[email protected] ISSN 1449-8006 Vol. 25 Issue 9 — February, 2005 WALKER WINS ATHLETE OF THE YEAR AWARD AS WELL AS AN AMA RECORD Lisa Wilson has progressed in just winning the World Marathon. two years from being a good local W35 GM: What kind of coaching did runner, to becoming an outstanding you get in those days? race walker. On April 19, 2004 she LW: General club coaching, a completed a 20k walk in 1:55.51, and couple of times a week at the local on April 23 walked 50km in 5:23.08, track. Helen Steadman was the main which was not just an Australian W35 influence on me – she was a Victorian record but a new Australian open Veteran 800 metre champion in the record as well. Both walks were at the W35s at the time and had me doing World Masters Non- Stadia interval training. In addition I would Championships in Auckland, and both do my own training around the resulted in gold medals. suburbs at Hopper’s Crossing. Based on these and other GM: How did you get into performances, on December 2 Lisa walking? was awarded the ACT Masters Sports LW: Only last season at the Vets Star award for 2004. The award’s when my Achilles was getting a bit scope is ALL sports, not just athletics, sore from running, I entered a walk and includes men and women, not just for fun. Denis Strangman the just a separate women’s award. walking coach thought I didn’t have a I interviewed Lisa to see if I could bad style, so he encouraged me, told get an insight into her achievements: me I had natural ability, and got me Geoff Moore: When did you start to go in walking races.