JBL 131, no. 1 (2012): 65–83 The Historical Reality behind the Genealogical Lists in 1 Chronicles israel finkelstein
[email protected] Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel The genealogical lists of “the sons of Israel” in 1 Chronicles 2–9 have been the focus of intensive research from the beginning of modern biblical scholarship.1 Among other topics, research has centered on the origin of the lists, their purpose, their relationship to other parts of the books of Chronicles and their date. Most scholars agree that the genealogical lists form an independent block, a kind of intro- duction to history; opinions differ, however, on whether the lists belong to the work of the Chronicler2 or were added after the main substance of the book had already been written.3 Regarding absolute chronology, scholars have tended to date the lists I am grateful to Oded Lipschits, Jacob L. Wright, and Ran Zadok, who read the article and made valuable suggestions. This study was supported by the Chaim Katzman Archaeology Fund, Tel Aviv University. 1 For recent decades, see, e.g., Marshall D. Johnson, The Purpose of the Biblical Genealogies, with Special Reference to the Setting of the Genealogies of Jesus (SNTSMS 8; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969); Manfred Oeming, Das wahre Israel: Die “genealogische Vorhalle” 1 Chronik 1–9 (BWANT 128; Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1990); Gary N. Knoppers, I Chronicles 1–9: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (AB 12; New York: Doubleday, 2004); James T. Sparks, The Chronicler’s Genealogies: Towards an Understanding of 1 Chronicles 1–9 (Academia Biblica 28; Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2008).