, teff (1 cup contains the RDA of iron!), farro, millet, bulgar, and barley. Whole grain brown and wild rice are also acceptable options. Corn, harvested before maturity and ground to make flour or grits, can be considered a grain as well. Quinoa and buckwheat are grain-like seeds and are an awesome grain replacement because they are higher in protein, and have less of an impact on blood sugar levels. If you are trying to lose weight, it can be helpful to cut grains from your diet. Highly active people and athletes, especially endurance athletes, on the other hand, need to eat more whole grains because they need additional carbs for extra energy. On the topic of grain, you may be wondering, “What’s the deal with gluten?” Let’s clear up the confusion! There’s been a ton of hype about the benefits of a gluten-free diet since 2011 when Dr. Peter Gibson came out with huge claims about health dangers of gluten. This same doctor however, recently reversed his opinion on the matter. He now says that, based on the most recent studies, it’s the indigestible sugars in wheat, barley, and rye that cause some people digestive discomfort and weight gain, not the gluten.3 Gluten is the protein component of wheat, and it’s used in many high-protein vegan meat substitutes on the market. Staying away from processed grains is definitely still the way to go, but unless you have Celiac disease (which applies to an estimated 1% of the population4), when it comes to whole grains and vegan swaps containing gluten, listen to your body. Stay away from the foods that make you feel bad, and eat those that make you feel good! No need to make it more complicated than that. Protein Supplements & Faux Meat Speaking of protein, the more you workout, and the more lean muscle you want to build, the more protein you want to include in your diet. In Chapter 4 you will find a list of vegan faux meat and dairy products, most of which are

13 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle protein rich. I also listed some of the healthiest protein bars and powders. My suggestion is to use the faux meat as-needed during your transition period and then eat them less often for the long-term (we will address the reason for this in the Chapter 4). The protein powders I list on the other hand, because they are minimally processed without unhealthy additives, may be used daily and can help up your protein with ease! On the SFV Plate, no more than 4 servings of these supplemental protein foods per day is suggested. Last on the Plate we have plant-derived oils and minimally processed snacks and treats. Although you’ve probably heard some oils are good for you, they are all much healthier when they are a part of the whole food rather than separated. For example, avocado oil is best for you when you comsume it along with the rest of the avocado. Think of each whole plant foods as a healthy package deal. When you extract just the fat, through processing, it’s no longer part of that healthy package. For this reason, keep oil intake low, and when you do eat it, go for the least refined oil you can find. Extra virgin, cold-pressed olive oil, walnut oil, avocado oil, and sesame oil, are some of the better options. We all want a salty, crunchy, snack in a bag every once in a while! And who doesn’t give in to their cookie craving every now and then? We are not going for perfect when it comes to a SFV lifestyle, we are going for optimal! Eating a consistently clean diet combined with a solid workout regiment and good stress management gives you room to treat yourself to fun snacks and sweets from time to time. See my suggestions on page 23 for super tasty, low-guilt options!

14 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

ALCOHOl Although it’s not specifically mentioned in the SFV Plate graphic, it’s important to address a guilty pleasure many of us share... alcohol! I’m a social drinker, which surprises many people when they learn I’m vegan. Even people who know that most alcohol is vegan-friendly, are shocked. Why? The stereotypes of vegans as weird, extremist, and/or pretentious, throw people off! These misconceptions are quickly changing though as veganism becomes more and more mainstream. The real question is, how does alcohol fit into a Sexy Fit Vegan Lifestyle? First of all, if you don’t drink, that’s awesome! Whatever your reason, good for you. Abstaining from alcohol is the healthiest way to go! For those of you who do drink, my philosophy is this: Moderation when it comes to alcohol, and stay away from mixers! Alcohol calories are “empty”. Empty calories have no nutritional value. When you add sugary mixers to alcohol, you often double or even triple the number of calories! Most mixers are high in sugar, artificial colors, chemicals, and/ or preservatives. These mixed drinks wreak havock on your body. I’m talking long-term when it comes to your health, and short-term when it comes to a killer hangover. When it comes to cocktails, stick with adding soda water, lemons and limes, and a little fresh fruit as your best options to add to the liquor. For those of you who love your Sunday fun-day watching football and drinking beer, it’s time to strategize. If beer is your guilty pleasure for the week, so be it! The trick is to be mindful of the snacks you eat with your beer. In Chapter 3 you will find a list of some of my favorite “Salty Snack Staples.” Healthier versions of the foods you love to snack on, such as pretzels, chips, and popcorn, are out there, so take advantage of them!

15 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle For you wine enthusiasts, despite the findings that red wine has some long- term health benefits, wine is still high in empty calories. The same health benefits are attained to a much greater degree consuming antioxidant-rich, nutrient dense whole plant foods such as the grapes themselves! All I’m saying is don’t fool yourself and use these health claim as your “excuse” to drink. Have a glass of wine because you choose to! When it comes to including alcohol in your Sexy Fit Vegan™ lifestyle, just keep this in mind... You can’t outrun your fork (or glass)! Exercise will help you burn off some of those extra calories, but a six mile run will only burn off the equivalent of about two margaritas... Ouch, right?!

Buying Organic The best rule when it comes to buying plant foods is that it’s best to buy organic whenever possible. You will get the most nutrients and avoid toxic pesticides this way. Look for a “non-GMO” label as well, knowing that just because it doesn’t have one, doesn’t mean it’s genetically modified. Yes, in the short-term organic may seem like the expensive route, but if you look at the big picture, there is no doubt your long term health and longevity will benefit. Below you’ll find a list of the foods that are most important to buy organic (the Dirty Dozen) and the foods that are least important to buy organic (the Clean Fifteen).

