Victorian Marathon Club Newsletter
0 1 VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB vol™? no^ /7/?OAD^RmW&$^< SEPTEMBER 1991 L’ m e l b q x s ^ S I ± PRICE $200 NEWSLETTER ISSN 1030-8717 FRED LESTER RETIRES VMC GENERAL SECRETARY 1961 -1972 1975 -1990 Registered by Australia Post Publication No. VBH 0488 VMC NEWSLETTER is published for the information of members of the VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB MELBOURNE INC. and is part of the Annual Membership Fee. It is issued quarterly: AUTUMN (March), WINTER (June), SPRING (September), SUMMER (December). ATI, RUNNERS are invited to contribute letters, results, photos, comments, criti cisms, etc. to: VMC NEWS EDITOR, P.O.BOX 12234,A ’BECKETT ST, MELB 3000, VICTORIA. PLEASE NOTE that material submitted for publication is preferred to be typed single-spaced and not exceeding 1.5 pages of A4 sheets, ideally less than 1 page. Articles MUST BE accompanied by name and address of the contributor, together with his or her signature. The Author of such article shall retain full responsibility for its contents. DEADLINE FOR COPY is the 1st day of the month preceding the month of publication. Earlier copy is preferred to ease pressure on editing and printing schedules. IF IT IS WORTH TALKING ABOUT, IT IS ALSO WORTH SENDING IN TO US ! ! ! ************************************************************************************ INTERSTATE LINES OF (X1WUNICATIONS. VICTORIAN MARATHON CLUB MELBOURNE INC. P.O.BOX 12234, A ’BECKETT ST. MELB 3000 Fax: Tel: Mon, Wed, Fri 7.30pm-9.30pm (03) 499-3069 AA: Neil KING, P.O.Box 254, MOONEE PONDS 3039 (03) 370-7555 NSW AA: Alan BATCHELOR, P.O.Box N101, Grosvenor St, SYDNEY 2001 (02) 241-3538 VAA: Sharon STEWART, Olympic Park, Swan St, MELBOURNE 3002 (03)428 8195/8049 QAA: Reg BRANDIS, QE2 Stadium, Kessels Rd, NATHAN 4111 (07) 343-5653 AA-SA: Kath EDWARDS, P.O.Box 57, KENSINGTON PARK 5068 (08) 332-8022 AA-WA: CHRIS STANTON, P.O.Box 208, WEMBLEY 6014 (09) 387-5599 AAA-TAS: Wayne MASON, DOMAIN ATHLETIC CENTRE, 7001 (002) 34-9551 ACT AA: John HARDING P.O.Box 351, BELCONNEN 2616 (06) 241-1989H NT AA: Greg ADAMS, P.O.Box 105, SANDERSON N.T.
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