Bash Scripting User interfaces

1 User Interfaces

• Often scripts do multiple tasks • Important to give instructions and options to the user • Even with line programs, UI can be organized.

2 tput barr@Comp390-WG1:~/classes/comp190/scripts$ Hello World!

#!/bin/bash # Print message in center of terminal cols=$( tput cols ) rows=$( tput lines ) message=$@ input_length=${#message} half_input_length=$(( $input_length / 2 )) middle_row=$(( $rows / 2 )) middle_col=$(( ($cols / 2) - $half_input_length )) tput clear tput cup $middle_row $middle_col tput bold $@ tput sgr0 tput cup $( tput lines ) 0 All the command line messages are put into the center of the display

3 • Line 4 - tput cols will tell us how many columns the 1 #!/bin/bash terminal has. 2 # Print message in center of terminal • Line 5 - tput lines will tell us how many lines (or 3 rows) the terminal has. 4 cols=$( tput cols ) • Line 7 - Take all the command line arguments and assign 5 rows=$( tput lines ) them to a single variable message. 6 • Line 9 - out how many characters are in the string message. We had to assign all the input values to 7 message=$@ the variable message first as ${#@} would tell us how 8 many command line arguments there were instead of 9 input_length=${#message} the number of characters combined. 10 • Line 11 - We need to know what 1/2 the length of the string message is in order to center it. 11 half_input_length=$(( $input_length / 2 )) 12 • Lines 13 and 14 - Calculate where to place the message for it to be centered. 13 middle_row=$(( $rows / 2 )) • Line 16 - tput clear will clear the terminal. 14 middle_col=$(( ($cols / 2) - $half_input_length )) 15 • Line 18 - tput cup will place the cursor the given row and column. 16 tput clear • Line 19 - tput bold will everything printed to 17 the screen bold. 18 tput cup $middle_row $middle_col • Line 20 - Now we have everything set up let's print our 19 tput bold message. 20 echo $@ • Line 21 - tput sgr0 will turn bold off (and any other 21 tput sgr0 changes we may have made). 22 tput cup $( tput lines ) 0 • Line 22 - Place the prompt at the bottom of the screen. 4 tput

• See this for tput options

• Reading Terminal Attributes Capname = terminal capability names Capname Description • longname Full name of the terminal • lines Number of lines in the terminal • cols Number of columns in the terminal • colors Number of colors available

5 Example 1

#!/bin/bash # term_size2 - Dynamically display terminal window size

redraw() { Function redraw. Clears the screen and displays the width and height. clear echo "Width = $(tput cols) Height = $(tput lines)" }

This calls the function redraw when the screen is resized. trap redraw WINCH We’ll about traps in the next lecture.

redraw while true; do : Infinite loop. done Exercise: modify this so that the width and height are written on separate lines and centered.

6 Controlling the cursor

Capname Description sc Save the cursor position rc Restore the cursor position home Move the cursor to upper left corner (0,0) cup Move the cursor to position row, col cud1 Move the cursor down 1 line cuu1 Move the cursor up 1 line civis Set to cursor to be invisible cnorm Set the cursor to its normal state

7 Example 2

#!/bin/bash # term_size3 - Dynamically display terminal window size with text centering redraw() { local str width height length

width=$(tput cols) Solution to exercise in example 1 height=$(tput lines) str="Width = $width Height = $height" length=${#str} clear tput cup $((height / 2)) $(((width / 2) - (length / 2))) echo "$str" } trap redraw WINCH redraw while true; do : 8 done Text Effects

Some capabilities, such as underline Capname Description and standout, have capnames to turn the attribute both on and off bold Start bold text smul Start underlined text Other capabilities only have a capname rmul End underlined text to turn the attribute on. rev Start reverse video blink Start blinking text In these cases, the sgr0 capname can invis Start invisible text be used to return the text rendering to a "normal" state. smso Start "standout" mode rmso End "standout" mode sgr0 Turn off all attributes setaf Set foreground color setab Set background color