16 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

The Dirty Dozen: The Clean Fifteen: Produce grown with the most Produce grown with the least pesticides, ranked from worst amount of pesticides, ranked from to bad. best to not-so-good. 1. Apples 1. avocados 2. Strawberries 2. sweet corn 3. Grapes 3. pineapple 4. Celery 4. cabbage 5. Peaches 5. sweet peas (frozen) 6. Spinach 6. onions 7. Sweet bell peppers 7. asparagus 8. Nectarines (imported) 8. mangoes 9. Cucumbers 9. papayas 10. Cherry tomatoes 10. kiwi 11. Snap peas (imported) 11. eggplant 12. Potatoes 12. grapefruit 13. cantaloupe 14. cauliflower 15. sweet potatoes

17 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Lifestyle The main focus of this book is on eating a vegan diet, but a healthy vegan diet is one of many components of a Sexy Fit Vegan lifestyle. The SFV Plate graphic presents four major categories outside of diet. Let’s touch on each briefly. Exercise and sleep Having a regular and consistent exercise and sleep schedule is vital for your overall health. Your body and brain need both stimulation and recovery to stay in shape! Fulfilling Relationships Having a loving relationship with yourself is the foundation for healthy relationships with others. For many, a positive relationship with a higher power is also especially important. And let’s not forget relationships with animals... whether it be a dog, a rabbit, or a pig, the deep connection we can have with other sentient beings is powerful!

18 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Sexual Health We are sexual beings. Our sexuality is a huge part of our lives. Great sex is one awesome result of good sexual health of course. There are many reasons to make your sexual health a priority. Good sexual health is an important part of a healthy relationship, it evokes confidence, brings you pleasure, and allows you to bring a baby into the world if you want! Compassionate Living Living compassionately starts with awareness. It takes courage to live with our eyes open to the harsh realities of animal suffering, and empower ourselves to do what we can to end it. Having empathy for all animals and living with integrity are part of the Sexy Fit Vegan™ way of life. As consumers, we dictate which businesses thrive. Making choices to support companies that do not contribute to animal suffering (to the best of our abilities) is an important part of a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle. Your choices make a difference. Buy from companies that make plant-based foods, cruelty-free cosmetics/ toiletries, and apparel using synthetic material (as opposed to leather)5. Helping these companies success means helping save animals from suffering. Leading by example is powerful. Others will follow if you embody your beliefs.

19 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

CHAPER 3: Staying Stocked with Staples

Now that you have a sense about what a healthy vegan diet consists of, it’s time to go shopping! I’m helping you put together a grocery list of items to keep your kitchen stocked. Why is this so important? Think about the times you get hungry, realize you haven’t planned ahead, and are at a loss for what to eat. You need healthy options available so you can throw something together for a quick, healthy snack or meal. You know those times when you say, “I’m starving!”? Once you get to that point the ability to make healthy food choices often flies out the window and you let your tummy make the decision instead of your brain! It’s vital you plan ahead and stock your kitchen with only the foods that you will feel good about eating. Although variety is a key principle for a healthy diet, some foods are so packed with goodness that you want to consume them as much as possible. Many of these super foods I use in my daily shakes and smoothies. If you are like me and want efficiency in the morning, making a shake is the way to go. Talk about quick and easy! Just put the ingredients in a blender and voila! The following are lists of some of my favorite kitchen staples, divided into 6 categories: 1. Super Food and Protein Shake Ingredients 2. Protein and Meal Replacement Powders and Bars 3. Healthiest Snacks 4. Meal Preparation Ingredients 5. Salty Snacks 6. Sweet Treats

20 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Super Food & Protein Shake Staples

• Good Karma, Flax Protein+ (or • Raw cacao powder other unsweetened milk swap) • Baby spinach • Raw hemp seeds • Bananas (you can freeze them) • Raw chia seeds • Frozen berries (&/or fresh) • Raw flax seed meal • Vanilla extract • Medjool dates • Garden of Life or other raw vegan • Raw stevia powder protein

21 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Top Protein & Meal Replacement Powders& Bars

• Garden of Life Raw Meal • Nutiva Hemp Protein • PlantFusion Plant Protein • Sunwarrior Raw Vegan Protein • Naturade Vegan Smart All-In- • Cliff Builder’s One Nutritional Shake • NuGo Organic • PlantFusionPhood • 22 Days Protein Bar • 22 Days Plant Protein Power • 22 Days Raw Vegan Bars • Garden of Life RAW Protein

22 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Healthiest Snack Staples

• Hummus with cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, celery • Almond butter with carrots, celery, and apple • Variety of fresh fruit (seasonal is best)

23 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Meal Preparation Staples

• Variety of greens • Mung Bean Fettuchini • Variety of fresh vegetables • Quinoa • Variety of frozen vegetables • • Avocado • • Sundried tomatoes • Vegetable broth • Raw nuts & seeds • Olive oil • Beans

24 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Salty Snacks

• Mediterranean Snacks, Lentil Chips • Earth Balance, Vegan Aged White Cheddar Popcorn • Beanitos, Black Bean Chips • Garden of Eatin, Sweet Potato Corn Tortilla Chips • Snikiddy, Eat Your Vegetables Chips • Unique, Sprouted “Split” Pretzels • Mary’s Organic Crackers