9 Text Effects example

#!/bin/bash # tput_characters - various character attributes clear echo "tput character test" echo "======" echo tput bold; echo "This text has the bold attribute."; tput sgr0 tput smul; echo "This text is underlined (smul)."; tput rmul # terminal emulators do not support blinking text (though xterm # does) because blinking text is considered to be in bad taste ;-) tput blink; echo "This text is blinking (blink)."; tput sgr0 tput rev; echo "This text has the reverse attribute"; tput sgr0 # Standout mode is reverse on many terminals, bold on others. tput smso; echo "This text is in standout mode (smso)."; tput rmso

tput sgr0 echo

10 Text color

• Most terminals support 8 foreground text colors and 8 background colors (though some support as many as 256). • Using the setaf and setab capabilities, we can set the foreground and background colors. • The exact rendering of colors is a little hard to predict. Many desktop managers impose "system colors" on terminal windows, thereby modifying foreground and background colors from the standard. Despite this, here are what the colors should be:

Value Color 0 Black 1 Red 2 Green 3 Yellow 4 Blue 5 Magenta 6 Cyan 7 White 8 Not used 9 Reset to default color

11 Text color example


# tput_colors - Demonstrate color combinations.

for fg_color in {0..7}; do set_foreground=$(tput setaf $fg_color) for bg_color in {0..7}; do set_background=$(tput setab $bg_color) echo -n $set_background$set_foreground ' F:%s B:%s ' $fg_color $bg_color done echo $(tput sgr0) done

12 Clearing the screen

• These capnames allow us to selectively clear portions of the terminal display:

Capname Description smcup Save screen contents rmcup Restore screen contents el Clear from the cursor to the end of the line el1 Clear from the cursor to the beginning of the line Clear from the cursor to the end of the screen clear Clear the entire screen and home the cursor

13 Clearing the screen example

#!/bin/bash # tput_menu: a menu driven system information program BG_BLUE="$(tput setab 4)" BG_BLACK="$(tput setab 0)" setaf Set foreground color The variables contain a string FG_GREEN="$(tput setaf 2)" setab Set background color The string is a command FG_WHITE="$(tput setaf 7)" The command is not (yet) exectued # Save screen tput smcup Save screen contents # Display menu until selection == 0 while [[ $REPLY != 0 ]]; do echo -n ${BG_BLUE}${FG_WHITE} # echo -n means don't display trailing newline. The commands in the variables are executed. clear <<- _EOF_ Please Select: The _EOF_ …text…_EOF_ is called a “here document” or “heredocs”. It basically demarcates a string.

1. Display Hostname and 2. Display Disk Space If you get an “end of ” error, 3. Display Home Space Utilization delete all leading spaces before 0. Quit the last _EOF_


14 Clearing the screen example read -p "Enter selection [0-3] > " selection # -p means display prompt; read into variable "selection" # Clear area beneath menu tput cup 10 0 Cup = move cursor echo -n ${BG_BLACK}${FG_GREEN} Echo will execute the commands in the variables and change screen colors tput ed tput cup 11 0 # Act on selection ed = clear from cursor to end of screen case $selection in 1) echo "Hostname: $HOSTNAME" ;; 0) break uptime ;; ;; *) echo "Invalid entry." * Matches any number 2) -h ;; ;; esac End of case statement 3) if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]]; then printf "\n\nPress any key to continue." echo "Home Space Utilization (All Users)" read -n 1 -sh /home/* 2> /dev/null done If no variable name specified to else read, it reads into $REPLY # Restore screen echo "Home Space Utilization ($USER)" tput rmcup Restore screen du -s $HOME/* 2> /dev/null | -nr echo "Program terminated." fi contents 15 tput

• See this link for tput options

• Create a script that • takes two command line arguments • Offers two • Prints the two arguments centered in the screen on separate lines • Has a background color • Has a foreground color (for text)