25 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Sweet Treats

• So Delicious, Coconut Milk Frozen Desert No Sugar Added • Newman’s Own, Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups • Soyatoo, Rice Whip • YumEarth Organics, Organic Pops • Ginny Bakes, Dreamy Vegan Delight Cookies • Annie’s Cocoa & Vanilla Bunny Cookies

26 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

CHAPER 4: Meat & Dairy Swaps What will you do when you’ve made the commitment to stop eating red meat for example, but it’s July 4th and you are headed to a barbeque? Will you be longing for a burger? Good news! You have chosen a perfect time to go vegan, because the vegan swap options on the market today are incredible. 25 years ago, when I stopped eating meat, this certainly was not the case! Even just five years ago the faux meat choices out there, at least the ones that tasted good, were few and far between. That being said, it’s important to note that these foods are processed, some more than others. Let’s get back to the “optimistic yet realistic” concept for a minute though. If incorporating vegan substitutes is what you need to make your transition plan a success, than use them! Ultimately, the fewer processed foods in your diets the better, but it’s ok to splurge sometimes.

27 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

All my friends know they can count on me to bring veggie burgers and vegan to that July 4th barbeque! The swaps on my list are perfect for helping you transition away from meat and dairy. As you travel along your road to veganism, at some point you may find yourself ready to take your diet to the next level when it comes to how nutritious your meal plan is. This will mean cutting back on processed foods and increasing the amount of whole and nutrient-dense foods that make up your plate. Just remember, baby steps will get you there! One of the most important skills you will need is effectively reading nutrition labels which we will cover in the next chapter. Most of the following vegan swaps you will find at Whole Foods and other health food stores. Many larger more traditional supermarkets have begun to increase their selection of vegan-friendly products as well. I provide a fairly large list of swaps so there’s a good chance you will find at least a few of them at a store near you. Many of them you can even order online! Keep in mind this is just a sampling of the countless products on the market today. Products vary widely in quality and taste, so if you don’t like one brand, don’t give up... try another!

28 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Vegan Swaps: Dairy

• Good Karma, Flax Milk + • Daiya Cream Cheese Style Spread • Blue Diamond Almond Breeze • Go Veggie! Parmesan • Go Veggie! Parmesan • So Delicious Cultured Coconut Milk • Creamer/So Delicious Coconut • So Delicious Coconut Milk Frozen Milk Creamer Dessert • Daiya shreds • Earth Balance Natural Buttery Spread • Go Veggie! Cream Cheese Alternative • Smart Balance Light

29 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Vegan Swaps: Beef

• Beyond Meat Beef-free Crumbles – Beefy

• Gardein Home Style Beefless Tips

• Boca Ground Crumbles

• Amy’s Bistro Burger

• Gardenburger Black Bean Chipotle

• Morning Star Roasted Garlic & Quinoa Burger

• Lightlife Smart Grounds

• Field Roast Classic Meatloaf

30 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Vegan Swaps: Chicken & Turkey

• Beyond Meat Chicken-free Strips • Boca Chik’n Nuggets • Boca Chik’n Patties • Gardein Barbecue Wings • Gardein Buffalo Wings • Gardein Chipotle Lime Crispy Fingers • Gardein Crispy Chick’n Sliders • Deli Slicds • Lightlife Smart Deli Roast Turkey Style

31 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Vegan Swaps: Pork

• Lightlife Gimme Lean Sausage Style • Yves Veggie Cuisine Meatless Canadian Bacon • Lightlife Smart Deli Baked Ham Style • Lightlife Smart Bacon • Yves Veggie Cuisine Original Meatless Jumbo Hot Dogs • Yves Veggie Cuisine Veggie Breakfast Patties • Field Roast Celebration Roast

32 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Vegan Swaps: Seafood

• Gardein Golden Fishless Filet • Vegetarian Plus Vegan Shrimp • Vegetarian Plus Vegan Fish Fillets

33 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle CHAPER 5: How to Make Healthy Food Choices

Do you ever buy food based on what the front of the packaging looks like or says? Do you read, “Sugar Free,” “Low Fat” or “All Natural” and buy it thinking it “sounds healthy?” No more! This chapter is meant to leave you comfortable understanding how to read nutrition labels and shopping with confidence. The first thing I want you to tell yourself when you pick a packaged food from the shelf is, “Skip the marketing and go right for the facts!” “Sugar Free,” “Low Fat,” and “All Natural” are meaningless phrases used to convince you to buy something without reading the nutrition label. Starting this moment, you are done being tricked into buying food that isn’t in line with your goals! Now, let’s empower you by breaking down the nutrition label and discussing each component. We will use the nutrition label for these Energy Chunks as an example as we go through each component. We’ll start with the ingredients.

34 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Ingredients The first place to look when you pick up a packaged food is the ingredient list. Why? Because not all calories are created equal! So if you don’t know where the calories are coming from, you cannot determine the value of the food. The ingredients are listed such that the first ingredient composes the largest percentage of the food and so on. Take a look. Is the first ingredient one that you want to put in your body? What about the second? If you cannot even pronounce an ingredient, or it sounds like a chemistry experiment, chances are it’s not good for you! Generally, the fewer ingredients in a packaged food the healthier it is. Look for ingredients that are as close to a whole plant food as possible, like “dates,” and “sesame seeds.” On the other end of the spectrum, here is a list of the top ingredients to avoid whenever possible:

1 High fructose corn syrup, fructose, glucose, dextrose. (These are synthetic corn-derived sugars that can lead to major health problems including obesity.)

2 White Flour, Enriched Flour, Bleached White Flour, Wheat Flour. (These are refined carbohydrates that raise blood sugar levels and put you at risk for many illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, and stroke.) Look instead for organic, non-GMO whole grain, especially sprouted whole grain.

3 Saccharin, Aspartame, Sucralose, Phenylalkaline. (Artificial sweeteners.... yuck!)

4 Partially Hydrogenated or Hydrogenated Oil. (These are trans fats, the most harmful fat you can put in your body and the only safe amount is NONE!)

35 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Serving Size Once you’ve decided the ingredients are acceptable, it’s time to move on to the Serving Size and Servings per Container. The serving size is likely to be much smaller than you might expect. Have you ever grabbed a box of cereal from the shelf seeing “9 grams of sugar” on the label, and make the purchase because you thought it was low in sugar? Some cereals list their serving size as small as half a cup! Who eats half a cup of cereal for breakfast? Let’s say you eat a cup and a half, which is not unreasonable. The sugar you consume jumps to over 22 grams. Plus, it’s not uncommon for there to be over eleven servings in one normal-size box of cereal, so it’s essential you study the serving information carefully. You can see there is only 1 serving in our product example. Calories With the motto, “calorie quality over calorie quantity” in mind, check out the number of calories, keeping in mind the serving size. The “Calories from Fat” are also listed. We will get to “Fat” in a moment. % Daily Value Based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet, the percentages in this column represent how much of the Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) one serving accounts for. It’s important to know that the RDI, along with all food-related governmental recommendations, are made by the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). The DGAC is appointed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The powerful meat, dairy, and egg industries have a huge influence on the USDA and have ultimately been able to manipulate dietary recommendations.

36 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle Total Fat The most important type of fat to look for immediately is “Trans Fat.” If there is ANY trans fat, you can put it right back on the shelf. Zero is the only acceptable number here! Next check out the saturated fat next. If it’s vegan, chances are that there will be very little saturated fat, with the exception of fat from coconut, cocoa butter (as in these Energy Chunks), and palm oil. The biggest concern when it comes to consuming saturated fat is that from animal products, is that you are also consuming cholesterol that raises your bad cholesterol levels. Bad cholesterol leads to heart disease. One of the major reasons that a plant- based diet is so beneficial to our health, is that plant foods don’t naturally contain cholesterol! Even as vegans, we still need to be mindful of the amount of fat we consume. Too much fat will make YOU fat! Even the good kind of fat! The majority of fat calories in the SFV Diet come from seeds and nuts. Keep in mind that a half a cup of almonds contains around 35 grams of fat and over 400 calories! Cholesterol The next line on the label is for cholesterol. As I mentioned, plant foods do not naturally contain cholesterol. This means if there is any cholesterol, the food either contains animal products, or are unnatural and not fit to eat! Sodium It’s important to be mindful of your daily sodium intake. Too much is linked to hypertension, and too little with a high water intake can cause a number of health problems as well. The RDA for sodium is less than 1,500 mg, but those of us who sweat quite a bit (working out definitely applies) need

37 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle more. Not all salt is created equal though. Table salt and salt labeled “sea salt” has been refined and processed altering it’s natural composition and chemicals are often added. The best choice is Himalayan Crystal Salt which I included in your staples shopping list, followed by Celtic Sea Salt. Total Carbohydrate Carbohydrates (carbs for short) are another component of food that are not all created equal. There are three ways to determine the quality of the carbs in a particular food. 1. Since you looked at the ingredients first, you know what type of carbs make up the food. Do they come from whole plant foods and whole grains, or refined/processed grains and sugar? In our example, the majority of carbs and sugar comes from dates which is great! 2. The nutrition label then tells you how much fiber there is and this part is easy to remember, the more the better! Fiber is the number one protective factor against heart disease, and also can help prevent colon cancer, type II diabetes, and stroke. 3. Next comes what can be our number one enemy… sugar! If you are eating fruit, that’s different. The sugar that kills us is the refined, processed kind. The less sugar the better, it’s that simple. Protein The number one question I get when I tell people I’m vegan is, “Where do you get your protein?” For many, it comes as a complete shock that we can get all the essential amino acids we need from plants! Amino acids are the building blocks of muscle. As you transition away from meat however, you will need to be conscientious of including high-protein plant foods in your

38 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle diet daily. Don’t let this make you nervous though, I’m here to show you how! The sample meal plan in Chapter 7 will show you what a meal plan with enough protein looks like. You’ll see that a balanced vegan menu includes plenty of protein from legumes, nuts, seeds, and protein shakes. No biggie! Vitamins and Minerals Here you will learn how much of some of the notable nutrients the food contains. When we eat a variety of nutrient-dense whole foods we take in the essential vitamins and minerals we need to be physically and mentally healthy and energized from the inside out! The one supplement every vegan needs to take is B-12. You can find more detailed information on B12 and other vitamins and minerals that you may want to supplement on my website. For now though, focus on eating a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, and whole grains. It’s the best way to ensure a healthy, balanced vegan diet!

39 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle CHAPER 6: Creating Your Plan and Sticking To It!

You now have a great base of knowledge about vegan options in the marketplace, and how to read nutrition labels to make informed decisions when you shop. Still feel a little unsure about moving forward with your transition? Don’t worry! In this section I’m going to help you take the information you’ve learned and turn it into a solid plan of action. I’m setting you up for success by encouraging you to be both optimistic and realistic. Your specific plan for a Sexy Fit Vegan™ transition will depend both on your current diet and the headspace you’re in. Your transition could take place overnight, or it could be a 6-month process. It’s important to be optimistic and realistic at the same time. If you are pessimistic you have already failed. If you are unrealistically optimistic, you are also setting yourself up for failure. Keep a positive attitude and create a plan that works for you, as you are, right now! A series of small steps that lead to a huge transformation is the best way to go for most of us. As with any lifestyle change, remember, it will take time for your body to adjust and adapt to changes in your dietary routine. Some people feel better immediately, reporting more energy, improved mood, feeling “lighter,” etc. For others it takes more time. It’s essential to put yourself in the headspace of committing to your plan regardless.

40 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Let’s look at the process that leads to success:

Notice it does not go right from “Decision” to “Success”! If that were the case, everyone would be the picture of health and have a shot at the cover of Fitness Magazine! As with most things in life, gratification comes with hard work and time. Achieving the optimal diet is no different. No need to get down about it though. It is what it is and life is an adventure, so take this on as one of those adventures. There is gold at the end of the rainbow! For most Sexy Fit Vegan “beginners,” here is what usually works best. Start with a 3-month transition plan. Each week make a new step in the direction of a SFV lifestyle. Each step involves two criteria: 1. Something you will STOP doing. 2. Something you will START doing. Get it? Let’s use Kelly as an example to help you understand the process. Kelly consumes meat about once a day, usually chicken with dinner. She has red meat only occasionally. She eats eggs for breakfast a few times per week and loves cheese and yogurt. Kelly wants to lose 10 pounds. Both her parents have high blood pressure and her dad had a heart attack last year. She understands that a healthy plant-based diet can prevent her from developing the same health problems as her parents, and knows that it can also be the catalyst for weight loss. She is ready to commit to a new way of life and is even excited about it! She wants to be eating a fully plant-based diet in 3 months. She comes up with the following plan of action:

41 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

WEEK# I Will Stop... I Will Start...

1 Eating red meat. Keeping Gardein products in my freezer to eat when I’m tempted to eat red meat. 2 Eating chicken Experimenting with vegan chicken Monday-Thursday substitutes.

3 Eating eggs Monday- Experimenting with scrambled tofu instead. Thursday.

4 Consuming creamer in my Finding the vegan milk and creamer coffee & milk on her cereal. substitutes I like best as a replacement.

5 Eating chicken/meat Experimenting with tempeh, veggie burgers, Monday-Saturday & portabella mushrooms.

6 Eating eggs Monday- Eating super food shakes for breakfast at Saturday. least 3 times per week.

7 Eating yogurt. Finding the vegan yogurt substitute I enjoy most.

8 Eating chicken/meat. Eating more salads with legumes like lentils, black beans, and chickpeas.

9 Eating eggs. Finding a healthy vegan protein bar to keep in my purse for an emergency snack.

10 Eating cheese Monday- Finding a substitute I like. Thursday.

11 Eating cheese Experiment with vegan cheese and with Monday-Saturday recipes that call for nutritional yeast or raw cashews for a “cheesy” flavor.

12 Eating animal products & Sharing what I’ve learned and my new bi-products completely. lifestyle with the people in my life.

42 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

As you can see, Kelly made concrete, manageable changes each week for 12 weeks. Now it’s your turn! Ask yourself the following questions: 1. Where am I now on my journey (what’s my starting point)? 2. Where do I want to be in 3 months (an optimistic yet realistic goal)? 3. What am I willing to stop doing/eating each week, and what will I start doing/eating? This isn’t something to figure out in your head and keep to yourself by the way! Get organized and confirm your commitment by writing it down. Once you’ve done that, it’s time to grow your support system! Your family, friends, and coworkers can play a significant role in either helping or hindering you on your journey. Have a heart-to-heart with the people you care about in your life. They care about you too! If you explain that you have made a commitment to better yourself, and share with them your transition plan, they can be your cheerleaders! They can provide an environment that reduces temptation to go back to bad habits while increasing opportunity to move forward with good ones! The other part of your support system includes vegan- veterans in your community, online forums and chat rooms, and social media outlets. Set out to connect with people and groups that provide you with helpful insight and camaraderie. There is an abundance of amazing people and resources out there waiting for you to discover and utilize! Wow, you have come so far already! It’s now time to give you the sample meal plan as promised!

43 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle CHAPER 7: Sample Menu

Sample 5-Day Meal Plan for SFV Beginners Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Breakfast Blueberry Easy Chocolate Cold Cereal Mocha Super Breakfast Energy Raspberry with Fresh Foods Shake Shake Oatmeal Shake Strawberries

Lunch SFV Sunshine Summer Color Your Large Chopped Burger Spinach Salad Plate Tempeh Chicken-Free Salad Salad with Raspberry Salad Salad with Vinaigrette Dijon Side of Quinoa vinaigrette

Dinner Speedy Raw Coconut Veggie Spaghetti Quinoa with Wasabi Curry Soup; Fajitas Squash Black Beans; Soba Grilled Marinara Sautéed Noodle Tempeh; & Vegan spinach and Bowl Steamed meatballs; Mushrooms Broccoli Coconut Curry Soup

Snack Protein Raw Veggies Protein Raw Veggies Protein Bar with Hummus Bar with Almond Bar butter

Protein Following workouts: Post-Workout Protein Shake Shake

44 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Ingredient/Shopping List

The following is the shopping list you will need to make the recipes in the sample meal plan. It may seem long, but take a closer look. Many of these ingredients you will already have in your kitchen!

45 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Fruits Greens Veggies Nuts/Seeds

- Frozen blueberries - Fresh spinach - Cucumber -Hemp seeds - Frozen raspberries - Fresh romaine - Celery - Chia seeds - Fresh strawberries - Fresh mixed - Carrots - Flax meal - Banana greens - Cherry or grape - Pumpkin Seeds - Lemons - Sunflower sprouts - Tomatoes - Sunflower seeds - Coconut flakes - Flat leaf parsley - Sundried tomatoes - Walnuts - Coconut milk (light) - Avocado - Pecans - Raisins - Purple cabbage - Almond butter - Medjool dates - Bell pepper - Tahini - Mushrooms of - Sesame seeds choice - Onion - Corn (salt-free in can or fresh)

Legumes Grain/Grain Spices/ Other like Seeds Seasoning - Chickpeas - Raw oats -Celtic or Himalayan -Raw cacao (Garbanzo beans) - Quinoa sea salt - Coffee - Black beans - Soba noodles - Herbamare - Garlic cloves - Hummus - Corn tortillas seasoning\ - Ginger root - Tempeh - Higher protein - Black pepper - Extra virgin olive oil cereal (e.g. Health - Garlic powder - Liquid Braggs Valley Organic - Cinnamon Amino Acids Sprouted Amarynth - Pure stevia powder - Wasabi paste Flakes or Arrowhead - Curry powder - Apple cider vinegar Mills Spelt Flakes) - Raspberry - Salsa Vinegrette (low fat) - Marinara sauce - Vanilla extract - Dijon mustard

46 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Protein Products Milk Subs Meat Subs Cheese Subs - 22 Days Protein - Good Karma Flax - Amy’s Veggie - Daiya Pepper Jack Bar, &/or Pure Milk, Almond Breeze Meatballs Power Peanut Butter Almond Milk, &/or - Sunshine Burgers Protein Bars Silk Almond Milk - Beyond Meat - RAW Protein, Grilled Strips RAW Fit, 22 Days Protein Powder, Sun Warrior, or Nutiva Hemp Protein

47 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Recipes/Food Preparation Instruction Keep in mind that these recipes are meant to be super simple and easy to customize. Experiment! If you use the exact recipe for the SFV Chopped Salad this week for example, change it up by using lentils instead of chickpeas next week. Use the knowledge you have gained in this guidebook thus far to make creative, healthful choices. You’ve got this! Food Prep/Recipes

Blueberry Breakfast Shake

INGREDIENTS 2 C unsweetened milk sub of choice 1 C frozen blueberries 2 Tbsp hemp seeds 1 Tbsp flax meal 1 Tbsp chia seeds Dash Stevia (optional) 1/3 Banana (optional) Instructions Blend all ingredients until smooth.

SFV Chopped Salad

INGREDIENTS 1.5 Tbsp olive oil 2 C Romaine lettuce Herbamare seasoning 2 C Baby Spinach & black pepper to ¾ C Garbanzo beans taste 3 Sundried tomatoes, diced 3 Artichoke hearts, diced ½ An avocado, diced Juice of 1 lemon Instructions Toss all ingredients in a large bowl.

48 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Speedy Wasabe Soba Noodle Bowl INGREDIENTS Dressing: Salad: 1 T Sesame Oil 1 ½ C Soba noodles 2 Tbsp Braggs Liquid ½ C Carrots, grated Amino Acids ½ C Red pepper, grated 1 Tbsp Tahini ½ C Purple cabbage, 1 Tbsp Wasabi paste shredded 1 Tbsp Apple cider 1 T White or Black sesame vinegar seeds Instructions Combine salad ingredients in large bowl. Process dressing ingredients in high-speed blender until smooth.Toss dressing with salad and let marinate in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving.

Protein Bar

INGREDIENTS 22 Days Protein Bar OR Pure Power Peanut Butter Protein Bar

Easy Energy Oatmeal

INGREDIENTS (unsweetened) ½ C rolled oats 1/4 C (or less) raisins 1 C water Splash vegan milk sub 1 Tbsp flax meal to taste ¼ C pecan pieces Cinnamon to taste ¼ C coconut flakes Stevia to taste

Instructions Add oats to boiling water and simmer covered 5-8 minutes or until desired texture is reached.Take off heat & stir in the other ingredients.

49 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Sunshine Burger Salad

INGREDIENTS 1 C Tomato, sliced Sunshine burger or vegan 1 C Red cabbage, burger of choice shredded 4 C Mixed greens 2 Tbsp fat-free balsamic ½ Cucumber, sliced vinaigrette 1/3 an avocado, sliced

Instructions Cook vegan burger as directed. Place salad ingredients in bowl and toss in dressing. Cut cooked veggie burger in bite-size pieces and add to salad.

Raw Coconut Curry Soup

INGREDIENTS ½” Fresh ginger root 1 Garlic clove ½ teaspoon Celtic or ½ a Lemon, juiced Himalayan sea salt 3 Large carrots ½-1 teaspoon Curry 1 Cup Coconut milk

Instructions Combine in a high-speed blender until smooth and slightly warm.

Grilled Tempeh

INGREDIENTS ½ Package tempeh 1/2 Tbsp Olive oil

Instructions Chop tempeh in 1/4 “ slices. Place in heated frying pan (medium heat) coated with olive oil. Flip as needed until browned.

50 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Steamed Broccoli INGREDIENTS 2 C broccoli florets (fresh or frozen) 1-2 Tbsp Olive oil Sea salt & pepper to taste

Instructions Cook broccoli florets in a steamer until tender. Add sea salt & pepper to taste.

Raw Veggies with hummus

INGREDIENTS 1 15.5 oz can Raw Veggies of Choice: Chickpeas, no salt Carrots, Celery, Cucumber, added Tomato, Cauliflower, etc. ½ Large garlic clove, minced Hummus: 2 Tbsp Tahini Store-bought hummus ¼ C lemon juice OR 1 Tbsp olive oil ¾ tsp Sea salt Instructions For home-made hummus: Place ingredients in food processor and process until desired texture is reached.

Chocolate Raspberry Shake

INGREDIENTS 2 cups vegan milk sub 1 cup frozen raspberries 1-2 tbsp raw cacao 1 tbsp chia seeds 1 tbsp flax meal 1 scoop vanilla raw vegan protein powder (optional)

Instructions Blend thoroughly in Vitamix and serve immediately.

51 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Summer Spinach Salad INGREDIENTS ½ C Sunflower sprouts 4 C Spinach 5 Strawberries, sliced 2 Tbsp Sunflower seeds 2 Tbsp Oil-free raspberry 2 Tbsp Pumpkin seeds vinaigrette Instructions Toss all ingredients except the dressing in a large salad bowl. Divide among individual salad bowls & add the dressing ajust before serving (so it doesn’t get soggy!)


INGREDIENTS ¼ Cup quinoa 1 C vegetable broth (low or no sodium) Sea salt & pepper to taste. Instructions Soak raw quinoa for 3-10 hours. Combine with vegetable broth and simmer, covered for 20 minutes or until fluffy.

Veggie fajitas

INGREDIENTS ½ A red bell pepper ½ 15 oz can black 1 C sliced mushrooms beans, unsalted ¼ C Salsa ½ An avocado ½ C Daiya pepper jack ½ A small white or yellow 2 Corn tortillas onion

Instructions Rinse black beans and heat them, covered, on stove. Sautee onions, bell peppers, and mushrooms (add mushrooms last). Heat corn tortillas in toaster oven, wrapped in tin foil. Serve with salsa and daiya cheese.

52 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

High protein cold cereal bowl

INGREDIENTS sub of choice 1-2 C cold whole grain, 5 Strawberries, higher protein cereal sliced 1-2 C Unsweetened milk Dash of stevia

Instructions Combine in bowl and serve.

Color Your Plate Tempeh Salad

INGREDIENTS 2-3 strips grilled tempeh, sliced 3 C Mixed greens 4 Sun-dried tomatoes, sliced ¼ C Chick peas (garbanzo beans) ¼ of a Cucumber, sliced ½ Avocado, sliced Dressing Ingredients: ½ large Avocado 3 Tbsp extra virgin Olive Oil 1 large Lemon, juiced ¾-1 C fresh flat-leaf Parsley 2 Garlic cloves (or 1/8 tsp garlic powder) Celtic or Himalayan Sea Salt + Pepper to taste

Instructions Combine salad ingredients in a large bowl. Combine dressing ingredients in high-speed blender until smooth.Toss dressing with salad.

53 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Spaghetti Squash marinara & vegan meatballs

INGREDIENTS Spaghetti squash Marinara sauce Amy’s veggie meatballs (or vegan “meatballs” of choice)

Instructions Cut spaghetti squash in half & scrape out the “guts”/ seeds. Place facing down in a dish or oven tray lined with foil. Cook in preheated, 450’ oven, for 30-40 minutes (depends on squash size) until fully cooked. Remove from oven and let cool. Meanwhile, reduce oven heat to 375 & cook Amy’s veggie meatballs for around 10 minutes or until tender. Using a large fork, scrape out the squash strands. Add sauce and meatballs.

Mocha Super Foods Shake

INGREDIENTS 1 T Hemp Seeds 12 oz Almond milk, 1 T Chia Seeds unsweetened 1 T Flax meal 8 oz coffee 2-3 Medjool dates ½ C Raw spinach Stevia to taste ½ Banana

Instructions Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth.

54 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Chicken-Free Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette INGREDIENTS 4-5 Beyond Meat chicken- 4-5 Oz Mixed greens free strips, chopped 3-4 Sundried tomatoes, Dressing: chopped 2 Tbsp freshly squeezed 1/2 an Avocado, sliced lemon 1/4 Cup Corn 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard Handful of Sunflower 1 Tbsp olive oil sprouts ¼ Tsp sea salt

Instructions Combine all salad ingredients in a large bowl. Whisk dressing ingredients in small bowl. Add dressing to salad. Quinoa with black beans INGREDIENTS ½ cup raw quinoa 1 cup low sodium or sodium free vegetable broth 1 cup black beans, rinsed well Celtic or Himalayan sea salt & pepper to taste

Instructions Soak raw quinoa for 3-10 hours. Combine with vegetable broth and simmer for 20 minutes or until fluffy. Add black beans and salt and pepper to taste.

Sauteed Spinach & Mushrooms

INGREDIENTS 1 Tsp olive oil 3 C spinach Sea salt & pepper to taste 2 C mushrooms

Instructions Heat skillet with olive oil to medium. Add mushrooms and sautee until they begin to soften. Add spinach until wilted.

55 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Post-Workout Protein Shake INGREDIENTS 1-2 Servings of your choice of raw vegan protein powders (RAW Protein, RAW Fit, 22 Days Protein Powder, Sun Warrior, Nutiva Hemp) 12-24 oz Water or Vegan milk swap of choice

Instructions Combine with water or vegan milk swap in a shaker bottle or blender. Drink within 30 minutes of workout.

There you have it! Don’t you dare think I’m leaving you hanging though… this is just the beginning and I’ve got you covered! I pledge to continually share with you new information, plans, tips, recipes, motivation, and inspiration to keep you moving toward optimal living. Check my website regularly for new books, articles, videos, and more. Also, grow your support system by connecting with me, and a community of like-minded people, on the free Sexy Fit Vegan Forum. I look forward to seeing you there and once again,


56 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Protein Shake & Bonus!Smoothie Recipes Shakes and smoothies make a perfect, quick, nutrient-packed breakfast or snack. All you have to do is throw the ingredients in a high-speed blender (I recommend Vitamix), blend until smooth, and drink up! I invite you to play around with these awesome combinations of fruits, vegetables, and other super foods to create your own versions. Have fun with it! To increase your protein intake, simply add a scoop of one of the protein powders I mentioned in Chapter 7 to your shake and you instantly gain an extra 17-27 grams of quality plant-based protein to your diet… How much easier can it get? To your health I say, “Cheers!”

Mighty Meal Shake 2 c unsweetened nut milk, ½ a small avocado, 2 handfuls organic baby spinach, 1/3 of a banana, 2 medjool dates, 3 TBSP organic hemp seeds, 1 TBSP organic flax meal, 1 tsp vanilla, a few ice cubes, optional dash of organic, raw stevia

Tropical Super Shake 1.5 cups unsweetened nut milk, ½ cup fresh or frozen organic peach slices, ½ cup fresh or frozen pineapple, ½ cup fresh or frozen mango slices, ¼ of a banana, 1 TBSP hemp seeds, 1 TBSP flax seeds.

57 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Green Melon Smoothie 10 oz unsweetened nut milk, 2 cups honeydew or cantaloupe, ½ a cucumber, 5 fresh mint leaves, 1 tsp lime juice, ½ a banana, ice

Almond Peanut Butter Dream 14 oz unsweetened almond milk, 1 TBSP almond butter, 2 TBSP peanut butter, ½ a frozen banana, 2 medjool dates

Roots Smoothie 2 cups water, 1 small red beet, 1 carrot, 2 sweet apples (e.g. Pink Lady), juice of 1 lemon, fresh ginger to taste, ice

Strawberry Cream Shake ¾ cup plain vegan yogurt, ½ cup unsweetened nut milk, 1 ½ cups frozen strawberries, 1 small banana, 1.5 TBSP flax meal

58 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ella Magers’ greatest passion is to share with people her knowledge and experiences, past and present, that have helped her attain a lifestyle that is healthy, compassionate, and exhilarating. Ella’s journey started in the third grade when she connected her love of animals to the food on her plate and decided never to eat meat again. Her deep sense of compassion for all living creatures soon led her to transition to a fully vegan lifestyle. Ella’s focus on fitness began at a young age as she participated in a variety of sports; swimming, gymnastics, dance, and volleyball. At the age of 22, Ella jumped right into her career in the fitness and wellness community, and opportunity brought her from her beautiful home state of North Carolina to hot, sexy Miami Beach. There, she was able to combine her passions with a career helping people become fit and healthy through exercise and nutrition. Ella has been a fitness and wellness professional for 12 years, with her certifications in Personal Training from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Wellness Coaching from the University of Miami. She specializes in functional, bodyweight, and cross-training, as well as muaythai kickboxing. She obtained her Masters Degree in Social Work to gain additional skills in counseling clients as they work through hardships, gain success, and strive for a happy, healthy life. Ella is currently working toward her Doctorate in Holistic Sports Nutrition.

59 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

As a fitness competitor, Ella won the FAME Fitness World Championship in the bikini category, as well as taking second in the fitness and fitness model categories. She has been featured as a fitness expert in the media, including regular appearances on CBS Health News Reports and in publications for Prevention, Ms. Fitness, and Modern Bride magazines. In March 2013, Ella created her brand, Sexy Fit Vegan™ and on her website she educates, motivates, and inspires people to transition to a healthy vegan lifestyle. Ella also consults for companies, helping in the development and improvement of vegan and fitness-related projects. In 2013 she began consulting for DeliverLean, South Florida’s fastest growing meal preparation and delivery service. She worked closely with the chefs to create a “Sexy Fit Vegan Approved” meal plan. In September 2013 Ella was named Personal Trainer of the Month on the world’s most popular fitness and body building website, She has been the feature of many articles, including interviews with Haute Living,, and Ella was named in Shape Magazine’s 50 Hottest Trainers of 2014. She is also invited to lead fitness and vegan lifestyle workshops, most recently by the world’s largest Sheraton Hotel in Macao, China. Ella’s driving force is her desire to empower people all over the world to live a life full of joy, while keeping true to values of fitness, compassion, and conscientious eating.

60 Beginner’s Guide to a Sexy Fit Vegan™ Lifestyle

Links For More Information/Credits

References: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Top Informative, Vegan-Related Websites:

Photo Credits: Cover: Daniel Goulet Page 8 & 10: Anthony Golston Photography, Page 10: Jonathan Painter,